kestrel9 ago

I'm adding this link related to human organ trafficking

think- ago

Just found this today -

Call for retraction of 400 scientific papers amid fears organs came from Chinese prisoners

kestrel9 ago

It is the first time a study has tracked the progress of the transplant community in blocking unethical research.

Just think if Hitlery had been elected it would have been censored.

So when there's pinch in the supply chain there's always work arounds when that much money is at stake. No wonder Democrats are the party of open borders.

The March arrest in Mexico’s Michoacán state of Knights Templar cartel member Manuel Plancarte Gaspar on suspicion of organ trafficking has brought this under-researched and mostly overlooked form of human trafficking into the spotlight. Plancarte Gaspar is alleged to have been part of a cartel ring that would target people – particularly children – for kidnapping to facilitate the harvesting and sale of their organs. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that the Knights Templar cartel, which no longer counts drug trafficking as its primary source of income, has turned to organ trafficking. It is, after all, an incredibly lucrative trade, with trafficked kidneys selling for about $150,000 each and hearts pulling in as much as $1.5 million apiece. The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking has identified three potential ways trafficking for organ trade takes place. Firstly, traffickers sometimes force or deceive victims into giving up an organ. This is what Plancarte Gaspar and the Knights Templar have been accused of doing. Second, some victims will agree to sell their organs but are then taken advantage of – they are either not paid or are not paid the agreed-upon price. An organ trafficking ring broken up in 2013 that was operating out of a medical clinic in Kosovo engaged in these sorts of practices, promising their donor victims £12,500 per kidney and then simply dumping them, fresh surgery wounds and all, at the local airport without paying them. Finally, some victims are given surgery for an unrelated – and possibly fabricated – ailment, during which time one or more of their organs are harvested without their knowledge.

According to UN.GIFT, a host of offenders is involved no matter which method is used – the recruiter who identifies the potential victim, the staff of the hospital or medical clinic where the surgery is taking place, the doctors who are performing the surgery, the middlemen and contractors, the buyers of the organs, and the banks where the organs are stored. As a result, it is almost impossible to fully uncover the entire racket whenever an individual like Plancarte Gaspar is arrested for organ trafficking, meaning it is very difficult to stop this illicit trade.

Can't they just store organs at abortion clinic related facilities? No ones allowed to pry in the sacrosanct abortion industry.

kestrel9 ago

Unbelievable, great find, thank you!

While the government says 10,000 transplants occur each year, hospital data shows between 60,000 to 100,000 organs are transplanted each year. The report provides evidence that this gap is being made up by executed prisoners of conscience.

"PER YEAR" so between 50,000 - 90,000 PER YEAR based on this article. That's just what's reported.

While China vowed to stop using organs from executed prisoners in 2015, no new law or regulation has been passed banning the practice. Humanitarian groups including Amnesty International have voiced concerns that the practice is continuing.

Notice they imply the organs are harvested after the prisoner is dead?

In December, the Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China issued its interim report, finding: “The tribunal’s members are all certain – unanimously, and sure beyond reasonable doubt – that in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practised for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.”

The tribunal’s full report is due in 2019.


Kahlypso79 ago


Some weird mysterious reason Kidneys all over the world have started failing expotentially....I havent figured this one out yet. I'm thinking maybe pesticides..

Mysterious kidney disease goes global Mar. 31, 2016 , 3:30 PM "A rash of similar outbreaks in other countries has underscored that it is a global problem. Some rice-growing regions of Sri Lanka have their own epidemic, and the disease is rampant in sugar-producing regions of Mexico and Central America (Science, 11 April 2014, p. 143). It has also been reported in Egypt"

Occupational hazard Science 01 Apr 2016 "Farm workers in southern India are dying from chronic kidney disease, and no one knows what is causing it. But a rash of similar outbreaks in other countries, including Central America, Sri Lanka, and Egypt, has underscored that it is a global problem. Public health experts and researchers are alarmed and baffled. In Central America, which has been hit the hardest, the leading hypothesis is that this is an occupational disease, caused by chronic exposure to heat and dehydration in the cane fields. But in India, as in Sri Lanka and Central America, researchers are pursuing a wide range of ideas, including contaminants in drinking water, excessive use of over-the-counter painkillers, and exposure to pesticides. "

2016 USRDS ANNUAL DATA REPORT |VOLUME 2–ESRD IN THE UNITED STATES Chapter 13: International Comparisons 2016.

"Taiwan, the Jalisco region of Mexico, and the U.S. continue to report the highest incidence of treated ESRD, at 455, 421, and 370 patients per million general population (PMP), as they have done for the past decade " "From 2001 to 2014 the prevalence of treated ESRD steadily increased in all countries with reported data. Thelargest proportionate increases in ESRD prevalence were in the Philippines, Thailand, and the Jalisco region ofMexico, ranging from 343% to 1092% (Reference Table N.4)." "The greatest increases in the incidence of treated ESRD were reported for Thailand (1009%), Bangladesh (643%), Russia (291%), the Philippines (190%), Malaysia (162%), the Republic of Korea (101%), and the Jalisco region of Mexico (93%)"


Excavating the Organ Trade: An Empirical Study of Organ Trading Networks in Cairo, Egypt. Published: 27 August 2016

Migrants 'lured with sex' into Egypt's kidney trade Date of publication: 3 September, 2016

Diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study First Online: 03 August 2017 "DALY rates of diabetes in 2015 were significantly higher than the expected rates based on Socio-demographic Index" "Our study showed a large and increasing burden of diabetes in the region"

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Current Status and Unmet Needs in Kidney Transplantation in Southeast Asia 2017 Jun 23 "Asia is the most populated region in the world but, conversely, has the lowest rate of organ tx and the greatest growth rate for numbers of people entering chronic and end-stage organ failure" "This discrepancy in morbidity and organ availability and vast social, economic, and political diversity in the region has fostered organ trafficking in Southeast Asia"

Human Trafficking and Trauma in the Digital Era: The Ongoing Tragedy of the Trade in Refugees from Eritrea Published : 2017

"Since 2011 when organ trafficking was first associated with human trafficking for ransom in the Sinai, more and more evidence has become available about organ harvesting, including from Eritreans.

Kahlypso79 ago

10% of Qatar population suffers from kidney diseases March 11 2015

21 April 2015 : Proceedings of the Workshop on Organ Harversting in China ->

Nepal's Organ Trail: How traffickers steal kidneys July 15, 2015

Got a kidney disease? You're not welcome in Qatar Date of publication: 19 January, 2016 "Expatriates with kidney diseases will face being deported from Qatar, a senior medical official in the Gulf state told local media." "The move will also reduce the strain on Qatar's health service, the official added. Between 250 and 300 new patients in Qatar require dialysis every year, said medical officials." "A 2013 study found that 113 people living in Qatar had HIV or AIDs, one of the lowest rates in the world. Kidney disease, by contrast, is thought to affect around 13 percent of Qatar residents."

2016 : Exposing China's Lucrative Organ Transplant Industry

27 04 2016 - Written Declaration on stopping Organ harvesting from prisoners of concience in China

Kahlypso79 ago

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (complie later into Transhuman)

Human organs 'could be grown in animals within a year' 20 Jun 2013


Organ trafficking: a deadly trade 01 Jul 2013

Egypt’s chaos fuels Africa’s human trafficking August 2013

Trafficking for Organ Trade: The Often-Overlooked Form of Human Trafficking June 2014

Kidney trafficking between Cambodia and Thailand sparks fears of new organ market Published Oct 27, 2014,

We traveled to Kavre, a tiny district close to Kathmandu, and what activists and authorities say is a ground zero for the black market organ trade in Nepal. Here, kidney trafficking rackets -- well organized and well funded -- dupe the poor and uneducated into giving away a piece of themselves.

25/03/2015 Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs

kestrel9 ago

Thank you for all the exceptional research! A lot of reading to do. It really conveys the scope of the issue across the world, run by global cabal's human poaching cartel, hidden under the auspices of NGOs no doubt.

Kahlypso79 ago

I have no doubt.. that Thaçi was being controlled by higher-ups. However.. I'm sure that there will be proper public investigation and everything will come to light...... "As well as having close ties to the Clintons, Hashim Thaci can be linked to the lobbying firm the Podesta Group. Under the Thaci government, the Podesta Group was hired by the Ministry Economic Development for their services. The Podesta group was paid $50,000 a month after signing a contract in March 2012." "Among the team assigned to lobby in Kosovo was Shawn Sullivan, who was brought in from another lobbying firm. From 1995 to 2003, Sullivan served in various capacities at the US Departments of State and Defense. In 2001 he was appointed political advisor to the NATO Commander General in Kosovo and was later the NATO Secretary General’s personal representative to Serbia.".. Frank Wisner Lobbying for Kosovo internationally through Patton Boggs: Wisner is an old Kosovo hand. The former US Secretary of State under George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, appointed him the US’s special representative to the Kosovo Status Talks in 2005.

The Clintons and their inner circle have historical connections to the KLA and continued relations with the former head of the KLA, Hasim Thaci, despite substantial evidence that the miltant group participated in organ harvesting, heroine trafficking and other criminal, 'mafia-like', activities. Meanwhile, the CIA supported and funded islamic terrorists in Afghanistan, who later supported the KLA in Kosovo and together allied with the US/NATO bombing campaign in the region. The Clinton administration seemed to have no problem working with al-Queda and the KLA as long as they achieved US objectives.

Kahlypso79 ago

Sweetheartt.. If only you knew how evil this world is. Human trafficking can basically be boiled down to.. workforce (ie go labour in that field over there or house slave in the manoir.) Sex trafficking (adult and child) organ trafficking (starting to get out of control due to expontential raise in demand) human test subjects for pharmaceutical companies (they saw how much progress in so little time was made during the 40s in Germany). If you like reading.. here.. (sorry its a long one and will jump about a bit..)

All links have been broken on purpose. As some link to domains that are banned from Voat. So.. whatever.

FOREWARNING - due to the nature of the people involved, the links below refer to both ENGLISH and FRENCH articles. I'm sorry for those who have difficulty with the french..I can't translate it all. For the version TL:DR : United Nations->>Kosovo Organ smuggling.Arch of Zoe scandal leading into Pharmaceutical companies in Africa (ie WHY is Sarkozy SO interested in Arche of Zoe..his brother works for a pharmaceutical company involved with AIDS treatements..then as context (not necessarily related to organ trafficking, but more on forced vaccines and some interesting info about AIDS, EBOLA and Bill Gates...People involved in Kosovo trafficking..Bernard Kouchner, Helga Flores (bring all children available) then onto Haiti and Laura Silsbury.


The UN in Yougoslavia...because lets face it.. Sex trade, human trafficking, organs cut from bodies.. this is all being protected at high levels.. For those who are new and are just hearin about this for the first time... For a brief history of ORGAN TRAFFICKING..


This article explains very well how the CIA trained up the rebel forces in Afganistan and moved onto Yugoslavia.. http://www.glo

WOMAN SACKED FOR REVEALING UN LINKS WITH SEX TRADE August 7, 2002, Wednesday [Posted 13 August 2002]


On the other hand.. it wasnt as if the United Nations wasnt aware that there were trafficking problems and that children were getting scooped up into sex trade/organ removal.. Report date : 2002 - The Experience of Refugee Children in LIBERIA, GUINEA and SIERRA LEONE (remember LIBERIA) https://web.arc I have no doubt.. that Thaçi was being controlled by higher-ups. However.. I'm sure that there will be proper public investigation and everything will come to light...... "As well as having close ties to the Clintons, Hashim Thaci can be linked to the lobbying firm the Podesta Group. Under the Thaci government, the Podesta Group was hired by the Ministry Economic Development for their services. The Podesta group was paid $50,000 a month after signing a contract in March 2012." http://www.bal "Among the team assigned to lobby in Kosovo was Shawn Sullivan, who was brought in from another lobbying firm. From 1995 to 2003, Sullivan served in various capacities at the US Departments of State and Defense. In 2001 he was appointed political advisor to the NATO Commander General in Kosovo and was later the NATO Secretary General’s personal representative to Serbia.".. Frank Wisner Lobbying for Kosovo internationally through Patton Boggs: Wisner is an old Kosovo hand. The former US Secretary of State under George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, appointed him the US’s special representative to the Kosovo Status Talks in 2005.

The Clintons and their inner circle have historical connections to the KLA and continued relations with the former head of the KLA, Hasim Thaci, despite substantial evidence that the miltant group participated in organ harvesting, heroine trafficking and other criminal, 'mafia-like', activities. Meanwhile, the CIA supported and funded islamic terrorists in Afghanistan, who later supported the KLA in Kosovo and together allied with the US/NATO bombing campaign in the region. The Clinton administration seemed to have no problem working with al-Queda and the KLA as long as they achieved US objectives.

Kahlypso79 ago

The BBC related that Amnesty International had also published a report which described U.N. peacekeepers fueling demand for sex trafficking, as well as sometimes participating in sex trafficking networks in the Kosovo area. That groups like Amnesty International, UN internal documents, and Dick Marty via the Council of Europe would all raise such serious concerns is alarming. It paints a very clear picture, in light of the later Zoe’s Ark and Silsby scandals, of aid work and exploitation too often going hand-in-hand, with abuses taking place under the unfortunate protection provided by severe lack of accountability and sometimes diplomatic immunity associated with the UN.

In order to understand WHY the UN is doing all these horrible things.. It would be interesting to read up on this. The United Nations Meditation Room.. Remember - Lucis Trust is a satanic publication house that has undue influence in the UN. Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller; Norman Cousins; Robert S. McNamara; Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow); Henry Clausen, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite and Henry Kissinger. Here is an archived page from the Windsor Bank, where they showed they're affiliation with LUCIS TRUST. Once it was remarked upon, Windsor Bank scrubbed Internet as hard as they could.... (oops.. Ar-chive motherfu**er!)

CONCLUSION : Lucis Trust works towards furthering the cause of Satanism in the world and it has some pretty influential members as part of it's board.

Arche of Zoe.. France's "Laura Silbury incident".. 2007 - French NGO tried to steal 107 children from Sierra Leone during the Dafur crisis. This is important to see the involvement of French President Sarkozy, working HARD to sweep everything under the rug and let's not talk about it again. The reason? His brother works for BioPharma

The 2007 Zoe’s Ark scandal was one of the first of a string of NGO related cases of misconduct which resulted in accusations from the President of Chad that the NGO had been intending to sell the children to human trafficking and organ trafficking networks.

The charity’s (Arche de Zoe) leader, Eric Breteau, soon turned the group’s attention towards conflict in Darfur. The BBC reported that the children recovered from Zoe’s Ark were healthy, specifying that the children were not being treated for any serious illnesses or injuries. According to NBC News, Zoe’s Ark workers had presented the children as ill and injured by applying bandages to non-existant wounds. This suggested that Zoe’s Ark had intentionally faked injuries on the bodies of healthy children, possibly to hide their identity and origin. Furor was heightened when it emerged that most of the children recovered from Zoe’s Ark originated from areas not involved in the Darfur conflict. The vast majority of those children were between the ages of three and five years old. Outrage surrounding the scandal intensified when it was revealed that the 103 children recovered from the charity represented only a tiny fraction of the total number the charity planned to remove under such controversial circumstances. According to the Berkley Center for Peace, Religion and World Affairs, Zoe’s Ark had intended to remove as many as 10,000 children from the area during the single operation in Chad. Six Zoe’s Ark workers were charged with acting illegally as an adoption intermediary, facilitating illegal entry into France, and fraud in regard to hundreds of families who had expected to adopt children. Despite receiving Presidential pardons in Chad, members of the charity were eventually convicted on related charges in France. During these French proceedings, Zoe’s Ark leader Eric Breteau was described by a witness as a “powerful manipulator.” In addition to legal charges, serious accusations were leveled at Zoe’s Ark by Chad’s President, Idriss Deby. He stated that some of the children would face a darker fate than being sold to French families in illegal adoptions. The BBC reported Deby’s statement: “Their aim is to kidnap the children from their parents, to steal the children from their parents and sell them to pedophile organizations in Europe, and even perhaps to kill them and sell their organs.”

Deby’s allegations echoed sentiments expressed by Haiti’s Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellerive in the wake of the Silby scandal. Less than a month after Laura Silsby and her associates were arrested in Haiti on charges of child trafficking, Bellerive told CNN that organ trafficking of children and adults was taking place in the country due to demand for “all types of organs.” His statement specified groups participating in this activity included NGO’s taking children to the United States, a possible allusion to the Silsby case, in the same breath that he described organ and child trafficking. The intervention of then-French president Nicholas Sarkozy on the behalf of Zoe’s Ark only served to increase speculation surrounding the event. Die Spiegel reported that Sarkozy flew Spanish flight attendants and three French journalists back from Chad in his official jet on the same day Sarkozy met with Chad’s President. According to Time, those flown back to France by Sarkozy had been under investigation in Chad at the time of their repatriation. Sarkozy’s intervention fueled controversy in Chad; The Guardian reported claims that the Zoe’s Ark charity had enjoyed the backing of Cécilia Sarkozy.

Kahlypso79 ago

Sarkozy and the Ark of Zoe. https://www.egaliteetreconc

who..organised Arche of Zoe, now these guys werent some mom and pop operation lets go rescue the little black kids from Darfour.. these guys had access to military aircraft.. who were accused of organ trafficking. You could almost have made a case for them being inspired by DYNCORP and Kosovo. . . . . and who was UN convoy to Kosovo for France?? Bernard Kouchner..

https://s1.le (does he look happy to be there?? Remember.. he's part of the Order of the Golden Fleece whilst he is President..well. Prince of Andorre..)

Sarkozy and the Ark of Zoe. https://www.egaliteetreconcili When the famous case of L'Arche de Zoé broke out, President Sarkozy curiously enough, did not come to the rescue of child victims, nor abused families, but to the rescue of child traffiquers. Why ? To protect who? Why did Nicolas Sarkozy go to Chad to look for French journalists and Spanish hostesses? Why did the French president announce, loud and clear, that he would go out and search for the members of the "Arche de Zoé" association, whatever they did, thus turning a molehill into a mountain. (my own note, from remembering watching it play out.. : The Chadians were just going to throw the members of Arc Zoe into prison for the rest of their lives and gratify the outrage of the Chadian people, whose children were being stolen..they didnt ask for Sarkozy to come swooping in) Was it awkwardness due to the haste, or does the affair of "the Ark of Zoe" hide another matter even more serious, and much more gloomy, which would have precipitated the French president into making an international blunder ? Would there be overlying interests between the traffiquing of Chadian children to Europe, and the pharmaceutical industry, and the business community? Every passing day sees new questions. Why and how did the association L'Arche de Zoé benefit from Access All Areas with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense or even the Ministry of the Interior? How was L'Arche de Zoé's association able to use Transal planes from the French army to transport its equipment from N'Djamena to Abéché? Why did the French Ministry of Defense know the Boeing's flight plan chartered by Eric Breteau, the president of l'Arche de Zoé? The Boeing lands at Abéché, which is an airfield under Chadian and French military control, with some French officers in the control tower. It is from Abéché, that, the dirty and wounded children were to embark on the plane parked at the end of runway. Is it possible that the quite amazing privileges and advantages which Zoe's Ark benefited from, cause President Sarkozy to become personally involved in the affair? Could it be related to the troubled financing of the association l'Arche de Zoé? This case raises so many questions, that some people are wondering if behind this bland humanitarian association, there 's hiding a case of a different magnitude, a pharmaceutical business experimenting on patients that arent at all voluntary. The association l'Arche de Zoé is an initiative of a French organization Paris Biotech Santé. It is funded by a pharmaceutical development company BioAlliance Pharma, who has François Sarkozy, as vice-chairman of the supervisory board. Some people wonder whether BioAlliance Pharma, which conducts research on AIDS and performs therapeutic trials, would not have a connection with the case of Bulgarian nurses, whose release had already been negotiated by the Sarkozy family. (( What are the real activities of BioAlliance Pharma, including President Sarkozy's brother?

The company is developing drugs to treat diseases described as a thousand times more virulent in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa than here. To develop these treatments the company practices experiments on patients, as for example for Loramic, five hundred and forty patients spread over forty different sites around the world. Stéphanie Lefèvre, Secretary General of L'Arche de Zoé, is Deputy Director of Paris Biotech Santé. And François Sarkozy, the president's brother, is among the members of the evaluation committee of this body specializing in bio-medical research. Hence the issues that swell on the web. Would there be a relationship between these pharmacological societies, and the intervention of President Sarkozy in Chad. It is like how Alzheimer's disease, suddenly became the great French national cause, immediately after the election of Nicolas Sarkozy. This surprise statement would have something to do with the fact that his brother, François Sarkozy, sits at AEC Partners, whose main client is the American Pfeizer, world leader in the pharmaceutical industry, and specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.

In 2011, Nigeria sued giant Pfeizer, who allegedly quoted me as saying: "Illegally carried out in 1996 the clinical trial of one drug, Trovan, out of two hundred children" end quote . The inventor of Viagra secretly used children as guinea pigs, to test new molecules, under the guise of humanitarian aid. Eleven children died during these tests. Others have suffered serious consequences: deafness, paralysis, brain damage, blindness. Nigeria is claiming $ 10 billion from Pfeizer. The Washington Post revealed the scandal. (Own note - dont know if they got 10 billion form Rothschild and co..

The Belgian paper "Sept sur Sept" also questions the role of Paris Biotech Santé, where Stéphanie Lefèvre works, who is also the secretary general of Zoé's Ark, and François Sarkozy, the president's brother.
Quote "L'Arche de Zoé is not a story of amateurs. They are very professionally organized, and do not lack funds and support of any kind. The so-called "small" association seems to have prepared this operation in Chad, with many relationships of influence, and technical and financial means. End of quote.

L'agence de François Sarkozy rachetée par Publicis "20 December 2010 : François Sarkozy's agency bought by Publicis" - THis is the older brother of Nicholas Sarkozy "El Presidenté Napoleon 4" https://www.challe

Publicis announced, on Monday, December 20, the acquisition of Healthcare Consulting, for an undisclosed amount, a health strategy consulting agency specializing in the field of health founded by one of Nicolas Sarkozy's brothers. The agency of a dozen people, based in Paris and also based in New York, will be renamed Publicis Healthcare Consulting and will continue to be led by its founders, President François Sarkozy, younger brother of the President of the Republic, and Yannick Sabatin, General manager. Healthcare Consulting's clients include GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, *Sanofi-Aventis and Saint Jude Medical Laboratories, as well as the trade association Leem. Leader in the field of health communication and strategy consulting

"The acquisition of Healthcare Consulting reinforces Publicis Groupe's leading position in the healthcare communication and strategy consulting sector," says the French advertising group. In 2010, Publicis strengthened its position in the healthcare communications sector by acquiring In-Sync in North America in March, Resolute and Elevator in the United Kingdom in May and Digital District in Germany in December. According to estimates by ZenithOptimedia, a consulting subsidiary of Publicis, the pharmaceutical sector accounts for 9% of global advertising expenditure, or $ 41 billion in 2010,

Sarkozy, whilst he was President of France.. what does he do? He buys a ~~billion~~ (ok not a billion.. 94 million..)doses of H1N1 flu (remember that scare??) m/content/b2b61aae-f962-11de-80dc-00144feab49a

Kahlypso79 ago

Several pharmaceutical manufacturers, led by Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis, face the prospect of significantly lower flu vaccine sales than forecast as a growing number of governments seek to renegotiate purchases of unused stocks " "The French opposition Socialist party called for a parliamentary inquiry into what it described as the “fiasco” of the country’s 94m shots of H1N1 vaccine, saying the €869m ($1.25bn, £777m) cost had largely benefited the pharmaceutical companies.....Take-up of the swine flu vaccine has been lower than expected, partly because (of) suspicion about side effects.... Side Effects of vaccines
"The other brands containing thiomersal are Fluarix by GlaxoSmithKline," Effective Vaccines "The preliminary findings "demonstrated no or very low effectiveness," against flu...."

One may wonder why was Sarkozy so determined to spend over a billion dollars on flu vaccines that werent needed, dont work, and probably make us into Autists..

"Légion d’Honneur: Quand Sarkozy récompense ses Amis et les pires Lobbies" "06 January 2012 : Legion of Honor: When Sarkozy rewards his Friends and the worst Lobbies"

So.. who got themselves a Legion Of Horror badge of entitlement and self importance....see any names that we've already recognised??? Pharmaceutical lobby - Director of ** AVENTIS PHARMA SA **: Mr. Lhernould (Gilles, Albert, Raymond), Vice President in a pharmaceutical group; 29 years of service. - Director (endocrinologist) at ** GSK **: Mrs. Richard-Lordereau, born Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), director in a pharmaceutical group; 26 years of service. -Source Cofounder with Gérard Bapt Club Hippocrates (parliamentary club funded by ** GSK **): - Director at ** GlaxoSmithKline **: Mrs. Richard-Lordereau, born Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), director in a pharmaceutical group; 26 years of service. -This association for innovation and medical research is called the LIR. It is one of the largest pharmaceutical lobbies representing foreign pharmaceutical companies. - Group Research and Development ** Sanofi **: Ms. Liéto, born Haimeur (Maliqua), senior executive in the research and development department of a pharmaceutical group; 27 years of service.

Kahlypso79 ago

Context : Pharmaceutical companies in Africa : this has nothing to do with organ/child trafficking (at least not directly.. but I dont like Big Pharma and I'd like to do a little : PS concerning AIDS and EBOLA

1987.. Smallpox Vaccine 'triggered' Aids Virus ..

The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African states which top the league table of most-affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of Aids to the US. It also provides an explanation of how the infection was spread more evenly between males and females in Africa than in the West and why there is less sign of infection among five to 11-year-olds in Central Africa. "Leading AIDS researcher Joep Lange of the University of Amsterdam’s Academic Medical Center and World Health Organization spokesman Glenn Thomas were among the victims of the Malaysia Airlines flight shot down over Ukraine on July 17. Some HIV health advocates were also reportedly among the dead who had been en route to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Australia." "Lange was also an important advocate for providing affordable AIDS medication to African countries, stating at one point that "(i)f we can get cold Coca-Cola and beer to every remote corner of Africa, it should not be impossible to do the same with drugs""

US Bio-warfare Laboratories In West Africa Are The Origins Of The Ebola Epidemic. By Aggeliki Dimopoulou

EBOLA - Man-made bioweapon.. Made from Polio and smallpox vacciens targetting and destroying T Cells..

The outbreak of Ebola was facilitated by the US government and will infect the population of America by design for the purpose of profit, depopulation, and the introduction of martial law."

*** Human Ebola Virus Species and Compositions and Methods Thereof : patent n° : US20120251502A1 Inventor ...
Jonathan S. Towner - These guys will make a killing if a Vaccine against Ebola becomes necessary...

2011 - 131 African Children Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Do Bill Gates and Paul Offit Approve?

2011 - Gates Calls for a Final Push to Eradicate Polio

One has to wonder what the Ebola they thought they were doing when GSK did this.

2014 - Danger: GlaxoSmithKline Dumps 45 Litres of Polio Virus into River

Kahlypso79 ago

October 18, 2014 - Obama Fights Ebola With A Czar and Soldiers

2014 - U.S. is Responsible for the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Liberian Scientist (refers to infection created in Guatamala of Syphilis by US doctors in order to test the effects of penicillin)

Official: U.S. military’s response to Ebola hampered by lack of expertise with virus "More than half of the epidemic’s deaths (1,224) and nearly half of all cases (2,046) have been in Liberia" (remember LIBERIA?)

But why all the interest in LIBERIA??
2012 : Liberia and her OIL.. Chevron and Exxonmobil...>>>

SIDE NOTE - IMPORTANT : whilst we're talking about evil PHARMACUETICAL COMPANIES ...

Kahlypso79 ago

historical context :

Morphine was first isolated from opium in 1805 by German pharmacist, Wilhelm Sertürner. In CHINA in 1839, the Emperor, Tao Kwang, ordered his minister Lin Tse-hsu to deal with the opium problem. Lin requested help from Queen Victoria, but was ignored. As a result, the Emperor confiscated 20,000 barrels of opium and detained some foreign traders, many of whom were British. The Chinese believed that because their ceramics and silk technologies were superior to their British counterparts that their naval ships would also be. They were wrong. The British retaliated to this interference with their drug trade by attacking the port-city of Canton. This was the beginning of what would become known as the 'First Opium War'. It was launched by the biggest, richest drug cartel that the world has ever known; the British Empire. When the Chinese were defeated, they had no choice but to sign the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. They were required to allow the trade of opium, to make large payments to the British, and even to open five new ports to the foreign drug trade. They were also forced to give Hong Kong to Britain In 1856, the Second Opium War began and ended, with the Chinese being defeated once more. By the end of the nineteenth century, an estimated quarter of the male population of China was addicted to the enhanced opium. In the United States, many of the early Americans cultivated their own opium. Thomas Jefferson cultivated opium at his garden in Monticello. Warren Delano worked for Russell & Company and was instrumental in importing Opium to instigate an Opium dependance on the Chinese population. In 1851 he settled in Newburgh, N.Y. There he eventually gave his daughter Sara in marriage to a well-born neighbor, James Roosevelt, the father of Franklin Roosevelt. In 1874, an English pharmacist, C. R. Alder Wright had boiled morphine and acetic acid together, producing diacetylmorphine. Diacetylmorphine was synthesized and marketed commercially by the German pharmaceutical giant, Bayer. In 1898, Bayer launched the best-selling drug-brand of all time, Heroin.

2015 - "Former Blackwater gets rich as Afghan drug production hits record high"

2017 - "FDA Lies About Kratom Again to Foster Opioid Epidemic" "The White House was equally unaware of the bill’s import when President Barack Obama signed it into law, according to interviews with former senior administration officials.. Michael Botticelli, who led the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy at the time, said neither Justice nor the DEA objected to the bill, removing a major obstacle to the president’s approval... “We deferred to DEA, as is common practice,” he said. The bill also was reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget. “Neither the DEA nor the Justice Department informed OMB about the policy change in the bill,” a former senior OMB official with knowledge of the issue said recently. The DEA’s top official at the time, acting administrator Chuck Rosenberg, declined repeated requests for interviews. Loretta E. Lynch, who was attorney general at the time, declined a recent interview request. Obama also declined to discuss the law. His spokeswoman, Katie Hill, referred reporters to Botticelli’s statement.

Kahlypso79 ago


Questions raised by the Zoe’s Ark and Silsby scandals regarding human and organ trafficking were fueled by connections in both incidents to Bernard Kouchner. In the Zoe’s Ark incident, French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, Rama Yade, oversaw aspects of the case and served at the time under Kouchner. The Guardian reported that Kouchner also personally contacted Idriss Deby during the Zoe’s Ark debacle to express “solidarity with the children.”

07/12/2007 - "Arche de Zoé: Breteau charge Rama Yade et Bernard Kouchner"

"Le président de l’Arche de Zoé vise nommément Bernard Kouchner, son «étonnant silence» sur l’affaire, lui qui avait fait du «drame du Darfour» la «priorité de son mandat». La lettre mentionne également une rencontre en juin dernier entre Eric Breteau et un proche conseiller de Bernard Kouchner, «Laurent Contini». Ce dernier aurait déclaré à l’époque: «Votre projet de sauvetage des orphelins du Darfour est intéressant, il va sans doute provoquer une crise internationale et une réunion du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, ce qui donnera une nouvelle légitimité au ministre Kouchner de s’exprimer sur le sujet du Darfour après le fiasco du “corridor humanitaire”» que l’ex-French doctor avait évoqué" "Au-delà des responsabilités juridiques qui pèsent sur les acteurs de l’Arche de Zoé, y a-t-il une responsabilité morale dans cet imbroglio ? Oui. Elle repose sur les épaules de ceux qui, forts de leur statut intellectuel et de leur présence sur la scène publique, ont installé l’idée que tous les enfants de cette région étaient à court terme condamnés à mort et qu’une guerre génocidaire était en cours. C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’on peut lire sur le site de L’Arche de Zoé : « 800 000 enfants vont mourir avant la fin de l’année… » Des enfants broyés, démembrés, jetés dans les puits : ce sont des images évoquées par des gens comme Bernard Kouchner et Bernard-Henri Lévy qui se réclament d’une expérience de terrain et qui, de retour à Paris, mobilisent afin d’élever le niveau de conscience en vue de provoquer une intervention armée internationale au Darfour."

CNN reported in 1999 that a UN human rights official stated that human rights abuses had occurred “in the presence of UNMIK,” which Kouchner headed when he served as head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) during the conflict. The CNN report was based on statements made by Dick Marty, who called for further investigation into claims that the KLA under Hashim Thaci’s leadership had participated in organ trafficking. The Guardian wrote in 2010 that: “Kosovo’s prime minister is the head of a “mafia-like” Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe.” These strongly worded claims were made in a Council of Europe report that relied in part on information from the FBI and other intelligence sources. NBC stated that Kosovo had responded to the publication of the report with threats of legal action. The Guardian also discussed an internal UN document that described UN forces in Kosovo committing illegal acts and recruiting from the KLA, which as we have seen, was reported to have been a “mafia-like” group with connections to organized crime. They wrote: “The U.N.’s own damning verdict on its newly created civil defense force is fresh evidence of the failure of Special Representative Bernard Kouchner.” Once again, such admonishments of UN forces even by the UN’s evaluation, sends a clear message that current levels of oversight in humanitarian efforts are severely lacking. The KPC under Kouchner was a UN-backed, UN-funded civil defense corp. It was manned by many high ranking members of Thaci’s KLA. This was exemplified by General Agim Ceku, formerly a senior commander in the KLA who then served as the leader of the KPC. Ceku was personally accused in a internal U.N. document of supervising a “forced prostitution racket” among other abuses. The Guardian wrote that the KPC had received a “£30 million aid budget for Kosovo” from the UN. Such blurred boundaries were implied again when Serbian media reported that Kouchner reacted angrily to accusations from police officials claiming that Kouchner “must have had knowledge” of documented organ trafficking. Even with UN-backing, the KPC was accused of participation in serious human rights abuses. The Guardian reported that the KPC had participated in mafia-like activities including murder, torture, and sex trafficking networks, particularly those perpetrated by UN peacekeepers and paramilitary groups hired by the UN such as Dyncorp. To this day, no charges have been brought in the Kosovo court. The Schwendimann dude has just been replaced by Jack Smith.

Kouchner was also known for his testimony offered in defense of Michael Sounalet, who was eventually convicted on charges of pedophilia. Media reports described Kouchner’s “vigorous” defense testimony provided on Sounalet’s behalf against pedophilia charges in Romania. Despite Kouchner’s testimony, the 67-year-old humanitarian aid worker was eventually convicted on charges of sexual perversions and corruption of minors. Kouchner’s defense of Sounalet provides another concerning the murky boundaries between aid groups and allegations of abuse. Sounalet served as a humanitarian worker with Doctors Without Borders, the group which Kouchner had co-founded. French Media outlet Liberation reported that Kouchner had called Sounalet’s work a “model for international bodies.” This raises serious questions as to delineation between NGO’s, those who participate in such groups who are accused of abuses, and the intercession for the accused by prominent political figures who often have close ties to the NGO’s in question. Sounalet’s history prior to the pedophilia accusations in Romania was also alarming. Le Parisen reported that Sounalet spent 35 years of a life sentence in French prison after being convicted on charges of armed robbery. French press also reported that while incarcerated, Sounalet made contact with a Columbian drug trafficking cartel. Despite this history, Sounalet had participated in “humanitarian efforts” in locations including Rwanda, where he “looked for survivors of the families of two hundred orphans,” organized the placement of those children, and photographed them. Sounalet was reported to have also expressed admiration for Jean-Louis Machuron, who served as the first President of Doctors Without Borders until 1996. Kouchner’s defense of a convicted pedophile who had worked for the NGO he founded raised serious concerns regarding why such a person was allowed to work for an aid group in the first place, much less defended by its co-founder. Machuron was not only President of the NGO Kouchner co-founded which hired an employee convicted of sex crimes against minors. Machuron had worked with Bernard Kouchner as a consultant at the French Ministry of Health, leading several missions for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notably in Albania and in Kosovo in the late nineties, where he worked with the French military and international corps. This took place at the time that Kouchner served as the personal representative of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Anan as head of UN efforts Kosovo.

-Side note - from 1977 : L'affaire de Versailles : Bernard Kouchner flies to the defense of 3 pedophiles who have been raping boys and girls.. "La lettre fut signée par 69 personnes, dont Jack Lang (qui fut en France ministre de la Culture, ministre de l’Éducation, porte parole du gouvernement, député européen et qui est actuellement député du Pas-de-Calais.. Pas de Calais.. Pedophilie.. 2001, Bernard Kouchner (qui fut ministre de la Santé en France et cofondateur de Médecins sans frontières et de Médecins du Monde)" (Letter basically saying.. Girls get prescribed birth con,trol pill from age 13 onwards.. therefore.... Its like saying Heroin should be legalised because needles can be bought in pharmacies..The logic of these self serving pedophiles is sickening..)

We'll come back to Kouchner again in Haiti..interestingly enough.

Kahlypso79 ago

For context: People of interest....connected to the Clintons who also just happened to work for the UN in Kosovo..

HELGA FLORES TREJO : Not everyone is going to know this lady.. she comes from PG fame, having set up a BBQ cook in december, asking for all available children to be brought.. Do you know what she did before ordering children for BBQ's? She worked for the UN.. in Kosovo..

Say hello to Helga : (did John break some immigration laws with Mikulski to get Helga fasttracked after talking to Amanda Renteria ??..)

Helga Flores Trejo is an expert on foreign policy, development issues and EU affairs. Helga previously served as Senior Program Officer at the OSCE Mission in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in charge of the Parliamentary Support Program. She also served for three years as a Senior Advisor on European Policy for the State Government of Hamburg and represented the State at the German Bundesrat’s Committee on European Affairs. Prior to that, she was an Advisor on foreign policy and development issues at the German Bundestag. Helga has a M.A. in political science and international law from the University of Frankfurt. She was born and raised in Mexico and is a German citizen since 1997. This letter written after the school massacre in Belkan sending an 'open letter' to the UN...was signed by.. Helga Trejo. Joe Biden Bernard Kouchner

I havent found anything relating her directly to Dyncorps sex trade, organ harvest in Bosnia and Kosovo and Croatia.. but she was in the circles of power at that place at 2002, in Belgrade, Serbia.. acting as liason to major donor countries and she interacted between embassies and international organizations representatives.... I find it difficult to believe that she wouldn't have known what was going down... Following section for context : some info about the horrors of the UN mission in Bosnia..backed up by Dyncorp..

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK) was established in supoprt to the UN UInterim Mission (UNMIK). The 500 American mebers of the UNMIK police were Dyncorp employess under contract from the US State Department..DynCorp; Vinnell, a subsidiary of TRW; SAIC; ICI of Oregon; and Logicon, a unit of Northrop Grumman For information reasons.. The OCSE chose WHO got sent to Bosnia/Yougoslavia..Resumés were collecterd and studied and only the finest pedophiles were sent.. In Bosnia, employees of DynCorp were found to be operating a sex-slave ring of young women who were held for prostitution after their passports were confiscated. In Croatia, local forces, trained by MPRI, used what they learned to conduct one of the worst episodes of "ethnic cleansing," an event that left more than 100,000 homeless and hundreds dead and resulted in war-crimes indictments. No employee of either firm has ever been charged in these incidents. After Bosnia.. Boell Foundation in Washington.. The Boell Fondation does a lot of work with human trafficking especially in eastern countries. They also finance studies like this : Which are very good works.. They can also be used to synthetize what the current real situations are and show what legal tools are, which are being employed to combat the traffic.. certainly interesting info for someone involved in human trafficking either as a participant or someone who's fighting against it...

So what is she up to nowadays???

She now works for Inter- American Development Bank...<<<<THIS IS BIG!! This bank is Pedophile/human trafficking Central.. So She may have contact with Enrique Valentín Iglesias García

Kahlypso79 ago

This guy is part of the - Please be aware - this 'group' contains all of the top pedophiles in European Royalty.. Please check my posts in my profile to see the post I made about these guys. ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE !! Sarkozy was/is also part of the Order of the Golden Fleece. quote: "..(whistleblowers) critical vulnerabilities in the IDB’s investigative and ethics practices, as well as corruption and fraud in projects in Haiti, Peru and several other countries in which the IDB operates." (HAITI !!!!)

... side note : Javier Solana, he's also a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece with Enrique Garcia:: Javier Solana (2010).. (Solana became a distinguished leader in the Spanish telecommunications industry and was one of the first socialist members of the Trilateral Commission. On 5 December 1995, Solana became the new Secretary-General of NATO..during which time there was the Kosovo war..

When I talk about philanthropists and people who are involved in Human rights..just so you know WHY I'm talking about Philanthropists..

(side note - Whenever you see someone claiming to be a philanthropist, you should be seriously considering the possiblity that they are a Satanist. They dont really care about humans, but they care a lot about themselves..and their Kharmic balance... they dont want to reincarne as a dung beetle to pay for all the horrible things they do.. so they open charities and give money to themselves.. err.. needy people in need of help..) take Ms Bianca Jaggar for exemple : Why would someone who's so involved with fighting against Human Trafficking be going to a Scissor Sister concert with James Alefantis..of course, everyone is free to hang out with anyone they want..

Kahlypso79 ago

Moving onto HAITI :

The Clintons and Haiti : "The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim." The for-profit Fund was managed by Jean Marc Villain, who was going through a bankruptcy in 2010 when he was working for the Clinton Foundation.

The guy running the 'private for profit' fund.. is called.. Mr Villain...I know.

"“This cries out for an audit or an investigation,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center a Virginia-based watchdog group. “Its director was in bankruptcy and there’s almost nothing in the public record showing what happened to the millions of dollars it supposedly was going to use to help poor Haitians.”"

But why did Haiti need help to begin with.. right? -

Charity involvement in child and organ trafficking is a concerning issue; these concerns were repeated in 2010, this time in Haiti with the Laura Silsby child debacle. The accusations mirrored similar comments made by the Prime Minister of Haiti in an interview with CNN where he accused American NGOs of removing children for the express purpose of selling them to pedophilia and organ trafficking rings. "The leader of the group, Laura Silsby, a businesswoman who describes herself as a missionary as well"

A BUSINESSWOMAN who describes herself as a missionary as well..... well screw you lady.. these kids arent for sale!!!

(Also.. The current debacle began with the revelation of sexual abuses by Oxfam’s Country Director in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake devastated the island nation. The allegations eventually led to the expulsion and banning of Oxfam Great Britain from the country. for F*** sake the SAME GUY was doing the SAME THING in LIBERIA (remember LIBERIA??) in 2004!!!

This is not the first time that a member of Oxfam would be swept up in a highly publicized sex abuse scandal. British press reports indicate that Caroline Thomas, who became Chair of Oxfam in 2016, previously served as an executive at BBC during the emergence of the Jimmy Saville pedophile revelations. (I could go into a long thread about pedophile politicans like Cyril Smith, Edward Heath, Lord Brettan, Jimmy Saville was friends with the Royal Family and part of the P.I.E. network..maybe later)

Sarkozy’s intervention in the Zoe’s Ark debacle was echoed by Bill Clinton’s intercession in the Laura Silsby scandal. Silsby was caught in 2010 in the midst of an attempt to remove children – many of whom were revealed to have had living relatives- from Haiti under the guise of ‘charitable’ efforts with The New Life Children’s Refuge. Clinton was acting as the U.N.’s special envoy to Haiti at the time and his intervention in the Silsby incident was one of his first official acts after arriving in the country.

Clinton Silsby scandal.. https://diso

Kahlypso79 ago

Silsbury writing to Mrs Clinton before leaving to Haiti...

Haiti reporting on the arrest of "Child Appropriators" (check out Coca Cola pumping millions into Red Cross....just saying...)

Whilst we're in Haiti and looking at human trafficking.. The Death of the very courageous Monica Petersen :

You may have heard of her.. but have you actually read her blog article for ? Talking about criminal gangs trafficking children across borders? (sound familiar?) :

" Hasty deportations of unaccompanied Central American minors violate international children’s rights.The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines these child-specific rights and legal protections for anyone under the age of eighteen. Further, the current position of Congress and the Obama administration – to overhaul the 2008 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and deny fair trials that recognize refugee, asylee and trafficking victim statuses – is unacceptable for a nation claiming to lead the global fight against trafficking in persons. "

Did she just badmouth Obamo?? one of Monica's last messages that she sent to a friend.. "I can’t say to what extent, but there is human trafficking happening through the Clinton’s Caraol Complex. And mining has always been historically linked to trafficking, slavery, and labor exploitation. I’d like to go see for myself who’s laboring at Morne Bossa, but I would hypothesize that the Dominicans are doing the contractual oversight of the mining, while marginalized Haitians are being exploited for low or no cost labor in dangerous mining conditions. That’s two huge human trafficking scandals, an environmental degradation scandal, a social displacement scandal, a Presidential election scandal, a scandal with billions in unaccounted for earthquake aid… all leading directly back to the Clintons racist cronyism in Haiti.”

This is another good summary on poor Ms Petersen which gives more info on the Clinton's agitations with the Caracol Industrial Complex :

Kahlypso79 ago

(as a side note... Anyone remember Sarkozy and Hillary getting in on in Libya.. we came, we saw, he died, cackle cackle cackle...) (Clinton went to Paris in March 2011 to meet with Mahmoud Jibril the Libyan Rebel Leader. 1 month after Gaddafi had massacred 1000 civils in an uprising earlier that year, she also met with Sarkozy as well. Where they probably planned the overthrow and assassination of Gaddafi.. (Gaddafi may probably escaped if his convoy hadnt been explosed by Drones and French Rafale Jetplanes..)

"According to sensitive information available to this these individuals, Qaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver. During late March, 2011 these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli.....valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya."

143 tons of gold.. moved south west.. in the direction of CHAD..

I'm sure that the following 'events' were purely coincidental.. "Rodham's company got its gold mining rights in December 2012, according to the VCS press release" Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, was a board member of a North Carolina mining company that enjoyed prime access to Haitian gold deposits in the wake of post-earthquake relief work organized in part by former president Bill Clinton through the Clinton Foundation. Another board member of the firm, VCS Mining, was former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, who co-chaired the charitable Interim Haiti Recovery Commission with Mr. Clinton.

Kahlypso79 ago

Krawling back to Kouchner...

Interestingly enough.... The entire UN delegation to Haiti just happened to be crushed to death by the Earthquake..(Good shot sir!!) and look who comes crawling out the debris and woodwork.. "Hélas le bâtiment de l'ONU s'est écroulé et il semblerait que tous ceux qui étaient dans le bâtiment dont mon ami Annabi, l'envoyé spécial du secrétaire général des Nations unies, et que tous ceux qui étaient avec lui et autour de lui, soient morts", a déclaré le ministre dans "RTL Midi""

Bernard Kouchner, représentant à l’ONU pour Haïti? Publié le 13/01/2011 à 18h26

Kouchner again??

Kouchner also showed great interest in serving in Haiti in a U.N. role. Shortly after the Silsby scandal, a 2011 email exchange between Hillary Clinton, Melanne Verveer(Previously, Verveer served as the Chair and Co-CEO of Vital Voices Global Partnership, which she co-founded with Hillary Clinton in 2001,She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the World Bank Advisory Council on Gender and Development) and Cheryl Mills (remember she got immunity from FBI for the Clinton Email investigation under COMEY....) published by Wikileaks stated that Kouchner was “considering” a position as UN Special Representative to Haiti. The exchange reads, in part

From: Verveer, Melanne S <[email protected] > To: H Sent: Wed Jan 19 15:06:17 2011

Subject: Bernard Kouchner

I saw him at the memorial and he has expanded since that he's told Ban ki Moon he will take the job of UN Special Rep

for Haiti IF he can work on a common strategy and platform with you, your husband and Paul Farmer. He wants to meet with Prez C in NY and is willing to come to DC whenever suitable for you to discuss with you.

Kouchner and Farmer know each other well..

The role Kouchner considered in Haiti would have mirrored previous humanitarian service in Kosovo. Kouchner is not only a prominent political figure with close ties to the Clintons and their associates; he has personally co-founded NGO’s and charitable organizations including Doctors Without Borders, again illustrating the blurred boundaries that are associated with humanitarian aid.

Kahlypso79 ago

  1. -> -> -> ->

Organ transplants: The gap between supply and demand Oct 9th 2008 "Research by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has found that only one in ten people in need of a new kidney, the body part most in demand, manages to get one. In the poorest places, of course, a complex transplant—which in the American health system costs $500,000—is unthinkable for most people anyway. But the gap between supply and demand for organs affects the poor too, by creating a market in body parts where abuses are rife."

2009 : Bloody Harvest - The killing of Falun Gong for their organs ->

Organs Without Borders October 21, 2009

Transnational Crime In The Developing World February 2011 "The cross-border passage of criminal money is facilitated by the global shadow financial system comprising tax havens, secrecy jurisdictions, disguised corporations, anonymous trust accounts, fake foundations, trade mispricing, and money laundering techniques. This is precisely the same structure that enables the movement of the other two components of illicit proceeds—the corrupt and commercially tax evading money. We cannot succeed in curtailing part of these flows while at the same time facilitating other parts of these flows. " "Across the Atlantic, in October 2010, 11 people were arrested for alleged organ trafficking between Syria and Egypt" "In short, for the developing world, there are very few redemptive aspects to the illicit organ trade. Donors are paid next-to-nothing relative to the overall trade, while the huge profits of the middlemen disappear into the shadow economy, further promoting the self interest of criminals and others who would profit from poverty and state weakness. Also, the shortage of legitimate donor organs is not only a problem for developed nations. By making human organs available to the highest bidder, traffickers prevent the poor from having access to the organs that they too so desperately need."

Poverty on the rise in Egypt CAIRO, 14 April 2011

Egypt police: Migrant says organ traffickers operating along border Sept. 9, 2011

Organ Theft From Ethiopia and Sudan Refugees Horrifies Authorities 04 Nov 2011

Bitter Harvest: China’s ‘Organ Donation’ Nightmare July August 2012

Egypt/Sudan: Refugees face kidnapping for ransom, brutal treatment and human trafficking 03 Avril 2013 "In January 2013, incidents of kidnapping in the Shagarab camps sparked a violent incident between refugees angered at the ongoing crimes and members of the Rashaida tribe, who are widely reported, by victims and camps residents, to be responsible for the kidnappings"

think- ago

What you'll have to take into account is that there is also a lot of disinfo spread by Falun Gong (sp.?), a sect that is prosecuted in China. Imo they are behind outlets like 'TheEpochTimes', and sometimes I don't know whether they make things up about Chinese organ trafficking, or whether the info is legit.

So difficult so discern what is legit, and what might be sensationalized, although I think there is really dark stuff going on in China. Never forget they are a dictatorship, not a democracy.

On a side note, Jeff Bezos of Amazon is now running prisons in China where Muslims are sent for 're-education'.


Kahlypso79 ago

Hi @think- What do you know about Falun Gong (hadnt heard of them yet) Im asking because Qi Gong is essentially all over the Phoenix program and mind control (from original VC side, not the Nazi experiment side). Also related to telepathy and psy. Well.. lots of woowoo stuff that doesnt need discussing here. Im compiling on organ trafficking recently (essentially rearranging links to show increase of organ trafficking (some countries have over 3000 percent increases in organ failure traitements.. I might have to start looking into why... (studies saying obesity hypertension....) Anyway..... Qi Gong..very very important..What is Falun Gong? They use Jainism symobology.

think- ago

Qi Gong is essentially all over the Phoenix program and mind control

What? I never heard about that - do you have links maybe? If so, that would be huge! I'm interested in any details about it that you may have! :-)

The Wikipedia articles about Falun Gong are all written by its members it seems (lol), I will take some time today to find more unbiased info, and post it here.

As I suspected, 'The Epoch Times' was founded by members of the Falun Gong movement in the US.

So, will get back to you later! :-)

Kahlypso79 ago

@think- Oops.. mea culpa.. Very very sorry.. I'm tired and havent been sleeping properly.. Not Phoenix assasination program for the VC.. Phoenix program was the Russian counter program to Project Stargate..I got my russian and english nomenclatures for their games and toys mixed up...and wasnt thinking about the right project..what a noob.. Qi Dong is all over Stargate (russian counterpart.. Phoenix..) and Psychotronic Weaponry as the human biofield is a mix of infrared, microwave (FUCK YOU 5G!!) and electrostatic potentiels.. or fields if you prefer. China and psychics..

Kahlypso79 ago

(Note to self) need to see if there is any link between Falun Gong persecution and the wave of holistic doctors being murdered lately...

Kahlypso79 ago

Hi.. yeh just started on Falun Gong.. the world is so big.. found these.. although speed reading can help.. its taking time :) Although there are indeed no physical proofs (ie a selfie photo of a doctor as he's taking the heart from one identified victim for exemple....those sneaky bastreds.. :)) However there is enough circumstantial evidence and 'blocking techniques' put in place to safely assume that something happened.. and waiting lists for organs that count in weeks and days (2 weeks for a liver..) rather than months (compared to Canada where you've got 32-35 months..) do imply.. a steady supply...Although it also appears that they(chin. gov.) were using prisoners as chop suey... (more detailed report on trafficking as a whole)

kestrel9 ago

Jeff Bezos of Amazon is now running prisons in China where Muslims are sent for 're-education'

You've got to be kidding. What the heck?!

think- ago

Nope. Read it a couple of days ago. Either in the Guardian or the DailyMail. Amazon just got a contract for that.


think- ago

Welcome, @kestrel9. Yes, the numbers are incredible, aren't they? :-(

Poor, poor prisoners.

septimasexta ago

" The Daily Caller discovered that a Feinstein staffer named Russell Lowe, listed on the senator’s payroll as an “office director” as of 2013 before he was let go, matches the description of the Chinese asset."

"That project, however, which Blum’s firm participated in alongside PRC state-run Shanghai Investment Trust Corp., was one of the first joint ventures between San Francisco and Chinese investors, reportedly “cited by Chinese officials as a testament to the friendly business ties between Shanghai and San Francisco that Feinstein had initiated.” Subsequently Blum’s investments in the Middle Kingdom mushroomed."

THE NAME RUSSELL AND SHANGHAI: The opium connection This is the origin of the current NEW WORLD ORDER

"William H. Russell (Skull &Bones; co-founder-1833) cousin Samuel Russell formally established Russell & Co. on January 1, 1824 for the purpose of acquiring opium and smuggling it to China. Russell & Co. merged with the number one US trader, the J. & T.H. Perkins "Boston Concern" in 1829. By the mid-1830s the opium trade had become "the largest commerce of its time in any single commodity, anywhere in the world." Russell & Co. and the Scotch firm Jardine-Matheson, then the world's largest opium dealer working together were known as the "Combination." George HW Bush (S&B 1948) was born in Milton, Massachusetts not far from the historic home of Robert Bennett Forbes, a Russell partner. Many great American, European and Chinese family fortunes were built on the "China"(opium) trade. Yes, they sold porcelain, tea, silks and other items at home in the US, but they "needed" the trade in opium for silver to pay for the desired goods and—opium smuggling returned "handsome" profits Opium smuggling didn’t just make money. At times, opium was money. Opium built empires and had a hand in financing much of the world’s infrastructure."

"From Carl A Trocki’s excellent book, Opium, Empire and the Global Economy(1999):

"The trade in such drugs usually results in some form of monopoly which not only centralizes the drug traffic, but also restructures much of the affiliated social and economic terrain in the process. In particular two major effects are the creation of mass markets and the generation of enormous, in fact unprecedented, cash flows. The existence of monopoly results in the concentrated accumulation of vast pools of wealth. The accumulations of wealth created by a succession of historic drug trades have been among the primary foundations of global capitalism and the modern nation-state itself. Indeed, it may be argued that the entire rise of the west, from 1500 to 1900, depended on a series of drug trades."" READ ENTIRE ARTICLE

kestrel9 ago

Great info thank you! Looking forward to digging into the article and details. A while back I had posted regarding Bush family and Nazi Germany, I looked it up and Samuel Russell is mentioned in there too. German Steel Trust & Members of Skull and Bones & Nazis in Union Banking Corp... BUSH

septimasexta ago

"Six Ways to Stop Organ Harvesting in China" A good overview of history and gruesome organ harvesting techniques of Communist China.

I remember Dr. Dobson talking about this in the '80's on his Focus on the Family radio show.

And yes, DiFi and hubby Blum should be looked into regarding their China/Nepal/Tibet activities.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

capoliticalreview -

tokui ago

That's not long history.