urbanmoving ago

Funny thing, who was calling him Mossad the most and one of the first? Me Why?

WJC 1897 Pararelgion


Zionism Switzerland

more than mossad

All the jewish international is mossad its their rule dictate and done via this

staff/ control the courts

staff/'control the media

staff/ control the leo

Priority national level, state and big city level

enter full spectrum dominance train multi "racial" jews to provide filler)pod people program in Pissrael), recruit insane masons to shabbos hard

corrupt to control

run org crime

since the invention of media and film and video engages in massive organized intel agency backed pedo blackmail and sick shit on targets and all mass rounds of local, state, national officials...participate after all its kabbalah

Evil is Good....corrupt society cp beat porn and etc hosted on all jewish browsers.

fused controlled shared and hq's backed up pincered with all controlled hyper national orgs and centered...and controlled top down out of....


Jewish russian mafia makes most child porn in Russia on the record cyprus eastern bloc under jewish ZOG puppet govs, Russia is Israel

US is Israel, Uk is Israel etc. Bnai Brith controls all of freemasonry...OTO runs new age and satanic cults...Church of Satan is Mossad on the record...jews have infiltrated corrupted melded and control almost everything for their dictate. and pedophilia is a culture, and symptom of judaism its preached, supported installed and considered deeply apart of the jewish religion which has take hold, trusted agents aux factions and etc. are placed in enemy orgs think CC Muslim world hostile area

cults and network and mole nests

and then coup de grace its projected as blackmail for further infiltration control to limits designed not to fully reveal in totality the operation and provide an access point for flooding into and corrupting controlling things... no one talks no one speak law of omerta.....

everything thing has been decimated and opertationalized controlled by locally the mossad tentacles

FSB, CIA, MI6 and they work together when needed.

etc. etc.

People talk about Aquino of Chabad NSA of Vallely of sketchy faked background and ledger(not a cat his family is fake) both attend Jerusaslem summit that spreads racist hate and supports full genocide of the palestinians and openly declares support for WORLD OVERNMENT DICTATED BY ISRAEL! Aquino's family is jewish and talmud division is unity him and Lavey/Levy were a team, the Set propaganda was another phony split to get the heat of COS to make people think "atheism" Aquino is a larp disinfo hat and pedo freak who runs larping fake minsters who rape kids and etc. he knew of the atrocity terror against Solemani and Iran before it happened and was meth'd out he lies and is viciously double speaks, he hangs out with Bnai Brith and British Rothschild Jews. which means he and Trump admin DOD are still talking. which means chabad approves...etc.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Thank you for your service to humanity.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SWMBO comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

Posted automatically (#91992) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ababcb: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @shewhomustbeobeyed)

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Glad my lead made it to the Chan... I have all of the files; just never got around to posting, so requested some support. Was hoping someone smarter than me would .zip them all up and host them on a faster/anon DL hub.

Sorry for dropping the ball frens!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk submission.

Posted automatically (#91384) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ababcb: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Vindicator ago

Giving this our "Help!" flair for collaborative projects, as well as stickying it. Thank you for the submission!


Nice work @ababcb !

Who wants to divvy up these digs?

theHare ago

Real high quality tapes they used.

Conspirologist ago

4chan is a honeypot. The real one is 8chan. This is why only 8chan had problems, while 4chan never has problems.

Hemamancer88 ago

Its also why the false flag christchurch fake shooting was staged to take it down. It was a mecca for all kinds of rebels against the jewish world order. Its also why a man who works for the DOD bought both 4chan and 8chan. 8kun is currently routed through a DOD server and the dailystormer is also hosted on an army server.

Paranoiaattack ago

Good work

tokui ago

Nothing new in there, it's all been reviewed and written about before.

Gorillion ago

Good work, OP.

Yep, caught a few sketchy Chan deletes myself the last few days. Keep a sharp eye, folks. Jannies are extra (((faggoty))) atm.

Lynch_Tree ago

I would be shocked if anybody serves time for this.

petevoat ago

Nice work. Amazed at the effort.

FloatingObserver ago

Sorry if this has already been posted, but I also came across these

vault.fbi.gov/ jeffrey-epstein

A lot of is redacted but it seems this page was updated 10 hours ago so perhaps there is some relevance to it.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding that, @FloatingObserver.

3n0b ago

So many people are downloading tbey are probably getting hammered with traffic.Can you seed them when you get them downloaded? Then the rest can torrent the files. Also include a sig so it makes it easier to see if someone tampered with them.

bravesaint ago

doing the Lord's work, anon. thank you!

BitChuteArchive ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/I6nTgEwf8fjs - ( Walkthru1 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/JodipWUU9uMU - ( VTS_01_1.VOB - VLC media player 1_21_2020 11_29... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/iPeM9Lxoj8KK - ( VTS_01_2.VOB - VLC media player 1_21_2020 11_48... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/OdMgOZizYl0E - ( VTS_01_1.VOB - VLC media player 1_21_2020 12_15... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/RlcN9CTShWhh - ( VTS_01_1.VOB - VLC media player 1_21_2020 12_34... )

725533325465 ago

dead links

Baconmon ago

retarded bot

spaceman84 ago

I have a feeling these documents will be mostly nothing new, largely a distraction and a waste of time. I don't expect anything particularly interesting to come from this.

an_angrier_dave ago

Feeling sleepy? You should take a nap.

auchtung ago

This appears to be a scrape of this page... http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/indexPREpstein.htm

Black_Phillip ago

Thanks for staying on top of this, patriot

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Jesus fuck, that audio is unintelligible. I even tried loading it up in Audacity and cleaning up the noise, applying a compressor and normalizing. Still completely inaudible shit.

steven_feelsperg ago

You need to apply noise cancellation from a sample of the audio, then maybe EQ or compression EQ. Normalizing just a fancy volume knob.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

I tried, but the recording is so blown out with clipping that a lot is just unintelligible.

Fried-Laptop ago

holy corn in my pee hole!

OutlawCountry ago

I admire your autism.

metricisokay ago

It's a special type of superpower

OutlawCountry ago

it's been coined as " weaponized autism "

loooooongtimelurker ago

it's a beautiful thing

ababcb ago

These are the worthwhile posts that were made in the deleted thread:

you're a billionaire mogul kike with President Clinton and Melania Trump on speed dial, and you groom a sweet lil' fresh piece of ass 15 year old goy loli from a broken home who is a slut and a runaway and a drug addict, and she comes over to your mansion and gives you a titty massage and you pay her $200 and she offers to come back and bring her twin sister, but you never had sex with her and you never followed up on that offer and then you get assassinated in your prison cell by Crooked Hillary Clinton's Mossad goons.


aha, and here is Alan Dershowitz, the personal attorney and cheerleader to Trumplestein, replying to the lead PBPD officer of the Epstein Investigation. Dershowitz swears he had nothing to do with his hired goon Private Investigators impersonating the Palm Beach police to trick a lil' loli slut into letting them into her house so they can intimidate her and threaten her into silence about that time she gave Epstein a titty massage.

notice anything? page 7. Epstein's house manager describing the day to day operations.

then it skips from page 7 to page 9. WHERE IS PAGE 8? gee, wonder why THE COURT would completely omit page 8. they could have just blacked it out and redacted it, but no, they just deleted it.

notice what is says on page 9 "girlfriend. she was our immediate superior."

wanna bet the missing page 8 says "Ghislaine Maxwell, Jewfry Epstein's girlfriend. she was our immediate superior."

the court is just fucking with us. they have deleted everything about Ghislaine because the faggot traitors at FBI and CIA paid them a visit to deliver a National Security Letter and ordered the Court "delete everything that incriminates Ghislaine, because she has been working for us, and she has so much blackmail sex tapes on everyone in the US Govt that she could crash America, so she is Above The Law."

Epstein banged Nadya Bjorlin, before she became a famous soap opera star.


uh oh, Chad-status REVOKED. the house manager says that he saw MEN masseuses coming to the house as well as countless little girls. Epstein was a faggot CONFIRMED. Epstein was a power bottom. ha ha ha ha

poor, poor Epstein. his pimpess Haley Robson, who recruited the underage lolis, was taken to the PBPD HQ and interrogated and she told the police that she told every single under aeg slut exactly what the job was and was expected and what Epstein wanted–sex, and all of the girls were hookers more than happy to get paid for getting some old billionaire off. these underage sluts were no "soiled doves" who were deceived and lured and coerced into Epstein's depraved lifestyle of lust. these sluts were just as guilty as Epstein.

just like in the on-going Weinstein saga–not a single one of these actresses and Oscar winners were victims of a super sex predator. they all knew exactly what they were doing, they had multiple opportunities to say no and to leave or not come at all, but they willing chose to go to be alone with Weinstein in hotels.

what can we learn from Epstein and Weinstein? all kikes are disgusting sex-fiend perverts who cannot be trusted around any women. and all women are hookers at heart, in one way or another.


36458 (OP)

be sure to mirror the documents elsewhere if you actually manage to upload them all before the glow-in-the-darks get you

somewhere that has a faster download speed than the florida state attorney's office

its not like another website not having a legal excuse to take them down would stop them from taking it down, but still


Stick them on IPFS. Share them with a title and their address. It won't matter who is hosting them right away, because the addresses never change.

Better yet, add all of them to a single wrapped directory and just share the single corresponding address.

Also, here is the top directory for the files as OP seems to have missed it:


think- ago

and all of the girls were hookers more than happy to get paid for getting some old billionaire off. these underage sluts were no "soiled doves" who were deceived and lured and coerced into Epstein's depraved lifestyle of lust. these sluts were just as guilty as Epstein.

and all women are hookers at heart

These are comments you think were worthwhile copying, OP - interesting. :-/

4chan incel culture really sucks.

Funny that he didn't quote that part of Robson's interview where she said that Epstein was constantly threatening people 'he did that all the time'.

ababcb ago

these were the only comments with more than a few word replies. i just copied them all and put them into one quote.

waringi ago

Which one of these was the house managers? Any mentions of a girl with the initials R.Y.?

i_scream_trucks ago

literally what bittorrent is for mang

the more people share it the quicker it downloads.

make sure you take note of the original hash.

Sooperdooper ago

Thank you

slumbermachine ago

Thanks for this.

Yunoichi ago

there are people that go to 4um and don't know its a compromised shithole?

Shillaxe ago

Younoichi vs. Joichi Ito (MIT CP encrypted pay portals at Veritrans)


Blacksmith21 ago

@derram - where are you when we need you?

Fried-Laptop ago

derram is having a chat with tay

Splooge ago

Probably spazzing out in the background trying to process such a massive drop all at once. I'm sure it'll come up for air soon.

xExekut3x ago

I'm guessing this is why they went down the other day?

ababcb ago

I think they released so much information all at once so this would be too much for the average anon to absorb. If it's too much to read all of it, we can still just click at random and read some stuff. I will be posting summaries of some of the posts in the deleted 8kun thread.

think- ago

@Vindicator, would you consider sticking this for a while - thanks! :-)

Vindicator ago

Yep. Was just thinking the same thing. :-) Thanks for the ping.

think- ago

Welcome and thank you!


Seconded. We need time to work on this one - STICK IT TO EM!

Joys1Daughter ago

Wow! Well done Patriot!

allonthesameteam ago


Wish I had time to dig. Will come back for others speculations.

fogdryer ago

Is there a summary of these documents

Dozeneggs ago

Too fresh for summary. It's up to us to read and do it.

ToFat2Fish ago

Good job OP

ordinarymike ago

Thank you

On-time ago

Amazing work anon. Thank you.

Let’s hope this gets in the hands of the right people and the connections are made and the entire international swamp / cabal network exposed.

Black_Phillip ago

Seriously, this autistic effort needs to be appreciated

Diggernicks ago

Immediately after that hapens...go ahead and punch out god while youre at it.

Call_Of_Goat ago


Diggernicks ago


think- ago

These are documents and videos of the old Florida investigation into Epstein from the early 2000s. Many victim's statements about what happened to them.

Vindicator ago

All that stuff the original "plea agreement" got swept under the rug, correct?

think- ago

Yep, correct.

New_years_day ago

You da real mvp

think- ago

blush ;-)

New_years_day ago

Came to ask this since I'm on my phone

ababcb ago

135.97 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/28%2006CF009454%20L.M.%20R.wav

120.96 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/27%2006CF009454%20S.F.%20R.wav

119.57 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/02%2006CF009454%20Controlled%20Call%20Part%2002%20R.wav

118.61 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/07%2006CF009454%20S.G.%20R.wav

117.99 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/11%2006CF009454%20S.G.%20R.wav

117.22 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2012%20REDACTED.pdf

115.32 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/19%2006CF009454%20J.S.%20R.wav

114.67 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2010%20REDACTED.pdf

108.95 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney\Newsroom_content\PublicRecords\Epstein\6.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%202\Interview%20J.%20H\VIDEO_TS\VLC%20media%20player%201_22_2020%209_24_05%20AM.mp4

107.22 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2007%20REDACTED.pdf

101.21 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2018%20REDACTED.pdf

96.73 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/30%2006CF009454%20J.S.R.wav

94.35 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2008%20REDACTED.pdf

93.38 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2021%20REDACTED.pdf

88.95 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2005%20REDACTED.pdf

71.11 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2002%20REDACTED.pdf

68.61 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/13%2006CF009454%20S.G.%20-%20Robson%20R.wav

67.68 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/31%2006CF009454%20B.B.%20R.wav

66.42 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2013%20REDACTED.pdf

65.24 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2003%20REDACTED.pdf

57.49 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2016%20REDACTED.pdf

54.43 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/23%2006CF009454%20Control%20Call%2002%20R.wav

53.95 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2009%20REDACTED.pdf

52.55 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/01%2006CF009454%20Controlled%20Call%20from%20S.G.%20to%20Haley%20R.wav

50.26 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2001%20REDACTED.pdf

46.29 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/34%2006CF009454%20A.T.%20R.wav

44.56 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2017%20REDACTED.pdf

38.97 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/Misc/Phone%20Messsages_redacted.pdf

32.77 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/03%2006CF009454%20Voice%20Messages%20from%20Haley%20to%20S.G.%20R.wav

32.44 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/17%2006CF009454%20VoiceMail%20R.wav

32.22 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/15%2006CF009454%20Voicemail%20100RK%20R.wav

24.90 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2006%20REDACTED.pdf

24.39 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/4.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%202/20%2006CF009454%20F.P.%20R.wav

21.11 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/STATE%20FILE%20REDACTED%20AND%20RELEASED/JEFFREY%20EPSTEIN%20PART%2004%20REDACTED.pdf

7.70 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/AudioRedactedControlCalls/Audio/Alessi_05-368.wav

7.53 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/AudioRedactedControlCalls/Audio/Rodriguez_05-368.wav

6.93 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/Misc/ESPTEIN%20Supplemental_redacted.pdf

2.76 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/AudioRedactedControlCalls/Audio/001TRC_HQ_31_03_2005%2015_4331032005.wav

0.58 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/AudioRedactedControlCalls/Audio/Time%20of%20call%2005-368.wav

0.48 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney\Newsroom_content\PublicRecords\Epstein\StacCaseNotesRedacted.pdf

MysticMa ago

Awesome compilation OP TY, Here's some links, info that may help get deeper into the crotch of who, why & reason... some have ice coursing though their veins.The connections are deep Annon's... HTH's a little!

FYI ref.

Name Term of office Date of birth (and age) & Party

As of February 2020, there are six living former Florida attorneys general, the oldest being James C. Smith (served 1979–1987, born 1940).D The most recent attorney general to die was Robert L. Shevin on July 11, 2005 (served 1971–1979, born 1934).D

James C. Smith 1979–1987 May 25, 1940 (age 79)D

Bob Butterworth 1987–2002 August 20, 1942 (age 77)D

Richard E. Doran 2002–2003 December 26, 1956 (age 63)D

Charlie Crist 2003–2007 July 24, 1956 (age 63)R

Bill McCollum 2007–2011 July 12, 1944 (age 75)R

Pam Bondi 2011–2019 November 17, 1965 (age 54)R

Fl Trial & Circuit courts

Fl Court Jurisdiction Chart

From Palm Bch, (15th Cir.) Broward, (17th Cir.) Miami Dade (11th Cir.) has been Dominated by Dems (Jews) Since the 60's

Fl Supreme Ct.Law Library & Rules Do's & Don'ts

The Guy who has his thumb on the pulse of FL's Judicial System State wide is Marshall Sylvester Dawson Interesting History & links for digging.

jonnyquest ago

FYI, you have a couple broken links in the above paste as well as the original post. Here are fixed links at least for the ones from your original set ... just replace the back slashes w/ forward slashes and you should be good:

1219.26 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/Newsroom_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/6.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%202/Interview%20J.%20H/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_21_2020%203_48_56%20PM.mp4

1217.28 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/Newsroom_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/6.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%202/Interview%20S.%20V/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_22_2020%2010_38_21%20AM.mp4

1217.16 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/5.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%201/Interview%20A.%20T/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_21_2020%2012_15_07%20PM.mp4

1216.55 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/Newsroom_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/6.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%202/Interview%20J.%20H/VIDEO_TS/VLC%20media%20player%201_22_2020%209_05_24%20AM.mp4

1208.15 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/5.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%201/Interview%20A.%20D/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_21_2020%2011_29_57%20AM.mp4

918.78 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/Newsroom_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/6.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%202/Interview%20S.%20V/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_22_2020%2010_55_51%20AM.mp4

744.27 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/5.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%201/Interview%20A.%20D/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_21_2020%2011_48_56%20AM.mp4

425.54 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/3.%20Audio%20from%20Cassettes%20Part%201/04%2006CF009454%20A.H.%20Interview%2001%20R.wav

423.44 MB http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/stateattorney/NewsRoom/_content/PublicRecords/Epstein/5.%20Video%20Interviews%20Part%201/Interview%20A.%20T/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB%20-%20VLC%20media%20player%201_21_2020%2012_34_27%20PM.mp4

TheAntiZealot ago

1217.16 MB


MP4 Video

I watched the first video in your list. I doubt this helps but I might as well try...

Young girl sits on couch. Opposite her is what appears to be a police investigator. He is entering the room and sits.

Pertinent facts:

It was a few months before the investigative interview. Approximately July/August. She was 19 at the time and 20 during the interview with the investigator.

She was roommates with a male whose girlfriend solicited her to massage Jeffrey Epstein for $200. The girl claims to have needed the money and asked her parents and others; who all declined her.

She was taken to the back of the building (residence?) where he waited lying face-down with a towel covering his lower privates.

The female who invited her brought her to Epstein and ordered her to remain silent unless asked to speak.

In the room, there were penciled drawings of nudes. There was a couch covered by a towel. There was some sort of storage (a cabinet?) and there was the massage table woth Jeffrey Epstein on it.

She and her female handler entered the room topless and with just panties ("boy shorts").

She was expected to give a 60 minute massage with zero formal training for $200.

After 45 minutes "Jeff" asked the female handler to leave the room. At (about) the 50 minute mark, he turned over for a chest massage. The towel covered his genitals. At (about) the 55 minute mark, he began masturbating himself.

She felt very uncomfortable and noted that she wanted to leave when she first entered the room.

He then stood to his feet, went over to a drawer, and retrieved a relatively large stick vibrator with a knob on the end. He placed it to her genitals and continued masturbating until he ejaculated.

At this point, she was allowed to leave. She was paid the $200.

At some point, she began receiving phone calls from his people. The first call, she answered, and they offered her to continue "working." She declined, saying that she needed to do something with her grandparents. She refused to accept calls from unknown numbers, thenceforth. They left voicemails. The last voicemail sent was about a month before the investigative interview.

The police investigator also left her a voice message before she scheduled the interview.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the summary, antiZealot.

ababcb ago

Thank you for this, great work breaking this one down.

ababcb ago

Thank you! I have updated the OP.