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EricKaliberhall ago

Setting the scene for a major incident... They are not going down without a fight, a dirty one. Stay frosty people.

think- ago

Please see my update:

'A restaurant employee told ABC7 News that the unknown man bought three beers, paid with a credit card, and tipped more than 20 percent.

He then allegedly set that curtain on fire, and left behind a diaper and baby food, seemingly nodding to a debunked conspiracy theory linking Comet to a child sex ring led by Hillary Clinton.'

Fateswebb ago

Right he is a unknown man, who paid with a CC and tipped nicely. Such BS.... And he left a baby bottle. CLEARLY a swipe at pizzagate. Except who the fuck that knows about pizzagate would do that? Why wouldn't he just leave print outs of JA Instagram? There are thousands of better things to leave behind than what he did. Complete bullshit.

Are_we__sure ago

Except who the fuck that knows about pizzagate would do that? Why wouldn't he just leave print outs of JA Instagram? There are thousands of better things to leave behind than what he did. Complete bullshit.

There's rarely a day goes by on Voat where vigilante violence isn't encouraged. It's to the point where the mods have to tell people how to act when the enounter a post encouraging violence. How can you ask this?

Except who the fuck that knows about pizzagate would do that?

Fantasies of violence and encouragement of violence organically occur on Voat including the pizzagate forum. I don't know how you can pretend otherwise.

Also you should look up the No True Scotsman fallacy.

think- ago

There's rarely a day goes by on Voat where vigilante violence isn't encouraged.

Yes, by paid MediaMatters shills. Which could be seen on @darkknight111's thread the other day - a user commented there, suggesting that pedos should get burned - he had joined only recently, had already lots of downvoats etc. A dead giveaway that they were a shill.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

There’s been a lot of strange things lately that seems like some setup is in the works.

think- ago

What other events do you mean besides the fire at CPP?

srayzie ago

There’s @Vindicator’s comment here. A lot more shills. I didn’t see it myself, but one was supposedly talking violence. Then there is this that I saw on QRV. That goes after free speech. Just like Alex Jones a few months ago. Then there is the attack on mods over an unproven claim that Jenny Moore died. The mainstream media ties Q and Pizzagate together all the time. Add the fire,

Vindicator ago

That QRV thread is interesting. Serious info warfare going on.

I note ES came out of hibernation and ventured out of his holding pen just in time for this round of stuff with Comet, too.