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The_Raven ago


Why haven't you added the 'Debunked' flair to your thread like you said you would?

This is a crowdsourced investigation for a reason. Perhaps the community will debunk this? If so, I will give it the flair.

Will you please honor your word by labeling your thread as debunked and give Fiona this little bit of justice?

Vindicator ago

Really? Who debunked it? I saw one very small element of it debunked. I also personally saw Fiona pitch a bunch of baseless claims, fabrications and straight up lies about multiple people trying to help kids -- supporting the idea she is, indeed, fraudulent. And she's hidden the evidence of her BS by hiding her tweets.

This is Voat, not Facebook. Justice does not equal blindly accepting whatever someone says just because they've claimed victim status. Nor does Justice equal turning a blind eye to vicious, dishonest, hurtful behavior just because someone claims they're a victim. That uncritical attitude creates a giant window of opportunity to spread disinfo, attack those actually interdicting child predators, and sow confusion, drama and infighting in the community. The reason the community voted in the ruleset we have requiring evidence of all claims, as well as moderators to administer it, is to prevent exactly that kind of manipulation.

mintmachine ago

Looks like Vindicator will not back up his own statement and say which parts are not debunked. Par for the course. The Sawman, the Priest and the Fi Fi Dossier – Let’s Look at the Evidence [UPDATE]

mintmachine ago

Again I ask @vindicator - Which parts of the post you posted has Fiona not debunked? You posted it, you said it, please back that statement up otherwise you will just be seen as biased. Please back up your whole statmetn above or withdraw it, thankyou

mintmachine ago

What facts in the article pertaining to Fiona do you feel have not been debunked? @vindicator @The_Raven

The_Raven ago

I see him replying to others about Fiona, but doesn't seem to want to address your question. I think a thread needs to be created to address all evidence and viewpoints together. The subject matter is becoming too disjointed and scattered to come to any definitive conclusion about her.

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

When the questions hit too close to home in addition to the known patterns of the DS of using silence as the answer to people’s it isnt hard to imagine what team they are on.

mintmachine ago

Yes he does not seem interested in the truth, i wonder why he is a moderator of v/pizzagate?

iCUsusKunt ago

Because he has a badge, a gun and probably already demonstrated to what he is capable of in order to secure his position discreetly.

I am not saying Fiona is above ever being questioned, but i mean, Are people seriously fucking doubting her intent, honesty or capacity to discern and convey information? I personally have witnessed Fiona on multiple occasions make a point of mentioning her intellect mid interview when it wasn't called for at all. But you know what she is a fucking highly intelligent woman who was literally raped and tortured as a little girl not just for shits and gigs but also so some of the worlds biggest egomaniac "experts on the human mind" could demonstrate how fucking brilliant they were. Yet clearly they underestimated this little girl because she is no walking computer void of personality waiting for her next command. She's comes across as an outspoken, free thinking individual, with that kind of mentality that knows no surrender. She's a fucking Trooper! Seeing her make trivial jokes and laughing during an interview that also involved discussing some seriously dark shit (which IMO is a good way of staying balanced and not feeling emotions while talking about the fucked up shit that use to happen) has got to make ya smile she made it through that with intelligence and sense of humor in tact. She also did not just hide away ashamed of all the vile shit done to her (like i probably would of) she decided she had fish to fry and cant nobody deny she fried some big fucking fish! including many that were not on anyone's radar. That's a list i think would be worthy of being made for reference.

Excuse my incoherent rant but that's my style.

TL:DR Anyone who has been paying attention the last few years especially here in pedo safe haven Jewstralia AKA CIA/Mossad stomping ground, should easily see that "Vindicator" is hardcore shilling for shekels while failing to pass it off as healthy skepticism.

argosciv ago

Oh, what a shock to see these two pushing the "fear the Voat Angel" narrative: (oh look, a flustered double reply due to "Whether Q is a LARP or not is really none of my concern as he/she/it hasn't advocated for anything dangerous")

Funny that ES is complaining that he might end up with 0 CCP, after spending months threatening me, lying about me and brigading me through sockpuppets and manipulating other users and recently reviving the effort to do so. Such a hypocrite.

@Crensch @kevdude

Vindicator ago

He must be really worried, now that we've exposed his sock puppets. He can't upvote himself with impunity and longer.

The_Raven ago

That uncritical attitude creates a giant window of opportunity to spread disinfo

Yes, and you opened this exact door when you SKIMMED the docs supplied by a Twitter user, then posted it here without offering absolutely no critical interpretation and now that Fiona has supplied evidence to thwart the claims in the docs, you just keep beating the drum that she can't be trusted. I think it's YOU who can't be trusted. As you can see from your original thread, any investigator bringing forth info is down voted quite a bit while everyone gloating about Fiona being a fraud is up voted many times over. Yea, justice reigns supreme in this sub. So many people on the up and up as we can all clearly see.

I think it's pretty despicable of you to not add the debunked flair when Fiona herself offered evidence. Instead, you want to play tit for tat by pretending that a thread can only get the 'debunked' flair when a Voat member supplies the evidence. That's really shitty. Maybe this needs to be brought to the entire Voat community to see what they think of your "standards"?