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Blacksmith21 ago

Well, well, well - I wonder if it had something to do with this post?

Maybe a fire so another server could be brought out of CPP under the cover of a fire?

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, well, well - I wonder if it had something to do with this post?

I never saw that. That is hysterical. That makes it all worth it. We got under his skin so bad that we are with him 24 hours a day. We ride on his shoulder like a parrot and echo in his slippery little pervert head. I laughed out loud when I read those server names. That made my day. :)

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @kevdude -- Note proven Decepticon Esoteric trying to worm his way back in as a good pizzagater now that we've got a bunch of unsuspecting souls here due to news events.

SchlongKeyhote ago

lmfao you mean an influx of Q-tard shitposters. do u allow them here because you know that any pizza-related threads in @srayzie pathetic sub will get slid by boomerposts? NOT OUR PROBLEM, FAGGOT

ESOTERICshade ago

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @kevdude -- Note proven Decepticon Esoteric trying to worm his way back in as a good pizzagater now that we've got a bunch of unsuspecting souls here due to news events.

You lost a bar room brawl over Qanon. See my thoughts on it below, and get over it. Your ego is like a boat anchor that weighs down your judgement. My Pizzagate posts speak for themselves. YOU ran off our best researchers, its your cross to bare, so why you bare it, get over it, and stop being a baby.

Vindicator ago

You lost a bar room brawl over Qanon.

The self-proclaimed Talmud scholar can't stop lying. What a surprise. Q discussion has always been allowed and welcomed on this board, Weasel King, so long as it fulfills the Submission rules, just like any other thesis with supporting evidence.

You're a joke. You can't say two sentences without contradicting yourself. You have no honor for the rules of Voat and thought it was acceptable to create multiple accounts to force your views down the entire community's throat. And you feel no remorse for your lies, or you wouldn't still be here, trying to pose as a legit user who cares about abused kids.

ESOTERICshade ago

The self-proclaimed Talmud scholar

Damn straight I study the enemy's books. Its like reading Sun Tzu's Art Of War. I study their books, and you defend Jesuits, Freemasons, and Zionist on a semi regular basis. That makes you either a shill or not real bright. I don't think you are a shill, but anybody that has been a mod here as long as you have that, and would defend those people like you do, CAN'T be real bright.

Q discussion has always been allowed and welcomed on this board, Weasel King, so long as it fulfills the Submission rules , just like any other thesis with supporting evidence.

Liar. You broke every rule in the sidebar trying to turn this sub into the daily Q Intel Dump while a lot people howled in disgust about it. Weasel King.

You can't say two sentences without contradicting yourself.

See above LIAR. You broke every rule we had trying to make this a Q headquarters, and NOW suddenly it has to be relevant and fit the rules. So which is it? Weasel King.

You have no honor for the rules of Voat

Says the mod that broke every rule in the sidebar daily. You had a fuckin Q sticky at the top of the page and about 98% of the Q drops had NOTHING to do with Pizzagate relevant material. An ANONYMOUS source at that implying that is was a super secret intel asset. With NO proff. Weasel King Liar.

And you feel no remorse for your lies

I fought for this sub's very survival while you ignorantly tried to kill it. You have made up more lies since Qanon came along than I ever expected you were capable of. Tell us again how you don't know enough about Zionism to know if its beneficial or destructive to America, but you been a mod here for about two fuckin years. Defend some more Jesuits and Freemasons.

Its obvious that this didn't need to be the place for daily Qanon "intel" drops by now, and I know you see it, even through your butthurt. It if wasn't for me this place would be a fucking disaster of your making. Deal with it.

Vindicator ago

Says the mod that broke every rule in the sidebar daily.

No one has ever presented any evidence of this. You repeatedly complained about this to @kevdude and couldn't corroborate it.

You're just pissed that I documented all your bullshit and then let Crensch feed it to you.

ESOTERICshade ago

What do you call making a sticky thread for Q posts, of which about 98% have no pizzagate related content, coming from an anonymous source with no evidence or proof of who they are? It breaks every rule in the sidebar. I can prove it. We can make us up another anonymous source and see if you flair the thread, right? Nuff said.

Vindicator ago

No, you can't. Please make a detailed post with all your evidence, ES. You can do it in pgmods, ProtectVoat, or even Whatever. I am willing to be scrutinized by all.

ESOTERICshade ago

naaaaa, at this point I can only slowly shake my head and feel sorry for you, really.......

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I can prove it.

Would you, please?

at this point I can only slowly shake my head and feel sorry for you,

You don't care about anybody here in the PG community enough to post evidence?

Is all you care about wrapped in this pissing contest?

Why won't you talk to me? What did I do to you that makes it okay for you to ignore me, am I that insignificant? Or is it that women are not worth the effort?

ESOTERICshade ago

Is all you care about wrapped in this pissing contest?

Why won't you talk to me? What did I do to you that makes it okay for you to ignore me, am I that insignificant? Or is it that women are not worth the effort?

My goal was protect the credibility of pizzagate by showing people how destructive it would be to turn this sub into a daily Qanon update headquarters. The Q Cult found its own home and its the best possible outcome. It dulled my enthusiasm to participate in pizzagate anymore, so, I don't very often. Most of the old regulars and hardcore researchers left over the Q train wreck and thats too bad. If Vindicator will take himself back to the sidebar and operate like he once did maybe the sub will recover. I hope so.

Is all you care about wrapped in this pissing contest?

I don't care much at all about it. Vindicator is forcing everybody to wallow in his sour grapes. I suppose this too shall pass.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I suppose this too shall pass.

It will pass if you delete the accounts.

Why is it so important to keep voting on all those alts?

ESOTERICshade ago

It will pass if you delete the accounts.

Why is it so important to keep voting on all those alts?

Does this thread look up vote brigaded in my favor? Vindicator declares any up votes in my favor a "brigade" and up votes in his favor as legit. He is all over the map. I told you that they have blown this whole thing WAY out of proportion and 98% of their claims are shit they make up. I gotta go now, I really do :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You really do think I'm stupid.

ESOTERICshade ago

You really do think I'm stupid.

I know for a fact you ain't stupid :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You psychic, ES?

ESOTERICshade ago

You psychic, ES?

Nope, but, I know smarts when I see it :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


You gonna delete those alts?

ESOTERICshade ago

There is a reason why I tried to protect this sub with all my might. A very personal reason. It has to do with my past. This is just ONE incident from my past, of which there are MANY.

Ever heard that little phrase "I will snatch you bald." ?

I saw that the other day on the internet. It gave me a flashback, immediately, to a day when my mother had me on the floor, with her knees on my back, and her full weight on me. Knees in my spine, I could barely breathe.

I could hear a ripping sound inside my skull, and I could feel a searing pain on my head like it was on fire.

After the first two or three handfulls of hair, I realized that my mother was ripping my hair out by the roots. It makes a weird sound when someone rips your hair out by the roots, and it feels sorta like fire on your head.

Another day I remember her giving me strict instructions as to what to tell my teachers when I wen to school....."tell your teachers you ran your bicycle into the bushes, and if you tell them the truth, I will beat you within an inch of your life."

I knew she was not bullshitting me. Because, previously she had just whipped me in the face with a belt buckle, busted my face open, and I had lie to my teachers about that too.

I had personal reasons for wanting v/pizzagate to survive. It WAS sorta personal to me for v/pizzagate to survive.

Not anymore, so much, these days, because @vindicator and @crensch pretty snuffed out my desire to give a fuck anymore....because...

I can do other things than waste my efforts on them, which is what I did.

Maybe not though right? Because v/pizzagate is still standing on its own two feet, uncontaminated by fantasy land Qanon bullshit, and perhaps it will survive?

I gave it a full shot for a year of my life, but i'm fukin done with it. If they learned not to pollute this place, good. If they didn't, then fuk em.

Feel me?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If any of what you said here is true then I do feel for you. But you are such a shit and a narcissist that it makes it so very hard to believe anything you say.

Please delete

Please, I'm not even asking you to delete all your accounts, just the ones they busted you on.

I don't care about anything other than you not lying to everyone. When you tell the truth then get caught in a lie it make everything you say suspect. YOU know this. Please delete and do it the donqi way from now on. At least @auralsects has honor, you not so much.

auralsects ago

"at least"? The fuck is that supposed to mean, bitch

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Vergib mir, meine liebe.

ESOTERICshade ago

You gonna delete those alts?

Yep. As soon as crensch deletes this thread, I will do it. Otherwise we can all just watch Qanon go down the drain, that he is circling, in all his scamming glory. Its not up to me BECAUSE this was never meant to be a Scamanon sub in the first place. Feel me?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He's already stated that the sticky doesn't come down until you delete first. He owns the board.

Only two people have the power to remove the sticky. @Crensch and you.

He will remove the sticky if you delete.

If you don't, he leaves it up and keeps redoing it every three months. This is how I see things.

If I'm wrong on his position he will correct me.

Do you think I'm wrong? Why is it so important for you to hang onto your alts if VOAT so clearly doesn't matter to you?

Do you feel me yet?

ESOTERICshade ago

I will also tell you something else. I was the greatest advocate of getting MilFalcon out of here. As time passes, in little peeks and glimpses, I wonder about the wisdom of those wishes I had. Its possible that this sub would have been in better hands with MilFalcon than in the hands its in now. I can't believe I am saying that because I wanted Falcon out of here. But, the current management is lawless and shameful.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for reminding me that I have one more thing to blame on you, asshole.

ESOTERICshade ago

He owns the board.

Thats too bad for millions of children. Really, it is...

Only two people have the power to remove the sticky. @Crensch and you.

@crensch said many times that his only role was to basically, for lack of a direct quote, "squat on the "O" designation as a silent partner to make sure pizzagate stays here." He should do that. Like, be a silent squatter.

If you don't, he leaves it up and keeps redoing it every three months.

If it makes his ego feel stroked to clown around in pizzagate he just will. He does not understand pizzagate but if he wants to interfere, he just will.

Do you think I'm wrong?

Not really, for the most part. But, I think your anghst is directed mainly in the wrong direction, at times.

Why is it so important for you to hang onto your alts

Not important at all, like none. I told you that I would delete rarepeeks and smurfy in a heartbeat when this thread disappears.

This is pretty much the only life @crensch has. He feels like he is in some sort of Trump/Pelosi type standoff and it makes him feel important. If he can't grow a spine and leave this place alone, then maybe people need to keep watching him show his ass so that they know this is not a free speech zone. Ya know?

I'm pretty much ambivalent about it at this point honestly. I'm not in control of anything around here but unfortunately the @crensch identity is tied up in feeling VERY important around all this. Hell, he can just slither back in his crack whenever he chooses. He chooses not to because this is all the life he really has. He will do what he does and none of us can stop it. Its up to him. Its his shit show.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thats too bad for millions of children. Really, it is...

You care about kids? delete

@crensch said many times that his only role was to basically, for lack of a direct quote, "squat on the "O" designation as a silent partner to make sure pizzagate stays here." He should do that. Like, be a silent squatter.

Don't care about your pissing contest. delete please

If it makes his ego feel stroked to clown around in pizzagate he just will.


He does not understand pizzagate but if he wants to interfere,

You do. Why won't you delete?

He feels like he is in some sort of Trump/Pelosi type standoff and it makes him feel important.

There you go with that pot kettle thing again.

If he can't grow a spine and leave this place alone,

Tell me you can't see the humor in this. He will if you delete.

then maybe people need to keep watching him show his ass so that they know this is not a free speech zone. Ya know?


I'm pretty much ambivalent about it at this point honestly.

Then quit being a blowhard and delete.

I'm not in control of anything around here

Oh but you are and I am getting tired of being held hostage by you. Yes ES I'm smart enough to blame you.

Hell, he can just slither back in his crack whenever he chooses.

He goes when you go.

He will do what he does and none of us can stop it.

You are the only one who can make him stop. If he is all the things you claim then you know that only you can end it.

Its his shit show.

No Grasshopper, it is not.

Please delete

ESOTERICshade ago

held hostage

A bit dramatic, don't you think? I'm done with this little show. I got caught up on my Voat reading, and its back to real life for me. Later :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I wll delete Esotericshade when we get "evidence" that Qanon is what Vindicator's fantasy thinks Qanon is. There is more evidence that Qanon is Coleman Rogers than there is evidence that Qanon is a super secret intel agent.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ever heard that old line "play me coach I'm ready"

If we are gonna do something its needs get on the scoreboard. My daddy was a football coach.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My chosen path is different. You lie too much.

ESOTERICshade ago

My chosen path is different. You lie too much.

The ocean tide is on my side. The Qanon Cult is drowning in its own lies. Get on the life raft and defend the truth. We have to save our own self. Its up to us. Join reality. Soros is not in GITMO. You understand, right?

ESOTERICshade ago

I will delete ESOTERICshade when George Soros is in GITMO. These scammers pushed that shit in this sub for a year. Fuck them.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What about the alts I've ask(ed) about?

edit: (ed)

ESOTERICshade ago

I want to ask you something. Okay?

Why are YOU not holding these scammers, the Qanon scammers, accountable for their lies and deception?

You are a smart person. You KNOW that Qanon didn't nuke the CIA and the NSA and make everything ok.

The Rothschilds and the other banking families are not in GITMO and Qanon won't put them in GITMO.

You should be fighting against that sort of disinformation. Why are you wasting your energy defending such bullshit?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So you are not going to answer my questions?

ESOTERICshade ago

So you are not going to answer my questions?

You want my energy? Ok. I will give you some energy. But, we have to establish realistic goals, in steps, and we have to have a strategy to meet those goals.

Qanon, for whatever it is, or is not, has assembled a group of fired up Patriots that want change. The Q phenom made people aware. It woke up some people. Peeps is talking.

Lets do something REAL with it instead of waiting on a fictional Q to do it for us. We should harness this energy and make it productive instead of internet masturbation. What do you suggest? I will support it.

@srayzie @kevdude @puttitout @vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What do you suggest? I will support it.

I suggest you delete the alts. Please support this.

ESOTERICshade ago

I suggest you delete the alts. Please support this.

I suggest that you stop supporting the "Soros is in GITMO" fallacy and then me and you can evoke some real change. You ready?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I suggest that you stop supporting the "Soros is in GITMO" fallacy and then me and you can evoke some real change. You ready?

You supply the source of your slanderous claim first.

When you fail (and you will), will you talk to me about why you cannot delete those accounts?

ESOTERICshade ago

You supply the source of your slanderous claim first.

George Soros is in GITMO?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I suggest that you stop supporting the "Soros is in GITMO" fallacy

You supply the source of your slanderous claim first.

When you fail (and you will), will you talk to me about why you cannot delete those accounts?

ESOTERICshade ago

I suggest you delete the alts. Please support this.

Support the truth. The truth is that Qanon never saved a fucking thing. Wont save a fucking thing, and will never save a fucking thing. Come out of the forest and see the trees.

EricKaliberhall ago

I wll delete Esotericshade when we get "evidence" that Qanon is what Vindicator's fantasy thinks Qanon is.

You will be dealt with accordingly. We've had enough of your constant bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

We've had enough of your constant bullshit.

Want some REAL bullshit? >>> Have you heard the latest news? We found "evidence" that Qanon is a super secret intel agent. The Rothschilds, Soros, Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary are in GITMO and will be hung at dawn tomorrow!! The CIA got gutted and its all clean now! The NSA too. We are free now because Qanon saved us!!!

The above in bold is some first class bullshit. You fucking morons pushed the above line of shit in this sub and you get to live with it. None of it happened and Qanon Scamanon will never save us. We have to save ourself. Waiting on a fiction named Qanon to save us only serves the purposes of the Deep State you fucking moron.

we have to save ourself

You get that? We have to save our own damn selves. Waiting on Coleman Rogers (the real Qanon) to save you is lunacy. Coleman Rogers needs to be horse whipped for pretending to be super secret intel agent Qanon.

You are a damn moron.

EricKaliberhall ago

Well played... Fucking loser!

Crensch ago

Did you see how "the donk" showed up?

argosciv ago

I also noticed how you and @Vindicator haven't been downvoated by him, but, in the last ~12 hours, ES has thrown down 18 downvotes, incidentally, all of my comments here have been downvoted.

Surely just a coincidence xD

Vindicator ago

I'm sure that's a deliberate decision on his part because he thinks it makes us look bad and him look like a victim. At some point he'll try to whine about it.

argosciv ago

I'm sure that's a deliberate decision on his part because he thinks it makes us look bad and him look like a victim.

Yup. The ironic part is that at the same time, their resumed brigading of me (-7 and growing) in the last couple of hours(ES dropped another, despite saying he was going to bed), only proves what has been brought to light about their previous brigading of me.

Blacksmith21 ago

Living rent free in JAs head. May be time for another round of toilet paper mache.

Vindicator ago

Good thing you weren't there to douse the flames, Blacksmith. LMAO

Blacksmith21 ago

If I were to commit arson, CPP would be a burned out shell of a building, not some ashy curtains.

Vindicator ago

That would definitely take less Scotch.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's about all scotch is good for...starting a fire. Bourbon good.

Vindicator ago

Perfect. I'm a Rye fan, myself.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

But there has been no Alefantis PG research in here. Just this person or that person is a pedophile. Dumb shit. An investigation needs to be done to connect what just happened.

Vindicator ago

You're so full of shit.