letsdothis3 ago

I've just had a look at @AppliedAspergers's video in this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3027091 which inspired me to have a look at the location of the UN in New York. There's another post to be done re tunnels, similar to this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3020019

@think- you know who's going to freak out, right ;-)

letsdothis3 ago

Further to this link from @darkknight111 re the Export-Import Bank https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3025988/16687279

I did a search for the bank in wikileaks and got this Cheryl Mills email to Hillary Clinton: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/27511

Dear Cheryl:

I hope you had a good trip to Haiti. Attached pis find a short memo for the Secty on a number of issues we spoke on the plane on our way down to Guatemala. Would love to have a chance to speak with you when you have a minute. I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend. All the best,


Celebrating the 4th of July in Haiti? Interest piqued...

October 2018 article: Federal judge 'shocked' Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was granted immunity by DOJ

So, a voat search for threads on her produced quite a few, including: Cheryl Mills - BLACKIVY


This thread of research has long interested me. A little more to the story, which also involves Jean-Louis Warnholz, who also now works with Mills at BlackIvy. Warnholz worked for Soros prior to working for HRC. http://blackivygroup.com/jwarnholz/...


Why was the uprooting of two mango trees so important as to make it to #2 on this list? Why were they under "threat"? Moved from an industrial park to a housing complex?

The fact that this took place at Caracol makes it even more suspect as this is where Monica Peterson was investigating when she was suicided. Also, the placement of the "2" is strange because it is the only one out of the 4 items that is misplaced. I followed up on "mangos" as a code word throughout the rest of Wikileaks and could not find many other solid instances....but in this case, it is definitely code IMO...perhaps referring to mothers with children or groups of people.

Then this: The BlackIvy Group uses mangos as a euphemism for children. BlackIvy Group are slavers working under the Clinton Foundation umbrella.

and MANGO - New code word found for children / child trafficking?

Cheryl Mills biography https://wallmine.com/people/47767/cheryl-d-mills

Cheryl D. Mills is an Independent Director of BlackRock, Inc., effective November 20th, 2013.

BlackRock, Inc. was founded in 1988 and is based in New York City with additional offices in Boston, Massachusetts; London, United Kingdom; Gurgaon, India; Hong Kong; Greenwich, Connecticut; Princeton, New Jersey; Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Sydney, Australia; Taipei, Taiwan; Singapore; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, District of Columbia; Toronto, Canada; Wilmington, Delaware; and San Francisco, California.

Latin America stockpicker at BlackRock is leaving company

BlackRock’s Landers joins LatAm giant in senior role

Brazil’s BTG Pactual Asset Management has hired BlackRock’s Latin America portfolio manager Will Landers


Vindicator ago

I hope you had a good trip to Haiti. Attached pis find a short memo for the Secty on a number of issues we spoke on the plane on our way down to Guatemala.

One of the buildings just raided in Los Angeles during the Special Forces "training" was the Guatemalan House of Culture, owned by Geradi, an attorney for NXIVM.

Guatemala is notoriously dangerous for kids: https://www.mnnonline.org/news/guatemala-one-of-the-worst-places-for-kids/

In the first two months of 2015, nearly 900 kids went missing in the country, and 22 cases of sexual abuse are reported on a daily basis.



letsdothis3 ago

Guatemalan House of Culture is listed as a - ahem - museum (just like Pegasus .. cough cough) : https://en.yelp.ch/biz/guatemalan-house-of-culture-los-angeles

Vindicator ago

Did you watch the video about the guy who was leasing that building that I linked in my submission on the "training" operation? He's got numerous questionable business associations.

letsdothis3 ago

I assume you mean this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyUjBXO0zNs

In the comments section:

Guatemalan House of Culture = no website? (Just a front?)

Educated guess = they have a “CLOSET SERVER” like the Clinton Coffee Shop.

Watch them come out (3rd group) and carry something “server sized” into a black hawk.

Guatemala = child trafficking hot spot.

Server is likely from The Standard Hotel and contains info in re: blackmail.

Then I looked on Google maps for proximity : here

Remember my post about tunnels? I mention the tunnels in that area: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3020019

May be something, may be nothing.

Vindicator ago

No, I was referring to this one:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfyoCMhKOn0YouTube -- Most recent, digging into businesses owned by Girard and his associate, including aircraft, shipping companies, cold storage, biotech and a group that works with developmentally challenged kids.


think- ago

Server is likely from The Standard Hotel and contains info in re: blackmail.

Why would the server be from the Standard Hotel? looks puzzled

Is this just a random guess from someone who is into Q, and thinks now all pedos get raided?

Or is there any connection to the Standard Hotel here that we know about, but I'm not aware of at present?


@Vindicator @bopper @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

think- ago

From the comment you linked above:

Richard Branson will visit Haiti on the 21-22, staying in a beautiful cottage by the sea. Best, JL"

Sent from Warnholz to Mills, and then to HRC.

Richard Branson you say....? So we have to keep in mind that he might be involved here too.

@darkknight111 @ASolo @Vindicator @Factfinder2

think- ago

The fact that this took place at Caracol makes it even more suspect as this is where Monica Peterson was investigating when she was suicided.


Also, the placement of the "2" is strange because it is the only one out of the 4 items that is misplaced. I followed up on "mangos" as a code word throughout the rest of Wikileaks and could not find many other solid instances....but in this case, it is definitely code IMO...perhaps referring to mothers with children or groups of people.

That's very interesting. Remember that the infamous George Webb said in his video series that the Clintons allgedly smuggled heroin from Pakistan, hidden in mangos? Which I didn't believe, since I don't trust Webb - imo he's Mossad.

But 'mango' as a code word for human trafficking makes sense.

Vindicator ago

Ever eaten a mango? There is a giant, fibrous seed in the middle that doesn't easily separate from the fruit. I doubt it would be possible to smuggle heroin inside one. Georg Webb is full of crap.

think- ago

Georg Webb is full of crap.


letsdothis3 ago


Many have posited that mango trees are women who are kept specifically to produce children for child trafficking.

think- ago


So Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was James Alefantis contact person inside the WH. We should remember that, and save the info in the parent's parent for further reference.

@darkknight111 @ASolo @Vindicator @Factfinder2 @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago


Haven't heard a peep about Mills in a looooong time. She was one of those Comey's FBI gave immunity to during the original Clinton email "investigation". She posed as Clinton's lawyer.

letsdothis3 ago

Comprehensive link on Black Ivy: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/80gtl4/the_black_ivy_group_another_cia_proprietary_run/

Many have posited that mango trees are women who are kept specifically to produce children for child trafficking.

When James Alefantis visited the White House his contact inside was CM (see visitor logs). https://i.imgur.com/w74s0AG.jpg

darkknight111 ago


Found financial connections between Petrolas and the US Government. Ex-Im Bank. 5 of the directors involved in a 2 billion dollar loan were appointed by George HW Bush (Bush 43).

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent.

think- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis3 ago


Moelis was founded in July 2007 by Ken Moelis and partners including Navid Mahmoodzadegan and Jeffrey Raich.[2] The firm opened in New York and Los Angeles, and became a top 10 ranked M&A advisor in the US in its first full year of operations,[2] advising on transactions such as Anheuser-Busch's $61.2 billion sale to InBev, Yahoo's defense from Microsoft's $44.6 billion unsolicited proposal, and Hilton Hotels' $26.5 billion sale to The Blackstone Group

voat post: John McCain's family fortune was set up by the Bronfman family, a Jewish crime family from Montreal and one of the most powerful Zionist families in the world with links to the Rothschilds.

While it is well-known McCain's father-in-law is owner of the biggest Anheuser-Busch beer distributor in Arizona—one of the largest beer distributors in the nation—the media has had nothing to say about the origins of the Hensley fortune that financed McCain's rise to power.

letsdothis3 ago

Another one for my Park Avenue post.

darkknight111 ago


Possible related company on offshore leaks? The agent being Mossack Fonseca (a major player in all cabal linked hits regarding Soros, Rothschilds, etc) makes this possible.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, good find. I was led to the Panama papers trying to track the Riviera Group.. very odd company..

I tried to follow your lead a bit further and got to PH Pines in Panama https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/14061066

TrustTheTruth ago

What is the U.S. Brazil Business Council?

Who are the corporate members?

What was the Zika Epidemic and what did the collaborative efforts of council corporate members achieve?

Who controls the patents? Who controls the labs? Where are the labs located?

What is the deadliest animal in the world?

Who was named the best workplace in Brazil the last several years running?

Who opened the first public school in Fortaleza?

Who built a new First-of-its-kind "Sustainable School" with the state of Ceará?

Where is the world's most valuable resource located?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

What is The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability), and how is it measured?

What is the real mission of organizations including USAID, World Health Organization, Clinton Global Health Initiative, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Red Cross, United Way, Rotary International, UNICEF, the World Food Programme, World Food Bank, the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, FAO and others involved?

What is the Ministry of Environment?

What is the Paris Climate Accord?

What cities signed the Sanctuary letter given to Obama before he left office?

Where are the model Smart Cities?

What is the Wright Trail?

Who is next to Google in Chicago?

Why is Education Reform a central component linked with Global Health Initiatives?

What role do Rahm's three siblings play?

Why did Paul Ryan and Rahm Emanuel really resign?

What is the Chicago Council on Global Affairs?

What do the Aspen Institute and Brookings Institution do?

What is the Silk Road?

Who are the Pilgrims Society and what do they control?

Why must they control all aspects of Life beyond Cradle to Grave?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?



letsdothis3 ago

PS: Bono (real name Peter Hewson) is related to English barrister Barbara Hewson, a notorious pedophile apologist who campaigns to lower the age of consent in the UK https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1004620341463961600

think- ago

@swordfish69, please see parent. Matthew Freud invited Bono to sing at his daughter's birthday party IIRC.

Which makes sense when you take into account that he was a friend of Matthew's father, Sir Clement Freud, one of our usual suspects.

Do we know anything about Paul and Barbara's family? Parents, grandparents, siblings?

think- ago

Sorry, but to whom again is Barbara Hewson related to? A known pedo figure, wasn't it? Aargh, can't seem to remember atm. Thanks!

letsdothis3 ago

Read through the comments section of this post: https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2389485

think- ago

I will, thank you! :-)

think- ago

Yes, and he was friends with Balthus, who created pedophile art, and Clement Freud, one of our usual suspects.

letsdothis3 ago

Oh, we're deep in muck with this one.

Bono's ONE charity under fire for abuse allegations

One worker, a married woman in her mid-30s, claims Moyo pressured her to have sex with an older Tanzanian MP. When she refused, she was demoted and had her salary cut. Moyo said she “vehemently denies” the claims and says she is being smeared. She, in return, claims that other directors treated her “like their personal maid” and abused her in public. Workers say the abuse went on for years and bosses at the charity tried to cover up he allegations. Ex-staff says that nothing was done about their claims against the organization until after staff started complaining publicly on social media in November.

The organization, whose board includes high-profile figures such as David Cameron and Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg, has since admitted that there was “mistreatment and inaction” by former managers.

voat post: US Special Forces chief: I did a deal with #Bono: his #ONE foundation is a Special Ops "match made in heaven"

One Campaign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ONE_Campaign

ONE was founded in 2004 by a coalition of 11 non-profit humanitarian and advocacy organizations, including DATA, CARE, World Vision, Oxfam America, and Bread for the World, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, ONE announced that it would be merging with DATA.

DATA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DATA

Start-up funds came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, financier George Soros, and technology entrepreneur Edward W. Scott

voat post: BONO's 'ONE' Charity UNDER FIRE for Abuse Allegations / Remember > BONO was on David Geffen's Yacht w/ Obama, Oprah and Tom Hanks after Election

Lithuanian company linked to Bono fined after Paradise Papers revelations

The Irish singer, whose real name is Paul Hewson, was a passive minority investor in a Malta-based company which bought a shopping centre in north-eastern Lithuanian via a holding company in the country called Nude Estates 2.

letsdothis3 ago

Great find! I'll have a look at that when I have some time a bit later.

letsdothis3 ago

Just recording a chain of business links here.


The fight against corruption and illegal gambling has once again hit Brazilian President Lula da Silva. This time, the target is his older brother, Genival Inácio da Silva, better known as 'Vavá', charged with influence peddling in the executive branch and for prestige exploitation with the judiciary. Agents of the Federal Police searched his home yesterday, in the city of São Bernardo do Campo.

Genival Inácio da Silva, known as Vavá, the Brazilian president's elder brother, acted as an intermediary in favor of the Portuguese businessman Emídio Mendes, getting him meetings in the presidential palace with direct advisors to Lula and then to the oil company Petrobrás. The complaint, published today in Veja magazine, contradicts previous statements by the president that the brother was never an intermediary between businessmen and the government.

Santos - Portugal passed consulate for the Riviera Group? - http://des-consulados.blogspot.com/2009/02/santos-portugal-trespassou-consulado.html

The Luso-Portuguese newspaper Mundo Lusíada reports the passage from the Portuguese consulate in Santos to the new honorary consul, the billionaire Armênio Mendes (owner of a wealth of real estate in Baixada Santista) on January 27, 2009, ending the presence of the structure (of the public administration of Portugal) in the port city (and now also oil and tourism) of the Paulista coastline that had already been going for more than 150 years ..

We inquired as to whether the consulate moved to the Riviera Group, on the grounds that, to the best of our knowledge, Mr. Arménio Mendes will be the brother of Emídio Mendes, a native of Chão de Couce (District of Leiria). Brazil and in Portugal, connected to football (Académica de Coimbra and other clubs), as well as to such Riviera Group with real estate investment in Coimbra, hotel in Carcavelos, as well as many others in the Paulista coast.

  • see Riviera Group sites in Brazil > www.rivieragroup.com.br or in Portugal > www.rivierasgps.pt


The Portuguese Riviera group operates in the real estate, tourism, trade, services and energy sectors. According to its website, the Riviera Group (name of origin of the conglomerate) originated in Santos, coast of São Paulo, for 32 years. The group was responsible for the construction of shopping centers on the coast of São Paulo, hotels and condominiums. Today, it maintains investments in the tourism sector in several regions of Portugal but also has interests in gas distribution, through Nacionalgás, and wind energy generation.

very difficult to get info on the company.. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riviera_Group

Riviera Residence Service, which belonged first to the Riviera Group (which declared bankruptcy) , is a building that stands with works in the city of Santos , south coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil . If finalized, it will be one of the largest buildings in Brazil, being 35 floors and 119 meters high. The Riviera Residence Service is under construction since 2008, the place where was the Cine Indaia and Indaia Hotel in the city of Santos . The Cine Indaia and Hotel Indaia were very old and were demolished in 2007.

Since the demolition of the old Cine Indaia, the site has been under construction for almost 10 years. In addition, the works have already stopped in some newscasts, showing the concern of the population regarding the outbreaks of dengue. With many problems the Portuguese group transferred the work in 2011 to incorporator Strasbourg , which in turn was able to continue the works for only one year.

wayback machine https://web.archive.org/web/20110107082513/http://www.rivieragroup.com.br/noticias/noticia0009.php?lk=noticia

River Group Brasil blogspot: http://rivieragroupbrasil.blogspot.com/

related company http://www.massaguacu.com.br/

letsdothis3 ago

Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Corruption Partner Mired in Corruption Scandals

Brazil’s Superior Election Court is also looking into charges that Rousseff brought in money for her 2010 and 2014 elections through an illegal scheme involving state-owned oil giant Petrobras. Rousseff chaired the company’s board of directors from 2003 to 2010.

Rousseff claims that she knew nothing of the illegal Petrobras graft scheme, but other politicians implicated in the plan say that’s not the case.

One senator, a political ally of Rousseff who was arrested last year for trying to bribe Petrobras executives to keep quiet about his involvement, recently said that Rousseff "knew about everything" and "benefited from the scheme" she inherited from her predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.Prosecutors have already charged Lula for hiding his ownership of a beachfront penthouse apartment that was renovated by OAS, a construction company that saw three of its executives arrested last year for their role in the Petrobras bribery scheme.

The construction company has given between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and has been a partner of former President Bill Clinton in the Haitian relief effort he leads.

The Clinton Foundation has also made its presence known in Brazil. The 2013 Clinton Global Initiative conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, where Rousseff was featured as a speaker. The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Rousseff’s corruption scandals.

letsdothis3 ago

The Petrobas scandal even involves Haitian trafficking: Haiti’s Lead Export: Brazil’s New Slaves - http://archive.is/jJXma#selection-323.0-323.40

The sale of unskilled Haitian labor from sweatshops and sugarcane fields to traditional colonial powers is well documented. Less well known is the current dissipation of Haiti’s middle class toward the emerging powers in the United Nations’ so-called peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH), especially Brazil.

About 76,000 Haitians have migrated to Brazil since 2010. This exodus has reached a rate of about 75 Haitians per day and continues to accelerate. Ninety-three percent of the Haitian migrants are between 19 and 45 years old; seventy-seven percent are male. The demographics of this group alone should give one pause. Historically, young male migrants have been brutally exploited, especially for dangerous construction work, and treated as being expendable.

The 3,700-mile trek would begin with travel to the Dominican Republic; from there, the Haitians would be put on a flight to Ecuador, where a visa was not required. After this, they were taken by bus into Peru, where a visa was also not needed before 2012. From Peru, they would enter Brazil, in the northwestern state of Acre. Since a visa was required in Brazil, they would then travel by bus or taxi to the nearest office of the Brazilian Federal Police, usually in the city of Brasileia, and apply there for a visa. Over 40,000 Haitians have been trafficked in this way, starting with only 37 individuals in 2010; increasing rapidly to 1,175 during 2011; and continuing to accelerate to more than 9,000 for the first half of 2015.

Simultaneously with the start of the illegal traffic of Haitians, powerful Brazilian interests began to clamor for a legal admission of large numbers of Haitians, with support from human rights groups. At a senate hearing in late December 2011, several powerful senators with interests in construction lobbied vigorously for a liberalization of Haitian immigration. Among them was Senator Jorge Viana, whose brother, Tião Viana, was the governor of Acre. .. Mr. Tião Viana is now alleged to have been involved in the Petrobras scandal, a convoluted scheme to launder about $3.8 billion that had been embezzled over a decade, from inflated construction contracts, for bribes and kickbacks. Ms. Rousseff is under threat of impeachment for her failure to stem the corruption.

letsdothis3 ago

On Twitter searching under "Minha Casa Minha Vida" (for the My House My Life program), the first account which comes up is: EcoHouse Group https://twitter.com/EcoHouseUK

EcoHouse Group are a UK based property developer operating in Brazil. Our latest Minha Casa Minha Vida project is in Porto Alegre : http://www.montealegrebrazil.com


website: http://www.ecohousegroup.com/ (I cant see it.)

So, there last tweet was in October : Why Investment Companies Are Signing Up With eSignlite . They tweet a lot about a 5 Star resort Cape Verde. Most of their stuff doesn't seem to match with who they say they are.


EcoHouse Group Developments Ltd – in compulsory liquidation and EcoHouse Developments Ltd are defunct UK companies, registered in England and Wales.

The companies claimed to have been specialising in the construction of social housing through the Brazilian government's Minha Casa, Minha Vida programme; however, in August 2014 the Brazilian Embassy in Singapore (where Ecohouse attracted many investors) stated that the company had no relationship with the Brazilian government,[3][4][5] in November 2014 it appeared the company was not on the government's list of participants in the scheme, and the companies are subject to fraud investigations by the Brazilian police.

Another tweet from them shows their founder Anthony Armstrong Emery at MIPIM https://twitter.com/EcoHouseUK/status/444083944183451648 was liked by an account Diet4Fitness, check out the profile picture https://twitter.com/dieting4fitness . Both accounts are followed by the Saatchi Gallery.

None of this is adding up and I'm thinking this has the whiff of a spooks network. If anyone else wants to chime in on this please do. I'm just going to record anomalies until we work out what is going on.

Okay, so here is the company founder in Dubai: Housing ‘Godfather’ leaves £50m misery

Armstrong Emery, 37, enjoyed a lifestyle that included a sports car, a luxury flat and the ownership of two football clubs. It stands in sharp contrast to the lives now facing his investors.

Among them is Nerys Pearce, 33, who is confined to a wheelchair and lives in a bungalow in Ascot, Berkshire. She was paralysed in 2008 after a car pulled out in front of her motorbike. She invested £253,000 of her £1.2m settlement in EcoHouse, Armstrong Emery’s company, which was promising 20% returns.

The company quickly raked in about £50m from up to 1,500 investors in Britain and abroad. The minimum investment was set at £23,000 — the cost of building one “unit” of the social housing. But the scheme hit trouble last year and the money disappeared along with Armstrong Emery.

Armstrong Emery, who was born in west London, cites his business heroes as Sir Richard Branson and the American billionaire Donald Trump.

When he was living in Natal, northern Brazil, where the social housing developments were being built, he would travel in an armoured 4x4 accompanied by two other vehicles carrying armed bodyguards.

Armstrong Emery then decided to put enough money into a Natal football club, Alecrim FC, to become its president.

Football you say?

Anthony Armstrong Emery hoping to create AFC Wimbledon community spirit with AC Monza Brianza investment

It takes a special kind of faith (or madness) to buy two clubs. But this is exactly what tycoon Anthony Armstrong Emery has done. The British born international property developer is the owner of Brazilian club, Alecrim FC and as of last month Italian outfit A.C. Monza Brianza 1912.

Special fixture: Lawrence Goldsmith with AFC Wimbledon boss Neil Ardley

Tied in with his two clubs Armstrong Emery is launching innovative football academies which he says will give youngsters a rounded education, social skills and top quality coaching. He is planning to give trainees a better chance of making a career in the game rather than the current academies which he feels discard young hopefuls too quickly. Armstrong Emery invited League Two side AFC Wimbledon to Monza to re-create an Anglo-Italian cup game played in June 1976. Back then, Monza played the former Wimbledon, as part of the pre-season schedule.

AFC Wimbledon, huh... I've written about the pedophile football scandal in the UK.. wonder if AFC Wimbledon was on the list of 30 clubs that were under investigation? Ooops, yes... https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/sexual-abuse-in-football-the-response-from-each-london-club-when-asked-about-the-met-police-a3420291.html

Related voat post: Max Clifford,Mohammed Al-Fayed, the Shooting Star Chase children's hospice, Fulham Football Club and west London paedophiles

If anyone thinks that Emery was acting alone and able to buy his way into the multi-billion pound industry of British football then they're dumber than a box of frogs.

@think- we really need to dig into this.

Piscina ago

These are some accounts of the sexual abuse by John of God.

Bittencourt was fighting THIRTEEN Brazilian 'spiritual leaders' after hearing of 185 cases of sexual assault/rape . A lot people would have been happy to see her gone:

During the repercussion of the João de Deus case, Sabrina said she received at least 185 denunciations against 13 Brazilian spiritual leaders since September. Sabrina began to gather the reports after women reported alleged abuses committed by guru Sri Prem Baba.

Joao de Deus had 255 victims, all females between 9 and 67 years old.

John of God spent R$35 million in the days before his arrest and R$1.2million was found in his house The suitcase of money was found in a hidden wardrobe.

think- ago

Joao de Deus had 255 victims

The current number is 600 - and we will have to take into account that not all have come forward yet, there might be many, many more. :-/

Piscina ago

Yes, I realised afterwards the figure was much higher but at that time I was quoting the article. I should have made it clearer.

think- ago

@Shizy @bopper @new4now @darkknight111 @MolochHunter - you might want to read this excellent post!

think- ago

@3141592653 @baichu @maurice @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator - please come over, and help digging!

think- ago

Whoa, @letsdothis3, what a post!! This should get a 'Potential Lead' flair.

Will have to go now, but will be back in a couple of hours, and try to help digging.

Folks, we need more eyes on this!!! @sore_ass_losers @girlinashittycountry @ASolo @AppliedAspergers

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the support. I'm discovering a lot of stuff has been scrubbed from the internet, particularly when it comes to any US or UK companies involvement. I'm currently trying to go down a tricky rabbit hole. Any help would be appreciated.

letsdothis3 ago

Brazil's Lula should have political rights: U.N. Human Rights Committee

The United Nations Human Rights Committee, a panel of independent experts, on Friday said it had requested that the Brazilian government allow imprisoned former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to exercise his political rights as a presidential candidate.

Voat posts re UN Human Rughts Committee:

Paedophilia Normalisation Goes Global: UN Calls for Children to Have Access to Affordable Contraceptives

1987 Uncovered: UNICEF links to child-sex/espionage ring

derram ago

https://archive.ph/0c058 :

Lex Costa on Twitter: ""My Home, My Life" is a federal government program established under Lula. It focuses on ensuring more Brazilians can buy their first house. For years, it's been alleged that the program was used for fraudulent means, including buying of votes."

This has been an automated message.