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Vindicator ago

@mintmachine, we need some kind of corroboration for the claims in this submission other than "remote viewing" in order to leave this up in v/pizzagate, which is for verifiable research only. We have a sister subverse, v/pizzagatewhatever, for speculative material. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can add additional support; otherwise you'll need to repost this there. Thanks.

mintmachine ago

Do what you want with it, The fact that you perceive it to be "remote viewing" when she is a whistleblower from CIA at highest level and the information is not dependent on remote viewing is lost on you.

It is amusing that you consider the group you moderate to be "verifiable" claims only when actually you want tobe sppodfed information as you will not research further. You are strangling this sub, as you always have - just look at it - a shadow of its former self.

Vindicator ago

She herself said she gathered the information by remote viewing.

If the FBI verified it, please show me where. She talks about the existence of a base -- that should be easily verifiable, but instead of providing additional sources, you made more unsourced claims and then tried to smear me. Pretty lame and fairly reliable disinfo indicator. Also, I did not remove the flair. Apparently, it did not make it through the cache update before Voat went offline, which has been happening intermittently for days.

I'll reflair it for another 24 Hours and see if you have any actual verification to post as you claim.

mintmachine ago

What a doughnut, She herself says

"My specific knowledge of the Finders experiment came from reading 3 books in the CIA and talking to two of the in-house researchers who were responsible for administering the Project in the Dept. of Plans, in the Division that should be called Mind Control but due the sensitive nature of the topic was instead called “Future Assets”.

Its main office was on the third floor of the main CIA building, until it moved to the 5th floor under Goss. By then I was gone. The importance of the move was that the higher up in the building the closer to the DCI, the higher the priority. That is the way the CIA works."

I dont care what you do, your uninformed opinions are irrelevant, and you just want to waste my time, spoonfeeding you information, about which you will make up your own silly reasons to censor.

Vindicator ago

So, no corroborating sources to support the claims, then?

mintmachine ago

No answer on your lies about remote viewing when she clearly says otherwise then? .

If you wont accept that or provide that, then i am hardly going to jump through hoops to provide spoonfeed you evidence that this CIA whisltleblower provided before virtually anyone else, absolutely corroborated recently by evidence recently provided by FBI. But facts are not your strong point are they.? Power trips are though. Do as thou wilt censor boy

Vindicator ago

No answer on your lies about remote viewing when she clearly says otherwise then?

Lies, huh? I'm merely quoting you quoting her, above in this submission:

It is still there today as I type this. It may be razed tomorrow, like the McMartin tunnels as a result of what I am saying. But today, as a remote viewer, I can see that it has one main square building on the center of a square lot with the entrance on its West side and a guard standing at it though the gate is locked. Only one person has the key. That is Bush, Sr. It is his private reserve still.

"Today, as a remote viewer, I can see..."

Prior to you making this submission, I had no idea Sue Arrigo claimed to be a remote viewer, or to gather information this way.

You have five more hours.

argosciv ago

Calling bullshit(archived) on Sue [Ann] Arrigo.

Above piece is by no means any more definitive than Sue's claims, but this whole "ex CIA, doctor, blah blah blah - oh and remote viewing" story reeks and it won't be the first outright disinfo/LARP pretending to be ex-CIA/Mil/Police/etc we've seen. A case in point on that one would be the v/GreatAwakening user @GodsAngell who constantly tried to push an "ex-Fed" LARP on that sub for months until they were finally outed for being a source of disinfo about one of the recent shootings and the user subsequently banned for copypasta spam.

Vindicator ago

What a sad situation. :-(

argosciv ago

Mhmmm. Made worse by the likelihood that Sue disseminates some factual and useful info; we've got another case of filter the info from the disinfo and otherwise keep distance from the source until a verifiable and credible source corroborates the more outrageous claims.

Example: "They sky is blue and I'm a remote viewer"

The above statement does not mean the sky is not blue, but, the person who made that statement is full of shit.