letsdothis3 ago



Correspondence address 14 Buckingham Gate, London, England, SW1E 6LB

letsdothis3 ago

So looking for that Ella comment I found some tweets referring to Will Draper on Twitter.. This is so delicious thought I'd share..


Will DRAPER ESPRIT PLC ORDINARY SHARES UNITE $GRWXF Run Out of Steam Soon? Short Interest is Up -

Tried to follow the link. It's been scrubbed but you can see a link to the article in the right-hand side menu : http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:xXLIIYQ1_zEJ:www.mmahotstuff.com/2018/10/30/whats-propelling-ip-group-plc-ordinary-shares-united-kin-otcmktsipzyf-after-lower-shorts-reported-2.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ch


I believe that this is our guy. Draper used to work for Banco Espirito Santo https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2459166

This is their portfolio. https://draperesprit.com/entrepreneurs/portfolio . One example of a company they work with is Verve. https://verve.co/

Verve works with MGM Resorts International; Caesars Entertainment; Marriott International

Companies we have written much about on this forum.

Company information for Draper Esprit PLC https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/09799594/officers

Under the People tab we have a list of individuals and one company: Prism Cosec Ltd. Look at the list of companies under that name https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/officers/Kwf68vDiiCkluPuipHyn1GUXgcs/appointments

They include:

And many others... but I was eager to share so I thought I'd post this bit now :-)

I also found a similar article for another company: Will Draper Oakwood Technology Acquisition Inc – Clas (NASDAQ:DOTA) Run Out of Steam Soon? Short Interest is Up


The Draper Oakwood Companies ("Draper Oakwood") include various companies under the Draper Oakwood umbrella. Founded by an experienced investment team, together with Tim Draper

I thought I'd done a post on him in the past going over his background and asking if he was related to Will. I think now he is. That's another interesting story... Need to look up his company information..

@think- @ASolo have fun...

letsdothis3 ago

More "Will Draper" tweets:


'Controlled by your emotions, ruled by your heart' - Will Draper "The Fighting Ace" to "House of Secrets" J.K Rowling

Interesting because of the Harry Potter connection re Tim Draper's university.

think- ago

Ping Pong Limited? Are you kidding? LOL.


letsdothis3 ago

I don't want to clutter up the Santa Fe post with too many Hampstead comments. So thought I'd continue the conversation here:

I found confirmation that Ella did an about turn by searching the Hoaxtead site for any comments on him. Those idiots over there always insisted he had nothing to do with it... which meant that he did .. Lol. I post the links below where he is mentioned and you will see by reading between the lines why she did do an about turn:

https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/is-drifloud-biting-the-hand-that-feeds-him/ El Coyote / 29/09/2015 You know, if we were (just say) on the run from the law and hiding out in Spain, and one of our major sources of income was the £1,000/month our girlfriend’s ex-husband was paying her in support payments, we don’t think we’d want to do anything to jeopardise that relationship.

Then again, we probably wouldn’t be on the run from the law. But that’s just us.

So you can imagine that Drifloud/Abe’s latest rampage against Ella Draper’s first husband, Will, came as a bit of a shock:

Apparently, Drifloud has no idea which side his bread is buttered on. Not all that surprising, when you think about it.

Fairly Sane 29/09/2015 at 1:32 pm Does Will Draper know Driflouds real identity? Maybe he doesn’t; maybe someone should tell him.

El Coyote 29/09/2015 at 10:22 pm That’s one purpose of this post. We’re not in contact with Mr Draper, but we hope anyone who knows him will pass this along.


https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/2015/11/30/ella-and-abe-the-breakup/ Can Abe get dole money in Spain? 30/11/2015 at 3:25 pm Belinda said Ella and Abe had little money, lived in a remote location, and had to visit an internet cafe for a connection during an interview outside the RCJ. She also claimed Ella and Abe had complained life on the run was expensive, iirc, perhaps somewhere else.

Interestingly, following Ella’s recent oh-what-an-oversight-in-the-grand-scheme, ‘must do it now’ condemnation of Will Draper together with the twitter photos of him put up by Abraham (Dri floud), her change of name back to Gareeva, someone is now suggesting she has done a u-turn: This morning on coverup: ‘Will Draper was accused by Ella, but now she licks his dripping a*us.’ Maybe she realised she was shooting herself in the foot and is dependant on his stipend to pay the rent and feed Abe in Spain. There again, this particular poster, the prat, does make it up as he/she goes along, imo.


https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/ella-abe-claim-children-lied-troofers-remain-silent/ Spiny Norman 06/06/2017 at 1:06 am: Kristie Sue has been quoting Nathan ‘Lift the Veil’ Stolpman, which is hilarious, as he’s the one who’s stated that Ella has done a U-turn and admitted that Will Draper wasn’t in the cult! LOL!


https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/2017/06/06/a-cult-with-no-name/ Spiny Norman 06/06/2017 at 2:01 am Of course, it’s all a desperate deflection tactic to avoid answering my simple yes/no question: “Kristie Sue, was Will Draper in the cult? Yes or no?” I’ve asked over and over to no avail.

Oh and that link she posted? It’s to a video by Nathan Stolpman, the one who reported Ella’s U-turn on Will Draper, it’s fun to watch her back herself into a corner, isn’t it. Hehe


think- ago

Very interesting. Currently doing research for several posts on my laundry list, therefore I don't know how much time I will be able to spend doing research on your list of companies, but I'll try to help.

letsdothis3 ago

Images from the blog you might find interesting: https://imgur.com/a/nbv0dgh

letsdothis3 ago

No worries. We all have lots to do I know :-)

PGIsDumbdd4 ago

Just want you to know that some of us who understand where you originated from are watching.


ASolo ago

Love the way you think LTD3. Goes to show you've been around, you're doing your research and you aren't blindly following anyone but your own conscience. I'm glad to see someone else paying attention to Field McConnells work he makes a hell of alot of sense and these multinational corporations are the epitome of a beast with a head but no brain and the corporate power of a PERSON in law. SERCO is the head of that beast and is the metaphor that is used in the Batman movies, meaning the PRIVATIZED workers in those positions in private contracted SECURITY and EMT/AMBULANCE and medical **staff **are all SATANISTS on the DOWN LOW waiting to pop out at any moment to cause a false flag at any predetermined moment at anywhere in the world -AND - motherfuckers BET on the results of the tragedy if that ain't enough of a kick in the nuts.

It's alot more difficult to keep up on his work now that his one website has disappeared, he's getting older, and he does most of his stuff on podcast but he really knows his shit and not enough are giving the him the credit he deserves.


DHL and G4S are signalling that they are taking part in human sacrifice and organ harvesting through their corporate messaging. Pay close attention at the end of this DHL commercial, when the camera pans into a classroom somewhere in Africa, a lens flare moves over the heart area of a child before flying away


In this DHL commercial the narrator says "I am helping people live longer lives" @ 1:04 just as an adult puts a stethoscope on a third world child's heart


Then there is this logo of a hand print with a hole in it on the side of a G4S van which I have called out as an international symbol of human sacrifice


cantfindmenow ago

Capita are corrupt as fuck. They seem like the sort of company that will do the government's bidding regardless of morals.

This is based on experience with Capita as the chosen company to complete PIP assessments. Despite messing up every assignment they take on and losing the government millions, they are tasked again and again by the gov to complete projects and given healthy sums to do so.

Dig into Capita.

letsdothis3 ago

Also in Oak Brook, quite close to SIVA and McDonald's is the Prince Charles Field (polo club)


England's Centtrip Wales Polo Team (aka Royal Polo Team), returns to Oak Brook to compete for the prestigious Butler International & Prince of Wales Cup on Sunday, September 9th at 3:00 p.m. at the Prince of Wales Field. Spectators are invited to don their 'British best' as both teams face off in a 12-goal, four chukker, historic international championship match.

Oak Brook Polo Club has a long history of hosting teams from other countries and is honored to have the Wales team return. The Butler International & Prince of Wales Cup was inaugurated in 1986 when the England Team, captained by Prince Charles, played against Oak Brook. It was Michael Butler who invited the Prince to play, which turned into a four-day visit to Chicago and Boston. A 4-goal polo player at the time, Prince Charles would play his premier U.S. appearance with a British team at Oak Brook.

Today, HRH The Prince of Wales serves as patron of the Wales Polo Team and sons Prince William and Harry have also played on the team. .. Match and International Polo Series sponsors include Merrill Lynch, Land Rover Hinsdale, Make It Better, Centtrip, New Castle, Heineken, and The Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus