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carmencita ago

You will see a picture of the Goonie House on Google in the linked thread

I just can't get Amblin and Nambla out of my mind. So close Ambl-in N-ambl-a the letters are there in the middle. ambl

North American Man/Boy Love Association AMBL American Man Boy Love found in N-AMBL-A and AMBL-IN

Sorry can't get this out of my mind. Has been bothering me quite a while. He is so steeped into this.

Thanks for all you do. Your continued research and posting on Steven and Judith and Heather is so appreciated. the day will come

truthdemon ago

Amblin' towards Nambla... ..slowly but surely ...that was the Satanists end game.. ..the one crime Jesus didnt turn the cheek to.. The one crime where he advocated violence towards the sinner...

Judith Barsi should be placed at the top of the anti Satanist movement as a martyr.. From now on her story should be a permenant meme for the anti Satanist movement

carmencita ago

I so agree. Judith most definitely should almost me a patron saint. Heather as well. If these stories ever take hold with the masses, hold on for dear life.

truthdemon ago

Maybe a movement ...

Judith too..#heather as well

How will it go viral..? A well done documentary with proceeds and donations donated to the debt reduction of the US treasury...and the US funding it... One dollar each...worldwide movement .. And as surety with surety rights over the US we can then instruct the US to investigate this crime and charge culprits under universal jurosdiction..

In the Name of Judith and Heather

carmencita ago

I recommend a documentary yes. One like they did on MJ. But it must be funded. The danger is that if money is collected those that are guilty of these crimes will do all they can to shut it down. Possibly someone with a large amount of money that wishes the truth of these vermin pedos to come out. If this is done, much thought must go into beforehand. It must be strong enough to withstand their shutdown.

We have a right to stand up for Judith and Heather. Their voices have been silenced. But I know that once we begin their souls will be at our side. They have not been able to rest. We must take this all the way so they can both, once and for all RIP.

truthdemon ago

All it costs is a dollar ..decide to deside ur credit to reduce debt...and the US treasury sets off all costs and bills.. At the moment we depend on banks to pay our bills lending to their credit system.. Pledge one dollar..and then instruct the US treasury to both investigate and fund the documentary.... The US is ur Roman accountant..they r binded to ur security and surety .. .. Email the debt reduction department of the US treasury and confirm whether they will accept one dollar towards debt reductiin in exchange for acknowledging ur surety they will from hereon stand by the birth contract name and set off all bills... ..and also confirm that even court charges will be setodf..and that u or the group can investogate and charge individuals under universal jurisdiction... U as trustee of the Roman trust..have that rigght with the roman birth trust..

It will cost less than a dollar to confirm what i have explained emailing the debt rediction department of the US treasury..

If they agree all u lose is a dollar..if they dont ..then u would have wasted an email..

No harm either way..

Trust me ..they will reply in the positive..

We r in total control..we just choose to lend credit into a war jurisdoction fiction play... We can choose to reduce debt woth the system iou known as credit..its not our credit..its the credit of the birth trust..what u owe ur mother..settle the account everytime with her..and Rome becomes ur trustee.. In peace..because u are at peace with ur mothers estate..

The US is us.. When we become enemies of our own estate ..the US becpmes our enemy ..both reflect each other to increase debt ... When we choose to be at peace with our estate the US moves to act as peace maker..not war monger

darkknight111 ago

If you want her story to be a permanent meme for busting the sick fucks, spread the video in this link like wildfire.