Upfront I am not a seasoned PG researcher, or even a non-seasoned one. I have been following everything closely, have learned about the symbols used (mostly from here and then the FBI memo), and I keep an eye out for the symbols. If I see a symbol that is similar to the ones on that FBI memo I start to look for other signs that nastiness/evil might be happening.
Recently I stayed at an "all inclusive" resort in Mexico. I could write a book on how those places are a waste of time and money. This was my first, and will be my last, stay at one of those places - ever. Not because of what I suspect (though that plays a part) but because there is far more value to be gained with my hard earned money than a fake plastic paradise.... I digress.
The resort was comprised of 9 buildings full of hotel rooms separated into 2 sections - "Adults Only" and "All Ages."
The "Adults Only" side contains buildings 1,2,3 & 4. The "All Ages" side had buildings 5,6,7,8 & 9.
Here are the things that I found odd:
The Names:
The "Adults Only" side was called "Heaven" while the "All Ages" side was called "Hacienda". Hacienda means "Estate" but it also has other meanings, "Office" "Government Ministry" "Plantation" etc. It struck me as odd that the opposite of Heaven is Hell and the opposite of this resorts Heaven is "Estate". Estate is usually attached to someone's name "The Martin Estate", "Mark's Plantation", "Tax Office". - Why choose a word for a resort that is also a word used for a tax office? . Furthermore, if I translate the other direction, the word "Estate" from English to Spanish, I do not get "Hacienda" as a result.. The more I thought about it, the less sense it made to call something simply the word "Hacienda" - it's like something is missing. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't speak Spanish - at all, so perhaps this is a big nothing burger.
The Colors:
The "Heaven" side is painted white and blue and has a nice, calm feeling to it. This is probably because Humans react favorably to the color blue. The jury is out on why, exactly, we do this. Some think it is because we were looking for blue water while evolving, but who knows.
The "Hacienda" side is painted... dark red. It feels off putting and causes all the usual reactions that the color red invoke within humans - hunger, anger, flight response. It sure is fun to feel angry and on edge because the buildings are painted a color specifically designed to invoke these emotions - that is exactly what you wan while on a relaxing vacation, right?
The Damn Symbolism (first thing that tipped me to look for other stuff):
Each building had a different little icon below the room numbers that were all instruments - Trumpet, Keyboard, Bongo Drums, etc. and they were all "modernized" drawings - looking mostly like the instrument with some extra flair thrown in.
Building Six had 2 bongo drums for it's symbol. The bongo drums had this horrible thing within them, also check out the swirl at the top of the bongos.
The moment I saw that fucking logo in those bongo drums my heart sank, and then I had to pick myself up and try and find other things to confirm/deny my suspicions. I checked out the children's splash park/play area (not the waterpark, didn't want to pay to go there) but there were no symbols found near that place. I didn't go inside the building for the little ones (it was empty most of the time and really I would have felt like a creeper wandering around a kids play area with no children in tow).
Sexual References EVERYWHERE:
"Let's Go Another Round" - book your golf... Printed on coasters in the room.
"Tell me how you like it" - your maid's name is.... Printed on the tag talking about room service
There were more coasters with other phrases that I don't recall, but you get the idea.
The Branding:
I could probably write everything above off as mere coincedences that are popping out at me because I am looking for this shit, but the final nail in the coffin for ms is that this was the Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya and we all know about the fucking music industry. Furthrmore while I was looking for more images on google, these were the fucking search suggestions.
I don't really have one, the place didn't feel right but it could all be in my head.
The fact that bulding 6 has the pedo symbols doesn't help. There is no room 666 or 6666 because the building only has 3 floors. So there were 6166 6266 6366 rooms, but that's the closest to a straight three 6's.
More oddities:
(Not sure if these horrible looking links will work, I am on a machine that makes it very time consuming to upload photos to catbox.moe, sorry about these)
Swirls above the beds
They sure do like the color red
This doesn't feel... inviting?
IShallNotFear ago
Remember to post archvie to links and list youtube links as hooktube or invidious to promote privacy. Here are those links:
Swirls above the beds https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=XsA6jYFX5So
They sure do like the color red http://archive.ph/FyJ1e
This doesn't feel... inviting? http://archive.ph/Tp4eB
racmo ago
Many times those(informed) gut feelings are spot on. thanks for sharing--eyes on is good
4freedomsring ago
Your post reminded me of our trip to NYC years ago. Ate at Hard Rock Times Square. Couldn’t get past this scene. Illuminati’s, One world govt. New Age All is One. Check out symbols including money, https://www.google.com/search?q=Hard+Rock+Restaurant+Times+square&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS801US801&hl=en-US&prmd=minv&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrd3NvQkvhS48WfieW9ByMR_LXpA:1579891669178&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje8OWN85znAhWkslkKHZDxAdIQ_AUoAnoECBcQAg&biw=768&bih=915#imgrc=fN6CmUeBbyrX7M
Earth_is_Awesome ago
Nasty, thanks for sharing.
EricKaliberhall ago
Thank you for sharing @Earth_is_Awesome. I will give this submission the 'Unverified' flair, I hope you understand. For more information please see our subverse rules that is located in the sidebar. Thank you.
the_magic_man ago
Wow, when the pizzagate mod even thinks your story is batshit crazy, you know you're fucked.
@Earth_is_Awesome what do you think is going on in this resort?
Earth_is_Awesome ago
Totally understand. Thanks for allowing the post to stay.
Call_Of_Goat ago
unfortunately they will now be tipped off and start the cleanup/relocation process
carmencita ago
Thanks. You are def on to something here. The symbols are nuanced for a reason.
JodyOnTheBlock ago
Your search results are being skewed by what's currently going on in New Orleans. The HR hotel & casino that was being built (shittily) had several stories pancake and kill a few people. There are STILL two bodies up there. One came out from under a damn tarp that was hiding it in the last day or so.
Good work with this. It's interesting. I don't know one way or another whether or not it's a thing or not, but when you see something, you should say something. Good on you, anon. Now it's in our brains, too, and that's a good thing.
One more thing on the New Orleans HR... If I wanted to do a public human sacrifice, I'd do what they did.
Earth_is_Awesome ago
Ahh, okay - that does explain the search results.
Thanks for the words.
JodyOnTheBlock ago
Anytime, anon.
This is the most recent in the HR NOLA saga. https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/orleans/workers-dead-body-exposed-after-tarp-falls-from-hard-rock-collapse-site/289-33d69546-33b2-424c-837e-6be7d0d7a8f8
OutragedForNoReason ago
This isn't Yelp.
mrchristopher ago