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NeonRevolt ago

Not a bad idea - but in need of MUCH better memes, and better hashtags.

Will help any way I can, through my various channels.

Gotta drop the #Pedowood hashtag, though. That's... a really unfortunate hashtag.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

fuck off, carpetbagger.

NeonRevolt ago

lol No.

Cry some moar about it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Keep your money grubbing face out of v/Pizzagate.

Fame whores like you are a dime a dozen.

Like my salty tears? Shall I cry moar for you?

NeonRevolt ago

Still here, faggot.

Nothing you can do about it.

Screech some more, loser.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You do realize that by attacking the v/pizzagate archivist the more your narcissistic personality disorder shows.

For everyone to see.


NeonRevolt ago

I offered to help and didn't attack anyone, which everyone can see.

You attacked me first, which everyone can also see.

Get your facts straight, numbskull. Sad they would put such a mentally unstable individual in charge of archival duties, but I guess that explains your lack-of-success on this front.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sad they would put such a mentally unstable individual in charge of archival duties, but I guess that explains your lack-of-success on this front.

Actually stepped up and taught myself since so much information was being scrubbed. Still got a lot to learn, but everybody hear has been very kind and patient with me as I save them time.


Do you ever wonder why nobody posts your articles to PG anymore? I don't.


And since I am such a numbskull, maybe you could explain to me why it is so important for you to make money off the poor Q-tards?


Or maybe why the PG community as a whole has tried and convicted you of being a carpetbagger.

[–] Vindicator 6 points (+6|-0) 4 days ago

Neon, if you were legit, you wouldn't be smearing original, respected Pizzagate researchers like @fartyshorts >@Lightlytoasted and @Orangutan who did the heavy lifting of exposing the Cabal long before you ever put up >your flashy website and attempted to control independent Q research.

It's a tell. You outted yourself.


But I guess the burning question for me is:

With all that money you're raking in from those poor slobs in the Q movement, why can't you get some treatment for your NPD? If you got the help you need you might not be such a nasty little man.

NeonRevolt ago

Do you ever wonder why nobody posts your articles to PG anymore? I don't.

Because some of your subversive mods and their thugs scheme on private discords to chase away good people who would otherwise make use of the site, because they can't seem to share like adults?

And since I am such a numbskull, maybe you could explain to me why it is so important for you to make money off the poor Q-tards?

Or maybe you could explain why Q has posted two pictures of my shirt designs, and one picture of my hat design, instead.

Oh wait, you must have missed that when you weren't paying close enough attention.

Or maybe why the PG community as a whole has tried and convicted you of being a carpetbagger.

Yeah, cite the faggots who refuse to listen to Q, and move over the officially endorsed Q-Research board, /v/QRV.

Fine by me, they can stay on their containment board. Less disruptive that way.

You should stay over there, too. Let the real researchers do the heavy lifting from here on out.

Vindicator ago

Because some of your subversive mods and their thugs scheme on private discords to chase away good people who would otherwise make use of the site, because they can't seem to share like adults?

We don't "scheme" on "private discords" to "chase away good people", Neon. Why would you make a claim like that with no evidence? After two years of fighting disinfo pushers and sabateors, we have developed a nose for bullshit and a vigilant eye for manipulation, deceit and astroturfing. That fight has honed us into a team, and we regularly call it out and ping each other to it across multiple subs. We've been fighting side by side long enough we don't need to waste time "scheming" in a chat room.

If you were a real patriot, Neon, you would be delighted we are so good at guarding the work of those exposing the cabal.

Instead, you whine at being questioned, smear some of our best researchers, try to discredit us as "thugs" and push the two-year-old shill narrative that we want to "contain" research. You behave like a self-absorbed ass and project the consequent blowback onto others.

Or maybe you could explain why Q has posted two pictures of my shirt designs, and one picture of my hat design, instead.

We get it -- you're in it for personal profit.

We're here for the kids. You can congratulate yourself that Q posted your merch. Meanwhile, it was anger over our research into child sex trafficking that changed Q's mind from only revealing 20% to "40/60" exposure.

Oh wait, you must have missed that when you weren't paying close enough attention.

Oh wait, you must have missed it when Q cited the discovery of our former mod two years ago that the Clintons rescued Silsby after she was jailed for trafficking Haitian orphans.

Or when Q sent anons to our 24 month old research into Epstein sex slave Rachel Chandler and had folks report her to the FBI for child trafficking.

Or when Q referenced our original Podesta Art Djurdjevic research to help anons figure out the swimming pool featuring abused kids in Tony Podesta's art collection matched the Biltmore Estate pool.

I guess you were too busy designing hats to notice when two of the people you have smeared -- @srayzie and @fartyshorts were researching this eight months before Q mentioned it.. Or when @Crensch first took up his post as a guardian of cabal exposure research by drafting the first concise summary of crowdsourced cabal child rape evidence.

Long before you made your first hat, Neon, pizzagate researchers became Q researchers. We started November 1, 2017 -- before the Reddit board about Q, before the 8chan board about Q, when he was still on /pol/ at 4chan.

You are a liar and fraud.

NeonRevolt ago

I wrote this up yesterday, but decided to hold off in posting it, to see how much of a jackass you would be in the interim.

Well congrats, because you proved you're an unmitigated jackass, so here's the full response:

Yeah, you're real effective when you rile up a mob to chase off thousands of legitimate users, because you all threw a temper tantrum and got super butthurt about the transition to a new sub, and couldn't let people operate by themselves in a private sub.

You're really making a difference here. **Really ** changing the world.

Why, you aren't totally marginalized and completely ineffective at all. You're a real mover and shaker! I can see all the tangible progress you've made in TWO WHOLE YEARS here. Why, at this rate, you may have a serious case against someone by 2053!

Brother, let me explain something to you:

I've got about OVER DOUBLE the subs you do right now, and believe me, my stuff is growing at a much faster rate.

It's why, when I told people to move to Voat, IT BROKE THE WHOLE SITE FOR DAYS.

So stop trying to flex. It doesn't impress me.

And yeah, if you could think beyond your butthurt for even a modicum of a second, you would be able to see me as a valuable ally.

Instead you, and every name you've mentioned in your comments in the past have acted like complete toddlers this whole time, only reinforcing in my mind, with each subsequent tantrum, that I made the right call in directing the entire Qcommunity AWAY from your "allies."

But prove me wrong for once! Prove I didn't make the right call by actually behaving like adults for once! Instead of having teams of people scheming on discord, pinging me dozens of times a day just to insult me, and posting that I'm a rapist and murderer while downvoting every comment I make, no matter what I say - perhaps you could all start acting like the big, grown up adults you claim to be, and start thinking logically.

Vindicator, I've got a book coming out in short order. It's literally going to be in bookstores nation-wide. My agent is huge and has multiple NYT best sellers under their belt. I don't intend to squander the opportunity.

(Also, m8, I was on the original pizzagate threads, and I was the guy who LITERALLY introduced the Chans to CDAN. I was the guy making the CDAN General threads. That was me. I also ran a Pizzagate research sub on Reddit in the wake of the original getting banned, and actually was over here on my original account at the time. I was on /pol/ when all this was going down live, researching until 3 in the morning, publishing info on major sites with 70,000+ subscribers BACK THEN. So don't think you're so high and mighty).

(Oh, and don't try to pass those things off as YOUR original research here from the boards. I was there on /pol/ back in the day. Everything came from there. You guys mostly just copy>pasted the research of /pol/lacks - /pol/lacks like me).

So yeah, I'm poised to do more for this movement in a couple months than you've managed in entire years.

Up to you how you want Voat, and everything that's happened here, to be written about, though. Do you want Voat to be commemorated as a hive of repugnant, selfish toddlers who are only good at throwing temper tantrums, or as actual adults who could see beyond their bruised egos for once, and work toward some kind of noble goal.

I'm going in that direction, whether you and everyone else want to come along or not.

So, will you throw another temper tantrum, or will you think beyond your butthurt for once?

Choice is up to you.

think- ago

@Vindicator @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @Crensch:

1) Why does the guy remind me of Donkey?

2) If he is such a genius, why did he always mix valid info with disinfo on his threads?

3) Why doesn't he just focus on his own work, instead of wasting time by telling people which di...err...sub is the bigger one?

srayzie ago

He is not donkey

think- ago

Oh I know, lol. But he shows the same juvenile uber-confidence. Not how a really mature, self-confident male would behave. ;-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy

srayzie ago

Yeah and he’s an asshole too

think- ago

Brother, let me explain something to you:

I've got about OVER DOUBLE the subs you do right now, and believe me, my stuff is growing at a much faster rate.

Are you gonna give us the measurement in inches? /s

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

Vindicator ago

This guy reminds me of Harvey Weinstein...not sure why. He's what my older offspring would call a "gaping anus".

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If they get down to actual photographic evidence of said measurements could you ping me?

Asking for a friend.

think- ago

Haha, I will. But I'm not sure whether I want to see NR's photographic evidence - I'm really sensitive when it comes to aesthetics, you know. ;-P

@srayzie @Shizy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sensitivity be damned, take one for the team. Now get in there and get us those photos

think- ago

Sensitivity be damned, take one for the team.

Hahaha. Gosh, I didn't know it would get that hard to be part of the team!! ;-P

@srayzie @Shizy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

:) Times are tough.

think- ago

Haha. How did I get involved in this Q stuff in the first place? :-P

@srayzie @Shizy @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Neon forced himself on v/pizzagate and @shewhomustbeobeyed bitch slapped him!

srayzie ago

I can now see why @think- likes @shewhomustbeobeyed. She cracks me up!

think- ago

;-) She's definitely a 'Woman of Voat'. We should maybe create an official club for the girls around here. By invitation only, of course, lol.


srayzie ago

Did you invite @shewhomustbeobeyed?

think- ago

Yes, I did!

srayzie ago

Maybe Empress and Trigglypuff?

think- ago

I'll PM you tomorrow!

Shizy ago

We should create a sub😁

Gotta come up with a good name!


srayzie ago

I came up with a name for the shill group after us. Since it centers around BuilderAnon.... BuilderGroup! Instead of Bilderberg Group. 😂

Shizy ago

We really needed one! That asshole uses so many alts it was getting confusing on how to reference him!

srayzie ago

I know!

think- ago

'WomenOfVoat' - we can set it private, so it's by invitation only :-P


srayzie ago

Oh nice!

Shizy ago

I like it!

think- ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I can't even begin to tell you haw glad I've been that nobody was posting his nonsense. Then he shows up, I snapped. I am ashamed. ;D

srayzie ago

@shizy always says shameful things. No worries! You need to join our bitch club. You’re my type of person. Lol


Shizy ago

I do! And then I usually feel bad later. I don't really like being mean, but damn it if some people don't deserve it from time to time!

You need to join our bitch club.


srayzie ago

I know what you mean. Lol

srayzie ago

Ashamed of what? That you now have Q followers as friends? 😂

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

YES. 😜

Shizy ago

Dont feel bad! It happens to all of us so everyone understands.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

IKR. All I was trying to do was make NR go away.

Then the next thing I know he gets jumped by a bunch of goats and fisted in front of everybody.

Do they make low fat popcorn?

srayzie ago

“Fisted” 😂🤣

Shizy we found another foul mouthed woman, with balls of steel like us! LMAO

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just checked, no balls.

srayzie ago

Lol. I can’t find mine yet either. I guess they haven’t dropped yet. But when they do, they will be huge!

think- ago

Do they make low fat popcorn?

I'm sure they do. Make sure to stash enough kernels.... ;-)

Crensch ago

Yeah, you're real effective when you rile up a mob to chase off thousands of legitimate users,

Citation needed.

because you all threw a temper tantrum and got super butthurt about the transition to a new sub, and couldn't let people operate by themselves in a private sub.

You invaded like disgusting Jews, spics, and niggers, and expected us to roll over and take it.

You're really making a difference here. **Really ** changing the world.

"But I got my hats and shirts linked to! WOOO CHANGING THE WORLD BABY!"

Why, you aren't totally marginalized and completely ineffective at all. You're a real mover and shaker! I can see all the tangible progress you've made in TWO WHOLE YEARS here. Why, at this rate, you may have a serious case against someone by 2053!

Says the bargain-bin "writer" capitalizing on the Q phenomenon - like a disgusting Jew.

Brother, let me explain something to you:

Jews are incestuous. What you're suggesting here is probably not even remotely what anyone else is thinking when you say it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It's why, when I told people to move to Voat, IT BROKE THE WHOLE SITE FOR DAYS.

Does this mean he is claiming that he is Q?

Could you guys give me the TL:DR.

I'm too much of a numbskull to follow Q.

@Vindicator @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Well, first of all, he's lying. Voat was only down a couple of hours during the Reddit migration. That was my first clue Putt had found that angel investor he was looking for. ;-)

The last time it was down for days was when we provided the Ray Chandler research to 8chan. That was when we all had a nice campout at PreviewVoat, and the shills were suddenly gone. It was awesome. We should have Putt do it again. :-)

I'm sure Neon would like everyone to believe he is Q, or part of the Q team. But he is not. Everything he does is contrary to what Q has repeatedly asked of folks. He is just another Alex Jones/Jerome Corsi/Robert David Steele/George Webb. They're a dime a dozen.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, first of all, he's lying. Voat was only down a couple of hours during the Reddit migration.

You know we both know exactly how long voat has been down in the past.;)

campout at PreviewVoat, and the shills were suddenly gone. It was awesome. We should have Putt do it again. :-)

Those were the days.

He is just another Alex Jones/Jerome Corsi/Robert David Steele/George Webb.

I told you they all had the same smelly numbers.

srayzie ago

No. He’s just being an asshole as usual

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And this is one of the leaders of the Q movement? Seriously? OMG

srayzie ago

No! He WISHES he was.

argosciv ago

So stop trying to flex. It doesn't impress me.

He said, trying to flex:

I've got about OVER DOUBLE the subs you do right now, and believe me, my stuff is growing at a much faster rate.

And yeah, if you could think beyond your butthurt for even a modicum of a second, you would be able to see me as a valuable ally.

I've got a book coming out in short order. It's literally going to be in bookstores nation-wide. My agent is huge and has multiple NYT best sellers under their belt.

(Also, m8, I was on the original pizzagate threads, and I was the guy who LITERALLY introduced the Chans to CDAN. I was the guy making the CDAN General threads. That was me. I also ran a Pizzagate research sub on Reddit in the wake of the original getting banned, and actually was over here on my original account at the time. I was on /pol/ when all this was going down live, researching until 3 in the morning, publishing info on major sites with 70,000+ subscribers BACK THEN. So don't think you're so high and mighty).

So yeah, I'm poised to do more for this movement in a couple months than you've managed in entire years.

I'm going in that direction, whether you and everyone else want to come along or not.

So, will you throw another temper tantrum, or will you think beyond your butthurt for once?

He said, throwing a temper tantrum:

Yeah, you're real effective when you rile up a mob to chase off thousands of legitimate users, because you all threw a temper tantrum and got super butthurt about the transition to a new sub, and couldn't let people operate by themselves in a private sub.

You're really making a difference here. **Really ** changing the world.

Why, you aren't totally marginalized and completely ineffective at all. You're a real mover and shaker! I can see all the tangible progress you've made in TWO WHOLE YEARS here. Why, at this rate, you may have a serious case against someone by 2053!

But prove me wrong for once! Prove I didn't make the right call by actually behaving like adults for once! Instead of having teams of people scheming on discord, pinging me dozens of times a day just to insult me, and posting that I'm a rapist and murderer while downvoting every comment I make, no matter what I say - perhaps you could all start acting like the big, grown up adults you claim to be, and start thinking logically.

Up to you how you want Voat, and everything that's happened here, to be written about, though. Do you want Voat to be commemorated as a hive of repugnant, selfish toddlers who are only good at throwing temper tantrums, or as actual adults who could see beyond their bruised egos for once, and work toward some kind of noble goal.


posting that I'm a rapist and murderer

^ Pretends to be goat but doesn't understand that the "1990" stuff is a meme thrown around for shits and giggles.

Oh Neon. You talk a tough game, but holy crap is it transparent.

MolochHunter ago

VanityFag 👆