plancktonne ago

There was a post a few days ago — I forget the source — claiming / alleging / falsely-stating that a pic in the NY Post of Epstein or related to Epstein contained embedded, encrypted info. Furthermore that the info was related to the famous Cicada 3301 puzzle set by "someone" or "some group" in 2012 and so far unsolved. Seems nonsense at first.

But consider that Epstein prided himself as being a great thinker, and surrounded himself with renowned scientists including Hawking and others of that stature. (On the other side, the scientists did not see Epstein as a great thinker, but catered to his whims because he'd sometimes come thru with large grants and funding for institutions.)

So it isn't far-fetched that famous scientists, having had their way with 12 year-olds massaging their feet and other body parts and pieces three times a day, just might, out of boredom and an excess of rum on Lolita Island, spend their time concocting an incredibly complicated puzzle. People who have spent years working on it agree that elements of the puzzle cross several disciplines and it's unlikely it was set by one person.

PS: Searched pizzagate to see if article originated here. Nothing recent, but their are several items going back 2-3 years discussing Cicada 3301 including one that connects the puzzle to QAnon.

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YogSoggoth ago

Virginia Roberts was wearing a shocking red coat in those photos at Zorro Ranch. Who bought that?

V____Z ago

I think back in those years, that was in style. I don't know if i'd read too much into that.

YogSoggoth ago

In New Mexico, coat brand, and who bought it, was where I was going. Maybe she remembers some details.

jealoushe ago

I feel like all the people who want to raid Area 51 should raid this area instead.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Hah. And New Mexico's AG is asking for victims to come forward... whys that, to kill / coverup / or silence them? Hows that going?

What a joke.

plancktonne ago

We've really become a fifth rate Banana Republic. Hillary's and the Deep State's pre and post election ridiculous failed coup d'etat based on a even sillier MI6 dodgy pee dossier. A corrupt FBI and DOJ allowing "somebody" to murder or extract Epstein. Epstein's islands and his Zorro ranch uninvestigated for years and now we learn The Government "supposedly" can't even get access to the ranch property.

V____Z ago

The rest of the world is laughing and horrified by this state of affairs. I am just deeply saddened and kind of numb.

Konran ago

The rest of the world are just like a lot of the NPCs - they have no idea. Except for the ones who do know and they're the pedo/satanic/depraved fuckers who are laughing.

Much like you, I and the minority who have an understanding of these and other cover-ups watch on horrified, saddened and numb.

INK9 ago

"The rest of the world" can point and laugh all they want. Their countries and governments are also up the eyeballs in this sick shit. Perhaps even more so because corruption in turd world countries is well accepted.

QCrumbCatcher ago

It took them a MONTH to raid the island. That tells you how much of a priority this case is.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Month? Try years. Many, many years....

Lunger ago

Unrelated to this ...But, I am binge watching Magnum and during the 7th season there is a show called "Laura" with Frank Sinatra. Some pedo kidnapped Frank's granddaughter, raped and killed her, and got away.

When they showed the little girl being kidnapped all that was shown of the perp was his red shoes.

I thought that was really interesting.

carmencita ago

Amazing. Even then.

sunajAeon ago

That's crazy

think- ago

new4now ago

There is so much military and spook stuff there, and what isn't is state forests

Here's a little trivia I remember..

Penny Marshall's daughter, Tracy, who Rob Reiner adopted when he married Penny, was born in Albuquerque

In Tracy's wiki, it says .....Growing up, fifteen of Reiner's relatives were employed at labs run by the United States Atomic Energy Commission.

I always wondered about that

New Mexico is worth a good dig, so much has happened there

Also wondered New Mexico being part illegal trafficking, it's ideal for it

Lansing-Michigan ago

Jeff Bezo's father was also in atomic energy.........seems to be a recurring theme with the nazis. Give those they loved lots of money.

qbabygirl ago

Ted Turner owns a great deal of land in New Mexico.

new4now ago

I have a feeling most ' private' land is owned by the big players in all this

New Mexico needs a really good digging

Blacksmith21 ago

Bill Richardson.

new4now ago

Mr North Korea...

Richardson has had a long interest in North Korea. He visited a number of times, and has been involved in negotiations with the leadership there since the early 1990s. In 1996, he accompanied U.S. State Department officials and successfully negotiated the release of Evan Hunziker, the first American civilian to be arrested by North Korea on espionage charges since the end of the Korean War.

Richardson formed a foundation, the Richardson Center, to help negotiate the release of political prisoners globally.[82] In January 2013, he led a delegation of business leaders, including Google chairman Eric Schmidt, shortly after the state had launched an orbital rocket.[83] Richardson called the trip a "private, humanitarian" mission by U.S. citizens and told the Associated Press he would speak to North Korean officials about the detention of Kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen accused of committing "hostile" acts against the state, and seek to visit the American.[84]

In March 2016, at the request of Ohio Governor John Kasich, Richardson attempted to negotiate for the release of Cincinnati college student Otto Warmbier, who had been detained on a visit to North Korea.

He has a lot of corruption around him

YogSoggoth ago

That is why I have been going through the Tales of the Unexpected TV series. The symbolism is right at the beginning of each episode, and I have seen the red shoes and hat in The Flypaper.

Pancho_Lefty ago

One of my favorite episodes of that series. Season 7 was great. Death and Taxes is another one of my favorite episodes and it's in Season 7 as well.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think it is too. Pizzagate has made me see old tv shows in a new light. In season one of "Family Affair" there's an early episode of children coming home from an excursion and the little boy goes on and on about nude statues in the museum. I wonder if it was an inside joke. Both small children died young after drug spiral.

Lunger ago

Both small children died young after drug spiral.

That is an interesting point. How many child actors are dead from suicide or drugs (different kind of suicide)? How many turn to homosexuality because they grew up being preyed upon by Jew faggots?

I will bet good money that the vast majority of child actors do not make it out of Hollywood in one piece.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Dave McGowan's book about Laurel Canyon tells of the many musicians from the 70s who lived there......Odd coincidences Entire area seems demonic.......fathers of most of famous people were high up officers in naval many died in late 20s.....when programming began to wear off ? Seemed to be ok with sacrificing first couple's son fell off a roof and died....later on that day, they went to a party. ....Bill Cosby was also in naval intelligence. was struck with stage IV cancer and died right after his book began to become widely known.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Vito had the boy that fell through the skylight. 3 years old, little boy was on acid. Then they all went dancing that night after he died. Little boy was to play Lucifer in an Anger film. After he died, Beausoleil of Manson fame played the role. The whole plot was profoundly sick and evil.

All of this and way more (assassination of Lincoln, Boston Bombing, etc.) all on website.

V____Z ago

Whoa. That IS.

Bengyclayton ago

Get that fat fuck Bill Richardson to help!! He knows the way

ALIENS2222 ago

Authorities were paid/blackmailed to not access grounds. FTFY

V____Z ago

I mean, if Alex Acosta was told "hands off, he's above your paygrade... he's with intelligence", then why wouldn't everyone in positions of power be told the same thing?

By the way, the lead investigator of the Epstein case in Florida, died today at AGE 50!!!!

ALIENS2222 ago

Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha it's all so obvious. All these cops are fake as fuck!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That is from May 2018. Not that he couldn't have been murdered, too. It just didn't happen today.

V____Z ago

Yikes! I'm fake news now :O

YogSoggoth ago

OK, who hasn't done that? He sure did look to be in good shape to die from a brief illness though, Ehh?

veteran88 ago

They can check your social media after flying overseas, but they can't check the compound of a pedo?


gentlemanadventurer ago

Dead pedo. He has no rights. They could storm that place without fear of push back form anyone except those that are in positions of power that have raped or murdered children. So we have our answer.

veteran88 ago

assuming he is dead. i think it is more likely he fled to Israel and he is still raping children.

gentlemanadventurer ago

i think it is more likely he fled to Israel and he is still raping children.>

Legally speaking, he is declared dead. That's all that matters for this particular point of the discussion. They can access his property because he was under investigation and a clue may lead to the person or persons responsible. Also, Barr testalied about going after the co-conspirator/s. There could be evidence at that residence leading to this/these unknown subjects. No prosecutor on the planet, worth his salt, would surrender that opportunity willingly, unless their bosses were child raping and murdering globalist cunts. So we have our answer there as well.

veteran88 ago


I hope that isn't a prophetic misspelling

gentlemanadventurer ago

It is exactly as intended. It's when law enforcement purposefully, for whatever reason, lie to the American people wile serving as a law enforcement officer.

No need for pearl clutching. I learned of the terminology from a law enforcement officer. As the saying goes, it is, what it is.

think- ago

'Entertainment'..... I think we all know what it means. :-(

This would explain why they don't raid the ranch.

People are watching, and they can't just fill the underground facilities with concrete, like they did on the island a couple of months ago.

V____Z ago

What they didn't take care of with the concrete, this totally NOT geo-engineered, totally normal hurricane that's just sitting on top of the Bahamas, will likely get rid of the rest.

It's completely insane that they haven't raided Zorro, and that they claim a little fence is keeping them from reclaiming NM property. As the radio host says, there is something going on here. Zorro, he thinks, was the location of some extremely nefarious activities. And obviously it's being protected, even after the supposed king pin's "death".

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think New Mexico is where the serious experiments went well as bodies buried. The area is old sacred Native ground.......which the elites just love to desecrate.

think- ago

It's completely insane that they haven't raided Zorro, and that they claim a little fence is keeping them from reclaiming NM property. As the radio host says, there is something going on here. Zorro, he thinks, was the location of some extremely nefarious activities. And obviously it's being protected, even after the supposed king pin's "death".

Agree. Final proof that AG Barr has no intention to investigate the nefarious activities of Epstein and his cronies.

On a side note, Prince Andrew visited the Santa Fe Institute as UK trade evoy years ago, when Bill Richardson was governor of NM.

@letsdothis3 @new4now @gamepwn @darkknight111

V____Z ago

I just saw a video released yesterday about Prince Andrew's close ties to New Mexico. It was exhaustive, i'll have to find that and share it with you all. I'd like to get some good confirmation about this, but mainstream media has all but turned their backs on this story unless it's about trivial details. Any news about powerful elite's involvement is missing.

think- ago

I just saw a video released yesterday about Prince Andrew's close ties to New Mexico. It was exhaustive, i'll have to find that and share it with you all.

Please do, that would be terrific! :-)

letsdothis3 ago

On a side note, Prince Andrew visited the Santa Fe Institute as UK trade evoy years ago, when Bill Richardson was governor of NM.

Yes, isn't that interesting. I am beginning to think that he was far more involved with the business side of things in this pedophile network. I've made some posts about his business interests on behalf of the Department of Trade, and the Santa Fe Relocation company which works with the Ministry of Defence, the royal family, the US Homeland Security, and other governments. As well as the C2c network of shell companies.. This story is HUGE.

think- ago

I am beginning to think that he was far more involved with the business side of things in this pedophile network.

Yes. We urgently need to find out what they are hiding at Zorro ranch.

pissedonhurricane ago

Look up rusty shakleford on YT. Has a post-Dorian drone flyover of damage on pedo island. posted a couple days ago.

Gumbatron ago

"Unable to gain access", well, that is cohenvenient isn't it?

whatdaheck ago

Seriously what is that supposed to mean? Just get an intern to buy some bolt-cutters already. The man is dead.

Meez ago

I don't understand that. I'm sure they could have gotten a warrant to access the property by now. It's almost as if they don't want to go.

Nothing to see here. There's nothing underground. Don't worry about it. Hey look, another school shooting.

Ag47 ago

Is it a warrant that's keeping them out?

Epstein had billions, or at least hundreds of millions reportedly. So if that place exists, and was used for what we think it was, chances are it would be protected in some way, or rigged to self destruct, etc.

Or the LEO's, judge, etc. could be paid off.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think there are buried children there........just a hunch. Why all the cement suddenly needed at Epstein's island right before he was arrested? Nazis are known for their experiments...........but what exactly they were looking for in them is not!! Genetic modification? Would need lots of children and people..........plenty to choose from in WWII.....but after when the top scientists moved to the US...................don't think they just retired.

YogSoggoth ago

Looking for a good locksmith? Check craigslist in the area.

1m0n2U ago

Great post! I'm reminded of Tony Podesta's underground theater.

Blacksmith21 ago

For "complicated" exhibits.

Rmm ago

ah yes--such a creepy way to describe an exhibit --knowing what we know

1m0n2U ago

Right. Let me get my Deep State dictionary out... here we are. 'Complicated' is often used in place of 'illegal', 'sickening', 'degenerate', and 'evil'.

Killdozer6gozillian ago

Wow there goyim that's antisemitic.

1m0n2U ago

Haha! Only in Upsidedown World.

Blacksmith21 ago

Look closely at the construction of the basement. It has steel joists with corrugated steel over it. This means concrete was poured on top of the structure for soundproofing, security, and deep burial. Or all 3. Whatever he built, it was very serious. I wonder if permits/plans still exist?

1m0n2U ago

Here's John. Lots of phone numbers associated with him including cell phone #s

1m0n2U ago

1m0n2U ago

Excellent observation, but I wouldn't know the first place to look to see if the plans and permits are still floating around out there for viewing. Property appraiser website maybe?

1m0n2U ago

Sweet links! Yeah, more digging needed, but you got the hole started nicely.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

remind me

1m0n2U ago

derram ago :

Zorro Ranch Update: Edward Szall's Interview with NM Radio Broadcaster Eddy Aragon - YouTube

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

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