WolfFangs ago

I heard Chico had to scoop you up off the floor at a drug house, clean the cum off your face, take you home, and clean you up. That was a few years ago. Cum face. ROFLMAO. Is that asshole still sore? LoL....Warm up that webcam. I want to see them tiddies again....no I don't really.

Lansing-Michigan ago

In red on this post again today in red......."Owner of webofslime .com collects IP addresses of visitors from voat for the purpose of doxxing. " Evidently somebody does not like the portrait of bill clinton in a dress to be made public. My fb account was seriously hacked a few days ago. Had to change my password.

YogSoggoth ago

Got to thinking about this after the smoked mullet kicked in (highest omega 3 in Gulf of Mexico), where is the top screen photo taken from, behind Petrina Ryan- Klied? My guess would be the Rocky Mountain range. What are those things in the background, Satellite receivers? Aaron Swartz (MIT) killed by Government for attempting to ...

Search domain voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053255https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053255

YogSoggoth ago

"The M.I.T. Negropontes, tied to allegations of pedophila/Epstein Island by Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu 1, are in FAPE (Pictured: Diana NegroponteJ 2). Also, the M.I.T. Negropontes, tied to allegations of pedophila/Epstein Island by Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, linked him to a Cambodian location. This is another connection to the D.C. ring that few are seeing but is right out in the open. This is another connection to the D.C. ring that few are seeing but is right out in the open." That picture deserves, at least, a bold character left to right, top to bottom name explanation. Pretty cozy. Pixels are to bad to recognize that symbolic jewelry piece around Nancy's neck. Got a better link?

YogSoggoth ago

M.I.T. also leads right back to, Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?

Vascodegecko ago

Anybody ever look into the guy who made hundreds of millions painting a mural for FB because he was so smart he took share. Likely story.

"In 2005, David Choe was approached by the media startup Facebook. Facebook had just moved up the office space ladder and commissioned Choe to paint a large mural at their new headquarters. For his time and effort they wanted to pay him $60.000. Choe, however opted that he’d rather have 3.7 million in shares of the company instead.

When Facebook enlisted at the stock exchange the shares were valued at $56 each. And so David Choe who had been homeless for several months of his life became the richest street artist there is thanks to his nose for business. There is no one else than him that deserves it more.

One last remark, David Choes didn’t just sit on the money; instead he worked, moderated, painted, filmed and documented to earn even more money."

3.6m shares would have gone well over 600m us anyway you look at it. Another Money Laundering op?

turitelle ago

What does that red flag mean... "owner collects ip's of visitors from voat"?

Shizie ago

Here’s a post that explains his red tag:


thewebofslime ago

They just don't like me. No worries. Test the information I present. That is what people should be focusing on... establishing what is true.

TrustTheTruth ago

Companies and Families and A Family Company from Racine, Wisconsin is what started and gave credibility and legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program.

Racine is also where the Podestas admitted to getting their big break into art and politics.

Racine is the Root of All Evil and the model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Great Deception of Sustainability and the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. the Truth is The Lion.

Synacked ago

Excellent work anon.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I refer to it as the “red shoes painting”. Forget the blue dress, already.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/yi95wp.png :

https://snew.notabug.io/r/Bigly/comments/5debgr/i_believe_ive_tied_both_the_laura_silsby_and/ :

I believe I've tied both the Laura Silsby and James Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong connections to a single organization : Bigly

https://tweetsave.com/j_ardinera/status/1140664596392566785 :

jade ⏳⚔️⚖️ on Twitter: "Jeff Koons vulgar art is on James Alefantis’ Instagram account and also Jay-Z’s tour. See how it’s an entire network and they all invest in eachother to move the money around?… t.co/YStbsgS7o6"

https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/6jcxo7/art_in_embassies_program_gave_podestas_jeff_koons/ :

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even James Alefantis Comet Ping Pong owner access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security; Sourced | (Pedogate) This is Big : conspiracy

https://files.catbox.moe/ed093y.jpg :

This has been an automated message.

fartyshorts ago

@derram is da real mvp

Micheal84 ago

Do you see this too???


Walooington8 ago


What is that?

Micheal84 ago

No idea, i didn't see it before

Crensch ago

OP both threatens, and has followed through, on doxxing users of this subverse, and Voat in general. He uses his links to gather info about all users - if he finds something he'll go so far as to use facial recognition to find you, and will doxx you with that information.


A user on this site copied and posted what he, himself had posted (but then deleted) and got sitewide banned for it.

The flair is meant to keep you PG weaklings safe since from the beginning you've all said you were smart enough to detect the shills and ignore them.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The flair is meant to keep you PG weaklings safe since from the beginning you've all said you were smart enough to detect the shills and ignore them.

you were smart enough to detect the shills and ignore them]: Hint: None of you were, but it has always been up to the users how you want me to work for you.

Why do you stay if you hold us all here in such low regard? Why even bother?

theoldones ago

SWMBO you're a crazy hoe who can fuck right off

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bless your heart, I'm going to add you to my prayer list.

I wish you much success with your games.

Crensch ago

What a stupid set of questions. I don't think they warrant an answer.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I see.

Crensch ago

In fact, I was under the impression that we were not going to be addressing each other directly. Did that change? Should we start doing so again?

Oh, just for your edification, https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/3389425

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I asked you a question, you chose not to answer. You clearly do not wish me to address you, I'll seek answers elsewhere.

Crensch ago

I was pondering about our last encounter where I recall us agreeing to not engage with each other.

Does my memory fail me?

And where else, exactly, do you think you'll get answers about what's going on in my mind?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not answering your questions either.

Crensch ago

Yours was stupid, though. Really stupid. And this is the kind of thing that will cause me to continue on and not be very nice.

Were we, or were we not, supposed to ignore each other?

And if we were, should we continue that and consider this a faux pas on your part?

Or are we pulling out all the stops?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I did not consider my questions stupid, I meant them, and thought you would answer. I do not remember agreeing to ignore you.

You clearly do not wish me to address you, I will ask you no more questions.

Crensch ago

I do not remember agreeing to ignore you.


You're right, you never agreed to it despite your also-stupid request to have me ban you, then your attacking the guy attacking the pedophiles causing problems.

I did not consider my questions stupid, I meant them, and thought you would answer.

Did you have a complaint about my moderating, cunt? Or do you just have a problem with my attitude because you're too stupid to know the difference between not respecting when a group thinks it is strong where it is weak, and respecting what the group is actually good at?

You employ a constantly-overused, cliche, tone-fallacy that shows a malfunction in your brain similar to many others where you think I should use kid gloves because you don't like my comment.

You clearly do not wish me to address you, I will ask you no more questions.

Your questions were emotionally charged horseshit designed to start drama. If that's all you can muster, then not asking is probably the smart move.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I asked you those questions because it was apparent that you were the one being emotional when you stated:

The flair is meant to keep you PG weaklings safe since from the beginning you've all said you were smart enough to detect the shills and ignore them. None of you were, but it has always been up to the users how you want me to work for you.

Did you have a complaint about my moderating, cunt?

Up to this point the only problem I've had with your ownership of this sub is your willingness to believe tOO. That, I considered a difference of opinion, I think he is a functional retard, you think he is trustworthy.

You employ a constantly-overused, cliche, tone-fallacy that shows a malfunction in your brain similar to many others where you think I should use kid gloves because you don't like my comment.

You employ a constantly-overused, cliche, tone-fallacy that shows a malfunction in your brain similar to many others where you think I give a shit whether you use kid gloves or not. That was never in my questions.

Your questions were emotionally charged horseshit designed to start drama.

You started the drama. I just asked, why bother?

Crensch ago

I asked you those questions because it was apparent that you were the one being emotional when you stated:

Pizzagate researchers. Doing groundbreaking work against the murderous elites, who could target them and attack them and harm them if they get too close.

But somehow they don't know what's going on in their own backyard.

While I don't even remember those users, that fact is contemptible, and is prevalent in both PG and GA.

Up to this point the only problem I've had with your ownership of this sub is your willingness to believe tOO.

And now you have a problem with my opinion on users engaging in a dangerous practice being beyond ignorant of the most dangerous immediate threats to themselves here?

That, I considered a difference of opinion, I think he is a functional retard, you think he is trustworthy.

He sure seems to not have problems calling people out. I think what you took issue with was beyond retarded, so I guess we're even.

You employ a constantly-overused, cliche, tone-fallacy that shows a malfunction in your brain similar to many others where you think I give a shit whether you use kid gloves or not. That was never in my questions.

It was dripping from your questions. If you weren't such an emotional cunt, you would have understood that it's entirely possible my contempt was for the ignorance, and that such ignorance might be widespread, and not about PG researchers in general.

Also, if you weren't such a stupid cunt, you'd know my history of not pulling any punches for any reason against anyone, and because of that, many subversives are now known to many more users that otherwise would not have been.

Think @carmencita who was revered as some kind of grandmother figure of this place, who showered the worst users here with praise to make them seem legitimate, dished out all kinds of bullshit at the mods and shillhunters, then acted like a poor, defenseless old woman so that username wouldn't be burned.

You started the drama. I just asked, why bother?

I didn't start shit. They could either ask how they could do better and learn about this shit, or they could fuck off and feel stupid about engaging with TWOS. I care not which.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wow, you sure use a lot of pretentious and boring words to say 'I care not'.

You're not going to answer my questions, you been clear on this.

The rest of what you say is irrelevant.

Crensch ago

Wow, you sure use a lot of pretentious and boring words to say 'I care not'.

Boring? HAHAHAHAHA I have more interesting writing than 99% of the users here. You're projecting your own insecurities onto me, there, it seems.

You're not going to answer my questions, you been clear on this.

You're too stupid to understand that I already did. JFC how do you even function? And to call TOO "functionally retarded"? Kek.

The rest of what you say is irrelevant.

You were never relevant in the first place.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What is it that you want?

Crensch ago

What is it that you want?

Maybe you should have asked yourself that before opening your whore mouth and asking me those ridiculously emotional, rhetorical questions.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So yet another emotional outburst to a question.

Typical despot.

Crensch ago

So insecure about your own emotions that you have to project them onto me.

Yes. I hold power over words that you couldn't possibly ever hope to match. And I use them in a cruel way to hurt your feefees.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The 'pot/kettle' air is getting thicker. I told you quite awhile ago that there was only one thing you could do to hurt me. It was true then and is still true. You hold all the power in this situation. If you don't wan't me shitting up the pizzagate sub with archives, please say so.

If there is no value in the archives being posted here, tell me. That is all you have to do to hurt me quite deeply.

Crensch ago

The 'pot/kettle' air is getting thicker.

The delusion on your end is getting thicker.

I told you quite awhile ago that there was only one thing you could do to hurt me. It was true then and is still true. You hold all the power in this situation. If you don't wan't me shitting up the pizzagate sub with archives, please say so.

Never said anything about any of that, and don't care. Not my business. Just like literally anything I say or do is not any of yours.

If there is no value in the archives being posted here, tell me. That is all you have to do to hurt me quite deeply.

Seriously, fuck off and never respond to me again. Archive, or don't, that is up to you. Fuck-all to do with me.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So when you said:

but it has always been up to the users how you want me to work for you.

That was just bullshit? Something meant to appease more than an actual statement of fact?

Never said anything about any of that, and don't care. Not my business.

It's not your business to have an opinion on the value of archiving?

You seem to have an opinion on every other subject under the sun. Yet I have asked you a question about the one subject you don't care about. Huh

You write these words and then refused to be questioned about what they mean.

Your logic sucks.

Crensch ago

That was just bullshit? Something meant to appease more than an actual statement of fact?

I've worked exactly as the users have wanted me to this whole time. Opreated within the limits they, themselves, voted on.

Do you have evidence to the contrary, or is this more of your pathetic feelings getting hurt?

It's not your business to have an opinion on the value of archiving?


You seem to have an opinion on every other subject under the sun.


Yet I have asked you a question about the one subject you don't care about. Huh

Was this supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" moment?

You write these words and then refused to be questioned about what they mean.

And eventually answered, because you made such a stink out of it, but you were too functionally retarded to notice when I did.

Your logic sucks.

You should try to use your brain when thinking and arguing, instead of your hormone slit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I've worked exactly as the users have wanted me to this whole time.

I asked you a question about your reason for doing this. You chose to attack my femininity instead of answer me.

or is this more of your pathetic feelings getting hurt?

My feeling aren't hurt, but you do like to insist that they are.

Was this supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" moment?

No, it was more amazement than anything else. I do not desire a gotcha moment, just not good at communicating through typing. My punctuation is terrible.

And eventually answered, because you made such a stink out of it, but you were too functionally retarded to notice when I did.

I noticed the answer you gave. It didn't answer my question and you know it.

You should try to use your brain when thinking and arguing, instead of your hormone slit.

You and @Don-Keyhote should get together and have coffee. He likes to aim for the girlie bits too. You both need some new material.

Crensch ago

I asked you a question about your reason for doing this. You chose to attack my femininity instead of answer me.

You asked me what you should have asked yourself. You write like an overemotional woman; addressing that isn't some kind of faux pas, despite you thinking it is.

My feeling aren't hurt, but you do like to insist that they are.

Yes they are, and you don't like that I know that. If they weren't hurt, you wouldn't have asked those dripping-in-emotion questions in the first place. You (maybe if you weren't retarded) could have used your mind to suss out alternative possibilities than the one you assumed, which was that I have contempt for all PG researchers and everything they do.

That is the reasoning of an emotional woman.

No, it was more amazement than anything else. I do not desire a gotcha moment, just not good at communicating through typing. My punctuation is terrible.

You have more problems than just your punctuation.

I noticed the answer you gave. It didn't answer my question and you know it.

You presented many questions, so referencing one out of them where I'm supposed to either accept or reject this claim is dishonest.

You and @Don-Keyhote should get together and have coffee. He likes to aim for the girlie bits too. You both need some new material.

And you need to realize that you reason like an emotional woman.

Women always like to joke that men think with their "little heads" but call it sexist, and consider it some kind of flaw when men dish it back. This is why I can positively conclude that you're thinking with your hormone slit.

Also, I actually win arguments, and reason better than most. Donkey is mentally defective, and you know it. More hormone-slit-speak.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You asked me what you should have asked yourself.

Why would I when I know that answer? I was asking you.

If they weren't hurt, you wouldn't have asked those dripping-in-emotion questions in the first place.

The questions were not more specific because I wasn't trying to pin you down or make you commit to answering to anything other than motive in general.

You (maybe if you weren't retarded) could have used your mind to suss out alternative possibilities than the one you assumed, which was that I have contempt for all PG researchers and everything they do.

I had thought of alternatives, I asked because as you pointed out, the answer is in your mind.

Women always like to joke that men think with their "little heads" but call it sexist, and consider it some kind of flaw when men dish it back.

I did not accuse you of those things, not once. Yet you go to that level every time.

Also, I actually win arguments, and reason better than most.

I used to read your submissions. Some of them are quite good. Still wasn't arguing.

Donkey is mentally defective, and you know it.

Yes I do. Praying for both of you. More hormone-slit-speak.

Crensch ago

Why would I when I know that answer? I was asking you.

Then you meant to start shit. I was giving you an out, and you refused it.

The questions were not more specific because I wasn't trying to pin you down or make you commit to answering to anything other than motive in general.

I don't believe this for a second; why was my motive important to you?

I had thought of alternatives, I asked because as you pointed out, the answer is in your mind.

"What do you mean by this?" would have been a question suggesting you had thought of other possibilities. Yours was an emotional reaction to one. You're basic.

I did not accuse you of those things, not once. Yet you go to that level every time.

Yeah, you implied that, exactly, with your Donkey comment.

I used to read your submissions. Some of them are quite good. Still wasn't arguing.

But somehow I belong with Donkey? Your story is falling apart.

Yes I do. Praying for both of you. More hormone-slit-speak.

You're kinda stupid.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And yet because of your NPD you are incapable of letting me be. Wasting all your time trying to win some imaginary argument with someone you claim is a retard.

I told you I'd leave you alone and not question you further. But because of your compulsive need to have the last word you just can't let it go. You are the one who has been trying to pick a fight, for days now.

Crensch ago

And yet because of your NPD you are incapable of letting me be.

You started this, cunt. I didn't hop in to your comment and whine about one possible meaning of your words that would cause drama.

Wasting all your time trying to win some imaginary argument with someone you claim is a retard.

Does it take you lots of time to formulate a response to me? Takes me just a couple minutes at most to respond to you - usually less than 30s.

I told you I'd leave you alone and not question you further.

And yet you seem to think you can shame me for continuing this thing you started. Typical hormone-slit logic.

But because of your compulsive need to have the last word you just can't let it go.

Scroll up, cunt. Who started this?

You are the one who has been trying to pick a fight, for days now.

I already showed how your questions to me were indicative of your 2-d personality, and inability to entertain the idea that I could have meant something different than your limited mental capabilities allowed you to see.

Notice this low-effort response to my comment explaining that in a way even a child could understand? Some part of you realizes you're just a walking testament to why women shouldn't vote, but you persist because you think you can use your pussy pass to come out smelling like roses.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good morning to you, too. If I knew you were going to miss me so much, I'd have stayed in touch. 💋

Crensch ago

Good morning to you, too. If I knew you were going to miss me so much, I'd have stayed in touch. 💋

Another fronthole tactic. Deflect, act like you don't care, act flirty, respond to something not said or even suggested whatsoever.

You still don't smell like roses, cunt.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And you keep pulling at my pigtails like a little boy with a crush, so you get treated that way.

You want me to take you seriously? Then stop being absurd.

Will you unban me?

Crensch ago

And you keep pulling at my pigtails like a little boy with a crush, so you get treated that way.

Do we have to go over who started this, again? I never wanted you around in the first place.

You want me to take you seriously? Then stop being absurd.

No, I want you to piss off and leave me alone, like all men in your life.

Will you unban me?



the witch is dead!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



You vanquished the beast Dorothy!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I like that one. :)

Crensch ago

Speaking of @carmencita, I should take a look at whomever she is supporting - it's pretty likely she's supporting the bad guys that are up to some kind of fuckery.

ESOTERICshade ago

The only thing @carmencita did was to be polite to people you don't like and that won't take your shit. You try your best to intimidate people you don't like into leaving the sub. You are personally responsible for dozens of people leaving this sub. Keep going, you will get to zero eventually.

Crensch ago

There's evidence of you manipulating users and people on the sub. You've never presented a single bit of evidence for your own claims against me.

ESOTERICshade ago

You've never presented a single bit of evidence for your own claims against me.

No need. You commit your crimes in broad daylight every day. Everytime you target somebody for intimidation it backfires on you. You are just not smart enough to see it, and thats a good thing :) You still have not provided that "anti pizzagate" evidence either. You can find plenty of anti Qshitanon stuff from me, but not anti pizzagate, which is your main claim.

Practically allllll my posting history is pizzagate too. (ESO just did that to get in people's good graces) roflmao

You don't even understand what an asshole that makes you look like to Voat, and that is also a good thing :) You also took two words from Putt, "wild west" and went blind stupid with those two words and showed everybody what you truly are. Why you think people hate you so much? Lost your friends and people that had an ounce of respect for you, except that tiny less than a hand full that follow you around.

The butt of the biggest joke on Voat. And you did it to yourself.

Crensch ago

I like watching you rationalize your failures.

ESOTERICshade ago

Show me that "anti pizzagate" evidence you have. Spill it you lying Jew. Wut? You don't have any anti pizzagate evidence? Well i'll be damned. Everybody on Voat that pays attention knows i'm extremely pro pizzagate. That sticky of me on the front page is a billboard that screams "crensch is a lying asshole", so never take it down. roflmao....

Crensch ago

We both know it spells out exactly what you are, and that you hate it being there.

Watching you squirm is one of the little joys in my life.

ESOTERICshade ago

Show that anti pizzagate evidence. Jew.

Crensch ago

Watching you squirm is one of the little joys in my life.

ESOTERICshade ago

Show that anti pizzagate evidence. I DARE YOU.

Crensch ago

Everyone else can see it just fine. Squirm, bitch, squirm.

ESOTERICshade ago

Everyone else can see it just fine. Squirm, bitch, squirm.

When the crensch has no leg to stand on, he always speaks for "EVERYONE".....Which means he is allllll alone in his own little head.

Produce that "evidence" that I am anti pizzagate. DO IT!

aaahahahah...you can't....this is just the beginning.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

JFC. Why are you always such a HUGE FUCKING WANKER?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why are you always such a HUGE FUCKING WANKER?

crensch is a tiny parasite on the asshole of Voat. He likes that "O" position because it has a ban button. He thinks that ban button makes him a tough guy.

@carmencita is a good person. Why would he want to intimidate a person like Carmencita? Because he can. Its that simple. I bet he kicks puppies too because he is that sort of person. Fuck him.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I asked YOU why you are a wanker, and you immediately point a finger at someone else. Grow the fuck up.

You know as well as I do that the only person in the PG sub who spread more disinformation than carm, is sray.

OH, and YOU didn't call out either one for doing it. You really are a useless ballsack.

ESOTERICshade ago

OH, and YOU didn't call out either one for doing it.

Sray is pure trash. She proved that to us. But as far as I know carm has always had good intentions. Maybe I missed something?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good intentions are not not equal to accurate info.

Both women spent more than a year pushing, and/or falling for every single liberal khazarian lie. At least carm appears to be truly waking up, the thotfull-one just keeps pushing lie after lie, jew after jew ewetoob stars. Starting drama and causing fights, which of course she needs to be the center attraction of.

Are there really Q-tards dumb enough to give her money? I guess if they are paying for the porn pics, then it would make more sense. You got your pic collection for free, right? Clever boy.

ESOTERICshade ago

You got your pic collection for free, right?

I gotta be honest with you. It was a let down. I was not impressed.

Clever boy.

Clever because I never gave her enough info to dox me. She will do her best, and spend many hours, to fuck up a person and cause them misery. Let this be a lesson to all of us.

Titties kill.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Only when they're loaded.

ESOTERICshade ago

She posted this over at Poal. Very classy. (not) Is some mental illness up in here somewhere. Guaranteed. I never seen anybody get on the internet, dox themselves, and start so much fake victim shit. Its actually sort of scary. Can I imagine being married to that? NOPE!



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Damn it, ES

A little warning would be nice - https://archive.is/PHx1e

I didn't need to see that first thing in AM.

And I don't do poal. So unless it's PG archive related, fuck off.

ESOTERICshade ago

Rough wasn't it? Everybody needs morning coffee before seeing that. :)

ESOTERICshade ago

What did carm do? If she did anything I missed it.

Crensch ago

Sometimes I look at your responses when I'm having a bad day. They always cheer me up.

thewebofslime ago

I don't delete shit. Some mod did it. Go ahead... it won't hurt to tell the truth.

@srayzie doxxed plenty of people in a harassing manner, then @zyklon_b doxxed her and I provided her criminal record one time that was almost instantly deleted and I never posted again.

Don't be afraid to be honest. The truth will set us all free.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#62355) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Shizie ago

What do you do with the IP addresses you collect?

albatrosv15 ago

You dense or something?

I provided her criminal record one time

Shizie ago

It was rhetorical, asshole!

albatrosv15 ago

Ah, i remember you, woman.

Shizie ago

You wish you did.