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I agree @MolochHunter these are some Amazing dots being connected.

Below are my notes from her previous video posted on voat a few days ago, for context. I will watch this one and update.

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific - Human Trafficking (pizzagate) submitted by @lamplight :


Notables From Video 1:

Attorney General and NY Youth Sex Trafficking Outreach advocator from NYC, Age 33 shot 3 times , killed while walking dog in Yap.

Friend Julie Hartup Manta Mom (more Ocean Advocate fronts?)

38 people on (perhaps HT) compound on Yap Island

Marshall Islands Pedo Haven? (Micronesia) (Utah, Arkansas, Arizona, New York connections) (Terramar Maxwell connection)

AZ County Assessor and Adoption Agent, Paul Petersen charged for running human trafficking ring and baby farm

Paul also allegedly part of "Never Trump" political campaigns

Sanctuary For Families

Supported by Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the NXIVM Case, Time Warner Chairman, Millions and Celebrities

They have a whole district in NYC with nearby Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog


The ONE Foundation (Bill and Melinda Gates)

UN and Gates: Global Center on Adaptation location again Marshall Islands

Mission Blue

Filmmaker Sylvia Earle works with Podesta

IG @ 3_ringcircus and child Maggie Nixon (n.n. Wendy) friends with Obama and James Alefantis

David Brock covering for Epstein via Code Blue shills

Top speed for this is 1.25 ... Map/web style image and overview starts around the 35minute mark.