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letsdothis3 ago

Sara Latham is affiliated with the Milken Institute :

That's Michael Milken's insititute :

Voat related posts:

"N Korean-style mind control" boarding schools/rehab centers near Tucson camp; ties to spooks

Learned of this place after finding its former director Bette Fleishman, who is from a pizzagate family, now running Pegasus Legal Services for ChildrenJPG in Albuquerque (several hours across the desert from Tucson).

She ran "Amity", which was a HW Bush "thousand points of light" center to recover from 'addiction or trauma', which along with troubled-teen boot-camps is a pizzagate industry:...

..Interestingly, not only is DeConcini a board member of ICMEC, but he was along with John McCain (whose namesake human trafficking "institute" is just north in Phoenix at Arizona State) one of the Keating Five -- legislators who most enabled the financial fraud of Charles Keating in the 80s S&L crisis (the biggest before 2008).

Keating's fraud was mostly through the firm Drexel-Burnham-Lambert under the infamous "junk-bond king" Michael Milken and his army of 100% Jew shysters, many of whom I have confirmed went on to start their own pizzagate-related firms...

Ron Burkle (Owner of 'Air Fuck One'), Steve Bing and Bill's other sketchy billionaire pedo pals by @keepthefaith

comment by @Don-Keyhote ::

My notes on BURKLE for possible follow-up:


Richard Blume, Steve Bing, Ted Field (intrerscope records), David Reich (pimp), Augie Busch III, Eli Broad, Gayle Smith, Porno company Radar 3.0, Aaand Dubai ruling family al-maktoum ,(previously implicated in human trafficking) thru Yucaipa partnership with Bill Clinton

Charitable partnerships besides his own: Michael Milken (inventor of junk bond) foundation, and thru him Dershowitz and Lefcourt, Hawn foundation, Boy Scouts person of the year

Check out the home page of the Milken Institute, there's a video of Milken in conversation with Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson and Michael Milken in Conversation with Kevin O'Leary

Related posts:

colleges admission scandal by @fogdryer

Brightline and Virgin Trains USA. After the trains you know that Branson will target the children, right?

carmencita ago

Bing furnished the plane to Clinton on that trip to Korea ala Lisa Ling and her sister. He got stuck paying for it to the tune of 200K. But it also implicates Dow Chemical.

Remember that famous picture the two sisters sitting with the little girl in CPP eating pizza?

Scroll down after the sisters pic and see the CPP info about D Brock and former BF James A and the blackmail payoff.

new4now ago

Gayle Smith

Rider of Lolita to trip to Africa with Burkle, Spacey, Tucker, Clinton

Was on Barry's National Security Counsel now head of Bono's One

Think she's a Clown, same start as Cooper Anderson

Another rider on Lolita.....Gayle Smith, who is she?

new4now ago

This is ar real good article on Milkens

He invented the junk bond

Got busted, served 22 months

He made a lot a people a lot of money

They were there when he got out

Came across his Foudation perusing this map

I have other stuffed saved from this map :)

letsdothis3 ago

@carmencita @think- see parent comment