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Babylon5 ago

There was definitely a picture of Rachel Chandler at Comet Ping Pong but can't for the life of me find it now. Can anyone help?

think- ago

You might want to check the links in this previous post:

James Alefantis - Rachel Chandler - Bill Clinton - Lolita Express connection

Rachel Chandler is a girl who flew in Lolita Express to Epstein's Island ( St James ) with Bill Clinton: On social media she posted many strange pictures suggesting abuse of children and occultism: - One of her friends picture or her, I can't really remember now.

And here comes her connection to James Alefantis. One of IG friends of James Alefantis was Mrsoliar who used #rachelchandler hashtag as well as #cometpingpong hashtag. Both James Alefantis and Mrsoliar used the same picture of people in masks. While Mrsoliar used #cometpingpong hashtag. Mrsoliar was also user of #rachelchandler hashtag as you can see in the picture above, the one with the little girl in dark bedroom.

Those pictures were archived before Alefantis knew what's coming to him ( November 2016 ) so his typical activity as well as activity of his IG friends like Mrsoliar remained unaffected.

There was also another strange comment posted under James Alefantis Instagram account.

Jamesbrownyoga commented "Makes me wanna go to temple". If you look at the picture you'll see that there's ocean and a kid there. We all know that Esptein has a temple on his Island with an owl on the top of it. That could be this temple or not, implication is still crystal clear. Alefantis used to exchange kisses with people who know who Rachel Chandler is.


Sources for IG pics: Album