Trickle DownVoats continue over the last 2 days:

Sep 5: 17 up 5 down --> 18 up 6 down = 12

Sep 6: 19 up 8 down = 11

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

now you are at 19/up 10/dn = 09

Well, we knew that it's only important when it happens to them. You know what's funny, I used to have much sympathy for them when it happened. now, not so much.

You do need to know that the more attention you bring to it the more likely you are to be downvoted by those of us with warped senses of humor. I know i enjoy a good ol' downvote spurg-out.


You do need to know that the more attention you bring to it the more likely you are to be downvoted by those of us with warped senses of humor. I know i enjoy a good ol' downvote spurg-out.

100% why I'm simply tracking it in the comments. I make note of who it triggers.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How can you tell 'who' it triggers?


only some. the dumb ones leave notice.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Because you're a faggot for baiting the title with Trump and conflating pizza, you faggot.

This is why I don't trust a god damn thing you post.

Have another downvoat, faggot.


have an upvoat! shill


Just starting my investigation and Denise Rich (who I assume is the author of this piece) has written songs for Celine Dion, who was on here a couple of months ago with some pizzagate art or design work.


Denise (Eisenberg) was married to disgraced businessman Marc Rich between 1966 - 1996. Pardoning Rich was Bill Clinton's last act in office.

kazza64 ago

sigh .... everyone wanted a savior and every idol has feet of clay

Thoutzan ago

saved and up voted


2 hours in: 6 upvoats 5 downvoats

So you downvoat out of suspicion, not rule violations, nor post quality.


The reason I tagged you? I just saw you make this comment:

Trickle down-voting

To down-vote without causing this uproar[, experienced when our mass-voting was obvious,] we tried a variation — “trickle down-voting”. The mass down-vote strategy threw every sock puppet at each new link, keeping its score well below zero, but this was noticeable.

A refinement of the technique was to keep the score as close to zero as possible; this meant that each new post’s score had to be monitored and as soon as up-votes were detected, our sock puppets were dispatch to counteract it with a down-vote.

We ran this for several days without users noticing, and was considered a success.


3 Hours: 8 up 5 down

3.3 Hours: 9 up 5 down

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

How old were the ballet dancers, eh?

redwing14 ago

Ghislaine maxwell set up Donald trump with 16 year old Melania. Epstein told Donald to contact Ghislaine.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Hmm... young by all means, but I was worried they might be younger. Girls learn ballet from a young age after all.


NY Times reported yesterday: Epstein was recruiting underage dancers @ studios in NY and when they looked too old, began using them to recruit "younger looking" dancers.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Damn, that's fishy as fuck.

Crensch ago

I downvoted you because you pinged me and I still think you are at the very least linked to ESOTERIC.

It's easy: don't ping me and watch one downvote magically disappear!


So you downvoat out of suspicion, not rule violations, nor post quality.


Crensch ago



I wanted to see if this post was going to get trickle brigaded as it implicates the left and right. Seems like it did.

Crensch ago

I don't agree, since it seems a significant majority of the votes are up, but I wouldn't care even if you were brigaded to zero or almost zero like I was.


w/in the first 2 hours I got 5 downvoats love. no other posts today have the same number

Crensch ago

You got one from me because you pinged me.

That makes four mysterious downvotes.

Sounds like you either pissed more than just me off, or it's more than just me that thinks you are full of shit, or maybe your submission just sucked.

But hey, I'm glad you're getting the attention I believe you deserve where that's concerned.


Sounds like you either pissed more than just me off, or it's more than just me that thinks you are full of shit, or maybe your submission just sucked.

maybe. maybe not.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, they are all shady as fuck. But you and I are really the problem here. ;)

They are pathetic in their pursuits.

Oh well, we all soldier on in our own fashion, i guess. Sock puppet accounts are just fine if you must control the narrative, doncha know.



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

BlackHatGang, it's starting to seem like. Breaks my heart.


10 minutes in: 3 Upvoats

15 minutes in: 1st Downvoat

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Does it matter? You can't be you and not get yourself some downvotes.

Alas, Clinton—around whom the evening had been organized—never showed, though his Secret Service would have appreciated Epstein’s numerous security cameras.

I'm sure the SS would have loved the cameras, I wonder who has the camera footage now?


I expect downvoats. But it's worth it to track upvote/downvote patterns to see if you are being brigaded.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

One way to tell if the mods are brigading you, look to see if they edit their comments within seconds after posting them.


what does that indicate?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

When users (not just mods) edit their comments within seconds it can mean that they pinged other users, and then erased the pings so no one can tell.

do you you understand the implementation of the brigade, or it's just a pattern you've noticed?

Both, i think. I know for sure that I have been pinged in the past to comments that had my ping edited out.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Like this


ahhhh, that's why you asked me that one time if I waited out my ping. makes sense.

how devious

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



25 minutes in: 5 Up 2 Down

New_FoundingFathers ago

You doing these 5 minute check ups literally just made me downvote you. Here's your brigade, fag


not voting on the content of the post. only voting on the comments within. what a hero.