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Deflo56 ago

My daughter had decided to major in criminology at her university. In one of her classes she had to go to the local state attorneys office and do a short internship. I noticed soon after she started that she was having trouble sleeping. I asked her what was going on and she brought up the subject of paedophilia. She informed me that a major case was working its way through the justice system. Being kind of news junkie I did think it was strange that I hadn’t heard about it. She stated that there were hundreds of thousands of actual pictures of children being molested. She said they were all different kids! This was back in the early 2000s. I kind of put it into the back of my head and didn’t think about it until the Podesta emails. The gravity of this fell upon me like a ton of bricks. It is the reason I joined this forum. The reason I joined VOAT. Lack of sleep is a small price to pay for being privy to the greatest evil. It has became crystal clear to me it is the base of all evil. When Trump says “You don’t know how sick these people are” I do and for that reason alone I have become a fan. Light is the only disinfectant. I’ve lost a lot of friends sharing what I now know. Hell, the way I look at it they were probably part of it to start with. I only have friends that don’t sleep now and I understand why Trump gets such little sleep. I’d like to thank the researchers and thanks for a great post.

Vindicator ago

Great anecdote, Deflo56. Thank you for being here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So why do you think they haven't bothered to control this sub, aye Vindy? Bad memory? Lazy to do it like they do to other sites? Don't feel like it? Mods here too righteous, refused offers?

Shizy ago

Good thing you're not lazy! It must take a lot of effort and energy to run so many accounts right?