Lonesome_Pizza ago

This reminds me of all those Anthony Weiner posts about them releasing the laptop data and it never happened. I'll believe it when it happens and not a moment sooner. Nice photoshop picture, I bet nothing happens as usual.

Vindicator ago

Well, Q promised Iran would be taken care of by 11-11, so we will soon see!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Lonesome_Pizza ago

Tomorrow is the big day, let's see if this prophecy is true or NOT. Trump better declare war on those pesky Persians.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Nice! It'll be easy to verify then, which is always nice.


thanks kev, I just dont want any association with ES (as I've already been falsely accused as being an alt of his.)

I dont really think he's the best person to ask about QAnon, he doesn't seem too into it.

Vindicator ago



I see what you did there.

notagame ago

Oh, I got chills from that poster pic.

I hope this isn't BS. I'm so strung out over this election ... and we've been down the road of promises before. All I want for Christmas is all The Usual Suspects indicted and in jail where they belong.

And I read a tweet suggesting that there's another reason for barricading the border and having the military blocking comings and goings. Is the Cannibal Elite's usual escape route closed?

These are things we need to know.

YogSoggoth ago

Well, for corroboration to the theory, that is where Raniere went. I know some evil people in my County that go to some remote ranch down there every year.

notagame ago

That is true, isn't it? Raniere was in with the Mexican government ... and probably the gangs.

YogSoggoth ago

From what I have always heard it really is pay to play down there, but they are just after the money anyways, so that can get crazy quick. Historically criminals have 3 easy choices when the heat is on. Canada, Florida, and Mehico. Reasons for choice vary by many factors. Canadians seasonally come to Florida to scam as contractors/ subcontractors/workers because just like their southern counterparts, if the heat is on by the county they just flee to the next county. No pictures were taken for shoddy work or false paperwork. Charges pending. They never used a real name in the first place, but they are driving a brand new truck with extra cash and following storms. Try that in Canada. Try that in Mehico. Our borders are a joke run by criminals and CBP is full of them.

notagame ago

Yes, and the reason it's allowed to flourish is that someone .... or a lot of someones ... are being paid.

Pay-for-play. That's the name of the game. These scumbag bastards will allow anything.

Vindicator ago

I read a tweet suggesting that there's another reason for barricading the border and having the military blocking comings and goings. Is the Cannibal Elite's usual escape route closed?

Haha! That would be a glorious plot twist, wouldn't it? It would also explain why serious progress hasn't been made on the wall, yet. No reason to man the border with 10,000 eyeballs if the wall were in place.

notagame ago

Yup, I got a kick out the suggestion. These types of creative thinking are what motivates me because it sure seems nothing is happening. And the lead disappearing in Florida has me wanting to hide in the basement.

Do you think that the movie posters refers to not only the script and fake news seen on video, but to maybe having these Cannibal Elite members being captured on video? Remember, The Cannibal Queen's Vid 5:5 was it? There's still that and the promised Kenyan film where he's holding a gun and shooting at the American flag.

Vindicator ago

Entirely possible. I notice the "movies" in the pic are numbered and am wondering how that may correspond with the numbered events Q has mentioned in the past.

Dailytacs ago

Got my popcorn! May all those witches burn.

Are_we_sure ago

Another October has come and come with no law enforcement action against Hillary Clinton and some how you persist in believing this is real. Meanwhile in reality Hillary Clinton has booked herself another international speaking tour with no extradition fears and no problems with her passports.

Another October showing that Q was lying from the very first posts.

Anonymous ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 16:44:28 No.147012719 HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross-border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01 a.m. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing U.S. to occur. US M's will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across major cities.

Anonymous ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 18:15:48 No.147023341 Mockingbird. HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Vindicator ago

We'll see, won't we AWS?

I think you'd better make sure you have appointments scheduled with your therapist. You're going to be very depressed the day after tomorrow.

Are_we_sure ago

Shall we make a bet?

One month, no comments on VOAT (other than moderations for you?)

If Rep take house, I'm off Voat a month. If Dems take House, you're off Voat a month.

Vindicator ago

Ha ha...I'm sure the shill squad would LOVE it if I am not allowed to comment. Nice try, though!

Your therapist was already booked up, wasn't he?

Are_we__sure ago

Nice try? You're the one claiming I'm going to be depressed, I made it tangible.

You're not willing to take the bet are you? Make it 3 days. Whaddya say? Put some skin in the game. You can still moderate.

Watching the results from my local rock club. Should be a fun crowd.

auralsects ago

LOL what happened to "both parties are evil, don't get caught in the left/right false dichotomy"

maybe @EsotericShade is onto something when he accused you of intentionally shitting up this board with RNC-Trump kikeshillery and Q-tard "trust the plan, goy" boomerfaggotry.

are you gonna 'own the libs' tomorrow? Because "Dems are the real racists"? LMAOOO

Vindicator ago

You might want to cook up some meth for yourself, toothless. I imagine gnashing what's left of your teeth will be painful. Might as well, since you already exposed yourself multiple times as an alt of Esoteric anyway. You're too far gone to benefit from therapy.


auralsects ago

your gaslighting tricks don't work here, KIKE.

any person of avg intelligence can understand that if I had forgotten to log out (after allegedly committing the exact same blunder with Equine) of ES the writing style would be the same.

for that is the accusation: I cultivate different personalities to manipulate people and a "vote system" that has zero impact on anything, anywhere. Just like your Q faggotry:

(((Trust The Plan, everything's done. we won. make cartoon memes, goyim, and hope for marshal law, because the govt has your back!)))

You're a fucking CLOWN, shlomo. You have ZERO credibility and have produced ZERO original research in 2 entire years.

NO ONE would believe that I am capable of pretending to ingratiate myself with the boomers and vag-niggers that pollute this board. I clearly enjoy shitting on you and laughing FAR TOO MUCH to do so.

EricKaliberhall ago

How is the "Russian Collusion" investigation going? :)

Are_we_sure ago

Ramping up quite nicely. Roger Stone's time in the barrel is coming soon.

lynnmar ago

I didnt see that one come up in Q Alerts. WOW the time is near.

darkknight111 ago

Maybe I can get the ball rolling on that victory party after all.

auralsects ago

no one here would believe that you have friends. nice try

darkknight111 ago

This comment coming from one of the most hated people on voat is just hilarious. Hypocrite.

Have more friends on this board than you do IRL and on this board combined.

It’s a self inflicted wound asshole. Maybe if you weren’t a hateful, sociopathic piece of shit (I bet you’re just as much of an awful person IRL as you are here), maybe you have some actual friends.

Nobody would care if you died. No one would attend your funeral except to cheer your death. The only time anyone’s ever touching your wanker is with the muzzle of a pistol loaded with hollow point rounds as they decide to castrate you point blank with it. I’d pay good money to watch that unfurl.

srayzie ago

Damn! I missed that last one. “Guardians of Pedophiles” and “Panic in DC”... I would say you’re right! I think the stage is almost set and it’s safe to say that we need to have our popcorn on standby.

EricKaliberhall ago

The awaited trilogy... First up [PANIC IN DC]

[PANIC IN DC] If you witness members of ANTIFA or any other people or organizations stationed at 'key' voter locations making threats or attempting to use scare tactics [voter intimidation] please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s). Internal comms suggest preparations are being made and organized to conduct a 29+ location push [battleground locations]. See Something Say Something Uniformed and Non-Uniformed personnel will be stationed across the country in an effort to safeguard the public. If you witness anything out of the ordinary with regards to staff, officials, machinery & equipment failures and/or malfunctions, unusual 'grouping' [buses dropping off people w/ guide and/or instructor], voter prevention [blocking], or other suspicious activity please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s). See Something Say Something [take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so] Q

CalRalph ago

45 = DJT and 6 + 11/5/18 = 11/11/18

niggerfaggot1988 ago

Andrew britebart knew about podesta, years before any of us did.

septimasexta ago

These movie posters make me see RED. I hope they have sell out crowds!

iamthepizzanow ago

That is correct. Thanks niggerfaggot.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

He did, he was intelligent and based his research on facts - and he would laugh his ass off at the original post above. QAnon, and fake movie posters... good lordy... what's it all come to. Just so utterly depressing.

Vindicator ago

Yes. I wish he were here to watch him fall.

Joe10jo ago

Hey niggerfaggot, tell us something we haven’t all known for years.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Your language is disgraceful. Know you were taught better.

niggerfaggot1988 ago

Let's get this show on the road. This PG shit has changed me forever.

Vindicator ago

It's changed all of us. As Q has said "Those who know can't sleep." The media especially needs to be completely exposed.


Hey @Vindicator, is there a post I can look at that links Q to pizzagate/explains why it fits submission rules?

Seriously looking for info, I've seen a lot of good information from Q, but I don't understand how seemingly unsourced (or speculative: "vindication may be coming") claims relate to how ya'll define "pizzagate"

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this question offends anyone

Vindicator ago

I always enjoy the opportunity to explain this. :-)

This subverse was founded to research the speculative meaning of John Podesta's nonsensical emails. We've investigated the claims of FBIAnon, Steve Piesczenik, Hollywood Renegade, Crazy Days and Nights and numerous people claiming to be victims of SRA. Next to 4chan, long before r/greatawakening or even /Qresearch/ we were the first board to dig into Q's claims.

Of all the whistleblowers who have revealed leads about the cabal of elite child rapists who keep themselves in power by abusing kids, QAnon is one of the most well-sourced phenomena we've studied. He has proven himself to either BE Trump or Trump plus a group of people working closely with him, and he has spread research originally produced on this board about Laura Silsby and Rachel Chandler to millions of Americans. Q has affirmed Voat was taken down because of that research. The same Cabal MSM outlets who know exactly what's going on and invented the term "fake news" to silence us immediately attempted to paint Q with the same brush, calling him "Pizzagate on steroids". Whenever anyone attempts to discuss Q's pizzagate-related references on our board, the Shareblue subverters go apeshit to try to silence it.

We even had one truly retarded shill completely jump the shark and claim our mod @think- is Q!

We don't allow baseless speculation. QAnon is not baseless.


Thank you for the links! Checking it out.

Vindicator ago

Also, are the referenced indictments of Podesta & Huma sealed?

Just this afternoon, QAnon confirmed there are sealed indictments against the Podestas.

@Vindicator do you think the "martial law" bit is necessary/believe it? That's the part of the Q narrative that scares me the most.

I have always felt a large part of this was Q and the whitehats showing the Cabal the size weapon they have fully loaded and ready to use. If everything we've documented about MKUltra, false flags, NPC zombies and compromised players at every level of government, banking, law enforcement, media, Hollywood, universities, churches, unions, the judiciary, charities, tech, agro and big pharma is true, they would have to be prepared to use this option if they were going to drain the swamp. You don't go hunting bear with a butterfly net.

I also think that they may be able to avoid declaring martial law and will if they can, since Trump wants to go down in history as the greatest American president, ever.


Alphabravo: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2221279

"In addition, he claims that 11.3 will see Podesta indicted, and on 11.6, Huma."


"just this afternoon Qanon confirmed there are sealed indictments against the Podestas"

very interesting. i do see where you're coming from.

Vindicator ago

Any Q related submission written such that it complies with our submission rules is fair game, just like any submission on any topic.


Even memes though?

Vindicator ago

As long as they are part of a thread that meets the submission rules, of course. We also have a sub just for memes to make them easier to find.


cool, good to know.


And the martial law thing? If you prefer to message me thats cool

niggerfaggot1988 ago

Check the drops. It's mainly pics. I can recall at least 3 times. The last drop he did, the day before I had requested a PG drop to get new people up to date. This was on the old reddit board.

I like to think he read my post.


I've seen the pics/drops and there's some interesting/accurate stuff

But how does an anonymous source meet rule 2 of empiricism?

Its Pizzagate related, but it's like the NY Times quoting "unnamed officials within the administration"

I like to think a lot of things, but its not proof.

Not saying it doesn't exist, but I'm looking for an actual link? Or previous pizzagate post? Searchvoat doesn't let you search for "q"

SchlongKeyhote ago

he won't answer you. he's a transparent gatekeeper Zio-shill trying to have PG, which is real, subsumed by Q, which is not.

MolochHunter ago

Yer saw that on twitter, luv it

SearchVoatBot ago

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