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hewhoneverobeys ago

Yes sir. I will push this on various channels. I submit the meme i will distribute, for approval:

#MeToo-Hollywood #Pedowood - Judith Barsi (from movie Land Before Time) and family murdered after 5 year old Barsi was abused by movie executives. full story @

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Got some quick questions, if I may. Did you mean all these things you said:

And if you did, why are you trying to sneak into PG with a bastardization of my user name. Do you really think I didn't document all the nice little things you've been up to? (including the deleted comments)

@Vindicator Do you still think he is benign?

horribleperson ago

1) Did I mean all those things I said:

Fuck Yes, I meant that shit (at the time, everybody is allowed to change their minds and hearts). Racist.

2) Why are you trying to sneak (back) into pizzagate?

Because Im a mind controlled CIA nigger. I have been assigned to promote Judith Barsi on other networks, and at the same troll swmbo about being a weird-she-nazi(whos-really-a-man). But, swmbo busted me thanks to argsciv tip off that im pgisd and a faggot then later busted for being a jew p1 p2 p3 then declared somekind of war on. o ya and swmbo later tried to link me with pgisdumb by falsely claiming i called her stupid when in fact i had called her a man. my reaction: i was still busy at the time. then i was threatened with an enema if i dont delete all accounts that start with hewho(i guess?) But i forgot the pass to hewhosometimesobeys and swmbo does not accept this and calls me a liar. I will try one more time. nope failed twice. I used a pattern of numbers I had created on the fly and forgot what method I had created to generate the numbers. All I remember is it has something to do with 3 which doesnt help much. So why dont you drop this /war/, please, goof. Or demand something reasonable that I can do. Like I said, You could torture me for a million years and not find the pass, but thats just my opinion. You think Im always a liar, but assure you, this time, Im giving you my honest opinions. Or how about this: Given reasons to the public why you want to push for full society co-operation towards the destruction of a single, not-active, 2 comment, account. ?