AngB23 ago

That fake book pic with the two playing ping pong looks very similar to Bill and Hillary Clinton

Klo3t3 ago

Michael Giacalone and James Alefantis are connected, Google Michael Giacalone james alefantis and the first Google result gives the text Michael Giacalone and Dana Rooney Andrea Evans, James Alefantis, and Allison ... concluding with a screening of the Michael Bay–directed film 13 Hours: The ...

Heisenberg123 ago

Great finding. It was just a matter of time to connect them both as they were already connected through at least three people. Great find. I'm gonna edit my post to add this.

Sitnikoff ago

It seems that @Celadon61 talks directly to David de Rothschild publically on Twitter:

Truthseeker3000 ago

David de Rothschild is NOT a real Rothschild. He is an actor working for the elite. There is a lot of info out there about it and very convincing.

Sitnikoff ago

There is also a Flickr account with @Celadon61 as the handle:

The account's photos apparently are private, so I reckon you'd have to request a follow from the user.

Sitnikoff ago

Found this on @Celadon61's tagged photos page:

Sitnikoff ago

May or may not be connected, but I saw that someone on Tumblr with the handle @Celadon posts pictures of drawings of underage girls, satanic mkultra imagery and nsfw gifs:

Babylon5 ago

Fantastic work Heisenberg. Great leads you've unearthed here!

Why is Cooper Hefner - son of Hugh Hefner & Chief of Global Partnerships for Playboy Enterprises - a director at Children of the Night?

letsdothis3 ago

As Celadon61 is based at the Italian embassy, he must know Paolo Zampolli, right?

kazza64 ago

nice work

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Interestingly enough, there is a trucking company called Celadon.

Imnotshocked ago

Good work! I was looking through children of the nights IG and looked at their followers . There were several suspect accounts that were private but this one wasn’t . And just look at all his followers even though he only has 1 post on his account . Then go look at who he’s following and you won’t even have to click on the accounts to see he’s a pedofile! And then there’s this one that is private I’d say there’s a ton of research to be done in this children of the night charity.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent work to anons for getting this. He follows Greek royals and many Illuminati families. Sick, sick fuck.

think- ago

Izette Folger liked this pic - go figure:

Heisenberg123 ago

This reminds me of one picture of little angel from Scott Fazzini account: James Alefantis liked this picture and not pictures around it which is very interesting.

think- ago

MG also has a pic on his Instagram showing two rabbits torturing a guy. Nice. /s

think- ago

He says this guy is his friend -

Firouz Farman Farmaian

haggl ago

Good work finding this connection.

letsdothis3 ago

God I hate 8ch. The "P.Z.A archives" ?? Anybody got an actual link directly to it?

Heisenberg123 ago

His name is Michael Giacalone: About the link, it could lead to cp so it won't be posted there. If you're determined yourself you can find it however it's better not to look for it.

letsdothis3 ago

I'm not happy with the screenshots ... so I'm going to do my own digging. Thank you for the info.

Vindicator ago

How about a New Evidence flair? Seems to fit.

Benkitchen105 ago

This guy works in the Italian embassy in DC. Very well connected

theooeht ago


What is their obsession with Barron?

And, yet, none of these lunatics have been locked up.

You know, why? Because we're losing.

letsdothis3 ago

Upvoat for you.

think- ago

I don't think we are losing. We have connected so many dots, and exposed so many people.

This shit has been going on for thousands of years, and we are only 2,5 years into our research.


Warmoose76 ago

Holy shit, with all the talk of impeachment and locking up Trump, that "The Shining" reference about Baron, is very disturbing.

YogSoggoth ago

I hope Trump is aware of this.

mooteensy ago

FANTASTIC WORK. Screenshotting right now. tyvm

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Children of the night?! That is a charity supposedly devoted to helping child prostitutes escape their victimhood. (Because that is what they are, victims)

Do you think they aren't a legit charity?

letsdothis3 ago

We have a number of posts on them here in Voat. Just do a search...

Heisenberg123 ago

This is the same case as with Izette Folger. She is friend of James Alefantis, she commented/liked his pedo pictures, she was pictured with him many times, he showed his pedophile tendencies openly on Instagram, yet she is friend of his and she works for Innocents At Risk. This is maybe not about whole particular organization, but it's about pattern of pedophiles behavior in using such organizations for their own goals, and yes - maybe some of them are running such organizations. I'm not accusing Children of the Night of anything, I'm just pointing it out.

Kekalicious ago

In all cases, a few will fit in with a whole. It only takes one to corrupt and compromise an decent organization.

Blacksmith21 ago

Celadon is a main character in the DC pedo scene. Good find.

letsdothis3 ago

Who is this Celadon and where can I find him?

Benkitchen105 ago

Italian Embassy DC

letsdothis3 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Izette Folger is also tied in with the Macobys - Max and Nora. Folger is a prominent old $ DC family.

@eucalyptus_spearmint - Look at their logo - another heart. Still believe in coincidences?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

A heart logo is the least of my concerns.

Blacksmith21 ago

Heart logos, especially in this context, are indicative of pedo friendly operations.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Says who?

I recall the fbi's info sheet about pedo symbology very well. It's more specific than just hearts. Hearts are everywhere so they do no good as a signal to pedos. Hearts within hearts are another matter, but still not PROOF of anything. This charity had been around since 1979. How long have the heart/spiral symbols been used by pedos? I

Go back to sleep unless you can do better than <3 = pedo.

Blacksmith21 ago

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Hey, by all means if you're sure that a heart logo is proof positive of child trafficking, take it to the authorities and social media. I'm not here to stop you. After all you've neen doing "this" (whatever "this" is) a LONG time.

Lol. Ironic that you tell me to stop being naive when you're encouraging me to abandon critical thinking and take the words of one anonymous internet rando (i.e. YOU) on faith.

It's not going to happen, brosef. And if I'm so stupid and naive, you can stop wasting your time trying to convince someone who doesn't matter anyway, because arguing with idiots on the internet is a waste of time. Right? Right.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like you. Your argument is fair enough. Nuances get lost.

My point is that there are too many coincidences. Too many connections. Too much evil.

They may or may not be shady stuff at your .org. It is up to you to do the legwork to determine. Go look who is on the board of directors. Look at their IG/FB accounts. Study the imagery. Does anything feel off? Read the 501-3c quarterly filings for financial irregularities. Are those involved involved with foster and/or relief orgs? Haiti?

Go answer the question for yourself.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Thank you for your reply. Yes, the wolves are cunning and like to wear the clothing of the sheep. You are right to point this out.

It's not proof of anything as you say but 3+ years of this pizzagate crap has made me one suspicious bitch and when I read that my heart was in my throat. It's just like...fuuuuuck... Please God not them.

trypanon ago

If you aren't already aware I have some bad news about charities for children in need...

Heisenberg123 ago

I've added new leads on the bottom of my post : ) Looks like it's spirit cooking/Podestas stuff all over again.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Disturbing stuff.

Heisenberg123 ago

Hi, I'm coming with new stuff now, I've edited the post again ( EDIT 2 and EDIT 3 ). I've scrolled through over 7000 of accounts which are followed by Celadon61. I'm blocked by some people in this scandal so I can't identify all of them following/being followed from my account, however I've found something interesting.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Taking a look now. Thank you.