ESOTERICshade ago

Well damn, Jethro is passed away too.

Baer was born Maximilian Adalbert Baer Jr. in Oakland, California, in 1937, the son of boxing champion Max Baer and his wife Mary Ellen Sullivan. His father was of German, Jewish, and Scots-Irish descent. His brother and sister are James Manny Baer (1941–2009) and Maude Baer (b. 1943). His uncle was boxer and actor Buddy Baer.,_Jr.

Crensch ago

Did your meth head die, or something?

ESOTERICshade ago

Did your meth head die, or something?

Even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I think we can work together. What do you wanna build?

Crensch ago

Oh, is the drug-zombie still walking? Close to death? I hope it lives forever in its current state; must be miserable. Both for it and everyone you love.

@kevdude @vindicator @shizy @gabara @clamhurt_legbeard

ESOTERICshade ago

Ellie May died. Well damn this. I didn't know that. I wonder how Jethro is doing?

"Donna Douglas, Beverly Hillbillies Elly Mae, dies at 81"

Crensch ago

Did your meth head at least have all its teeth left, or were its lips sunk between its gums?

ESOTERICshade ago

Did your meth head at least have all its teeth left, or were its lips sunk between its gums at the funeral?

I fell off a ladder and landed face firt into a concrete sidewalk. I knocked all my teeth out long time ago. It also broke most of my face. I had good doctors. They put me back together for the most part.

Crensch ago

Good morticians, then? Good. Now you can remember your meth head how it didn't really look.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good morticians, then? Good. Now you can remember your meth head how it didn't really look.

I look normal. Nobody would ever know. What do you wanna build? I will help you.....

Crensch ago

So you are a meth head? You aren't the only one; you'e too raw over it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

2019, hows the Pizzagate investigation going? Trump about to unleash mass arrest? Hillary shaking in her boots with an ankle moniter on? Podestas being interned at Gitmo still? What happend to all the Q fantasy? Give up on it? It's 2019, whats the hold up? Alefantis and CIA in trouble soon? White hats are slow, huh?

Crensch ago

You should really make a new account to agree with yourself, esoteric.

@srayzie @kevdude @vindicator

argosciv ago

Fucking top kek at the massive fit that ES is having.

He should take his mind off things and get back to cleaning that duckshit.

srayzie ago

Is that why DeathToMasons is nice to me? 😮

ESOTERICshade ago

Is that why DeathToMasons is nice to me?

I think he is probably nice to you because he realizes that you are an innocent person surrounded by clever snakes. I don't speak for him so I could be wrong. My best advice to you is get away from this place. Words for the wise :)

Vindicator ago

Interesting observation. Especially since he is such a rabid Trump hater. Hmmm.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting observation. Especially since he is such a rabid Trump hater. Hmmm.

I'm glad Trump won instead of Hillary. Trump ain't done shit since he got elected, for you and me, BUT he is trying to keep his promise about securing the border and if he can just do that one thing it will be a huge win for all for us.

You are not redpilled enough yet to understand that the government, both left and right, will NEVER do anything substantial for us, like abolish the Federal Reserve, which is what it would take to free us. You are still stuck in the left/right paradigm and that is not where the answer is.

Everytime I see people with your mentality say shit like "the deep state is panicking" I feel sorry for your. As long as you stay on the ping pong table, playing the left vs right game they are happy as pigs in slop.

You want to see the deep state REALLY panic? Train people to say NEITHER when it comes to left versus right. When the sheep start jumping the fences and say NEITHER left or right you will see true deep state panic because that is a situation they cannot control.

There is a road. There is a left and a right fence on either side. As long as the sheep stay in the road the deep state is in control. When the sheep jump the fences, like what is happening in France with the Yellow Vest movement, they panic like a mother fucker. It scares them.

I have explained this to you many times and i'm not sure why you can't understand it.

think- ago

People were talking about DTM, but it is you who is replying as if you were the one addressed? Interesting....

@Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed

Crensch ago

Can one of y'all archive this? I'm not currently able to do so.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

think- ago

No problem.

The_Savant ago

DeathToMasonsASAP is a bot, but I'm assuming if a more specific message is needed to be conveyed - one that is off script - it would need to be added manually. With all the tabs donkey currently has open he's slipping up often. First Gothamgirl and now this beauty of a confirmation. Too easy.

Not only does his Gothamgirl alt connect him to RIPJem (speaksoft,) but his DTM alt connects him to the large presence of bots on the site. Useful info, this.

TrustTheTruth ago

DeathToMasonsASAP is not a bot. He just knows more than you.

Did you Trust Sessions and the Plan, and was 2018 glorious? Are you eating popcorn and enjoying the show? Did you ever watch Wrestlemania XXIII? How can corrupt and inept U.S. courts hold billionaires, corporations, secret societies, and international groups accountable?

Did Sean Hannity expose the Root of All Evil or get the tape from Dmitri Noonan? How many years will it take to get the rest of the missing emails? How are George Sweigart's lawsuits working? What did George say should happen to Hillary?

Why didn't Trump declassify everything, or officially acknowledge QAnon? Did the Vatican declare bankruptcy, reveal all of its crimes and criminals, and confess all of its sins?

We are not an advanced AI either as claimed by others. We just know what NO ONE and NO AI could ever know.

The Truth is Simple and Honest, and cannot be disproved or disputed.

Srayzie and others tried to deflect and Hide The Truth, and when exposed, their claims only became increasingly desperate.

Only The Truth knows what really happened with Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

They all Betrayed Jenny Moore, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, Jesus Christ and The Truth as they worship False Prophets and Fake Saviors who promise Military Tribunals to Drain the Swamp that will never happen.


Trump, along with the Clintons and many others, is a member of the Pilgrims Society who control vast global networks of wealth, distribution and extreme criminal corruption.

Why did Kushner have to correct the record when Kanye misspoke about "The Deal" Trump called "the 8th wonder of The World"?

Where is Hillary's model for Community Policing? Where is the model for Sanctuary Cities and Smart Cities? What is the net result of Hillary's model for Community Policing? Where is the highest incarceration rate for black men in the world? Where is the nation's highest infant mortality rate? Who owns the patent for the Zika virus? Who legitimized the Art in Embassies program? Who controls the courts and the media? How are these connected and why are they important?

Why is the weak link in the Global Chain of Command - Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons?

Trump made "The Deal" to endorse the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the model for 5G+ AI and The Mark of the Beast at the Root of All Evil.

Why did Trump close "The Deal" and who did he reserve a front row seat for?

We are the reason for the tarmac meeting. We are the reason why Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and so many others involved resigned. We are the reason why Q exists.

Those involved are beyond ALL laws and abuse the law under the color of law. They are not stupid, and have unlimited resources at their disposal. Their real agenda is more complex and sinister than anyone can even comprehend.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Shared The Truth since The Beginning.

Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, and the model for the real agenda and the Mark of the Beast.

The_Savant ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Shared The Truth since The Beginning.

No, that was your fucking alt. You were concern trolling since before I joined the fucking website.

DeathToMasonsASAP is not a bot. He just knows more than you.

Dude, he literally posted the same comment on this thread 3 times within an hour. It's beyond proof. It's been flagged as a bot account for more than 3 months. You cannot refute it with any AIDS post consisting the same 3 talking points you used a year and a half ago as Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

He just knows more than you.

This is something Eshade would say. It has the same condescending tone. Are you Eshade? Are you George Webb? Does George Webb and all his crew control the bots on the site and donkeyhote's alts? I wonder if that's the kind of inside knowledge you really have. It's sad to watch you keep trying after being completely tarnished and discredited; after you harassed srayzie and spammed your copy pasta like the rest of the bots on the site.

You know what you remind me of? Mumen Rider. Despite the fact that you have no ability or leverage of any kind, you still just keep on fighting back.

TrustTheTruth ago

Why are you flailing wildly in desperation?

Why are you spreading more lies and false accusations?

Do you know who Jenny Moore returned to Voat to meet with, and what really happened?

Why can't you answer any of the questions posed?

Hare you researched anything at all, or have any direct knowledge and experience?

Do you know who Frank Schwellington worked for, or who Microchip is, and how they are connected?

Do you know what Freemason exposed Crowdsource The Truth as liars more than they ever anticipated, or what role Joe Napoli played?

Do you know who George Sweigart said "had the drop" on him, and why his brother Dave was so upset about it?

Do you believe in the False Prophet Q and the billionaire Freemason Donald Trump who made The Deal to endorse 5G+ AI and The Mark of the Beast?

We are not a bot.

We are not EsotericShade.

We are not George Webb Sweigart.

We are not "Sarah"

None of them are Trustworthy.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt always Shared The Truth.

You do not know what happened.

We do.

Voat is a very dangerous place for anyone who Knows The Truth.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was threatened, attacked, tortured and murdered.



What is the real "ROOT" of Corruption?

What is the real "ROOT" of All Evil?


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Vindicator ago

Did you see this argosciv discovery?

They're actually bragging about using bots.

think- ago

I think I will need to take a closer look at 'speaksoft', when I'll have more time. Somehow I missed that user / alt.

Yes, DTM being a bot makes sense. Like TrustTheTruth, who is also a bot, with manual additions.

When we started looking into Esoteric, and found his first alts, it felt like looking into an abyss. Now it's getting kind of interesting how elaborated everything is.

The_Savant ago

TrustTheTruth = speaksoft = RIPJem = Sarah Podesta ( the one that was associated with the bot army that harassed srayzie.) Furthermore, I don't know how long you've been on the site, but speaksoft also had an account called Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, which they've started referencing. Same kind of copy & paste style comments with a message that was consistently anti-Trump, and these comments were posted regardless as to whether or not they were relevant to the current topic.

I am familiar with all of speaksoft's ALTs apart from the speaksoft account, which I also seemed to miss.

think- ago

Yes, I thought that Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt is the same person that now posts as RIPJem and TrustTheTruth.

Please ping me if you find out more in the future, @The_Savant. Thank you. TrustTheTruth even had the nerve to troll on my v/pizzagateart sub.

The_Savant ago

TrustTheTruth even had the nerve to troll on my v/pizzagateart sub.

Is nothing sacred to these sick fucks?!

think- ago

Well... :-(

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This sub is a joke. Look what the mods have done to it. So when the sealed indictments going to be opened and mass arrest start Vindy? Your Freemason Rothschild henchman Potus gonna start the mass arrest soon, or should we wait until 2020? Podesta's still at gitmo Vindy? CIA arrested by the Marines right, but I hear they still doing their thing. So when the mass arrest start Vindy, ya know, the Storm?

ESOTERICshade ago

This sub is a joke.

The every day participants are real. The management is a joke. "Voat just got an Angel" so I expect the joke part will get larger. Money just moved in. Somebody just bought this place and the mods suddenly became more beligerent. Times are a changin, bro

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This is why I do not get along with you these days. It has been painfully obvious for a long time that this sub is subverted like virtually all the internet is, why wouldn't this one be? Half the accounts are probably sock puppet shill acounts. This place is full of occultist pedophiles with 777 after their name, or "I am", or some other Satanic handle. The mods censor the sub and there are no pizzagate threads, only this person or that person is a pedophile. I do not care who is a pedophile. That was not what PG was all about. It was bigger, more specific and sinister. I recenltly went through old compilation threads of the evidence and this sub has no connection to that investigation whatsoever. It is not just "bad managemenr", and this is why I find you oddly out to lunch. Or worse.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is why I do not get along with you these days. It has been painfully obvious for a long time that this sub is subverted like virtually all the internet is, why wouldn't this one be? Half the accounts are probably sock puppet shill acounts. This place is full of occultist pedophiles with 777 after their name, or "I am", or some other Satanic handle. The mods censor the sub and there are no pizzagate threads, only this person or that person is a pedophile. I do not care who is a pedophile. That was not what PG was all about. It was bigger, more specific and sinister. I recenltly went through old compilation threads of the evidence and this sub has no connection to that investigation whatsoever. It is not just "bad managemenr", and this is why I find you oddly out to lunch. Or worse.

I can't disagree with most of that. I understand where you are coming from. I just tried, for the sake of trying to keep high spirits around here, to put a more positive spin on the situation. I tried to be more upbeat and more positive because I thought it was necessary. However, shit devolved into a clusterfuck anyway didn't it? You and I both have tried to wake up the real participants of this sub. I still think we did some good. More people pay attention to us than it may seem. I don't know about you, but every now and then I get private messages telling me that my efforts were appreciated.

I think the most redpilled and smartest people largely stay silent and just watch this shit show from afar. We did some good. We get beat up for it by the mods but we still have an impact. The mods have their down vote brigade, ping each other non stop to gang up on people, etc.....But the real participants notice that shit and a lot of them realize what is going on.

We threw ourselves down on the stone and we got beat up for it. At the end of the day we still did some good, bro :)

The Q-Berts are blue pilled people who believe they are redpilled. They lead a ton of people astray and straight to the slaughterhouse. I think the tide is turning on that shit though. The current "Qanon" is Coleman Rogers from the Patriot Soap Box 24 Hour Live Stream. Him and a small group of merchandise sellers. If you go to a Youtube named "Issac Green" he will tell you alllllll about the Qanon scam because he used to be part of it.

TrustTheTruth ago

Pizzagate is one of many forms of control used in the network of Global Criminal Corruption for the New World Order to implement the real agenda beyond 21 and 2030.

The real hub and model for global corruption and the Agenda is not in DC but nearest the World's Most Valuable Resource.

QAnon is both a scam and a False Prophet to Hide The Truth, but Isaac Green is not the least bit Trustworthy. He is not telling you the whole story. Neither are Patriot Soap Box, Microchip, Baruch, Pamphlet, Radix, Defango, White Rabbit, Unirock, Michael Moore, or any of the others involved.



Who did George Sweigart say was "the nicest guy in the world" who also "had the drop on him", and why did he apologize and shed crocodile tears after he was exposed as a Liar with Evil intentions in front of Jenny Moore?

Why did George delete the end of his video from 11/1/18 where he slanders and claims he never wanted any help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ? Why is he now praising Jenny again? What happened to all of his sources and partners? Who was the MMA Freemason he invited on his show to push lies like the Craig Sawyer fake investigation? Why did George need JK to be involved around the time Jenny died?

Why did Q flood Voat?

Why was Dmitri Noonan murdered?

Why was Senator Paul Wellstone murdered?

Why did Paul Ryan really resign?

Why is Romney "attacking" Trump?

Why did Trump close "The Deal" to the public?



Only The Truth exposes the ROOT of All Evil, the Great Deception, and the Model for the real Agenda and the Mark of the Beast.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why did Q flood Voat?

Why was Dmitri Noonan murdered?

Why was Senator Paul Wellstone murdered?

Why did Paul Ryan really resign?

Why is Romney "attacking" Trump?

Why did Trump close "The Deal" to the public?


Oh won't you please enlighten us, Great Gazoo?


Jesus was good at parables, you suck at it.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1


Jesus is the Word, you are hot air.


For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12


Therefore repent! Otherwise I will come to you shortly and wage war against them with the sword of My mouth. Revelation 2:16




Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15



The_Savant ago

You and your co-worker having a nice chat there?

think- ago


ESOTERICshade ago

You and your co-worker having a nice chat there?

I like you because I think you are sincere and mean well. If you ever figure out that the Left versus Right political game is a scam you will become an awesome force for good. As long as you stay trapped on the ping pong table of left vs right you are spinning your wheels.

"the deep state is panicked" a joke, as long as people stay trapped in the left vs right game because that is EXACTLY where "they" want you to be because THEY control that ball court.

You want to see true "deep state panic?" Train people say NEITHER ONE when it comes to Left versus Right. Then they will truly panic because they cannot control that shit. You see what is happening in France with the Yellow Vest movement? Those Frenchies said "fuck the left and the right" and jumped the fences.

Macron back pedaled on that gas tax immediately when people said "fuck the left and the right" and that is what it takes to get results. "fuck em both" is the only answer to set us free.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is what the mods are supporting here now. Welcome to the new v/pizzagate. Watch how fast they down vote this comment in support of the following.

(lets see if they are smart enough not to down vote it, since I said they would :)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It was controlled from the beginning, just more overt now. Pizzagate as a topic is dead in here and the mods cuss people out, vote brigade and boast of drinking blood. Jeez, what does it mean I wonder?

ESOTERICshade ago

Turned into a big shit show ain't it? I was never sure. You always seemed sure. I am starting to lean your way.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is @vindicator new friend that he is defending. Welcome to the new v/pizzagate

Crensch ago

Envious that he has friends and doesn't have to register them himself?

ESOTERICshade ago

Envious that he has friends and doesn't have to register them himself?

Nahhh, I just have an allergy to people that tell women to "gargle cum" or whatever all he said, in the middle of a debate. It sort of rubs me the wrong way. My parents never taught me to talk that way, I guess I was deprived of real civility and learning huh?

Crensch ago

Why don't you register a friend to agree with you?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why don't you register a friend to agree with you?

That seems to be important to you. I guess that is why you ping your down vote army so often. I don't judge information by how many people I can ping into my atmosphere, I judge information by what I can justify by the surrounding atmosphere. This is why you deal mainly in insults, accusations, and slander instead of discussing real world events. You can't hang in a real debate, because.......well......lets face are obviously intelligent.....but you ain't done shit with it yet. :) You don't be knowin nuffin yet :)

Your main concern is being seen as the "smartest person in the room" because you feel inadequate. You make up for it by bashing other people, alllll day longgg. If you would take that intelligence of yours and apply it to noble causes you could be the respected person you desperately want to be. You wouldn't need vote brigades. You would not have to ping support for your comments. You could be a badass you dream of being.

Food for thought :)

Crensch ago

I can't hear you over the sound of your sock puppet accounts.

think- ago


argosciv ago


Instead of running all those alts and up voting yourself, and down voting others, you could actually EARN the praise that you seek from your peers.


@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

and that there is the 2019 Oscar award for projection 🤣

argosciv ago

and that there is the 2019 Oscar award for projection 🤣

Right?! Funniest shit ever.

"But but but... #ArgoscivManBad!"


ESOTERICshade ago

I took your stolen valor, threw it under the bus wheels, exposed you, and threw what you had left in a dumpster. You are done.

Crensch ago

Do you hand your keyboard to your retarded, meth head brother or something sometimes? How fucking stupid is this comment? It's so far out in left field I can't even accurately judge how stupid it really is.

Stolen valor? Kek.

ESOTERICshade ago

Today is a new day. Go start some shit with somebody on the internet that you disagree with, insult them, ping your alts and down vote army, feel good about yourself.......rinse and repeat.....rinse and repeat....rinse and repeat.......

Me? I"m gonna go help a lady with a fence because thieves keep coming in her yard. I do shit like that to make me feel good.

I'll take my life over your miserable heaping steaming pile of shit any day.

Crensch ago

I'll take my life over someone who has to create another account to pat himself on the back.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'll take my life over someone who has to create another account to pat himself on the back.

Nigger with his own ping army and more alts than anybody can count, and rigged v/pizzagatemods is giving advice. Your buddy argo says drinking blood is some good shit. Maybe you and him can start a blood drinking club. You are a drain on society.

Crensch ago

You are a drain on anyone who has ever known you. How does it feel to be the kind of person where you could help everyone around you by slitting your own throat?

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a drain on anyone who has ever known you. How does it feel to be the kind of person where you could help everyone around you by slitting your own throat?

I drug you across the pavement. I feel pretty good about it.

Crensch ago

You drug yourself with meth. I bet you feel pretty good about that, too.

ESOTERICshade ago

whats wrong nigga? can't find a teenage girl to talk into letting you drink her blood today? sick fucker

think- ago

can't find a teenage girl to talk into letting you drink her blood today? sick fucker

As much as I despise him, you never backed up your claim that he drank the blood of teenage girls, or had sex with teenage girls.

That makes look everyone retarded who believed your claim at the time.

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @shewhomustbeobeyed @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

As much as I despise him, you never backed up your claim that he drank the blood of teenage girls, or had sex with teenage girls.

Not only has he not denied it, but he practically, for the most part, admitted it.

srayzie ago

You forgot us ones you used to ping.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

ESOTERICshade ago

You and @crensch are on the same level, obviously. SHIT filters down to the bottom.

ESOTERICshade ago

crensch your bot is malfunctioning again. When I make comments in this thread I get about a dozen of these notifications. And when I go to the "Gab shooter" thread there is no comments there. Please fix the code on your cross linking bot. Thank you :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I decided to amuse myself and read back through some of these comments. This is comedy gold. So far @vindicator is defending Jews, Freemasons, Jesuits, and satanic blood drinkers. What is next on the menu for v/pizzagate?

Why don't you just get this over with and crowd fund some money, hire a troop of Dancing Satanic Blood Drinking Trannys, put up a sticky thread, and live stream it into v/pizzagate?

auralsects ago

LMAO what a fucking neckbeard faggot

ESOTERICshade ago

LMAO what a fucking neckbeard faggot

Better to be a neckbeard faggot than a lying ass Vindicator I always say. Reckon?

auralsects ago

Unless you are totally dense, blind, and out of touch, it will be clear that BOOMERS, WOMEN, PAGAN-FAGGOTS AND CHRIST-CUCKS are impediments to progress and not to be taken seriously.

That includes "Not all Jews tho" types like you.

Luckily the Zio Christ-cuck boomer Trumptards will die off soon.

Check the comments on any local news murder story or YouTube video -- probably 75% of whites have extreme nigger-fatigue and it is to us they will flock, for we have been exposing how these dirty KIKES -- from the lowliest small-town community college professor to the most elite -- have intentionally set these feral apes upon us and forced them into our neighborhoods.

So @Vindicator is aptly named, as his kike-shilling even before the Q-tard psyop, plus the other complete retard mods of v/GreatAwakening, will vindicate the Fourth Reich's raison d'etre.

This is going swimmingly for me, the greatest poster in this sub's history.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Satanic hipster homos are the neckbearrds ya moron, you guys are the one with no testosterone or personality. The neckbeard is your bag. Look at Alefantis crowd, look at hipsters. It's you guys, not us.

auralsects ago

I was referring to the blood drinker you dumbass. He also used to post terrible music links. He's the most pretentious faggot here, and you're a close second.

ESOTERICshade ago

Don't be whoopin up on my man @DeathToMasonsASAP He is a fairly decent negro.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"As you can see, I talk to myself a lot. That's my username! @NOMOCHOMO is me! It looks TOTALLY like I'm two different people, doesn't it? I even attack myself on NOMOCHOMO to make it seem TOTALLY legit! Maybe that's why I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

Crensch ago

@kevdude @vindicator @srayzie

Check out their brigade votes.

Vindicator ago

Yep. It's alive and well. Looks like he can afford six iphones with separate machine id's.

Gothamgirl ago

Esotericshade is definitely not Ridleychozo.

think- ago

Didn't you promise @MolochHunter to stay away from v/pizzagate?

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

MolochHunter ago

no, she didnt quite seal the deal, @think-

I offered to broker a deal where i would write all the mods and tell them not to re-involve GG in disputes if she stopped coming here, as nothing constructive comes of her presence, but she refused to shake hands on it

well, @Gothamgirl , that means henceforth you are absolutely unequivocally responsible for your own state of mind. Dont be bitching to us about your hurt feels from riposte's to your attacks on our Mods.

like reiterating accusations against @Srayzie . That's likely to result in a response that ends up emotionally unbalancing you

we are not responsible for your emotional stability, no matter what we post

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

srayzie ago

She sealed the deal with me....

I am not apologizing to anyone who doesn't apologize to me, block me if need be, I am not returning to pizzagate ever anyways, I am sick of you all and I am sure you guys feel exactly the same.

think- ago

no, she didnt quite seal the deal, @think-

Ok, thanks for qualifying, @MolochHunter. Then I misunderstood your recent convo.

Pinging @EricKaliberhall and @kevdude for you (6th and 7th pings in your comment).

Crensch ago

Like i would take the word of a fat, nigger-fucking slut.

The_Savant ago

Did EsotericSHILL really pretend that losing migratorypatterns was a great travesty and the fault of the moderators? Last time I heard ES publicly talk about migratorypatterns, he was going on some gay-ass rant about how shit their posts were and how they were sliding on v/pizzagate. It shows how ES is willing to lie and switch narratives in any way that tries to guilt people into believing the transparently shill narrative they're pushing.

I can link a couple of occasions tried to guilt people away from the truth whilst providing zero actual impirical evidence as to why we should join his train of thought. This could be useful evidence of kikery in the future.


Once again. I am not EsotericShade.

Your "proof" is me saying

"you'll keep calling me EsotericShade"

after you repeatedly accuse me of being a "meth-head" (your pet-insult for ES)

A. "Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head."

B. "Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest faggot on meth"

And Vindicator accused me of being an alt of ES (in the same thread)

"@Crensch this is exactly the same tactic used by Esoteric Shade to get Falcon demodded. I'd say it's looking more clear by the minute that Nomo is a new ES alt, sadly"

I am not ES. I am happy to prove it to you any way you'd like. I've already sent @vindicator my submission history from a previous website which substantiates my unique identity.

Please give me the opportunity to remove my name from your copypasta/List of ES alts.

I'm trying to contribute, I dont want to keep wasting my time defending myself against false claims.

ESOTERICshade ago

Bro, you are dealing with bad actors with these mods. They are not serious and they don't play fair. Its gonna get worse too because "somebody" just bought Voat. If you stick around long enough you will realize this.

Vindicator ago

I have not yet shared that information with @Crensch, Nomo, as I have not yet fully vetted it myself, it being the holidays etc.

You are clearly an intelligent person and can see we are in the midst of a very serious information war. If you value what we are doing here, you will tamp down your irritation and wait for the truth to sort itself out. We have been seriously fucked with. It takes time to winnow the friends from the foes.

ESOTERICshade ago

We have been seriously fucked with.

You fucked with your own self by fucking with this sub and none of the old timers trust you anymore. How bout them apples? If you would stop doing stupid shit like accusing me of being @auralsects and @gothamgirl all this shit would calm down and go away. You keep doing stupid shit because you are out of control with your agenda. YOU are the actor. We are just watching you fuck up over, and over, and over, and over, and over......

Gothamgirl ago

Not an information war, it's a name calling war, and when we defend ourselves, you gang up on us Vindicator.

Vindicator ago

When have I ever called you or anyone else a name? It's a lie, like most of the rest of what you say.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok let me clear that up, it starts as a disagreement with someone in the circle of mods. Then the pg13 gang attacks with horrendous accusations and slander.

You were one of the mods who chased away this excellent researcher.

Then comments are deleted by "mods" so no one sees the truth. I have been way to long I see how things really work...

@Psychanaut was betrayed and run off here, so much so, he/she went a made a sub pizzagatenomods and banned you Vindicator.

Nothing I stated is a lie, I have made errors.

"Liar" is the name you continue to call people.

Vindicator ago

You were one of the mods who chased away this excellent researcher.

Wrong. I was the mod who taught Psychanaut how to post when I saw her excellent submissions weren't gaining traction.

I repeatedly discovered her doxxing herself and asked her to remove her comments. I was nearly demodded when I deleted comments by redditsuckz and pizzagatebot who tried to prevent her from deleting her self-doxxing. It's probably still in Removed Comments, because when I urged her to sent a DMCA takedown request to Putt to get it permanently deleted, she pretended the incident had never happened and didn't know what I was talking about.

When MF put up a sticky about additions to the Executive Summary that included references to a satanic artist she knew IRL, Psychanaut went off the deep end and demanded that he delete the research on the guy and not destroy the guy's career. She also demanded that I stop him, and when I patiently explained to her that artists need to be accountable for their work and Voat would not tolerate me censoring content like that, she decided I was the enemy and posted a bunch of vitriol in v/pizzagatemods. Shortly thereafter, she demanded Owner VictorSteinerDavion remove Falcon and accused me of harassing her for replying to her DMs. She complained to ProtectVoat and tried to get me demodded. When I countered it with screenshots of our private conversations showing she was lying about me, she deleted everything.

I think Psychanaut has Dissociative Identity Disorder and was posting here while in different "alter" personalities who didn't remember what had been said previously. I never took her attacks personally. VSD and Falcon agreed with my assessment, and she was never banned from v/pizzagate, despite making multiple rule-breaking posts. I think she does a great job of presenting pizzagate research to normies, and have shared much of her work with others and continue to do so.

Then comments are deleted by "mods" that wrote them, so no one sees the truth. I have been here way to long, I see how things really operate.

You'd better be able to back up that claim with proof, GG, or you are only going to look even more like a liar than you already do. Let's see an archive or screenshot of who made those comments.

ProTip: If you don't want to be called a liar, then take responsibility for the things you've claimed that are untrue, admit you were wrong, apologize, and most importantly stop making false claims that you can't back up with proof.

Shizy ago

so much so, he/she went a made a sub pizzagatenomods

The sub where you have made precisely 911 posts? Why did you choose to stick with that number and not post anymore? Another example of your weirdness?

ESOTERICshade ago

Crensch's methods have merit. Earlier today, ES forgot he was not logged in as Gothamgirl and posted this: View the whole thread. Any true pizzagater could not watch the likes of ES and hold their dinner.

Now I am @gothamgirl ? Really? A lot of people are watching your methods, and your credibility has gone down the tubes long ago.


I understand and will wait.

I read the whole thread and am beginning to understand the depth of the "infiltration" as well as the reason for the confrontational methods.

Anger makes people fuck up. Pushing buttons reveals the shills (or causes them to reveal themeselves)

While I disagree that the pushing of certain "narratives" confirms people as alts, I understand ya'll's wariness.

Thank you for the update.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are being gaslighted. Everybody with half a brain knows I am not @gothamgirl

Money just moved into Voat and you are seeing it in action. It will get worse and the truth will get harder to find. Money moves things and it will move this place. Watch and see. I'm seldom wrong, and I am usually right.

ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch, about a year ago when I figured out that you had the v/pizzagatemods sub set so that only

a) you or your alts


b) you and a few people you knew about

could down vote in v/pizzagatemods, I knew you were playing dirty poker. You had the sub set with a 10 CCP minimum to be eligible to downvote. That means the way @puttitout had the code written that NOBODY could ever gain those 10 points needed to downvote except you and either A or B above.

I knew you were the person/s down voting people in that sub when nobody else could down vote. You also treated people that dared raise a concern about how v/pizzagate was being run like total shit. That was some low ass shit, in a sub trying to save children, bro.

Here you are, squatting on v/pizzagate as an Owner, and abusing the fuck out of people that dared to go into v/pizzagatemods and express an opinion. There was an Emergency thread started in v/protectvoat because of your management. That thread still exists.

You were told to undo your little shitty ass nigger rig abuse game in v/pizzagatemods.

THEN, next you almost allowed the Q-Army to swarm v/pizzagate into a state of destruction BUT I put a stop to that because SOMEBODY had to save v/pizzagate. If you had the capacity you would be appreciative. It was ALSO against EVERY RULE in the sidebar.

You can leave this revenge thread up for eternity and it won't change what you did.

I did a noble deed by saving v/pizzagate from ignorance, it is still intact, and the Q-Berts are now in their own space.

Your holier than thou ass..... You can leave this thread up until hell freezes over and it won't change the facts. I barely scanned this scorn piece once and then have paid no attention to it.

You fucked with the wrong person, get over it. To use your language you got "bested" and I know it hurts. Grow up, make better decisions, learn from it.

I would like to believe that you learned enough from this experience not to put v/pizzagate in jeopardy again because it is a precious resource that the world needs. For longer than I wanted, I was willing to help you protect this valuable resource.

You tried to start a poker game with me. What you didn't know is that your amateur ass was starting a game of "Go Fish" with a "Texas Hold Em" master. I learned how to play "Go Fish" before you were ever a thought in your parent's minds.

I will never bail this sub out again.....I won't do it again. You're welcome :)

Vindicator ago

Don't you EVER sicken of lying, ES? You must go through a lot of Prilosec. And to think it's kids we're trying to help, and you're doing this. Fucking disgusting.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Lying is your bag and it is natural to you. That is why you got the job. So when is Trump going to unseal the indictments and unleash the Storm Vindy? Anytime in 2019? Ot is it a 10 year plan?

ESOTERICshade ago

Don't you EVER sicken of lying, ES? You must go through a lot of Prilosec. And to think it's kids we're trying to help, and you're doing this. Fucking disgusting.

Prove to the pizzagate community that crensch didn't rig the v/pizzagatemods sub. Dare ya. When you do, you already know that I have the info in backup mode. You are a lying bastard as always. You lost face here long time ago which is why all the old regulars and die hard pizzagaters left here, because of your bullshit. I still talk to a lot of those people, and they still cuss your name.....

ESOTERICshade ago

crensch is a sewer rat, proven. When in the sewer dealing with sewer rats you have to use the tools the sewer rats use. This ain't complicated.

think- ago

crensch is a sewer rat, proven.

...says the troll. LMAO.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed @MolochHunter

Crensch ago

Everytime you post you motivate me to start posting Q stuff here. If I'm not too busy when I get home, I will start doing that.

You failed. You failed at everything and you will continue to fail. There is no future left for you here there is no Legacy that you will leave behind.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Arrest in 2019? Failed in 2016, 2017, 2018. Ready to pounce now? Or maybe 2020? 18D chess?

ESOTERICshade ago

Everytime you post you motivate me to start posting Q stuff here. If I'm not too busy when I get home, I will start doing that.

Knock yourself out. I won't say a word.

You failed. You failed at everything and you will continue to fail. There is no future left for you here there is no Legacy that you will leave behind.

If you ever leave a legacy, you can thank me for it, because if I had not saved your bacon, this place would be trashed.

Crensch ago

I know you were paid to destroy this place. You know it only worked as long as it did because I didn't get involved.

I bet it hurts knowing that your operation has now been so fully compromised that you can do nothing but try desperately to cling to any legitimacy you might have on any of your accounts.

What I like is that panicked Jews make lots of mistakes.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know you were paid to destroy this place. You know it only worked as long as it did because I didn't get involved.

Sure....That is why this place is still standing right? It is still standing BECAUSE of me and not in spite of me. You are reaching desperately. Narcissism is tough on the soul isn't it?

I bet it hurts knowing that your operation has now been so fully compromised that you can do nothing but try desperately to cling to any legitimacy you might have on any of your accounts.

There were several of us working together hoping that the Q-Army would find their own home instead of settling in on this sub and totally destroying this place. We are happy that the two camps remained split and that both camps seem calm, happy, and content. We think it worked out just fine.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Narcissism is tough on the soul isn't it?

Thanks for the belly-laugh ES.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanks for the belly-laugh ES.

Glad I could be of service :)

But this>>> is what we are dealing with. I knew that a year ago and I started paying attention because I knew it would take a mind like


to overcome it. I am telling you this instant that crensch will burn this place to the ground in order to "be right" and i'm not kidding even a little bit. Been watching this for a long time.

This place is stable right now. A BUNCH OF US pitched in to make it that way. Bunch of us old timers that used to post here every day that refuse to post here anymore because we are worn out, and burned out, on the crensch narcissism.

We won't do it again. I promise you that we won't save this place again. If crensch tries to sink this boat out of spite it will be up to @kevdude to save this place because @puttitout seems to make it a policy to not intervene, and I appreciate Putt for that.

Since you seem to care, might be your turn next big dog :)

think- ago

Since you seem to care, might be your turn next big dog :)

Don't think you can groom her, she's smart.


auralsects ago

Kevdude is a Qtard also you idiot.

Someone who believes THE GOVT will solve everything in a deus ex machina event is not a conspiracy researcher by definition

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Since you seem to care, might be your turn next big dog :)


ESOTERICshade ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm so very glad I amuse you

I told you I would try to do better

ESOTERICshade ago

Argosciv is an admitted blood drinker. crensch knows this.

@Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @puttitout

And anybody else with a sane mind that gives a shit about v/pizzagate. Apparently we might see a butt hurt scorched earth scenario here by crensch. I hope not because I invested a lot of my soul in this place. Might be time for some intervention?

srayzie ago

Argosciv is an admitted blood drinker. crensch knows this.

We know this. I myself have talked to @Argosciv. He’s really trying to make improvements in his life. I’m not defending what he did. But I am defending the fact that this was in the past. He’s a human being. Everyone deserves a second chance.

What is it that’s bothering you? That’s he’s a mod on ProtectVoat? That has nothing to do with Pizzagate. He’s been respectful. He knows to not talk about religion around me and others. He’s respecting boundaries.

I hope not because I invested a lot of my soul in this place.

So have a lot of us.

Might be time for some intervention?

Are you serious? You don’t think things have already reached a ridiculous point? Do you just want to destroy pizzagate once and for all? Do you not have a past? All this bullshit needs to end.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

My my, you are a real phony. We know he drinks blood like the pedo Satanist we expose, but he is trying to improve his life and we support him. Ok, you are really stupid. Not because I think you believe he is not one of them, but because you put that paragraph together as if it was plauasable that you could be so clueless. PG investigators should not be dealing with proudly admitted blood drinkers in here. Which tells me you are not a PG investigator. Ped pedo pedo shills.

srayzie ago

More on my stand point. Take it or leave it.

srayzie ago

I’m disgusted by it too. But if you knew a drug addict and they changed their ways and tried turning their life around, you wouldn’t be supportive of that person? How about an alcoholic? How about a drug dealer, or a dead beat parent that was trying to change and do the right thing? You wouldn’t support that person either? So because he admitted to doing something like that, but is now trying to make life changes, he should forever be treated like a monster? Why would someone want to change of everyone is going to just shun them anyway?

This isn’t even about Argosciv. I didn’t like him. This is about human decency. Helping a brother out when he’s down. God knows I’ve gone thru times in my life where I’ve needed support. Maybe he doesn’t have support in real life. Have you ever thought of that? I had to have forgiveness in my heart for my mother, or I would have grown up hating her and would be a bitter person my whole life. This world would be a lot better place if people had compassion for one another. He may fall again. But at least he’s trying. I’ve talked to him personally.

No, I am not pedo, and that’s a fucked up thing to say when you don’t even know me. You haven’t walked in my shoes. Maybe you had it easy growing up so you can’t understand that people can have low periods in life. Or maybe you had to go thru a lot and you’re bitter. Your way of dealing with things doesn’t give you the right to judge the way I deal with thing. I’ve always gotten along with you so I don’t get what your issue is.

Shizy ago

I don't get what your issue is.

The issue is that @argosciv is calling them out, so their only defense is to try and undermine him and his support.

Don't let them second guess yourself Srayzie! You have the heart of a real Christian trying to help someone who is trying to turn their life around and can benefit from some positive encouragement. That doesn't mean the people you try to help will always be successful at it, but all you can do is try to live by the example that Jesus set.

Luke 15:7 KJV I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you Shizy <3

People are probably tripping out seeing the good side of us right now 😂🤣

Shizy ago

I'm sure! They all think we're always foul mouthed bitches!

srayzie ago

We are! 😂 Doesn’t mean we don’t love Jesus punks!

ESOTERICshade ago

What is it that’s bothering you? That’s he’s a mod on ProtectVoat?

God help us all. I didn't know that @argosciv was a mod anywhere in this world but in his own mind. Thats too bad, it really is. I am a serious respecter of personal messages so I won't divulge mine between me and him.

Lets leave his blood drinking out of this then, i'm willing to do that, for now. If you give him "two and two" and try to get him to match it together he gets it wrong 88% of the time. Also, he only LIVES FOR ONE THING and that is to suck up to mods and get recognition. Instead of trying to bring knowledge to the table he grovels around the edges of the table trying to suck up to the people who DO BRING MEAT to the table.

He’s respecting boundaries.

If so, that is an improvement. But look at his v/lampshade or whatever it is sub. What a conflagration of utter bullshit. NOTHING there but mod suck up material.

However, I extend another however, and I will extend it to @argosciv

I used to be a drug and alcohol counselor, for a brief time. I have seen some of the biggest miracles I thought I would never see. I also LOVE TO SEE people who are struggling get a foothold, get some traction, start pulling out of the hole, and do some seriously big and good stuff. I have seen it before so I know its possible and I have reached my arm down in many a hole and helped a LOT of lost brothers find solid ground.

@argosciv is intelligent and we all know that. He just needs a place to put that intelligence and some solid footing to his feet on. I will NEVER deny a brother a chance to get his feet on the ground and I won't interfere in this. Argo, if you are digging out of the hole you have my blessing brother and welcome aboard :)

I hope you make it.

srayzie ago

He IS very smart. This has helped him because he’s putting that brain to get use. Thank your that was nice of you to say.

argosciv ago


Oh god lol.

Always with the backflipping and trying to curry favor with 'compliments', despite that it now being known that not only is he behind the slander/brigading against me, but that he even used his own alts to attack me while pretending they're not his alts.

Remember that time he, as rarepeeks, said he hopes I kill myself?

Or how about that time he blamed me for the downvoting he receives, so that he had a pretense to brigade me out of the blue with/using dragonkiller(et al)?

You're fucking pathetic, @ESOTERICshade.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok nevermind, go fuck yourself, which is what I should have said in the first place. Useless piece of shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

It gets better. I edited it. Read it again. If you are behind this, I am behind you, you know that :) I will hold my better judgement and let the future proof be what it is because I respect you Srayzie :)

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Shizy ago

Sounds like someone's trying to take the heat off themself and deflect it over to @argosciv.

argosciv ago

They always do.

Now he's desperately trying to back out of his bullshit by complimenting me and acting like he considers me a brother.

It's hilarious how pathetic his whole charade has become.

Vindicator ago

Noted. I also replied to him.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hitting rock bottom when you are reduced to pinging argosciv, AN ADMITTED BLOOD DRINKER. I think you are vindictive enough to destroy this place. Hopefully @kevdude and @puttitiout won't let that happen.

Vindicator ago

You created TWO accounts with the sole purpose of trying to silence @argosciv, ES. Are you really surprised that both @kevdude and @Crensch have embraced him as a result? You are a proven liar, fraud and brigader -- someone who has demonstrated so little faith in his own arguments that he has to rig the system to try to gain the outcome he wants because he can't convince people in the marketplace of ideas.

Why did you seek to silence @argosciv? No one has ever shown any evidence to me, though I've asked multiple times, of him actually causing or intending any harm to anyone on this board or anywhere else.

You want to bash Jews, Jesuits and Masons. Argo wants to bash Scientologists. What's the difference?

Every true Catholic on this board is an "admitted blood drinker". You going to witchhunt every one of them to keep them from sharing what they know about the pedovores?

Not on my watch.

Last I checked, the United States Constitution, which protects the speech on this board, honors every man's right to freedom of religion. I take that very seriously. I have multiple relatives and ancestors who gave their blood to secure that right. Every man and woman deserves the freedom to grapple their way to Truth for him or herself. You've tried to take that away.

ESOTERICshade ago

You want to bash Jews, Jesuits and Masons

The leadership hierarchy of those groups are the same ones responsible for destroying our world. You are aware of that, right? Should we just not talk about it?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hillarious, a supposed PG investigator is inflamed that you bash Jesuits and Masons. That says it all. Pedo pedo pedo mod.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think you have good intentions and I still think you are the most blue pilled person I know that thinks they are red pilled.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is my problem with you. You think everybody has good intentions but they are stupid. I think that makes you ...slow, at least. They do not have good intentions.

ESOTERICshade ago

I understand. I am not as naive as I appear to be.


Oh, he has no desire to bash Jews, he just has to in order to seem like a half-shade Talmud goat... or something.

argosciv ago

You created TWO accounts with the sole purpose of trying to silence @argosciv


You created at least TWO accounts with the sole purpose of trying to silence @argosciv

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"As you can see, I talk to myself a lot. That's my username! @NOMOCHOMO is me! It looks TOTALLY like I'm two different people, doesn't it? I even attack myself on NOMOCHOMO to make it seem TOTALLY legit! Maybe that's why I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

auralsects ago

Take my name out of there you stupid faggot. Even your fagbrigade of mods disagree with you.


ESOTERICshade ago

Pinged his down vote brigade because he can't stand on his own logic and two feet. Typical.......

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

How the PG arrest goin? Alefantis, CIA, FBI about to get taken down? News about to report that PG is potentialy real and trials to start? CIA news gonna reveal that soon? Where are the trial and arrest Vindy? Wait for 2020?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So when the mass arrest starting of the "deep state" based on the sealed indictments, aye Vindy? So when do the mass arrest start? We are in 2019 now. When do the arrest start? Cmon Q followers. Arrest? Are Podestas still in Gitmo? Hillary still got her ankle moniter on and shaking in here boots for arrest warrant being served? Give us a date? Or should we wait until 2020?

WalnutSauceGoat ago

The moderators have completely abandoned posting QAnon crap, so in the end I guess ES was proven right and came out victorious. Time to remove this sticky and get back to the reason we’re all here. Onwards!

ESOTERICshade ago

The moderators have completely abandoned posting QAnon crap, so in the end I guess ES was proven right and came out victorious. Time to remove this sticky and get back to the reason we’re all here. Onwards!

Yep. A blind hog could have found that acorn from a mile away. Nothing left of that shit show except the sour grapes, which results in threads like this one right here.

Crensch ago

Eat a dick.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Legit mod behavior.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Sore loser, lol? I’ll settle for my 28 yo gf’s pussy, thank you very much. We’re clearly here for very different reasons, then, you angry larp neckbeard virgin.

srayzie ago

I need to make a Q post now :) I'll make sure to ping the faggot.

@Vindicator @Shizy

argosciv ago

Thought y'all might get a good laugh out of this blast from the past:

@Crensch, you have to work this into the running bio/intro thingy.

I dry-wretched a little, reading it.

@Vindicator @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

auralsects ago

none of your dumb cunt friends even think I'm ES you dumbfuck. that part should be ERASED if you don't want the rest to look less credible.

nothing funny about your link, it reads perfectly logical and matches my observed consistent views, and the DMs i posted where ES tries to "not-all-Jews tho" me like a moron.

in that link i even EMBARRASS HIM by contradicting his gay overanalyzing of my awesome username (yet another alt that was never a secret and wouldn't be needed if you faggots didn't ping each other to downvote me into negatives).

you people are so pathetic but you think you're like detectives or something, it makes me fuckin cringe hard XD

pby1000 ago

I am ES!!!

ESOTERICshade ago


EricKaliberhall ago

When I fail, call me out like a dog, and I will bark...ruff ruff

@ESOTERICshade... I wanna hear you bark... Bark for us, bitch.

ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade... I wanna hear you bark... Bark for us, bitch.

"ruff ruff"....There ya go. What else do you need today? I'm in the mood to oblige Q Tards today. What else do you need?

EricKaliberhall ago

I'm in the mood to oblige Q Tards today. What else do you need?

Present a list with all your alts and I will be forever grateful...

ESOTERICshade ago

I am a force for good. I also ain't stupid. You should be grateful for me.

EricKaliberhall ago

Bla bla bla... Always full of shit.

I know you're not going to answer this question... I just hafto ask anyway; Why are you burning your alts? It must be intentional, you are not a full-blown retard... It is strange and the only answer I can come up with is... You've done such a piss-poor job you're not getting paid anymore...

argosciv ago

^ Congrats, comment 2020(If the count is accurate at the time I'm looking at this). Either that, or mine was xD

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'll see your 2020,

and raise you a 1990


argosciv ago

Hahaha now the tricky part is figuring out which one was 1990 xD

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I was 1991, so I noticed.

No clue who 1990 was, but I think I know sum peeps who have a scrap album around here for this stuff, somewhere.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Lampshadematerial submission by @argosciv.

Posted automatically (#15714) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

pby1000 ago

Merry Christmas, all you nigger faggots!!

ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade is who I confided in the most when I was investigating. He knew Jem was lying and wanted me to find out all I could as well.

True story. @srayzie confided in me a lot. Me and srayzie talked a lot about Jem. I can say, without any doubt, that Jem mixed a lot of true information with outright lies, conjecture, and hopeful thinking.

That does not mean that I didn't like Jem. I did like Jem. Jem and I taught each other a lot of useful information. However, there was some hot air (bullshit) coming from Jem.

Everything @srayzie has said about Jem is 100% accurate and the truth. I know this for a fact.

srayzie ago

Thank you @ESOTERICshade.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are welcome. We are on the same team. I am sorry that you got caught up in all of this stuff with Jem. We both liked Jem, in spite of some flaws. Merry Christmas Sweet Baby!!!

srayzie ago

These freaks are crazy. I’ll just keep proving them wrong. Merry Christmas!

EricKaliberhall ago

We are on the same team.

Imbecile... Are you drunk again? You are a pedophile protecting disinformation whore. Piss off.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, that is the mods. They are the ones who censor this forum and label threads. 100% control and interference. Nobody talks about pizzagate in here thanks to their direction. It is now about any random person that is or isn't a pedophile.

ESOTERICshade ago

No crensch, I mean Eric, are you drunk?

ESOTERICshade ago

Dumbass EricKaliberhall down votes me even when I defend @srayzie, a mod. That shows you how childish you are, "eric."

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Are you going to answer my question?

Are you going to do what has been asked of you?

We all have to make sacrifices.

Pro tip: You should learn to hide your narcissism better.

Want to play?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Happy New Year @ESOTERICshade


One last question, if I may


Do yo still think I'm

Low Maintenance


ESOTERICshade ago

Happy New Year to you too. I haven't been on the internet much and I have about forty pings I have not seen yet so if you asked me any questions I have not gotten to them yet but I will this morning.

Do yo still think I'm Low Maintenance

Yep. You dutifully show up and provide a vital function. You just hum along quietly and effectively :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Then would you please delete the accounts so I can get back to work and not have my prayer time interrupted with having to keep up with this nonsense. The fruit of this tree smells, it's your tree, please cut it down.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is nothing for you to be distracted by. There is no tree. I accomplished what I wanted to do. I seldom log in here anymore. I"m not the distraction, crensch is, by stickying threads like this. Many people asked crensch to take this thread down but he isn't through grandstanding yet. I have moved on, crensch is still stuck here.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Crensch is NOT going to take this sticky down until YOU delete your accounts. Do you think this is an inaccurate assessment of the situation? If this place doesn't matter to you anymore, why can't you just delete? YOU are the only one who can make this nightmare go away.

I'm begging you, please

ESOTERICshade ago

@NOMOCHOMO and @Piscina and several others have also been accused of being me. Those people are NOT ME. In order to satisfy @crensch those innocent people would have to delete their accounts and I seriously doubt they will do that to satisfy the narcissistic desires of @crensch.

Like I said, this is the @crensch show. I have moved on from this little shit show. I helped keep Qanon from polluting this sub so I am happy. I'm done. That is all I had intended to do. Right now crensch is in a battle with his own self and some other innocent Voat members. He should have stayed out of it, but as usual, common sense is often not his forte.

Those innocent people probably won't delete their accounts and some may not even know they have been accused. So, let crensch wallow in his own creation. No skin off my nose.


I have already asked you (TWICE) to leave me alone.



AGAIN Leave me alone. Stop pinging me.

Nobody has asked me to delete my account you megalomaniac.

They have accused me of being you (I know what I have been accused of). I am capable of defending myself.

@Crensch has asked YOU to delete "EsotericShade"

ES: I'm not deleting ESOTERICshade because if I did all my posting and comment history gets deleted too. I made too many good contributions to get it all erased.

@shewhomustbeobeyed: You can delete without wiping your history.

ES: Nope. Its an automatic feature of Voat, or it used to be. Even if i'm wrong, i'm NOT deleting ESOTERICshade. Forget it.

YOU ARE WRONG. You are also SELFISH and PRIDEFUL...and you are proving you would rather bring down the whole sub than leave quietly.

Deleting your account won't delete your posts. You have been given the capability of ending this sticky.

But you're too self-aggrandizing and narcicisstic to fall on your sword for the sake of greater pizzagate research and exposure.

We're here because we want to stop the murder and rape of children. You seem to be here to prove how smart you are.

Just because I responded to you doesn't mean I want to be pinged. So stop

(please consider the plea of somebody who you admit is "innocent" and "not you")

ESOTERICshade ago

Are there any other proven alts @Crensch?

Nope. There is not. But, rarepeeks is mine.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If You delete:


@smurfy69 (really?)


Then my nightmare goes away


ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not deleting ESOTERICshade because if I did all my posting and comment history gets deleted too. I made too many good contributions to get it all erased. Hell will freeze over before that happens. crensch can continue to make a damn fool of himself but i'm not deleting it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You can delete without wiping your history.

ESOTERICshade ago

You can delete without wiping your history.

Nope. Its an automatic feature of Voat, or it used to be. Even if i'm wrong, i'm NOT deleting ESOTERICshade. Forget it. crensch can wallow in this shit hole of a thread forever. I told you what I would do, I will do that, but Esoshade ain't getting deleted by me.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago


I have been courteous with you and I have been willing to cooperate with you and work with you because I like you and you provide a valuable service to pizzagate. If you want to devolve into a 4chan mentality we can leave this butthole of a thread here forever. I didn't know anybody was waiting on me to do anything. Now that I know I will delete the two names you asked me to delete. Beyond that I can't help you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Beyond that I can't help you.

You won't help me. Do you think that the owner of this sub gives a shit about me? You acted like you cared about people, you are the one causing me to stumble.

Please don't contact me again.

ESOTERICshade ago

Please don't contact me again.

I"m pretty sure you started this dialogue but i'm glad its over.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Your girl @Piscina started my involvement.

You really should read more, it might expand your horizons.

Piscina ago

I'm nobody's 'girl'.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm nobody's 'girl'.

Good to know, but you did jump into a convo and interject @ESOTERICshades's name when I had not brought him up previously.

While I understand you falling for ES brand bullshit, you still have yet to explain to me the value you see in @TrustTheTruth's delusional diarrhea.

I know I am missing something crucial that only you can see. Please won't you explain TTT to me now?

TrustTheTruth ago

We do not speak for @Piscina, but the explanation is simple, and The Truth is clear to all who can See.

@Jem777 returned to Voat to meet with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt exposed The ROOT of All Evil, exposed both George Webb Sweigart and Qanon's lies, and exposed The Deal Trump made to endorse 5G+ AI, the Mark of the Beast, and the model for the real Agenda beyond 21 of Eternal Enslavement through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability).


We are the reason why George started his channel and why he deleted his first 50+ videos.

We are the reason why Q exists, and why Q flooded Voat.


They have deleted their own comments after being exposed, they have censored legitimate submissions, they have gangstalked and downvoted comments to hide them, they have targeted and discredited users, and they have wrongly accused members of being others such as someone named "Sarah" in wild desperation.


Jenny Moore did now know Everything, but Jenny Knew The Truth and believed in Jesus Christ.

@Piscina @Carmencita @fogdryer @DeathtoMasonsASAP and a few others all know that Jenny Moore was Betrayed by the moderators here who went out of their way to attack, discredit, dishonor, slander, and lie about Jenny after she died.

They all know that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt always Shared The Truth that no one else in The World knew about, while the moderators allowed malicious hit pieces and death threats against targeting Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and others who knew The Truth.

They all know that both George Webb Sweigart and QAnon are LIARS and CONS. They both know where The Truth is, and are desperate to Hide the Truth at all cost. George hasn't missed a day in years. His brother Dave checks him when he goes too far. Why was Dave so upset after @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt exposed George's lies?

They all know that many of the mods here pushed George Sweigart's lies, spread their own lies about Jenny, and wrongly accused @Wisconsin_is_corrupt and others of being linked to George Sweigart. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt was the one who exposed George's lies directly to his face in front of Jenny Moore. When Jenny found out what happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and because she Knew The Truth, she knew it was only a matter of time before she would be killed.

George is not innocent in Jenny's death. Neither are Michael Moore, Robyn Gritz, Jason Goodman and a host of others. We know much more than they ever will.

Why is George so afraid of The Truth? Why is George censoring and banning The Truth? Why did George edit his video from 11/1 where he slandered and discredited Jenny Moore, and claimed to have never wanted any help from Jenny or from Jesus Christ?

Who did George say was "the nicest guy in the world"? Who did George say "had the drop" on him? Who does George support? Who does Trump support?

George does not believe in Jesus Christ. Trump only feigns his belief in Jesus Christ while supporting a Luciferian one world religion. George does not want to discuss secret societies and human trafficking that Trump is directly connected to. George is playing a role to Hide the Truth, and is desperate to keep The World from Knowing The Truth that Jenny Knew.


The Agenda is still moving forward. The swamp will never be drained by those connected to it. They are prepping for the next phase with Smart Cities as the model.




Why did Paul Ryan, Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch and other top officials PERSONALLY obstruct RICO criminal investigations that would have exposed the entire network of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption linked to the Cintons and the most powerful families and groups in the world?

How are they all connected? What is the "Vision"? Why did so many involved suddenly resign? Why did Chris Kutcher and Tom DeLonge back out of the I-94 Project? What did Dmitri Noonan claim? Why did Reince Priebus resign and why did Scott Walker lose the election? Why is Paul Ryan really resigning? What is the real chain of command? Who are the Knights of Pythias? Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)? What is the world's most valuable resource?

Don't Trust the corrupt moderators who write hateful lies to slander, discredit and wrongly accuse members of this community who died Sharing The Truth while telling you not to believe those who knew Jenny directly, and abusing their own rules, downvoting, censoring, banning, sliding, and attacking anyone who Knows The Truth.

They can't argue with The Truth because they don't know The Truth. None of them ever bothered to research The Root of All Evil and the heart of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption they all falsely claim to be after.

None of them bothered to look into the Model for Sustainability (Satan's Ability), 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, and the Mark of the Beast even though several falsely claimed to believe in Jesus Christ.

Don't Trust Sessions, Huber, Wray, or George Sweigart, Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, or Defango, Unirock, or Sean Hannity, or Mike Flynn, or QAnon, or Donald Trump, or Tim Dolan and Pope Francis, or any other Fake Saviors and False Prophets.


Why would so many proven liars who were all exposed be so desperate to tell You NOT TO LOOK INTO THE TRUTH that no one can dispute or disprove?

Some Knew The Truth in 2016, 2017 and 2018. More will Know The Truth in 2019, and by 2020 The Truth will be Clear for All to See.


Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.


fogdryer ago

The Vision is their total control and our death. control so tight we will never be free again.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Jesus was good at parables, you suck at it.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1


Jesus is the Word, you are hot air.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12


Therefore repent! Otherwise I will come to you shortly and wage war against them with the sword of My mouth. Revelation 2:16



Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15


TrustTheTruth ago

Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, the model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability), the False Prophets, and The Mark of the Beast.



The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easily Recognizable to All who Know The True Word of God.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

Why would so many in the Army of Satan be so desperate to Hide, Censor, Slander, Attack and Eliminate The Truth at all costs unless they were Afraid of The Truth?


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


So you are telling me you consider yourself to be a fool or satan? I think both, amirite?


Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15


TrustTheTruth ago


You are desperate and flailing wildly. We know more than everyone here combined.








A false prophet tells you to Trust Sessions, Trust Wray, Trust Huber, Trust Trump and Trust the Plan.

The Truth Knows that those involved at the top levels will NEVER be held accountable by the corrupt, inept, broken, and dysfunctional system they control.

You and many others are desperate to Silence, Hide and Eliminate The Truth by any means necessary.


Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You keep saying you know more, where's the sauce?

Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15


TrustTheTruth ago

Look at any map.

Where is the World's Most Valuable Resource?

What is the Key to Life?

Now read the THOUSANDS of comments about the ROOT of All Evil, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability), the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement, and The Deal Trump made to endorse 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Mass Surveillance, Community Policing, and the Mark of the Beast.

Q is a False Prophet.

We are the reason why Q exists to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Shouldn't you be in bed?

Repeat after me:

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the lord my soul to keep

If I should die before I wake

Then I know swmbo found me

Now, go to bed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Your girl @Piscina started my involvement.

You really should read more, it might expand your horizons.

I have largely ignored this thread. I don't know @Piscina but she seems like a pretty smart person.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You really should read more. Seriously.

ESOTERICshade ago

You really should read more. Seriously.

After about 18 hours over the last two or three decades of reading i'm a little bit read out right now :) I have a collection of some of the most rare books in the world that can't even be found on the internet anymore. I"m doin allright :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Read more.

ESOTERICshade ago

I created @smurfy69 to help @kevdude prove to the sub that setting a 100 CCP limit in the sub was a bad idea. We created v/testingsunday and ran a test as kev suggested. The results came out exactly as kev said they would, and kev was correct. It solved a huge battle that was being waged in this sub.

I don't trust @crensch to let the other innocent people off the hook. If he deletes the sticky I will gladly delete those two you asked me to delete so that the other innocent people can skate. Otherwise crensch can leave this thread up until hell freezes over as far as I am concerned. Like I said I have moved on from this little crensch shit show and it no longer has anything to do with me. This is the crensch shit show, a show in which he alienated some innocent users, per usual, is his style.

If this is causing you nightmares take a deep breath. Most people ignored it all and scoffed at it anyway. I rarely check in here anymore because this place was sucking me dry and I decided to devote more attention to my real life and found it rewarding.

I will check in more often and when I see that sticky gone I will do what you asked. Have a good day and keep doing the great job that you do, @shewhomustbeobeyed :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I now know who you are.




U smell just like GW

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago

If you have access to as much "backdoor" info as you claim then you should be able to see that I have not logged into Voat in two weeks.

I now know who you are.

Seriously doubt it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you have access to as much "backdoor" info as you claim

Reading is FUNdamental


ESOTERICshade ago

Let me guess. You talk to @vindicator by PM. Like many other people he told you that I am an "agent." (facepalm) He also thinks Qanon is real. He thought the most powerful and richest people on earth were headed to GITMO any day. He also says he doesn't know enough about Zionism to know if it is good or bad. I wouldn't bet many of my mental resources on Nostradamus Vindicator, just sayin...

I had no idea anybody was waiting on me to do anything in order to get this thread deleted. I have largely ignored this thread and have not even read most of it. I helped get the Qarmy nested in it's own sub instead of in v/pizzagate because it would have destroyed v/pizzagate. I"m happy. I'm no longer involved.

Now that I know an action is required by me to get this thread deleted I will do what you asked me to do. I made you a promise and I will keep it. It's a win for everybody, especially the people that got accused of being me that are not me.

I promised you that I would try to check daily to see if this thread is gone. When I see it disappear I will do what you asked me to do. I can do no more than that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Blah, blah, blah.

Why do you have to bring others into a convo that I consider to be between you and me?

I am asking you to be the bigger man, you hold ALL the cards and you're to stubborn to see it.


ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you have to bring others into a convo that I consider to be between you and me?

Therein lies the problem. Its just me and you chatting. Nobody else has weighed in. Crensch never said those two names need to be deleted in order for this scar of a thread to be deleted. This is just me and you chatting.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator could you please tell me if there are more than these three proven alts?


@smurfy69 (really?)


Vindicator ago

Given the brigading patterns, I believe all mods including @think- are in agreement that proven ES alts also include dragonkiller and rgusraper, in addition to those above.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie thoughts?

EricKaliberhall ago

Yes, those mentioned above are proven alts. According to my ES-alt list, he is working over 20 alts. I am currently tracking and archiving some of them.

ESOTERICshade ago

According to my ES-alt list, he is working over 20 alts.

Wow. I would need two secretaries for that shit. If you really knew what I do with my time, and I have lots of it, you would not feel so paranoid.

Instead of running 20 alts, which sounds like it could fill up a lifetime, I make bird feeders and feed Cheerios to ducks.

People like you should get some sunshine, maybe build a bird feeder or two, and feed some ducks.

WARNING: Don't put the Cheerios on the back of a houseboat or the ducks will shit on the boat, and trust me, that ain't cool.

ESOTERICshade ago

Given the brigading patterns,

"people that disagree with me are a brigade".....

ESOTERICshade ago

@smurfy69 (really?)

69 has nothing to do with sex in my context. It applies to the duality of the world. The world of polar opposites that controls the world. I forget that everybody does not understand what it really means. And, @vindicator has accused me of being Donkey and about 20 other people. He don't know what in the fuck is going on around here, he just shoots in the dark when he gets disagreed with.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago


Ever heard of Yin and Yang? Superficial knowledge would suggest it about a penis and a vagina, but actually its much deeper than that, much deeper...................

ESOTERICshade ago

Test me and see. If crensch deletes that sticky I will do what you asked. Then you will know. You don't know as much about crensch as I do and he is not to be trusted. Just sayin....

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not my show. This is the @crensch show. He has stickied threads about other members too, not just me. He is a gutter player and his activity always centers around "winning and besting others" instead of anything noble. Anybody can squat on an "O", make bad decisions, and be an asshole to everybody around them. He can leave this thread up until hell freezes over as far as i'm concerned. This situation ended long ago. He enjoys it. Let him wallow in it.

think- ago

This is not my show. This is the @crensch show. He has stickied threads about other members too, not just me. He is a gutter player and his activity always centers around "winning and besting others" instead of anything noble. Anybody can squat on an "O", make bad decisions, and be an asshole to everybody around them. He can leave this thread up until hell freezes over as far as i'm concerned. This situation ended long ago. He enjoys it. Let him wallow in it.

The situation hasn't ended since you're still here, and although I'm sick of seeing your name every time I come to the board, I understand why @Crensch leaves the sticky up. As a warning to all new members. Which is, unfortunately, necessary, considering how you groomed users in the past.

@EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed

Crensch ago

This sticky is the second most commented submission for 2018 on the entire website.

think- ago

Oh wow. If Esoteric continues like that, it might become the most commented submission in 2019, grin.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Piscina forgot to ping you. Edit: see parent.

ESOTERICshade ago

I just clicked context and didn't see your question. What Is the question? I will answer it honestly if you will ask it again. I don't log into voat much anymore so give me a couple of days. I'm a sincere person. I will answer any questions you have.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Edits in parent.

Crensch ago


Vindicator ago

Happy to, but I can only send a Janitor invite, and that would just piss her off more.

think- ago

More info about Michael Aquino's involvement in sexual abuse here:

The late D. McGowan is deemd to be one of the most credible researchers of organised pedophile abuse.

His book 'The Pedophocracy' is cherished by everyone who has researched the topic; I am not aware that his findings have been disputed here on the board. (I might have missed it, of course.)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy @srayzie

Shizy ago

Oh think-, I'm so sorry to see what's happening! I haven't followed along with all of this so I don't know all this history that you guys are discussing, but I agree with you 100% that Aquino is certainly a pedophile piece of shit! He has been accused of pedo crimes by countless children through the years. Cathy obrien, and Paul Bonacci have also made accusations of his crimes. I don't see how it can be said that Aquino isn't connected to the Franklin Scandal and the boys town pedo rings when several victims and witnesses have named him.

think- ago

Congrats' @argosciv, you slimed yourself up @kevdude's butt, so that he made you a mod on v/ProtectVoat? Wow. Just wow!! /s

I'm definitely not on @argosciv's side, Kev. I don't mind if u/TrustTheTruth attacks him or not. I will definitely not defend him.

I know that TTT is just testing loyalities here by spitting out user names, but it cracks me up that he lumped Donkey, Are_We_Sure and argosciv together.

And you can be sure that I will be after your boy argo the minute he starts to push Satanism again (even if it's only by posting Satanic music crap) or is going to defend pedos like Michael Aquino or the OTO. Or promotes 'sex magick' or drinking blood. This is everything I have been fighting against.

Have a nice day, Kev.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

I’m writing you right now

argosciv ago

Actually, the invite totally took me by surprise. I asked @kevdude if he was sure, considering the potential shitstorm that could come from it and he said he was.

I've been helping on various fronts just for the sake of it and never sought to become a moderator of any subverse in the process - I decided to accept the invite merely because it was a gesture which I'm honored to receive, because I do actually care about the quality & culture of Voat and have been one of the most brigaded/gang-stalked users on this site since I had the guts to be honest and open about where I've come from and took my research in it's own direction, away from the party lines of TTT - which is exactly why that group of users targets me and tries to turn mods/users against me through manipulative tactics and talking points.

Despite what you may think, I absolutely do not defend proven pedophiles, nor do I promote or worship anything - especially not malicious criminal activities. What you choose to believe, is up to you.

I know that TTT is just testing loyalities here by spitting out user names

Precisely. That's why they're putting my name in their little list, but then flipped their shit at me the moment I came out and denounced them for doing it.

We're better off keeping away from each other, so that we can both work towards bettering Voat without stepping on each other's toes. I do actually appreciate that you mean well in what you do, but it does no good for either of us, to be at each others' throats - indeed it plays right into TTT/ES(et al)'s subversion, if we argue.

This is the last I hope to have to say about this publicly - if you'd like to discuss grievances in private, I'll be glad to, but otherwise understand if you're not interested. I wish you well and have no interest in causing problems for you.

cc: @Vindicator, @Crensch, @srayzie

think- ago

This is what @srayzie wrote a couple of months ago about you (please see below). It is still valid.

Yes, you claim that Michael Aquino, one of the central Pizzagate figures is innocent = the allegations against him are not 'proven'. You disgusting piece of shit.

And unlike you, @srayzie and me at least had the balls to call you out in public, while you pitched the narrative that we must be shills behind our back.

I suggest you stay away from me as far as possible.


@srayzie's comment was posted on this thread.

[–] srayzie 6 points (+8|-2) 4 months ago

Shut the fuck up for once. Stop trying to convince everyone that Satanists aren’t bad!. It is absolutely ridiculous that you would try to convince a pizzagate community with this bullshit. Scientology and Satanism are SICK.

Your wannabe dragon ass is on my last nerve. Why would anyone on pizzagate want to take advice from someone who admittedly drinks human blood and defends Satanism? Who tells us that an upside down cross isn’t evil and told ME that Jesus was eaten as a baby?! You need to lay off the shrooms BRO.

@Vindicator @Think-

I thought before, that maybe this freak was just high. He’s constantly trying to convince others, even on Twitter, that Satanism isn’t evil. Then he expects me to read his fricken series so I can know the truth. He gets pissed at anyone who doesn’t agree and expects us to take the time reading his lame shit that he writes while he’s tweeking. Maybe it’s all an act and he’s a paid shill.


Vindicator ago

It pains me greatly to see this shitstorm blow up AGAIN. To see people allowing their emotions -- which in this very thread we have proven were systematically manipulated for months and months with false information by a disgusting pack of shills posing as victims and researchers -- to run out of control and throw both logic and evidence out of the window.

It is neither fair nor wise to use a quote from srayzie -- especially from the middle of the ES gaslighting era -- as evidence of your beef with argosciv. You are claiming he tried to hurt other users. That he is here to disrupt the investigation. You need to show the actual evidence for that, or you are only continuing what ES and his minions started. ESPECIALLY if you are correct and have seen something I and Eric and Crensch have overlooked!

I pointed this out one of the previous times this blew up -- was it a coincidence it blew up my thread about Q pointing out the S8n twitter account tweet about Pizzagate? Really? You really cannot zoom out from the words people are saying in that comment thread and see how argosciv was painted with radioactive waste and then trolled into triggering a shitstorm to derail that submission?

For Christsake!

@srayzie, what do you see happening, when you read that thread now?

I think argo is off base on many of the conclusions he draws, and am not keen to write a book "defending" him. But this issue goes to the heart of the attacks against this sub and how they are carried out. So let's look at the evidence.

Yes, you claim that Michael Aquino, one of the central Pizzagate figures is innocent = the allegations against him are not 'proven'. You disgusting piece of shit.

Here is the source for that claim, since you didn't provide it: Argo says

'Prove Aquino is a pedo, like, actually prove it(not necessarily you personally, but, anyone with evidence of such). I've read what he's had to say on the matter and he seems credible.'

I don't see Argo saying Aquino is innocent. He is asking for evidence of the claim Aquino is a pedo. I don't know much about Aquino or the Temple of Set, but I do know that the claim made against him by the three year old daughter of a Christian pastor turned out to be impossible, if police reports are to be believed (i.e. Aquino's innocence of that charge would be "credible"). Argosciv is only stating what his research showed. If there is evidence that research is wrong, it ought to be presented against Aquino.

What I've read about Aquino sounds like a psyop very similar to the Comet shooter -- desensitize the public with a big media event that causes them to dismiss ALL similar reports to cover up what's really going on. It wouldn't surprise me if Aquino himself paid the pastor to bring the baseless charges forward so he could debunk them and gain victim status, as well as a lot of free publicity for his "church."

I'm not clear on argo's full position on Aquino, but from what I've gathered, he believes all of the Satanic Panic stuff was orchestrated hogwash to cover for Scientologists.

You also have said repeatedly that argo is dangerous and harmful to women because he "promotes" sex magic and blood drinking. I spent over a week researching this. You'll need to find that for me, because all I ever saw was him being baited into admitting he'd engaged in it. I never saw him advocating it. I DID see a LOT of people joining the proven shill brigade SAYING he pushed it and was a pedo.

It took me three days of digging to find, but I did manage to dig up the original source of that jpg (Cropped jpg. Hello? Red flair!) that dragonkiller and Cc1914 were posting about him in that link and many other places. Here it is:

First of all, he didn't volunteer the information. "Finska" drew it out of him by feigning interest and baiting him about vampires (a topic you yourself expressed interest in his research on, before the gaslighing began). The post is in v/pizzagatewhatever, and the comment is quite deep in the tree. And it was totally taken out of context, he wasn't advocating for people to make satanic blood sacrifices. He was admitting he had been involved in non-violent blood drinking and therefore could credibly talk about those who might be doing it violently. Further down the thread, argo replies to Finska:

Finksa: Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Argo: Forceful(ie: without consent) = rape

Is she a dragon? Dunno... maybe Harvey just wanted blood? I won't make too many presumptions about him other than he is VERY sick and not worthy of forgiveness for a very long time - personal opinion.

The overall message of his comments within his post are right in line with the rest of us: "these people are sick." Now, clearly, he believes in "magic". But he has explained his motivation for posting here and for discussing his theories about disinfo regarding Satanism. This is from the private messages he sent to Crensch, which Crensch posted in this thread:

“You lot pretend to care about the victims but consistently shit on the work of someone who broke free with just enough critical discernment in-tact, to dedicate their "fucked-up brain" to bringing down the corruption rather than contribute to it as was originally planned for me(as in, they were hoping to turn me into a shill and/or worse, but instead, I'm here doing everything I can to help - doesn't at all occur to you pricks why my brain is so "fucked-up", does it?).

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections...

…I spend all fucking day every day(on borrowed fucking time, no less - not a shred of income, certainly not a shill, paid or otherwise) researching and trying to get to the bottom of this god-forsaken mess which I've been stuck in since birth, if you want to shit all over that, go riiiight ahead.”

I should not be surprised by anything anymore, given the fact that the disinfo pushers have manipulated the entire world. But I am surprised. I'm surprised and disappointed after all we've been through together, all of us, that any serious person on Voat would believe anything claimed without evidence, and persist in believing it in spite of evidence they are being played.

Why do we even have the submission rules to prevent manipulation if we are just going to throw them out the window when we start making comments? What's the point?

srayzie ago

I pinged you to my response to @think-

srayzie, what do you see happening, when you read that thread now?

I see that this was not the place she should have discussed this matter. I see the shills that want us divided scored today.

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

"Finska" drew it out of him by feigning interest and baiting him about vampires (a topic you yourself expressed interest in his research on, before the gaslighing began).

No. I wasn't interested in vampires. I was only interested in what he wrote about Elisabeth Bathory, because he came up with an alternative explanation for body parts found in her castle. I never thought of her being a 'vampire'.

I was only interested in her because she was accused of torturing and murdering children; and, being aware that these allegations might have been made up by her enemies, I found the explanation argosciv came up with interesting.

That is what I wrote (as linked by you above):

First, thanks for sharing this. Interesting.

I read what you wrote about Elizabeth Bathory:

"Liz's responsibilities were often of a medical nature(especially tending to the wounded during times of battle) which can explain for the presence of some corpses and amputated parts, etc, in appropriately confined or 'secretive'(protected/sealed) places."

Do you have a source for this? Asking bc I've never read of a 16th century woman of high nobility tending to the wounded before. But then, things in Eastern Europe might have differed from Western Europe. IDK.

I always thougt that the accusations against her were based on something she really did - torturing and abusing girls (nothing uncommon for male nobility at the time at all btw), but because she was a woman and there were reasons her enemies wanted to get rid of her she was brought to trial. The numbers of her murders seem to be grossly exaggerated though.

@EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

think- ago

Ok, Vin, that did it for me. I will step back as a mod, immediately.

That the allegations against Michael Aquino are 'not proven' is ridiculous. Maybe you would like to read the post @HugoWeaving did some time ago as a starter.

I cited @srayzie's comment, because she summed it up very nicely. You chose at the time to not take @srayzie's and my statements seriously.

You actually have the nerve to quote this:

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections...

I won't add anything more, I don't want to turn this into a shitshow. I am writing this in public, because of your comment above, which you choose to put on a public thread, instead of PMing me.

I can't even express what I feel. Congrats to @argosciv.

I will stay on board as a normal user, and will post more research. At least I have more time now for doing new submissions. /sad smile

@srayzie @Crensch @MolochHunter

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youllrememberme ago

Now, you finally see the truth. Just know they will brigade me for commenting out of anon. It's worth it to me.

srayzie ago

I love you @think-. You’re one of my favorite people. But, this isn’t going to be like my usual message to you. You chose to publicly disrespect every single one us mods.

Congrats' argosciv, you slimed yourself up kevdude's butt, so that he made you a mod on v/ProtectVoat? Wow. Just wow!! /s

Even if you don’t like @Argosciv, I think this issue should have been handled privately. @Kevdude especially deserved the respect to be made aware of your concerns in private. We’re adults and can have a civil discussion. This reminds me of how you publicly went after @Blacksmith21 and you knew it upset Vindicator.

And you can be sure that I will be after your boy argo the minute he starts to push Satanism again (even if it's only by posting Satanic music crap) or is going to defend pedos like Michael Aquino or the OTO. Or promotes 'sex magick' or drinking blood.

Me and Argosciv are going to have big problems if he starts talking to me that way again as well. I totally disagree with it and don’t want to be a part of it. However, the Argosciv that I have been communicating with lately, has been very positive. He’s acting like the Argos that I first met before I stopped liking him. He has not even once, sent me Satanic music or brought up anything disturbing since we started talking again. He’s been nothing but helpful. Even to me.

Your friends and fellow mods should not have to feel like we’re walking on egg shells because we get along with someone that you don’t. That’s not right. I totally disagree with him talking about those sorts of things in pizzagate. I’ve always felt that people should be more sensitive there because there are a lot of victims.

However, he’s a mod of ProtectVoat now. Not pizzagate. What is it that makes Voat unique Think-? Free speech. So, outside of pizzagate, whether we like it or not, he has the right to free speech like everyone else. That doesn’t mean I won’t go off on his ass if he did it. I definitely wouldn’t put up with it if he started disrespecting me when it comes to God.

Me and Kevdude have had our differences. But, he showed me how important free speech is to Goats. That was definitely a frustrating learning experience. But it was necessary. I don’t think GreatAwakening would be as successful as it is today if it weren’t for him keeping my butt in check. Free Speech is everything to him. So it didn’t surprise me that he invited Argosciv to be a mod there. Especially since he has been tremendously helpful lately.

I’ve talked to Argosciv on a more personal level lately. He’s really working on himself. Like I said, we all deserve second chances. I’m very forgiving when I can see someone sincerely trying to make changes. I could have just hated my mom for everything she did. But I recognized she was trying. I’ve lived my whole life trying to show compassion to people struggling. We’re all human. If not, I would have grown up miserable. Argosciv didn’t have to be your friend. Even when you were rude to him, he treated you respectfully. I’m a lot closer to you than I am him. This isn’t about taking sides. It’s about what’s right.

I’ll be honest. I’m not only disappointed, but a little pissed off. What have us mods talked about for months? We’ve seen a coordinated effort of shills trying to divide us. Everyday you’re here, you’re fighting with these people. So, what bothers me more than anything, is that you would publicly address mod issues in THIS THREAD. Why on earth would you resign in this thread, unless you were wanting to either turn other users against us mods even more, hurt Vindicator, or embarrass Argosciv, Vindicator, and Kevdude? You reacted out of emotion. You knew that this would all be archived and haters would later twist everything and use it against us.

Why would you use my old comment, where I was telling Argosciv off, and dig up the past after him and I worked out our difference? Why would you rehash all this for Argos who’s trying to make changes? To me, it’s either to show other users that “you are right”, to punish Vindicator, to make more people attack us, or to divide the rest of the mod team. I’m sure you’ve earned brownie points by some users for walking away from us “Cancer Mods.” All at the expense of us. At least you got upvotes!

Of all people, @Vindicator has been your friend and you guys cared about each other. So to resign the way you did and not give him more respect than that is beyond me. So did you give him time to find a replacement? Or did you just quit and leave him to deal with it?

Well, you’re my friend. I care about you. I’m always here if you need me.

srayzie ago

See parent...

@Crensch @Shizy @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago

I cited @srayzie's comment, because she summed it up very nicely.

Indeed. Esoteric summed argo and several other users up very nicely. Repeatedly. Exactly how he wanted people to see them. Which was my point and why it is not acceptable that you do the same thing.

You chose at the time to not take @srayzie's and my statements seriously.

That is complete bull. I took them deadly seriously. I addressed the issue right in the same thread. I also spent weeks discussing this with you privately, repeatedly asking you for evidence. I then devoted an entire week to researching this myself.

That the allegations against Michael Aquino are 'not proven' is ridiculous.

Oh? Then all of this will need to be debunked:

In 1987, during the Satanic ritual abuse hysteria, the three-year-old daughter of a Christian clergyman accused Aquino of sexually abusing her during Satanic rites held at his Russian Hill home. Responding to the allegations, police raided Aquino's home, however—after no evidence was found to substantiate the allegation and it was revealed that Aquino was living in Washington D.C. at the time of the alleged abuse—the police decided not to charge him with any felony.[51] Aquino attempted to bring formal charges against the chaplain and psychiatrist who had encouraged the girl's claims, although he was more successful in bringing legal action against two books—Carl A. Raschke's Painted Black and Linda Blood's The New Satanists—that had suggested that he was guilty.[52] He then left the Presidio and was transferred to St. Louis.[53] In 1994, Aquino retired from active service in the Army, being honourably transferred to the Retired Reserve and awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.[54]

Maybe you would like to read the post @HugoWeaving did some time ago as a starter.

Gee, thank you SO MUCH for sending me that link. Weeks ago, when we first started discussing this. FFS!

I will step back as a mod, immediately.

That makes me sad. But you posted this comment and quit a mere fourteen minutes after I posted the comment above, which included weeks of research and took me over five hours today to write. You didn't even have the grace to read what I wrote and weigh the evidence I presented. And you did all that even though you know me. If that is how you are going to do things, you should not be a mod of this battle zone. :-(

think- ago

Gee, thank you SO MUCH for sending me that link. Weeks ago, when we first started discussing this. FFS!

I thought you were able to use And the internet is full of info about Satanic Ritual Abuse and Michael Aquino, but you have the nerve to quote @argosciv instead?

You did 'weeks of research', and this is what you came up with:


Indeed. Esoteric summed argo and several other users up very nicely. Repeatedly. Exactly how he wanted people to see them. Which was my point and why it is not acceptable that you do the same thing.

Excuse me?? Only because a frickin' troll has a stance, I am not allowed to share it? Really?

Calling out @argosciv was the only thing Esoteric did right. And I started reading the board in December 2016, as a lurker, before I signed up nine months later.

I constantly read @argosciv's stuff, and was able to form an opinion of my own.

Oh? Then all of this will need to be debunked:

Is this from Wikipedia? This is, of course, a great source for info about sexual abuse crimes, as we all know. /s

But you posted this comment and quit a mere fourteen minutes after I posted the comment above

Yes. And I PMed you five hours earlier, saying that I pondered to step back as a mod, and told you why.

But you never replied to this PM, instead you went to the public thread, and left the comment above.

I have a sense of dignity.

Reading your comment did it for me.

You didn't even have the grace to read what I wrote and weigh the evidence I presented.

You will be surprised, but I have been reading Pizzagate research for two years now.

Do you think I need a comment like yours to form an opinion about Satanic Ritual Abuse, Michael Aquino, and @argosciv?

Did you actually read what you wrote? It looks terrible for a Pizzagater.

And you did all that even though you know me.

Right batcha' you, brother. /looks sad

If that is how you are going to do things, you should not be a mod of this battle zone. :-(

Well, I'm glad that it doesn't cause you any chagrin that I stepped back. Now you are free to choose someone who you think will be more suitable to 'be a mod of this battle zone'.

It is beyond me why you did what you did, but for reasons whatsoever you choose to take sides with @argosciv.

I will never be able to understand it.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Lampshadematerial comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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Vindicator ago

Is this from Wikipedia? This is, of course, a great source for info about sexual abuse crimes, as we all know. /s

Which is why you, or HugoWeaving or whoever needs to debunk it if it's wrong, instead of ignore it and then claim another user is evil for asking for evidence.

Ah we only care about the victims who 'parrot', yes?

I thought caring about victims was what we are here for.

Wow. So you took that as argo mocking victims? WTF?

Check the English syntax again. He is saying Crensch should care about victims who challenge what abusers tell them.

think- ago

Check the English syntax again.

This is what you quoted:

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections...

This is what you asked me:

Wow. So you took that as argo mocking victims? WTF?

Yes, I do.

@Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

@kevdude @shewhomustbeobeyed @MolochHunter @bopper @gamepwn:

Please see my reply to Vindicator above. Thanks.

think- ago

@rooting4redpillers @GreenDell144 @Mad_Helm @Michael84 @mjvictims

I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

rooting4redpillers ago

@think- You’ve been a wonderful mod. Many thanks for your support. I hope you’ll still be here, for at least as long as I’m still here. 💕

think- ago

Awww....thank you, @rooting4redpillers! Much appreciated! :-) :-)

Yes, I will stay on the board. I will have more time now to post submissions. :-)

Please keep up the good work!

gamepwn ago

Aw man this just made me so sad. You are one of the best here think and one I came to see as a friend. Why are you and Vindicator having a fallout? I agree though. How anyone can defend Aquino is astounding. That demon is one of the central figures in Pizzagate...might need to do a refresh coarse for people here and make a thread on him here again.

Vindicator ago

No one is defending Aquino.

think- ago

@Mad_As_Hell @sore-as-loosers @luvgabe @pete2016: @kestrel9

I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

think- ago

@TrishaUK @DerivaUK @UnicornAndSparkles @TheSavant @Scirel:

I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

think- ago

@IShallNotFear @maurice @21yearsofdigging @InnocentAngels @girlinashittycountry:

I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

IShallNotFear ago

That's disappointing. To be honest, I just skimmed through the comments. I can't say whether or not you made the right call. I'm not a big fan of forum drama, I just came here to stop pedos. I'm sure your the same way too.

maurice ago

I hope you're staying within the community and continuing to research. You're added bulk amounts of great research. Thank you. Sorry to hear you're stepping down, but I understand.

think- ago

Thank you, @maurice. Yes, I will stay on the board, now I will have more time for my research.

Thank you for contributing here, I have been impressed by your digging skills. And I have always enjoyed collaborating with you on the threads. :-)

think- ago

@bopper @swordfish69 @shadow332 @new4now @9217:

I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

think- ago

@angelafogo @darkknight111 @Podge512 @letsdothis3 @gamepwn: I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

angelafogo ago

Blessings. There are two sides in this discussion. One side is playing, the other is being played. I do not feel Voat is safe anymore. Too polluted.

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed @kevdude @ben_matlock @Factfinder2: I have just resigned as a mod. Please see parent. Thank you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


argosciv ago

Yes, you claim that Michael Aquino, one of the central Pizzagate figures is innocent = the allegations against him are not 'proven'. You disgusting piece of shit.

I said he seems credible, given the lack of proof. I've looked at both sides of that equation and am yet to see anything conclusive about him. As soon as I see proof that he's a pedo, I'll be more than happy to call him that and otherwise don't feel any need to talk about him until then.

you pitched the narrative that we must be shills behind our back.

I absolutely thought something was wrong with what was happening at that time(which bled into the Jem777 bullshit) and was assured by @Vindicator and others, that yourself and @srayzie are on the level. During that whole shitshow, I began to notice the many other accounts pushing the anti-mod narrative once again and how they were, in a new way, trying to cause division and have me jump on their bandwagon -- as such, I backed right off and began looking into the people responsible for said division.

I suggest you stay away from me as far as possible.

I had a feeling this is how you would feel, which is fine. I've not sought you out at all, though, and as already said, am not interested in causing problems for you. I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do.

cc: @Crensch @kevdude

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @kevdude @Shizy: please see my reply to @argosciv above. Thanks.

think- ago

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter: please see parent. A little convo with @kevdude re @argosciv.

srayzie ago

Are you wanting my opinion? Or to just see it?

think- ago

Whatever you feel like. But please be aware that I am in aggro mode re argosciv, and I'm not sure whether you would prefer to PM me. xo

Shizy ago

I know where you're coming from @think-. I have gone rounds with him and was so disgusted I blocked him awhile ago.

More recently when I learned that dragonslayer was an ES alt, and began seeing some of the really good work @argosciv has done at commecting the dots on these attackers we have been experiencing, I decided to unblock him so I can keep up on it all.

Like @srayzie, I don't agree with the satanism, etc. as it's very much in opposition to my beliefs, however if he is willing to be respectful and is providing really good information that is helping GA, I think for me it's beneficial to listen.

I agree with this statement he made:

it became apparent that the better approach is to focus on where my research is leading me, rather than my points of disagreement with others.

I tend to get caught up in the areas where I disagree with people and I'm trying to not do that anymore.

I'm still cautious, but we'll see how it goes.

think- ago

I tend to get caught up in the areas where I disagree with people and I'm trying to not do that anymore.

I appreciate that stance in general @Shizy, but not with regard to someone who still pushes the narrative that a Satanist child rapist like Michael Aquino is innocent. That's just unbelievable.

We are on a board fighting child rapists, and I will never be on friendly terms with a pedo enabler who defends them. Never. Ever. Ever.

I have seen him bootlicking for two years now - first as a long-time lurker, then as an active user, and I can't tell you how disgusted I am. That he has been trying to play nice lately is just part of his shtick.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Crensch @srayzie

Shizy ago

Michael Aquino deserves to be rotting in jail and then rotting in hell. I will not be friendly with anyone who supports such a disgusting piece of filth. I completely get where you're coming from. I'm just saying I'm willing to not have him blocked so I can learn what he finds about the vile filth that happen to be causing a lot of problems for GA right now.

think- ago

I will not be friendly with anyone who supports such a disgusting piece of filth.

Ok, thanks, @Shizy.

srayzie ago

Well since you guys talked about it publicly, I will say it here...

I think Argosciv has shown a lot of improvement and he has been helping with things behind the scenes. He’s not a mod of pizzagate. He’s a mod of ProtectVoat. I could understand your concerns if it was pizzagate.

You know I’ve had my problems with @Argosciv as well. But, he has been respectful. He knows that I am a Christian and hasn’t sent me satanic music or anything in a long time. I think people deserve second chances. I have fucked up many times in life. Thank God, I got another shot or I wouldn’t be where I am.

It’s not like someone is under contract. If at anytime Argosciv did something wrong, Kevdude could de-mod him. Technically, since it’s not pizzagate, and it’s a free speech site, he can pretty much talk about Satanism all he wants if he chose to. I wouldn’t like it and wouldn’t get along with him either if he started that shit. Hopefully that won’t happen. But, I’m in support of giving him a chance.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

think- ago

He’s a mod of ProtectVoat. I could understand your concerns if it was pizzagate.

@kevdude can do what he wants. But I have always respected v/ProtectVoat, and the work you guys have been doing there. It concerns me that a shitbag like @argosciv was able to make himself so 'useful' that he became a mod on v/ProtectVoat. (Oh, the irony.)

It’s not like someone is under contract. If at anytime Argosciv did something wrong, Kevdude could de-mod him.

That's not the point.

I think people deserve second chances.

Some people: yes. But not people who still at present pitch the narrative that Michael Aquino is innocent.

I don't even want to know what survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse must have felt when reading his stuff.

And apart from the content he has been posting, I think his bootlicking is disgusting.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy

think- ago

@kevdude @shewhomustbeobeyed @MolochHunter: Please see my reply to @srayzie above.

think- ago

@argosciv: see my comment reply to @srayzie.

argosciv ago

Have seen.

Put simply and in the nicest possible way: you're wrong about me and my intentions here.

I see there's no chance of you allowing me to explain anything -- anything I do say to you will be completely ignored. That's a shame, but, you have requested that I stay away form you and I'm happy to honor that - it would serve logic that you stay away from me too, though.

So with that, again, I wish you well and ask that you refrain from attacking me, as it serves nobody any good, other than those who seek to cause division.

I'd rather not have to block you, because I only do that to people I hate and who are attacking me because they have an agenda -- to wit, I don't think you have an agenda here, but again, you are wrong about me.

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

think- ago

Put simply and in the nicest possible way: you're wrong about me

Only yesterday you confirmed that you still defend pedo-Satanist Michael Aquino. And everybody can go to older threads to find your quotes about blood drinking and sex magick.

I see there's no chance of you allowing me to explain anything -- anything I do say to you will be completely ignored.

Just fuck off. Everybody can read what you wrote on previous threads.

Read what @srayzie wrote in the quote I linked above. That summed it up really nicely.

That shills have been attacking you doesn't make you legit.

it would serve logic that you stay away from me too, though.

In your dreams.

Whenever you will be show up on v/pizzagate or v/pizzagatewhatever and defend pedos, promote blood drinking or sex magick, I will call you out.

I'd rather not have to block you

I don't give a shit whether you block me or not. You are one of only half a dozen users I have blocked so far, and I certainly don't care about it.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @Crensch

argosciv ago

~He’s not a mod of pizzagate. He’s a mod of ProtectVoat. I could understand your concerns if it was pizzagate.

On that note, once upon a time, @Vindicator did offer such a position to me - not a direct invite link, just a fleeting offer in private - I declined to accept because it would be largely inappropriate for me to be a v/pizzagate mod both at the time and even today. This was months ago, mind you, around the time everything exploded regarding Millennial_Falcon(won't ping because I'm not sure if MF is around or interested).

The main reason I thought it inappropriate was due to my having a vastly different take on various aspects involving or tangential to pizzagate and otherwise not being able to trust myself to moderate v/pizzagate impartially. I also knew that it would cause a major uproar because of the circumstances at the time and my being a target of ES/TTT/Amalek and co; it would just be another repeat of what happened to MF.

The current position I'm in, seems to work best for me.

Technically, since it’s not pizzagate, and it’s a free speech site, he can pretty much talk about Satanism all he wants if he chose to.

I don't actually talk about it that much anywhere here on Voat, despite having every right to. Earlier on, it felt like it was important to explain where I was coming from in that whole department, but, it became apparent that the better approach is to focus on where my research is leading me, rather than my points of disagreement with others. Incidentally, as time has gone on, more and more of what I'm looking at has shown to be valid - but that's a story for another time...

~I think Argosciv has shown a lot of improvement and he has been helping with things behind the scenes.~

~You know I’ve had my problems with Argosciv as well. But, he has been respectful. He knows that I am a Christian and hasn’t sent me satanic music or anything in a long time. I think people deserve second chances. I have fucked up many times in life. Thank God, I got another shot or I wouldn’t be where I am.

Unpinged myself in above quote.

Thanks for the kind words, srayzie. If there's anything you would like clarification on in private, feel free to let me know.

^ Same to cc'd below.

cc: @kevdude, @Crensch, @Shizy, @think-

Vindicator ago

On that note, once upon a time, @Vindicator did offer such a position to me - not a direct invite link, just a fleeting offer in private - I declined to accept because it would be largely inappropriate for me to be a v/pizzagate mod both at the time and even today.

Just a point of clarification...Argo, I'd have to go back and look, but as I recall, I asked you who you thought would be trustworthy mod material as part of my canvassing efforts, and we both agreed you already had too big of a target on your back for that to work in v/pizzagate. :-)

argosciv ago

~He’s not a mod of pizzagate. He’s a mod of ProtectVoat. I could understand your concerns if it was pizzagate.

On that note, once upon a time, @Vindicator did offer such a position to me - not a direct invite link, just a fleeting offer in private - I declined to accept because it would be largely inappropriate for me to be a v/pizzagate mod both at the time and even today. This was months ago, mind you, around the time everything exploded regarding Millennial_Falcon(won't ping because I'm not sure if MF is around or interested).

Vindicator has kindly corrected me on the context/wording of what I described above.

It wasn't so much an offer, more a mention of having considered adding me as a [J](janitor) to v/pizzagate, but ultimately deciding against it due to the target already on my back. I agreed with his reasoning as outlined below.

The main reason I thought it inappropriate was due to my having a vastly different take on various aspects involving or tangential to pizzagate and otherwise not being able to trust myself to moderate v/pizzagate impartially. I also knew that it would cause a major uproar because of the circumstances at the time and my being a target of ES/TTT/Amalek and co; it would just be another repeat of what happened to MF.

My comment above Vindicator's reply, has been edited as seen in the quote in this comment.

My mistake, I mis-remembered private messages from 10 months ago.

cc: @srayzie @kevdude, @Crensch, @Shizy, @think-

argosciv ago

Shit, too many pings because of the quote.

cc: @think- (not trying to be a pain, see above for correction re: the conversation Vindicator and I had months ago on the topic of me and modding(technically [J]) v/pizzagate)

argosciv ago

Hmm, you're right, my mistake, I guess my memory played up on me there.

From the inbox message I found, it looks like I've mis-remembered the exact context/wording.

I'll adjust the above comment to better reflect what was said.

Vindicator ago


argosciv ago

I'm fairly sure that conversation included a mild offer...

Hang on, I'll see if I can find it.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. I say keep doing what you’re doing. You’re at a good spot.

I love you @Think-. You’re one of my besties. I’m not trying to take sides. Just giving my opinion. Xo

srayzie ago

MolochHunter ago

s'ok so long as he's respectfully satanic ;)

argosciv ago

I think I can abide by that :P

Please also feel free to contact me if you'd like clarification on anything.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have a question. Since this user insists on acting like a wannabe AI (or not idk) couldn't it be banned on some sort of interpretation of the spam rule? @think- @Vindicator

TrustTheTruth ago













Gothamgirl Flair Discussion (pizzagate)

submitted 4 months ago by Crensch






















shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are triggering SRA and MKU survivors. The pride in yourself you feel as you enter each and every verbal assault, will definitely be your undoing.

TrustTheTruth ago

Only The Truth exposes The Root of All Evil, the model for the real Agenda, the Great Deception, the Army of Satan, and the Mark of the Beast.

Only Jesus Christ and The Truth can Save Them.

ff They Believe in Jesus Christ, They will Know The Truth.

If They Know The Truth, They will Believe in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Do you know your preaching to the choir, if you want to get your message out write up a post with the sources you need to meet the guidelines for posting, and then post it. If that scares you then post the sources in RELEVENT comments in other people's posts and if you can't bring yourself to do that, post it anonymously. What you are currently doing is not bringing anyone anything useful. But you already know that.

TrustTheTruth ago

You are a FOOL. Repent Now before it is too late.

Why are you so desperate to Censor, Flair and Ban The Truth?




You can start with The Truth shared by @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt long ago.

What happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

What happened to Chris Cornell?

What happened to Senator Paul Wellstone?

There are many more.

How many people do you know who were attacked, tortured and murdered for Sharing The Truth?

This is not a game or a hoax. The Truth is more real than you can imagine.



How are the arrests coming?

Do you believe the military tribunals are around the corner?

What about the rest of The World?

Do you know what the Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 are?

Is the Swamp Drained?

Do you trust the Pilgrims (Society)?

Are all of the children Saved?



Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago







ESOTERICshade ago







That is pretty cool. Never seen that one. I'm not much into 4chan lingo but I still think its cool :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Fuck you, and fuck 4chan.

Piscina ago

I can only speak for myself and for my experiences with ES. I've been here for close to a couple of years, taking a break in between. From my experience, ES was a good researcher with interesting info to add. I question the motives of the mods when they insist on stickying this garbage for months on end. All I have seen is Voat brigading, bullying, trolling and the most vile verbal abuse from the mods towards good people. Crensch is only implicating himself by insisting on such ridiculous stickies. The links he posts are unclear and nebulous and are not evidence of the claims he makes.

ESOTERICshade ago

@piscina you need to understand that >>>>, @crensch is obviously some sort of basement dweller without a real life. His only life is Voat. Don't let it get you down because he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. One day when I debated crensch he didn't even know who the Jesuits were and said flippantly "oh just another group of priests diddling children."

What the fuck? Seriously? The Jesuits are one of the worst child molesting child trafficking groups on the planet. That is who is running this sub. A fucking idiot. We can only do so much........and then we can't do anymore. @crensch greatest talent is being able to type "nigger kike faggot shill" twelve times a minute without making a typo.

I have met some stupid people in my day, but he takes the cake........

Vindicator ago

So, you don't have any problem at all with Esoteric "posting good research" to win over a bunch of folks, and then creating a bunch of fake accounts to violate the rules of Voat, echoing and upvoting his opinions and downvoting those he wanted to silence? You don't have a problem with him pretending to be a good guy, and then viciously attacking numerous users he wanted shut down?

That pretty much shows you are not fit for this subverse.

Crensch is only implicating himself by insisting on such ridiculous stickies.

Oh really? Is that like me banning Jem777 for repeatedly refusing to honor the submission rules "implicated" me in her "murder"?

What a joke.

ESOTERICshade ago

So, you don't have any problem at all with Esoteric "posting good research" to win over a bunch of folks, and then creating a bunch of fake accounts to violate the rules of Voat,

You violated EVERY rule this sub has when you tried to force Qanon down the throat of this sub. I did everything I could think of to stop you from doing it. Somebody had to do it, and I was in the right place at the right time. I stopped you from destroying this sub. You fucked up. I saved this sub in spite of you. Get over it.

You don't have a problem with him pretending to be a good guy, and then viciously attacking numerous users he wanted shut down?

I'm the best thing that ever happened to this sub. I kept this sub from going from v/pizzagate to v/pizzQanon. You better be glad I cared enough to step in and save this place from destruction, otherwise, your legacy would be this>>> "the guy that destroyed pizzagate."

You almost fucked up bigly by trying to mix Qanon and Pizzagate together. I saved your ass.

auralsects ago

creating a bunch of fake accounts to violate the rules of Voat, echoing and upvoting his opinions and downvoting those he wanted to silence?

lmao is that any less dignified than you pinging a gaggle of cunts to downvote my every comment? For over a year even my most benign comments have been targeted for downvotes, to say nothing of the multiple hit-piece threads from researchers not fit to lick my unwashed taint.

@Piscina "I question the motives of the mods"

The motives are clearly laid out right there, woman. They are Q-TARDS and want this place to be swamped in garbage like their shit-show of a sub. Vindicator himself is obviously a Jewish shill.

The problem with @TrustTheTruth diatribes is that everyone knows @srayzie @think- et al are harmless, retarded middle-aged women incapable of concocting or carrying out any plans beyond a microwaveable recipe. The sub owners are the bad-actors who intentionally modded them.

Notice the Jew shill @Crensch throughout this thread claiming a conspiracy against his trusted inept Q-tard moderators, as if moderators are by nature above scrutiny.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That pretty much shows you are not fit for this subverse.

Temper/temper. I believe @Piscina is more than fit for this place, she's just a little distracted, I would say blinded but are any of us blind anymore? I try so very hard to not interfere with the battles that occur here, but dammit this one has me shattered, focus is being lost, resources are being wasted and energy is being pissed up a rope. Me:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Lampshadematerial comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#15805) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Temper/temper. I believe @Piscina is more than fit for this place, she's just a little distracted, I would say blinded but are any of us blind anymore? I try so very hard to not interfere with the battles that occur here, but dammit this one has me shattered, focus is being lost, resources are being wasted and energy is being pissed up a rope.

Some of us came here because we wanted to be here. AND, some people are here because they feel like it gives them power and they HAVE TO BE HERE because they have no other life. (@crensch i'm looking at you)

Dedicated volunteers like you, and me, don't grow on trees. But I won't fight with idiots in control like @crensch.

I don't necessarily think @vindicator is an idiot, but he has A LOT TO LEARN, and I somewhat like vindicator, even though he is petty and vindictive, he does a pretty good job. He claims not to know enough about Zionism to "make a judgement on it" and I find that hard to swallow. Either he is really dumber than a box of rocks or he is lying his ass off.

Because we all know that Zionism is a plague upon the earth. @vindicator claims not to understand this, and I find that hard to understand, for a mod in this place....Feel me?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Feel me?

no, but I can smell you.

ESOTERICshade ago

no, but I can smell you.

roflmao...I didn't enjoy the job I felt compelled to do, but I did it anyway. I was always told that when a person steps into a role they hate, but do it anyway for the greater good, that it is a mark of good character. I did that. Hated it, and did it anyway. Somebody had to drive the Q cult out of here and into it's own niche. It was vital for the survival of pizzagate's credibility. I consider it one of better contributions I have made to society. Some people feel otherwise but I have ZERO doubts that it was necessary.


And now think- quit as a Mod.

It's fascinating how this stickied shitshow has only fractured the community

...under the guise of "protecting" it

Piscina ago

If you and some of the other mods acted with a modicum of decorum, I might take you seriously. You hurt yourself and the reputation of all mods when you plainly target users and then leave these stickies up for months.

Vindicator ago

All right, Piscina. Show me where I have "failed to act with decorum"!

I come here every day. Read every thread. When I see suspicious shitheads manipulating users, I spend hours researching their history trying to discern whether they are here for good or evil, so that I can document it and eventually expose them. On three separate occasions, I have been on this board in the middle of the night when a desperate user came out of lurkdom and made a completely rule-breaking meta post reaching out in despair, with a gun in their hand ready to end their own lives. I had to find words of strength, encouragement and hope that would reach through the darkness and fortify their hearts and then I had to force myself to remove their post for breaking the rules.

It fucking sucked.

But it had to be done, or the people who want to disrupt this board would flood us with fake suicidal posts to destroy morale. All three of those users were real -- they DMed me the next day, apologized, and thanked me. I have spent entire nights deleting wave after wave of the most disgusting hentai spam from v/PiNaH pedos so that our many survivors would not even have to see thumbnail pictures of that shit.

I have been targeted every single day by those who want to mess with users here. I am called a censor. I am called a pedo. I am called a shill. I am called Mossad. I am called a murderer. Jem told everyone I stole her IP address and sent thugs to her house to beat her up. @effyoujohnpodesta made similar claims -- and spread them on Twitter, blocking me in hopes I wouldn't see them. When I call out this bullshit and @Crensch gets involved as part of his job to prevent corrupt mods, users like you claim we're "targeting users".

I have poured over users' comment histories for hours to identify those with the fortitude, discernment, patience and equilibrium to help watch over this place, invited them to mod, and forty times out of fifty been told sorry, they didn't want to to take the heat. Because of users like you, who would rather believe proven shills and disinfo pushers and defend them, and then claim mods are the bad guys.

You are collaborating with your own abuse. Well done.

twistedmac11 ago

You know what, you and I disagree a lot, but after reading that I kinda feel bad about being so hard on you in the past. Although I don't appreciate how I've been treated by mods here lately, you included, I do appreciate the amount of work that you put in to try to keep this place afloat.

EricKaliberhall ago

I am called a censor. I am called a pedo. I am called a shill. I am called Mossad. I am called a murderer.

I call you brother... I will always have your back, my brother in arms.

ESOTERICshade ago

All right, Piscina. Show me where I have "failed to act with decorum"!

You were a total dick for trying to shove Qanon down the sub of pizzagate. It was your biggest failing moment.

Other than that, I appreciate what you do and I think you are a good person and that you do a good job. Don't let one bone of contention drag your legacy in the gutter, bro :)

EricKaliberhall ago

You are one sleazy, disgusting whore @ESOTERICshade... I will make sure that you and ALL your alts are flaired 'confirmed shill'... It's my life's mission now.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's my life's mission now.

I suggest you stick to the mission. It is nice to know that idiots like you are wasting your time on harmless people like me instead of shooting your efforts at things that are truly important. At least you will waste your time on me and not get involved in anything important and fuck it up. Small blessings.....

ESOTERICshade ago

You are one sleazy, disgusting whore @ESOTERICshade... I will make sure that you and ALL your alts are flaired 'confirmed shill'... It's my life's mission now.

You have the mentality of a frog and I can't believe I am wasting my time to reply to you, idiot.

EricKaliberhall ago

I can't believe you are wasting your time trying to weasel your way back... EVERYONE knows about you and your alts, yet you continue. Its like you are payed to be here... Oh, my frog mentality got it now. You are payed to be here. Cheap whore.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can't believe you are wasting your time trying to weasel your way back...

I have more trusted friends in this one little forum than you have ever had in your entire real life. Must suck to be you :)

EricKaliberhall ago

I have more trusted friends in this one little forum

Name one... That's not your alt. just one. :)

Shizy ago

(Pssst, esoteric has admitting to giving money to other voat users. It's easy to have friends when you giving out cash).

ESOTERICshade ago

(Pssst, esoteric has admitting to giving money to other voat users. It's easy to have friends when you giving out cash).

I help lots of people. Its something I can do and it makes the world a better place. In my lifetime I have given out somewhere around 400 tents, blankets, and tons of food to homeless people. Not to mention individual gifts to people in stress. You think thats a bad thing?

ESOTERICshade ago

Name one... That's not your alt. just one. :)

You think I am that stupid? NOT. Some of them are the people you trust the most. Fancy that :)

EricKaliberhall ago

You think I am that stupid?


Vindicator ago

Thanks man. :-)

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter: please see Vindicator's comment above.

EricKaliberhall ago

Tack think! Excellent work on the 'remote viewing' submission you flaired.

think- ago

Varsågod, Eric. ;-) And thank you re the flaired submission! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Piscina This^

Thank you for always telling the truth Vin.

I'm going to bed. GB

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh and I see you forgot to ping @ESOTERICshade and @Crensch

fixed that for you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi Piscina, I think you may have misunderstood my question to the mods.

My question was in regards to this POS:

not about @ESOTERICshade. Is there something about ES that you think I should know?

Maybe something about his character that I might not be able to discern on my own after reading VOLUMES of this shit show you helped to perpetuate? Hmmm

I like you, can we please keep it that way?

ESOTERICshade ago

My question was in regards to this POS:

not about @ESOTERICshade. Is there something about ES that you think I should know?

I have no idea who this TrustTheTruth person is. I only know what I actually know. What I DO KNOW is that you can trust @srayzie on this Jem topic. @srayzie knows what is going on and she knows the truth, inside and out. Srayzie is trustworthy and everything she has said about Jem is accurate, and I know this for a fact.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@srayzie can't help you now. That ship sailed.

Let's see here:

5 (I)'s

1 paragraph

Are you going to answer my questions?

Piscina ago

Yeah, I like you too. I don't read every single thread so I'm not assuming to know everything about everybody here. All I can do is be guided by my experiences with individual users. I haven't seen ES or TtT abusing and calling people vile names like 'cunt', which mods have called me. I make up my own mind. It is the mods who have taken to dividing and conquering. That is what I see. There are other good users the mods have targeted. I won't say their names because that will give some of the mods an excuse to go on another one of their rampages. You are free to believe what and whom you want. If you're saying we can't continue to get on if I don't agree with you, that says more about you than it does about me.

MolochHunter ago

i would rather a mod that calls me a cunt than a mod who turns a blind eye to a user who has multiple alts, manufacturing consent for narratives, spinning webs of deception, luring people to conclusions they know are lies

your values are peculiar if you think there's anything remotely defendable in ES / TTT's conduct

ESOTERICshade ago

i would rather a mod that calls me a cunt than a mod who turns a blind eye to a user who has multiple alts, manufacturing consent for narratives, spinning webs of deception, luring people to conclusions they know are lies

You mean like crensch? The person who rigged v/pizzagatemods so that nobody but him and his alts could down vote? That is a verified fact. It got so bad that kev had to start an Emergency thread in v/protectvoat to unwind all crensch's bullshit and crensch was forced to undo that shit. That is why nobody will use v/pizzagatemods because they know that sub is nothing but crensch's abuse box. I might be wrong but I dont' think you were here when all that happened. There is a lot of history here that you might not understand. All is not what it seems.

MolochHunter ago

Crensch doesnt have alts

youve never remotely come close to proving that

and its a signifier of your projection and desperation that youd even attempt to promulgate this narrative

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't read every single thread

I do

I'm not assuming to know everything about everybody here

I'm so glad 'cause that would make you kind of boring

I haven't seen ES or TtT abusing and calling people vile names like 'cunt'

@ESOTERICshade Piscina says you never call people vile names, I seem to recall having seen you being vile a few times, could you settle this for me please?

@TrustTheTruth is most assuredly mentally ill, a truly repugnant thing I like to think of as Jennyfromthecrockoshit, IS TRIGGERING SURVIVORS and lying, what do you think about that? I think it's terrible. But if you have been privileged enough to have a decent conversation with TTT please could you tell me how you managed to engage in that convo as I have so far been unsuccessful, idk maybe there's some sort of knack to talking to trolls that I haven't figured out.

I'm sorry you don't like swearing, must be tough for you to be here.

I make up my own mind


It is the mods who have taken to dividing and conquering.

I'm all for the mods dividing ES from his MANY sock puppets and conquering each one of them. Why aren't you?

There are other good users the mods have targeted. I won't say their names because that will give some of the mods an excuse to go on another one of their rampages.

If you don't say their names or provide me with links I have nothing to base an opinion on.

You are free to believe what and whom you want.

It's such a blessing.

If you're saying we can't continue to get on if I don't agree with you, that says more about you than it does about me.

Okay, now you're just being goofy.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm all for the mods dividing ES from his MANY sock puppets and conquering each one of them. Why aren't you?

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. I served a useful function. I stepped in at a crucial juncture and kept v/pizzagate from becoming v/pizzQanon. It had to be done. Somebody had to do it. I took it upon myself to save this sub. I did it well. I was effective. The means by which I did it were necessary. Don't take the bait about "Esotericshade and all his alts" because I only used a couple to get the mission completed. It had to be done. Pizzagagate is still pizzagate, NO THANKS TO @VINDICATOR AND @CRENSCH, I might add. Those two confused ducks almost sank this ship and I was determined not to let that happen.

Now its all over. I did it. I ran the Qanon out of this sub, and it HAD TO BE DONE for pizzagate to survive. I'm not ashamed. I'm rather proud of myself. That is all I have to say about the matter. I don't even log in to voat anymore but about once a week. They wore me out, to the point that I don't even enjoy Voat anymore. But I did a good deed. I was at the right place at the right time. I did it, now its done.

Lets just all move along........

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


2 (I'm)'s

2 short paragraphs

This might be a record ES.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Don't take the bait

I didn't take your bait.

I only used a couple to get the mission completed.


Now its all over.

You must be new around here.

I did it.

I know.

I'm not ashamed.

You don't have to be, I'm ashamed for you.

'm rather proud of myself.

I know.

That is all I have to say about the matter.


I don't even log in to voat anymore but about once a week.


They wore me out,

If only that were true. sigh

I don't even enjoy Voat anymore.

I'm so sorry, since the primary function of the pizzagate sub is to entertain you I will try to do better.

I did it,

I said, I know

now its done.

You ARE new around here.

Lets just all move along........

Are you going to answer my questions?

TrustTheTruth ago


That was done purposely to limit both messaging and posting abilities.

We don't care about Votes, or Subscribers, OR MONEY.

They are all meaningless.

We can respond to you publicly if you have questions.

Instead of listening to Liars, you find The Truth for yourself.


We are not affiliated with @EsotericShade and while they know some things, they do not know everything.


Start with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I thought I told you to GET BENT.

Vindicator ago

EXCELLENT question. Do you feel like filling out a report at v/ReportSpammers? The how to is in the sidebar. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't think @cynabuns is back yet, miss her, she gave me my first goat here.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Do you feel like filling out a report at v/ReportSpammers?

U funny!

think- ago

As long as he doesn't post the same comment with the exact wording over and over again: no.

Since this user insists on acting like a wannabe AI

Hahaha. This made my day! 'Wannabe AI', lol. ;-) :-) :-) He certainly is at least semi-AI.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, shit! Just trying to think outside the box.

Think-, honey, can we please have some tags now, I am so tech-tarded that I have no way of following what these creeps are up to except to rely on my memory. I am exhausted.

Pretty please with sugar? I promise I'll obey when you tell me to post things where you want them and I'll try not to get too fussy about it. :-)

think- ago

Pretty please with sugar? I promise I'll obey when you tell me to post things where you want them and I'll try not to get too fussy about it. :-)

Hahaha. You almost convinced me.... ;-) :-)

I don't have the time today, but I'll PM you tomorrow, and explain why I still don't fancy introducing tags.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You almost convinced me.... ;-) :-)

Fine. You can just consider my more than generous offer rescinded.

argosciv ago


^ Best I can think of for pouty-face.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I thought that was a sad face. I'm not sad, I'm sitting in the corner pouting.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

xoxo :-P

think- ago

Haha. ;-)

think- ago

@Vindicator @Crensch: please see my reply to @shewhomustbeobeyed. Thanks.

Lobotomy ago

I've been saying this for months.

argosciv ago




think- ago

Tbh, this 'TrustTheTruth' guy is highly entertaining. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

You and @vindicator were dumb enough to try to turn v/pizzagate into v/pizzQanon. Yes @crensch you are equally as culpable because you were willing to allow it. Instead, with dedication and patience, I kept that from happening. In the process I drug you across the schoolyard by your ear like the little ignorant snot nose internet bully that you are.

You guys were almost responsible for destroying the last repository of Pizzagate knowledge and investigation. The reason you have left this thread up so long is because you are trying to shift the shame from yourself to others. In the process you have alienated a lot of people that used to contribute here.

You are the most destructive thing that has ever happened to v/pizzagate. Still mad bro? Don't be mad, feel the shame that you deserve.

Fucking moron...

Vindicator ago

Grampa Trufer is so senile he can't seem to remember his ass getting handed to him. Tsk tsk Esoteric. Still operating those upvoting sock puppets, I see.

That's okay...I'm glad you're costing your masters money and giving me more opportunities to downvote your bullshit. I will never tire of it. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Grampa Trufer is so senile he can't seem to remember his ass getting handed to him.

Maybe you didn't notice but I WON the battle of getting Q's daily updates out of this sub. In the process YOU pissed off a lot of regulars that won't even come here anymore.

Still operating those upvoting sock puppets, I see.

Those are simply people that disagree with you. If your ego wasn't so huge you might realize that and learn something.

I'm glad you're costing your masters money

Sure. Because I know Q is a fantasy land of bullshit, that makes me an "agent" of some sort. Not. You also know i'm not the Donkey but you push that bullshit too. You biggest claim to fame evidence that i'm Donkey is because I shortened his name to "the Donk" one time. WOW thats some solid evidence right there isn't it!!

You have said so much shit, and accused so many people of so many things, that nobody pays attention to you anymore. You are not Vindicating, you are just vindictive.

TrustTheTruth ago

We get downvoted, gangstalked, attacked, censored, flaired, and threatened by the moderators and their Army of Fools because WE KNOW MORE THAN ALL OF THEM COMBINED.


They can never dispute or disprove THE TRUTH shared since THE BEGINNING.


Do you know who @Vindicator?

And do you know what happened @Vindicator?

And do you know why George's videos were so different, and what he started doing from then forward @Vindicator?

And do you know what George had mistakenly promised repeatedly since his first 50 days of videos that were all deleted?

And do you know why they brought on Jason Goodman and Trish Negron, and do you know what roles Joe Napoli or JK played?

And do you know what Jenny believed that George does not, and what caused their fallout and her ultimate demise?



You censored, banned, and Betrayed Jenny Moore, and you continued to slander and attack her after she died, YET NONE OF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH AND WHAT HAPPENED.

Jenny Moore was slandered, doxxed, threatened, attacked and soon after Murdered for Knowing The Truth.



The key to The Truth is simple - who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with and why?


If you or any of the other Mods are NOT EVIL now is the time to REPENT AND ACCEPT THE TRUTH.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ @Vindicator?

What about you @Honeybee? Why are you so silent, and why were you removed as a moderator after being exposed?

How about you @PuttItOut?

Do you know what The Parousia is?

Jenny Moore Knew The Truth.

The Truth is HERE.

argosciv ago

TrustTheTruth ago






GOUDA1 ago

Hi, as a new user, thanks for keeping this stickied. I would have missed it otherwise, and the thread is an invaluable resource. I can ignore any of his posts, and those that have supported him (and there seem to be many sockpuppets) over the past 2 years. Thanks mods!

TrustTheTruth ago

Fake Testimonial or Real Sarcasm?



You should read the similar hit piece they made about her, an then read comments from those who actually knew her.

There are many who will go to great lengths to Lie, Deceive and Hide The Truth.

Who did Jenny return to Voat to meet with? What happened?

Who Shared The Truth Here OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER since The Beginning?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource?

What is the Real Agenda beyond 21 / 2030?

What is the ROOT of All Evil?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Gothamgirl ago

Jem went to meet with:

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/technology comment by @argosciv.

Posted automatically (#13192) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MadWorld ago

Also a good place to pick up those account names!!

Piscina ago

@crensch you are a pathetic little nobody who needs to lie and degrade people to puff himself up to feel better about himself. I challenge you to provide ONE example of my calling in anybody to 'Voat brigade'. You can't because it's never happened. While you, insignificant spineless bottom crawler that you are, constantly ping others to come to your defence. You cannot stand on your own two feet. You cannot argue an issue without crying out for your mommie mod squad.

Crensch ago

And it's really funny how you faggets always complain about others pinging users to your comments. You want to keep what you have to say as private as possible because you know it's stupid and people will hate you for it. That's why you whine about brigading when all we're doing is making sure that other people see what you're doing.

Piscina ago

Hey Crensch, this is what users have been saying about you:

Many people here on the ongoing list of shills have called out @Crensch . His name is found 17 times. Look at his censor happiness below: and were deleted by Crensch. He is part of the cover up for Marina Abramovic. @Crensch has not contributed 1 fucking useful post ever. He is fucking useless and a threat to this place. Mod said its not about pizzagate even though Marina Abramovic is a key suspect involved in all the emails and spirit cooking. They tried hiding the fact she is jewish right when pizzagate investigators started. ORIGINAL POST: ARCHIVED: Crensch should be REMOVED ASAP as a mod. He is clearly a shill. SHARE YOUR CONCERNS AND KICK HIS OUT OF MOD POSITION.

Crensch ago

His name is found 17 times.

From user @CrenschIsCensoring


Look at his censor happiness below:

Did not follow rules.

Spamalek. You can see it in the comments. Rule violations, too.

They tried hiding the fact she is jewish right when pizzagate investigators started.

Nobody tried to hide this fact. The post ran afoul of the rules.

Kek kek kek kek kek.

@Vindicator @think-

Vindicator ago

17 times, eh? I talking to Qrensch? ;-)

Piscina ago

Lol, and you still have to call in the chumps to fight your fight. You can't do it alone...poor baby.

Vindicator ago

I am very glad @Crensch is pinging me to these comments of yours Piscina. I don't typically lurk users' histories unless they start acting like shills, and the fact you are hiding your words deep in the comment tree of a two month old post means I would never see them or realize you are part of this group that has been trying to twist and derail our investigation and divide this sub for the past two years.

It's been fascinating to me to watch the Esoteric crew send alt after alt in here to try to turn our expose of your consensus cracking against us, only to burn each and every one. A few of you were actually researchers some people took seriously. You must be quite desperate!

I wonder what it is that y'all want us not to discuss?

ESOTERICshade ago

I would never see them or realize you are part of this group that has been trying to twist and derail our investigation and divide this sub for the past two years.

Wrong. You tried to destroy pizzagate by mixing it with Qanon and you pissed off a LOT of people. You are so feeble minded that everybody that disagrees with you is "part of a brigading group." Weak as fuck dude.

It's been fascinating to me to watch the Esoteric crew send alt after alt in here to try to turn our expose of your consensus cracking against us,

Sit down this might come as a shock. >>>>Sometimes people simply disagree with you. I know its a shocker but you need to embrace it.

You must be quite desperate!

You go to great lengths of logic leaping to appear "right" don't you?

I wonder what it is that y'all want us not to discuss?

You could start by apologizing to the entire sub for almost destroying it with the Q Larp. Thats a good start. According to you I chased the Q Larp out of this sub. Good for me. I take full credit for it, and with pride.


Vindicator ago

You know, Esoteric, I think it's time I wrote a submission with the latest pizzagate developments from QAnon. You've put me in the mood! :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

You know, Esoteric, I think it's time I wrote a submission with the latest pizzagate developments from QAnon. You've put me in the mood! :-)

Knock yourself out. Like I always say, you ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer and you are damn sure willing to go against the pizzagate community to promote your Q fantasies.

Piscina ago

Again, you can provide NOT ONE example of my pinging anyone or Voat brigading. You are a sad little troll who relishes ridding Voat of good researchers.

Crensch ago

Again, you can provide NOT ONE example of my pinging anyone or Voat brigading.

Pinging is not brigading, and you admitted to brigading.

You are a sad little troll who relishes ridding Voat of good researchers.

You and your crew drives off good researchers, so hearing that from you is laughable.

@Vindicator @think-

Crensch ago

I never said you called in anybody. I said you vote Brigade

Piscina ago

Give evidence for your spurious claim. You can't because I have never done it. Whereas you and your bully mates are vile to users and constantly vote brigade.

Crensch ago

Give evidence for your spurious claim. You can't because I have never done it. Whereas you and your bully mates are vile to users and constantly vote brigade.

You literally admitted to it. I don't have to prove shit beyond linking to your own comment.

Piscina ago

Again, no evidence because there is none. You cannot back up any of your allegations, and when cornered you resort to your usual tactics of smearing and bullying. You've left in your wake a long litany of stickies viciously attacking user after user as evidence of who is guilty in this sad and sorry saga. You've managed to marginalise good people in your crusade to kill pizzagate research. It's all there for people to see.

srayzie ago

Have you and your group enjoyed Poal lately? Which one in your group is Fagdryer?
@Fogdryer made a little mistake commenting on their own post.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think @Shizy

fogdryer ago

Yes I see I answered wrong. That’s the power of “Tech challenged “. Thks for pointing it out. I get so excited when I’m on here. I need to slow down and get better glasses.

srayzie ago

You answered wrong? You were talking about yourself?

Piscina ago

lol. mod quad goon @crayzie has answered the call from one of her cabal buddies to join the trolling. How much they paying you @crazyie? How much did you sell your soul for? A few bucks? Cos it aint enough to buy back your soul from lucifer.

You wanna talk about 'voat brigading' look no further than this little group of cretins. Although I will say this: it's clear that the better ones of you don't have the stomach to gleefully attack innocent and good researchers, whereas others like @crensch & @crayzie relish attacking, abusing and trolling people.

Shizy ago

That group is tons of fun 😂! Just ask them!

srayzie ago

Especially trying to dox @crensch with the wrong picture LOL

Vindicator ago

Piscina, are you high?

Crensch has backed up all of his allegations. He has only gone after people who were abusing Voat's User Agreement to bully legit users. He's literally done the opposite of what you are accusing him of.

It's a amazing that you are making these statements. You do realize this is in public, right? That everyone can see what @Crensch has said, and what you have said, and what those you are supporting in this thread have done, using multiple fake accounts to push a concocted agenda?

Crensch ago

This is what's called EVIDENCE.

Just like YOU are evidence that your mother was a mistake and should have been aborted.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy @heygeorge

Piscina ago

Again, you don't provide evidence because there is none. You provide a link to some batshit crazy claim that you have pulled out of your arse.

Crensch, here comes your little goon squad. You can all sit in a circle and have one of your little wankfests.

srayzie ago

Tell your friend TrustTheTruth to provide me with links to all the claims he’s made.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think-

Jews never get past the Kubler-Ross DENIAL stage of grief, it seems.

Every one of them is like a bad Shaggy song from 2000.

Shizy ago

There's no such thing as a bad shaggy song!!! 😂

@srayzie has now sung her favorite one for us! Lucky day!

srayzie ago

Heck yeah. I heard this the other day!

srayzie ago

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed
Creeping with the girl next door
Picture this we were both butt naked
Banging on the bathroom floor
How could I forget that I had
Given her an extra key
All this time she was standing there
She never took her eyes off me.

@Shizy I bet you like it. 😁

srayzie ago

I liked Shaggy 😂

srayzie ago

Piscina ago

Poor little baby has to call in his mommie and big brother o defend him.

Crensch ago

You... really don't understand much of anything here, do you?

You literally admitted to vote brigading.

Piscina ago

Lol, and all your stickies attacking users are a huge admission that you want to kill off any pizzagate research.

Crensch ago

My sticky addresses proven manipulators of this subverse, and one that grooms new users and pretends to be their friends while using gaslighting tactics and emotional manipulation to stop those new users from researching the things his handlers don't want users here researching.

Gothamgirl ago

Similar to argosciv correct?

Shizy ago

I'll ping @argosciv for you since you brought him up.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha he already knows how I feel lapdog.

ESOTERICshade ago

My sticky addresses proven manipulators of this subverse,

Like the way you had the minimum set in v/pizzagatemods so that only you and your alts could down vote? Don't deny it. It left a comment trail when kev told you unrig the sub. Fucking cretin.

Vindicator ago

Esoteric, maybe you weren't paying attention to the reaction of old goats to the recent Reddit migration, but there was a copious amount of bad will sown by the flooding v/ALL with wall-to-wall shit-tier QAnon posts.

Well, the same thing happened when r/pizzagate migrated two years ago when Voat was much smaller, and one of the olive branches handed to Voat that stopped the massive trolling, shitposting and downvoting we experienced was to remove meta/drama posts to their own sub (v/pizzagatemods) and create settings that would keep them off the Voat front page. No one wanted to hear Redditors whining about the inner complaints about the working of our board, why mods weren't deleting hate speech, why mods weren't banning people for offensive comments, etc.

The v/pizzagatemod settings had nothing to do with downvote suppression by @Crensch or anyone else, because there have never been enough posts to that board for downvoting to have any effect on sliding content off the board. Everything ever posted there is easily visible, because almost no one ever posts there.

That about right, @kevdude?

This is just more pettifogging from you. If you were truly interested in "saving v/pizzagate" you would have known this and wouldn't be trying to weaponize it so ineptly against Crensch.

@think- @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

ESOTERICshade ago

The v/pizzagatemod settings had nothing to do with downvote suppression

That is a blatant lie. Nobody could down vote but crensch and a couple of other people, which is probably some crensch alts.

because there have never been enough posts to that board for downvoting to have any effect on sliding content off the board.

No shit. Nobody wants to deal with the little snot nose internet bully that runs that fake shit hole named v/pizzagatemods. crensch is almost universally hated around here except by a few people.

If you were truly interested in "saving v/pizzagate"

According to you, many times, I already saved it long ago. You have said many times that I get the credit for running Q Mania away from this sub. You just didn't know it was happening because you were too lost in your Q fantasies.

srayzie ago

Why would someone like @Crensch have alts? There is nothing that would stop Crensch from posting exactly what’s on his mind. No matter what sub he’s on. Which, is one reason so many here don’t like him.

@ESOTERICshade, since you say I’m your friend, then you can believe me when I tell you we don’t do upvote or downvote brigading. If we ping each other, a lot of times it’s just to keep each other informed. I’m accused of it too. It gets really old.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't accuse you of it. I have not accused you of anything.

srayzie ago

I know you didn’t accuse me. I’m just telling you that none of us do that.

Vindicator ago

Why would someone like @Crensch have alts?

LOL. Good point!

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Lampshadematerial comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#15801) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Piscina ago

Your a liar. You're the mod everyone wants to get rid of. You target people one after the other...good people who were good researchers. This sticky is proof of that. There was nothing wrong with ES.

Crensch ago

There was nothing wrong with ES.

@Vindicator @think-

If you needed a nail for that coffin.

Vindicator ago


Crensch ago

It's almost like they think we're a bunch of amateurs that don't back up what we have to say. It's a little unnerving that they keep acting like we having proven this to them time and again. I guess that's just part of being a Jew.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't, you only use half the information in my case.

Vindicator ago

It's almost like they think we're a bunch of amateurs that don't back up what we have to say.

Arrogance and a belief in superiority makes those kinds of assumptions. Vice makes people weak.

Piscina ago

Says the moron who's now turned to working for the luciferians.

Vindicator ago

Piscina, do you not get how bad it looks that you are calling someone who broke up a serious shill operation trying to subvert this investigation a "moron" who is "working for the luciferians"? Are you brainwashed, or actually one of them?

@think- are you seeing this?

think- ago

She has been digging up old accusations against @Crensch that said he tried to hide the rumour that Abramovic is Jewish - which is quite hilarious, tbh, since @Crensch is the least likely person on Voat to not talk about it when someone is Jewish or suspected of being Jewish. LMAO.

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

SchlongKeyhote ago

That's exactly what he did, you stupid bitch, and even deleted the thread itself.

So if someones beliefs support sacrificing and raping little children that is not relevant?

Correct. This is about pizzagate specifically. Referencing all child rape does nothing but muddy the waters.

Playing the (((fellow anti-Semite))) is precisely what one would do on Voat to get away with torpedoing a thread that anticipated what NO ONE NOW DISPUTES, mostly thanks to my persistence, then moving on to a discrediting alternative conspiracy theory like Q (which you claim to not believe).

That's not how modding works you pathetic WOMAN; confrontation between you is sometimes necessary.

In fact I will not provide anything further to @letsdothis3 if my name is not removed from this OP, as it is just another of many hit-pieces.

srayzie ago

@Crensch is the least likely person on Voat to not talk about it when someone is Jewish or suspected of being Jewish. LMAO.

You got that right 😂 Where has she been?

Piscina ago

Seriously do you expect users to believe your BS?? 'Broke up a serious shill operation' is code for 'destroy pizzagate research'

Crensch ago

Notice how my claims come with evidence, and yours are pulled out of your ass?

@Vindicator @think-

SchlongKeyhote ago

Not against me, faggot.

Jumping into a comment thread SPECIFICALLY ABOUT ME BEING SOME GUY'S ALT to point out we don't even share the purported behavior is not evidence we're in fact the same.

It is actually quite predictable, which is why it I did it the previous time I faced said accusation.

To which you say "he made the same huge mistake of not switching alts, twice."

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

  • pages of DMs between me and my supposed alts over months
  • screencaps showing that far from brigading, I don't even upvote, ever, period.
  • totally different writing habits from the account you claim I mistakenly thought I was still using

Your game is up, kike. The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

srayzie ago

Oh please. 🙄
Who is the faggot that has admitted to being part Jew?

@Vindicator @Think @Crensch @Shizy

Shizy ago

And if a very dark pigmentation 🙍🏿‍♂️

srayzie ago

Like he said to DarkMath lol

SchlongKeyhote ago

shit i knew i smelled tuna. Did someone address you pair of cunts? No? Then why are you fucking talking.

srayzie ago

Q posted!

Q is global

Sucks for you JIDF Faggots.

auralsects ago

JIDF recruits everyday Jewish students, you ignorant slut

Q claims only an exclusive cabal of Israelis are the bad guys

so youre contradicting him and vindicating me, you RETARD! LMAO!

srayzie ago

Q claims only an exclusive cabal of Israelis are the bad guys


auralsects ago

this is why uninformed cunts like you should not be here.

"deep state" is a term exclusively used since the 1970s in reference to countries like Egypt and particularly Turkey.

It's use in the US only started in preparation for the Q psyop from Trump's pals at InfoWhores

yet now stupid newbie bitches like you obliviously parrot it and drop acronyms like JIDF mere months after admitting "I didn't know people hated Jews lol derr derr"

beyond cringe.

srayzie ago

Oh bull shit. Who cares anyway Donkey? Everything originated somewhere. Why does it bother you so much that I didn’t know something, but then learned? Most people would see that as a good thing. But, not paid shills.

You have told me that you are part Jew. You have told me you’re s student. So fuck off JIDF.

auralsects ago

Oh bull shit.

Except it's not bullshit and I just showed you the proof, cunt.

Everything originated somewhere.

Why does it bother you so much that I didn’t know something, but then learned?

Educating women past basic literacy is a ridiculous concept.

Your daughter will do nothing in college but ride dicks, acquire debt, and be brainwashed with subversive Jewish ideas, all of which lowers her total lifetime fertility.

You have told me that you are part Jew. You have told me you’re s student.

LOL You JUST said I am a nigger.

But surely you don't have a problem with Jews and niggers, right? WWG1WGA right? All divisions are from the non-existent "deep state" and that's why Q's goal is to bring us together and remove all racial consciousness from whites as we near minority status in our own country?

You stupid, stupid whore.

Crensch ago

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

Strangely lacking.

Your game is up, kike.


The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

Writing autobiographical fanfiction?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Writing autobiographical fanfiction?

I would say that is exactly what is going on, here. Did you notice how DonkeySchlong replied to your comment to Piscina? You tell Piscina "she" is pulling claims about you being a Luciferian out of her ass, and Donkey shows up out of nowhere and replies "Not against me, faggot" -- again like he's defending himself against an attack. Yet it was Piscina being challenged, deep in the comments of an old thread.

This is exactly like when as auralsects he replied to comments directed at ES.

They are getting sloppy and burning these alts. The question is, why?

719380264 ago

just look how retarded @srayzie is. This is what you (pretend to) actually believe. You are presenting yourself as retarded as she is, with zero shame.

she thinks an alt-farm is a list of NEAR IDENTICAL NAMES WITH NO ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE LOL

srayzie ago

That was a retarted reply. They were the same person. Along with many others thst are not like that.

719380264 ago

misspelling "retarded" is classic srayzie. jesus Christ what a figure.

719380264 ago

wow I just keep making the same mistakes. and youre just so clever at catching them, right? LMAO.

my name is in the OP, I can browse "new" in this thread and chime in whenever the fuck I want in any comment string I want, faggot.

'shows up out of nowhere' to point out hes lying about bringing falsifiable 'evidence' even after the addressee, Piscina, had already replied a day prior.

that makes no sense, DIPSHIT. you're just gaslighting for dumb cunts as usual. what a loser.

Why did I admit this is an alt in its very first post? Because I don't play your faggot internet games and shown yall I don't even upvote, which is the accusation in the OP.


Vindicator ago


Oh? That's pretty funny, coming from a guy who has to rotate multiple alts in this thread because he's so full of shit he is torching his CCP like a cuck blowing cash at a titty bar. Donkey, everyone is onto you. You should go back to Reddit where you blend in.

srayzie ago

he is torching his CCP like a cuck blowing cash at a titty bar.

😂 Fricken awesome! Hahaha @Shizy

719380264 ago

sounds like an admission that you brigade me to force creation of further alts to then use them as proof that im deceptive even though I don't hide them LMAO

hence the constant pinging of 4-5 worthless niggers when we argue

every single comment no matter how innocuous or helpful


also you didn't counter a single point, just deflected with a lame insult.

you are NOT INTELLIGENT dude. people see right thru you.

Vindicator ago

sounds like an admission that you brigade me to force creation of further alts

Nice try. You're the puppet master using these alts to spew venomous BS. You deserve every downvote they earn you. I can't brigade you, dude. I only have one account. It's interesting that you expect your speech to have no consequences.

In fact, it's interesting how you make this (((victim))) claim. I've archived it.

719380264 ago



Vindicator ago

No one is using sock puppets to multi-downvote you, Donkey. It's just that everyone who sees it disagrees with your point of view. Speech has consequences. We're each entitled to our vote. You have more alts than any ping list I've ever made, by a multiple of at least five. You choose to speak -- often in hidden locations. We choose to keep each other apprised of your trashy contributions and exercise our right to respond. That isn't brigading. That is voting.

Your attempts to equate us responding to your shit talk with those who run multiple alts to attempt to force their will on the subverse through deception is (((unsurprising))).

719380264 ago

'hidden location' XD

That isn't brigading. That is voting.


voting is for retards who rely on peer pressure to evaluate a message. i.e. women. It is bizarre that you feel so good about 'exercising your right' to do something so pointless and gay.

we must assume then that you are an actual faggot, and a kike, and you have never made a contribution as good as my worst. you are entirely outclassed, and you know it.

Vindicator ago

If voting were pointless and gay, you wouldn't need 18 alts to spread your downvotes over.

you have never made a contribution as good as my worst

Voaters appear to disagree with you on that, Donkey.

twistedmac11 ago

Funny how that happens. Hypocrisy at its finest.

srayzie ago

Donkey would do that with his alt Equineluvr too

@Crensch @Vindicator @Think- @Shizy

SchlongKeyhote ago

accusing me of incompetently switching alts, even though the writing styles are clearly distinct, is just accusation.

pages and pages of DMs over months showing we're not alts is PROOF.

what I cant understand is why you think anyone would trust your judgment on anything, bitch. like for real

Vindicator ago

You see. :-)

Crensch ago

@srayzie @think-

I appreciate you pointing this out. I don't believe I would have noticed.

Personal side note, I'm never taking a vacation again. My Edge has been dulled entirely too much.

Vindicator ago

:-) I doubt that. It's that the shills are so damn boring.

SchlongKeyhote ago

Strangely lacking.

Nope, my evidence is unassailable and that's why you never even try to refute them, as you ignored all the times I linked to your Jew-protecting before @Piscina just did. You are a frightened little Jewish cockroach.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

There it is^, for women's consumption. Do you "believe wamen", (((Crensch)))? Is that why half the mods are women when the truther community is probably around ~5% female?

Notable exception is the Qtard movement, which appears to be almost MAJORITY female.

I am known for calling for all women to be banished from v/pizzagate and into kitchens.

Yet my supposed alt @Esotericshade is specifically accused of "grooming" women, because they are so laughably easy to manipulate.

What's REALLY laughable is that this entire dramatic "warning!!!1" thread and even the case against that Jew-loving faggot is built on a false premise, which is that upvotes actually influence people.

Nobody gives a fuck about upvotes. They will click and read a thread if the title is interesting or it has a ton of replies.

What WILL cause people to stop visiting the sub is a constant barrage of non-specific to pizzagate Q anon threads, which is PRECISELY WHAT YOU AND @VINDICATOR ARE OPENLY ADVOCATING and labeling "shill manufacturer of concensus" to those who resisted it.

Doesn't get much more Jewish than that

srayzie ago

shill manufacturer of concensus

Where did you get your training donkey? You target 3 issues. They keep it simple for tards like you. Attack Jews, women, and Qanon. Cause chaos as much as possible. You don’t think Piscina is a cunt like all other women? Or does she get a break because she attempts to be mean to the big bad @Crensch that you’re so threatened by?

👉🏻 THIS 👈🏻

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy @Kevdude

SchlongKeyhote ago

Attack Jews, women, and Qanon.


Cause chaos as much as possible.

They keep it simple for tards like you

^So which is it, you sub-retard, alcoholic, attention-starved slut? "Chaos" like in your totally unmanaged sub or "keep it simple"?

You don’t think Piscina is a cunt like all other women?

I don't know if she's a cunt but she certainly doesn't belong here. None of you do.

srayzie ago

GreatAwakening is doing great. Growing every week. We get shilled a lot because we’re over the target. Unmanaged sub? You mean because we don’t censor? I haven’t had a drink in 5 years. What accomplishments have you made in the last 5 years Donkey?

I’ve known you for almost 2 years, and have seen nothing but a low life puppet, saying what he’s told to say, so he doesn’t have to get up off his ugly fat ass and get a real job. If I were your parents, I would be embarrassed.

@Shizy @Crensch @Think- @Vindicator @Kevdude

auralsects ago

lmao why do you always ping to your lame and unverifiable insults? who calls someone "ugly" on a research forum XD

What accomplishments have you made in the last 5 years Donkey?

LOL which have YOU made your entire life besides squeeze some kids out of your smelly cunt, which a comatose woman can do?

srayzie ago

I kept the vagina of my youth for your information. Mine were cesarean sections. I brought live humans into the world. You should never. Not with your genes. I ping to the ones that don’t like your ass as much as me. Watch this. I’ll do it again faggot...

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think- @Kevdude @Shizy

Shizy ago

"Vagina of my youth" 😂😂😂!! Gotta love those c-sections!

srayzie ago


auralsects ago

I brought live humans into the world.

and that is your sole purpose for existing. not to argue with men, post online, have political opinions, or anything else public.

men create societies and women create more men.

that's how it was for millennia, when we actually did remove undesirables such as kikes, and how it shall be again.

Shizy ago

Oh "brilliant" donkey. You're so low energy, you're only purpose for existing is to line the pockets of your local fast food joints. You contribute nothing to the world and you know it.

Crensch ago

So what you're saying is that the ESOTERIC clan REALLY doesn't want Q anon here? Looks like that's what the next sticky should be about. Something Q anon said must be causing your handlers some discomfort, given the lengths you all will go through to try and stop us from posting Q anon stuff here.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

srayzie ago

That’s it. The shills are working over time right now.

auralsects ago

there isn't even anything to shill you dumb bitch.

because "the plan" does not depend on Qtards posting memes.

since the much more elaborate and retarded Q theory discredits the real conspiracy of pizzagate, the shills are just flooding your echo chamber with outrageously stupid shit to waste your time and make you look even dumber

SchlongKeyhote ago

So what you're saying is that the ESOTERIC clan REALLY doesn't want Q anon here?

nobody does.

just look at the complete boomer-fag shit-show @srayzie sub has become. I cant even troll there anymore from the sheer volume of bullshit.

Looks like that's what the next sticky should be about.

by all means discredit yourself and v/pizzagate further. as well as undermining your own accusation about other people manufacturing consensus. LOL

Something Q anon said must be causing your handlers some discomfort

LMAO yea why don't you go comb through his "intel drops" to figure it out

what a fucking clown.

srayzie ago

just look at the complete boomer-fag shit-show @srayzie sub has become. I cant even troll there anymore from the sheer volume of bullshit.

👏🏻 We must be doing something right! 👏🏻
🙌🏻 Donkey can’t even troll there anymore! 🙌🏻

SchlongKeyhote ago

keep doing what you're doing.

it serves my interests that you women be seen to make a mess of whatever you get involved in.

and when you resist and deny, people will realize that you are indistinguishable from niggers in your inability to accept your own inferiority, and the only option is to physically whip you into obedience as we once did them.

and all will be well again.

srayzie ago

Scrawny little queers like you are just taking up space on this planet. You shouldn’t reproduce. You have no purpose.

auralsects ago

this is how seriously we once took women's gossiping and meddling:

Medieval Britain

imagine being so stupid and intolerable that we had to construct devices to deter your insidious nature.

soon you wont have to imagine it!

Piscina ago

Poor baby. And you still have not provided one iota of evidence.

Crensch ago

You seem to have reading comprehension issues. I've provided you ADMITTING to vote brigading. YOU?

You've provided links to laughable absurdities.

Piscina ago

And you have provided nothing.

ASolo ago

just unpin this stupid shit would ya @vindicator @Crensch you all made your point why is this still stickied?

Vindicator ago

I advocated for special warning flairs on the usernames in question so that all the new Redditors would not be taken in by Esoteric and his puppet army. @think- was against it, and the users in question will not delete their accounts. This was @Crensch's final solution.

Crensch made this post based on months of monitoring and documentation by me and several other very regular users, by the way. He did not do this unilaterally.

Crensch ago

That's very true. Most of the research was not mine. I just put it together and went after that faggot until he made an egregious mistake.

think- ago

Why exactly do you think this is 'stupid shit', @ASolo?

Calling out vote brigading, and warning other users to be careful when interacting with someone who has intentionally hurt other (female) users here is hardly 'stupid shit' imo.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

ASolo ago

It's STUPID shit because it's been up here for so long like it's some kind of badge you caught an "infiltrator' when all your basically doing is embarrassing someone with a mental obsession on promoting their own material. It's quite embarrassing to the owner of the site to be nitpicking over such a detail. I didn't see him calling out Alefantis when he fished on this site for months it's a total dick move to harp on it so much.

think- ago

with a mental obsession on promoting their own material

Sorry, @ASolo, what part of 'he hurt female users here' didn't you get?

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @Crensch

argosciv ago

with a mental obsession on promoting their own material

Oh the irony...

Yep, I'm gonna go ahead and start commenting even in this thread - watch them throw a fucking hissy fit over it and brigade me again. I won't be around much as of next year anyway, so whatever.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie

Crensch ago

Because you and your ilk continue to operate here.

ASolo ago

Oh god I knew some dumb shit was going to come my why don't even fucking start with me asshole I'm just sick and tired of seeing the dumb thread up there every time I visit you made your fucking point I'm pretty sure the forum gets it and of course you aren't going to catch me in any of these mechanizations because I dont engage in them but it's pretty uncomfortable the owner of a fucking forum like this confronting a patron like this your out of line.

ASolo ago

My ilk, fuck you. Even IF this esotericshade was vote manipulating it's probably just some short circuit in that person where they are an autist like that and want to promote their own work, THEY ARE STILL TRYING TO HELP THE CAUSE I'm not saying it's right, or it works, but it was what that person did to boost their own shit FOR PIZZAGATE. I have no affiliation, care or real understanding of what's going on with your little crusade I'm just sick of seeing it everyday I come here and i have a right to have it unstickied without getting attacked.

Fuckin invite a bunch of people to your forum and then turn the tides on them 2 years later dude your a dangerous person.

think- ago

Look, @ASolo, I really appreciate your work, and I have been a bit sad that you didn't post for a couple of months. So this is not about attacking you.

I am also tired of seeing Esoteric's name every time I come to the forum. It has been my understanding that @Crensch left the sticky up since Esoteric announced to leave several times, but never did.

He hurt other, female users here. He is not helping the cause. He groomed other users in order to use them.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter

auralsects ago

Lmao its starting to look like women are just too easily "groomed" to be allowed anywhere at all.

How does it feel to be so stupid and incompetent that the kikeshills running this sub mod u specifically to fuck shit up with your naivete?

Biggest thread in subs history is you whining that some dude "groomed" and "hurt" SPECIFICALLY the women.


twistedmac11 ago

What about users like myself who have been labeled as alts and attacked in this thread by mods, and have since quit posting? I'm all for calling out definite shilling, but I'm not down with attacking legitimate users.

Tbh I'm not sure if this comment is even worth making, but I've been with v/pizzagate long enough that I'm pretty attached to it, but if I can't contribute without being labeled a shill or accused of being someone's alt, then I don't really see the point of sticking around. I suppose this is my last-ditch effort to stay without being roped into this BS any further.

twistedmac11 ago

Nothing? @think-

TrustTheTruth ago

Why do you think they are so Afraid of The Truth?

What is The Truth they are most desperate to Hide and Silence at any and all cost?

What happened to Jenny Moore?

This is not a game. Q is part of it. So is Voat.

twistedmac11 ago

Seriously, why don't you just say what you need to say instead of speaking in riddles? If you know "the truth" and everyone knowing "the truth" is your end game, just spit it out. There's no feasible reason I can think of for you to continue trying to drag people into your games unless it's just to waste time. You shit talk Q while you speak in riddles just like he does. You're right, this isn't a game -- I don't waste time on his games, and I'm not wasting any on yours.

TrustTheTruth ago


Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT of All Evil, the Model and the Weak Link to the entire network of Global Criminal Corruption with Sustainability (Satan's Ability) as the Great Deception to forge the Real Agenda beyond 21 / 2030 of Eternal Enslavement enforced by the Mark of the Beast, 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Trump is a Fake Savior who made The Deal to endorse The Mark and the Agenda, and Q is a False Prophet to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.







think- ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @MolochHunter: please see my edit.

Crensch ago

If esoteric killed his username, I'd be willing to switch the contents to a more generic warning submission instead of having his name on it. But as it stands it seems like most of the Shilling is done in this submission. I could be wrong. But it always does seem to be a landing spot for them.

darkknight111 ago

Found something to make “Donkey” utterly despair. Turns out some of the main proponents of the (((White Sharia))) movement he always shills for are infact Jews themselves. And he’s the one claiming to “be immune to jew lies”. phuhuhu

Be sure to archive this link, save it, and spam it whenever Donkeyhote so much as opens his mouth around here.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @MolochHunter @kevdude

Vindicator ago

LOL. Flies can't resist a carcass.

I say -- ES needs a tombstone, along with every single one of his proven alts: rarepeeks, smurfy69, rgusraper and dragonkiller.

think- ago

along with every single one of his proven alts

You forgot 'IPointOutTrolls'. ;-)

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

But it always does seem to be a landing spot for them.


Crensch ago

@vindicator @think-

He says ES is still trying to help the cause. Looks like we have another one.

Vindicator ago


ASolo ago

Dude don't try and turn my words around like a little bitch. NOT defending the dude just making a logical observation that you got a hard on for nonsensical bullshit like a petty bitch.

Crensch ago

More than 134 people found my submission useful. Maybe you should ask one of them what it is about my submission you don't understand.

ASolo ago

Whatever I'm not focusing on the content of the thread it's just been stickied forever let your little minions brood over it further on down the line like the rest of us when you let thread sliding happen all the time on this site.

Crensch ago

It's cute that you think thread sliding is the bigger threat at this point.

ASolo ago

You're not cute, at all, and I wasn't trying to be cute. You are creeping me out dude. just stop now.

Crensch ago

It's hilarious that you took my comment as a compliment when I very obviously meant the Retard kind of cute. You know, where you say something stupid and I Pat you on the head and say ,"sure, buddy, whatever you say."

Crensch ago

You started this. You can stop anytime you like. The fact that you haven't suggests that you have some desire to continue conversing with me.

ASolo ago

I'm mystified by your behavior, how old are you if I may ask? I'd like to know what information you are privilege to because I do not trust you with it.

ASolo ago

I'm actually quite scared you would willingly sell or give information out to intel agencies as a matter of spite. I'm afraid I'll have to request what you do know or I'll have to have attorneys sequester it for my own safety. What you have done here is a huge breach of public trust having beeing behind the controls on this thing. You should have done a short summary and banned the person if they were engaged in online espionage to the degree you are suggesting and told US everything was handled, but what you are saying here is so petty and nonsensical the fact that you started a thread about it means that it wasn't such an internal threat as to suggest 'espionage' - what a fucking tool. I'm sure there were much more sensitive matters going on back there while you had your dick in your hand and you just didn't give a shit because you were cumming so hard but this guy holy shit you got a real hard on for this one. What a fucking joker you are.

Crensch ago

I wasn't born yesterday, and I have all the information.

Crensch ago

There's only one type of faggot so far that has had an issue with the sticky.

Also, I was told long ago that the users here we're smart and would be able to dismiss the lies and shilling all on their own. Esoteric operated virtually unopposed by the regular users here, so apparently the kind of user you wish you were needs a reminder and needs help when it comes to shills like him

ASolo ago

I just don't give a fuck about any of your deets dude I'm just sayin it's been UP for way too long noone fucking cares anymore except petty bitches.

srayzie ago

@ASolo, you and @Crensch both have been accused of being my alts. I must be arguing with myself now. 😱 lol

Hurry and archive this @youllrememberme!

ASolo ago

Lol, you stupid stupid alter (slap)

srayzie ago

I know! 🤪

Crensch ago

Nobody asked your opinion. You're not the one that took down is a group of usernames that are responsible for the Disappearance of many good researchers.

You know fuck-all about how they operate or what happens when their Antics get memory holed.

You also don't seem to know that they keep trying to get me to take it down as well. It won't happen until they all disappear.

ASolo ago

You call a unch of people here and you are not familiar with the myriad of personalities that you are going to deal with and you fish around for incriminating evidence agaisnt them to turn the forum against them? You had the chance to do the same with some of the major players in this PIZZAGATE saga that were probably spamming and harassing but did you call them out? That's some real hypocrite bullshit.

Crensch ago

I exposed the biggest shill operation here to date, and it isnt enough for you. Get bent, faggot. Your opinion is meaningless to me.

ASolo ago

You're a seriously twisted dude where do you get off calling me a faggot?

Crensch ago

I don't get off to it, but it sure makes me happy that it upsets you.

ASolo ago

Better lay off the meth or coffee or whatever it is your hooked on twisted sister

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ASolo ago

Dude whatever your dangerous get some help. I really hope this serves as a lesson that you can't judge a book by it's cover you're probably totally wrong about that persons motives and it has more to do with their illness than you suspect.

eronburr ago

I made a comment about "how's your iron dome holding up" and one replied "now I a jew, you racist".
As if anyone but a jew would think that was a knock against jews.

I don't think the JIDF has any quality trolls anymore.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator and @srayzie had nothing at all to do with Jem's death. I used to talk to Jem by private message and Jem was sort of crazy. @vindicator was good to Jem, and very patient with Jem. @srayzie also tried to help Jem for a while. Jem was a little bit crazy and I know that for a fact.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Fuck you. You are in with Vindicator and the rest of this controlled site. You did not even protest when they "exposed" you. Dude...You are a joke. Kill yourself.

ESOTERICshade ago

Fuck you. You are in with Vindicator and the rest of this controlled site. You did not even protest when they "exposed" you. Dude...You are a joke. Kill yourself.

Dude, I try not to waste my time arguing with morons like @vindicator and @crensch. They were determined to destroy pizzagate by invading it with the Q Larp and according to vindicator I kept that from happening. Mission accomplished. It would have destroyed pizzagate completely. Why should I waste my time arguing with a dumbass like vindicator and an ignorant internet bully like @crensch?

I see no reason to waste my time that way. vindicator didn't get to destroy pizzagate with the Q Larp and crensch got spanked like the little bully moron he is. I feel pretty good about it.

Vindicator ago

Talking to yourself, again, ES?

TrustTheTruth ago

They "helped" her get Murdered.

A real investigation would uncover the Sinister motives of those involved.


The Moderators here are Gatekeepers to Hide The Truth.


She did not return to meet with you @EsotericShade.

She did not return to meet with the Corrupt Moderators who Betrayed her as Judas Betrayed Jesus.

Did Srayzie help Jem after she was Murdered by Slandering her and posting Lies about her and others who Know The Truth?

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Anybody who would meet the mods or anybody else from this sub is out of it. Friends should not have allowed that.

TrustTheTruth ago




Some risks must be made. Others should not.

Death threats here and elsewhere are very real, and doxxing is also used for other methods of disruption and intimidation.

Innocent people have been murdered as a result. Voat is a very dangerous place for those who Know The Truth.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who died Sharing The Truth.

Many Lives will be and have been lost.

True Friends and Warriors will Always support The Truth, even in the face of certain Death or worse.

With Integrity, Conviction, and Faith comes Courage.

We are not alone.

They cannot eliminate The Truth if The Truth is Shared With All.

The Truth is The Lion.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You do not seem to care about the simple point I made...Why would you allow your friend to physically meet these creeps?

TrustTheTruth ago

It is a difficult choice between risking the lives of a few You Know for the lives of many You may not.


Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, and the Clintons were personally involved along with Paul Ryan and many others.

Trump was provided with everything he needed to Drain the Swamp, but he turned his back on The Truth.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Q exists.

We are the reason why George Webb Sweigart started his series and why he deleted his first 50+ videos.

When You understand The Real Agenda, You will begin to understand how pervasive the network is and how limited Your Choices are.

We know George Webb Sweigart is untrustworthy from over two years of interactions.

We know the moderators here are untrustworthy from over two years of interactions also.

Risks were taken because Jenny was vulnerable, Believed in Jesus Christ and The Truth, and asked for Help.

Lives were lost, and shall never be forgotten. Through Faith and Courage, The Truth Lives On.

Some risks must be made to Share The Truth - The Truth is The Only Way.

You know Trump is a Fake Savior. You know Q is a False Prophet.

You know their Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 is Eternal Enslavement.

You know there will never be Justice in the broken and corrupt system they control.

What Good is this World if there is no Good left?

Those who Know The Truth Know They have nothing to Fear.

They only Fear for Others' Pain and Despair, and what happens Without The Truth.

We Protect Those Who Need Protected.

We Save Those Who Need Saved.

The Truth cannot Die with the Few, but must Live Among The Many.


The Truth is HERE.

Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement and The Mark of the Beast.

This is The Parousia.

The Truth is The Lion.

ESOTERICshade ago

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with?

I don't know. I just know that me and Jem tried to share knowledge with each other.

TrustTheTruth ago

Over -50 points in one afternoon after disagreeing with Vindicator while being gone all day and not posting anything should tell You how things work here.

Only it is much more Sinister. They don't want anyone here to Know The Truth, and some Members are being targeted in real life.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was targeted, slandered, doxxed, attacked and murdered for Knowing The Truth.



Who Shared The Truth Here Since The Beginning?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in The World?

Where were the Majestic 12 from?

Why did Uranium One need approval - where was it located?

Where was Tony Podesta "made" (see Bates interview), who are the Knights of Pythias, and what company legitimized Art in Embassies?

What is Hillary's model for Community Policing, and what is the Result for Black Americans?

What did Trump call "The 8th Wonder of The World", and who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for?

Any of these questions should be EASY for anyone here serious about The Truth.

Why are these and other simple Questions so difficult for the Moderators to answer?


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @argosciv.

Posted automatically (#14580) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No need for riddles, better way to inform people is to...inform people. Riddles are manipulation.

TrustTheTruth ago


What is the Most Valuable Resource in the World?


Where is the largest fresh water supply in the world?

Racine, Wisconsin and the Great Lakes.

What is Hillary's model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin.

What is the net result?

Highest incarceration rate for black men in the World.

What is UN Agenda 21 and 2030 based on?

The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and Smart Cities through 5G+ AI.

Where is the model?

Racine, Wisconsin.



The Truth is Honest and easy to recognize. You Know The Truth.

Shizy ago

If everyone ignores you will you go away?

TrustTheTruth ago

You just happened to come across this and reply in less than 30 minutes buried in the middle of over 1500 comments on a post over two months old when it was not directed to you?

Does everyone see how things work here? How long before the comments gets -4 votes so you can hide it?





Gothamgirl ago

That is why I call it a lapdog they send that bitch in, Everytime they run out of steam and they think others don't notice.

Piscina ago

Trump called Foxconn in Wisconsin the eighth wonder of the world.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Wisconsin is corrupt indeed.

TrustTheTruth ago

That is correct.


Q is a False Prophet to Hide The Truth.

Trump is a Freemason and member of Pilgrims Society.

Both could Repent and Save The World by Sharing The Truth with "The Word".

We are the most targeted, attacked and downvoted more than anyone Here - Why?

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with, and what happened to them?

Why is George Sweigart editing his videos and cutting off the part where he claimed to have met Jesus Christ and doesn't want His help?

Why is George cutting off the part where he claimed to have given Jenny Moore way too much credit when she didn't deserve any?

Why is 28.2 from 11/1 now only 24 minutes long instead of over 28 minutes when he recorded it?

When did George first talk about Rahm Emanuel and Paul Ryan?

What happened to his first 52 days of videos when he started?

Why is he giving Jerome Corsi legal advice?

What did Jenny Moore believe that George does not?

Their main disagreement was not about Mike Flynn. It was about Who they met with.




Piscina ago

UN Agenda 21: Agenda 21 wants to privatise water... yes, water. Water will not be ours, the public's. It will be put in the hands of wealthy individuals. We won't be allowed to collect it in water tanks, without paying for it. Farmers will not be able to grow their crops, which feed us.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Rothschild already owns our water rights. Rothschild saved Trump. Trump put Wilbur Ross of Rothschild Inc in his cabinet. Alefantis is likely a Rothschild. Water is a renewable, it's called primary water. Made in the earths core by the streams of hydrogen and oxygen mixing and creating vapor which quickly turns into bodies of water. Rotschild UN is planning a water shortage and hiding the origins of water. Trump is full speed ahead with agenda 21.

TrustTheTruth ago

That is correct.

The Real Agenda beyond 21 is Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of The Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing through Smart Cities and Smart Social Networks.

Sustainability is The Great Deception (Satan's Ability).

The Truth is The Only Way. The Truth can be Shared With All People, and they will stop at nothing to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Community policing is gangstalking I believe. COP or Citizen on patrol. 5G is microwave tech and far to high frequency, cancer causing and changes blood DNA. Trump is full speed ahead with it. It is part of the genocide treaty.

TrustTheTruth ago

You are correct. They turn citizens against citizens, and use various mechanisms of control through schools, churches, employers, clubs, and other relationships along with illegal surveillance programs and other criminal methods in a system of compromise from "Cradle to Grave".

Do you see how Community Policing works on Voat? Look at who downvotes The Truth. Why?


5G AI and the Internet of Things is essentially Community Policing through a mesh network of pervasive electronic surveillance.

Trump is a member of the Pilgrims Society along with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Racine is Hillary's Model for Community Policing, and it is also where Trump made The Deal to endorse 5G+ AI, Agenda 21 / 2030, Smart Cities, and The Mark of the Beast.


This is why many people have been silenced, tortured, murdered, and why those such as Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, and Rahm Emanuel resigned, and why Scott Walker lost.

They all know where The Truth is. They all know what the most valuable resource in the world is. They all know what the Agenda is, and who the most powerful families are.


KarlKastner ago

At first pass, I don't understand this post. What is the Cliff Note version minus the jargon?

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you done accusing innocent members of Voat of being me? How many members will you alienate that will never come back and contribute to this sub again? You done yet? You already ran off all the old regulars that used to contribute here. They left because of your bullshit. You are the most destructive thing that ever happened to Voat. You are cancer. If I owned this site I would ban your IP address and run you the fuck out of here. You are a disgrace of a human being. You need to go to rehab and get your life straight. You have bombed this sub with your dumbass for too long and I wish @puttitout would nuke your stupid ass. You need a break from the internet.

Piscina ago

The problem IS the owner of this site. Voat is now owned by the pedos and their protectors. When Voat showed signs of being an independent source of research, they bought it. The mods are following orders and doing what they're told.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This was obvious quickly when I got here with Abortionburger, Vindicator and MF as mods, always battling the members, deleting and censoring and promoting that we are winning.

Vindicator ago

Try to produce one iota of evidence for anything you just claimed. You can't, because it's bullshit.

Gothamgirl ago

Neither do you.

srayzie ago

Are you including me in your mod bashing GothamGirl?

Gothamgirl ago

They pinged you not me.

srayzie ago

I know. But you talked about the mods. That’s why I asked.

Gothamgirl ago

I am the one being bashed I am defending myself.

Vindicator ago

Nope. You're the belligerant here. You weren't even mentioned.

Gothamgirl ago

Your comment about me might be old, however I just noticed it, and I have already shared a copy with you. Why are you pretending it didn't happen and I shouldn't address it? This is not first time you have made statements about me either.

Clitorissa ago

zyklon_b ago

hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah I need reperations

Gothamgirl ago

You asked me for $150 which I don't even owe you, and I sent it to you on Christmas. Go pick it up you have the tracking number.

Vindicator ago

Neither do you Vindicator, you and your mods claim I am crazy

That was my charitable explanation for your destructive behavior. We've got a number of mentally ill people on this board, including several with DID. I do my best to discern them from actual shills.

I wasn't even going to comment on this thread until you dragged me into it.

Hmmm. Where, exactly, did I "drag you into it"? You are replying to a comment I made to Piscina, who was once again making dishonest assertions she cannot defend with evidence. By inserting yourself into the conversation, you are taking a position supporting her and the proven liar and manipulator Esoteric, whom she was defending.

That seems pretty dumb for someone "smart" enough to "have enough income from royalties, investments, and annuities that I was able to retire at 32". How did you even know this conversation was going on? Is Piscina an alt that you control?

ESOTERICshade ago

That was my charitable explanation for your destructive behavior.

You mean like when you tried to turn this into the Qanon center of activity and breaking EVERY RULE in the sidebar that you claim to be enforcing?

argosciv ago

This <expletive removed> just sealed her fate.

Bad idea, GG.

Very, very, bad idea.

Clitorissa ago

@Gothamgirl is schizophrenic and stopped taking her medications.

@Shizy @Srayzie

Gothamgirl ago

Here we go lol you people are pretty pathetic you need to come up with some new tactics.

Shizy ago

You sound like an illiterate high school drop out. Admit it, you didn't graduate because you were either knocked up or you had a drug problem. Which was it?

@clitorissa @srayzie

Gothamgirl ago

Neither after high school I went to a trade school and a little bit of college too lapdog. Never use drugs.

Shizy ago

Once again, you have some weird need to prove yourself to me by putting your personal information out there for everyone to see!

Why do you need to tag others are you unable to handle me on your own? 😂

Oh girl, that's a good one! You're so sad that I take pity on you and hold back. If you think I can't handle an insecure, mentally ill person you're in for some fun if you want to keep this up 😂🤣!

I ping them because it's only fair to share in the fun of laughing at you!

Clitorissa ago

@Gothamgirl is a nigger loving whore who’s stupid enough to post her address on Voat and even showed pictures of it like a dumb fuck. It’s filled with cock roaches and she does drugs. She stalks guys on a Voat and accuses people of crazy shit. She’s friends with that fake bitch @Carmencita too.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonAll comment by @15919760.

Posted automatically (#17511) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha your fucking stupid.

Clitorissa ago

You don’t even know me. I don’t do pizzagate. I just read your shit because you stalk my man.

Gothamgirl ago

Hahaha no.... Have a great life together. Stop stalking me skank.

Shizy ago

Have you noticed that she edits her comments hours later, and after someone has replied to her?

Clitorissa ago

Yes she changes it to fit the current situations narrative cuz she’s fake

Shizy ago

Plus her schizophrenia causes her to obsess over all of this so she goes back and makes changes hours later.

That seems really time consuming. How does she fit in going to the gym everyday to be called "stunning"?!!

Gothamgirl ago

Months to if I have something to add. Why does it bother you snowflake?

I already gave you a warning about my bloodline.

"Cyrus" means "humiliator of the enemy in verbal contest"

Shizy ago

Months to if I have something to add. Why does it bother you snowflake?

It doesn't bother me. It's just an obsessive behavior to continually ponder over an old comment and feel the need to change it hours, or months later! That's just weird so I pointed it out.

Does it irritate you enough to use meds or drugs?

Uh, you don't matter enough to "irritate" me, and unlike you I have normal coping skills for life's irritations which don't include drug use. You're the one who has been accused of drug use by your former sex partner, not me.

I already gave you a warning about my bloodline.

What?!?! That's a really weird thing to say. Creepy!

Next time you address me do it outside of Pizzagate please?

I'll address you wherever I want. If you would like another sub I'm sure EasyFatBitches is available.

I am going with my kids to Islands of adventure and other amusement parks this week. We hold season tickets every year and are VIP too

🤣😂🤣 Oh my god you really are dumb to announce where you will be with your children!!! Oh, but you're "VIP's", so impressive 🙄.

then we will be renting a home on 50 acres till I find a house that is equal

Suurrre you will!

maybe next try you will get something right.

Get what right? I don't care what some dumb mentally ill woman does! You can't seem to let shit go and keep insisting on trying to prove to me how awesome you are by putting your personal information on voat! It's really sad that you care so much what a bunch of strangers think about you!

Or are you just feeling the need to counter what your ex fuck buddy says since he's outed you for being a disgusting loser? It must bug the shit out of you that he not only left you but came here and had to tell everyone how revolting you are so you would stop stalking him 😂! That's what this whole campaign of touting your allegedly awesome life is obviously all about. Here's some advice: get over it! No one cares about this as much as you do, so move on with your totally awesome life!

Believe it or not I have been holding back on your ass because you're not that smart and you're legitimately mentally ill. I actually feel bad for you and don't want to be a part of you doing anything bad to yourself since it's obviously you allow what happens on voat to affect you way too much and you are at high risk for self harm. If you want to keep coming at me, well my restraint may change.

argosciv ago

I do indeed.

I also noticed something else.

Gothamgirl just fucked up big time.

Shizy ago

She's the dumbest broad I have ever encountered on voat!

Gothamgirl ago

There it is bitch 2 days later! Dragon.

Just a recap.. This is when I told you about the Boeing landing, think Arkansas.

And how many times were warnings sent out about transformers?

Gothamgirl ago

I am going to the parks with my adult children and military family brothers and cousins, we are not weak lapdog. My sons are a better shot than I. The variation of when and thousands of people makes us a needle in the haystack.

I will post pics of the 50 acres when I vacate

I have already posted a current pic of my body on here to shut you faggots up.

You can believe whatever you want to believe, doesn't make it fact. Why do people always dragged him into a conversation that really has nothing to do with him. Zyklon was not a fuck buddy, I loved him, but it didn't work. Defending myself verses lies, doesn't mean I am stalking anyone, except myself. I search my name and read. Why is that such a problem for you?

You scare no one do whatever the fuck you want. Go for it.

Why would I ever hurt myself I love my life?

Shizy ago

This is getting really sad. You sound like you're spiraling so I'm going to do the right thing and block you.

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds great bye lapdog.

Shizy ago

That would explain her odd behavior.

Gothamgirl ago

So your a conspiracy theorist then? Because a nervous breakdown doesn't qualify as mentally ill, especially when mods are intentionally twisting conversations by only showing half, and hiding the other half and name calling for days on end and now months! That's mentally I'll.

Well because it's been stickied right to the top of pizzagate for an aburd amount of time, and YOU mentioned me recently. So I continued to follow.

I spent more time here then some mods combined. Why didn't you think I would see it is a better question.

Do you have a doctors degree to make these claims amongst me? Nope it's just your meanless, worthless, slanderous observation of me. I am tired of good people being trashed by bully mods. That's why I commented.

"pretty dumb" -another worthless opinion of me you people are bitter and foul. You are fucking with the biggest female troll on the internet if I chose to be, but for the sake of the kids I stay to myself.

Shizy ago

I have enough income from royalties, investments, and annuities that I was able to retire at 32.

She just added that when she edited her comment a few hours ago. That was not in her original comment.

I'd say it's a sign of mental illness to fixate on a comment so much that you come back and edit it to make yourself sound more awesome and definately NOT on public assistance!

Clitorissa ago

@Gothamgirl does drugs around her nigger kids

@Vindicator @Srayzie

Shawn_Lepore ago

Her kids aren't niggers. They're spics.

Clitorissa ago


Gothamgirl ago

Try harder psycho.

Gothamgirl ago

My kids are white and I do not use drugs and seldomly drink. Can you prove your comments?

Shizy ago

That would make sense too! Untreated mental illness often leads to people self medicating with drugs. How sad that her kids have to live like that while she's here under the pretense of "helping kids".

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not on public assistance never needed it try harder lapdog.

Shizy ago

Oh, I see you edited another comment AFTER I replied to you! That's just a weird thing to do!

I could rattle on all day about the things I do for kids, but I'm not a dumb bitch who puts all my personal information on the internet like you do 😂!

Now go call the exterminator, clean your house, and feed your kids!

Gothamgirl ago

Do you think I care if anyone knows who I am? I own an arsenal of weapons and have amazing aim, lapdog.

You could only dream of living in the house I just sold. Haha I have maid and a cook now dummy and stay in a penthouse with a beautiful view, and my children never want for anything ever.

Do you know how dumb you look and sound using an addicts statements? Did you not witness the breakdowns he has on here, or his all is satire tag in his bio? Using the some ludicrous lies over and over again, just like mockingbird media. Your words can't phase me bitch keep trying, I enjoy the attention lmao.

Shizy ago

You could only dream of living in the house I just sold.

I couldn't be paid enough to live in shithole Florida, or in a neighborhood with no yard! I actually live the lifestyle that YOU are striving for! Keep trying , you may get there one day. But I have to warn you, it's a LOT of work. You can't be lazy and live on land. You also have I don't think you're cut out for it since you have to be on good physical shape. Maybe you should use your money on a dietician and personal trainer instead of paying for a useless penthouse 🤣😂🤣!

Do you know how ridiculous you look and sound using an addicts statements?

You mean your ex zyklon? The one who was disgusted by your behavior and unwillingness to clean your house and care for your kids so he left? If you knew all about his past, and yet you still moved him in to live with your kids, that says more about YOU than it says about me using his statements! 🤣😂🤣

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have backyard? What made you think that?

Who the fuck is lazy?

Who said I have to pay for the penthouse house?

Who said I never lived and maintained acerage before?

He was disgusted yet he came halfway across the country multiple times to see me lol. How many times have you read his bio? Did it not sink in yet?

So you are stating he is unfit to be around children? I really didn't see that at all. He is very different in real life.

Your fucking stupid about my house not being clean, there is pics online right now of the whole house, someone wouldn't have just paid 310k for it if it was dirty.

Your getting more pathetic and desperate as the posts go on..

Shizy ago

No, you don't have shit for a backyard.

I've seen your picture. You're full of shit. 👎🏻

I don't think bad about zkylon at all and I never said he shouldn't be around children! I'm sure he's a far better parent than you. You were the one calling him a drug addict and making all kinds of accusations against him! I pointed out how it's pretty sad that you would have someone like that around your children! It's funny now though that you feel the need to retract what you have said about him and denfend him! Make up your mind psycho!

So shithole houses don't ever get sold? People buy fixer uppers and dirty houses all damn day long! Your listing for your house even said it needed TLC! Or was your realtor lying? You can't even maintain a home on a neighborhood, how do you expect to maintain a home on land? 😂

Keep feeling like you need to prove yourself to me. 🤣😂🤣🤣

But really, I feel bad for you. It's like making fun of a retarded person so I'm gonna stop. I'm putting you on block for your own good. You really are too dumb to know to stop posting all your personal info.

Gothamgirl ago

My pic doesn't show the yard its behind the house with the pool and jacuzzi so what the fuck are talking about?

The only thing it needed was more paint 2 rooms of carpet and a sprinkler pump.

I don't need to prove anything to you I am correcting your lies. Till you run out of them, which is now and the reason you will block me 😂

I said he was an addict I didn't mention drugs you dumbfuck, and anyways I am just repeating his shit posts. I have never witnessed drug use. The only thing he took around me was pain meds, because he had an injury that was giving him alot of pain and he was far from home.

Did you say that to others who post their actual face photos on here or just me?

What would I have to fear by doing it anyways? I am not even close to being the best researcher and WikiLeaks was handed to us by the Rothschilds.

Shizy ago

Looks like you're the one who's stalking since I wasn't speaking to you and didn't ping you!

Who's the lapdog? I'd say it's the one who's so needy for attention that she rolls over for every strange dick walking by!

Gothamgirl ago

You can't phase me with your pathetic untrue slander lol. Keep talking your showing your true colors that is exactly what I want.

Shizy ago

Are you mad cause I can pull hot guys anytime I want if that's what I choose to do?

🤣😂🤣🤣🤣 suurrre your old fat ass is pulling hot guys! Attractive women don't have to act so desperate and slutty like you do!

does that mean your watching me?

Er whaaat? That didn't even make sense. Go take your meds

Vindicator ago

Interestingly, ES also made similar claims about his wealth, as @Crensch noted here.

It's almost like they are trying to provide non-suspicious explanations for the apparently unlimited funding that allows them to run so many alts.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interestingly, ES also made similar claims about his wealth

"niggas dat wok hard and save dey money is suspicious"....

Got it. Damn, you are a wealth of information. What would I do without you?

Gothamgirl ago

No nice try you people brought up my income I responded. Probably did the same to ES.

So your connecting patterns. Do you know that's also a huge trait of a skitzo?

Shizy ago

Oh my God you're so dumb to keep putting all your personal information online!

MolochHunter ago

so you're a Trust Fund baby who maybe has to work 2 hours a month to maintain the arrangements of your family wealth, but you present that to the world as being an investor who retired at 32

Gothamgirl ago

Nope and why are you interested in what I do and don't do?

Vindicator ago

No nice try you people brought up my income in previous posts so I am responding.

No, I replied to Piscina, who was spreading lies about Voat being run by pedos. I didn't bring you up at all. You showed up out of nowhere and sperged out, then came back and edited your comment to brag about your income.

Gothamgirl ago

No you or one of the other mods have stated prior I was on welfare. I didn't brag at all, as it's not alot to brag about. You have stated I was mentally ill on this thread a few comments ago. I have every right to add or change my comments as does everyone else. If you don't want individuals to splurge out and comment maybe try to stop talking about us.

Vindicator ago

Here's the whole comment thread. I never mentioned you. You showed up when I replied to Piscina's BS claims.

Gothamgirl ago

It started here

And you link is where I decided to address it.

argosciv ago

Guess what, you dumb cunt.

I've already owned up to every suspicion I ever had about various users at various times. Suspicions which were, of course, festered and encouraged by you and your buddies in the first place, with your brigading, slander/manipulation and disinfo.

@srayzie's already well aware of anything you might think is fodder to use against me.

There's no secret that I not only once trusted you and other subversive cunts that you're aligned with, but also that I once had my suspicions about various users including mods such as her. What you appear to be unaware of, though, is that a shitload has changed and that your anti-argosciv narrative is dead in the water.

Go ahead and, by mission of action, show your undying allegiance to ESOTERICshade, TrustTheTruth and co.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt once upon a time, but, you've now confirmed every suspicion I ever had about you. That's the funny part. You'll try to use my past suspicions about others, as a weapon - little do you realize though, that my suspicions of you have always outweighed and were communicated long in advance of you pathetic moves here.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have alligence to anyone, I am tagged in the truth and support individuals I like and who are here for the right reasons. You are nothing more then a manipulating drunkin scumbag.

srayzie ago

You and I have worked our differences out privately. But, you keep making cuts about us mods. Even tho you aren’t saying my name, your message is coming thru loud and clear.

If mods have alligence to you, that is very fucking disturbing and telling!

Allegiance isn’t the word I would use. @Argosciv has made a lot of changes and improvements in his life, and we worked things out privately. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Why are you such a paranoid person? I bet it's drugs.

You of all people know about paranoia. You are the only one who’s ever accused me of sick crimes that can’t even possibly be true. Besides, the drama that’s been aired about you the last couple of months revealed that you are the one that does drugs.

TrustTheTruth is crazy and totally lies about us. To prove that they were lying, I made the following detailed comments explaining everything in more depth. So anyone that interacts with that liar, says a lot to me.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

Crensch ago

They're just bringing back all the characters these past few weeks, aren't they? It's like a bad Marvel comic.

srayzie ago

Lol. Yeah. This ones on a roll today.

Shizy ago

So it sounds like you Trust the Truth right ho?

@argosciv @srayzie

Gothamgirl ago

Your so weak lapdog, caved and didn't block me. Am I supposed to believe anything you say now?😁

Shizy ago

Oh I blocked your dumbass, but I was notified by someone else you were over here running your mouth some more so I thought I'd stop by for a quick laugh at the stupid old skank who thinks she's tough 🤣!

Gothamgirl ago

Haha no you blocked me cause you ran out of lies. I know I am tough, tough enough to take on your whole pg13 gang all at once.

Shizy ago

tough enough to take on your whole pg13 gang all at once if I chose to.


It's well known you enjoy taking a gang of 13 all at once you filthy hooch!

Gothamgirl ago

No it's not, it's another pathetic lie by a pathetic lapdog who isn't smart enough to think of anything original ever...

Shizy ago

Yet youre the dumb bitch who keeps parroting "lapdog" like it's some huge insult 🤣😂🤣!

You're so boring!

I tried to take pity on you and block you since I'm positive you suffer from mental illness, but if you think you're "tough" and want to keep this going then keep running your mouth!

Gothamgirl ago

Not really bored just responding to stupidity while I am waiting in line.

Lapdog is exactly how you act. If the shoe fits..

argosciv ago

who isn't smart enough to think of anything original ever

Do please go ahead and repeat talking points from ES and TTT.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I do anything you ask of me? Fuck off.

argosciv ago

Why would I do anything you ask of me? Fuck off.

D'aww. Look at you tucking tail now.

You were so keen on repeating talking points from ES and TTT when you thought they were viable ammunition. What changed?

ESOTERICshade ago

You were so keen on repeating talking points from ES and TTT when you thought they were viable ammunition. What changed?

nigga, you is so confused. TTT has their own agenda and I have ignored the whole Jem debate. Stop smoking those mushrooms.

Gothamgirl ago

You people have soured this place so badly with negativity that doesn't belong, I hardly look at pizzagate or Q anymore. Maybe that's your goal.. I don't keep up with ES or TTT I know some of the answers to the questions, and that is it, what is it your business anyways?

Are you like the fucking Voat police? Is this an investigation or a stalking?

I am free to chat and communicate with whoever the fuck I feel like.

I pretty much know all the answers to the end of time and then time. Thanks to cicada3301, so yes what they say and do sometimes makes sense to me.

What I don't do is read these psychotic rants, and stickies everywhere with an unlikable people's biased opinions. Not to mention all the fakes that show up to cheer this shit on. I could careless. I have all the time in the world but none for that. Especially when mods here talk about my children and make up fairytales..

Shizy ago

leave my name out of it

Oh, so you're finally done now? I gave you an out and said I was blocking you and leaving you alone. You wanted to keep it going by running your dumb mouth and talking shit about me.

You want to play games then you'll get it right back bitch, but if you're done and you don't mention my name further, I'll leave you alone to chase after your next piece of strange voat ass!

No need to reply, you just shutting your trap to me and about me is sufficient to let this drop.

Gothamgirl ago

Was I talking to you? Just because your a weak bitch who threw in towel doesn't mean I done with you. I will run my mouth until the end of time if I choose. This is exactly why I call you a fucking lap dog.. This comment wasn't addressed to you stalker...

Shizy ago

Just because your a weak bitch who threw in towel doesn't mean Im done with you.

So I see you're taking my past attempt at pity for you as weakness. Not smart.

This comment wasn't addressed to you stalker...

I'm on this thread you dumb cunt! And like you, I will "run my mouth until the end of time" If I need to jump on to tell a stupid fat hoe to shut her dick holster about me!

I'm gonna start calling you gaping anus since that's what YOU are!

Be careful sitting too long on your drive to your rented pretend land, wouldn't want your rectum to prolapse from all the abuse you've done to it! 🤣Filthy sow!

argosciv ago


She ran and got her ESOTERICshade to chime in.

Never a dull moment. Was only a matter of time before he couldn't resist the urge any longer, sudden drop of ccp after he shows up again, probably more to come.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @kevdude

Shizy ago

Why is ES replying that way to explain himself when you made that comment to GG?

Looks like GG didn't realize she switched alts!!!!

argosciv ago

Nah he's just running through on a downvote spree against me and giving her +2 upvotes for every one of her comments - you know how he can't help but manipulate votes to keep himself and his allies at neutral or positive ratings per comment.

I sincerely doubt GG is ES.

He's just pissed that all that effort he went to, to silence me, was for nothing.

Shizy ago

But it's fun to make her feel the need to explain herself to us 😂!

Gothamgirl ago

Haha I have posted my body pic on here I am not fat. I have never had anal sex. Again you can't phase me flee..

Shizy ago

I have posted my body pic on here I am not fat.

Whatever body pic you posted, wasn't yours hippo!

I've seen your picture. Haggard and FAT are the best way to describe you.

I have never had anal sex.

Not what I heard.....🤛🏼🤐

srayzie ago

I have tears!

Gothamgirl ago

So post it and yes that is my body, why are you obsessed with it is a better question? I never said you said anything anal sex what a dumb question.

Shizy ago

Obsessed? Like staring at someone's picture and trying to copy their make up? Would that be obsessed?

Pay close attention while I explain this all to you:

Me: you wouldn't want your rectum to prolapse from all the abuse you've done to it.

You: I have never had anal sex

(Why did you assume I meant anal sex? Hmmm)

Me: Where did I say anal sex?

You: I never said you said anything anal sex what a dumb question.

(No honey, you're dumb).

Gothamgirl ago

No I am beating you to the punch because you have already covered every other part of my being, you worthless piece of shit.

Shizy ago

Ouch! That's really hurt coming from a dumb twat!

Gothamgirl ago

Ahh they gave you a few extra shekels tonight..

Tight twat, you nasty cunt.

Shizy ago

they have oh a few extra shekels tonight.

Did you need to borrow some to feed your kids again?

Tight twat, you nasty cunt.

I thought you had a weird lesbo obsession with @srayzie? I'm not into fat chicks or talking about my youthful vagina with them, sorry!

srayzie ago

Lmao! See parent.

You want to play games then you'll get it right back bitch, but if you're done and you don't mention my name further, I'll leave you alone to chase after your next piece of strange voat ass!

See why I love this hoe? 😂

@Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude @MolochHunter @Clamhurt_Legbeard

Crensch ago

That bitch is so stupid she can't even follow one thought of hers all the way through. She inserts herself in the middle of something, then gets pissy and tells you to leave her alone.

Her and her nigglet offspring should probably just be tossed in a dumpster and lit on fire.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been holding onto this video just for you.

No I said take it off pizzagate. I have all the energy in the world to keep going.

Crensch ago

All that energy to type online. You must be a couch bison.

Shizy ago

couch bison


She's admitted she is!

Gothamgirl ago

Not at all and according you people men can't resist me.

Crensch ago

Can't resist getting away from the smell and the little nigglet?

Gothamgirl ago

It's not nice to talk about your family that way.

srayzie ago

You’re killing me! 😂

Shizy ago

You haven't seen anything yet! If this fat old hoe thinks she's got the IQ and stamina to play with me, she's stupider than her halfbreed ex baby daddy!

Gothamgirl ago

You should really stay out of this one.

argosciv ago

Fucking rofl.

You are by far the weakest link in your entire operation. Absolute garbage-level rambling and talking-point recycling from you now that your pitiful attempt at sowing discord was stopped dead in its tracks.

I could careless.

Oh? That's why you showed up in my thread elsewhere? Care to inform the group of whose comments you were following or who it was that called on you to stick your filthy nose in?

I wish every single one of you, would leave my name out of it

See above and reminds us all, why it is you felt compelled to try to have a ree about me here.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok try me bitch you will see how weak I am,.this scorpion is don't forget a fucking thing. My sting is deadly.

I rattled out my personal business so you can not lie about me anymore. If you want to keep it going I will destroy you by the end of this. I don't care how many of you show up you will fall eventually.

Vindicator ago

One of your pizzagate mods likes to chat it up with pedos, on a pedo sub

Oh really? Got any proof of this, @Gothamgirl?

Because if not, this comment is pretty damning evidence that you are here to disrupt the pizzagate investigation.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes i surely do and so does Voat, it's all here look it up.

Vindicator ago

So, no evidence, then? Link it, or go to hell.

argosciv ago

You can't even make up your damn mind lol.

Ok try me bitch you will see how weak I am,.this scorpion don't forget a fucking thing. My sting is deadly.

I rattled out my personal business so you can not lie about me anymore. If you want to keep it going I will destroy you by the end of this. I don't care how many of you show up you will fall eventually.

Hahahaha! For someone who wants nothing to do with this, you sure rattle out a whole lot of threats.

One of your pizzagate mods likes to chat it up with pedos, on a pedo sub, and unlike Crench, I have whole conversations. I can destroy the Q movement in a day if I made a post about it. Do you really want to play this game? You will lose..

Spoiler alert, I already know. You've made it way too easy.

If you could destroy anything, you would have already. But you'll just be another 'debunker' crying the same talking points into the wind.

You couldn't stop it from happening, you can't stop it now.

You maggots don't even understand the truth about Comet Ping Pong and it's been in your face for over 2 years.

Hahahahaha! Oh that's rich. No really, keep trying with this little tough-girl act. It's amusing as fuck.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy (In case you guys want a heads up on the next incoming 'attack')

Shizy ago

Be careful argosciv! Gotham is a descendent of Cyrus and a scorpion! 😂

argosciv ago

Argosciv calls self dragon = bad

Gothamgirl calls self scorpion = good

Logic not strong suit.



Ah shiet. Priceless.

I'm gonna go get some sleep so she and ES can piss in the wind and brigade me again.

Gotta put some submissions together after I wake up next :P

Gothamgirl ago

No.. This is my last comment on pizzagate about this. Stop being selfish and get off the pizzagate forum. take it to a new subverse. I am going to be driving for awhile the next 2 days but I will get back to you soon.

Shizy ago

This shit is staying on pizzagate BITCH!

You don't dictate terms and conditions.

Do you want to keep this going gaping anus?

Gothamgirl ago

Haha lapdogs bark just got a little stronger after 6 other people joined into help 😆😆😆

Shizy ago

And gaping anus is almost ready to start buying adult diapers to control the leakage.

Gothamgirl ago

I just turned 43 what are even trying to say? The only thing leaking is your shitty mouth. You sound very childish.

argosciv ago

This is my last comment on pizzagate.

That sure sounds familiar...

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't!~"

You can't help yourself. You'll come back just to try to prove "#QManLarp!", then we'll have a good old laugh at you, like all the rest who've been directed to try their little hearts out in that same endeavor.

I am going to be driving for awhile the next 2 days but I will get back to you soon.

Nobody will listen to you. You already shot yourself in the foot there.

Shizy ago

So it's settled, if gaping anus, the dumb take it up the ass bimbo wants to keep this off pizzagate, then pizzagate is where it will stay! 😂

argosciv ago

She's a special one, that Gothamgirl.

All the bluster in the world but loses her marbles when the kitchen gets a bit hot and nobody is scared of the crap she's relying on to puff herself up xD

Shizy ago

Oh she's special alright! It's always hysterical seeing her feel the need to prove herself to strangers so she gives out WAY too much personal information! She's about as dumb as they come.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I told Shizy the other day what I was doing renting 50 acres, now I have to get to it. What makes you think I don't believe in Q? You like to spew a bunch of garbage...

argosciv ago



You like to spew a bunch of garbage...

Oh god, even more classic!

You're not even worth the time at this point.

Gothamgirl ago

Right haha I don't give up blood to snakes. 1 down 12 to go then? #Pg-13Gang

argosciv ago

Who says anyone is down? xD

You're just so pathetic, you're not worth the time of day.

You go ahead and keep trying, though.

Gothamgirl ago

Ran out of insults already haha I haven't even begun to fight. Glad to see you're keeping record.

argosciv ago

Ran out of insults already haha I haven't even begun to fight. Glad to see you're keeping record.

Oh I don't need to 'insult' you any further. You're doing it to yourself xD

You going to cry about cyberbullying like all the others pushing the same narrative?

The cute part is that you think this is a fight.

That record? Look again.

It's showing that you need to edit your comments after the fact, to make them sound tougher. Which is kind of ironic since you're talking about running out of insults, yet, need to edit your bluster in afterwards.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's showing that you need to edit your comments after the fact, to make them sound tougher.

I can type faster than most people. If I lay on my back, on the couch, and try to type without a pillow to elevate the laptop I make mistakes. Then I correct them. That ever happen to you?

MolochHunter ago


there goes another alt

toilet flushes

Vindicator ago

Heads up, folks. See parent. Esoteric just forgot he wasn't logged in as Gothamgirl. He just defended himself for comment editing to @argosciv, who was critiquing GG about editing her comments to look tougher.

@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy

ESOTERICshade ago

Heads up, folks. See parent. Esoteric just forgot he wasn't logged in as Gothamgirl. He just defended himself for comment editing to @argosciv, who was critiquing GG about editing her comments to look tougher.

@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy

Bunch of us caught on to your game. And your game is this. I"m gonna take time to explain it so that everybody can watch.

Person makes a comment. If someone ELSE replies to that comment, even though the comment was not addressed specifically to THEM, Vindicator make the accusation that "whoever replies to a comment, not specifically addressed to them, is an alt"

Nice try bro, but people respond to comments every day on this forum EVEN IF those comments were not specifically addressed to them. We all do it all the time and I can screen capture thousands of examples of you replying to comments that were not addressed specifically to YOU. You are outed, busted, stone cold, liar, deceiver.

I realize that Voat just got "sent an Angel" and i'm starting to think that paycheck might be "SWEET" reckon?

The_Savant ago

Because God forbid donkeyhote having an alt account.

Gothamgirl ago

Why are you making things up ?

I am gothamgirl only, a female and you are liar.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @The_Savant.

Posted automatically (#17435) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Heads up, folks. See parent. Esoteric just forgot he wasn't logged in as Gothamgirl. He just defended himself for comment editing to @argosciv, who was critiquing GG about editing her comments to look tougher.

@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy

You just outed yourself as a liar. Everybody that reads this forum KNOWS that I am not @gothamgirl

I wanted to believe that you have good intentions. I wanted to believe that you were just gullible and naive. Now I know different. Your intentions are not good. You are a lying bastard and you just proved it.

I understand the game now. The new people that come here will never know the truth because they won't know the past. My opinion of you, from a score of 1 thru 10 used to be a 7. Now it just went to a 2. You are a bad player.

MolochHunter ago

you know what, punk? The biggest threat to the integrity of this site is sock puppeteers

the SECOND biggest are users that know this but still ally with you

so it doesnt matter if GothamGirl is or isnt strictly your alt - she's a liability, and you are still a cunt

Gothamgirl ago

Do you realize all this bullshit started because Vindicator stated I was mentally ill, and then used a shitty opinion piece on me that only shows part if the story, to further push his fake narrative? Then immediately sock puppets came out to attack me, my body, my children, and anything else they could make up, the minute I addressed it?

I am allowed to defend myself and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.

MolochHunter ago

so go elsewhere

Vindicator is a trusted moderator, and us other moderators have to form a defensive block around trusted moderators

I see you think he erred in judgement. Good. Great. So what?

The same dynamic remains your reality: you kick the hornets nest to get 1 wasp called Vindicator, dont be surprised when the entire contents of the wasp nest empty out on you

are you a masochist of some kind ?

Gothamgirl ago

I have my own sub here, and I am fine alone. How about leave me the fuck out of the drama, my analytics will find it everytime. Don't slander me. End of problem. If it bothers you so badly, go back to reddit.

MolochHunter ago

never been on reddit

never will

im not the one who gets all pissy when ganged up on, so why are you still here needling moderators when you know its their DUTY to act as a team/pack in defense ?

thats what's so thick-headed about your response. If it were ordinary users who hunt for drama in a pack, you'd have a point. But you slander moderators, who have no choice but to lock into a scrum

then you get all sooky when the scrum tramples you

stop coming here. You've clearly got such a scintillating life on other websites. Or so you claim, i mean if you really did you'd just give up on voat , you wouldnt need us

but youre still here

must still need us

argosciv ago

GG says:

I have my own sub here, and I am fine alone.

"Own sub", "alone"

"Oopsssssssie" indeed.

I wonder if this one can be explained...

Look at the author's comment and the subverse configuration.

Here's the comment by @Vindicator, that the submission links to:

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy

Edit: Ping error, dropped extra ping for Vindicator, repinging Shizy below.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes it was made by Cicada and then turned over to me. Q was made by cicada too...

Vindicator ago

Ha! NICE find, argo. No wonder they wanted to shut you up. LMAO. Gothamgirl is so insane, she'd talking to herself about her plans in this sub. What a nutter.

So is she a basket case that ES has manipulated into even worse crazydom and he's lurking her comments and "accidentally" commenting to make us attack her as his alt? Or is "she" actually just a LARP sock puppet? Intriguing question.

argosciv ago

Bruh, I found this way back when I put up a list in v/pizzagatemods.

GG just gave me the PERFECT excuse to post explicitly why I added her to said list.

Vindicator ago

I never got her ping from that post in her subverse, btw. Not sure why.

argosciv ago

Honestly not sure either.

You may have missed it at the time? */shrug*

I have another theory but I'll shoot that to you in private.

MolochHunter ago

argo, not helpful right now. Im brokering an agreement with GG that she desist from coming to pizzagate if we stop posting shit about her

argosciv ago

Yeah I see that, still though.

Worth keeping a note of the above.

I'll get back to catching up on what else I missed while sleeping.

argosciv ago

See parent, @Shizy.

Had to redo your ping.

Gothamgirl ago

I can't even put a number on how many times I defended the mods and pizzagaters over the last 2 years.

I am still on this sub because I am still responding to a gang who is slandering me and my children with lies. What is so hard to get and why the fuck is that ok?

MolochHunter ago

no one knows who you are IRL

so what the fuck does it matter ?

are you achieving anything constructive, anymore, here on v/pizzagate ? not even the good mods are achieving much good here on v/pizzagate, bc they are constantly whack-a-mole-ing sock puppet shills


align with the sock puppeteers

so i'll ask again - what constructive good are you doing here?

There's only one purpose in you staying here. Your ego-complex is injured

well, that's a sad and silly excuse

go do something purposeful. for real.

Gothamgirl ago

No I don't align with anyone. Stop trying to slander me further, that's sad and silly, and you sound like the typical CONCERNFAG.

But I will take your advice and stay off this sub from this point on.

MolochHunter ago

ok then, cool.

here's the agreement: you stay off this sub to facilitate greater harmony and productivity, and I'll agree that you can call me a concernfag as many times and as often as you need to

if you agree to that, I'll ping all the mods to tell them not to @ you and drag you back into anything. Cool ?

ESOTERICshade ago

you know what, punk? The biggest threat to the integrity of this site is sock puppeteers

the SECOND biggest are users that know this but still ally with you

so it doesnt matter if GothamGirl is or isnt strictly your alt - she's a liability, and you are still a cunt

I am a male. I am not a "cunt" I am a "dick." I could put your I.Q. and common knowledge into a grape seed. I realize that @gothamgirl has said some things that are controversial but lemme tell you something, bro, she has more real world intelligence in her little toe than you will ever squeeze out of your entire life.

MolochHunter ago

real world intelligence'

thats so funny. thats a line she uses herself. almost like ... its coming from the same voice

and I reeeeeally love it when you try on your Faux Indignation. Please use it again, just for me.

its so LAUGHABLE when we know what a nasty piece of work you are

when we know how you have tried a million different ways to upend and compromise and disrupt the important research going on here

its so LAUGHABLE because it makes you look weak and wet, like a discarded vaginal wipe that dogs sniff at in a dumpster

so go on. Use your Faux Indignation again. I'll give you a tip - its more convincing when you press the back of your hand against your dainty forehead and make this face 😩

ESOTERICshade ago

Those of us that sitting backstage, that can see beyond the curtain, are not laughing. Please continue.

MolochHunter ago

you know what evil is ?

sitting behind the curtain and NOT ripping it open for everyone to see

fuck you and your cryptics, VanityFag

ESOTERICshade ago

you know what evil is ?

sitting behind the curtain and NOT ripping it open for everyone to see

fuck you and your cryptics, VanityFag

I'm pretty sure that I am at least 30 years older than you. Remember that term "VanityFag" because when you get my age, and you finally learn some shit, you're gonna wish you had known some shit TODAY

MolochHunter ago

well, while you're Ego-tripping about your oh-so-exclusive red pilling esoterica, normies are staying normie and kids are being raped and murdered

if you really had the goods, and you're withholding it, then you may as well be raping the kids yourself with your tranny hormone-shrivelled dick

and if you are 30 years older than me then you will be much closer to that day where you stand before God and account for why your ego was more important than the kids

ESOTERICshade ago

if you really had the goods, and you're withholding it

I ain't withholding nothing bro. For the last thirty years I teach. I have learned that some of things I taught 20 years ago were not accurate. My point is that we have to be careful what we teach because it only takes ONE sentence of wrong teaching to send someone on a lifetime of wrong actions, which can cause a lifetime of failure, misery, and mishap. Copy?

MolochHunter ago

patronise much ? wow you have such a inflated vision of your 'knowledge'

fuck you

we're not 12 year olds, we're seasoned and hardened pizzagate researchers

and yet all you give us is cryptic bullshit, withholding your 'secrets'

UNLESS of course you are talking to some new user who seems a little mentally unstable and damaged - THEN you regurgitate all kinds of info

say, why is that? what kind of modus operandi is that ? Sadist

Crensch ago

What I like is that nobody can trust you; thanks to you everyone that is remotely trying to spread the same narrative and Chaos as you is suspected of being you.

Or at the very least being a part of the group you are involved with. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference on this end.

ESOTERICshade ago

What I like is that nobody can trust you; thanks to you everyone that is remotely trying to spread the same narrative and Chaos as you is suspected of being you.

Or at the very least being a part of the group you are involved with. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference on this end.

Well no shit Sherlock. You have outed yourself to the max.

Gothamgirl ago

No I was upset last time I am over it. Your gang is weak, and you are bullies otherwise it wouldn't take all of you to attack one person.

MolochHunter ago


you do understand that a team of Moderators have to work ..... in a TEAM ?

Gothamgirl ago

No they turn into a gang and start attacking when addressed about there slanderous comments, very uncivilized ghetto trash.

MolochHunter ago

I dont think ive ever interacted with your user account in this dispute

but I'll tell you a little secret you seem to have trouble comprehending

Moderators work in a TEAM

moderators HAVE TO work in a team

this means Moderators have similar if not identical views on what constitutes a Threat to the subverse

If someone exhibits those threatening behaviors or messages , IT WOULD BE SURPRISING if they did not collectively form a unit to Remedy or mitigate the threat

You have been arguing with Mods and accusing them of horrendous things

WHY WOULD YOU NOT EXPECT all the hornets to fly out of the nest you kicked?

Your behavior is totally illogical - you attack Moderators, then complain that you have been 'ganged up on' ? What ELSE would you expect ?


Gothamgirl ago

So mods claim someone is mentally I'll, using half the truth and you think someone just let that shit ride and say nothing...I have only stated facts and you are on the website that has the answers...

It's not a team its a gang who turned on the team, and I don't fear any of you. Keep the attacks coming and I will keep defending. There isn't much more you people can say now. The fat, drug addict, slandering my children, is getting old and is very untrue.

I don't give a fuck what you feel you have to do, I am exposing the disgusting garbage you have all become.

srayzie ago

Your gang is weak, and you are bullies otherwise it wouldn't take all of you to attack one person, with a bunch of made up bullshit.

What about your gang that came after me and @Vindicator after Jem died? You guys stooped so low that some even accused us of being responsible. YOU accused me of planting child porn on your phone, and threatened to kidnap your kid. I’ve never even met you. You even went to the police and made a report.

You guys took my posts about Jem and Sarah and twisted my words, even tho I’ve laid all the proof out there. Once again, feel free to read...

You guys ignore all the facts and spread lies. We’ve been called pedophiles. You want to talk about bullies? YOUR GANG BULLIED US. You all need to stop acting like victims. Vindicator busts his ass here. Hours and hours spent here and all you guys ever do is shit on him. He’s had his name slung thru the mud. I’ve had my name slung thru the mud. Him and I both went thru hell after Jem died, for weeks! People were posting lies about us on other platforms. We STILL have people ganging up on us.

If it’s not Jem you guys use to slander us, it’s going after @Crensch. He stood up to the swarm of lying haters that were attacking his mods. Then you all gang up on him. If it’s not that, we’re accused of being deep state. If it’s not that, let’s blame it on people making Q posts! God for-fucking-bid if anyone brings up Q, even tho Q is what took pizzagate mainstream and WOKE UP a ton more people. How horrible of Q to have us go do our own research and use our own critical thinking skills to expose the deep state, and then meme the evidence all over social media!

There’s a coordinated effort to shut the Q community up. It’s ironic that the ones trying to shut us up the most on Voat, are the pizzagaters. Isn’t that interesting? That’s suspicious as fuck. It’s like you are all working to make people leave pizzagate. It’s pathetic.

You’re getting mean again. You’re talking shit about me without actually saying my name. Same thing. I suggest you back off before we end up having another shit show.

@kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Crensch ago

The bitch is off her meds. She needs to mix some rat poison in there.

Shizy ago

It was pretty pathetic when @Gothamgirl accused you of trying to kidnap her kid. She uses her children to garner sympathy and attention when it's convenient for her, but then other times she makes claims like this:

How old do you think my kids are? I will tell you they're old enough to where they could never be molested

How does that work? At what age could a child no longer be molested?

When they are adults!

Pretty manipulative that she accused you of trying to "kidnap" her kid, when her kids are not actually children!

She's a sick person.

Gothamgirl ago

2 of my children are adults I have 3.

I didn't accuse anyone of shit I asked her a question, which means I was looking for the answer. Don't you know how to read?

srayzie ago

I didn't accuse anyone of shit I asked her a question, which means I was looking for the answer.

If you were just asking a question, why did you go make a police statement? How would I put child open on your phone if I’ve never even met you?

Are you trying to say that you were afraid I wanted to kidnap your adult children? Holy shit lady.

I’ve seen you chummy with that crazy freak TrustTheTruth. I heard that you moved to Poal. Good, stay there.

Gothamgirl ago

Police statement was made based on what I saw in my phone, and it can be done very be easily by taking over someone's Google account.

No that's not what I am insinuating. I asked a question.

So what! Trustthetruth is not different from Q asking questions, making you think and dig. Do I agree with it all? No

Poal? No not me. I think I went to website when Voat was down once, maybe, not sure.

srayzie ago

TrustTheTruth straight up lies. Even if given proof.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes but you are taking it up with the wrong person. i am not that person, and outside of 1 or 2 comments I posted here, which are my own personal thoughts, I have nothing to do with that. I just read like everyone else and honestly, while most of that was going on I was moving I missed most of it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I've just skimmed the above thread, but I understand you're 5' 3" with a small vagina? Penises are generally measured with a ruler. What do you use to measure vagina size?

Gothamgirl ago

I am pointing out I am small for both.

I have had Myelographs yearly, so I have measurements of everything inside my body. I almost died in a car wreck, and then surgery and I have physical issues. Plus I have been told...

Hand_of_Node ago

I didn't see much of it, but the story about kidnapping, and all the very personal details you've dropped in this thread seem an unlikely move for someone who believes people on voat are out to get them in real life.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know the whole story. I did suspect that, and asked about it, also figured out I was wrong, about 1 of the individuals, and I apologized.

I didn't know then, that FB turned everyone's profile to public for a week.

If they were going to get me in real life they would've already, plus I am really really far from where I used to live.

If I put out so many personal details tell me something said that would lead you to find me?

Hand_of_Node ago

This is the first time I've seen you and this topic, and don't really want to know more, but your height would obviously be a clue when sorting through an assortment of probables. Your vagina size probably wouldn't be as much of a factor... At least for the identification part.

Shizy ago

The illiterate high school drop out who doesn't understand a third of the big words she tries to use is asking me if I know how to read!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the laugh gaping anus!

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't drop out of high school I already told you my education.

Gaping anus? only a faggot tranny would say something like that 😀😂😁😅🤣

Shizy ago

Only a faggot tranny would love being FISTED! Sicko!

Gothamgirl ago

Fisted? Are you stupid? Hell no. My vagina is little like me. Who even talks like that?

srayzie ago

My vagina is little like me

@Gabara and @Clamhurt_Legbeard want pictures as proof.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

vagina is little

3 kids

choose one

Shizy ago

My vagina is little like me.


Nice try

srayzie ago

I’m glad that she was able to clear up her vagina size on the pizzagate sub. 😂

Shizy ago

She's single again so she's putting that out there hoping somebody, anybody, will take an interest 😂

srayzie ago

Plus she’s a runner 😂

Shizy ago

And men at the gym always tell her how stunning she is 🤣

Shizy ago

This sounds more accurate 😂

Gothamgirl ago

You are really grasping at bullshit. I don't need to try and I don't need to lie. I had c sections. Either i am small or my ex was rather large. Honestly I think both, but go ahead and fool yourself...

srayzie ago

Besides GothamGirl, your height doesn’t determine if you’re loose. Only depth. 🙄

Hand_of_Node ago

Wtf am I seeing in here?

srayzie ago

Which part are you asking about?

srayzie ago

She thought I was after her man and all kinds of stuff. She even went to the police and reported it. She’s been talking g shit about me. But especially my mod Shizy and Shizy doesn’t hold back.. 😂

srayzie ago

This is the chick that accused me of planting child porn on her phone and attempting to kidnap her child. I’ve never even met her

Hand_of_Node ago

That's pretty wild.

Crensch ago

Fucking well spotted.

Vindicator ago

Yes, their narrative is starting to look like swiss cheese.

Gothamgirl ago

I do not have a gang . I am friendly to everyone except people who are not friendly to me, you were more connected to Jem then I, although I wish I would have given more of my time to her, I stood up for Vindicator when she came to me about getting kicked off.

The people leading Q more specifically on YouTube, the biggest voices of all, are scammers and ex convicts. Your biggest hurdle is a troll from SBBH that hates you, Q, and Trump.

These posts attacking pizzagaters is what's making others leave.

srayzie ago

Your biggest hurdle is a troll from SBBH that hates you, Q, and Trump.

Who is that?

These posts attacking pizzagaters is what’s making others leave

It’s always our fault. How would you react?

Gothamgirl ago

I would do exactly what I am doing now! It is happening to me, right now, by the most disgusting foul mouthed people I ever encountered.

srayzie ago

Poor thing. You should leave and never come back.

Crensch ago

She's already shown how she would react:


Gothamgirl ago

From what I understand rumor is you were the one who went to fat camp and had surgery.

Really you can't think of anything besides fat and black? Your not even close to correct. My trolling skills were far better when I was in elementary school.

Shizy ago

Your kids are Hispanic, but you're obese so he's partically correct.

Crensch ago

The rumor you made up in your head and told yourself over and over again so you wouldn't feel bad about being a fat sack of shit?

Seems to me, based on your writing, that elementary school was the last time you saw the inside of an educational building. You certainly didn't read any books in your life that weren't Harry Potter or Fifty Shades of Grey

Gothamgirl ago

No I surely didn't it was definitely a rumor I heard here.

I don't give a fuck what you think of me, according to Voat you are a fat faggot.I believe it.

Crensch ago

(Edited 1.4 hours ago), posted 1.5 hours ago.

Nobody tells you that, because you don't go to the gym. You're a fat slob that got dicked by a nigger, and now you have nothing left to be proud of. You exist to eat, and find some beta faggot to provide for your niglets, because you can't even get a nigger to come close enough to you to get between your legs.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha not even close to true. Any of it. I have been to the gym for the last 6 week's straight thanks to the constant Harrassment here on Voat. When I go this is no shortage of decent men flirting with me what so ever. I have excellent boxing skills since a child and I run a few times a week. The reason I am not going tomorrow is I left that area. I will be going hunting.

Never touched anyone in the race you claim. Leave my children out if it. Eat dick and die.

You keep repeating yourself faggot.

Crensch ago

You go to the gym to take wear spandex and take selfies, you fat pig. Nobody is buying your lie of a story.

Keep choking on that aids-filled nigger dick, coalburner. I'm sure your "children" won't grow up to act just like their nigger daddies.

Gothamgirl ago

Already proved my kids are lighter then I. All have same dad. I never take pics of myself. I don't give a flying fuck what you say or do or think of me. Of course I wear spandex to the gym, and I am told many times, I have a cute butt 🤣🤣

You know what I think: I think you caught something from a n***** and you are scorned and projecting on to others..

@shizy another comment editor, sick him bitch.

Shizy ago

Please learn the difference between than and then.

While you're at it please learn how to correctly use your and you're.

I think you missed this due to dropping out of high school so early.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually it's done intentionally to set off Grammar nazis such as yourself. You must really have issues with SBBH

Shizy ago

You must really have issues with SBBH

Not really. Typos and writing bad on purpose for lulz is no biggie.

Continual misuse of the same words indicates a person with limited education or intelligence. It's just reinforcing my conclusion that high school wasn't that important to you.

Gothamgirl ago

I finished high school just fine. I have more knowledge then most females and a very high iq. So what's next flea?

Clitorissa ago

You didn’t prove you’re lighter. You just said you don’t take pictures. Only desperate whores wear spandex!

Gothamgirl ago

Says who? you? Let me get this right, when you or others, wear a certain type clothing you become a desperate whore? Well that's a first a bitch, your blaming clothing, and not your nasty self, wow! 😆😂 Fuck off I got to go..

Clitorissa ago

Haha not even close to true. Any of it. I have been to the gym for the last 6 week's straight thanks to the constant Harrassment here on Voat.

Harassed why? For being a fat, ugly, mentally ill nigger lover? You run? Sure! Take a video.

Never touched anyone in the race you claim. Leave my children out if it. Eat dick and die.

You never fucked a nigger? Are you claiming that your kids aren’t part Nigger?

Shizy ago

I'm dying!!!!!!

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you want to see video of me?

That's an odd request. Are you a dyke?

Nope never touched any black person psycho.

Clitorissa ago

Why do you want to see video of me?

Because I don’t believe you.

Are you a dyke?

No. I have your ex’s dick.

Nope never touched any black person psycho.

You adopted niggers?

Shizy ago

Her kids are south of the border nigger. Still nigger, just not quite as dark. Please see photo for evidence of the browness!

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I give a fuck what you believe ever?

So what I could careless.


Clitorissa ago

Half and half. You wish I was a dyke since you like being fisted by lesbo’s. Why would you choose to stretch yourself?!

Shizy ago

Oh my God she's now resorted to taking pictures of her kid to prove strangers on the internet wrong??!!😂😂😂

Gothamgirl ago

Haha no I am not into degenerate shit and definitely never touched a female. Your the one wanting to see video of me you said it yourself. 😄

Clitorissa ago

Why would I make up shit ? I get told I am beautiful and stunning all the time at the gym.

Fucking lmao @Zyklon_b

Gothamgirl ago

Lol he told me too bitch 😃😁😄 why are tagging him anyways?

Gyna ago

You both are lying! I'm seeing zkylon. We have webcam sex all the time!

Fuck off @cliforissa! I already told You this and you still run your mouth saying you're seein him.

Clitorissa ago

Because me and @Zyklon_b are seeing each other.

Gyna ago

No you ain't! I'm seeing him!


zyklon_b ago

lets work this out together ladies.

zyklon_b ago

hey beautiful. good morning,

Clitorissa ago

Hey ;)

zyklon_b ago

I sent you some pics to email, :)

Gothamgirl ago

That's amazing good for you ❤

Clitorissa ago

Why would I make up shit ? I get told I am beautiful and stunning all the time at the gym.

Fucking lmao @Zklon_b

Crensch ago

According to your fat, stupid little mind, I'm a bigger loser than you. Well done.

argosciv ago

Aww you got one in while I was looking away.

You didn't disappoint in terms of crying about bullying, though.

Good work ignoring the gangstalking and bullshit from those you're defending, too.

I actually feel kinda bad for you now. Not because you're crying about bullying, but because you genuinely seem to be short a few screws.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't get involved with any of that shit. I stay to myself. What did I tell you everytime you emailed me, talking about everyone?

You forget it was Vindicator who started it up this time by mentioning me in his statements. The sad part is I respect him more than anyone else and I stood up for him the most as well.

I am not mentally ill at all, just tired of being spoken to and about like trash. If I have to stoop to your level then so fucking be it. Your not going to continue dragging me through the mud without a fight.

I don't have the slightest clue as to what is going on with the you or the people you name. I just know they're part of the pizzagate family, and no matter what you believe or say, they have put in work just by being here. The only thing I see by you Agosciv is negativity and hugely overbearing CONCERNFAG. So I am not interested in anything you think or say.

srayzie ago

I am not mentally ill at all, just tired of being spoken to and about like trash. If I have to stoop to your level then so fucking be it. Your not going to continue dragging me through the mud without a fight.

Wasn’t it your “ex-fiancé” that you stalk, the one that made a comment that you were a diagnosed schizophrenic and stopped taking your meds?

Crensch ago

Her being mentally ill is about the nicest thing you can say. If she's really not, she's frightfully stupid.

Shizy ago

She's both!!!

Bad combination!

argosciv ago

Eyy you managed to think a comment through in full, by the look of it this time.

I don't get involved with any of that shit. I stay to myself.

HAHAHAHAAHAHA! Oh do pull the other one.

What did I tell you everytime you emailed me, talking about everyone?

I've never emailed you. I've sent you personal messages via Voat.

We've already been through this one, though.

I am not mentally ill at all, just tired of being spoken to and about like trash.

But you are, and you are.

If I have to stoop to your level then so fucking be it. Your not going to continue dragging me through the mud without a fight.

LOL! Yes I see you've got your precious ES on the case, downvotes and all. Again, cute that you think this is anything worth calling a fight xD

I don't have the slightest clue as to what is going on with the you or the people you name. I just know they're part of the pizzagate family, and no matter what you believe or say, they have put in work just by being here.


The only thing I see by you Agosciv is negativity and hugely overbearing CONCERNFAG. So I am not interested in anything you think or say.

D'aww. This is just adorable now. What happened to all that bluster?

Gothamgirl ago

Dude you are an admitted blood drinker calling someone else mentally ill, I have never laughed so hard in my life. You are a SHILL who freaks out if Pizzagate and the word satanic are used together.

You use weaponized words with no value, like a antifa your just a wacky individual, probably sent here directly from tavistock.

srayzie ago

Dude you are an admitted blood drinker calling someone else mentally ill, I have never laughed so hard in my life. You are a SHILL who freaks out if Pizzagate and the word satanic are used together.

Wasn’t it your “ex fiancé” that said you did drugs around your kids?

Gothamgirl ago

Don't know don't care it's not fact, neither was us getting married.

srayzie ago

Worry about your sins instead of someone else’s.

Crensch ago

I bet she's one of those fatasses that watches The Biggest Loser to feel better about her life, but then something brings her back to reality and she looks around and realizes that they have better lives than she does.

Gothamgirl ago

You and the other mods should do exactly that.

srayzie ago

Gothamgirl, everyone sins. In fact, it’s a sin that you’re lying right now. It’s a sin that you are judging others.

argosciv ago

You're the weak cunt whose entire fucking arsenal is devoid of any firepower.

You know that now.

Keep shooting blanks, though.

Gothamgirl ago

No not true I get thank you messages daily. I am still here after many attacks, who is shooting blanks?

ESOTERICshade ago

They done brought in the big guns. An admitted satanist and blood drinker to deal with you. I'm pretty sure we can close the doors on this barn dance right?

argosciv ago

No not true I get thank you messages daily. I am still here who is shooting blanks?

Like I said, you are and you know it now.

"Thank you" messages ey? Who else has said similar, I wonder...

Gothamgirl ago

I have family and friends on here you think this is the only place we speak. You really don't want to know what my kids do for a living...My brother has already went after a few of you on here.

argosciv ago

Keep talking shit, thot.

You've proven your allegiance beyond all doubt and even funnier, your desperation to rely on the past and demolished narrative that you and your ilk manufactured.

Gothamgirl ago

Thot? I don't speak ebonics bitch.

Pizzagate is satanic get over it you failed...

argosciv ago

My, what a change from your usual "playing stupid" tactic.

Fine, let me us terms you're probably more familiar with: Slut. Whore. Cumdumpster. Any of these fit in place of Thot and you know it.

Around and around you'll go. Suddenly changing tune now that you realize how fucking dead one narrative is, you fall back on another.

Go spit in your own mouth.

Filthy fucking cunt.

You've given me a wonderful outlet for pent-up frustration; now comes the part where you thoroughly amuse me by foundering like the pathetic fish out of water that you are.

you failed...

You're going to have to stop gargling cum and save some stomach room for when you eat those words.

Gothamgirl ago

Wow @shizzy another one who edits their comments, sick him bitch.

ESOTERICshade ago

The new voice of pizzagate. An admitted satanic blood drinker that calls you a filthy cunt, cum dumpster, etc....sad state of affairs ain't it?

Clitorissa ago

At least one of those three was a nigger because your kids are niglets.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol Stalking the wrong family, your boss isn't going to like that.

argosciv ago

I am not that I have dated 3 people in my entire life. Try harder. You sound trashier then antifa plus you guys use the same untruthful stupidity daily.

$0.02 whoreshill deflection at it's finest.

Wow @shizy another one who edits their comments, sick him bitch.

Transparent edits to fix typos and/or add to the original, versus your unidentified and deceptive edits. Another pathetic attempt at deflection.

Do please keep trying to distance yourself from your dead narrative.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok parrot, where the fuck is any proof of anything you have stated about me ?

argosciv ago

What's that? You're finally realizing how dead your narrative is?

You're bottom-of-the-barrel scum. This was too damn easy.

We both know you're nothing but cheap, used goods. Better off packing it up and just wandering away.

Gothamgirl ago

Mine? Why don't you ever address the shitbags in your own country? What's your true agenda?

Shizy ago

Oh yeah, I remember that! Interesting connection vindicator!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It's all you have done since you have been here. You rely on newcomers not knowing better. Hey Vindy, I don't care about sheeple any more than scum like you. But don't bother gaslighting me. Be more sophisticated. You are backing the right horse, that is what pussies like you do. Winning pussies....cheers,,,

TrustTheTruth ago

Who could prove that Voat is a Corrupt and Compromised platform?

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with? What really happened?

Why would mods in both Pizzagate and Great Awakening be engaged in nefarious activities to target, monitor, doxx, censor, ban, downvote, slander, lie, slide, control the narrative, and Hide The Truth? Who did they attack and attempt to flair before they aborted their plan when it was too obvious they were lying and conspiring to silence those that Knew The Truth?

Why did the mods initially claim that Jenny wasn't Jem777, then claim that she wasn't dead, and then claim she was a CIA disinformation agent? Why did they attack, slander, downvote, censor, flair and ban anyone who stood up for Jenny?

Why did the mods suddenly portray themselves as victims and wildly start accusing many others of being "Sarah"?

What did the mods do when Jenny and others were wrongly slandered, doxxed, called despicable names, and attacked? What did they do when Jenny and others received death threats? Why didn't @PuttItOut ever step in to address the out of control mods and situation? Who would have access to manipulate accounts?

A real murder investigation would uncover quite a few Secrets.

Why are the mods complicit to murders of their own community members?

Jenny was not the only target and victim.

Piscina ago

Foxconn in Wisconsin is what Trump called the eighth wonder: ttps://

Piscina ago

Lol, here they come with their goon brigade. They can't stand on their own two feet and have to call in reinforcements like the gang of bullies that they are. They are gutless and pathetic.

Piscina ago

Isn't this interesting--when I go to upvote you it shows as a downvote.

Vindicator ago

I can't figure out who would be stupid enough to believe anyone would believe this, particularly with ZERO evidence whatsoever. Fake and gay.

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

Wow. This is what you call desperation.

@Piscina I just made a fresh batch. Have one. How low can you stoop? You claim to be here for the kids? Yet, you are spreading lies that the owner of Voat is a pedo? You’re not even trying to hide how shitty of a person you are anymore.

Did you tell your friend @Carmencita that you are part of the disinformation group that convinced Cc1914 of these lies? That was her friend. Proud of yourself?

TrustThePlan reminds me of RIPJem. But, I also have a little “group” of haters (BA) that try to accuse me of the same thing.

Maybe Putt didn’t step in because we aren’t any of the things you freaks have accused us of. Until you provide proof, you guys just look desperate and paid.

@Think- @Vindicator @Crensch

MolochHunter ago

@Piscina @TrustTheTruth

have we cited that ol death certificate of Jenny Moore yet ?

how about you pull that up so that i can get off the fence about her alleged demise

TrustTheTruth ago

Go watch Marcus Conte or Lift the Veil. Neither of them are Trustworthy, but even they do not deny Jenny Moore died.

Vindicator ago

No one is denying she died, you deceiver.

We are asking for the evidence proving it, because the shillfest pushing it has been a ridiculous puppet show.

TrustTheTruth ago

Read your own contradictory statement again, and Repent before it is too late.

That is exactly what you are doing - you are denying that she died again - over three months after she died.

Are the articles and witness testimony not enough? Are the police and news reports, or the autopsy and toxicology reports not enough? Are her family member's messages not enough?

Do you need to pool your money together to get $100 for your own copy?

Ask @honeybee if she profits from and exploits the Murder of Community Members, and would be willing to donate so you can stop ignorantly denying that Jenny Moore died.

Do you see Jenny still posting here on Voat or sending text messages to the other Corrupt mods?

Do you see Jenny still doing videos with George Sweigart on YouTube?

Do you still think Jenny was a CIA disinformation agent who faked her own death?

Why won't you or any others answer this basic question:


Vindicator ago

autopsy and toxicology reports not enough

What autopsy or tox report? No such thing was ever posted here.


You are the slanderer, 3T. Show me a single time I ever said anything untrue about Moore. Show me a single time I threatened her.

I banned Jem777 because I had no choice. She gave me no choice, even after I unbanned her and tried to help her understand the submission rules. The fact that you ignore this history, fill good researchers' threads with your lies and bloviating and twist legitimate requests for evidence into "denials" clearly demonstrates your ill intent and bad will.

TrustTheTruth ago



Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Banned.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Threatened.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Slandered.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Doxxed.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Attacked.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was Murdered.


We are not Denying that Jenny Moore died.

We are not the One who banned her.

We are not the Ones who Betrayed her.




Jenny Moore Knew The Truth.


We have proven over and over that the Moderators here are the ones with the Bad Intentions.

Who is SecondSoberThought? Why were the rules not enforced on his "series"? Who did they target with Lies and Attacks? Who else issued Death Threats against Jenny and others who knew The Truth? Were any rules enforced when those Death Threats were made?

Who was banned from The Great Awakening? Under what rules? What mods from The Great Awakening are also mods of Pizzagate? What mods of The Great Awakening were lobbying to have users banned at Pizzagate? Why? What did they know?

We have Shared The Truth Since The Beginning.



Where you and the mods declare that Jenny was a disinfo agent:

When you and the other corrupt mods panicked and tried issuing Flairs against Those Who Know The Truth:


That is why you and the other corrupt mods have targeted certain Members to downvote every post they make to hide their comments and limit their ability to make submissions or send private messages. It is why many posts are flaired or removed after certain comments are made, and why you and other mods slide the forums with garbage and old news.



You and the other Mods should easily be able to come up with the $100 for the copy of the report since you clearly all SOLD YOUR SOULS. Then you can Repent, Apologize, and Find The Truth that you have worked so desperately to Hide from The Community.


Vindicator ago

Where you and the mods declare that Jenny was a disinfo agent:

I'll type this a little more slowly...

Show me a single time I ever said anything UNTRUE about Moore. Show me a single time I threatened her.

You can't. All you can do is deflect, re-characterize, spin, deceive and bloviate. The truth is not in you.

Truth does not have to be repeated to convince. It sticks like a straight-shafted bolt and punctures the heart of its target.

TrustTheTruth ago

Did you really need to add 50 more downvotes today as you targeted more comments with downvoting today? Does abusing the system and Hiding The Truth you claim to seek make you feel powerful?

You refuse to answer the most basic questions that point to The Most Important Truth of All. Here are three easy ones for you.

What is Hillary's Model for Community Policing?

What is America's Bellwether (hint: NPR and HuffPost know)?

Who had to approve the Uranium One deal - where is it located?

Those could not be any easier. You may not have agreed with Jenny, but your motives deserve to be questioned when none of you can answer the most basic questions and are aggressively attacking and downvoting The Truth.

But you are all wrong about Jenny as well.


Here you claim that it's fine to doxx her since she is dead. Do you realize how wrong that is?

By doxxing someone after they died, you are putting their friends, family and others connected to their life at great risk. You should understand how dangerous this is. Jenny is not the only one who died or was Murdered for Knowing The Truth.

Vindicator 5 points (+6|-1) 3 months ago
Well, Gothamgirl, you can't dox someone who is dead, because the information is no longer relevant. They can no longer be harmed. Secondly, no one has actually posted any personally identifiable information that could damage anyone. There are just a lot people saying these people are the same. Voat does not consider that doxing. You'd need to post her address, SS number or bank account number and password, etc.

Yet here you claim she is not dead, and also claim she is not even Jem777:

Vindicator [M] 5 points (+6|-1) 3 months ago
Furthermore, everything posted about Jenny Moore's death contained zero evidence of her death. Just a bunch of different accounts making statements. I've seen no actual proof Jenny was Jem, either, just a bunch of people who said Jem said she was Jenny.

jangles -1 points (+1|-2) 3 months ago
Regardless, the Jenny Moore I knew on voat as Jem777 amd mej777 is dead. You can piss on her grave if you want. I will not have part of it.

Your reply:

Vindicator 3 points (+3|-0) 3 months ago
the Jenny Moore I knew on voat as Jem777 amd mej777 is dead How do you know this?

Jangles even sent you a screenshot of a private message from her account:

jangles -1 points (+0|-1) 3 months ago
I sent you a PM with a msg from her jem account saying she was Jenny.

You continue asking for some unreasonable proof that Jenny was Jem777.

Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 3 months ago
Yes. But that doesn't confirm Jenny was Jem beyond you saying you met her in a way that would settle this easily for everyone. Thanks though. :-)

Here you claim she is mentally unstable through PERSONAL experience:

I personally know Jem was either full of crap, or had severe emotional issues, based on the way she treated me.

Here you claim Jenny is part of a PsyOp with George after Srayzie was wildly attacking and wrongly accusing several others of being someone named "Sarah":

Vindicator [M] 2 points (+2|-0) 3 months ago (edited 3 months ago) Got it. @Gothamgirl, the Amalek shills that push the illuminati spam, which @Srayzie calls "Sarah" frequently make alts mocking moderators who ask them for evidence. They made "Vindictator" and several others mocking me. There were zillions of fake alts made to troll Falcon and abortionburger. Check the ban log to have your fill. The fact you are claiming this is highly suspicious. Are you part of this Webb/Jem psyop as well?

Here you claim that Jenny lies, had suspicious behavior, and "fooled" Robyn Gritz. How would you know Robyn Gritz or that Jenny "fooled" her? Did Robyn say that Jenny "fooled" her? Then you say you really don't know what is going on.

Which is it? Do you know EVERYTHING, or do you not really know ANYTHING?

One reason the flairs are being considered is because of the Jem777 thing. For some reason, no one seemed to remember the comments I made numerous times before, during and after I had to ban her exposing the lies she was telling and suspicious behavior she was exhibiting. A flare for that kind of thing next to her username while it would have been met with anger, would at least have allowed us to have a conversation that critically examined the situation. Instead, everyone forgot about it and she went on and on and on off platform apparently fooling Robyn Gritz and a lot of other people. We still don't know what is really going on with Jem. The flares would trigger more critical discussion of suspicious contributions and help prevent sleeper shills from taking people for a ride.

You don't know that Jenny was part of a PsyOp and have no proof of that, but you are claiming it while simultaneously demanding proof from others that she was even Jem777 or that she died. Even if you believe George was, Jenny did not fully Trust George and she only joined him in desperation after being banned from here and turned away by other authorities and agencies. They disagreed about a lot of things, including religion, and Trump. She Knew The Truth, and that was what she argued with George about most. The arguments began after she returned to Voat.

When Srayzie wrongly accuses others of being "Sarah" you concur:

srayzie [S] 7 points (+7|-0) 3 months ago Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Oh so this IS Sarah. You had Jack Parsons as a username and as your patron account name. How is your Illuminati art coming along? Does your father still run Racine? 🤔

No wonder you’re mad at me lol. STALKER.

This is Sarah @Think- @Vindicator

Yep, the guy who harrassed you on Twitter, @srayzie.

Vindicator 2 points (+2|-0) 3 months ago Yeah...pretty sure we banned that alt at one point for ignoring submission rules too. /rolls eyeballs

[–] srayzie [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 3 months ago (edited 3 months ago) I can resend you the list. I learned how to spot that little psycho

Here you even accuse Jenny of being "Sarah" also:

Vindicator 2 points (+2|-0) 3 months ago Is Sarah Jem alt?

You have all ganged up against The Truth based on Lies.

None of you Know The Truth, you only Pretend to while you Hide The Real Truth.



She did not Fully Trust George Sweigart.

She is dead and was very likely Murdered.


This is not a game or a hoax.


Who banned Jem777?

Who modded Srayzie?

Who is Shizy?

Have you read any of what those two have posted and claimed?

Why are the rules subjectively enforced and abused by the Mods who control them?


If you aren't Evil and Corrupt,

Stop falsely accusing Members of The Community of something they aren't.

Stop gatekeeping and Hiding The Truth with your malicious targeting, slander, doxxing, downvoting, censoring, flairing and banning.



SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

According to my calculations, Paid Shill, “TrustTheTruth” said the following...

We Trust @Carmencita more than anyone else here. She knows what happened.
@EsotericShade, @DeathtoMasonsASAP, @Piscina, Fogdryer, @Letsdothis2 and a select group of others all Know The Truth.

FAGDRYER doesn’t count.

TrustTheTruth ago

While attempting to Slander, Mock and Ridicule another Member of the Community, like you Betrayed Jenny Moore as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ, you are openly admitting that @fogdryer is much more Honest, Truthful, and Intelligent than you are and has spent the few minutes it takes to VERIFY THAT EVERYTHING WE HAVE EVER POSTED IS THE TRUTH.

Are you too Stupid, too Lazy, too Corrupt, or too Evil to spend A FEW MINUTES to learn that everything @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Shared was THE TRUTH?

That is Who Jenny Moore returned to Voat to meet with. Jenny may not have known everything, but she believed in Jesus Christ and she Knew The Truth.

Jenny was not the Only One who was Threatened, Attacked, Tortured, and Murdered for Knowing The Truth.

That is when she and George began disagreeing on a much more personal level. Their main disagreement was not about Mike Flynn, but about Jesus Christ.

Why were those videos George made so different than all of the thousands of others?

Why did George change the entire direction of his series after that?

George just edited more of his video where he claimed to have met Jesus Christ, how he despises Jesus Christ, and how he doesn't want His help. Why would George edit the end of his 28.2 video from 11/1 where he slanders Jesus Christ and Jenny Moore, saying he gave them way too much credit when they don't deserve any and he never wanted their help? The original video was over 28 minutes, but now it is only 24 minutes. Marcus Conte has a copy.

Are you still interested in George's love life, or are you interested in The Truth that George will Never Share? Are you ready to Repent and admit that you Betrayed Jenny Moore and may not know nearly what you think you do?

Are you ready to stop slandering, censoring, stalking, abusing, flairing, downvoting, name calling, attacking, banning, doxxing, threatening, falsely accusing, and lying about Members of the Community?

Did you ever find "Sarah", or are you going to continue wildly accusing others of being "Sarah" in your desperate attempt to portray yourself as a victim while you mock and abuse others who are real victims?

We are not Sarah. We do not know Sarah. We knew Jenny, and even if you do not believe everything Jenny told you, if you want to Know The Truth, you can still Repent, Accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior, and Share The Truth in the Hopes that You May be Forgiven by Saving the Souls of others with The Truth.


srayzie ago

@TrustTheTruth... I will repeat this every time I see you use the word of God to attack us, deceive others, downright LIE, show arrogance as if you know more than others, or accuse us of something that IS NOT TRUE...

The Spirit of God says, “Why are My people attacking one another? Why are My people engaging in friendly fire? Friendly fire will not be tolerated! Just because you disagree with that person doesn’t give you the right to murder that person with your words. “Thou shall not murder!” Repent! You will be held accountable for every word you speak. The religious, legalistic and critical spirits that are on My people are creating division and chaos. Can you not see that you are being used by the Kingdom of Darkness? You are aiding the enemy! How can you take on an enemy that you are a part of?

You are using My written word as an intellectual weapon against My people. You Brood of Vipers! My written word was meant to be wielded against the enemy not the people of God. Repent, you who commit Spiritual Treason! You think because you know my written word that you know Me, but your hearts are far from Me. Your intellect, your so called knowledge, has created a spiritual arrogance, and your pride is separating you from Me. lf the written word was alive in you, you would not use it to attack My people. Repent!”

The Spirit of God says, ‘Where is the sound of unity? Where is the mercy and grace that I have shown you? Why are you not showing it to others? Why has your love grown cold? Put your petty differences aside. My love is unconditional. Love each other deeply. Love covers a multitude of sins and My mercy endures forever.

TrustTheTruth ago



Do you know who Jenny Moore returned to Voat to meet with?

Do you know what happened?



You have Betrayed, Deceived, Forsaken and Mocked both Jenny Moore and Jesus Christ.


You lie and pretend to be a good person and are desperate to Hide behind your Fake Faith.

Jesus Christ Knows The Truth.

You are not His People.


Fakes and False Prophets like QAnon who you Truly Worship.


Jesus was The Lamb.

The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

You should be ashamed of yourself

Shizy ago

Crazy people usually lack that type of awareness.

Shizy ago

Fogdryer, who sent a comment to themself, referring to themself in the 3rd person because they forgot to use their alt account is more "honest, truthful and intelligent"? Got it! 😂 I just wanted to clarify the type of two bit troll were dealing with here!

@srayzie @vindicator @think-

TrustTheTruth ago

That is exactly right. You can attempt to mock and ridicule them, but they Know The Truth.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy for Anyone to Understand.

It is your Choice to Choose Evil over Good and Deny The Truth.


Yet you remain a corrupt and petty Fool with an Empty Soul.

srayzie ago

Amen to that sista 🙌🏻

srayzie ago

@Fogdryer is not saved. FagDryer isn’t real. But you still lie! Are you a fricken bot?

Do you get paid more per fake user you guys portray? I would imagine it’s cheaper for the company to have each one of you post at least one more character. Hmmm.

I’m going to try to be as nice as possible in this reply and give you the chance to act like a normal human being. Perhaps you’re mentally ill. You disgust me more than the average because you are disrespecting God.

You’re judging others is getting you nowhere. In fact, it’s a big fat SIN! As a Christian, you are to be Christ like. Most of the time we fail. That’s because we’re human. Many people don’t know that I am a Christian myself. It’s not that I hide it because I’m ashamed. I think that once someone starts shouting about Jesus to a whole Forum like you are, then you they should be ready to step up and be an example. If not, you are just poisoning the word of God to these people and that is not what Jesus wants.

What a great Christian example....

Are you too Stupid, too Lazy, too Corrupt, or too Evil

Do you think Jesus wants someone that’s shouting to thousands of people, to be judgmental and accuse people of things when they have no proof? Jesus is about love. Not hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. I may have a mouth on me and all, which is one reason that I don’t want to be seen as an example to a new Christian. But, you are putting yourself in a position where you can influence people in a negative way. It seems like you want to smear Christianity.

A person that comes and trolls a forum, that was made so that people could research and try to save children.... WHICH IS WHAT JESUS WOULD WANT US TO DO, automatically makes them trash in my eyes. But, someone who wants to mock Christianity and turn them away from God, is even worse. So far, you’ve sickened me. People like you chase others away because you sound like some crazy religious hypocrite. Are you from Westboro Baptist Church?


What makes you think that my beliefs are the same as everyone else’s? I’ve never accused WIC of anything and I knew Jenny was going to go there. I actually stood up for WIC. I, myself, never had an issue with them.

I was pretty close to Jenny. I was one if the first that knew she was with George. I only told @ESOTERICshade back then. I didn’t want to put her in harms way. Me and Esotericshade were friends and he was suspicious of her too. So when you act all high and mighty like you know so much, and that ESOTERIC is with you guys, then ask ESO who was giving him the info about Jem.

He told me the day before yesterday that he was going to say it publicly. I saw in one of his comments that he wants to stay out of Jem discussions? Why is that? Probably because anyone that doesn’t agree with your group is attacked. So if he is quiet about Jem, what are you even referring to? You don’t know shit about us mods.

I know a lot more than you think I do. You can believe in Sarah or not. She/he/them has calmed down and has been leaving me alone. I’m not even going there again. Fuck that. Warning you guys did nothing but give me grief. I play about George Webb because it’s fun to make Donkey jealous. I don’t follow him anymore. I don’t trust George Webb.

I talked to Jenny about God. I know all of this. I feel bad about making my post at that time. But others that knew I had researchered her were pressuring me to put it out there and let people decide for themselves. It wasn’t until the night I posted it, that I heard her death was being questioned. Murder? Natural? Etc...

Are you ready to Repent and admit that you Betrayed Jenny Moore and may not know nearly what you think you do?

No. I do not take back what I said. What I said was true. If I could take back WHEN I posted it, I would. I don’t hate Jem. But I have a lot more that I’ve kept to myself. Sorry if you can’t accept that she would mix truth with lies. I have my own theories. But, everyone wants to just jump to conclusions so I will keep it to myself.

You’re listening to the gossip. You don’t know shit. Are you going to ask for forgiveness for falsely accusing, and lying about Members of the Community? Are you going to stop preaching the word of God as you gossip, lie, deceive, judge and accuse others?

desperate attempt to portray yourself as a victim while you mock and abuse others who are real victims?

That right there shows that you’re judging when you don’t even know the story. Jesus is about kindness and compassion. You’re about division.

Know The Truth, you can still Repent, Accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior, and Share The Truth in the Hopes that You May be Forgiven by Saving the Souls of others with The Truth.

You are the one that needs to repent. You disgust me.


I’m asking you the exact same question. I haven’t sold my soul and never would. Have you?

TrustTheTruth ago

You can lie to yourself all you want.

You can pretend to be a good person when you and everyone else know that you really aren't.

You can pretend to know things that you know nothing of.

For those who Know The Truth, your Lies reveal your True Motives.

Do you really know what happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, or do you not know anything at all?

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with after the mods and others involved threatened, doxxed, attacked, censored, and banned her?

What happened?

Why were George's videos so different from the thousands of others?

Why did George start talking about Rahm Emanuel?

Where were Chuck Schumer and Tony Podesta "Made"? What do they do for each other?

Do you know why George edited his videos including the one from November 1st where he slandered Jenny Moore and Jesus Christ claiming he didn't need Their help?

What did Jenny believe that George does not?


Why would you Lie and pretend to have supported Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt when you Betrayed Them as you Betrayed Jenny Moore?





This is not a game, and these are the ultimate stakes.

You can pretend to Know and Believe in Jesus Christ, yet you have already mocked and forsaken Him.

The first time Jesus was Here, He was a Lamb.




srayzie ago

Are you part of the group that had started going to Poal?

I don’t even know most of what you’re talking about because I haven’t watched George Webb. Instead of just speaking in capitals and accusing everyone of things, give links. Show me what you’re talking about.

Where were Chuck Schumer and Tony Podesta "Made"? What do they do for each other?

Tell us. What happened to Wisconsin_is_corrupt? I never had a problem with him or them. I got along with them. What happened to Jenny Moore? What is your theory?

I have no reason to repent. I didn’t do anything wrong. What are you implying?

think- ago

He is a troll, and for every answer you give him, he will just bitch more about you.

TrustTheTruth ago

Do you know what really happened to Jenny Moore and Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?



Did you ever bother to research Racine @think-?



srayzie ago

You guys are always talking to who you consider trolls. How is this any different?

This just gives him a chance to provide links for his claims. My previous reply showed what a hypocrite he is when it comes to Christianity.

TrustTheTruth ago




You Betrayed Jenny Moore, Wisconsin_is_Corrupt and others as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ.

Then you attacked anyone who Shared The Truth calling them unspeakable names. You lied, called for backup, and systematically targeted ALL MEMBERS HERE who Know The Truth.

You know nothing about Jesus and The Parousia.

If you did, you would not worship the Fake Savior Trump and False Prophet Q.


Not everyone can be Saved.

You turned your back on The Truth in favor of personal gain and vanity.


think- ago

I didn't mean to criticize you, Srayz, I only felt it was a waste of time answering.

srayzie ago

Thank you xo

think- ago


ESOTERICshade ago

It wasn’t until the night I posted it, that I heard her death was being questioned. Murder? Natural? Etc...

According to the autopsy she died a natural death from Hypertension.

srayzie ago

I heard it was seizures. I don’t trust any autopsy. Pizzagate should have taught us that.

This is my scenario. I’ve wondered if she was undercover watching George Webb. She was talking to him from the beginning. If she was assigned to track him, then I think that if she wanted out or felt threatened, she could have told them and they would fake her death to get her to safety and away from George Webb.

If that happened, the coroner would take orders. So I’m not convinced that she’s dead. I’m not denying it either. I’m just saying that the whole situation has room for many scenarios.

So... when I see someone like @TrustThePlan... it makes me wonder if Jem were alive, and she was upset over everything being said all over Voat ,Twitter, youtube, etc, and she couldn’t tell anyone she was alive, I would imagine they may act like TrustTheTruth. If that were the case, I wouldn’t blame her for acting like this person. But, if it’s not Jem, then this person has got some major issues.

Vindicator ago

when I see someone like @TrustThePlan... it makes me wonder if Jem were alive, and she was upset over everything being said all over Voat ,Twitter, youtube, etc, and she couldn’t tell anyone she was alive, I would imagine they may act like TrustTheTruth.

Very good point. That would explain the way this goon is acting.

But, if it’s not Jem, then this person has got some major issues.

Actually, Jem had some major issues and behaved very much like this, at least toward mods. Never a shred of evidence supporting anything, just a bunch of inflammatory claims thrown around.

TrustThePlan ago

wat mate?

ESOTERICshade ago

I have also considered such a scenario as that.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes George Webb the ultimate enemy of the mods on this forum...

srayzie ago

You don’t have a problem with George Webb? It seems like the “all knowing group” does. Especially that freak @TrustTheTruth

TrustTheTruth ago

George Webb Sweigart is NOT TRUSTWORTHY.

Neither are you.

George mixes part truth with LIES and DECEPTION. He has an AGENDA. He openly mocks Jesus Christ and does not care about THE TRUTH.

So do you.


Jenny Moore was slandered, wrongly accused, ridiculed, censored, doxxed, banned, attacked and ultimately murdered for Knowing The Truth.


You and the other corrupt mods and your Army of Fools continue to GANGSTALK AND THREATEN ANYONE WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH.

Only this time you are targeting @EsotericShade while wrongly claiming they are @SchlongKeyhote like you wrongly claimed many others were someone named "Sarah".

You are also targeting @DeathToMasonsASAP, @fogdryer, @fictionreality, @piscina, @twistedmac11, @effyoujohnpodesta, @jangles, @gothamgirl, @asolo, @argosciv, @letsdothis3, and others, including even @carmencita although you won't bite her too hard because you know she is the MOST TRUSTED PERSON HERE WHO ALSO KNOWS THE TRUTH.

What has happened to Pizzgate recently? What has happened with QAnon recently and with QAnon's predictions? What is happening with Trump?

Why is Pizzagate being so closely linked with and equated to QAnon, thus setting up Q as the straw man to discredit and silence Pizzagate and The Truth?


What if Jenny Moore and George Webb Sweigart knew That Truth?

How do you Silence someone on Voat?

How do you Silence someone in Life?






We are the reason why Q exists.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan resigned.

We are The Witness to The Deal Trump made.



This is The Truth Jenny died for.

Jenny did not know Everything nor did she claim to, but she Knew The Truth.

srayzie ago

Oh don’t expect you to get this because you’re crazy. But for anyone else reading this....

Just to clear disinfo up... I am a mod here, but more behind the scenes because, I am busy running v/GreatAwakening.

I know Crensch, Vindicator, and Think- very well. Including Kevdude, who used to be a mod here. Q and pizzagate are very related so we are always working together. These are good people. They have a hard thankless job that they aren’t paid to do. They do it because they care.

I don’t think they come here everyday to be attacked because it’s fun. I’m not on pizzagate enough to know all that the other mods know. They live and breathe this place. But, you keep lumping me in with everyone else.

About all these people you’re saying that I am supposedly targeting...

u/Fogdryer is an alt of someone. I don’t even know u/letsdothis3, u/fictionreality, or u/twistedmac11. I have barely talked with u/ASolo or u/DeathToMasonsASAP. Me and u/Argosciv have worked everything out privately.

I liked u/effyoujohnpodesta until she took it upon herself to butt into accusations against Esoteric that she has no clue about. He’s a big boy and can take care of himself. I’ve heard from various people that she joined Poal with a group of others from pizzagate, and they are spreading lies about pizzagate mods. Even trying to dox Crensch.

Me and Esoteric were good friends and talked privately a lot before Q came along. We remained friends. I addressed u/ESOTERICshade here. According to him, he’s not in your group @effyoujohnpodesta. If he is, then there’s something going on. u/Gothamgirl and I had it out really bad. Privately we’ve worked it out. I don’t like u/Carmencita or u/Piscina because they lie and gossip and spread disinfo. Total fakes. I’ve had many ups and downs with u/Jangles.

I stand by my mod team. I love these guys. That doesn’t mean that everything one believes, the others believe exactly the same thing. We are individuals.

TrustTheTruth ago


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

@PuttItOut @Honeybee @IsThisGameOfThrones @Everyone - Do you want to Know The Truth and fully understand the Great Deception behind Pizzagate, Pedogate, Global Criminal Corruption, QAnon, Agenda 21, and the Real Agenda beyond?

Do you Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth? Repent and Share The Truth before it is too late.

Paul Ryan: 'It would be naive' to think there is no Harvey Weinstein-esque person in Congress

Did you Know The Truth since The Beginning, do you know who Jenny Moore returned to Voat to meet with and what happened, do you know what "The Deal" Trump made was, do you know why Paul Ryan and many others really resigned, do you know why Q was created, do you know why George Sweigart deleted his first 50+ videos, or why George deleted the ending from 11/1 where he mocks and claims he never wanted help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

Q and Pizzagate are not related or equal.

Pizzagate happened organically and leads to The Truth and The Model for the Real Agenda.

Q was artificially manufactured and designed to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Q is a False Prophet, and Trump is a Fake Savior.

Jesus Christ foretold of "The Plan to Deceive"..The Truth has exposed "The Plan to Enslave"

Jesus Christ and The Truth know that Q and Trump are both involved in covering up Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption through The Great Deception.

Trump is The Great "Deal" Maker. What is the "The Deal" Trump made to endorse 5G+ AI and The Mark of the Beast? Where did it happen? Why did he close "The Deal" to the public? Who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for and why? What is that Family known for? Who are their Global Partners? What is Satan's Ability? Why did Kushner Correct the Record when Kanye misspoke about "The Deal" as he endorsed slavery by pretending not to?

We are the reason why Q exists. We are the reason why Paul Ryan and many others resigned.

Only The Truth could expose The ROOT of All Evil and The Great Deception to forge the Real Agenda with the Mark of the Beast.

Did Hillary get arrested as Q promised? Did you Trust Sessions and Wray? Did you figure out if Rosenstein was a white hat, gray hat, or black hat, or if he flipped? Did Whitaker repent and find his morals? Did Huber, Romney, McMullin and the FLDS mafia get the go-ahead to begin the military tribunals? Did Q lose the House and allow fraud as part of 5D chess? Was D5 unstoppable? Was 2018 glorious? Did you enjoy the show? Is the swamp drained?

Q and Trump both mock and Betray Jesus Christ and The Truth much like you do. It is no coincidence why you run both the Great Awakening and the Great Deception on Voat.

Do you think Q and Trump know where the Majestic 12 were from, what the Voree plates are, where the World's Most Valuable Resource is, why the Uranium One deal needed approval, why Senator Paul Wellstone was murdered, and how Donald Trump is a member of the Pilgrims Society along with Bill and Hillary Clinton and many others in the Global Coalition?

Do you think Q and Trump know who Bil Clinton appointed to the President's Council on Sustainable Development? Do you think Q and Trump know who the Sphinx Head Society and Ninth Circle Satanic Cult are? Do you think Q and Trump know what happened with Cargill, DuPont and other high profile executives? Do you think Q and Trump know what the I-94 Project is, or how it is linked to John McCain, Chris Kutcher, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Penn State University, the Vatican, Tom DeLonge, Hillary Clinton, and the Podestas? Do you think Q and Trump know what Hillary's model for Community Policing is, and what the net result is? Do you think Q and Trump know what America's Bellwether is?


None of you know The Truth and what happened, yet you slander and lie about murder victims and those who Know The Truth.


Do you know for certain, or do you not know what happened at all?

You and other have systematically targeted anyone who ever agreed with The Truth, and you have also made alliances with The Worst and Most Evil People Here.

@argosciv openly worships satan, and you have sided with them to mock, slander, attack, discredit, lie about and Betray Jesus Christ and The Truth as you did with Jenny Moore.

@EsotericShade eventually figured out that everything @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt posted was The Truth, and also figured out that @SoberSecondThought has partnered with mods including @Srayzie, @Vindicator and @Crensch to push incredible lies, false accusations, and an extremely elaborate and deceptive narrative to Hide The Truth from the Community. EsotericShade does not know what happened, but he knew too much and that is why he is now being targeted in hit pieces as was similarly done against @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt and @Jem777.

Anyone who Knows The Truth is in danger. This is not a hoax. Those involved have unlimited resources and brazenly abuse the law under the color of law. Take precaution and do not lose Faith in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

@DeathtoMasonsASAP also knows The Truth in Racine, and is one of the few who know that Q and Trump are part of the Great Deception to Hide the Truth from the World. He further knows that Trump is connected with the Freemasons and Pilgrims, and is down the same chain of command beneath the Johnsons.

@Fogdryer has always recognized The Truth, and not only knows what few others here know, but has the courage to continue Sharing The Truth despite you relentlessly mocking and ridiculing them. @Carmencita is the first one Here who recognized The Truth, and NEVER Betrayed The Truth even in the face of your Lies, Deception, Betrayal, Name Calling and Persecution.

@Piscina has found The Truth, figured out the Agenda, and Witnessed how desperate you and your Army of Satan are to Deceive the Community by lying, downvoting, slandering, falsely accusing, obfuscating and censoring The Truth at all costs.

@jangles @twistedmac11 @gothamgirl @fictionreality @effyoujohnpodesta and many others may not know everything, but they know you are Untrustworthy, lying, and manipulating the narrative to Hide The Truth.

That is why you are your Army of Satan quickly brigaded over 200 negative points to Hide The Truth and limit comments, messages and the ability to post. That is why you stalk The Truth day and night, and why every comment made is immediately met with downvotes from those who are Afraid of The Truth.

@letsdothis3 seems to be the most active researcher here these days, and if they truly Believe in Jesus Christ and The Truth, it won't take them long to Know The Truth about The Root of All Evil and the Real Agenda that you are so desperate to Hide from The World.

The moderators abuse their power to manipulate the community and Hide The Truth that was Shared since The Beginning.

Some members of the Community can no longer Share The Truth.








Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

@SoberSecondThought has partnered with mods including @Srayzie, @Vindicator and @Crensch to push incredible lies, false accusations, and an extremely elaborate and deceptive narrative to Hide The Truth from the Community

Show me where he 'partnered with the mods'. @Vindicator told him he was either insane or a troll IIRC. Vin, would you maybe have an archive?

u/SecondSoberThought attacked me viciously on my first day as a mod, and continued to spread lies about me. The other mods called him out for that.

Damn, @TrustTheTruth, that's the third time I caught you lying today.

You really should work on your credibility, tss tss.

.....maybe consider changing your screenname? It's really starting to get embarassing, @TrustTheTruth.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


think- ago

LOL. I had no idea that you follow this comment thread. ;-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It's one of the reasons I luv U so much.

think- ago

Awww.....that's sweet!! xoxo

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I read everything.

srayzie ago

So annoying. I can’t stand SoberSecondThought. I sure as heck wouldn’t partner with him.

think- ago


think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: please see comment above. :-)

jangles ago

This is good shit. Honesty goes a long way, keep up progress and try not to feed the pigs along the way.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for the ping.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. Not trying to cause drama. Just addressing this person who keeps saying crazy things. I pinged everyone I addressed. :)

Gothamgirl ago

No worries, and Happy Holidays to everyone on here.

srayzie ago

You too!

twistedmac11 ago

Thanks for the ping.

srayzie ago

This shows me that you don’t know anything about me at all.

Only this time you are targeting @EsotericShade while wrongly claiming they are @SchlongKeyhote like you wrongly claimed many others were someone named "Sarah".

I have never accused ESOTERIC of being Donkey. Just because I am a mod here, doesn’t mean that I have the same views about every single thing others do.

Esotericshade and I were friends. If he’s involved in your group, then I guess that changes things. Maybe we’re both being played. But, it doesn’t change my opinion of him being Donkey so stop spreading disinfo about me.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not a part of any "group" and I never have been. I doubt there is a "group."

TrustTheTruth ago







srayzie ago


You don’t even know what many of us know. All you do is type nonsense.

srayzie ago

I am not going to discuss Sarah. Her and her bots leave me alone when I leave them alone.

Omg, I would love to know why Q was created. Please tell me how YOU GUYS are the reason behind all these things! 😂

TrustTheTruth ago

We exposed a network of Global Criminal Corruption and extensive cover-up linked with top levels across both parties, elite families, government agencies, NGOs, churches, service clubs, corporations, associations, and secret societies who were part of a Coalition to implement the Real Agenda beyond 21 / 2030 using The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

This is not a game, a LARP a hoax, or conjecture. It is all based on DIRECT REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. You have no idea of the Sacrifices and Risks involved. Jenny Moore is not the only one who was slandered, threatened, attacked and murdered for Knowing The Truth.

We have no interest in subscribers, or likes, or votes, or money. They are all meaningless. The Truth is All That Matters.

We are the reason for the mayors and many others involved resigning. We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting involving Lynch, the Clintons and Paul Ryan. We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. We are the reason why Chris Kutcher backed out of the I-94 Project after being Exposed. We are the reason why Q was created in order to discredit the citizen investigation into Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and to Hide The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know. We are the reason why George Sweigart started his series and why he deleted his first 50+ videos and many others. We are the reason why Trump closed "The Deal" to the public. We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.






Do you know who the Pilgrims Society, Sphinx Head Society, and Ninth Circle Satanic Cult are?

Shizy ago

Do you have a link to that?

I won't hold my breath 😂

argosciv ago

Boy you sure have some fucking nerve to be including me in your deliberately over-sized ping list, conveniently out of range for a notification... 12/12/2018 6:19:09 AM UTC

Under absolutely no circumstances imaginable, am I affiliated or grouped with any motherfucker there. But of course, you know that, don't you?

That's why you tried getting my attention a month ago, when I denounced disinfo. No doubt, your mentioning my name in this thread is also due to my deciding to comment here recently. Have you been paying attention? I'm sure you have; I'm sure you've noticed a particular lack of opposition towards me from those you accuse of targeting me.

Must really irk you.

Indeed, it begs the question why you would say that they're targeting me... couldn't possibly be because you and everyone else in your list(+ others [a, b]) were involved in the efforts to turn pizzagate users and mods against me, could it? and less than an hour later came this.

You know full well that it's not the mods targeting me.


Don't pretend you didn't notice that the tide changed on your little anti-argosciv narrative. Did you happen to catch this one too, from @Crensch in his hilarious 'ES-intro'?:

I'll make it easy for you, emphasis added by me.

"On my alts, I admit to manipulating votes and threatening other users with my doing so, while on my main username, I act like I'm completely unfazed by all of my bullshit being put on display. I'm really just a low IQ Jew that thinks doubling down is always the best move - along with snorting meth; definitely the best move on that last one."

Absorb the context of this: The comment emphasized in the above quote, was made 3 months ago. The comment quoted was made 2 months ago. Your attempt to get my attention again was 1 month ago...

Also relevant:

Have you any idea what's been happening in the background? I bet it's really starting to sink in now.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that this12/13/2018 3:01:12 PM UTC and this12/13/2018 7:01:10 PM UTC happened a little over a day after you included me in your list...

Oh and what is this?

Amazing how hard you tried to make everyone think that you're not [LA]RP[ing], ES...

This one really aged well when contrasted with the above 2, didn't it?:

Hey, ES, remember that time you threatened me via private message using your RP account? You're so very lucky I deleted the message. It gives you the perfect opportunity to deny doing it, but, you're surely not a liar, are you?

Doesn't matter, though, you went to the effort of stalking me in public comments too:


Here's a little something for Crensch:

"Hi, my name's ESOTERICshade, aka rarepeeks. I like to call Crensch an 'internet bully' on my ES account, but I'll tell people on the internet that I'm hopeful that they will kill themselves 'very soon', on my RP account"

So let's back it up for a minute and get back to what I was saying about you being involved with pitting your listed users against me.

Did you ever bother to research Racine @think-?


Oh, but I did.

Roping me into that turned out to be a very bad idea, didn't it? Dumbest hide-in-plain-sight ever, I guess you weren't betting on me looking in the places that I did and seeing the things that I did...

What happened when I took things in my own direction, based on my own work rather than buying into your bullshit narrative and flavor words?

Out came the brigade you had waiting in the wings - why? Because it dawned on you that I was seeing what you thought was obfuscated to the point of being impossible to discern.

We are not a regular person. Ask George Sweigart. He is more Afraid of The Truth than any of you. WE ARE MORE THAN ONE PERSON AND KNOW MORE THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED.

On the subject of hiding in plain sight, throwing your boy, George Webb, under the bus, is entirely transparent. But I won't waste any time on that, nor your constant bloviation about Jem777 and trying to gaslight @Vindicator, @srayzie and others with regards thereto.

So, who [else] is "we"?

Of course, no hide-in-plain-sight play is complete without some faux arguments between the participants, in order to create an illusion of there being no connected effort:

Let's remind everyone of another faux argument and attempt to get my attention, shall we? Brings another user back into focus too for trying to pass themselves off as a potential friendly.

And here's just a little bonus because I know it'll piss you off and make you prattle on about "false prophets":

If you think for even a moment that it isn't plainly obvious why you mentioned my name(like the last two who did [1a, 1b, 2]) and that I don't belong in your list, you are sorely mistaken.

If you think I haven't been paying close attention to a lot of things here and abroad, you are again, sorely mistaken. I know that you and your crew's antics aren't restricted to v/pizzagate or even Voat, too.


Despite all of your efforts, your attempt to have me ostracized from here did not work. Go ahead and brigade me again, I'm sure you've been itching to. Show everyone how much you hate me for seeing through your bullshit.

^ No, I'm not gogogogostop nor did I even upvote their comments. Someone else did, though. While it has been tempting for me to create an alt, I have decided against it so far, which is more than can be said for others...

So, as you can see, I've had enough of your shit, TrustTheTruth. Your entire charade is transparent as fuck and you have demonstrated beyond all doubt that you are affiliated with those who have been brigading me and indeed likely one of the main culprits via any number of the listed accounts and/or accounts not listed.

You and your "we" gang can go fuck yourselves.

I don't doubt that you'll collectively react with an unprecedented amount of aggression, downvoting, repetition of talking points/flavor words and probably even worse. Of course, doing so will only validate everything I've said, though.

cc: @kevdude

TrustTheTruth ago

















Shizy ago

Ooohhhhhh, an all caps reply! @agrosvic must have hit a nerve with your lying faggot ass 🖕🏻.

TrustTheTruth ago


Shizy ago

I know what's been shown about him. I have gone rounds with this guy and don't like him. That doesn't dismiss the fact that he destroyed you with his comment!

srayzie ago

Look at your comment history! You lie and deceive people using the word of God!

srayzie ago



Which one is the lie?

TrustTheTruth ago

You are desperate and in panic mode because you have been Exposed.

They all saw what happened with Jenny, and how you slandered her and Betrayed her as Judas Betrayed Jesus both before and after she died.

We do Trust @Carmencita more than any others Here. She never claimed to know everything, and she Never Betrayed The Truth. You attacked her and called her unspeakable names.

They do not know everything, but they all know WHO SHARED THE TRUTH HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING.




Do you Support Agenda 21 and 2030?

Do you Endorse The Mark of the Beast?

Do you know what 5G+ AI, Singularity and Transhumanism are?

Do you know what the result of Hillary's model for Community Policing is?

Do you want to be Enslaved for Eternity?








Shizy ago

Nope. Pretty sure Jesus is the lion too. At least that is what the Bible says. But I'm sure you knew that...

Revelation 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

TrustTheTruth ago


Jesus was The Lamb.

The Truth is The Lion.

You do not Know The Truth.

Your wicked Lies and Betrayal are the work of the Army of Satan.

“Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced Him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him” (Revelation 1:7).

"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof" (Revelation 5:5).

"I saw the beast, the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army" (Revelation 19:19).

“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:30).


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#14640) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Shizy ago

So I guess you're gonna ignore the Bible passage I sent you about Jesus being the Lion who destroys the wicked? You'd think someone who is fighting against pedos as hard as you are would love that passage. Weird???!!

TrustTheTruth ago

We answered with related passages to help you understand the meaning.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way. Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

What was The Truth shared Here since The Beginning?

What are Satan's Ability and The Mark of the Beast?

Why didn't you ever research anything about Racine, Wisconsin and what happened to the past mayors and officials, or the I-94 Project, or Curt Johnson and SC Johnson, Cargill, Diversey, Sealed Air, Dow, DuPont, Bayer, Monsanto, Abbott, Epic, Foxconn, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Art in Embassies, Uranium One, Milwaukee 7, Majestic 12, Strangite, Voree Plates, Tim Dolan, Marquette Mafia, Dominicans, Siena Center, Resilient Communities, Smart Cities, Three Square Market, the Sphinx Head Society, the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, Rotary International, the Knights of Pythias, and the Pilgrims Society?

These are only the beginning of what is connected.






srayzie ago

I just got done taking a bubble bath 🛀
SO PANICKED. This freak is ruining your reputation here even more @Carmencita. I can’t believe that you deal with this group.

TrustTheTruth ago

@Carmencita Knows and Believes in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You mock Jesus Christ and The Truth, and you bathe in LIES and SIN.

You Betrayed Jenny Moore and The Truth as Judas Betrayed Jesus.

The Truth was Shared Here Since The Beginning.

Carmencita was The First to Recognize The Truth, and Never Betrayed The Truth even in the face of deception and persecution.

Carmencita never claimed to know everything, but She Knows Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You mock and attack her and others for Sharing The Truth and Doing What is Right.

You lash out and swing wildly, make false accusations, lie, slide, mock, deceive, coddle, gangstalk, downvoat, censor, ban, dox, and threaten all who Know or Share The Truth.

You do not know what happened when Jenny Moore return to Voat.

You do not know what happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

You do not know what happened with Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Loretta Lynch, and others involved.

You do not know The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.


This is The Parousia.


srayzie ago

@Carmencita do you have a voice in this? Or are you now controlled by a psychotic religious bot?

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Kevdude

TrustTheTruth ago

We are not a bot. We are not psychotic. This is just another one of your ad hominem lies and attacks, because you have been Exposed in your agenda to Hide The Truth.

We are not "Sarah" as you wrongly claimed. We have Shared The Truth here since The Beginning.

We know what happened to Jenny Moore, @Jem777. We know what happened to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt. We are The Witness to The Deal Trump made.


You can lie, slander, attack, name call, downvoat, cry for backup, flair, slide, censor, ban, deceive, threaten and persecute all you want.

@Carmencita Knows The Truth, and She Knows you are lying again.

We do not turn the other cheek. We will not stand for your LIES and Betrayal, or your mockery of Jesus Christ and The Truth.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Q was created.

It is no coincidence that you are the moderator of the Fake Q Great Awakening.

Q is a False Prophet. Trump is a Fake Savior.

This is the Real Awakening.

Jesus was The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

What I would like to know is this if this crazy nut job is with you....

I wonder why paid shill @Thisistotallynotme sent me private messages in October demanding I give him links about Jem777, or he was going to put on his prosecutors hat and we would get to play “Arbitral Tribunal.” Less than a week later, he tells me that I’m involved in a Conspiracy to Cover Up Murder.

How about you The All Knowing @Carmencita. Do you know?

MolochHunter ago

See, @TrustTheTruth , fucknuckle

If you were an honest broker of the truth, and not an ego maniac wanker, you would simply :

  • stick to one account

  • write up a post that says 'I believe Trump cut a deal '

  • this is the deal, and here is my evidence

  • discuss in good faith / present counter evidence / arguments, and engage

thats how people go about the business of sharing Pizzagate information

but thats not how you do business. You do a whole bunch of shitty bad-faith malarkey. So I dont believe your narrative

if you want me to believe your narrative, CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE AND METHODS

TrustTheTruth ago















Shizy ago

You're annoying as fuck and haven't been banned! If the mods are so "corrupt" and "censoring the truth", how do you explain that?

think- ago


Ah, ok. So your initial account (or several) got banned here, right? So what was your alt at the time?

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

TrustTheTruth ago

We Shared The Truth Here since The Beginning.

We are not Alone.

Jenny Moore was not the only one who was slandered, censored, lied about, Betrayed, banned, threatened, attacked, tortured and murdered for Knowing The Truth.

@RIPJem was one of the other accounts banned.

Why was @RIPJem banned, and who did it?

Who created Hit Pieces slandering, attacking and lying about Jenny Moore and everyone who stood up for Jenny Moore and Truth both before and more despicably after she died?

Who attacked those who Knew The Truth about what happened with Jenny Moore and Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

Who received death threats on Voat and why?

What Moderators also made threats including doxxing and thinly veiled death threats against those who Know The Truth?

Why Betrayed Jenny Moore, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and The Truth?

Who censored, attacked, mocked, lied about, wrongly accused and ultimately BANNED @RIPJem?

Who implemented a new flair system that backfired and quickly had to be reverted?

Who wrongly accused many others of being "Sarah" in order to portray themselves as a victim?

Who has gangstalked and downvoted The Truth particularly since Jenny Moore returned to Voat and more after she died?

Who called long-time researchers and those who Knew The Truth such as @carmencita unspeakable names for Sharing The Truth?

What happened with SoberSecondThought?

What happened with @Oh_Well_Ian when he found The Truth on 8chan?

Who Exposed The ROOT of All Evil and the model for the Real Agenda beyond 21 / 2030 with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing?

Who Exposed the moderators and others so desperate to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?




Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Shizy ago

Jesus is the lamb AND the lion.

Did your head just explode????

think- ago

Who implemented a new flair system

I suggested to introduce a period of grace for submitters when I was a normal user before I became a mod. I felt submitters should have the chance to edit their submissions, so they wouldn't just get deleted, but could stay.

While I suggested an edit period of half an hour, it was @Vindicator who suggested to flair for 24 hours, so that users would have more time to edit. That was hardly something anyone would do who wants to suppress 'the truth', as you insinuate.

...that backfired and quickly had to be reverted?

The flair system never got reverted. Just another one of your lies.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

TrustTheTruth ago



See the link below.

The Mods targeted specific Community Members who all knew that @Srayzie @Shizy @Crensch and @Vindicator and others were lying after they created slanderous hit pieces about Jenny Moore after she was Murdered for Sharing The Truth in order to attack, dox and discredit her and anyone who stood up for Jenny and The Truth.

Why do the Mods stalk, target and brigade downvotes in order to Hide and Silence The Truth?

Why did Srayzie ban RIPJem on the Great Awakening?

Why did Srayzie and others wrongly accuse RIPJem of being "Sarah" and "an advanced bot"?

What was the "Rule" used to ban RIPJem?


What happened when @SoberSecondThought ran a series of hit pieces full of lies targeting @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt? Did the mods enforce the rules?

Why was the post deleted when @Oh_Well_Ian found The Truth on 8chan?






Why are you so quick to spread more lies in an attempt to discredit The Truth without knowing what really happened?

Look at the link below - What do you @think- happened to all of the deleted comments? Whose comments were deleted and why?





Gothamgirl Flair Discussion (pizzagate)

submitted 4 months ago by Crensch


Shizy ago

😂Afraid of what? No ones afraid. Except you maybe.

TrustTheTruth ago














Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

P.S.: You still haven't told me what the other alts were that got banned here. Or were you never banned from v/pizzagate at all? Waiting.... :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

think- ago

Why are you so quick to spread more lies in an attempt to discredit The Truth without knowing what really happened?

I know that you didn't get banned from v/pizzagate, and I was able to proof it. I know the edit flairs were not reverted as you claimed. I got attacked by u/SecondSoberThought, instead of siding with him, as you claimed.

That's what I pointed out - your lies.

Be a man, and at least stand by your lies, will you? :-) :-) :-)

TrustTheTruth ago

Maybe you should read everything again.

Do you know who Jenny Moore returned to Voat to meet with and what happened?


Is Srayzie a mod of Pizzagate and GreatAwakening?


Did Srayzie ban RIPJem from GreatAwakening and attempt to also ban RIPJem from Pizzagate, and proceed to stalk, deceive, slander, mock, lie about, wrongly claim several users including RIPJem were "Sarah", partner with other mods to try implementing a flair system, hide and censor comments, delete their own comments when exposed, and stalk, downvote, lie about and slander anyone else who stood up for Jenny Moore and The Truth?


Were multiple hit pieces full of lies allowed and endorsed by mods targeting @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, @Jem777, @RIPJem (trying to associate those accounts with @GothamGirl and falsely claiming that Jem777, RIPJem, GothamGirl and others were all "Sarah"), and again now targeting @EsotericShade and anyone else who even know PART OF THE TRUTH SHARED HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING?


You can start back here at The Beginning.



Shizy ago

@TrustTheTruth is a massive hypocrite! He/she rambles on and on and on about certain users, who he's never even met, but knows without a doubt that they are trustworthy? He knows equally as much about Srayzie, you, me and all the other pizzagate mods, but is completely convinced we're all bad? A normal person doesn't think like that.

This is all a big fiction this person has created and they're pushing their creepy story for attention. It's really sad when people have mental health issues and no life!

TrustTheTruth ago






No. You Don't.

Do you know who did George say was "the nicest guy in the world"?

Or who George said "had the drop" on him?

Or why George deleted the end of his video on 11/1 where he claims he never needed help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

Or who George said should be sent to the Maldives and why?

We worked with Paul Ryan, Chuck Grassley, Paul Wellstone, and many other top level officials and executives in real life.

Do you know why Paul Ryan resigned?

Do you know why Paul Wellstone was murdered?

We exposed Global Criminal Corruption across both parties and directly linked to the most powerful families, companies and secret societies in the world.

We Shared The Truth since The Beginning.

Do you know what Jenny believed that George does not?


We exposed The ROOT of All Evil and the Real Agenda with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing before Pizzagate and Q ever existed.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting between Clinton, Lynch and Paul Ryan to cover up criminal RICO investigations linked to the Clinton Foundation and most powerful families in the world who are involved in child rape and abuse and integral in the system of Global Criminal Corruption.

We are the reason why Q was created to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?




You won't find The Truth on a YouTube channel, or a Patreon page, or a GoFundMe account.





You are a FAKE CHRISTIAN who worships a False Prophet and Fake Savior, and by mocking Jesus Christ and The Truth, your soul is IRREDEEMABLE.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago


You haven’t shown that you know anything! You just tell us that you do. You’ve never proven anything.

TrustTheTruth ago

You wouldn't be so worried, stalking, flailing, name calling, downvoting, censoring, sliding and banning if you thought it wasn't THE TRUTH.

We are not "Sarah" or an advanced bot as you desperately tried to get people to believe.






No one else in The World has Shared The Truth.

Racine is the Model for Community Policing, Smart Cities with 5G+8K AI, Resilient Communities, Global Education Reform, Prison Labor Reform, Sanctuary Cities, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, The Mark of the Beast, and the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement.

It is not a coincidence why Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and an alarming number of other officials and executives in the area have resigned under allegations of criminal corruption, racketeering, money laundering, fraud, embezzlement, rigged development deals, kickback schemes, vote and election rigging, extortion, bribery, blackmail, abuse, trafficking, misconduct, retaliation, child pornography, child rape, assault, and murder.

It is not a coincidence why Trump closed "The Deal" to the Public, and who he reserved a Front Row Seat for.

The Weak Link in the entire chain of command that controls every aspect of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

It surely wasn't you that exposed how they legitimized the Art in Embassies program, or how Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics. It wasn't you that exposed their connections to The Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Department of Defense, Clinton Foundation, Rotary International, Boy Scouts, FLDS, Scientology, OTO, Kabbalah, Marquette Mafia, Dominicans and so many other groups involved.

The Truth has been Shared Here since The Beginning.

You either know that Q is a False Prophet and a Fraud, and that Trump is a Fake Savior, or you are a Fool who has Mocked and Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth to your own Eternal Demise.

What you have done is Unforgivable.


Shizy ago


That's probably the only accurate statement you've ever made!

@srayzie @think-

think- ago


srayzie ago

This must be a bot?

@Think- Vindicator @MolochHunter Kevdude Crensch

Shizy ago

Let's see.

@TrustTheTruth spell backwards backwards??!

srayzie ago

Good thinking!

TrustTheTruth ago







Backwards backwards is spelled FORWARD.

Shizy ago

You're the one lying about being banned from subs so you can play the victim. That screams of desperation bro!

think- ago

think- ago

think- ago

Why do the Mods stalk, target and brigade downvotes in order to Hide and Silence The Truth?

Unlike your friend u/EsotericShade, the mods don't downvote brigade, and when they - as individuals - downvoat occasionally, they don't use alts, unlike u/EsotericShade = u/rarepeeks = u/dragonkiller = u/IPointOutTrolls = ....

When you lie, I downvoat you, when you are actually writing something useful, I don't. I never asked anyone to downvoat you.

And @srayzie hardly ever downvoats or upvoats anyone IIRC.

What kind of whining pussy are you, @TrustTheTruth?! I never count my downvoats. I don't even know how much downvoats I got.

think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: please see my reply above. Thanks. :-)

think- ago


101 Alinsky much?? :-) :-)

I caught you lying three times today.

1) You were not banned from v/pizzagate

2) The edit flairs were not reverted.

3) The mods didn't side with u/SecondSoberThought, they called him out. He attacked me viciously.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

TrustTheTruth ago


@Srayzie is a corrupt mod on both Pizzagate and GreatAwakening who Betrayed Jenny Moore @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

Srayzie wrote a despicable hit piece to slander, discredit, dox and lie about Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after it was widely known and reported that Jenny was Murdered when neither could post to defend themselves. Initially the mods claimed Jenny was not @Jem777. Then they claimed she was not dead. Then they claimed she was a CIA disinformation agent. Then they claimed she was a stalker named "Sarah". They they claimed she was crazy.

Then they claimed that they stood up for @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt when that is an outright lie.


@RIPJem exposed Srayzie and others mods' lies and manipulation on Pizzagate and on GreatAwakening, and both her and @Shizy banned RIPJem from GreatAwakening, and also tried a number of lies, false accusations, and tricks to get RIPJem banned on Pizzagate also. They stalked and downvoted to limit account and posting functionality in order to Hide The Truth from the entire community.


Day 12: Some concluding thoughts on Milwaukee recount, Glenn Beck whistleblower episode, Ryan/Pence smear campaign, sockpuppets and all that submitted 1.1 years ago by SoberSecondThought


Im sorry to say this, but Jem777 was a limited hangout. I have screenshots and video to prove it. (pizzagate) submitted 4 months ago by srayzie


Gothamgirl Flair Discussion (pizzagate) submitted 4 months ago by Crensch



@Carmencita @Fogdryer @Piscina @DeathToMasonASAP and others have also been targeted separately.




think- ago

...and also tried a number of lies, false accusations, and tricks to get RIPJem banned on Pizzagate also.

Not true. u/RIPJem never did any posts on v/pizzagate, so there was no reason to ban the user. Paranoid much?!

And the account indeed got never banned, as can be seen in the v/pizzagate ban log.

Bye-bye, u/TrustTheTruth - I'm really disappointed, I must say. Caught you with four lies today! :-(

1) You were not banned from v/pizzagate

2) The edit flairs were not reverted.

3) The mods didn't side with u/SecondSoberThought, they called him out. He attacked me viciously.

4) @Srayzie and @Shizy never tried to get you banned from v/pizzagate.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Well done think-!

think- ago

Thanks, @Shizy.

think- ago

think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: And the show goes on....

think- ago


Ok, @TrustTheTruth. I already caught you lying three times today, I'm on a roll. :-) :-)

So - please provide evidence that any of the v/pizzagate mods issued 'DEATH THREATS AGAINST @JEM777 AND @WISCONSIN_IS_CORRUPT?'.

With links, please. :-)

P.S.: And while you at it, you can add an explanation why you keep spreading lies. Because none of us ever issued any 'death threats' against the users above.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: u/TrustTheTruth started his shift! :-). Please see my comment above.

think- ago

@Shizy @kevdude: Please see my comment above.

Shizy ago

I didn't know that was you two who came up with the 24 hour grace period! I do love that though. It was a good policy to implement.

But you're both still corrupt murderers who censor the truth 😂!

think- ago

I didn't know that was you two who came up with the 24 hour grace period!

Yes!! It was me who asked to please introduce a period of grace, although it cracks me up now that I suggested a time of only 30 minutes!! Haha. :-)

When @Vindicator suggested to try a period of 24 hours, I wasn't sure whether that would work. But it turned out be great!! I love that too, although it means more work for us mods.

But you're both still corrupt murderers who censor the truth 😂!

I think we must do something right when people resort to slanders like this. :-)

think- ago

@RIPJem was one of the other accounts

Yes, we figured that out. 'One of the other accounts' - so what were your other accounts before you created u/RIPJem?

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

@RIPJem was one of the other accounts banned.

Why was @RIPJem banned, and who did it?

u/RIPJem wasn't banned at all from v/pizzagate.

Here's the ban log:

Show me where the ban is.

You just created a new account, because you had negative CCP. That's all.

u/RIPJem never did any posts on v/pizzagate, as shows, where deleted submissions are also listed.

We only ban for persistent disregard of submission rules or for comments posting child porn or doxxing info.

Gosh, for someone who calls themselves 'TrustTheTruth' you really tell too many lies.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

TrustTheTruth ago

We were banned from The Great Awakening as retaliation for Exposing Srayzie, Shizy and other corrupt mods on Pizzagate and the Great Awakening.


think- ago

Ah, ok. You were banned from another sub, but come here to v/pizzagate to bitch about it??

I mean, you accuse us Pizzagate moderators of banning you, while we never did.

Well, thanks then for acknowledging that you didn't get banned from v/pizzagate.


I did when I looked at the v/pizzagate banlog and were able to show that you were not banned here at all.

I thought you were THE TRUTH?! Obviously not, it seems.

So, we have checked the first of your alts that you claimed was banned here.

What were the your other accounts that got banned on v/pizzagate?

Or shall we assume that was a lie as well?

I'm all ears.... :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Think- you are on a roll. :-)

I would say this retard's narrative is collapsing...except it never held up in the first place. LMAO.

think- ago

;-) :-) :-)

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth has been Shared Here since The Beginning.

The Truth has been Shared long before The Great Awakening board was created.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy for All to Recognize.

Why can't @Jem777 post here anymore?

Why can't @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt post here anymore?

What happened when @Jem777 returned to Voat after she was banned from Pizzagate in a desperate attempt to find @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why were George Swiegart's videos so different from his thousands of others, why has he strategically deleted videos and parts of videos, and what has he said about Jenny Moore, Jesus Christ and The Truth?


What did @SoberSecondThought claim and who spread Lies and Made Threats against @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Do you really believe that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt is Tory Smith, @HighLevelInsider, and QAnon?

What happened to Tory Smith by the way?

What did SenateAnon say?

Who did Microchip claim was the Real Q on Gab?

Why did Microchip Repent?



The comment history is clear.

The voting history is clear.

The Great Awakening is part of The Great Deception to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

@Carmencita and @Fogdryer Recognized The Truth.

So have many others Here since The Beginning.




The Truth has been Shared long before Q existed.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. Look at the comments in the last post made there. You will find The Truth.

We are the reason why Q exists.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, John Dickert, Rahm Emanuel, Jim Comey, and so many others have resigned.

We are the reason why Trump closed "The Deal" to the public he called "the 8th Wonder of the World" and "the most incredible thing (he had) ever seen".

We exposed Global Criminal Corruption involving someone he reserved a Front Row Seat linked to the Clinton Foundation, Pilgrims Society, and UN Agenda 21 whose immediately family members accidentally confessed to years of child rape, torture and assault.

We are the reason why Podestas closed the firm, and why George Sweigart deleted his first 50+ videos.

Did you ever find out where Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics, or where Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd were Knighted?

Did you ever find out where the Majestic 12 were from, what America's Bellwether is, who the Dutch brotherhood and Marquette mafia are, how Tim Dolan worked with the Dominicans and an Interfaith Coalition, what the Voree plates are, why Uranium One needed approval, why Chris Kutcher backed out of the I-94 Project, who legitimized the Art in Embassies program, what Hillary's model for Community Policing and the result is, what the significance of ancient formations and civilizations in Wisconsin are, what roles Kutcher, Tom DeLonge, Travis Barker, Mike Shinoda, Lloyd Kaufman, Oliver Stone, Demi Moore, Caron Butler, Mark Wahlberg, Susan Sarandon, Willem Dafoe, Greta van Susteren, Mark Ruffalo, Kristin Bauer van Straten and other celebrities play in The Great Deception, or why Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan, Jim Comey and others personally obstructed criminal RICO investigations linked to the Clinton Foundation and the most powerful families in The World?

Only The Truth exposed The ROOT of All Evil, the Real Agenda beyond 21, the False Prophet Q, the Fake Savior Trump, The Great Deception, Satan's Ability, and The Mark of the Beast.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

Why were George Swiegart's videos so different from his thousands of others, why has he strategically deleted videos and parts of videos

Well, I guess you should ask him.

TrustTheTruth ago

You are getting desperate.

We Know why.

Even Isaac Green knows why.



Did you know Jenny Moore in real life?

Did you meet George in real life?

Who did George say was "the nicest guy in the world"?

What did George say happened?

Who did George say "had the drop" on him?

Who did George claim was "Jesus Christ"?

Have people you Know and Love been threatened, attacked, tortured or murdered for Knowing The Truth?








think- ago

You are getting desperate. We Know why. Even Isaac Green knows why.

Hilarious. So a guy called 'Isaac Green' knows me, but unfortunatly I don't know anyone by that name. And thank you, I'm fine. I've shown in my comments above that you lied 4 (!) times today. That's not bad, imo.

Thank you for the show. Highly entertaining I must say.



Ok, but if you want others to know, you maybe should just tell us why. Right?

You still haven't told me what other alts you used. Shall we assume that it is also a lie that your other alts got banned from v/pizzagate? C'mon TTT, tell us the TRUTH! Lol. :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day, honey.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

I just checked the banned log, and @TrustTheTruth is NOT banned from v/GreatAwakening either!

Did you mean your alts are banned? Care to share the names of your alts and I'd be happy to check to see if those are banned? But that would mean you have to admit to using alts to troll subverses. That wouldn't look good for this virtuous, holier than thou image you seem to think you're projecting so I doubt you will.

TrustTheTruth ago

Did you and Srayzie ban @RIPJem from v/GreatAwakening?


Did you initially request to other mods ffor @RIPJem to be banned from v/Pizzagate, and then ban @RIPJem from v/GreatAwakening because you weren't an official mod on v/Pizzagate?


Did you, Srayzie and other Pizzagate mods disgracefully and disturbingly write and comment on a post made by a mod on Pizzagate claiming that Jenny Moore was a disinformation agent linked to someone named "Sarah"?


Did you and other mods spread various claims that Jenny Moore was not @Jem777, did not die, was working with the CIA, lied about her past, never worked with or was qualified to work with abuse victims, was romantically involved with George Sweigart, and was crazy?


Was @Jem777 banned from v/Pizzagate?


Do you know who @Jem777 returned to Voat to meet with and Find The Truth after she had been banned and traveling with George Sweigart, and do you know what happened?


When @RIPJem Shared The Truth and disputed the Lies and despicable slander of Jenny Moore after she died, did you also stalk and downvote all other @RIPJem comments?


Did you or Srayzie wrongly accuse both @RIPJem and @GothamGirl of being someone "Sarah" without any evidence?


Did you push for and support a sudden implementation of a highly subjective flair system specifically targeting @RIPJem and stretching in a desperate attempt to connect @RIPJem with @GothamGirl?


Did you or other mods claim that @Jem777 AND @RIPJem AND @GothamGirl were all the same person named "Sarah"?


Did you delete many of your own comments in the process as you were EXPOSED for lying and manipulating the community in a desperate attempt to Hide The Truth?


Did you continue stalking, downvoting, name calling, doxxing, lying about, wrongly accusing, censoring, sliding, and targeting anyone else you believe may Know The Truth?




The Truth is Easily Recognizable to All.

Even the other mods should know by now that @Srayzie and @Shizy have abused their power to Lie, Deceive and Manipulate everyone. Not that @Crensch @Vindicator or @think- know any better.

@kingkongwaswrong @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @honeybee


Shizy ago

So you're admitting that you're @RIPJem?

No power has been abused. Mod logs enable transparency.

Your arguments fail in the face of logic, so you rely on being cryptic and emotional to try and convince people that you're important.

That's why most people consider manipulation and deception! But keep projecting faggot, maybe you'll be able to fool someone!

TrustTheTruth ago

George Sweigart and Q are two parts of the same Agenda to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

As a moderator of Pizzagate with the name think- you really don't know who Isaac Green is?

Is that merely ironic or a lie?

Isaac Green works for the same purpose as do Unirock, Defango, Jordan Sather, Robert David Steele, and and endless list of others.















Gothamgirl ago

Some of us do have an idea about what could've happened to Jem777.

think- ago

As a moderator of Pizzagate with the name think- you really don't know who Isaac Green is?

Is that merely ironic or a lie?

LOL - you really, really should stop assuming everybody else is lying, only because you do so constantly, honey.

Unlike you, I don't pretend to know everything and everyone, and don't have any problems admitting it. I don't have delusions of grandeur like you have.... :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago


@Think- is not a Q follower. It would make sense that she doesn’t know Isaac Green.

You always clump us all together as if we all have the same opinions. You’re a lying sack of shit.

TrustTheTruth ago

The irony of @think- being a moderator of Pizzagate, but not knowing who Isaac Green is sums up The Truth.

Even Issac Green admitted that Q is a Fake and False Prophet, yet neither Isaac nor Q are Trustworthy.

You are one of the mods trying to tell everyone how closely related Q and Pizzagate are, and you have attacked, stalked, slandered and downvoted anyone who exposed your Lies and The Great Deception Q is a part of.








srayzie ago

The irony of @think- being a moderator of Pizzagate, but not knowing who Isaac Green is sums up The Truth.

The irony of @TrustTheTruth judging everyone, lying about everyone and using Gods name to do it sums up the Truth. You’re hypocrite.

You’re either Jem who is alive and angry, a fricken nut job, or a paid shill. I didn’t even read your whole rant. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

@Shizy @Think-

TrustTheTruth ago


You are lying and flailing again in desperation to manipulate other mods and the community.

We are not @Jem777.

@Jem777 is not alive.

We are not "Sarah" either.

We are not an "advanced bot" as you also have claimed.

DO ANY OF THE OTHER MODS REALIZE HOW DESPERATE HER LIES HAVE BECOME? @PuttItOut @ben_matlock @kingkongwaswrong @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @honeybee



Jesus Christ and The Truth cannot be disputed.

You have partnered with The Army of Satan, and have Mocked and Betrayed Jenny Moore, Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You cannot answer any of the questions posed, and are DESPERATE TO HIDE THE TRUTH along with your lapdog @shizy.




Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

You’re a lying sack of shit.


TrustTheTruth ago

We do not Pretend.

We are not Delusional.

We Know more than you ever will.

We Know more than All of you combined.

There is nothing funny about your Foolish Ignorance and Betrayal of Jesus Christ and The Truth.














Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.


Shizy ago

No. You.

think- ago

Don't forget that you still have to post links to back up your claim that the v/pizzagate mods issues death threats.

Also, you still have to tell us which alts you used that allegedly got banned from v/pizzagate.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

srayzie ago

You’re like a broken record.


Ok you told us. Until you have facts, why don’t you just stop wasting our time?

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth will Echo for Eternity.






You Betrayed and Mocked @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

You Betrayed and Mocked Jesus Christ and The Truth.

All of your time is wasted forever.

You cannot be Saved.


Shizy ago


Just because you make a claim, doesn't mean it's a fact!

The words of a crazy person prove nothing! Post some evidence or piss off!

think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: please see comment above. Thanks. :-)

Vindicator ago

And only you care.


TrustTheTruth ago


There is nothing more Evil and Despicable than laughing about the Torture and Murder of others.

This was The Truth Shared -


This was the response from the moderator who banned @Jem777 -

Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 1 hour ago And only you care. LMAO

Jenny Moore died in August.

Vindicator thinks it is funny.


Who is telling The Truth, and who is desperate to Lie and Hide the Truth from The Community and The World?

Who is Good, and who is Evil?

Who Shares The Truth, and who Lies and calls other Good People unspeakable names?

Who has the power and control to manipulate the forum and narrative? Why would mods brigade hundreds of downvotes targeting The Truth?

Why would mods slander murder victims, gangstalk, downvote, delete posts and comments, slide, call names, mock, censor, wrongly accuse, flair, threaten, dox and ban community members who Knew The Truth?

Does everyone see how they work together to manipulate the community?

Does everyone see the Lies and Deception of the Army of Satan?

Remember when Srayzie wrote a malicious hit piece full of lies to discredit and slander Jenny Moore, and proceed to swing wildly claiming that several members including even Jenny Moore were all someone named "Sarah" to portray herself as some kind of victim after she was clearly exposed for her Lies? Here are a couple of examples - and




Some of you have been here long enough to Recognize The Truth. How many of you can be Trusted like @Carmencita can?


@Carmencita @Fogdryer @Piscina @DeathToMasonsASAP @EsotericShade @jangles @Asolo @darkknight111 @twistedmac11 @letsdothis3 @sospriceyhotdog @salvia_d @RichardWagner @FICTIONLREALITY @tanngrisnir @gothamgirl @swordfish69 @ZX4jBXu @3z4z5uu @dressage2 @Blacksmith21 @cc1914 @NOMOCHOMO @13579588? @21yearsofdigging @effyoujohnpodesta @matheasysolutions @honeybee @IsThisGameOfThrones

Does @PuttItOut Know The Truth yet?

Even @equineluvr @auralsects @donkeyhote @Are_we_sure and satan's friend @argosciv know who Shared The Truth since The Beginning.


Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Lampshadematerial comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#15802) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @argosciv.

Posted automatically (#14582) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

argosciv ago

Trying to associate me with a list of subversive cunts again, while pushing your shitty little narrative, are ya?

Tsk tsk.

Did you learn nothing from the last time you tried that?

You wait, I'll come back for you again soon...

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude @Shizy

TrustTheTruth ago

We know your Game and your Lies.


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @argosciv.

Posted automatically (#14585) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Shizy ago

Even @equineluvr @auralsects @donkeyhote @Are_we_sure and satan's friend @argosciv know who Shared The Truth since The Beginning

OMG are you serious with this shit?!? I can't stop laughing!

@srayzie @think- @MolochHunter @vindicator

think- ago

Even @equineluvr @auralsects @donkeyhote @Are_we_sure and satan's friend @argosciv know who Shared The Truth since The Beginning

So these are the guys you are friends with?! I see....

@Shizy @srayzie @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Crensch

think- ago

Apologies, @Shizy, I meant to post this as a reply to u/TrustTheTruth, not to you, lol.

I hope you figured that out already. ;-)

Shizy ago

Oh no, I knew what you meant. But thanks for clarifying!

auralsects ago

God women are so stupid.

Everyone can see that he mentions dozens of posters at random.

You just displayed how disingenuous you are for no reason.

All 3 of you dumb whores have contributed nothing original here in 2 fucking years because women lack the modicum of courage and self-confidence required to propose ideas.

And it will always be so.

Never forget what you are, cunts.

Shizy ago

women lack the modicum of courage and self-confidence required to propose ideas

You're right, were too "dur, doopid" to come up with the brilliant idea of trapping women in dungeons and gang raping them so they produce children to help solve the problem of fertility decline! 🤣

You're so smart for coming up with such an innovative idea donkey! Be proud of yourself that you're as smart as freaks like low IQ mexitard Ariel Castro who came up with the idea first 😂

@srayzie @think-

auralsects ago

thanks for joking about the impending demise of our white civilization you did nothing to create.

just proves my point that women need to be caged, muzzled, and pregnant , for the good of society.

argosciv ago


Fucking LOL!

Vindicator ago

LOL. I am laughing at you, not the "torture and murder of others". Your AI programmers need to work on your inability to discern contextual meaning.

Show me the evidence ANYONE was tortured and murdered. There is NONE!

The fact that you refuse to do this and just regurgitate this concern trolling diarrhea is all that anyone needs to know.

I have never lied. If I had, there would be evidence. The Removal logs clearly show that I have never "hid the truth". The claim is a joke on it's face.

WIC presented no evidence to support his claims. Jem777 presented no evidence to support her claims. You have presented no evidence for your inane claims. All you have done is spew vitriol, lie about mods banning people, make up shit and push a completely unsupported narrative from that Mossad YouTard no one takes seriously, George Webb.

You've tried to recruit survivors, mentally ill users like GothamGirl and kind, friendly folks like @Carmencita in a truly despicable attempt to lure them down rabbit holes to dig up scraps of evidence to support your mysterious Holy Grail. You've done it deliberately, knowing we have submission rules to prevent the disinfo and exploitation of our community, and then used the subsequent removals to try to turn users against the mod team.

You should be ashamed.

Recently, since the Jem psyop failed, you've turned to the ultimate fear-mongering concern troll claim "Freak Out!!!! It's the APOCOLYPSE!!!!!"

Well let me just point out what a pile of steaming horseshit that is.

In the first place, Jesus promised truth would not be hidden and commanded his disciples NOT to be afraid:

Jesus answered and said to him, “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him...“I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." John 14:23-27

We are not even to fear death:

While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue official’s house arrived and said, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?” Disregarding the message that was reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid; have faith.” Mark 5:35-36

Your fear-peddling in the name of Jesus is exactly the antithesis of what Jesus himself commanded and promised. As is your attempt to manipulate the gullible with obscure promises of "truth".

You boast and swagger:

We Know more than you ever will.

We Know more than All of you combined.









Jesus denounced the Pharisees who acted this way:

"Do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them. All their works are performed to be seen." Matt 23:3-5

And then there is your ultimate rape of the Gospel...




Yet Jesus told his disciples,

"And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day." John 6:39

And later affirmed in prayer to the Father,

"When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled." John 17:12

Only Satan claims there are irredeemable souls and some sins that cannot be forgiven. To claim so is to deny the infinite and glorious power of the Cross.

So I say to you, pusher of lies and empty claims, BE GONE.

Gothamgirl ago

Wtf? I am not mentally ill. I had a nervous breakdown once many months ago. I sit here and watch the mentally ill, destroy pizzagate, with childish stalking, stickies and flags, and I stay quiet.

TrustTheTruth ago


Only Pure Evil and The Army of Satan would laugh about Torture and Murder.

Only a Fool would Deny that Torture and Murder are Real, and Mock those who cannot speak for themselves.

Only a Soldier of Satan would Deny The Truth and Accept the Mark of the Beast.

You banned and Betrayed Jenny Moore, and you have Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.

@Carmencita Knows The Truth, and Knows Your Lies.

No one could dispute The Truth Shared since The Beginning.



Your Soul can die. Satan and Hell are Real. The Agenda is more Sinister than you could ever imagine.

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" (Matthew 16:26)

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

“The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.” (Ezekiel 18:20)

When you mock and Betray Jesus Christ and The Truth, and partner with the Army of Satan, you have Chosen your Fate.


What did Trump call "the 8th Wonder of the World" and what did he say is "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

Do you remember the dinner with Donald, Hillary and Tim Dolan?

Trump was given the chance to Repent, and instead he turned his back on Jesus Christ and The Truth.


"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21)

Vindicator ago

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exalts in God my savior, for He has looked with mercy on my lowliness...Yes, the Mighty One has done great things for me! Holy is His Name.

His Mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. He casts down the rulers from their thrones, but lifts up lowly." Luke 1:46-52

TrustTheTruth ago

All of that is True.


MolochHunter ago

and another thing, @TrustTheTruth

George Webb said James Pedosatanist Alefantis was a 'good guy'

disavow George Webb here and now or forever be associated with Alefantis Apologists

TrustTheTruth ago



George also said Hillary retire in the Maldives, and no one should go to jail.

We know why George is so far ahead of the news.

We know what roles Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Joe Napoli, and JK all played. They all failed.




Who did George say "was the nicest guy in the world"?

Who did George say "had the drop" on him?

Alefantis is linked to Racine through the Rothschilds, Art in Embassies, and through such other notables involved in Pizzgate and Global Criminal Corruption that no one would ever suspect: CARON BUTLER.

See who else attended The Young & The Guest along with Caron Butler, James Alefantis, Mae Podesta, Huma Abedin and Eric Braverman.

Why is Caron such close friends with Mark Wahlberg?

What religions do they each practice and what is the Global Interfaith Coalition?

Where did Caron go to prep school?

What is Prince Hall?

What is the model for Prison Labor Reform with Second Chance programs, and what is the Model for Global Education Reform from Cradle to Career?

What is the net result of Hillary's model for Community Policing and where is it?

Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainable Development?

Who ran Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in Wisconsin?

His sister, wife and daughter are also involved.

Do you know who Kristin Bauer van Straten is?

What roles does she take, almost exclusively?

What religion does she practice?

Why did Chris Kutcher back out of the I-94 project when he was Exposed?

How is John McCain linked to Chris Kutcher and the Pilgrims Society?




Vindicator ago

Do we have a link to that? That would be handy to have.

srayzie ago


Read thru this and then you tell me I’m lying about Jenny. Tell me she was truthful after contradicting herself several times.

I also find it funny that the same people always talking shit now are the ones that she told to go get Vindicator.

Do you need proof that Jem and Sarah were friends again? I’m happy to provide that for you if you want to continue spreading lies about that.

My post about Jem

Jems Private Tweets with me about Alefantis**

Dec 15th 2017, Jenny Moore (u/Jem777) says that James Alefantis and his CIA friend were following her and staring her down. She sent me a video she shot, showing a secret room off the Comet Ping Pong bathroom.

She said the following...

  • “James Alefantis followed me to Little Red Fox to stare me down.”
  • “I stared evil in the face.”
  • “James CIA buddy staring evil at me.”
  • “Inside the secret bathroom. Yes... It is behind a secret door.”
  • “James followed us with some other guy staring at us. Trying to intimidate us.“

Dec 16th, 2017, Jem makes a post on Voat describing Comet Ping Pong and more

Dec 17th 2017, George Webb’s version of events after visiting James Alefantis with Jenny Moore.

George Webb’s Tweet - Deleted

  • I am “pretty sure” I have never met him.
  • He is a good CIA guy in my opinion.
  • Comet Ping Pong is all about compromise.
  • He is playing a role of a sex predator at CIA.
  • I am not saying they don’t use children to compromise foreign government officials.
  • Good actor. Good CIA man.

Dec 17th 2017, Jenny Moore’s story changes after George Webb’s Tweets


  • He (Webb) went to JA (James Alefantis) buddy and asked directly for his autograph if he was JA.
  • It was hilarious because George Webb’s size startled them.
  • James Alefantis was scared like a little boy and him and his buddy skipped out the back.
  • James Alefantis is a “Finder.”

Dec 22 2018, after I confronted Jenny Moore about George Webb having a different story than she did, and saying James Alefantis was a good CIA guy, the story she told my previously completely changed.


  • I was there.They did have a conversation in a way.
  • He (James Alefantis) was following and watching “us” with his CIA buddy.
  • They were dumbfounded and looked frightened... denied then took off out the back.
  • It became obvious once inside it is different than it seems.
  • They are all front companies.
  • James showed up and followed so George Webb confronted them asking if they were James Alefantis. They lied.
  • The secret bathroom is not what it seems.
  • I could not get past the ping pong tables to the back.
  • There is no basement in the building.
  • (The bathroom) I mean it’s not a secret to another room.
  • I went everywhere except part of the kitchen.

TrustTheTruth ago

On top of shamefully slandering and lying about someone after they died, the underlying premise of your entire attack is based on an endless list of Lies.


You Betrayed @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

Instead of admitting The Truth, you have only dug deeper with more Lies, Manipulation and Deception.




Jenny was not "Sarah" or friends with "Sarah". Jenny disagreed with Sarah about Jesus Christ, and only listened to Sarah's story because she believed that she may have been a survivor who had been traumatized and mind-controlled.

Jenny never Lied to You. She was a whistleblower. She was assaulted. She was worried about her safety. She only Trusted George to a degree because she had to.

Jenny never claimed to Know Everything, but She Believed in Jesus Christ, and she Knew The Truth.

We are not "Sarah" or friends with "Sarah". Sarah does not Know Jesus Christ and The Truth, or anything about Racine. If anything she is here to Hide The Truth.


Otherwise your ridiculous and slanderous assumptions are based on deception and imagination as you claim they must be connected because they posted about similar words such as "RACINE".

Jenny knew she could not fully Trust George.

Even in your example about Comet, Jenny knew that James Alefantis was Evil and should be held accountable for his crimes. She did not give free passes as George did.

George was worried about lawsuits, but also is compromised and part of a much bigger deception.

The more time Jenny spent with George the more she understood his role.

Then Jenny returned to Voat.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt had an argument with George and proved that George was a Liar with an Agenda to Hide The Truth.

Jenny knew that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Always Shared The Truth.

You claimed:

She was always defensive of George Webb. ALWAYS.

You are wrong.

She did not agree with George on MANY things.

Like Jesus Christ and The Truth, and Pizzagate, and Agenda 21, and Donald Trump, and Obama, and Hillary going to the Maldives and not being held accountable for her crimes.

You claimed:

She didn’t like me until I went thru a period of liking him too. I think she knew him all along. I think she was working with George Webb.

Jenny was not "working with George Webb all along". She knew of him like everyone else as he started making daily videos.

Jenny didn't like you or trust you either. She trusted @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

You claimed:

So on the same night after going to Comet ping pong, we had a conversation about George Webb. You can see how happy she was being with him. I wondered if they were a couple.

They were not a couple. Jenny had Trust issues with George, and those proved to be well-founded as she was fighting with his girlfriends before she ended up dead.

It was not a love triangle. Jenny was worried about her safety. She was brave. That didn't mean she wanted to die.

Jenny and George began falling out over what happened with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt - not about Mike Flynn.

You are attempting to smear Jenny and align her with both "Sarah" and George Sweigart as if they all believed the same thing.

They did not.

One key area they did not agree on was Religion.



Jenny knew that Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

She made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Sharing The Truth.



srayzie ago

Proof that Jenny Moore (u/Jem777) and Sarah were friends.

My Post about Sarah

My Comments showing that Jem and Sarah were friends

PM’s with Jem about Sarah.

Jem and I discussed Sarah thrust private messages.

Jenny Moore’s statements...

  • I have known her from the beginning.
  • She is the Holy Grail handles but has 50 plus aliases.
  • Her name is Sarah Podesta.
  • She hacked Tavistock and Church of England.
  • I have talked to her for over a year.

Jenny Moore talks about “Sara Podesta” in the comment section.


Jem and Sarah talked and pinged each other so much, that a Chatbots list had Jem’s name on it.

The list of bots associated with this user:

Jem777 and 777mej < Appears to be real accounts, but there's always one of the other bots welcoming him back whenever he posts in a thread. And many of them seem to ping him whenever a certain buzzword is said ( not sure about that list ).

Proof Jenny Moore liked George Webb

argosciv ago

Here's another juicy one to sink your teeth into.

From your comment a little while back, srayzie:

u/Fogdryer is an alt of someone.

^ Notice the pronoun used is "she"

Now, according to u/RIPJem(who is very clearly u/TrustTheTruth or otherwise connected to them):

Pings removed, emphasis my own.

Carmencita and Fogdryer is the only one who can seem to answer any of them. Why is that?

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

Lol good eye

TrustTheTruth ago

Why are you suddenly attacking @Carmencita and @Fogdryer after all these years?

Why did the moderators suddenly attack @Carmencita and @Fogdryer after all these years?


Even the Corrupt moderators know that @argosciv openly endorses Satan.

Even the Corrupt moderators know @argosciv never researched Racine and were only Hiding The Truth with Lies and Garbage.

@Crensch even made a post about it here:

Even the Corrupt moderators know that @Carmencita and @Fogdyer are not the same person.

Is this part of a malicious attempt to dox @Carmencita and @Fogdyer like others were doxxed, threatened, attacked and murdered?

What did @SoberSecondThought Lie about while protected by known Liars and Corrupt moderators? Who did they say was Q? Why?


Who knows that Q is a False Prophet?

Only a Fool trying to deceive and manipulate others would base their entire argument on an obvious grammatical error.

Both @Carmencita and @Fogdyer know more than you ever will, and they both know WHO SHARED THE TRUTH HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING.


Why won't you Repent, Denounce both Evil and Satan, and Accept Jesus Christ and The Truth?

srayzie ago

Why did the moderators suddenly attack @Carmencita and @Fogdryer after all these years?

You have destroyed @Carmencita’s reputation. You are a fricken whack job and speak as if she’s an angel. I would rather you NOT like me. That doesn’t mean LIE about me. I wouldn’t want YOU representing me. That way people see that I am in no way associated with you. I could argue and say that Carmencita’s being dragged into this. But, I’ve pinged her, and she won’t even come out and defend herself. Therefore, until she replies and tells me otherwise, I see her as a nut job like you. As I have already proven, Fagdryer uses an alt.

What did @SoberSecondThought Lie about while protected by known Liars and Corrupt moderators?

ANOTHER LIE. I have never got along with @SoberSecondThought. I proved he’s a whack job. He accuses a dead man of being a bunch of people, including Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

SoberSecondThought made a post accusing Tory Smith, a dead man, of being other people, including @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

This was my reply. I stood up for Wisconsin is Corrupt.

Let me first say that I have not been one that has looked into Racine. But have seen many here who have. However, I see that certain people have struck a nerve with you. I don't recall reading posts from HLI. I don't think he's a regular here. I do see WIC post here often. This is what stands out to me. You are trying very hard to discredit @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

What this says to me is that someone is trying very hard to take some heat off of Racine. If anything, this whole "series" makes me think that MAYBE THERE IS something about Racine that people should look at more closely. I never put a lot of thought into Racine before. But this has changed my mind.

Here I say that WIC seems to know what he’s talking about, and that I wasn’t even following Racine.

I don't follow the whole Racine thing. But from threads I've been on where I see his comments, he seems to know what he's talking about.

I continued arguing with SoberSecondThought, and even pinged WIC here.

Show me where I protected SoberSecondThought! I’ve never even had a problem with Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt!

Let’s address how CORRUPT Vindicator is...

Here, you can see Jenny Moore say that three posters on this forum are eye witnesses that have been following Tavistock from the beginning, and Vindicator just banned one of them.

Hmmmm, I wonder why @Vindicator would ever do something like that. 🤔 Could it possibly be that he was banning one of over 50 Sara alts, who Jem said hacked Tavistock and Church of England?! The same person she’s talking about here. The same person accused of being chatbots that Jenny Moore was associated with. Oh wow! Jenny Moore even gave us this person’s name...Sarah Podesta.

You can clearly see that Jenny Moore tried to manipulate others into believing that Vindicator was wrong, when it is clear that he was banning her and “her friend” for a reason. But, even way back then, Jenny Moore had her groupies going after Vindicator for her.

Everything I have said, I have had proof to back it up. You’ve accused us of all kinds of sick things. If you want to continue lying and accusing us of things that are not true, then I will continue to prove you wrong. I don’t want to betray Jenny. I only revealed what was important for others to know, because even people that used to not like her were suddenly making Jenny a martyr. That always happens when people die. I didn’t want people to let their emotions cloud their view of the truth. I’ve said that I have a lot more. I don’t want to smear her name. Don’t push me to reveal more.

I have archived all my proof links and have them handy to copy and paste every time I see you repeat these lies. I’ll make sure others save them as well. Who do you think people will believe? My proof? Or your lying repetitive rants?

You tell us over and over that you guys know the truth, that we don’t, and that we need to repent. Not only that, but you use God as your weapon and mock Him. You disgust me.

It is your turn. Show us proof of all your claims. Read my proofs. Point out where I’m lying. The more you post, the better. You are giving us more lies to archive and use against you when needed.

srayzie ago

See Parent @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

See parent...

@Jangles @Carmencita @Fogdryer @Piscina

For those of you involved in all the drama and lies that TrustTheTruth continues to spread, here’s your chance to read more and decide for yourselves what the truth is.

I want to make it clear that I have been honest about everything I have said. I do have one regret. Timing. A few others knew the truth about Jem. @ESOTERICshade is who I confided in the most when I was investigating. He knew Jem was lying and wanted me to find out all I could as well. I began to feel pushed to make a post. Not be ES, but a couple of others that knew the truth. One told me that it was selfish of me to not post what I know and let you all decide for yourselves. Another one was saying that it was wrong for me to hold back information like that because people were all of a sudden believing everything they read. When I made the post, I didn’t find out until that night, that her death was being questioned. By then, the post was already made and many already saw it.

Many of you that were my fellow pizzagate researchers turned on me and made it seem like I was an awful person and lying about Jem. All I wanted was for people to not just believe everything they heard and be cautious. People that didn’t even like her suddenly acted like she was their best friend. I’m sad she died too. Even tho I was suspicious of her and set out to prove that she was lying, I would never wish harm to come to her. I didn’t hate her. Nobody deserves to die young like that.

It would be nice to let this all die down and get on with life doing our research. But, some of you won’t let that happen. Maybe some were paid shills all along. Maybe some are naive and believing what others tell them. Who knows. But, I’m laying the truth out for you guys to see more clearly. I will keep all links handy to use every time we’re lied about. This has gotten ridiculous. Some have even moved to Poal and are spreading lies about us.

Read the above and the following links...

Proof Jem was not truthful
Proof that Jem and Sarah were friends

srayzie ago

See Parent


Vindicator ago

Thanks :-)

srayzie ago

Did you read the parents parent?

Vindicator ago

Yep. Saved.

argosciv ago

Care to explain fogdryer saying "Fogdryer has some points, she tries idk Read them", in contrast with your own words, "Carmencita and Fogdryer is the only one"?

Are they both 'grammatical errors'?

Without desperately trying to tow the same party line(s) as the rest of your proven manipulative shill brigade?

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie

TrustTheTruth ago


Likely @Fogdryer was bringing attention to The Truth they have known and shared since The Beginning, and was linking to their own account so others could see.

We noted that @Carmencita was one of the only ones who Recognized The Truth since The Beginning, and added @Fogdryer as well since they too have Recognized The Truth.

They have both been Honest since The Beginning, and never Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.




There are no party lines. There is only Good and Evil. There is only The Truth and Lies. The Truth cannot be disputed.

We never downvote anyone. We only upvote when we see The Truth shared.

Only The Truth exposes The Root of All Evil, the Great Deception, the False Prophet, the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement, and the Mark of the Beast.

Only Satan and his Army of Lies would be so desperate to Hide The Truth from The World.

If you Believe in Jesus Christ and The Truth, it is Easy to Know who is Lying and who has SHARED THE TRUTH SINCE THE BEGINNING.

srayzie ago


I spread truth and back up what I say and I love Jesus Christ.

Tell me I’m lying. Prove to me I’m lying! Judge me and tell me that I don’t love Jesus.

There is a difference between BELIEVING in Jesus, and being saved. Even a Satanist can believe in Jesus. I’m not saying I’m perfect. But I don’t go preach at others using Gods word.

So tell me this.... Do you believe in Jesus? Or do you LOVE Jesus?

1 John 4:20 - English Standard Version (ESV)

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot[a] love God whom he has not seen.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 - English Standard Version (ESV)

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; ...

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter @Argosciv

TrustTheTruth ago


You are desperate and afraid, because you are realizing The Truth knows what no One else in The World could possibly Know.

The Truth can never be disputed or disproved.

We Love Jesus Christ, and Share The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

We have since The Beginning.

We do not Hate you, and have tried many times in the face of your mockery and Betrayal to help Save you.

Either you are a Fool who has been deceived and corrupted by Satan, or you are Evil and working with the Army of Satan.

You rejected and mocked Jesus Christ and The Truth. It is too late to hide behind verses you do not understand.


A costume does not hide your true identity, and using Jesus Christ as cover for your crimes only further reveals your true nature and deception.

You are no Brother, but a serpent with a lying tongue.

We know Love like you cannot imagine, and are not deceived by the Fake Love and True Hate that you embody.

Jesus Christ and The Truth know you are lying, and some crimes and sins cannot be forgiven.

Not everyone can be Saved. Some Souls are irredeemable.

You mocked and Betrayed Jenny Moore, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, as you Mocked and Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You are lying to yourself, and in your heart, you know you have attacked and Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth. That is unforgivable.

You have yet to even apologize, let alone show remorse. Instead your hatred of Jesus Christ and The Truth has spread as you persecute all who Know The Truth.

True guilt and remorse cannot reverse time, but if you vow to Change from This Day forward, you can still help Save Others by Sharing The Truth.


If you Truly Believe in Jesus Christ as the Only Son of God, The Truth is Easy to Recognize.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

Well you have really proved yourself to be a paid shill now. I have laid the truth out and will paste the links in every new thread where you attack me or @Vindicator. I showed you proof that I wasn’t against Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. I think that the one that programmed this bot that you are, needs to update and fix errors. You continue to accuse me of things that are completely untrue. I show you proof but the bot doesn’t pick it up. Hmmm.

I do not apologize to ANY of you. If anything, @Carmencita can apologize to me for turning against me over lies when she was my friend. I do not like you, and will never like you.

@ESOTERICshade, who you said knows the truth, even said the other day that I wasn’t lying and that Jem mixed truth with lies. Get your facts straight. Oh and another thing, it is well known that I am not a male and you called me BROTHER. You don’t know shit.

TrustTheTruth ago











Vindicator ago

Nice. :-)

argosciv ago

Nice try.

For someone who claims to know everything, it's pretty funny to see you use the word "Likely", when pressed on this.

It's far more likely that the both of you royally slipped up and gave away that they're the same person. It's pretty plain to see.

As always, you try to fall back on your hypocritical slander, the same party line(s) as proven manipulators like yourself. Again showing your own desperation and continuing to make fatal errors, which will be explored in the near future.

You've made this all too easy.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie

TrustTheTruth ago

We KNOW that @Carmencita and @Fogdryer are not the same person.

They also know this, as does everyone else except for you.

It has been obvious for years.

Why won't any of the Corrupt mods you called for backup agree with your Lie that they are the same person?

Why don't you cc ALL of the moderators and only pick a few plus add @kevdude?

@Srayzie said she can access the IP logs to prove it. We Dare her to.

Do the rest all agree with you and support Satan, or are they starting to Recognize The Truth? @kingkongwaswrong @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

We KNOW that both @Carmencita and @Fogdryer have both Recognized The Truth since The Beginning.

@Piscina @DeathToMasonsASAP and others have also. If you believe in Jesus Christ, The Truth is Easy to Recognize.

We KNOW @Fogdryer was linking to their account to show they had Recognized and Shared The Truth since The Beginning.

We do not Lie or Slander. We only remind others that being a Fool,mocking or Betraying Jesus Christ and The Truth, and committing unspeakable Sins have consequences.


We Share The Truth, while you have openly supported Satan and spread Lies. We have Exposed you and The Army of Satan.

Only The Truth exposes The Root of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda and the Mark of the Beast.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Shizy ago

@Srayzie said she can access the IP logs to prove it. We Dare her to.

I've never seen @srayzie say that. It's a lie! mods don't have access to IP addresses!

srayzie ago

Srayzie said she can access the IP logs to prove it. We Dare her to.

Wow. How are people still tricked by this freak? All their lies are being exposed and they will take your proof and act like they didn’t see it.

I wish I could have accessed the IP of the guy that tried to dox me the other day! Hahaha. We do NOT have access to that.

argosciv ago

mods don't have access to IP addresses!


Which again brings me back to an earlier comment of mine and the associated link therein:


This Nigel just can't take a hint...

Notice how it's becoming a little less bot-like and actually trying now?

<insert new, but old, talking point>


Oops, heard that one before, from someone who tried to hide in plain sight in this thread...

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @MolochHunter

argosciv ago

Same old talking points, same old bluster. You seem rather worried about something.

If you know everything, you'd know that nobody is being called in for backup - they're just being made aware of the latest. I don't need defending and I make sure to keep my pings short enough(save for the occasional error when quoting) that everyone gets a notification - unlike you, who consistently over-pings, knowing that not everyone will get a notification -- you do know that, right? Y'know, seeing as how you "know everything"...

Why do I add kevdude? Hmmm... why is that? Surely you already know, right?

You even jump from "Likely" straight to "We KNOW", seems like quite the backpedal, which you said you don't do...

Tsk tsk.

Do please continue to show that you're pathological in your slander & deflection, and completely reliant on religious rhetoric to manipulate people. It's pretty amusing at this point. Just think, you've made plenty of other errors which I'm yet to point out.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie

argosciv ago

Came across this, thought you might find it relevant:

Look at the usernames.

SarahMoore | Sarah[//]Moore | Sarah // Jenny Moore

Lisa777 | Lisa777 | Jem777

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

argosciv ago

Okay, this is a stretch, but I wonder...

Lisa777 | Lisa777 | Jem777

Who the fuck is Lisa? Is this some sort of Lisa Page reference?

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy

TrustTheTruth ago

She initially did like George Sweigart and only trusted him at arm's length, but she learned over time that she could not Trust him at all.

She was desperate to Share The Truth at all costs, and took a great risk to meet with George and others.

George is far ahead of any news outlet for a very particular reason and agenda, and she wanted to find out how and why.

George is a Master Deceiver, and Jenny was both alone and vulnerable, but she eventually figured it out.

Jenny began to understand George's lies and deception after she Witnessed The Truth about what happened with @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt.









What roles did Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Joe Napoli, JK and others play?

What role did you play as well?

Why were you more interested in George's love life instead of The Truth?

Why did you coddle and befriend Jenny only to Betray and Slander her in the end?

What notorious Freemason did they bring on their show that exposed too much and backfired?

Who did George initially claim Q was?

How did @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt prove that George was lying?




Ask @Carmencita who Jenny really trusted. She knows The Truth.

srayzie ago

More Proof for TrustTheTruth.

See Parent...

@MolochHunter @Argosciv

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! Well fucking done!

MolochHunter ago

you're the fuckin Terminator, Srayz

srayzie ago

Thank you! 💪🏻

srayzie ago

More Proof for TrustTheTruth.

See Parent...

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy

srayzie ago

Ok, since you insist, I will put together more proof. Jenny’s very own words about how she felt about George and how Sarah was her friend. Stay tuned.

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy

MolochHunter ago

wait, Srayz

dont do SHIT until @TrustTheTruth produces a DEATH CERTIFICATE

coz this cunt is exactly like W_I_C

all blab and no evidence

I mean, even if he persuades us of his narrative, what da fuk are WE gonna do with it? With no evidence, with the source being a sock puppet fucktard - we cant do SHIT with it

why are we still even having this conversation

you're a WASTE of everyone's energy and time, TTT

TrustTheTruth ago

It only costs $100. Order one yourself.

Or call Marcus Conte and ask him to read it to you.

He isn't trustworthy either, but at least he paid for the report.

Go back to The Beginning.

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt ALWAYS Shared The Truth.



MolochHunter ago

whatever happened, I dont care to find out from you. I would trust your version of what happened as much as id trust Podesta to babysit for me

fuck off and die

TrustTheTruth ago

Do you have any idea where Tony Podesta was "MADE"?

How did he get his big break into Art and Politics?

Do you know who legitimized the Art in Embassies program?

Do you know who the Real Pilgrims (Society) are?

Do you know why Uranium One needed Congressional approval?

Do you know who Trump reserved a Front Row Seat for at "The Deal" he said was "the 8th wonder of The World" and "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

Do you know why Kushner had to Correct The Record when Kanye misspoke about The Agenda beyond 21?

What did Dmitri Noonan say about the Tarmac meeting and who else was involved besides Clinton and Lynch?

Who is the Schmitz family and what is the Chain of Command?

What happened with executives at global partners such as Cargill and DuPont?

Who are the Council of 13, and where were the Majority of the Majestic 12 from?




MolochHunter ago

lalalaaaala lalallaa didnt read, idiot yelling at me lalaalalalaaaa

argosciv ago

you're a WASTE of everyone's energy and time, TTT

Very fucking true. Hilarious as it all is.

srayzie ago

Because everyone who reads it will see the truth. The truth will be archived.

argosciv ago


This Nigel just can't take a hint...

Notice how it's becoming a little less bot-like and actually trying now?

<insert new, but old, talking point>


Oops, heard that one before, from someone who tried to hide in plain sight in this thread...

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

Let’s see if TrustTheTruth they lied. See parent.

@Kevdude @Argosciv @Carmencita @Jangles @Piscina

srayzie ago

Let’s see if TrustTheTruth they lied.

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Great job! I expect that worthless troll will just regurgitate some lame cut and paste response though!

srayzie ago

Me too!

Vindicator ago

I also find it funny that the same people always talking shit now are the ones that she told to go get Vindicator.

Yes. Isn't that interesting? What a coincidence!

What's really funny is that when the Jenny Moore news broke, I had never even known that was Jem777. I don't follow Webb (not since the very beginning when he was talking about Eric Braverman. His shit was so bombastic I couldn't watch. Plus, he seemed to know everything, yet was never censored like everyone else. Only later did I find out he was Mossad and liked Alefantis.) He just never passed the smell test for me (too arrogant, like Corsi and Steele).

Great summary of that botched shitshow of a psyop! I've saved it for handy future reference. :-)

srayzie ago

I saved it too. Thank you!

think- ago

Thanks, Srayz. Great comment!

srayzie ago

Thanks! Xo

think- ago

@srayzie will have the link I guess.

MolochHunter ago

what was it now? George Webb day 156 or something

srayzie ago

That is why I came forward about Jem

srayzie ago

@Molochhunter, see parents parent

MolochHunter ago

Maybe you should put a user flair on him 'Alefantis's Friend' until he disavows

Vindicator ago

Love to. :-) @think- put the kibosh on user flairs, alas.

I think one of the animated ones like they have in SBBH would be good...maybe of a mushroom cloud going up. That would crack me up every time I saw it.

MolochHunter ago

or one of joe biden sticking his beak in some poor child's ear

srayzie ago

On TrustTheTruth?

think- ago

George Webb said James Pedosatanist Alefantis was a 'good guy'

Right. I remembered this as well yesterday.

disavow George Webb here and now or forever be associated with Alefantis Apologists


@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @Crensch

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What is all this blather?


Hey, Dumbass. What kind of new age mumbo jumbo are you trying to sell?

Everyone here knows that Jesus WAS The Lamb, IS The Lion and as for the truth...

Therefore repent! Otherwise I will come to you shortly and wage war against them with the sword of My mouth.

Revelation 2:16

TrustTheTruth ago




shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Get bent.

think- ago

@Crensch @kevdude: TTT is still sounding like a weak copy of Q. Does anyone want my popcorn leftovers? Going to leave for the day now.

think- ago

@kevdude @Shizy: Please see parent.

think- ago

@Shizy @kevdude: Please see parent.

MolochHunter ago

someones yelling at me with their capslock on

i didnt read past the first line


srayzie ago

😂 Too loud!

Vindicator ago

Someone is triggered, LOL.

Who wants to bet TTT here IS Jem777 (hence the obsession)?

The George Webb murder psyop ran aground when they jumped the shark and claimed it was my fault. They hoped the "death" would fracture the community and derail investigators. Instead, they've lost all credibility and are now burning up alts hopelessly attempting to salvage the mess with this bot that throws shit at the wall to see if any of it will stick, discrediting themselves more with every comment, completely blind to the fact that the majority of pizzagate investigators downvote BS, not just mods.

I didn't think people were actually this thick. Maybe it's an AI.

@think- @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

The thought has crossed my mind.

MolochHunter ago

I know, right.

As the narrative keeps getting more desperate, I'm going to take the position of assuming Jem is alive until / unless death certificate is produced

TrustTheTruth ago

Why did you just post and immediately delete your reply @MolochHunter?

MolochHunter 0 points (+0|-0) 28 minutes ago

someones yelling at me with their capslock on

i didnt read past the first line


We know why.

It was because even the first line alone destroyed your entire argument.

Repent Now.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

He cracks me up!

MolochHunter ago

Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week - try the 🍤

think- ago

Vindicator ago

Agreed. Sick trees bear rotten fruit.

srayzie ago

Thank you @MolochHunter. You always have a way with words my little Fucknuckle friend you.

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

Tell me what I’m hiding. I would so love to know. If you won’t tell me, then @Carmencita, YOU TELL ME. You seem to know everything!

TrustTheTruth ago

You worship a False Prophet Q and a Fake Savior Trump while you mock and forsake Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Do you Trust Sessions, Wray and Huber? Do you Trust Sessions, Wray, Huber, Romney, McMullin, Warren Jeffs, Scientology, the FLDS mafia, Paul Ryan and the Jesuit mafia, Knights of Malta, the Knights of Pythias, Freemasons, and the Pilgrims Society? Do you know what the Voree plates are? Do you know about the ancient civilizations and formations in Wisconsin? Do you know what the most valuable resource in The World is? Do you know what the real agenda beyond 21 / 2030 is? Do you know about "The Deal" Trump made to endorse 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Hillary's model for Community Policing? Do you know why Paul Ryan and Rahm Emanuel resigned?

We exposed them.

We gave Trump the chance to Repent, but he turned his back on Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You know nothing. We know everything. REPENT NOW AND FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF.

We have Shared The Truth since The Beginning. The Truth is The Only Way.

srayzie ago

So is this you opinion too @Carmencita?

srayzie ago

Everything you just said smells of DEEP STATE

Shizy ago

This whole spooky, cryptic bad B horror movie script is just so lame. I can't believe the people this weirdo keeps pinging don't step in to at least tell him to stop pinging them.

What's going on here? How can these posters be ok being lumped in with this weirdness? Doesn't make any kinda sense!

srayzie ago

Right? It makes it seem like it’s @Carmencita. Did she go off her crazy meds?

Shizy ago

I could understand not wanting to be involved in this and ignoring or blocking TrustTheTruth, but I for one would want to make it known I want no part of it. This is all just way too kooky!!!

argosciv ago


Going all-caps ey?

Of course, you prattle out the "we" and the narrative pushing bullshit.

All we ever hear from you is "blah, blah, blah", your entire act is too easy to see through now.

Have fun, pretender.

SchlongKeyhote ago

suck my balls.

my agenda is open: point out Pizzagate is entirely controlled by ethnic Jews, and to do that there's no need to lie. why do you think im so prolific, LOL.

also LOL @ carmencita knowing anything at all. Literally a senile old woman.

TrustTheTruth ago


It isn't The Truth.

srayzie ago

Your ping didn’t work. I’ll ping the “All knowing Truth wannabe Mother of pizzagate” that’s gossips about others in the buried threads, and thinks others don’t notice. @Carmencita

Shizy ago

Oh my God, did I accidentally ingest crack coaine or something? I can't believe I actually laughed at and Didn't gag at a comment from donkey @srayzie 😂🤣😂🤣!

srayzie ago

Oh! I just realized who he was responding to!

@ShlongKeyhote @Auralsects You did good for once. 👏🏻

srayzie ago

He tells me he’s the best researcher here 😂

srayzie ago

Since I brought up George Webb, let me just drop this right here for @auralsects for security purposes 🤓

@Think- @Vindicator @Crensch @Shizy

auralsects ago

I called him out as a Jew shill while u all followed him and it turned out he was. Thanks for the reminder lol

YOU said women fell for it cuz hes handsome, and i said "lol see how pathetic women are."

So naturally ur only recourse is "uhh ur just jealous!"

Its gross how obsessed with men and sex you are tho, even admitting to privately flirting with many guys including me.

Youre married ffs. Im srsly embarrassed for your husband

srayzie ago

I never said I flirted with men privately and I never said I wanted your dick and I proved it by screenshots after you accused me in the past.

srayzie ago

Vindicator ago

Webb dismissed Pizzagate and admitted he was Mossad. I didn't realize you supported Mossad, Amy.

srayzie ago

You are right there!

MolochHunter ago

In terms of whether or not to use dozens of sock puppets, I ask myself 'what would Jesus do? '


srayzie ago

That’s a good one. WWJD!

Shizy ago

I'd say everyone @TrustTheTruth lists as trusted is suspect as hell!

Shizy ago

Ah hahahahaha!

And notice this alt dumping fag seems very concerned about downvoating 🤔. Sounds familiar doesn't it!

srayzie ago

srayzie ago


You have no credibility and you sound mentally ill.

Anyone who trusted @Fogdryer better be careful. This crowd spread disinfo and are paid shills.


@Piscina do you want another batch?

TrustThePlan ago

You got me fucked up with TrustTheTruth, ya kikefaggot

Shizy ago

They seem to manufacturing concensus. I don't trust any of these people that trustthetruth constantly refers to and pings!

TrustTheTruth ago


THAT IS WHY SELECT USERS ARE TARGETED LIKE @EsotericShade, @DeathToMasonsASAP, @fogdryer, @gothamgirl, @carmencita and @Piscina while others like @secondsoberthought and @molochhunter are protected.

What really happened to Jenny Moore?

What really happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?






Why haven't @honeybee and @PuttItOut ever investigated the moderators here to find out what really happened?


The Truth is not Welcome Here.


Does @PuttItOut know The Truth?

Does @PuttItOut believe in Jesus Christ?


srayzie ago

‼️ Consensus Cracking Alert! ‼️

srayzie ago

TrustTheTruth ago


This is why you are calling for backup again.


Why are you all so afraid of The Truth and so desperate to Hide The Truth?

Why did the Mods Betray Jenny Moore after she was murdered?

Why did the mods spread Lies and Slander anyone who Knew The Truth?

Why do the mods refuse to answer any of the Questions?

Who did the mods attack and attempt to discredit with a Failed system of Flairs after they were Exposed following their attack on Jenny Moore?



Crensch ago

Piscina was part of the vote brigade I outed a while back, no?

I can't remember exactly, but that user is very obviously not legitimate.

Piscina ago

You're a liar. I have never pinged anyone for support, unlike you who can't stand alone and have to call in your goon mod squad for emotional support and then pathetic gang-ups on users.

Vindicator ago

@Piscina, there is nothing wrong with pinging people. It's called the right to free association, which is part of the right to free speech. I don't understand why you think this is a problem. Speech has consequences on Voat -- votes! Why do you want some speech to be hidden? Or mods to be unaware of what some users are saying? This in itself is evidence you are not here out of good will.

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

@Piscina, there is nothing wrong with pinging people. It's called the right to free association, which is part of the right to free speech. I don't understand why you think this is a problem. Speech has consequences on Voat -- votes! Why do you want some speech to be hidden?

I guess that explains why you squeal like a stuck pig every time you get down voted and start yelling "its a vote brigade!" You don't like free speech. Got it. You should join a synagogue, because you definitely have the gift of double speak.

Piscina ago

The difference between users and mods is that mods ping their goon squad when they need back up and assistance in their trolling and targetted abuse.

Vindicator ago

You are not an honest and good researcher, Piscina. You just spent all night claiming truth was lies and trying to pretend you aren't a brigader who admitted to helping a shill crew abuse Voat. Instead of admitting what you did was wrong, you are trying to discredit the messenger who nailed you for it. This sub is filled with shrewd folks who see what's happening and are all too happy to have moderators put a stop to it. You've destroyed your reputation here, not mods.

Piscina ago

lol, yes mods have managed to put a stop to many a good researcher and destroy pizzagate research. And I've no doubt you will continue. I get it: that's what you're paid to do.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have ignored this thread. Today I decided to read through some of these comments. When @vindicator gets up votes from his "brigade" its not a brigade. If you get up votes its a "brigade." Double standard here much? I think so. Thanx for pointing it out. This sub is doomed. I don't know if they get paid or not, but I know that dumbass is rampant around here, and narcissism is the RULE of the day.

think- ago

I get it: that's what you're paid to do.

It really sucks that you claim @Vindicator gets paid.

Neither he nor any of us others gets paid. You can ask your friend @Carmencita, she was a 'helper mod' for some time at the beginning of the year, and just like the rest of us, she never got any money. Nice try, Piscina.

I know how much time and effort @Vindicator spends in adjusting his real life with modding pizzagate, like the rest of us. You should be grateful that there are people who volunteer in order to keep the sub running, although this takes time away from being with family and friends, even at the weekends and evenings.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

think- ago

there is nothing wrong with pinging people

Indeed. I ping people into my comments all the time, no matter on which thread and in which context I make them, but this seems to be a problem only for people who love to bitch about the mods.

@EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

Crensch ago

I literally caught you admitting to being part of a vote brigade.

@Vindicator @think-

xenoPsychologist ago

i was recently directed to AVE, i think the account tags system would be handy for marking known shills and why. might help with the remembering.

TrustTheTruth ago

The Corrupt Mods already tried that here:

It only further Exposed their Lies and Corruption.

Vindicator ago


EricKaliberhall ago

Piscina was part of the vote brigade I outed a while back, no?

Yes, you are correct.

I can't remember exactly, but that user is very obviously not legitimate.

This conversation proves that @Piscina is not a legit user.

VeryOffended ago

[–] VeryOffended 0 points ( +0| -0) 7 minutes ago

Why is this still stickied? It's been months. You and many others have the best intentions, but I promise you that this drives people away. Some people may want to contribute, some may be traumatized and want to contribute with time, some may be new and turned off seeing "drama" and fear contributing. Months? Why? Is this really so important that it should be the first thing one sees when they enter? False info can be researched and debunked and downvoated. Shills don't drive people away, this sort if thing does. It's obvious. Look at the shrinking community, "trusted useres" and posts over time. I trusted this community over time some bit ago. I have story to tell, but I've seen a significant decrease in community here and trust. It's power driven and cultish with the mods. I'm discouraged daily when it comes to research here, the community here, and contributing. There used to be so much more and I had hope.

Vindicator ago

Shills don't drive people away, this sort if thing does.

The reason we took these measures, VO, is because this particular shill and his alt farm targeted numerous users and forced them to leave Voat. He is dangerous. Very hard to believe any serious user of v/pizzagate would want the nasty, deceptive activity we have documented here to be hidden from view, especially during a period where we got 2,000 brand-new subscribers in a month coming out of Reddit.

You may want to consider that this comment of yours telling us not to talk about this echoes one of Esoteric's chief talking points and makes you look like another of his alts.

VeryOffended ago

What us the reason for keeping this sort of thing stickied for so long? Your reasoning well intentioned, but has keeping this up top helped?

Vindicator ago

Well, if you check the bastard's recent comment history, you will see that he keeps coming back trying to rehabilitate his image. Perhaps if other users joined mods in asking him to delete his account, he would realize his tactics aren't acceptable here and do so. As it is, he thinks he can continue to prey on new users. He sees himself as a savior here to "educate" and tell people what to think. What are we supposed to do about that, other than put up a sticky warning people?

ESOTERICshade ago

You screwed the pooch again. I saved pizzagate with pure tenacity and care. It is still alive because I kept it alive and kept if from becoming v/pizzQanon. I won't do it again. I will never spend that much of my time to save this place. I hope you learned something from it all. It does not seem to me, that you learned a damn thing. I saved this place. Take care of it.

Vindicator ago

I'm no longer convinced that you can learn.

Says the guy who single-handedly destroyed trust between users by running a gang of sock puppets to try to force through a fake narrative...and is still actively doing so. Does meth cause learning disabilities ES? You seem to have trouble learning from your epic failure.

auralsects ago

uh surely YOU faggots pushed the false Q narrative on this sub and chimped out like a bunch of niggers on PCP when anyone objected

same you did when I went full-out on the kikes:

it's transparent how you don't react to random jew-naming comments by random users, but brigade me and delete my shit since only I bring real new evidence.

you even got the only other consistent researcher @letsdoit02 to avoid Naming them for fear of the same treatment

no doubt you were chosen to control this sub due to years of experience gaslighting women into sleeping with your pathetic ass

Vindicator ago

You don't ever post evidence. All you do is spew venom. Your inability to do the former and stop doing the latter pretty much guarantees any subject you broach will be considered disinformation. As you well know.

auralsects ago

^classic chutzpah, baldly lying when the proof is merely a click away. you kikes just can't help yourselves from it, it is truly staggering.

since I am often accused of this and have had a dozen irrelevant hit-piece threads on me, which were allowed to stay, if I were to compile a post of all my submissions in defense, do you commit to not deleting it?

Vindicator ago

I do not delete posts that follow the submission rules.

TrustTheTruth ago

Did SecondSoberThought follow the Submission rules on his "series"?




Vindicator ago

Is it Apple or Google that gives you the free phones so you can work all these alts?

TrustTheTruth ago

Do you really know anything at all? Why can't you answer the most basic questions?

What is America's Bellwether?

What was the premise of the Earth Summit?

What is Hillary's Model for Community Policing?

What is the Model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

Where is Uranium One located?

What US Universities are in Qatar and who controls them?

What happens in Paducah, Kentucky?

Who is Dmitri Noonan and what did he claim?

Why was Tim Dolan promoted to Archbishop?

What was the premise of the Earth Summit?

Who owns the patent to the Zika Virus?

What is Tantalum?

What did Trump call "the 8th Wonder of the World"?

What company legitimized Art in Embassies?

Who is the main link between John McCain and the Pilgrims Society?


ESOTERICshade ago

How many down votes do you see on your replies to me? None? wowzer does that look like a down voting brigade to you? Nope. You know why? Its because there is no damn down voting brigade. Shocker huh?

TrustTheTruth ago

We are Monitored, Targeted, Slandered, Threatened and Systematically Downvoted by a Very Select Group.

Specifically the Moderators.


Look at this recent post - do you see anything here that warrants the downvotes to Hide The Truth?

Scroll down to the Hidden Comment:

What is The Truth they cannot Allow The World to Know?

VeryOffended ago

Well, I guess I'm sort of convinced. Didn't expect them to respond to this and I really wish they didn't.. I'm just disappointed by all of it given the topic.

MolochHunter ago

the reason users here have dwindled is because most of them have been pulled into the Q movement


because unless Q delivers there is absolutely no fucking cavalry coming for the kids of pizzagate.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You guys are always waiting for a hero to fight your fight. Cowards. Stop supporting politicians and this phony system. Rothschild owns it all.

TrustTheTruth ago

Q is a False Prophet and the weak link in the Global Chain of Command is: Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons

We are the reason Q exists to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

The Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) has forged Agenda 21 / 2030 and the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Donald Trump made The Deal to endorse The Mark of the Beast.

He said it is "the most incredible thing I've ever seen" and the "8th Wonder of the World".

Those at the top levels can never be held accountable in the broken justice system they control.

What is America's Bellwether? What is the World's Most Valuable Resource? What is the Model for Smart Cities & Agenda 21? Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for when he Made The Deal?

Exposing the ROOT of All Evil and Sharing The Truth is The Only Way.

Piscina ago

This article is about a prime ministerial advisor saying:

VeryOffended ago

Don't most of the mods here worship Q? I feel like I've noticed a divide on the basis (but not only that basis)

MolochHunter ago

well surprise surprise. Each moderator is an individual on a multi-axis spectrum of political ideology

VeryOffended ago

Sorry about about that. You mentioned Q. My response included the word "most"and also included that mods might be divided on other topics...insinuating individuality. I was trying to acknowledge that Q isn't the reason and that there are differences otherwise. I'm not sure what your point was now.

TrustTheTruth ago

MolochHunter has been proven Corrupt and Untrustworthy, and is a lapdog for the Corrupt Mods.

That's why he was promoted to his role on Great Awakening.

He has never hunted any Molochs, and only attacks those who Know The Truth.

Q is never going to deliver anything. Neither will Trump. Who controls them, and who controls Voat?

We are the reason Reddit pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason Q exists.

We are the reason Q stopped posting on public 8 chan.

We are the reason Q flooded Voat.

Who are the other Great Awakening mods? Why did they Betray Jenny Moore?

Why have some moderators created alts to attack and downvote others?

Do not apologize or cower to the Corrupt Mods and their Army of Liars.


How much money have Honeybee earned on YouTube while turning her back on The Truth?

How many Likes and Followers on twitter does Srayzie need to feel important?

When have ANY of the mods mentioned The Pilgrims Society, Community Policing or The Mark of the Beast?



Who did the Tarmac meeting pilot Dmitri Noonan claim was involved in the meeting? What happened to him?

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and many others have resigned.

Does Q not know that Trump is a member of Freemasons and the Pilgrims Society?

Does Q not know about The Deal that Trump made to endorse The Mark of the Beast?

Q is a False Prophet, and Voat is a Corrupt and Compromised platform.

MolochHunter ago

Oh rly, so one day after I snub EsotericShade in his effort to suck up to me, suddenly TrustTheTruth turns on me with no other prior contact or me discussing Jem for months

so transparent

TrustTheTruth ago

We are not EsotericShade, and neither are the others you and the mods have accused after similar tactics accusing everyone of being "Sarah".

We stand up for what is Right, and @EsotericShade is not the first Community Member targeted, slandered, banned, doxxed, attacked, threatened or murdered.

We are The Witness.

We have seen Everything, and know The Mods here are involved in something much more nefarious than they may realize.

Few realize what is at stake, and what the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 is.

We are here for a Reason.

We knew Jenny Moore directly.

We are not alone, and have shared The Truth since The Beginning.

Voat is a Corrupt and Compromised Platform, and is an Extremely Dangerous Place particularly for those who Know The Truth.

We Trust @Carmencita more than anyone else here. She knows what happened.

@EsotericShade, @DeathtoMasonsASAP, @Piscina, @Fogdryer, @Letsdothis2 and a select group of others all Know The Truth.

We have questioned your Intentions since The Beginning.

If you want to Hunt a Moloch, why don't you start by exposing Hillary Clinton's Model of Community Policing?

Then why don't you expose Bill and Hillary's membership in the Pilgrim's Society?

Then why don't you expose Bill and HIllary's long-time friendship with Jeff Epstein and Donald Trump?

Then why don't you expose Donald Trump's membership in Freemasons and the Pilgrim's Society?

Then why don't you expose what The Deal Donald Trump made was, what he called "The 8th Wonder of the World" and "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

If you want to Repent and get your Corrupt Moderator friends to Repent, some can be forgiven. At least three cannot. They know why.

What happened to Jenny Moore?

What happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why did the moderators here ban, censor, downvote, attack, doxx, threaten and attack Jenny Moore and The Truth?

Jenny may not have known everything, but she knew The Truth and that was The Beginning of The End between her and George.

Their disagreements were not primarily about Mike Flynn.

What was The Truth that Jenny knew that George denies?

Why is George Webb Sweigart editing his videos to Hide The Truth?

Who did George meet and why is he so afraid of The Truth that Jenny Moore knew?

Why did George edit off the end of hist 28.2 video from 11/1 where he slanders Jenny Moore and Jesus Christ at the 28 minute mark?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

srayzie ago

Voat is a Corrupt and Compromised Platform, and is an Extremely Dangerous Place particularly for those who Know The Truth.

We Trust @Carmencita more than anyone else here. She knows what happened.

@EsotericShade, DeathtoMasonsASAP, Piscina, Fogdryer, Letsdothis2 and a select group of others all Know The Truth.

Carmencita, what truth do you know that we don’t?

ESOTERICshade, tell them about how we both were suspicious of Jem and how I was sharing my findings with you all along over a year ago. When they say you know the truth, then why don’t you explain that instead of letting people spread this bullshit?

You knew what Jem was doing. You knew she was spreading disinfo. You were one of the few people that I told when I started looking into her and told you that she was with George Webb. Shouldn’t these people know that Jem, her death, and “S” have nothing to do with this mod team?

ESO, you also knew of the attacks I was getting from “S”, and how Jem was trying to convince me to believe her. This person says you know the truth. This is your chance to clear up some lies that are spreading.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have tried to stay out of the "jem" stuff.

srayzie ago

@ESOTERICshade... You told me the day before yesterday that you were going to tell them the Jem stuff. They are spreading disinfo and YOU KNOW IT.

Me and you both were suspicious and I was keeping you updated on my findings. Are you ok with them spreading disinfo?

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you ok with them spreading disinfo?

No, i'm not ok with it. I think they should stop it. @vindicator and the rest of the mods bent over backwards to help Jem meet the posting rules. @vindicator and the rest of the mods were good to Jem and I am a witness to that fact.

srayzie ago

Good. Thank you.

MolochHunter ago


how the fuck do you get off appealing for any kind of credibility or ethical superiority when you are openly and unashamedly admitting to using sock puppets, you retarded goon of the first order

Shizy ago

"We" means the voices is his/her head because that poster is a complete and total nutjob!

TrustTheTruth ago

We means more than One. We are not alone.

The Truth cannot be Disputed.

We do not appeal to anyone.

Either Accept The Truth and Deny The Mark of the Beast, or face the consequences of Eternal Enslavement.

We know more than all of you combined. That is why you are all so afraid of The Truth, and why none of you can answer ANY of the Questions.

What is the Earth Summit?

Who did Donald Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for at The Deal he called "the 8th Wonder of The World"?



MolochHunter ago

if 'We' know so much, why does Q have a massive following and you have no one following you whatsoever ? And why are you borrowing Q's style in asking the cryptic questions? Get your own style, loser

you're so below second rate its hilarious

TrustTheTruth ago

Q is a False Prophet.

We have Shared The Truth since The Beginning, long before Q ever existed, and long before Trump was the Republican nominee.

We know many who have been attacked, tortured and murdered for Sharing The Truth. This is not Funny. This is not a Game.

We are the reason Q exists.

We are the reason Paul Ryan and many others have resigned.

We are the reason Reddit pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason Q stopped posting on public 8 chan.

We are the reason Q flooded Voat.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Keep praying that your gay furry loving heroin dealer will fly his team around the world to his boss's ratlines and free their currencies from their owners.

ESOTERICshade ago

They pretend to be retarded but I don't believe that they are retarded. This shit is intentional, or, its just a serious case of dumbass. Regardless, it hurts everybody.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

lol I saw Jordan Sather is still online saying Q is definitely real. When will they give up this psy op? Must not be allowed to yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

lol I saw Jordan Sather is still online saying Q is definitely real. When will they give up this psy op? Must not be allowed to yet.

I reckon he gets paid to say it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I guess that is the difference between me and certain others. I could never take money to lie to people. Or in the case of some of these psy ops, things worse than just lying.

Crensch ago

VeryOffended ago

After reading through all this, my only opinion/advice is stop feeding into this. Stop arguing bc it makes users who are less active a little suspicious of whether there is one bad actor or all (those involved in the constant argument) are bad actors. I understand why this is stickied now. Again, I'm sorry for feeding into the drama. However, if all of you didn't argue, this would go away. After reading the formulaic and repetitive posts of the user that has been called out speak for themselves. Maybe it really did take all this time to show it? Idk, I just think the mods could spend a little less time arguing with people. Call them out, show your proof, and let it be done. Keep it stickied. It's the constant back and forth that made me suspicious all. Quit feeding the beast. People do see the stickies and would be suspicious. I was obviously drawn to it. No need for a fight so long.

Crensch ago

After reading through all this, my only opinion/advice is stop feeding into this. Stop arguing bc it makes users who are less active a little suspicious of whether there is one bad actor or all (those involved in the constant argument) are bad actors. I understand why this is stickied now. Again, I'm sorry for feeding into the drama. However, if all of you didn't argue, this would go away. After reading the formulaic and repetitive posts of the user that has been called out speak for themselves. Maybe it really did take all this time to show it? Idk, I just think the mods could spend a little less time arguing with people. Call them out, show your proof, and let it be done. Keep it stickied. It's the constant back and forth that made me suspicious all. Quit feeding the beast. People do see the stickies and would be suspicious. I was obviously drawn to it. No need for a fight so long.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

@Vindicator @think- @MolochHunter @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

We’ve missed you @Crensch 😂

Crensch ago

Great to be back.

VeryOffended ago

You have a problem. I wasn't rude and looked at my original comment, the comments that followed, and then all the rest more objectively. However, I will not contradict my last comment in this post by arguing. Good luck.

Crensch ago

You have a problem. It's not just your usernames that keep getting burned, your NARRATIVE is burned.

Get bent, faggot.

VeryOffended ago

Add me to the list.

Vindicator ago

No. Doesn't appear to be very active at all, though a long time account.

I did notice this submission calling for one of the things Death and ES frequently push -- self-censorship of political ideology. He also got exercised over the drama that followed the Jem shitshow, and appears to think that was the fault of mods.

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pby1000 ago

I am also an ES alt, so watch out you faggots.

ESOTERICshade ago


pby1000 ago

Lol. Shhh...

Crensch ago

Faggot thinks it's a joke.

@think- @Vindicator

pby1000 ago

I am too busy doing my part to take down the cabal to deal with this shit.

Crensch ago

You mean by defending part of the cabal?

pby1000 ago

Not sure I buy that... From the responses I have gotten, you must know something I don't, but ES took his time to teach me about the Cabal and their religion. This was two years ago.

Crensch ago

Also, I'm wondering if you were attacked by a bunch of names he called shills while he came to your rescue like he did for everyone else. Those shills being his own alts.

pby1000 ago

Maybe. I get attacked a lot by people claiming to be Masons. They don't know much about Masonry, so I can easily dismiss their positions.

I have not had contact with ES in months, and I am not aware of any alts. Anyways...

Crensch ago

Maybe. I get attacked a lot by people claiming to be Masons.

Who in their right mind thinks Masons would CLAIM they're masons while attacking you?

They don't know much about Masonry, so I can easily dismiss their positions.

Oh, you mean like ES would do if he wanted to cement in your mind that he was a good teacher, and keep you following his coattails?

I have not had contact with ES in months, and I am not aware of any alts. Anyways...

I literally JUST GAVE YOU PROOF of alts in OP. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

ES created usernames to ATTACK other users so he could swoop in and save the day, and you just described exactly that happening.

@think- @Vindicator

pby1000 ago

Masons do identify themselves as being Masons. Why would they not? They are proud to worship Lucifer.

Sure! But I meant I was not aware of any alts from before.

Crensch ago

Masons do identify themselves as being Masons. Why would they not? They are proud to worship Lucifer.

I'm one of the most attacked users on this website, and I've been one of the most attacked on forums long before I came here. NEVER have seen a single username claiming to be Masons. Your "attacks" were manufactured to make you feel powerful.

Sure! But I meant I was not aware of any alts from before.

I'm showing you that he makes alts to push his narrative. How would he best push his narrative for you, do you think?

Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but the second and third stickies at pizzagate do not look good for the community. Newbies are being welcomed, while someone is being crucified.

A pedo-protector ran off many good users here, manipulated them, and manipulated votes. THAT IS PIZZAGATE.

pby1000 ago

What is your goal with this?

Crensch ago

My goal has always been to protect this place. Previously, my one job was to protect this place from cancerous moderators, now I protect it from JIDF/ShareBlue users like ESOTERICshade.

And if you're wondering why I'm after you, specifically, here - I do this shit for fun. I'll not have a single ES supporter, or anyone that pushes his narratives continue here without being called out constantly.

Also, new users SHOULD be aware of ES and his tactics, since I have no illusions about the meth-addled fuck continuing to operate here under other usernames - attacking new users with some, and "saving" them or "educating" them with another.

Don't worry, you're not the only user completely lied to and betrayed by ES. You're in good company if you can stop sucking his cock long enough to let a thought get past his grooming techniques.

ESOTERICshade ago

You have put a whole other definition to the term "dumbass" and you stand alone and above the herd. "i figured out that the holocaust was joke and I am a genius."

You have a lot to learn, "genius", now move along learn something useful. I shake my head at your ignorance. I think you mean well but you are a babe in the woods compared to serious knowledge. Put your sword back in your holster and go learn something useful.

pby1000 ago

Fair enough.

Crensch ago

All the absolutely inarguable evidence is in the submission above maybe you should check that out. What kind of person would use such underhanded means to move the narrative in ways that he wants it moved question what kind of person consistently uses manipulation tactics on people? Check out his last few comments you'll see a nice story they're full of his manipulation and bullshit.


Thank Q and Thank you big bad Don. Godbless our President and his family.


Bunch of mossad, JIDF yidmonsters in here. Glowing little traitors. You people are sick, stupid, and exposed.

PrepareForWar ago

@crensch quick question. Why did you never answer my question about getting so defensive? Look at my post history and see how quick this fag was to point fingers when the only thing I did was state my opinion. So could you answer my question now. Why did you get so defensive when I stated my opinion?

PrepareForWar ago

Why did this get stickied? Divide and conquer. Dont be useful idiots and play into their games. Do the research post it and fuck the shills. I'm leaning more towards all of the ones doing the finger pointing are actually the shills.

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PrepareForWar ago

I'm gonna say it again and I want everyone to say it with me..... DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Does no one else see the strategy being played here. Choose a side and fight it out for internet points. That way everyone is fighting and bickering umongst themselves and not focusing on the issues.

siegnagel ago

I just knew he was an asshole a year ago.

SterlingJB ago

This forum is hilarious, and I aint saying your wrong crensh. ES I will say, whether or not the above is solid or whether or not your response was sufficient (it really wasnt), you do push a lot of conspiracy 101, which actually has lot of truth to it but is also a great way to neuter a movement in abstracts, and you've also shown rather blind support for a FE YT conspiracy speculator whose dad was an EPA atmospheric director as well as have shown support for O.U.R. a sketch AF org who may or may not have used the foundation of a kidnapped girl's foundation, whose kidnapping is suspicious AF, as money laundering platform. From my perspective you based this perspective on there not being symbolism or wallpaper (this aint how the LDS system works; symbols are only on temples) Still liked that someone was talking about Q as bunk tho cuz it seems a movement cornered on belief, a weaponizable human trait. I also like talking to the characters and autists on here, crensh, so I wonder when this acct will be labeled has bot brigade or disinfo agent, which is funny a shit since I bet I'm in the very low percentage of people that actually only have one account, which is worth thinking about when were talking about gaining participation from people that don't fit the Q demograph.

ESOTERICshade ago

smart people will jump from this ship. I'm jumping. I"m done. This is probably my last comment.

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ESOTERICshade ago

It has been two weeks since I logged into Voat and I can't believe the destruction you have wreaked upon innocent well meaning Voat users. You accused @RidleyChozo of being me among a host others. For your information @RidleyChozo went all the way to the damn desert in an effort shoot video when the "Veterans On Patrol" bezerkers were on the scene and his information was invaluable to the whole truth community. You have, and always have, and continue to alienate a lot of good people.

I have lost count of the people you have accused in your latest tyrade but you should reign yourself in because the people you have accused of being me are not me and I be they won't post and share their information anymore. Whoever this "nomo" whatever person is, is also not me, among many others. Don't be Voat cancer? Just a suggestion. While you have been finding "me" around every corner, where I never was, I have not even been on the internet, and certainly not signed into Voat.

Square it with Putt and he can verify it. You need a break @crensch, and probably rehab. Hey dawg, ain't no shame in rehab, I had to do it once myself. I wish you the best. I have a new drone that is smarter than I am. I intend to spend a lot more time learning how to fly it than I ever will on this petty crap. TAKE IT EASY ON PEOPLE because they are not me and you have run off a LOT OF PEOPLE from around here. See many familiar names in pizzagate from the past? NOPE. They left, because of your NON leadership.

Don't be bitter, just learn, and be better. I have no animosity toward you because I don't care enough about you to hate you, but I do wish you well. @kevdude on the other hand is another story. I do care about @kevdude because he has class, he is smart, and he is everything you should aspire to be. You have a long way to go though.

Good luck.

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ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch has has own cross linking bot system so that he can control the Voat narrative. Impressive. What do you do for a real job besides work for Israeli intelligence?

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Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT..."

think- ago

This is probably my last comment.

'Probably'. The man who never leaves.... /s

Before you 'go', shade tree Talmud Scholar, tell us what you've done to @migratorypatterns.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

Before you 'go', shade tree Talmud Scholar, tell us what you've done to @migratorypatterns.

As far as I know migratorypatterns suddenly got fed up with the Q garbage and realized he/she had been mind fucked by the Q garbage. Three Q subs are not enough for you? Go ahead and turn this sub into another Q garbage dump. I don't care anymore and I won't concern myself with it. I saved this sub because nobody else was willing to do it. Take care of it. I"m moving to greener pastures. One of of the last things migratorypatterns said before he/she left was "fuck Q" and then deleted his/her account. You guys pissed off all the old regulars around here with the Q stupidity and that is why they all left.

Yes I have attempted to understand the Talmud. Everybody needs to understand what the Talmud truly means. We are only cows in a field and the Talmud shows you how our masters feel about the whole deal. When they get done with the Belt And Road Initiative I don't know what they will do with the United States but we probably won't like it. What we see happening is the refurbishing of the old Silk Road Trading Route.

This people are not playing and I suggest everybody take it seriously.

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

PrepareForWar ago

They didnt piss them off the jews ran them off. I was just a lurker but I see whats going on. Honestly has relevant info been posted in the past 3 months. Fuck no it hasnt and it wont be bc the Jews run this place now. I'm still gonna give people a bunch of shit over this though so I'm staying :)

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ESOTERICshade ago

They didnt piss them off the jews ran them off. I was just a lurker but I see whats going on. Honestly has relevant info been posted in the past 3 months. Fuck no it hasnt and it wont be bc the Jews run this place now. I'm still gonna give people a bunch of shit over this though so I'm staying :)

Either that, or they are gullible enough to take the bait and do the Jew's work for the Jew. The Jew specializes in tricking people into doing the work, and then jerking the rug out from under the working Goyim and stealing the fruits of his labor. This is complicated trickery in this world and it takes EXPERIENCE to know the difference. I"m fairly experienced and sometimes I still don't know until the dust settles and I see for sure how the tricks were done.

The Talmudic tricks are tricks within tricks like the links in a chain. Steps in a process that seem unrelated but ARE related. The end of the chain, all those links, are tied to a goal. If a person understands the long term Talmudic goal it becomes easier to spot the links in the chain.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

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think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Please see parent.

ESOTERICshade ago

We all amused. Please continue. This should be epic.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

"Look at how pathetically beta I am, trying to suck up to a female that hates my guts. This is how I start grooming women online - lots of compliments and smiley faces and feel-good bullshit. They never know that I'll poison their minds into thinking I'm a good guy and the mods are evil when the opposite is true. I also won't tell them about being a TALMUDIC SCHOLAR JEW or that I have a meth addiction."

"On my alts, I admit to manipulating votes and threatening other users with my doing so, while on my main username, I act like I'm completely unfazed by all of my bullshit being put on display. I'm really just a low IQ Jew that thinks doubling down is always the best move - along with snorting meth; definitely the best move on that last one."

SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

More.We need more. Smoke some more meth and give us more. We need it and we want it now. I did not read all that shit. If you stay up for two more days without sleep you might die. Stay up, don't sleep, chimp out. This will be epic.

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

think- ago

LOL, ok.

ESOTERICshade ago

I scanned that. I didn't really read it and think about it. My guess is that you damn sure need rehab. Holy shit. I can't believe you waste that much time. Ashwagandha is good. Its also cheap. Turmeric root is good too.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5920) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

ESOTERICshade ago

Stay classy. You are a case for the books. I will not read all that. Get help. You need it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5923) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

ESOTERICshade ago

@puttitout kill this thing before it fesers.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5924) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

ESOTERICshade ago

You are one seriously bizarre mother fucker. I don't need all this.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5926) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

Vindicator ago

I'm afraid @Crensch is your Ghost of Christmas Future, ES. You may have named yourself after a spook, but WE will haunt YOU with your own words from now, on.

You DO need it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nobody is my ghost. Look dude, you were on verge of totally destroying v/pizzagate with your Q fantasies. I can't believe you were that dumb. I probably saved this sub with pure tenacity. You better be glad I did because you almost sank the ship. If v/pizzagate would have become a hybrid with Qanon this place would be toast. I think you are a good person but your judgement on the Q thing was pure shit.

Now that reality is setting in, and you realize that Q is pure fakery bullshit, i'm sure you feel a little sheepish. You should. It was obvious that the Q thing was pure bullshit from day one. I did everything I could think of to save this sub from that ignorance.

I saved it. It is still intact. Take care of it and use better discernment. I won't always be here to turn your ass around again in the future. You better be glad I cared enough to do it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5927) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that?"

Vindicator ago

Now that reality is setting in, and you realize that Q is pure fakery bullshit, i'm sure you feel a little sheepish. You should. It was obvious that the Q thing was pure bullshit from day one. I did everything I could think of to save this sub from that ignorance.

More attempts to control the narrative and astroturf. You can give up your Jedi Mind Tricks, ES. Your light saber is broken.

I have not changed my position on Q, and in fact have several submissions I'm working on about Q. I am perfectly willing to let goats weight my "judgement" for themselves -- and even better, weigh the evidence I present and make their own judgements. Something you are very frightened of people doing.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have not changed my position on Q, and in fact have several submissions I'm working on about Q.

Knock your head against the wall junior. It should be amusing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5928) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whateverAnon submission.

Posted automatically (#5858) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

To be fair they could just be stupid and easily manipulated. There are a lot of NPCs about.

Yes, this is what @twistedmac11 claimed initially

"I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt. Notice I haven't said anything in support since."

Except, three months ago when he was helping ES astroturf, I clearly explained the brigading, and linked to evidence supporting it. Yet he continued to participate in helping ES brigade and manipulate.

He is playing the victim.

Does whether he is a literal sock puppet, or a functional one, actually make a big difference? The effect is the same. Especially since he is still doing it.

@Crensch @think-

twistedmac11 ago

Your link doesn't support the claims that you make. Try again.

I wasn't helping anyone "astroturf". I was explaining to you why that post got downvoted, which is because it was a shitty post that was completely unrelated to pizzagate. LOOK AT THE REST OF THE COMMENTS ON THAT POST. Why aren't you accusing them of being alts?

You're stringing a whole lot of nothing together and trying to make something of it. What a fucking joke.

Crensch ago

Then they are continuing to be stupid by attacking the mods instead of ES. Thanks to ES, EVERY user that agrees with him, or espouses his same talking points is suspect, and it'll stay that way until one of them brings forth solid evidence of wrongdoing instead of opinions.

Notice this faggot talking about MODS:

or are you trying to push legitimate users out of the sub when you don't like what they have to say?

Yes. MODS are doing this. Not ES and his ilk. MODS are. You know, because we ban and delete things we don't agree with because reasons.

Not taking ES shit, and not allowing that narrative a foothold anymore, is the best thing we can do to make this place friendly to legitimate users. If that involves suspecting usernames of being his alts when they support ES or attack the mods, I'm OK with that. They can blame HIM for us needing to think that way.

If he's an NPC, he's of no use here, anyway; good riddance... and look at that pathetic submission history. Kek. "Legitimate users."

twistedmac11 ago

The mods continue to bring my name into shit, so I continue to defend myself. Quit mentioning me and I won't respond.

Crensch ago

The mods continue to bring my name into shit, so I continue to defend myself. Quit mentioning me and I won't respond.

Nobody cares if you respond or don't respond. If you attack the mods for coming to reasonable conclusions about your username, we'll just post support for our position again.

twistedmac11 ago

You've really got some shit twisted. You guys are accusing me of something that isn't true. I'm allowed to get pissed and I'm allowed to defend myself. In fact, getting pissed over false accusations is kind of a normal reaction, especially when there's no real way to stand up for yourself and it's 5 mods ganging up and using confirmation bias against 1 user.

Crensch ago

You've really got some shit twisted. You guys are accusing me of something that isn't true. I'm allowed to get pissed and I'm allowed to defend myself. In fact, getting pissed over false accusations is kind of a normal reaction, especially when there's no real way to stand up for yourself and it's 5 mods ganging up and using confirmation bias against 1 user.

You get all those privileges, but fail to apologize to the mods you've wrongfully attacked, or apologize to everyone in the subverse for helping ES astroturf. You're an immoral faggot with double-standards for yourself that would make a human feel shame.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are the only adult, of sound mind, in the room. That is what you get for being here. Not sure what you will do about, but here you are.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now."

Vindicator ago


I just snorted Diet Coke all over my laptop.

think- ago

You are the only adult, of sound mind, in the room.

You made the remark above to @kevdude, right?

Hmm....strange, just a couple of days ago, you said that I'm 'sharp', 'smart' and have 'good judgment'.

That was after I called you out for manipulating the sub, called you a spook, and called you out for hurting many users here, btw. :-)

Changed your mind? How come? /s

Everybody, EsotericShade doesn't think I'm the greatest mods of all time anymore!! /s

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

Hmm....strange, just a couple of days ago, you said that I'm 'sharp', 'smart' and have 'good judgment'.

Let us just cut the bullshit. Me and you have spoken by PM many times. Yes, you have always struck me as a pretty smart person with good judgement. Please don't prove me wrong.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

Shizy ago

Wasn't one of his excuses for not having time for this something to do with pigeon poop? I just love all these excuses!

Crensch ago

Yes, it was! Because he fed them CHEERIOS!

And someone, I think @Vindicator called him out for being a retard and LARPing as a redneck since no redneck would ever do something so stupid.

I think one of the most telling things about all this is EVERY SINGLE COMMENT OF HIS is something I can add above showing manipulation or lies. Every one. His "muh IRL better than you" or his "fellow white people" or his "you're the man now dog"... every single one is an obvious manipulation tactic.

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter - please see parent.

kazza64 ago

....... so confusing

Crensch ago

No, it's not.

auralsects ago


You are a faggot and haven't spent any considerable time in this sub

None of the mods even post original research except perhaps Honeybee, a Jewess.

Q has its own subs and they're disaster-areas of cringey boomer spam

Q is the ultimate surrender to authority and inconsistent with "trutherism"

Pissant "authority" figures like you and @Vindicator have maligned me, the only Jew-namer, since day one, with provably false accusations

I agree with you; it's fairly transparent what's going on here

Vindicator ago

auralsects -1 points (+0|-1) 18 minutes ago (edited 18 minutes ago)


Bwahahahhaha! That's the best thing I've heard all night. You should do standup, ES.

auralsects ago

I always post sourced facts, which is why you have had to justify deleting my threads with "notPG related", even as your mod @think- posts about some jungle bunnies taken hostage by Boko Haram.


Vindicator ago

some jungle bunnies taken hostage by Boko Haram

Last I checked, raping and parting out little black kids was an old time favorite of the Cabal. I'm surprised you would want to cover up crimes against your own people, Donkey.

Vindicator ago

No one believes him anymore anyway. He thinks that intelligence operatives run the sub. Between the bootlicking and the fact he has no shame about his crimes and keeps coming back to get Crensched again and and again, I think it's pretty clear we're dealing with someone who likes to be dominated.

That would explain how he knew to write this submission.


think- ago

He thinks that intelligence operatives run the sub.

No, he doesn't. He claims it, because he is a spook. To spread the 'the mods are compromised' narrative is part of his job.

Apart from that, this made me rolling on the floor: ;-)

Between the bootlicking and the fact he has no shame about his crimes and keeps coming back to get Crensched again and and again, I think it's pretty clear we're dealing with someone who likes to be dominated.

That would explain how he knew to write this submission.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

@kevdude: please see parent above.

Vindicator ago

I do. Just don't always paste the archive link. You can always see them if you put the thread url into and add /* at the end. You'll see all of the archive shots made of all the sub threads that way.

MadWorld ago

That is also what I usually do, archive it, but don't necessarily show it in the comment. So one day, if something gets wiped or altered, you can usually find it from

Vindicator ago

Well, well, well. Isn't this interesting...

Here, @EsotericShade claims he's so ignorant of technology (a "retard") he had to make all these alts because passwords are too hard to remember.

But eight months ago, here he is having a conversation about how to use VPNs to game the voting system. Doesn't sound too tech ignorant here, now does he?

@Crensch, you might want to add this to the OP.

Incidentally, that thread shows him using multiple alts to try to take over a rule discussion, voting multiple times via different accounts and even bitching when Crensch missed votes that weren't made as top level comments that would be seen in his notifications. Lots of brigading, too. Here are three of them talking to each other, pushing the idea the mod team is run by intelligence operatives.

There are multiple comments by him in that thread as ES, rarepeeks, twistedmac11, dragonkiller and others concern trolling the idea that the rule discussion is some kind of trap created by Crensch to get people's names on a hit list -- he simultaneously votes multiple times and tries to scare other people away from letting their voice be heard. It's rather appalling how glaring it is in this thread, actually.

@think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

think- ago

Excellent comment, @Vindicator. Thank you.

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

twistedmac11 ago

The comment you linked to shows ESOTERICshade tagging me and others. Notice there are no replies. Also notice that in the main thread, my only comments are on the top comment thread, and they only say that crensch shouldn't talk to users the way that he does.

So, let me get this straight. Because I think that the mods should treat users with respect, I'm an alt? Your critical thinking skills need a lot of work. There are other users in that thread who said the same. Why aren't you tagging them as alts?

I've made it clear on this thread that I'm not an alt. So are you just that dense, or are you trying to push legitimate users out of the sub when you don't like what they have to say?

twistedmac11 ago

@vindicator you mind responding, or are you done accusing me of shit?

Crensch ago

Woooow, I just got on and this is the 3rd post you've commented on about @ESOTERICshade trying to get you demodded, which isn't even proved by the link you posted. Are you that desperate for people to feel badly for you? What's so wrong with asking for unbiased moderation?


Your critical thinking skills need a lot of work.

Your critical thinking skills need a lot of work if you're blaming the mods for suspecting you, instead of blaming ESOTERIC for causing the mods to suspect usernames that agree with him, since he made lots of alts for that.

I've made it clear on this thread that I'm not an alt.

No, you didn't. Not at all.

So are you just that dense, or are you trying to push legitimate users out of the sub when you don't like what they have to say?

  • Legitimate.

  • Agreeing with ESOTERIC and attacking the mods.

Pick one.

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

twistedmac11 ago

If you think that agreeing with someone is all it takes to make them an alt, you definitely aren't the smart one in this conversation.

I am allowed to 1) agree with someone and 2) not agree with mods without being an alt. A+B doesn't add up to C.

Crensch ago

If you think that agreeing with someone is all it takes to make them an alt, you definitely aren't the smart one in this conversation.

It makes you suspicious. Other things you've done make it likely you're an alt.

I am allowed to 1) agree with someone and 2) not agree with mods without being an alt. A+B doesn't add up to C.

Still haven't attacked ES or apologized to the mods for wrongfully attacking them. You also haven't explained why you helped ES astroturf here even after having it explained to you.

@Vindicator did we have a consolidated post of this guy's faggotry?

Vindicator ago

I don't think we've deep dived too much, other than to see that he frequently turns up in ES' brigades. This has a bit of it:

twistedmac11 ago

I don't owe mods shit, especially when you guys continue with your own faggotry. This is the internet, no one owes you an apology. I don't expect one from you, and if I were you, I wouldn't hold your breathe waiting for one from me.

I also haven't helped anyone astroturf. Again with the confirmation bias and loosely-linked evidence that doesn't amount to shit, although I'm starting to understand that I'm the only person here who can apparently look at said evidence objectively.

Crensch ago

I don't owe mods shit, especially when you guys continue with your own faggotry.

We don't owe you shit, so stop asking for it.

This is the internet, no one owes you an apology.

You're right. We don't owe you an apology, nor do we owe you not posting our findings about you.

I don't expect one from you, and if I were you, I wouldn't hold your breathe waiting for one from me.

You expect us to stop treating you like an ES alt. I wouldn't hold your breath, either.

I also haven't helped anyone astroturf. Again with the confirmation bias and loosely-linked evidence that doesn't amount to shit, although I'm starting to understand that I'm the only person here who can apparently look at said evidence objectively.

"Everyone else is crazy, not me."

Others can make their decisions based on the evidence. We all know what most have thought about the evidence against you so far.

auralsects ago

Weird, I'm conspicuously absent there. and all my alts are intentionally undisguised.

Your stretching to lump me in with him is clear as day, and pathetic.

Shizy ago

Once again you fat neckbeard liar- how are your donkey alts in any way related to your blowjob alt? Maybe in your sick head donkeys and blowjobs go together, but not to the rest of society!

@vindicator @think- @srayzie

auralsects ago

First of all it was never donkeys, but Don Quixote, the most famous literary character in European history (so no surprise you can't recognize It)

Secondly, username doesn't hide anything when you're the ONLY guy spouting certain views, which I've never stopped doing.

What you're doing is demonstrating my point that bad actors (kikes like @Vindicator) can gaslight a bitch easier than I can backhand her for overcooking my steak and thus you shouldn't even be here.

Vindicator ago

Weird, I'm conspicuously absent there.

So...why are you replying to the comment? Why would you even know I made it? Did ya forget which account you were logged into again?

all my alts are intentionally undisguised

Indeed. "The Donk" a carefully scripted bit character.

Your stretching to lump me in with him is clear as day

If it was a stretch, you wouldn't have to try so hard to debunk it. Your own comments convict you, as I described in detail in this other thread:

If I "admitted" openly rather than DM that means it wasn't nefarious:

LOL, no. It just shows you fuck up sometimes when you get lonely and drunk and your conscience starts to bother you about trying to cover up the heinous child raping of your employers.

You can dodge and weave, Esoteric Donkey, but you can't escape the fact you claimed as auralsects you had no alts, but fucked up and bragged to your shill pal that you were the troll Donkey, deep in a comment thread in a sub you thought none of us would ever see.

He apparently pinged me and I never even showed up -- that's me "trying to dox you" LMAO

Oh, you never showed up, huh? I think anyone who reads this thread can clearly see you participating in the efforts of Hojuruku to subvert v/pizzagate and Voat, a user who not only put a bounty out on me, but who also directly admitted to trying to get me killed:

"I am going to get some pizzagate pedo mods doxxed and dead because I'm convinced they are OTO pedos now."

"I swear to god I'm going to dox and hunt down you pedo mods. It's on."

So, let's just recap for the folks:

auralsects ago

"Why are you even replying to my comment"

Uh, I saw it?

"you wouldn't have to try so hard to debunk it."

Who's trying hard here LMAO! I can simply post DMs of his faggotry to prove it.

Your post is the worst kind of rank speculation, hence so many rhetorical questions.

None of this is to say that, while I didn't participate or even respond to the request, I fully support your doxxing/dismemberment, which will save Zyklon-B costs

Vindicator ago

"Why are you even replying to my comment"

Uh, I saw it?

Heh. Indeed! But how?

I deliberately did not ping you -- I only pinged ESOTERICshade.

Yet somehow you just coincidentally "saw" my comment in a two-week old thread, with over 1,000 comments. My comment is several "load more comments" pages in. Take a look and try to explain just how it was that you "saw" this if you don't have access to Esoteric's notifications.

Go ahead. Let's hear it.

@Crensch @think- @Shizy @kevdude @srayzie Donkey fell in a hole. ;-)

auralsects ago

Oh my God you buffoon.

How indeed does one read such a massive thread.

By sorting by "New" obviously. Or maybe I simply browsed your comment history to easier locate and debunk lies.

I don't remember because it's a completely ludicrous detail to brandish during your gaslighting campaign.

You know what is relevant? The DMs I have from 2 years ago proving I'm not ES nor Equineluvr (another accusation made on exactly the samea illogical basis).

"how did u see my comment, as lead mod labeling you shill, though?! Are we to believe you scrolled down several pages?" <---fuckin pathetic kike.

Vindicator ago

You know what is relevant? The DMs I have from 2 years ago proving I'm not ES nor Equineluvr (another accusation made on exactly the samea illogical basis).

What would that prove? If you control both accounts, you obviously can send messages from one to the other, and then take screenshots of having received them.

^---fuckin pathetic kike.

auralsects ago

Thanks for taking the bait you stupid kike.

Having disputed the evidentiary value, you're now forced to offer your standards to justify your skepticism.

But you have no idea what threshold I can meet and no idea of the subjective standards held by those you're gaslighting.

Would I really choreograph dozens of messages to myself over several months from alts, on the dubious eventuality of needing them? How about hundreds? Only, indeed, to make elementary mistakes logging in and not once but twice?

I wasn't counting on your keen eye, right LOL


@Crensch it's inconsistent with your cover story to be character-assassinating the only Jew-namer of the sub, and worse still, explicitly and exclusively based on his resistance to a co-opter (Q) who says Merkel is Hitler's daughter and avoids any mention of Jews.

^ "these people are stupid."

Vindicator ago

Nice try with the lies Donkey. For a guy who supposedly hates Jews, you sure do spin and dodge the subject like one.

If you are such a bro with ES that you've got months worth of love letters in your inbox from him, why would you consider it "character assassination" to be confused with him?

You claim @Crensch named the Donkey because of Q, when you know well this thread had nothing to do with Q. You are accused of joining in Voat brigading and forum manipulation.

And of course, you also lie about Q. Q never said Merkel was Hitler's daughter.

auralsects ago

It doesn't matter who you're alleging I am, idiot. It's still calling me a liar.

Nor does communication indicate affection.

So two utterly nonsensical points, prefaced by accusing ME of dodging, and not acknowledging the checkmate I just dealt you. LMAO! KIKE CONFIRMED.

Lmao@this thread has nothing to do with Q. Demonstrably false, not even worth addressing.

I also already proved I don't even vote and that I am in fact the biggest VICTIM of brigading probably in the history of the site.

You are so bad at this. I KNOW that's why you want as many dumb naive women around as possible, even as mods.

Hell you're using the same logic one of them used re: I = equine, yet who somehow DOESN'T think I'm ES. LMAO HOLY SHIT you people suck

srayzie ago

I also proved I don’t vote

Oh that’s priceless. Soooo many times you’ve told me that I shouldn’t be allowed to vote because I’m a woman. So many times I’ve told you that having a little noodle between your legs made you a male, but not a man. Voting has always been an example for you to use against us.

Hahaha, what do you say? You don’t vote? What a LOSER! What have you ever accomplished? You would have done better if you just shut your hole. Go play in the sand Muhammad. 🐪 🐫

Victim my ass! Why don’t you grow a pair and stop hanging out in the transvestigation sub so much?

@Vindicator @Crensch @Shizy @kevdude @think-

auralsects ago

I can't downvote because I have negative ccp. As always you are just a dimwitted, drunken housewife with no idea what you're talking about.

I bet you hit 3 walls before exiting a room

srayzie ago

You can’t downvote because you post nothing but trash Mr. “Researcher”.

Crensch ago

Voting has always been an example for you to use against us.

Gotta make us look like the bad guys with our votes while he uses his alts to do his voting for him. Auralsects is his martyr account, meant to curry favor with those open to the "Voat is compromised" or "mods are compromised" or "poor me, I'm being bullied" or "Voat has no free speech, look at my ccp!" crap.


srayzie ago

That’s because he needs to grow a pair.

auralsects ago

I can smell the fear of a Jew a mile away.

Everyone can see how you refuse to engage me directly, faggot.

Not only am I not a shill or troll, I'll challenge you to show me the profile of a more better researcher than me.

This is an ADDITION to the still-standing challenge to show me a single piece of original research by @srayzie, for which I pledged to leave permanently.

think- ago

I also already proved I don't even vote

LOL. Yes, this time, so that you could claim you don't vote. But you surely downvoat my comments in other posts, don't you? :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @srayzie

auralsects ago

If you have negative points as all my accounts do you can't downvote .

You obviously don't know shit about your own platform, but you'll just nod your head to Vindicators gaslighting.

Thanks for providing an example of what I described above.

What a stupid bitch.

Shizy ago

We all know you have alts you stupid obese faggot! Don't play games. People are on to your bullshit!

What a stupid bitch!


think- ago

I KNOW that's why you want as many dumb naive women around as possible, even as mods.

Speaking of modding, Donkey, you haven't told us yet why you got demodded after only four weeks or so, and who demodded you and why.....

:-) :-) :-)

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

auralsects ago

I assume youre referring to ES or someone else.

Ive been brigaded since I started naming the Jew and didn't mod anything.

Shizy ago

You modded pizzagate. That is until @kevdude demodded you due to lack of activity on that alt. Is this not true? How do you keep all your lies straight faggot?


auralsects ago

No it's not true and you're a stupid bitch for believing it. I obviously enjoy mocking/destroying you people far too much to use an alt to pretend I respect you.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I would love to know that as well!

Vindicator ago

Think-, we gotta get you in the habit of serving stuff with sauce. Lemme help you with an archive of Donkey being on the original mod team

Whatever he did must have been pretty bad, because he scrubbed his account.

It's curious he was ever made a mod, given the fact that on 11/20/2016 (a month prior to the archive above) Donkey claimed pizzagate is a false flag: See <-- Post titled "Pizzagate is brilliant disinfo".

The rest of his submission history is mundane. Bernie Bro. Trump hater. "Assange is dead" pusher. Wannabe writer. New Englander who likes to garden <-- Post titled "Impatiently waiting for spring in New England: An introduction, and other musings". Obsessed with Sessions prosecuting legal weed.

He did make one post claiming the guvmint can read your mind: <-- Post titled "Wikileaks Vault 8 Spoiler Alert".

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

I’m curious too. Who made him a mod?

Vindicator ago

So far, we haven't been able to dig that up. If I could access modmail going all the way back, I'd tell you. It was probably @kingkongwaswrong. In the chaos of the migration, he didn't vet those he modded very well. One of the mods he made then, @numbchuck, turned out to be a shill who tried to delete everything in the subverse until @kevdude caught him and stopped him.

srayzie ago

You can delete unimportant mail so you can go back further. I mean, if that’s something you guys wanted to do.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the tip. :-) Is it really worth it? Probably not, LOL. That's two years' worth of modmail.

srayzie ago

Probably not lol

SchlongKeyhote ago

LOL this reminds me of the time @Srayzie trawled the internet for anyone with such a generic pun as DonkeyHote and found one discussing Israel and Palestine and thought she hit gold, probably poured herself another double.

I even LOLed at the time when you banned that hapless goat along with all my Donkey alts.

You've got NOTHING, KIKE! except your stereotypical chutzpah that eventually leads you directly into an oven

srayzie ago

You don’t deny it. You changed the subject. Your people should throw sand in your eyes. 🐫 🐪

SchlongKeyhote ago

so according to you idiots I actively maintain ES and a slew of alts that apparently support him, in addition to Equineluvr, and the brigaded Donkey alts, and god knows what else

…but when I acquire the crown jewel of shilling and SUCCEED IN BEING GIVEN MODERATOR POWERS as u/DonkeyOatey I "forgot" to log in and use those powers.

who would believe such a stupid scenario XD

you people are so fucking retarded. @kevdude you're a complete fucking moron for suggesting that LMAO

bopper ago

ESO's style would be too hard for you to duplicate, you're not ESO.

Don't know why people said that.

Shizy ago

Well done as always Vindicator! How cute, he likes dandelions! Confirmed faggot @auralsects!!

Shizy ago

Excellent question!!! Does anyone know what went on with all of that? How the hell did donkey manage to keep his nasty trap shut long enough to be modded in the first place?

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: please see parent.

MolochHunter ago

So... Epileptic Spade is also Anal Insects? It's all so clear to me now

@Srayzie @think-tank

Vindicator ago

Ha ha. I guess you missed that time they fucked up.

And your nic for him is all the more fitting, since Oralsex claimed to actually be a Spade. LMAO!!

ESOTERICshade ago

I won't read all this. Goddamn. Get a life. I so do not give a fuck.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

think- ago

I won't read all this.

'I won't read the evidence that proves I have been lying and manipulating, and will pretend it isn't there.'

Goddamn. Get a life

You are the one who has been spending all day long here operating your army of alts, and grooming users in PMs. @Vindicator is just fine.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator does a good job. I have no problem with what he does. I fought hard to keep the Qanon from infecting this sub. I used the whole tool bag. v/pizzagate is precious. We have to protect it. It is still a baby egg incubating in it's nest but some day it will make a difference. It already made a difference. This little sub is a powerful force. A lot of people look to us for guidance. We must maintain our stature. It is what is.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do."

Vindicator ago

We have to protect it.

Then why did you cast shade on all of the research here by operating in a malicious, deceitful manner, grooming users, lying to them and about them, threatening them and trying to suppress their First Amendment rights as we have thoroughly documented in this thread?

And why are you trying to prevent @Crensch @think- @EricKaliberhall and I from protecting this sub from astroturfing liars?

A lot of people look to us for guidance. We must maintain our stature.

No one looks to you and your mob of alts for guidance, ES. That ship has been torpedoed by those of us who really do care about pizzagate and about Voat. Stop trying to hide behind the skirts of genuine pizzagate researchers. Your cancerous presence does nothing but pollute this sub. If you actually cared about pizzagate, you would delete your account and the accounts of all your alts.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are doing a good job. Just keep Qanon virus out of this sub. My mission was to keep Q OUT OF THIS FUCKING SUB. .

What is so hard to understand about that? Look bro...

I realize that you believe Donald Trump is sitting on a couch in Washington D.C. tweeting to you and intentionally mispelling some Tweets as a wink to you. I cannot even explain how kindergarten that line of thinking is. That is so fucked that I almost cannot get over it.

Trump is Chabad Luvavitch and you need to ge over your goddamn fantasy. You have access to a world of information. Get the fuck up and learn. Who do you think Wilbur Ross and Roy Cohn are? Are you kidding me? At this point you are willfully dumb or you are a disinfo shill.

Surely to God nobody could be this dumb. I know you are not stupid enough to figure out this puzzle? Or are you that stupid? I am not "asking for a friend" i'm serious. Are you this fucking stupid? If you are I will educate you. Jesus mother fucker.................................

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

"As a meth head Jew, I will mock you for believing in Trump, and I will WRITE IN ALL CAPS AND TELL YOU TO KEEP Q OUT OF THIS FUCKING SUB. I put on my smugface when I do this because I totally convinced you goyim to do what I wanted you to do!"

Vindicator ago

Must totally suck being exposed as a complete liar and shill by someone you consider such a Rube.

So many months and months you've spent here (((teaching))) us all about your special hidden knowledge. How can you go on, knowing your own devious, two-faced, cheating approach has blown up in your own face?

Vindicator ago

LOL. Don't like the cold endoscope, eh? Too late...we're all the way to your gall bladder now.

I didn't spend hours on it at all, ES. I found it in about fifteen minutes. I've got pages and pages of shit I've collected on you these many months. I've warned you about it in the past, and you didn't listen. Too bad for you. I can keep doing this every day for the foreseeable future. Your comment history is a goldmine, especially with all the alts you thought we didn't know about.

ESOTERICshade ago

Amazing. You comment minutes after me. Shows that....something....or ON TOP of the game. I don't give a fuck about you gaslighting mother fucker fuckers. Look at the names of the regular posters in pizzagate? Most of the old regulars gone right? Damn straight. We left. Guess where we went? We will never tell you. Take your new sheep herd into the abyss because we left. And have a happy life. I wish you the best. Somebody got gamed, but it was not us. We left.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

think- ago

Amazing. You comment minutes after me.

LOL - yes, during @Vindicator's regular modding shift. looks amused

Most of the old regulars gone right?

You mean users like migratorypatterns that you chased off the board?

Or other posters who have left because they were afraid of you?

We left.

Obviously, you didn't. LOL

@Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Shizy ago

Did you know you're a "mother fucker fucker"?! 😂 At least he's good for a laugh.

The cracks are forming so I'll just enjoy this shit show while it lasts!

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say this real that you can get it.

Okee dokee? I only have ONE damn goal left in my life. My goal is to save our children. I will use any means necessary to get that job done. You copy?

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

Vindicator ago

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

Wait, can't talk to him like this!!! Don't you know @Esotericshade is a (((victim)))?

He’s seen kids cut open without anesthetic and their organs removed, then their bodies "stacked like firewood"!!!

He was tortured for seven years with microwaves by the deep state!!!

He was targeted by a coven!!!

In fact, he's a real life Pizzagate victim who “got fucked in the ass as a kid”!!!!!!!!!

Crensch ago

At this point, I'd wager he gave up his anal virginity for some meth.

I'll add those in as he continues commenting. Thanks for the links! (I figure if he deletes, the links can be put into and people can still read them... I can edit later too, but for the purposes of not cluttering the story, just the direct links)

Shizy ago

What did you do to chase off @migratorypatterns??? If you really care about "saving kids" why would you scare off one of the best researchers that was here?

think- ago

Because she was a Trump supporter.

Shizy ago

Seriously? Guess he doesn't really care about saving kids.

You know who else hates Trumo more than they hate pedophiles? Looney Libs!

EricKaliberhall ago

Good, then you won't mind when we flair your sorry ass... I am still advocating a 'confirmed shill' flair, in the color pink. It will be absolutely beautiful... Not tacky, more classy.

Crensch ago

Not opposed, here.

Vindicator ago

I'm for it...all of his proven alts that don't delete their accounts ought to have to wear one, as well.

think- ago

Yes, you keep repeating this every time we show that you have lied again, Esoteric. :-)

And now we know that it was indeed you who has been responsible for chasing Migratorypatterns off the board. Oh my. Poor woman.

No word about why you have been constantly saying you would leave, but then didn't, and are still here?

@Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

@kevdude @EricKaliberhall: Please see parent.

ESOTERICshade ago

Give it a rest. We have the same goals. I have to hook up a trailer to a truck and I don't have time for this right now. You do all this as a labor of love. I do it for the same reason. None of us get paid to do this. We are here because we choose it upon ourselves.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Apologies again. Please see my comment above.

MadWorld ago

He just keeps on digging this mess deeper...

My apology for coming here late, I was busy with my own stuff and some testing on the preview site. You are a great researcher and should be able to handle with preserving the evidence. If necessary, you could send me a set of usernames, and/or a set of search terms, and an optional time frame to search with. I can keep those comment histories separated by username or have them combined. If you like it raw, I can also dump the pdf file with all comments currently archived. Those comments only go back as far as it was initially viewable, not the complete comment history of the account.

Theoretically, I could go back to find older comments. But it is not nice to Voat's resource. So it should be avoided at all cost.

Vindicator ago

Don't worry, MadWorld. We're having a lot of fun showing ES the working end of the endoscope. ;-) We don't need to tax Voat's servers, especially when the guy's cronies are already trying to shut Voat down. We can do it the old fashioned way.

If you like it raw

Heh. How can I say no to that?

Crensch ago

Done. Great find, bud.

Vindicator ago

Heh. Here he is castigating MF for holding onto power. How's that for irony! EsotericShade has become what he hates, as evil is wont to do.

MolochHunter ago

@EsotericShade the fact that you tried to justify and fluff away your brigading ways instead of skulking off in rightful shame proves your moral compass is completely broken

PrepareForWar ago

Dude this crensh person is the jewiest of jews. Fucking gross.

ESOTERICshade ago

mmmm? I dunno. When it comes to meth maybe less is better?

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior."

ESOTERICshade ago

This video, "Jesuit Theater" is a crash course in Jesuits. Don't let the first of the vid fool ya. Walter starts slow to warm up the Chrisians with Bible stuff, and then later he kicks into high gear. Higher minds will appreciate it. The Jesuits created our school systems. So it is...Ignore the Christian overtone in the beginning few minutes, and then pack in some info.

This is the "magic lantern." Astute scholars will have no problem understanding.

in spite of the fact that it might not appear so. links to this comment I made. They are associated with one another.

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

ESOTERICshade ago

All of these correlate, believe it or not. Next I will teach you about the "magic lantern" but not in this comment.

Nature By Numbers

The Allegory Of Plato's Cave

Plato's cave analysis

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own."

ESOTERICshade ago

I should have married a chick like this, and run off to Peru. I wish...

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old."

lets_get_hyyerr ago

imagine being THIS much of a loser.


adaya ago

Me a Year Ago : (sqeaky voice) ...I don't know, maybe the Mods ARE Nazis. Why do they keep deleting...?

Me Today: Let the GAH-Damn NAZI Mods do their GAH-Damn NAZI Jobs!!!

-sorry Crensch, I'm somewhat useless, as I just learned to downvoat. I do however, trust the Mod team, based on my experience & their behavior. I was a complete ass about a year ago, attacked MF & Mod team (lol, it was actually Vindi who deleted my post, RIGHTLY so--) checking later how I realized I was being a total fuckwit, basically bandwagon-ing. I was super rude, and dead wrong. Crensch called me out. KevDude tried to get me to live write my post...all in all...logic was the worst thing that happened to me. People were so kind to me, especially for NAZI!S...anyway point being , if Mod team were revenge based or bad faith, I never would have been able to Lurk Moar and learn.

I'll get better at downvoating when I notice fuckery going on. Thanks for putting up with all this!

angelafogo ago

Hello. I am copying this message i sent to Argosciv one year ago. I received veiled threats from Esotericshade in responde to several investigations i made of which the most important was my investigation on GIDON FEEN.

angelafogo > argosciv | Sent: 1.1 years ago on 8/30/2017 10:21:53 PM pizzagate Hi, this place is truly infested. Can i have your advice. I have received several constant comments which hide a very clear threat menace between the lines from a user called ESOTERICshade I really cannot believe people are actually working so we cannot share this information. Any advice? Should i just close everything and run? I dont want to sound paranoid but these people are all over the place

Thank you for your kind words.

Argosciv replied that Esotericshade was good people and that i should trust him though i never did.


Vindicator ago

Thanks for coming forward, angela. I'm sorry you were targeted. Consider it a badge of honor. :-) Might be time to dust off those old leads and find out what he didn't want you posting about.

Interesting downvote pattern here. ES is clearly still using his alts to try to suppress people's speech and control the discussion. @Crensch @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

think- ago

I received veiled threats from Esotericshade in responde to several investigations i made of which the most important was my investigation on GIDON FEEN

for your comment, angelafogo. I'm sorry about that, and glad that you stayed! :-)

Did you get the 'veiled threats' in PMs or in comments on the threads? Do you maybe remember what exactly he said?

That might be helpful. Thank you, and please keep up the good work.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

angelafogo ago

It was a comment in one of my first posts. It was very clever and very ambiguous but it made very clear he was one of them. He said he was a Cabbalist and a jew scholar, he clearly did not want me to become an investigator. Many times when i shared some information he showed up and tried to connect my data with something totally out of context, now i know it was 100% intentional.

ESOTERICshade ago

Many times when i shared some information he showed up and tried to connect my data with something totally out of context, now i know it was 100% intentional.

Interesting. What was it?

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

Crensch ago

I don't understand the purpose of your comment. What are you trying to say here?

ESOTERICshade ago

I will also dump this since I am in the spotlight. Thanks crensch :) I'm gonna do an info dump tonight maybe. Need to check the thumb drives. It took me decades to even learn to find all this stuff. I have not read all of this but I have read a lot of it. I have a lot more this is only a partial list. It took me decades to get guided to all this info. Narrow it down, get through the confusion, distill it, and all that.

Secret history of the Cabal

My Irrelevant Defence

Hat tip to @2impendingdoom

Justin Davis Files. This one is really bizarre and sad. Justin Davis was on the run from the cult. He posted on facebook while homeless. About the only pleasure he had in life was going to public places he could play chess for free. He was a good chess player. While on the run and homeless Justin posted what he could on facebook in an effort to out the people he knew that were murdering and torturing. They did weird things to Justin such as sneak up on him while he was asleep, drug him, sew threads into his chest coated with poisons or some substance, and clipped the ends flush with the skin so that they were not visible. I rescued this information and uploaded it to

Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Rite Of Sodomy In the Catholic Church vol one and two

Sabbatai Zevi [microform] : a tragedy in three acts and six scenes with a prologue and an epilogue

This is a text.

Bill Cooper FOIA fbi files release

Crensch ago

For anyone wondering how this turns out.

ESOTERICshade ago

probably because they were informed by horseshit links like above.

Those links indict your hated Jews more than almost any other links could do. It proves their crimes, their origins, and details their most grisly crimes. Good job, bro, you proved once again, that you ain't got a clue what in the hell you are talking about. This is a good place for me to exit this thread and leave it like that.

Crensch ago

Those links indict your hated Jews more than almost any other links could do. It proves their crimes, their origins, and details their most grisly crimes. Good job, bro, you proved once again, that you ain't got a clue what in the hell you are talking about. This is a good place for me to exit this thread and leave it like that.

After crimes deserving of their extinction, who gives a shit what else they did? You're kinda pragmatically stupid, aren't you? Stuck in your ivory tower of books, but unable to effect change without subterfuge. It must eat at you to know that I effect change honestly, and without knowing such irrelevant details that you find so important.

ESOTERICshade ago

and without knowing such irrelevant details that you find so important.

There is an old saying that goes "history repeats itself."

Mark Twain said it better. Twain said "history does not repeat, but it sure does rhyme." Mark Twain got it right. It does not "exactly" repeat but it damn sure rhyme. There is a mathematical repeat that has been going on for thousands of years. It follows this cycle and attenuates itself according to the technology of the day. Its like that corny movie "Groundhog Day" and i'm not joking. The same thing happens over, and over, and over, and over, and over. using the same formulas. "there is nothing new under the Sun" is a real deal.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whateverAnon submission.

Posted automatically (#5857) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

There is an old saying that goes "history repeats itself."

Then I'll add to that dusty old saying:

"Unless you exterminate the lesser peoples you've conquered."

Mark Twain said it better. Twain said "history does not repeat, but it sure does rhyme." Mark Twain got it right. It does not "exactly" repeat but it damn sure rhyme. There is a mathematical repeat that has been going on for thousands of years. It follows this cycle and attenuates itself according to the technology of the day. Its like that corny movie "Groundhog Day" and i'm not joking. The same thing happens over, and over, and over, and over, and over. using the same formulas. "there is nothing new under the Sun" is a real deal. Mathematical constants, time using money, variation for the change in technology, etc...but, it rhymes with shit that happened five hundred years ago, or two thousand years ago. Value in knowing rhymes...just sayin...

The more you talk, the more delicious this is. Do you even read what you're writing? You're LARPing some Mr Miyagi shit here, and with your own words, showing that there is no hope to change, no matter what we know or don't know. For someone pretending to be so smart, you can't even keep an internal logic for your position.

How does it feel to be bested, again, by a 19 year old?

ESOTERICshade ago

The more you talk, the more delicious this is. Do you even read what you're writing? You're LARPing some Mr Miyagi shit here, and with your own words, showing that there is no hope to change, no matter what we know or don't know. For someone pretending to be so smart, you can't even keep an internal logic for your position.


How does it feel to be bested, again, by a 19 year old?

Our goals are different. Your goal is to be seen as the smartest person in the room, to be seen as THE intellectual giant, and to "win" at all costs. My goal is to never stop learning, try to pass on anything I learn, keep learning from others, and try to have happy life.

You have made it very clear that your goal is to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, DESTROY AND WRECK, so that it you feel superior, and that you will attempt to "wreck" all those you do not agree with. You ain't wrecked shit in my neighborhood. I'm pretty content.

I attempted to pass on some good books to you and some concepts about money and monetary cycles that dictate how this will all go down in the future. You didn't like it. You don't care. I get it.

You "wrecked" yourself again. No skin off my nose. I will wake up in the morning just the same. I will take care of of the family properties, and you will look for somebody on the internet to "wreck" so that you can feel superior. I get it. Knock yourself out. Have a ball.

Crensch ago

Our goals are different. Your goal is to be seen as the smartest person in the room, to be seen as THE intellectual giant, and to "win" at all costs. My goal is to never stop learning, try to pass on anything I learn, keep learning from others, and try to have happy life.

Kek. Like I said, you have no desire to change anything at all.

You have made it very clear that your goal is to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, DESTROY AND WRECK, so that it you feel superior, and that you will attempt to "wreck" all those you do not agree with. You ain't wrecked shit in my neighborhood. I'm pretty content.

It's not even my goal; it's what I DO. And your shit got wrecked so hard here you can't even look cool or sage or wise around what you believe to be a 19 year old. "I'm not here to win" is the go-to for sore losers. Pretend you didn't REALLY want to win, and that's why you haven't. It's pathetic, and obvious, to anyone reading this.

I attempted to pass on some good books to you and some concepts about money and monetary cycles that dictate how this will all go down in the future. You didn't like it. You don't care. I get it.

I caused you to lose your cool and out yourself as the subversive, lying, sniveling prick you are. Given your lack of shame about it, I'd wager you're Jewish. Are you Jewish, ESOTERIC?

You "wrecked" yourself again. No skin off my nose. I will wake up in the morning just the same. I will take care of of the family properties, and you will look for somebody on the internet to "wreck" so that you can feel superior. I get it. Knock yourself out. Have a ball. The rest of us will have a "Crystolbal Vila".....a glass house.

You really want to pretend that it's not about winning for you, yet this is your rhetoric? More kek.

Another try at "muh IRL better than u" and also trying to make it seem like I somehow did myself a disservice here. Do I need to link that comment again?

I would be more than happy to be mostly dormant. My activity is proportional to the activity of fuckheads like you causing problems. Then again, I also LOVE toying with the lesser minds I find online. Little dancing puppets that cannot help but make mistakes because they're unprepared to deal with even a 19 year old on the internet.

You think your knowledge will change anything? You think that you learning things will make any more difference than a sentient, omniscient AI floating through space that cannot do or change anything at all?

I'm not here to masturbate myself over how many books I've read, I'm here to change things, and I have. Far more than you have, and in far better ways.

The most delicious part of all of this, though, is your continued insistence that I am here just to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, when my words clearly contain far more useful content in one comment than your entire username's history. It's called tone fallacy, snowflake. I know it's tough to deal with, a 19 year old that doesn't censor his words besting you at every turn, but that's just how it is. You'll never be any smarter than you are, and you'll never recover from being outed.

auralsects ago

Wow you're actually the most pretentious faggot I've ever seen on this site or off.

You've effected zero "change" anywhere. You're just a Qtard cheerleader whose last act of supervision in this sub was explicitly shilling for Jews and saying their history of ritual murder was "completely irrelevant" before deleting the thread.

An act you refuse to defend or acknowledge.

Fact: @srayzie sub is a laughable shit-show whereas before reddtard influx was just laughable but unspammed.

You want precisely this to happen here so the few valuable remaining researchers, like me, leave.

Shizy ago

"Valuable researcher" 😂🤣😂🤣🤣!

With your ZERO submissions and non stop crying about your hurt vagina?!? Yeah. Valuable!

Please do leave though. Since we don't deserve you 😂! What a faggot!

srayzie ago

What changes have you made? That is, besides your adult diapers? Srayzie’s sub seems to be doing just fine. Even tho I’m a woman! Yay. I’m voting too.

Why does your transvestigation posting ass keep coming to Esoteric threads?

You are not a researcher 😂


Qtiepie ago

He's a valuable researcher and @crensch is the most pretentious faggot on this site 🤣! I didn't know @auralsects was such a comedian! Still a faggot, but at least that was worth a good laugh!

Oh, and he's defending esoteric so much because he's hoping to get in on some of those donations to help pay for his breast reduction!

Crensch ago

And you argue that ES isn't you. Kek.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

auralsects ago

Neat trick, kike! I bet you think every time I chime in to a thread about someone being me, it's further confirmation.

But I CLAIM nothing. DMs PROVE I'm not ES, who's a pussy and compliments women.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm gonna screen this lunacy. This is one for the "books" because you are a fucking meth head or something.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kek. Like I said, you have no desire to change anything at all.

Stop speaking for me you meth head. Stop snorting meth. Only a meth head could write a wall of text like that, that means nothing. Go to rehab. Stop being a cancer on Voat. I won't read that crazy bullshit. Not gonna do it. Click................

Crensch ago

Stop speaking for me you meth head. Stop snorting meth.

WHOAH, struck a nerve, did I? Who said anything about drugs?

Only a meth head could write a wall of text like that, that means nothing.

So... I wouldn't know that, but I'm guessing you would. Wow. Way to give away your weak points to the enemy. Are you sure you're not just a little bit touched in the head?

Stop being a cancer on Voat.

I'm the guy that follows the rules and forum etiquette, you must be the other guy.

I won't read that crazy bullshit. Not gonna do it.

We both know you already did - LOOK AT THAT RAGE AND SALT. HAHAHAHAHA!

Click................I'm gonna screenshot this lunacy.

Enjoy this surviving; JFC this is glorious!

This is one for the "books" because you are a fucking meth head or something.

Remember what I keep saying about you projecting your faults and insecurities onto me? YOU KEEP DOING IT BECAUSE YOU ARE AN OVEREMOTIONAL JEW.

And I bet my question ASKING you that made your vision red-shift because you know it's true.

You have officially become pizzagate cancer, and possibly a voat wide cancer.

The dregs of the human DNA that one of your ancestors raped out of a child that still swims in your veins knows that the above-quoted applies to you, and the JEW in you thinks that attacking ME with it makes it less likely anyone will think that about YOU.

You Jews and your ONE carnival trick of misdirection are starting to get outed - the goyim are waking up to your trick, and none of you will be prepared for it.

If your caliber of discourse is what we can expect, I won't put my energy into it.

You just can't help yourself, you overemotinal JEW. KEK KEK KEK

"Meth head". Really? It's like playing poker with someone that turns his cards to face me. It's almost too easy to be fun anymore.

If your caliber of discourse is what we can expect, I won't put my energy into it.

ESOTERICshade ago

There are a bunch of us that you won't have to worry about anymore. According to my mailbox this morning, its a hand full of us. You need a sheep herd to maintain your sense of self. You just lost a bunch of sheep. Take care. I have to go work on a rent house.

Crensch ago

There are a bunch of us that you won't have to worry about anymore.

Aww, you're leaving? Where will I get my info on meth heads now?

According to my mailbox this morning, its a hand full of us.

You and your 8+ alts?

You need a sheep herd to maintain your sense of self.

Right. Find someone that does what I do, or does it to the degree I do it, and then show me how I blend in. I'm sure we'll all have a good laugh over it.

You just lost a bunch of sheep.

Never wanted sheep, anyway. What the fuck - you JUST said I need a sheep herd, but now I lost sheep and it's a bad thing? Again, do you read what you write, Jew?

Take care.

Don't tell me what to do.

Eat a dick.

I have to go work on a rent house.

You mean the house you rent that you pretend you own? You're so transparent it's retarded. I read you like a book, and you hate it, yet you keep inviting me to destroy your world.

ESOTERICshade ago

I want you to understand that I don't intend to invest my time trying to wrestle for control of the v/pizzagate sub. I don't have the desire, the time, nor the inclination. Nor do I want to cause trouble for the v/pizzagate sub.

I had an opinion that I still have and it is this>>> The v/pizzagate sub is supposed to operate on facts as best as possible. The Qanon community deals pretty much strictly in speculation and guesses, with a big dose of hope added in.

I didn't want the v/pizzagate sub to turn into wild guesses and speculation and I firmly believe that is what would have happened if pizzagate and Qanon became some sort of Unicorn Hybrid. I think that mix would dilute and discredit pizzagate and all our efforts might go down the drain. I would hate for that to happen.

I have a lot of years invested in this project.

I hold no animosity for any of you guys. We all have our own perspectives depending on what we all have been individually been exposed to. We all have our own mental skill sets.

I just want pizzagate to remain focused on its mission and not get caught up in the theater of Washington D.C. drama and mainstream fake news narrative. If it happens, it just happens. I hope it does not happen. Pizzagate became huge because it followed NOBODY. Pizzagate blazed it's own trail. It led and did not follow any Prophets. I hope that continues.

I wish you well. I have a damn good feeling you will get your wish and see less of me around here for a lonnggggg time. Adios......

MolochHunter ago

Everything you said in that above comment was perfectly valid opinion

NONE of that , however, justifies manipulation, vote brigading, alt-interactive false manufacture / reinforcement of narrative

NOTHING justifies discrediting / derailing both Pizzagate and the Q movement through those tactics. And compelling dozens of Mods to waste hours and hours dealing with investigating your disinfo shit rather than tending to the genuine investigations of those two subs


ridleychozo ago

You and @DeathToMasonsASAP are two of the most valuable people on here. Sad to see you go, brother. The mods here are so obviously shills it's not even funny. I never say it out loud because I try to keep decent relations with them since they have the power to suppress my work, but after this, I'm done being nice. This place is a joke. Users have worked so hard here and made progress DESPITE the actions of the pedophile-protecting moderators. This character attack against you is so desperate and pathetic. And they stickied it. I'm done with these baby fuckers. I hope they enjoy all the torture and eternal hellfire they get to enjoy for eternity.

God bless you for all your hard work. This sub is unbelievable. This world is unbelievable. God's kingdom can't come soon enough. May He level their homes and lay waste to their disgusting institutions. These are the end times and these demons shudder at the thought that their days are numbered.

ESOTERICshade ago

???? Have no idea who runs this. I just found it yesterday. I know one thing, any place that can do better than type "nigger faggot kike shill" 12 times a minute without making a typo is an improvement. crensch is way too stupid for me to deal with. I won't do this anymore.

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

think- ago

crensch is way too stupid for me to deal with.

@Crensch is very smart in what he does. He has been collecting quotes by you that show all your lies and contradictions, and he will continue doing so.

Enjoy the show.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: please see comment above. Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

lol i am enjoying the show

thats an unusually Q-esque quote comin from you

think- ago

lol i am enjoying the show


thats an unusually Q-esque quote comin from you


ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx bro. This place seems fucked. I agree. The whole internet is shrinking. I did everything I could think of to save this sub. I pulled out all the stops. I did what I could. I guess now the idiots have it. I'm gonna back off and watch it dissolve.

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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

think- ago

I did everything I could think of to save this sub.

Says the guy who created an army of alts, vote brigaded, chased users off the board, hurt users,and lied.

Game over, Esoteric, pardon 'shade tree Talmud scholar' according to your own words.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

Crensch ago

@think- @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

More of this, I assume, but thought you all would be interested in the comment above.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Either people are hijacking the voting system or the community is split down the middle. For now I think I'll side with Vindicator. Though I'm not too active here that it makes much difference.

If people are attacking this forum in a large enough quantity to produce the results and the strife we are witnessing, that is only further evidence of the legitimacy of PG as a general "movement." The truth stirs up contention and the evil one cannot abide it.

Crensch ago

Either people are hijacking the voting system or the community is split down the middle.

The former was proved to have happened with ESOTERICshade. The latter is now highly questionable as a legitimate narrative thanks to that.

Thanks for your input, and feel free to change your mind or disagree anytime.

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Following this thread, just to find out if it is possible to downvote someone 10-17 times as is claimed ES did, I tried it. Your browser stops you from down voting someone from an alt where a vote is already registered to your device. You can create as many alts as you want, but you'd have to find some way around that and I don't know what that would be. Multiple browsers, multiple phones, nothing to do all day? Clearing cookies?? Anyone know? I can think max, you'd be able to upvote yourself once or twice if you're normal. Maybe up to 4-5 if you're obsessed. But I dunno about 10-17 times.

Vindicator ago

you'd have to find some way around that and I don't know what that would be.


Crensch ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The VPN allows you to do this? So all you have to do is somehow reset your IP address and clear cookies? I've never used a VPN before and know very very little about it.

Crensch ago

I'm not going to give you an instruction manual on voat manipulation.

auralsects ago

Problem is: you have no evidence manipulating votes on comments even has any affect on any "consensus" just as you have no evidence that anti-Qtards are just attempting to demoralize.

Given the nature of Q Plan (we already won, trust the plan) indeed the accusation doesnt even make any sense.

More like you're responsible for involving tons of bluepilled civcuck boomers and women in an otherwise explicitly pro-white truth movement.

Thanks, KIKE.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't need one. I was just curious how it's possible.

EricKaliberhall ago

just to find out if it is possible to downvote someone 10-17 times as is claimed ES did, I tried it.

You know you just admitted to vote manipulation that is against VOAT's rules...

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch

EYJP1 ago

Hi Eric I do think you enjoy cropping things I said. I said it was not possible. And that it was an experiment. Have a nice day. My computer is now broken because I clicked on one of your favorite user's old posts on pizzagate and got a virus. I lost access to all of my laptop so thanks to Defango and Ushill and FalseMinds and Gotham Girl. You know it's funny you guys know who hojoruku was and never told us. The caption on that blog outing him was similar to what you say all the time on here. I found another blog outing the owner of that blog also. It's strange you let spies post on here for years. I'm leaving this forum. Have a nice life with your alts and ARGs.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hi Eric I do think you enjoy cropping things I said.

Who are you?

My computer is now broken because I clicked on one of your favorite user's old posts on pizzagate and got a virus. I lost access to all of my laptop so thanks to Defango and Ushill and FalseMinds and Gotham Girl.

I have no idea what you are on about.

You know it's funny you guys know who hojoruku was and never told us.

Here I thought his submissions explained exactly who he was.

It's strange you let spies post on here for years.

Free speech. Think for yourself, not my job to spoon feed you.

I'm leaving this forum. Have a nice life with your alts and ARGs.

Leaving after 20 min... Huge loss. I only have one account, I will always have just one account.

human_2000 ago

I like to ponder that a big chunk of the $$ I pay in taxes every year that gets ear-marked to classified, black programs run by folks like David Brock who pay shills to pollute this and other subverses. It must make the Deep State chuckle to think they have us paying for our own duping. Then, on top of our tax dollars, we pay even MORE to watch Hollywood movies that tell us how we should think about everything from politics to social issues. Still, I think the general population is getting it's money's-worth as they seem to be largely immune to reality. I guess that's how they want it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nope, your income tax goes to Rothschild, Vatican, British Crown through the Crown Corporation. After all, they own the private IRS. Zero income tax goes to the phony gov. They work for those entities, they are paid by them, not us.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You pay Taxes to Rothschild and British crown as well as Jesuit Vatican, not the phony gov. So start rethinking. Alefantis family takes a portion of your check, and Trump employs these twats, because they own him.

QIsCicada ago

All hail Q anon

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Who is Q anon?

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I just found this and I read through all the comments. You guys think this is some kind of a joke to play on users?

It jokes around about "death threats" against users 27 days ago that probably weren't really death threats, and then a bunch of alts that enjoy shitposting with mods joke about how "all you have is users displaying similar behaviors" which is the theme of this post. I bought your claim that he was the same alt as D2M AND aural sects and apologized but it looks like you guys were making this post to gaslight me and now you're still mocking me (some of you) in the thread after I apologized.

If anyone here sees the names of the users who thought this was funny, or at srayzie mocking me below for having a phone alt, you'll start to understand why none of this is funny to me. Either you're a bunch of immature children or you don't like me more than you dislike pedosatanists. I was on your side, but I'm realizing that some people here aren't on the side I thought that they were.

Being mocked and called a shill for getting stalked or threatened is the behavior of an abusive narcissist.

Crensch ago

Nobody gives a shit if you're being stalked or threatened anymore. Nobody on this end was gaslighting you - nobody on this end really cares enough about you to put forth that effort.

Nobody on this end likes you, so if you find us talking shit about you, it's because we tried to help you and you spit in our faces one too many times. Now go play in a dark alley where your stalker can find you, then beg ESOTERIC to help. I, for one, am done being nice.

You've shown yourself to be a mentally ill attention whore, and everyone would be happier if you just disappeared.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hi Crensch. I was looking through old threads on Voat Pizzagate forums about a week and a half ago and my computer suddenly broke. I tried it about 20 times and it would not work. Then my husband opened it yesterday to try and fix it and it was working so I missed this comment before. Here I see that you're talking down to me again. I suppose you think I am intentionally attacking you or something.

Thanks for letting me know that nobody here cares about me as another human being and whether I am being stalked or threatened.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind, when and if I am stalked and threatened again by anyone who frequents the sub. It has happened before. I'm not going to streisand effect every single post where someone does this to me.

It sure seems like you care enough about other users to create this thread about ES just not me.

I apologized to you guys about 6 times and believed you before I received "explanations" from Death2M and aural sects and ES that were plausible. Then after I did that I saw some threads you guys posted a month prior to doing this where you seemed to be mocking the exact thing that was going on in this thread.

I don't take threatening language lightly ever, considering some of the things I've been through.

It's tough for me to find people who understand what has happened to me because a lot of it got intricately wound up in something that they consider to be "my fault" for looking into.

I spent the last week and a half just spending time with my family and talking to friends like it was the 90s or something. It was actually really nice to have a "broken" laptop.

I only came to the pizzagate forum to be a helpful member and I was attacked by the mods for doing so. Then you guys wanted explanations for my "hiatus" which I gave you, but I had to leave out certain personal details about my life, which made you disbelieve me and become more paranoid about me.

I'm sorry you guys seem to have a huge problem with ES. While researching, before my computer broke, it seems there are operatives flying under the radar on this forum, and EITHER the mods are aware and don't care that they are here, or you're all friends. I see ES trying to kiss up to a lot of the mods and then going off and talking to some of the people I know to be operatives as though they are his friends. So either everyone on here pretends to be naive all the time or they really are naive, or they know what is going on and the real subject of this thread is me and not him.

I don't like how certain users here play with other users like little badmintons. Back and forth, you're good, you're evil, we think you're a shill, bla bla. I tried to be a decent person to you and in response you say horrible things like you want me to disappear, you think I'm mentally ill, things that are serious accusations against a person normally but you do it behind a mask of anonymity on a foreign Colombian website.

That's funny because I don't recall proving myself to be mentally ill on this forum. If anything I've been less demonstrably paranoid than most people here and I've posted less verifiably false disinformation that would make one appear to be a crazy person. You yourself are concerned about the image of pizzagate so you should understand that.

The whole world thinks pizzagate is a batshit crazy conspiracy theory but I think we know better. I hope the sub moves on past this drama some time soon. I enjoyed my vacation from the sub.

And for what it's worth I'm trying my hardest to leave, which should make you and the rest of the mod team pretty happy. I'm just super excited that I didn't lose two or three months of evidence on my computer that I had been gathering when I clicked on one of these nefarious archived pizzagate threads from last year. Have a nice day.

NeverGiveUp ago

Acting like little girls at school sports, fremdschämen

Crensch ago

1.5 years. 10scp. 35ccp. 59+sv. 77+cv.

Hi again, Esoteric. Introducing more of your upvote brigade?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think-

Above posted by @NeverGiveUp

Vindicator ago


gogogogostop ago

Is this soap-opera central?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sanctioned by the pedo mods

57005-177 ago

It seems like it where @crensch seems to be a little 19 year old drama queen.


nah .... it's just the MODS showing their hand! It seems they lean towards the BLACK Hand....the Left Path ... what they don't want here are good hearted and or intelligent honest people in this sub. But that's what made VOAT pizzagate what it is ! even though the string pullers sacked this site.... the righteous consciousness will prevail!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No reason to believe we will prevail. You guys aren't even aware that the relocation, eugenics and genocide programs of agenda 21 are going on weekly in the USA. Get ready to be told we are running out of water by the mockingbird media, as Rothschilds owns our water rights and wants to start a series of crisis. By the way, water is a renewable and we are not running out. At this point, this dead investigation is a distraction and you guys are sleeping through the beginning of the bankers taking down western society. By 2025, you will not recognize America and it will be greatly thinned out.


internets their is lots of confusion. true. ........ when I speak to people face to face about the subject ...they ready to RISE UP or at least look at life in a different view. Plant the seeds. Monkey see Monkey do . We need more Monkeys jumping up and down stirring shit up so the CULT is exposed. The Cult will kill and manipulate till the very end. We the "monkeys" need to never give up as well. even tho the deck is stacked the message still must be Righteous Christ like conscious will prevail. Evil will be exposed and then we the people must change society so evil does not prosper as it has unchecked. But yes it's the 4th quarter and we're down. COMEBACK of the millennia?

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You'll also notice BOTH Esoteric and his smurfy69 account commenting in this concern troll thread by @ArtificalDuality -- both claiming to have suffered torture from directed energy weapons. Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit known liar and drama queen @Jem777 was posting before Vindicator banned her - and she's also helping push it in this thread. You'll also find twistedmac11 joining in there.

I read that post about Tis and there were lots of regular users on it commenting. I now suspect argosciv is a part of Cicada or anonymous based on his edited comment towards me on it and his frequent defense of Satanism while mocking Scientology. The post is a year old. Why not let users here know?

srayzie ago

Everyone knows about Argosciv. @Crensch has called out many people. Do you butt in and fight everyone’s battles or just the ones that send you money?

aimeejamey ago

Try to keep up srayzie. I'm pointing out the creepy behavior of argosciv on a post about Targeted Individuals and his editing of a 1 year old comment 4 days ago that occurred on a thread linked by Crensch. Do I need to get your permission and approval now in order to make a comment on this board?

srayzie ago

Oh did you forget another password? Yeah, It’s obvious what you are really doing, Argos has done this shit for over a year. Suddenly you take interest? What you are really doing Miss Thang, is pointing out Argosciv to get the heat off your sugardaddy Esoteric. Did you forget he’s a big boy?

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

lol, i'm not her sugardaddy. I never met Amy. She was being heavily targeted by some potentially very dangerous people. She was going through a rough divorce. She was having some health problems. She was under financial pressure. She was under a lot of stress. I wanted to help her a little bit so I did. Its pretty simple.

srayzie ago

Well look at her now. Now she’s obsessed with you and acts like you can’t handle yourself. I’ve always liked her, I think she’s funny, but damn.

littlestar ago

I went back and looked at the history, and it was actually @srayzie who was worried about me at the time. I talked to @Cc1914 on the phone a few times. She's the only person who ever got my phone number besides Travis Smith. I WISH I had a sugar daddy. If only I could make that $200 grow like magic jellybeans or something into some huge, super gay cult run by traffickers and agents, that charges people subscription fees to decode garbage.

IF I HAVEN'T SAID THANK YOU ENOUGH, thanks ES. I still appreciate what you did. And I still am humble enough to admit that at the time, I was completely defenseless against these assholes. Some of them on the board.

Vindicator ago

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Oh you know how much we love to run psychological operations and experiments on unsuspecting users and journalists around here

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no srayzie, I gave crunch a list of the accounts I have and that is my phone account. If you were not too busy to see the posts about that in the past you would know I have one main account on my laptop but I now have one on my phone as well. You're pretty rude, though.

Vindicator ago

@argosciv has his issues but he is not part of that gang. EYPJ is full of crap. argo got brigaded by that crew worse than anyone else on here (one reason I have known he wasn't part of it).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Vindicator, go look at the comment he edited. It's on a year old thread and he edited it 4 days ago to single me out.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Isn't editing year old threads a habit of Media Matters shills? Sounds like what they were doing in the past.

srayzie ago

Do you mean when she said that Argos was with Anonymous or Cicada? 😂

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

why is that funny srayzie?

srayzie ago

Why would you think he’s with a Anonymous or Cicada?

ESOTERICshade ago

Targeted Individuals are real. It happened to me. If you come to the attention of the wrong people they will try to utterly destroy you. It is real. They targeted me for years. They did serious physical damage to me, not to mention the stress of it all. It is hell.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Indeed it is real.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

They are real, indeed. There is an old post on here about cops planting some fentanyl on some posters regarding gang stalking in order to make regular people afraid to touch the fliers. Nobody wants to talk about it because it sounds paranoid and crazy but yet we can talk about MK Ultra being done on sex slaves, blood drinking organ harvesting and Satanism / cannibalism. Liberals literally think it's "batshit crazy" to claim that a high ranking democrat ever committed a crime, then they regularly go and abort their own children until their numbers are so small they have to bring in illegal immigrants to win elections.

Recently I found my grandfather's name on an address in South Carolina and a listing for him being 108 years old. He died in 1990. Wonder how often illegals are able to move here to participate in sleeper cells and use fake SSNs from dead people. I've heard that it's pretty often the case that they'll have multiple fake SSNs for each illegal person in a household and they'll be getting food stamps for like 5 times as many people as actually live in the house.

It isn't hard to convince a Satanic pedo to target good people or a drug trafficker or a low life scum to do some targeted harassment on good people if they know they won't get in trouble for it. They probably find it fun.

Some people do not have a conscience and they actually "feel more powerful" when they're in conflict with Christians. They think that they're "winning" and that the dark forces that they operate on with their black magic are going to win / beat the enemy. I lived in denial of this fact for a long time. It's a spiritual battle.

My research lately shows me that MK Ultra is more than just technology. It's also based in witchcraft and Satanism. No coincidence that when they paper clipped the Nazis into the US they immediately started NASA, the CIA and other covert ops. We act like the CIA is a legitimate arm of the government. Yet they're experimenting on people left and right in violation of the Nuremberg code, and nobody cares.

Stop drinking fluoride, people.

think- ago

Nobody here believes your stories anymore, Esoteric. Neither your old stories nor any new fairy tales. Game over.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

EffYouJohnPodesta ago @argosciv edited a comment 4 days ago on this year old post about Tis linked from this post to comment negatively about me, OP & ES

he also likes to simultaneously defend satanism while mocking Scientology, which is Satanic and was started by an occultist

you seem confused argo

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I found a bunch of old comments that were pretty helpful for me, including one leading to this post @cutelobster I'm still looking into this and thank you for the old post.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Now give us the mods voat brigading and call out AreWeSure as a shill for once.

think- ago

Thanks, Vin.

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter: please see parent.

SearchVoatBot ago

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is this going to be taken down already? Put back the executive summary sticky fack all this petty bullshit


lol I thought this place was for compas....strangers....male...female...HUmans to get together and record their truth as it pertians to the cults activities all the while dealing with shills and most likely some type of government agency logging every comment in this SUB and using said info to create a database on how to counteract the organic uprising that sprung from the October 2016 email leaks

Crensch ago

Might as well start lecturing us on your Heglelian dialectic, ES. Nobody's buying what you're selling.

think- ago

Thanks Eric, that's what I figured.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

Vindicator ago

I have also thought the same.

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jangles ago


RedPillEh ago

Now THIS is offensive.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It is apparent to me that most in here are not red pilled, and think that PG is the one crime the system is involved with. How many understand that you are paying income tax not to our defacto government, but to the International banking families led by Rothschild, The Vatican and British Crown? They are the owners of the PRIVATE IRS through the Crown corporation. James Alefantis is likely related to the wealthiest family on the planet, the Rothschilds, and Trump is indebted to Rothschild and put their former CEO of Rothschild INC on his staff. Do you understand this? So it is impossible that Trump or anybody in our defacto corporate government is not theirs. The bankers pay them, Because the IRS funds the FED, which they also own, and the FED funds the treasury. That means Rothschilds cartel is the one paying the politicians. Is this understood? Are you red pilled or not? Because PG is unfortunately a drop in the bucket. You do NOT pay income tax to US "government", you pay it to Rotshchild and the international bankers. You know or don't know that the intel agencies work for them, not the phony gov? So why do some in here think the FBI, who covers up their masters crimes, will arrest their henchmen for doing the dirty work? They won't, they don't. Yet how many mods in here sell us the FBI is about to spring arrest on them, offer us FBI criminal complaint forms to submit to Rothschilds stooges in the FBI, the ones who covered up the CIA murder of Kennedy? Are you guys red pilled or not? Do you understand the system is pone big lie and the US government was dissolved in 1933, and we were enslaved? Q is bullshit, the bankers employees don't investigate and arrest the bankers other employees. Of you are selling this lie, you are not red pilled, or you are gatekeeping and hiding the reality of the situation. So decide, are you pleading ignorance, or are you denying that the IRS and FED are private and owned by the bankers? Shit or get off the pot. Especially the individual who claimed to be "fairly" anti Q.

eronburr ago

I wish you could learn to format a paragraph.

Did you see that Sopranos episode where they were going to kill the faggot and someone borrowed money from him just before? If you knew Rothschilds were done, because you're going to ban them with military support, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you think it would buy you some time to get in office with them thinking you're in their pocket?

Why's Trump so vocal about the fed? Before taxes we had tariffs, you can't stop taxes and keep a government replacing with a tariff unless they're in place before. Otherwise the companies and countries would just hold out and make you fold.

Heard of NESARA?

Read any of the q research on news about Russia banning Rothschilds, restoring the gold standard after buying 6x the gold in the past decade than they've held before?

Read those boards about Silver and EO 11110. They mentioned JPMC had 10 impunity to short silver, all while buying up millions of ounces, WELL before this came out and somewhat right on time

Or this

It's building a timeline on information not readily public that makes me believe that Q could be a real thing.

TrustTheTruth ago

@DeathToMasonsASAP is correct and Trump MADE THE DEAL to endorse The Mark of the Beast.

Q is a False Prophet to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

The key chain of command to the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Those at the top levels will NEVER be held accountable in the corrupt and broken system they control.

They are beyond the reach of any law, and any attempts to Drain the Swamp will fail.

What did Trump call the 8th Wonder of the World?

What did Trump say is "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for?

Satan's Ability is the Great Deception.


The Truth is The Only Way.

Angelis_Solaris ago

The way I see it, Q is obviously fake and should not be thought of as some kind of prophet. A false prophet more like. Yet, he is a gateway towards becoming fully redpilled and so I think he is useful. And being partially redpilled is always better than being a sheep. My whole family thinks I'm nuts because I believe this stuff. The people who follow Q may be mistaken, or may be just testing the waters of a new life--so good for them. Eventually they will discover the whole truth and leave Q. So let's calm down a little about this and just keep pushing forward with the FULL truth, and let Q continue the phenomenon of recruiting people into partial-redpillship. I agree with Titus Frost on most of these issues, in my own personal investigation I have come to a similar opinion as him regarding many diverse aspects. He himself says Q is a fake.

And I personally believe you are correct, DeathToMasonASAP, about the FBI because I generally believe the testimonies of the investigators and activists of the Franklin Coverup and the Johny Gosch case. David Shurter has stated in a video he doesn't trust any of that so I'd also check him out to get a balanced view (he is supposedly another SRA survivor of those days).

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I like Shurter, he out Johny Gosch mother as a perp, and I had the same thing. I would stay away from most youtube personalities. How do they all know each other, constantly work together and never mention who the controllers are? It's rare I hear peep about it. Good sources- Eustace Mullins, Myron Fagan, William Cooper, Deborah Tavares. IMO, that is the best source of documented info. Stay way from those that plagiarize them and change the focus like D.W Griffin, or whatever his came is. He is connected to all the shill channels and that phony Red Pill University nonsense. He talks about the FED, but doesn't focus on it's owners and how they own nearly all the worlds central banks.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

best comment ever

ESOTERICshade ago

the IRS and FED are private and owned by the bankers?

True fact.

Cleareyes ago

Jeez these fools are still here whining and attempting to cast doubt on the mods lol get lost already, no one believes you aside from your echo chamber friends, You seem to forget most of genuine pedo researchers here got to this point because we have a level of discernment that enabled us to know without a doubt that pizzagate is true among other cold realities of life. It is that same discernment that sees through the bullshit and your tactics are childs play to us.

But what i really want to know is, who actually falls for these transparent games. Lol really though, so obvious to me. And its also obvious that even though the mods suffer these fools and consistently smack down these dimwits, they have to stay here and keep repeating themselves where i would not have the patience for even one day. And its not because you're a threat (which you probably think ha), its for the lurkers and the readers so they have a consistent timeline to rely on to figure this drama out, and even one conversation between you its pretty easy to see who rings true and who does not. SO in short, get lost, it was entertaining at first to watch you guys get intellectually beat down but you keep beating the same horse as if you think your arguments carry more weight than you actually do and its starting to get boring now.

TrustTheTruth ago


Who did Jenny return to Voat to meet with?

What really happened?

Why did the corrupt mods attack, slander and lie about Jenny after she died?

Why did the corrupt mods Betray Jenny Moore?

Why did the corrupt mods attack, slander, lie about, threaten, censor, downvote, flair and ban anyone who stood up for Jenny Moore or exposed The Truth about what was really going on?

Why did the corrupt mods falsely accuse multiple people of being "Sarah" while portraying themselves as victims?

Who else was targeted and slandered with organized hit pieces on Voat Pizzagate?

Why was @Carmencita threatened and attacked?

Who did @EsotericShade and @DeathToMasonsASAP know was ALWAYS SHARING THE TRUTH HERE?

Why did Q flood Voat?

What is Q's real Purpose?

Why do the corrupt mods attack anyone who exposes Q as a False Prophet?

What is The Truth they are so desperate to Hide and Silence?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

When was Carmencita attacked? How?

angelafogo ago

Can somebody inform me what happened to carmencita?

TrustTheTruth ago

The corrupt mods and their Army of Liars attacked @Carmencita and others for Sharing The Truth, and for standing up for Jenny Moore and what is right.

They called her and others unspeakable names. They tried multiple strategies to conceal their true motives and control the most influential users here.

It was desperate and despicable.

They tried lying, slandering, attacking, threatening, doxxing, downvoting, hiding, censoring, adding flairs, and banning ANYONE who Knows The Truth.

They tried accusing many others of being "Sarah" and portray themselves as victims.

They organized hit pieces, employed alts, and slid the forums to HIDE THE TRUTH FROM EVERYONE.

Those involved know who they are and what they did.

This is not a game. Jenny Moore knows that all too well. She is not the only one who was killed for Sharing The Truth.




What really happened to Jenny Moore?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I didn't know they dared do that to her. She always take the high road, unlike me. That would not be a popular person to attack. She has been nothing but class and sympathy for the victims since she has been here. I honetly thought they knew better than to even think of portraying her in a bad light. Esoteric and I are more likely to welcome a fight.

TrustTheTruth ago


@Carmencita knew the Moderators were not being Honest or Truthful, and have a history of subjective rule enforcement and manipulation to control the forum. Their true agenda and malicious intentions were further exposed when they ran the hit piece about Jenny Moore after she died, and when they relentlessly attacked anyone who stood up for Jenny and The Truth.

She knows the moderators allowed series of submissions full of lies and false accusations to stand. She knows the moderators allowed and participated in doxxing, slander, downvote brigades, censorship, banning, flairs, coddling, stalking, and threats including very real and specific death threats made against Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt that were acted upon.

She also knows the moderators are lying about what happened with Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and knows how they have had to tiptoe around targeting and discrediting both @Carmencita and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt directly because no one could ever prove them as anything other than completely Good, Honest, and Trustworthy.

They tried every trick against @Carmencita and they all failed. Carmencita has recognized The Truth since The Beginning. They also targeted ANYONE else who has ever agreed with or honestly researched The Truth Shared by @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt including @fogdryer, @esotericShade, you (@DeathToMasonsASAP) and others in systematic fashion.

Carmencita knew that Jenny was not a bad person or a CIA disinformation agent, and while Jenny may not have known Everything and took great risks to meet with George Sweigart and others, Carmencita knew that Jenny believed in Jesus Christ and knew that Jenny believed that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Knew The Truth. Jenny risked her life, and eventually gave her life, to meet and find The Truth.

Srayzie, Shizy and others mercilessly attacked @Carmencita and called her unspeakable names after their forced attempts to coddle and befriend her did not work. They have done the same to others to provoke them in various ways.

Carmencita saw right through their lies, but as usual took the high road and refused to stoop to their level.

Carmencita is one of the few Great People here who believe in Jesus Christ and The Truth, and do not waiver in the face of persecution (if only the same could be said for @EsotericShade).

Carmencita did her research and found The Truth that Racine, Wisconsin is indeed the Root of All Evil and the weak link to the entire network behind the real Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. There are no coincidences. We are the reason why so many including Paul Ryan have resigned. This is much bigger than anyone can imagine.

We do not Trust @esotericShade but they do know more than most here and could never dispute The Truth shared by @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. @esotericShade also knows the moderators have lied and manipulated the community, but lacks the knowledge, courage and integrity to do what is Right. They would rather trust Srayzie's lies then find The Truth that should be so obvious to anyone who is not a complete Fool or sold their Soul.

We know that you are one of the few who always recognized The Great Deception and the various roles played by George Webb Sweigart, QAnon, Donald Trump and the others involved. Donald Trump is a Freemason and a member of the Pilgrims Society. George is a solider of the Synagogue of Satan. QAnon is a False Prophet to Hide The Truth.

Like @Carmencita, @Fogdryer, @Piscina and a few others, you never sold out.

There are very few left who haven't. We are stalked, threatened, lied about, and targeted for a reason.


jangles ago

They betrayed Jenny as she was misdirected by cleaver shills to believe outlandish allegations about misconduct as she shared her real challenges that go directly to Andrew McCabe. When she became entranced by Directed Energy Weapons starting the California Fires, I began to see the extent of the misdirection of both good mods and good contributors. The emotional strife Jenny went through was difficult on her, the Californian DA and _______ were able to cause a serious interrupt to her disability insurance and pay from her time as honored civil servant. She really was mugged in CA, scared the shit out of her. She went to DC. She got away from the misdirection here on voat and got into some serous shit as her old leads got hot while she was working hard to "bring down McCabe" who gave her so much injustice.

What u think truth, do you trust this truth?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Direct energy weapons did start the fires and smart meters made them worse. Wake up. Did she say that? She was bright then.

eronburr ago

Sucks to say, but why would a woman do any of this alone, in DC and CA? I left NY/NJ knowing it's too populated to keep looking over your shoulder. Bible belt is about the only place a white person can spot who's out of place and expect any soft of help if needed.

Is McCabe is dirty, doesn't this support Q and Trump burning their house of cards down? Trump ran under the same platform Pat Buchanan when he tried to beat the NWO in 1990-2001. He was VERY vocal about this organization and how it's unAmerican.

Israel says they're no longer the little brother.

Q says we're saving Israel for last. I think the idea of Q being military taking back and getting rid of NWO makes sense. Pat said America would be the head of someone else's table and I think Israel stepped up when Trump started pulling back the internationalism. We've never declared Russia an enemy but Russia supports those at war with Israel and Trumps "reset with Russia" makes sense that in time we might declare unity and declare supporters of NWO an enemy of the two.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

McCabe? Early PG investigation outed him as part of the network.

ESOTERICshade ago

Who did @EsotericShade and @DeathToMasonsASAP know was ALWAYS SHARING THE TRUTH HERE?

DeathtoMasonsASAP is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer. He is smart as hell.

think- ago

DeathtoMasonsASAP is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer. He is smart as hell.

Oh really? The guy who defended Woody Allen against pedophilia allegations, and called Tony Podesta's cp photo collection 'tasteful nudes'. And who incidentally said he would go to Thailand every autumn?

So this is the guy you call 'one of the sharpest knives in the drawer', Esoteric. Interesting.

Apart from his pro-pedo stance, he isn't even smart. He just repeats the same line of text over and over again.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude


Would you please provide a links for these?

"The guy who defended Woody Allen against pedophilia allegations, and called Tony Podesta's cp photo collection 'tasteful nudes'. And who incidentally said he would go to Thailand every autumn? He even explained to Are_We_Sure how to get the cheapest plane tickets to go there."

Are_we_sure ago

He even explained to Are_We_Sure how to get the cheapest plane tickets to go there.

He did? I don't remember that at all. that might come in handy one day. Ireland, Italy, Thailand and Hawaii are on my bucket list.

Are_we_sure ago

Found it. It really doesn't seem like much, no wonder I didn't remember.

DeathToMasonsASAP 0 points (+1|-1) 1 month ago Not if you plan to go in Autumn every year, and tinker with dates as well as when you purchase the ticket.

srayzie ago

I always thought @DeathToMasonsASAP was ArmySeer. He’s always been pretty nice to me. Someone told me that he was an ArmySeer alt. Armyseer was an asshole. I finally got to chill out and I got along with him. He was nice to me. So I thought DeathToMasons was him.

ESOTERICshade ago

None of us are correct 100% of the time. He is probably wrong sometimes. He understands the big scheme though. He knows that the left/right paradigm is the Hegelian Dialectic joke. Beyond that we can go a thousnd ways. He is often right, and sometimes he is not correct.

This world is run by OPPOSITES. It is the Hegelian Dialectic. Both roads lead the sheep to the slaugherhouse. Hillary and Trump are 9th cousins. This is a family business. They squabble and fight with each other, but at the end of day, this is family business.

think- ago

He is probably wrong sometimes.

'He is probably wrong sometimes' is your translation for 'He defends pedos', EsotericShade? Oh my.

I cannot even express how disgusted I am by you.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude


please provide link to your accusation...all I know is that DeathtoMasons is one of the last few accounts here at VOAT Pizzagate that makes sense.

ESOTERICshade ago

'He defends pedos

I have not seen him do that. If he did I missed it. I'm pretty sure I have not seen every comment he ever made.

think- ago

Oh really? The guy who defended Woody Allen against pedophilia allegations, and called Tony Podesta's cp photo collection 'tasteful nudes'. And who incidentally said he would go to Thailand every autumn?

So this is the guy you call 'one of the sharpest knives in the drawer', Esoteric. Interesting.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

and told me to "shut up stupid" on a post about me...

TrustTheTruth ago

@DeathToMasonsASAP did not fall for the Lies and Tricks most others did.

He knows that Trump is a FAKE.

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was targeted.

Now it is your turn.

Why would those who know the most be targeted on Voat?

What really happened to Jenny Moore and what happened after she returned to Voat?

Who did she know that NEVER lied and always Shared The Truth?




Why did Q stop using the public 8chan board?

Who else was posting there?

Why did Q flood Voat?

Who is one of the most notorious contributors since the beginning of Pizzagate and why?

What really happened?

Who do both Trump and Clinton answer to?

What is THE CURTAIN that they cannot allow to be pulled back?

Where is the Real Emerald City?

What is America's Bellwether?

What is the Real Agenda?


Didn't VOAT get sold off in January 2017 mere months after Pizzagate story blew up? Was this something in the works or did the string pullers sack this site ? why use a GOAT as a mascot? look how it's spelled triangle up ....triangle down....

TrustTheTruth ago

Voat is absolutely compromised.

So is Reddit.

We know this to be 100% True.

What really happened to Jenny Moore?

Who did Jenny return to Voat to meet with?

What happened?

Why did Q leave the public 8chan board?

Who else was posting The Real Truth there?

Who shared The Truth at Voat since The Beginning?

What happened?

Why did Q flood Voat?

Jenny Moore Knew The Truth.

The Truth is Here.

Shizy ago

Change your screen name RIPJem and still, no one cares about your rapid cycling bi polar rambling!

Nobody27 ago

Looks hooky. I left voat because I watched many of you get radicalized over time with this, acting like a bunch of glp racist idiots screaming. When it first started it felt like a community and now its gotten to a boiling point of paranoia, Im sure there are shills on both sides fanning all of this. Devide and Conqour.

Lansing-Michigan ago

The things a good moderator should not allow are allowed...which actually turn people away..Have seen this kind of thing bring good websites private discussion group on Dave McGowan's book on Laurel Canyon. People slamming others over nothing...should have been moderated..topics which were ridiculous allowed....good website that is now nothing.People used to write there who were on the inside of that scene in the 70s........left. . Newspapers and websites like huffington post used to allow discussion. You could learn as much from comments as the posts...then they all started censoring heavily. then no comments. This is the way discourse is controlled.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

How can there be shills on both sides? Who would be employing shills that are saying the entire system is corrupted? Who would be paying people to say there is no investigation, and this is a cover-up? Who would be paying people to want others not to have blind faith in the leaders, that they are all in on it, and the WE have to do something or nothing gets done? Who would be paying people to shill this message? Please reveal your thought process.

Nobody27 ago

Devide and conqour my friend. It happened in all history.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Shills work for authorities. Who would a shill work for that is fabricating charges against the authorities?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago Just a reminder.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago Zyklon B gaslighting @Cc1914 because of me, claiming that she was banned from "Shit Post Litter Box" whatever the hell that is, for "posting an infant snuff film" then claims she drank diarrhea out of an infant's ass and murdered a baby in 1990.

Enter Kat... who mocks me about Jesus and says she'll sacrifice a chicken... then think tags her as though she's an important friend. Will be back with screenshots in a moment.

This is who your mods are friends with? People who mock and gaslight people about snuff films and accuse them of murder? I thought it was pretty bad when a mod told me to die, that I'm on a hit list, etc. Now think has tagged this loser who mentioned demons and sacrificing a chicken, and it's totes ok for them to do this on a forum that supposedly wants to rescue children from pedophiles...

think, maybe needs to go read Kat's comment history for her own information because that is very creepy. In fact all of you guys are starting to creep me out, over and above the proof you've provided about ES.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

To be clear, as the mods have stated that they think that ES being all these other accounts delegitimizes the opinions of anyone who agrees with them, I disagree. That is how disinformation, not just vote brigading, work. If you're a fake account and you plan on outing yourself as a disinformation shill at a later date, any opinion you've held in the past can be cast in a light as though it thereby delegitimizes their opinions.

I did not base my opinion of anything I've said on here about Q anon on anything that ES says. In fact, I have other opinions about Q anon that I've kept to myself and when I post them in a PM to him or even in a comment, normally he doesn't agree with me. ES thinks it's all about Coleman Rogers and it's a LARP and that Coleman is gonna go down for wire fraud. I sent him some of my research on it and he didn't reply.

In my opinion Q anon is a deep state op. I was shocked to see that Eric or someone else here is suddenly against Wikileaks because they "doxxed ICE employees."

A lot of people are now against Wikileaks simply because there is a post from May where Wikileaks says Q anon is a psy op. I didn't even know about that tweet until a few weeks ago and I was surprised I hadn't heard about it here. I mostly avoided even talking about Q anon with anyone because I had a lot of friends who believe in it and I've known since last November that it was B.S.

When I told Vindicator how I knew, he accused me of being a liar and a shill. I stand by my position and it will never change.

I do not like to see false accusations thrown around at anyone, but when someone does it to me and I know it to be false, they can fool as many people as they want but it is not going to change my opinion.

It does look like ES and aural sects (oral sex) are the same account, but there is a small possibility that they are not. Based on some of the interactions I know about though, it is looking a lot more like this was done intentionally to screw with users. I don't agree with tagging a bunch of people from some other forum over here to look at this and especially not when one of them turns out to be getting tagged by think as though she's important, right after that same person said she would sacrifice a chicken in my honor and she made gross comments supporting zyklon b stating that @Cc1914 murdered a baby and "drank diarrhea" from a baby and then they're all going around talking about the year 1990. Will be back to add my screenshots and links. I have them all on my phone, so if you delete them, that's not going to work.

I am also going back to the convo that was cropped, regarding aural sects being ES. It is starting to look like the sock puppet theater is a lot bigger than just the accounts mentioned here. I may or may not explain that at some point because it's obvious that a few of the users on this forum enjoy making comments mocking Jesus, bringing up demons, pretending to be trannies when they aren't, and pretending to be Satanists when they aren't or vice versa, or pretending to be good cop / bad cop when they aren't.

My guess is that ES and all the alts trying to bait people into problems will still be here and will never get banned. And that the mods will still be nice to everyone except for a select few people whom they'll mention are on hit lists, lists for execution, and other such nonsense.

Cc1914 ago

Thanks for looking out , in @think- s defense, she did tell me that zyklon was a known smack talker and I don’t think she’s part of his club .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

She may not be, I don't know or care. I'm just presenting the evidence about the people harassing you because of me, one of whom she tags as though it's a friend of hers. These people are not my friends. Maybe they're still yours, but I don't think I have any friends here so I don't trust any person here anymore. Just like I did on Facebook I removed all my friends so that creepy people like Richard Dickeson wouldn't start PMing them because of me, it's probably way better for everyone if I don't tag them ever again in any comment, ever.

Cc1914 ago

And I appreciate you for that ! This is very disturbing if our mods in fact run with the likes of zyklon .

think- ago

I know KatHarzso from the v/wildlife sub, where I hang out when I need to chill from v/pizzagate. My convos with her have been about animals and wildlife accordingly. I wasn't aware she is friends with zyklon_b or would support him when he shitposts here on this sub.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

A ton of people seem to be hiding their real intentions here on this forum behind alts and accounts that they use to get people to trust them. I understand and thank you for this comment. It is certainly not the first, or the last time this will have happened.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It really doesn't matter any more. I was labeled a "disinformation whore," then when I believed them yesterday and apologized, think and Eric still hadn't read my apology. I think I believed them and apologized 4-5 times. Now I'm seeing this other stuff. It's like a constant back and forth. I notice that after they convinced me that ES and DeathToMasons are the same person, it was total silence from ES that day and now they're attacking him about planting rye grass or rye seed, as though think is the expert on how you're supposed to plant rye seed and that proves that he was lying and could have sat around all day just not responding to stuff. More likely he just didn't respond for a day because they're all needing time to sit and read through the huge number of comments and ES just didn't give a crap and was busy with something. I don't think it's possible for him to prove them wrong. Just like they're always going to think that Q is "legit" no matter how much evidence piles up against the people behind it. I just know I don't trust anyone and I don't trust him at the moment. I can't even say 90% of what I know about, but it's not looking good.

ESOTERICshade ago

and ES just didn't give a crap and was busy with something.

Bingo. I just don't care. I don't give a crap.

Cc1914 ago

Anyone who has read your stories and seen the toy freaks stuff , knows your not disinfo . I think Q is a crock too , but it wasn’t ES that made me come to that conclusion.

auralsects ago

I'm not ES, you stupid bitch. I have DMs to prove it.

This exact thing has happened before. When @srayzie accused someone who curried favor as being my alt, which when I saw it I said essentially "I wouldn't be caught dead currying favor with anyone" i.e. i'm not his alt.

She then said "OMG U FORGOT TO LOG OUT LOL" and just ran with it like you are. Because she's a stupid bitch, too.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you see my most recent comment it reflects that I am still looking into your position that you were responding to an earlier portion of the thread that was cropped. I have no way of proving any of this to be true, but it looks kind of suspicious. If you're not the same person then that's fine, I would be far more concerned if it turned out he was deathtomasons.

Crensch ago

There should be archives of that conversation. There was no earlier portion of that conversation that was cropped from contemporary archives

srayzie ago

You are Equineluvr 🙄

EricKaliberhall ago

Links... Provide links for all of it. This is not your personal blog.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not sure who you're referencing about the personal blog but both you and Vindicator have said that to me in the past. I don't think I am interested in digging up every mean screenshot you guys ever said to me since you claim your speculations about me were only purely because of ES and for no other reason.

When in the past I trusted people who were pretending to be journalists who turned out to be apparently Defango, I shouldn't have been so "naive " as they told me and I would need to pretend to be so "If I want to survive."

As the person who actually was the victim of his deep state larp perhaps because my ex works for a government contractor (?) just a working theory, ANYONE WHO DEFENDS Q ANON, which DEFANGO was involved in, after that same group threatened to "see me at the mill" (referring to the Pelzer, SC Finders Mill) complete with MK ultra poem trigger words and selfies of Operation Cassandra's psy op distractor Greg Chism, is either a piece of crap until proven otherwise, or someone who is following the pied piper innocently.

So before you attack me again just know that I don't owe a response to every comment claiming I have no evidence, nor do I feel the need to marshall all of my evidence here. These people are freaking dangerous individuals and I can't go into all of it but if you're innocent, then trust me, you do not want to know it exists.

So if you're innocent, I'm not going to continue posting screenshots of every mean thing anyone here said to me simply because you probably didn't know any better. have a nice day

EricKaliberhall ago

Link... Provide links for all of it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Anybody notice that this thread is getting more attention the PG threads? Anybody notice that ES is hardly fighting them over this, shocked, angry? When he asked if this sub was in the hands of a 19 yo or the pedo cabal, I told him the later. He said he did not believe so. He also sells that Vindicator is a Trump supporter, not that Vindicator is controlling this sub as a shill. I am wondering if they are all in this. So far Carmenicita is last Legit woman standing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Anybody notice that ES is hardly fighting them over this

There is nothing that I can do about all this. It is what is and there is nothing I can do about it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are constantly singled out yet you refuse to identify those targeting you as gatekeepers or shills, you just sell us they are stupid? You guys seem as much real enemies as Trump and Hillary. Even when they deleted my lengthily thread exposing Trumps endless connections to the controllers, you played it off as they were biased, not that they were deleting evidence as gatekeepers. Does this make sense? You have a habit warring with people that control this sub but never call them out for gatekeeping. This makes you suspicious. Sorry, love your threads, but I'm not here for friendship.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hear ya bro.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

can you explain why you chose to gaslight me on the comment you made about the FBI complaint form? You called me stupid out of the blue and I didn't know that you even knew who I was or cared. That was a post that some of the mods had a problem with me on, calling me a fake victim when I was the target of the harassment on the Richard Dickeson account in the first place.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Are you serious? Do you or do you not think the FBI covers up the crimes of the agencies and gov? You think the FBI is legit and they only lack evidence to even investigate? You think the FBI freed the finders and returned the children to them because the police were wrong? You support the corrupt FBI and think they are legit? You really don't know why you are mocked/

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I missed this. Was this why you were calling me stupid?? Because she was reporting something about a child who was murdered to the FBI? I agree with you that there are drawbacks to reporting to the FBI, but I took your comment to mean that you ACTUALLY were outing yourself as a shill by talking down to the victim of someone being cyberstalked. The FBI has a report from me on the Richard Dickeson page, and they've done nothing. I tried reporting it to the local cops and they say it must go to the FBI. I didn't bother making a report about the snuff film that I recently found out about because I refuse to click on it or watch it and I figured enough people already did it. That being said that page was created by someone with a back door access into Facebook, and reporting obviously is like walking up to the same CIA agent who sent it to me to complain that he did it.

Turns out all of it traces back to a govt psy op and my ex is somehow involved in it, which made no sense before I realized his company gets tons of govt. contracts, and his step-brother is some type of border gang cartel informant.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You will never get the FBI to move on anything that exposes the system. Their job is to be the last word of scrutiny, and to say nothing to see here when investigating their bosses, co conspirators. If you or I made an independent snuff film or trafficked kids, they would move on it in a second. That's the game and it was obvious long ago. I also have seen child abuse on youtube. One of those youtube nights where you went too far down the wrong rabbit hole. Following one suggested video after another until I got to a video of a Chinese child, arms tied backwards above her head from above, being ruthlessly whipped with bruises everywhere. I have seen this. Did not understand who would think it was a good idea to download to youtube, but they did, and I bet I could still find it unremoved if I tried.

EricKaliberhall ago

I will try to be as clear and plain as possible for you...

@ESOTERICshade stated the following - "I have been doing this shit for almost 23 years. This forum is a blip on the radar compared to what I have been through in real life with fighting these damn pedo monsters. I have a pretty intense real life history with this crazy shit, crazier than most would believe."

His normal disgusting bragging trying to build up his pathetic self after getting totally "mind-fucked" by @Crensch. So he is infuriated when you reply the following - "Yeah, agreed. Same here." And what you did there was minimize his "23 years" of fighting evil... So, instead of telling you to shut the fuck up as @ESOTERICshade, like any normal person with a backbone would do... No, he tells you to - "Shut up stupid" with his alt @DeathToMasonsASAP... Because you are annoying as hell and he is a sloppy idiot with hubris...

Do you understand what I am trying to communicate to you? Or is it that you don't want to understand?

Draintheshwamp ago

Crystal clear. I've been here since day 1 basically, and I appreciate your efforts. I thought it important to make it known that there are people out here paying very close attention and understand what's going on and recognize shadiness. Thanks for presenting clear evidence so that I don't waste any time or energy on nonsense or deception.

ESOTERICshade ago

So he is infuriated

I'm not mad, but I am humored by it all.

"Shut up stupid" with his alt @DeathToMasonsASAP.

I am also not him but I respect the fact that he won't kiss your mod ring.

EricKaliberhall ago

Have you decided how you will go down... Honorably or like a spineless faggot? Present a list with all your alts.

I'm not mad, but I am humored by it all.

Are you enjoying yourself? You have mind-fucked all your friends and you are humored by it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you decided how you will go down

I will die one of these days. I'm not worried very much about it.

You have mind-fucked all your friends and you are humored by it?

My friends know i'm solid. You are not one of my friends. You are a young idiot but you will probably learn a lot in the decades you have left. Make the most of it.

EricKaliberhall ago

I will die one of these days. I'm not worried very much about it.

Remember when I told you I'd bury you.

You are not one of my friends. You are a young idiot but you will probably learn a lot in the decades you have left.

Burn in Hell.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are creepy. Get help.

ESOTERICshade ago

Remember when I told you I'll bury you.

You can threaten to kill me as many times as you need to. v/Pizzagate has now set a new low. It is what it is.

Burn in Hell.

Hell does not exist. There is no such thing. I will get out of your big atmosphere. You can count on it. I don't have to be here. I was here by choice. I can move out by choice. You guys have pushed a lot of good people out of this place. You will continue.

think- ago

v/Pizzagate has now set a new low.

Yes. By your very own actions. I would have never thought that we had a malicious person like you in our midst.

But then, I have been learning new things every day since I came to the board.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @ben_matlock

EricKaliberhall ago

I don't have to be here. I was here by choice. I can move out by choice. You guys have pushed a lot of good people out of this place.

Weasel words to the bitter end... And when you try to weasel your way back, I'll be here. Do remember I played you like a bloody Stradivarius... And I'll do it again, easy.

I will see you in your nightmares @ESOTERICshade.

ESOTERICshade ago

Weasel words to the bitter end... And when you try to weasel your way back, I'll be here. Do remember I played you like a bloody Stradivarius... And I'll do it again, easy.

I will see you in your nightmares @ESOTERICshade.

Okee dokee. I am not as invested in this as you are. Good luck. I don't have to be here. Its pretty obvious that you have to be here. I don't have to be here. I do not hate you. I wish you well. Adios bro.

Vindicator ago

I don't have to be here. Its pretty obvious that you have to be here. I don't have to be here.

Excellent news, ES. Pack your bags and tallyho.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I understand and I believe you completely about that at this point! I am asking DeathToMasons for a direct explanation, as to why he said that to me, since he STILL claims he's not ES. Which seems to be the opposite of the truth here. If he can't explain it then we're left with only the other alternative which is your explanation, or a third possibility that he's a different troll altogether. But the one absolute thing that he just blew was pretending to be innocent of having bad intentions, 100%.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am not Deathtoomasonsasap. That was not me telling you to shut up.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Was me all the way. Next time you ask for an FBI criminal complaint form, I will mock you again. How long have you been at this?

EricKaliberhall ago

Then there is the questions about the downvotes. I can not confirm or give any kind of evidence for what I'm about to tell you, it's just a theory I have. I believe @ESOTERICshade downvotes his friends constantly, then blames one of the mods, most likely me. That means he downvotes himself with one of his alts, just one, doing this he gets to be the victim and the savior... When he steps in and tells you; -you are being downvoted by the big bad mod, but I will help. Oh, and look at me I get downvoted constantly by the corrupt mods, so if you want you can help me out with upvotes...

@ESOTERICshade is a dangerous individual... Unintelligent but dangerous.

aimeejamey ago

Well I just upvoted you for this comment.

Lynnwiod ago

Thanks. I just blocked the lot of them.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop deleting it and I will stop making new ones.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Look how aggressive the mods are, how heavy handed they are, labeling others threads as not legit, promoting their own, deleting good threads and promoting unsubstantiated Q BS. Not unverified, it's stickied. This sub is gatekeeping and has an adversarial relationship with it's members.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Look how the mods sticky a non PG thread, that they made, that is an attack on a member they don't like, instead of deleting it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Now it will be stickied a week longer... Keep it up Mr Mason.

think- ago

Be patient with him, his handlers don't pay him that much. /s

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That was funny!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is what it is all about, showing power over members.

EricKaliberhall ago

Main objective this week is purging this subverse of you @ESOTERICshade and all your alts... So far, it's been a good week. You are done, it is pathetic watching you continue lying when confronted with so much compelling evidence. If you would come clean and present a list with your alts, you would go down with some honor.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I believe that is your objective.

EricKaliberhall ago

Got a problem with that?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Gatekkeper pedo shills will be gatekeeper pedo shills. Now go promote mass arrest coming soon on your stickied Q thread,

EricKaliberhall ago

Go suck David Brock you cheap whore.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nope, none of us had anything to do with the rules and constantly tell you we don't like them.

think- ago

So it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck?

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, looks like a duck....

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

madmama ago


Cc1914 ago

After trying to actually process all this I’m going to take @EsotericShade s advice that he always gave me and , “ Speak my mind “ or was it really donkey ? This thought disgusts me ! I’m not going to go on and chastise you because that’s not my style. I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels . Call me over emotional or whatever ..

Vindicator ago

Thanks for giving all these links some serious consideration, Cc. I have been very concerned about Esoteric's behavior for a very long time, ever since he tried to win my trust with a bunch of private messages calling other users into question. I think there are numerous folks who have been cultivated and manipulated by him. You are not alone.

Cc1914 ago

Yw . I see you guys have been trying to tell us for 6 months at least . I didn’t know because I didn’t see that deleted “ ES is donkey post “ until today . I Wonder why donkey answered a statement that was made towards ES . I haven’t seen ES or donkey explain. Unless I missed something.. what mods knew he was donkey ?

SchlongKeyhote ago

The entire thread is called "ES=DONKEY"

He then accused ES of a behavior.

I, donkeyhote, replied that I don't do that behavior -- because it's evidence against the thread's premise itself.

I don't know what's hard to understand about this.

Vindicator ago

Well, truth be told, all the mods knew about that post but it went down in the middle of a shitstorm generated by Hojuruku (which may not be an accident), followed by the three day Voat outage. The original submission by ThePuppetShow was not properly sourced, and I wasn't ready to do a full expose at that time. I did attempt to warn individual users ES was dangerous, though.

There's been an unbelievable amount of fuckery and disinfo going on via ES and his alts, with wave after wave of shitstorm like the Jem777 and Hojuruku dustups -- which involve constant attempts to sow distrust in the mod team, despite our best efforts to do a good job. They work very hard to instigate maximum confusion.

If you want to see Donkey and ES both trying to dismiss my evidence, lurk my comment history. It's quite the dodge-and-weave dance.

SchlongKeyhote ago

LOL. so the only tangible consequence of this "massive fuckery/vote manipulation", your only concern, is that it cast doubt on YOU PERSONALLY?

that's what you faggots go code-red for?

Atrocious thin skinned faggots mod behavior, and proving our case further: that the manipulation here is YOU KIKE MODS SHILLING JEWANON AND RUINING THE PIZZAGATE SUB.

Vindicator ago

No one has cast any doubt on my personally, Schlonged. All of the attacks fail, because I haven't done anything to deserve them, and people know that. But thanks for trying, feebly, to reframe things to suit your damage control efforts.

ESOTERICshade ago

This just got brought to my attention. I am not the Donkey. Never been the Donkey. I

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not Donkey. The Donkey hates me. The Donkey tears me apart every time I open my mouth. The Donkey is the Donkey and he don't like me. Actually, I don't think the Donkey likes anybody.

think- ago

I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels .

Interesting that you haven't replied to that part of @Cc1914's comment, Esoteric.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting that you haven't replied to that part of @Cc1914's comment, Esoteric.

I am not the Donkey. What else can I say about it? The Donkey hates me as much as he hates everybody else.

think- ago

Her comment that you hurt people was directed directly at your EsotericShade screenname, as you perfectly well know.

So, what do you have to say to @Cc1914's comment:

I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

srayzie ago

What do you mean by that @Cc1914?

Shizy ago

I think she's upset over being deceived by ES=Donkey. ES acted nice to her, whereas donkey was typical donkey.

Cc1914 ago

Thanks shizy that’s exactly what I meant by it .

Shizy ago

I don't like speaking for other people, but since we had just discussed it I felt I knew what you meant.

srayzie ago

I don’t think they are the same. I’m not talking about a bunch of the other stuff. But, he’s not donkey. 🙄

Shizy ago

I'm not convinced 100% either, but from talking with cc, she thought he was based on the evidence crensch provided.

srayzie ago

I was close to him for a long time. No way. I’m not disagreeing about other things. But that part I don’t agree with.

Vindicator ago

You were close to Donkey? I didn't think he was close to anyone.

srayzie ago

Donkey seemed way too close to hojuruku tho

srayzie ago

No! Esoteric. But I was once friends with Equineluvr, who I think was a Donkeyhote alt

Shizy ago

Yeah, they're both touched in the head but in different ways so I would think no not the same person. However, donkey responding to the "buddying up" comment is really questionable so who the hell knows what's going on.

Shizy ago

I'm still not sure. Who has to insist they didn't do something that they weren't even accused of in the first place? It just seems weird. Donkey isn't that bright so he may have just gotten confused and thought he was being accused of buddying up!

srayzie ago

Donkey is a retarded faggot

Cc1914 ago

What do I mean by what ?

srayzie ago

Because you said...

you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels.

I was wondering if I missed something or if you’re referring to Esoteric being accused of being Donkey.

Cc1914 ago

I was telling ES he hurt a lot of people by lying and acting like he cared basically is what I meant . Did you read my whole comment ? This is mind boggling, how long have you known about ES being donkey ?

srayzie ago

I don’t think he is Donkey. I’m not disagreeing about everything, but the Donkey part I disagree. I was close to Esoteric at one time. I think I read it all. I was in a rush.

Cc1914 ago

I considered him a friend . It’s hard to believe he could play such completely different characters as donkey and ES because I didn’t think the ES I knew , could stoop to donkey levels . Why did he answer as “ donkey” to a comment made to “ES “?

ESOTERICshade ago

I can assure you that I am not Donkey and that should be pretty obvious. Our personalities are nothing alike.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Cc1914 ago

I know your not

Crensch ago

... says the vote manipulator and consensus manufacturer.


ESOTERICshade ago

Says the person that rigged the v/pizzagate mod sub so that nobody but him and his alts could down vote, and hid the sub from v/all so that the rest of voat would not notice how he was handling things in the v/pizzagatemods sub.

Vindicator ago

Spreading lies again, I see ES. Surprise surprise.

Your deceitfulness is your most damning characteristic.

think- ago

him and his alts

Him and his alts? Which alts?

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

ESOTERICshade ago

Alts or people he selected or knew could down vote, because, somebody was damn sure down voting and we know who is ultimately in control of the v/pizzagatemods sub.

Everybody that was paying attention knows it happened. It left a comment trail too. I won't argue with you or anybody else about it. I don't care. I have ignored this sub mostly because I so don't care. Now, i'm gonna go do some stuff I want to do that does not include any of this bullshit. You have a good day.

Crensch ago

Alts or people he selected or knew could down vote, because, somebody was damn sure down voting and we know who is ultimately in control of the v/pizzagatemods sub.

Everybody that was paying attention knows it happened. It left a comment trail too. I won't argue with you or anybody else about it. I don't care. I have ignored this thread mostly because I so don't care. Now, i'm gonna go do some stuff I want to do that does not include any of this bullshit. You have a good day.

I'm sure @think- remembers this comment that describes the tactics you're using here. "muh better than you and all of this IRL" crap, along with low-effort since you provide no proof of anything.

ESOTERICshade ago

"muh better than you and all of this IRL" crap, along with low-effort since you provide no proof of anything.

There will be effort, it won't be low, it will be high effort, but it won't be here at this webiste. Before the winter freeze hits we have a lot to do in my family. I have to help my nephew put a hot water heater in one of our rent houses in the morning and i'm getting my tools together. It weights about 400 pounds, we can't drain it because the valves are rusted shut, its been in the house for about 30 years, the plumbing will suck and have to be redone too, then install a new one. I know you don't care but that is what is on my plate right now. Its my real life.

I want you to understand that I don't intend to invest my time trying to wrestle control of the v/pizzagate sub. I don't have the desire, the time, nor the inclination. Nor do I want to cause trouble for the v/pizzagate sub.

I had an opinion that I still have and it is this........The v/pizzagate sub is supposed to operate on facts as best as possible. The Qanon community deals pretty much strictly in speculation and guesses, with a big dose of hope added in.

I didn't want the v/pizzagate sub to turn into wild guesses and speculation and I firmly believe that is what would have happened if pizzagate and Qanon became some sort of Unicorn hybrid. I think that mix would dilute and discredit pizzagate and all our efforts might go down the drain. I would hate for that to happen. I have a lot of years invested in this project.

I hold no animosity for any of you guys. We all have our own perspectives depending on what we all have been individually been exposed to. We all have our own mental skill sets.

I just want pizzagate to remain focused on its mission and not get caught up in the theatre of Washington D.C. drama and mainstream fake news narrative. If it happens, it just happens. I hope it does not happen. Pizzagate became huge because it followed NOBODY. Pizzagate blazed it's own trail. It led and did not follow. I hope that continues.

I have to get my tools ready for morning. I wish you well. I have a damn good feeling you will get your wish and see less of me around here for a lonnggggg time. Adios......

Crensch ago

There will be effort, it won't be low, it will be high effort, but it won't be here at this webiste. Before the winter freeze hits we have a lot to do in my family. I have to help my nephew put a hot water heater in one of our rent houses in the morning and i'm getting my tools together. It weights about 400 pounds, we can't drain it because the valves are rusted shut, its been in the house for about 30 years, the plumbing will suck and have to be redone too, then install a new one. I know you don't care but that is what is on my plate right now. Its my real life.

Telling us a story about how he will be gone for a long time because of a water heater. Kek.

@think- @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Yeah, like no one else has real world stuff to deal with 😂!

ESOTERICshade ago

Telling us a story about how he will be gone for a long time because of a water heater. Kek.

Nope. Just an example of real life. The reason I will be gone for a long time is because I don't want to deal with the likes of you, the abyss of ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy. I know people that have read a lot of the following. Why would I hang out with you instead? You want to learn about your "jews" you hate so much. Read all this and stop flapping your gums. Silence is a virtue, sometimes....

It took me a lot of years to search all this out and find it. I'm giving it to you in a nutshell, even though I don't really like you. But you are young and maybe you can't help it. Take a look. Plenty of good "jew" books in here. You can find some seriously good quotes to support your cause, I PROMISE YOU THAT.

You want to sit on the internet and type "nigger kike faggot jew" over and over all day or you want me to guide you to the good shit?

Secret history of the Cabal

My Irrelevant Defence

Hat tip to @2impendingdoom

Justin Davis Files. This one is really bizarre and sad. Justin Davis was on the run from the cult. He posted on facebook while homeless. About the only pleasure he had in life was going to public places he could play chess for free. He was a good chess player. While on the run and homeless Justin posted what he could on facebook in an effort to out the people he knew that were murdering and torturing. They did weird things to Justin such as sneak up on him while he was asleep, drug him, sew threads into his chest coated with poisons or some substance, and clipped the ends flush with the skin so that they were not visible. I rescued this information and uploaded it to

Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Rite Of Sodomy In the Catholic Church vol one and two

Sabbatai Zevi [microform] : a tragedy in three acts and six scenes with a prologue and an epilogue

This is a text.

Bill Cooper FOIA fbi files release

Crensch ago

Nope. Just an example of real life. The reason I will be gone for a long time is because I don't want to deal with the likes of you, the abyss of ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy. I know people that have read a lot of the following. Why would I hang out with you instead? You want to learn about your "jews" you hate so much. Read all this and stop flapping your gums. Silence is a virtue, sometimes....

No, it's not. It's exactly what I said it was - a ploy by you to pretend to have more important things to do than comment.

Also, why would I want to read through the links of someone that needs to manipulate votes and manufacture consensus? Obviously your words and knowledge don't resonate with anyone organically, which means either your information is bad, or you're too stupid to present it in a way that anyone will give a damn about.

It took me a lot of years to search all this out and find it. I'm giving it to you in a nutshell, even though I don't really like you. But you are young and maybe you can't help it. Take a look. Plenty of good "jew" books in here. You can find some seriously good quotes to support your cause, I PROMISE YOU THAT.

I don't really need any more. After a certain point, the information becomes needlessly esoteric in nature. Nobody cares about how well-read you are, or how many pieces of uselessly specific information you have.


The cabals and masons and JEWS and cult members and whatever else - NONE of that information matters if we hunt them to extinction.

You want to sit on the internet and type "nigger kike faggot jew" over and over all day or you want me to guide you to the good shit?

Apparently, all of your links guided you to manipulating this website with alts and vote brigades.

It guided you to fashion your own Hegelian dialectic when you attacked new and vulnerable users with your alts, while swooping in to save the day as ESOTERICshade.

And you thought I didn't know what the fuck Hegelian dialectic was! God, that must sting, knowing that your own talking point can be used against you now, as a certainty of you using it to manipulate others for your own advancement.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

Also, why would I want to read through the links of someone that needs to manipulate votes and manufacture consensus? Obviously your words and knowledge don't resonate with anyone organically, which means either your information is bad, or you're too stupid to present it in a way that anyone will give a damn about.

These are books. Since you are Voat's Genius you should be able to sort all that out.

Some of them written before I was even born, some not. Some good stuff in there for a person with the time to look. What I did was use a book browser and search by keyword for stuff I was interested in, like your passion, the Jews. There are some good works in the pile and this is not all I have.

You shoud be able to recognize, just at eye level sight, about four of these books. Actually more, but i'm cutting you some slack. Are we here to insult each other or are we here to swap information and learn? You tell me?

Crensch ago

These are books. Since you are Voat's Genius you should be able to sort all that out.

Books that led you to needing to manipulate people, apparently.

Some of them written before I was even born, some not. Some good stuff in there for a person with the time to look. What I did was use a book browser and search by keyword for stuff I was interested in, like your passion, the Jews. There are some good works in the pile and this is not all I have.

I know what I need to know, and I dig for what I want to know. YOU manipulate people, votes, and consensus to force your will upon others.

You shoud be able to recognize, just at eye level sight, about four of these books. Actually more, but i'm cutting you some slack. Are we here to insult each other or are we here to swap information and learn? You tell me?

You're here to be mocked, apparently; I'm here to mock you, obviously.

ESOTERICshade ago

After a certain point, the information becomes needlessly esoteric in nature.

There are two languages being spoken but they both sound exactly the same. I cannot stress this enough. The only difference is that the meaning and context are EXACTLY OPPOSITE OF EACH OTHER and that is why I have stressed studying the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic. If a person does not understand this concept, even though the peson knows there are perps in the neighborhood, a person will not understand what the perps are planning. Language is everything, and the esoterics is extremely difficult.

NONE of that information matters if we hunt them to extinction.

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it. Right now is an info gathering stage, next will be the sorting and picking stage. Be careful with what you say. Don't say stuff like that. I'm just giving you friendly advice. Yep its free speech, but be careful with it, because this is not a free country.

Apparently, all of your links guided you to manipulating this website with alts and vote brigades.

It guided you to fashion your own Hegelian dialectic when you attacked new and vulnerable users with your >alts, while swooping in to save the day as ESOTERICshade.

And you thought I didn't know what the fuck Hegelian dialectic was! God, that must sting, knowing that your own talking point can be used against you now, as a certainty of you using it to manipulate others for your own advancement.

Why in the hell would I try so hard to teach the Hegelian Dialectic if I planned to use it against you? ... I wouldn't. I would just let you simmer in the unknown duality. I am seriously trying to teach you the tactics that are being used against humanity. If I was using them against this website or you I damn sure wouldn't teach you or this whole site would I? Come on bro, use common sense. The Hegelian Dialectic is the most potent weapon being used against us and it is INCREDIBLY difficult to understand. I have painstakingly tried my heart out but my patience is waning.

Crensch ago

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit.

Get bent. Nobody cares about your doom and gloom warnings to not say what the fuck I want to say.

Why in the hell would I try so hard to teach the Hegelian Dialectic if I planned to use it against you?

You literally did, you fuckbag. You attacked users and the sub with your alts, then pretended to be all nice and friendly with ESOTERIC in order to push your agenda.

Are you stupid?

Shizy ago

You know what's interesting, is that homo thisistotallynotme has been alleging that comments that are being made on voat will lead to real world consequences, like criminal charges and arrests. Why are these two unrelated posters trying to control free speech by attempting to scare users into self censoring?


Crensch ago

Stellar observation.

Shizy ago

They sure are escalating their attempts to censor others.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok. Later tator

Vindicator ago

The truth hurts, LOL.

You must be a masochist, ES. You're doing such a good job giving @Crensch ample opportunity to expose your deceitful nature.

ESOTERICshade ago

Books that led you to needing to manipulate people, apparently.

It is books proving the history of your premise that people of Jewish origin are often behind the ills of mankind. Try these. Use a book reader and use the search function. This is just off the top of my head.

This is a history of where the bastards came in from ancient ages. The people we are dealing with are the Pharisees from days of old.

Seriously dirty deeds from the bastards.

This is where the bastards originate from.

Eustace Mullins more updated version of his thoughts about it.

This one ain't bad. Been years since I read it.

I know what I need to know, and I dig for what I want to know.

Pretty amazing at 19 years old, but, somehow, I doubt that a little bit :) I saved Gigabytes of stuff you can't even find anymore. I saw the info purge coming and I grabbed Gigabytes, and Gygabytes, and Gybatyes, and Gybates of it....I still got it.

You're here to be mocked, apparently; I'm here to mock you, obviously.

That is too bad for everybody.

think- ago

It is books proving the history of your premise that people of Jewish origin are often behind the ills of mankind.

Ah, now it's the 'c'mon, we are both anti-Jewish, you and me, we are buddies, we're on the same team!' tactics. ROFLMAO

@Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

Shizy ago

Well his ass kissing and saying how you're the best mod in the whole world didn't help him so he's trying something new 😂

Crensch ago

Still going at this? Nobody cares, faggot. You're like a convict trying to tell an upstanding citizen how to live well.

ESOTERICshade ago

Still going at this? Nobody cares, faggot.

Incorrect. Myself and people far above your knowledge level swap intellectual info (not about you) all the time. We swap info UP ON THE LEVEL I just tried to give you. We discuss it. People that understand it do indeed care. Getting close to bedtime for me. Sorry you found no value in the books I gave you. I wish you well. Good night and I hope you have a good life.

Crensch ago

Incorrect. Myself and people far above your knowledge level swap intellectual info (not about you) all the time. We swap info UP ON THE LEVEL I just tried to give you. We discuss it. People that understand it do indeed care. Getting close to bedtime for me. Sorry you found no value in the books I gave you. I wish you well. Good night and I hope you have a good life.

What's hilarious is I didn't need some knowledge level to destroy you. I didn't need knowledge to constantly outplay you. I'm more intelligent than you'll ever be, and no amount of books you read can cause you to best me.

Anyone that DID care now sees what you are, if they're here on Voat. Though I doubt you had any, I do hope you lost friends over it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually I gained some friends. I wish you well.

Vindicator ago

I gain friends that want to build, you collect fellow destructive individuals.

Interesting choice of words, Esoteric. Very interesting.

think- ago

Actually I gained some friends.

No. You have groomed people in order to use them later. This isn't friendship.

Like you thought you could groom me as a buddy, and later use me as your pawn and tell me how to mod.

Remember there was a reason why I blocked you on my second day as a mod here. And I have blocked only five users so far.

You have actually HURT people. Read @Cc1914's comments again. Oh, but you already said you gave a 'frickin shit' that you hurt other users.

Btw., did you groom migratorypatterns as well? She suddenly got a fit of rage when I referred to her as a woman, then said she wasn't a woman, and would never be one, and on the next day she deleted her account.

At the end of last year, you wrote a PM saying that you had pissed off everybody in your real life. NOW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED.

Oh, and btw., talking about your rl, you really shouldn't drink that much.

Your private email handle is quite interesting too for someone that pretends to fight satanism.

You seek to destroy, I do not.

And this is probably your biggest lie.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

Shizy ago

Well said @think-! How sad that he has a pattern of seeking out and attempting to prey on women.

think- ago

Yes. I can only hope that other female users here are staying away from him as much as possible.

Boy am I glad I never told him I'm a woman when we PMed occasionally last year.

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude

Vindicator ago

I don't think it matters to him whether his targets are male or female.

think- ago

I don't think it matters to him whether his targets are male or female.

Not sure. He might want to use males and females for different purposes.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @Shizy @srayzie

think- ago

@Cc1914 @angelafogo @MolochHunter: please see parent.

angelafogo ago

Thats very funny. Half of those books were actually my recommendations and they show up in my own voat posts. Good books without doubt. The problem with manipulators is that they know exactly the amount of truth they need to feed us with doubt. This is a very difficult community because the knowledge handled here is very sensitive and very prone to shilling. We all agree that having alternative accounts smells fishy and that his conduct is highly reprehensible. We cannot endanger our safety dealing with this types.

think- ago

So true.

Thats very funny. Half of those books were actually my recommendations and they show up in my own voat posts.

Hmm..... @Vindicator, we might have discovered the source of Esoteric's truther knowledge.... ;-)

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Please see parent.

Shizy ago

He's not just a vote manipulator, but an overall manipulator! That was good he didn't know that about you.

ESOTERICshade ago

No. You have groomed people in order to use them later.

You are scary as fuck. What would I groom them for? To burn them for firewood or something? Holy shit. I never met anybody from Voat in real life and don't think I have a need to. In order to "use them later" for what? Thats some sick shit. Used for what? I"m outta here you people are too fucking creepy for me.

Crensch ago

You are scary as fuck.

Jews are scared of their own shadow, but in this case, you've got every reason to be scared of @think-

What would I groom them for?

So they'll follow and defend you so it won't be JUST your alt accounts doing that. Obviously.

To burn them for firewood or something?

Jew tactic: Ask absurd question to make accusation look absurd.

Only works on goyim that are not awake, though, Jew.

Holy shit. I never met anybody from Voat in real life and don't think I have a need to.

Nobody said anything about real life, Mr. meth scholar.

In order to "use them later" for what?

You just got through asking basically this same question. Repeating yourself works on Jews, I take it? Probably used to work on goyim, too. Ask the question multiple times so it seems absurd? Kek.

Thats some sick shit. Used for what?

Jews are a disgusting, parasitic, subhuman race. And you asked the question yet again.

I"m outta here you people are too fucking creepy for me.

Say hi to your meth heads for me!

ESOTERICshade ago

I will tell you something else. My private mailbox fired out a bunch of messages. It literally created accounts from the first letters in the subject line of a message. It sent a message out to those accounts. This place is fucked and I don't trust it. You stay and fight these spooks. I go. Later.

Libertyisgood ago

Yeah, fuck you nobody is buying this.

MadWorld ago

ESOTERICshade -2 points (+0|-2) 1.7 hours ago

I will tell you something else. My private mailbox fired out a bunch of messages. It literally created accounts from the first letters in the subject line of a message. It sent a message out to those accounts. This place is fucked and I don't trust it. You stay and fight these spooks. I go. Later.

Show your proof! I could not duplicate your claim, because it works properly on the preview site!

think- ago

I will tell you something else.

Don't insult me by assuming I will buy this crap. I do know that you are only writing it for plausible deniability.

@PuttItOut @Pieceseeker @MadWorld: The spook.....err...user above says his mailbox 'fired out a bunch of messages' without his help. Now, how could this happen?! /s

Nobody else ever experienced this 'bug' before, but it incidentally happens to someone who has been vote brigading, creating a bunch of alts in order to do so, and has been manipulating and hurting other users here.

You do know how much we Pizzagaters believe in coincidences, don't you? /s

You stay and fight these spooks

Yes. Spooks like you, Esoteric.

I go. Later.


We will know that you'll have left when you'll have deleted your main account, and all of your alt accounts, and when your recently newly created alt accounts will not be used for the same purposes.

Until then, nobody is interested in your bs announcements anymore.

@Crensch @Vindicator

MadWorld ago

user above says his mailbox 'fired out a bunch of messages' without his help. Now, how could this happen?! /s

XD I think his personal friends (bots) got caught up in a loop... That is the most likely case here.

think- ago


think- ago

MolochHunter ago

With absolutely nothing left of his credibility, he tries on the 'magic keyboard' theory? 😆😂

think- ago

Yep. An evil witch hexed his keyboard!!! Of all 17,000 subscribers (minus the Esoteric alts), only his inbox got hexed!!!


@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

Vindicator ago

My private mailbox fired out a bunch of messages. It literally created accounts from the first letters in the subject line of a message.

LMAO. Check in with the guys at Langley you share your account with. They're probably fucking with you.

If this were a real bug, you would have reported it to @Peaceseeker and @PuttItOut in v/voatdev like any honest goat here would do for the sake of Voat.

@Crensch @think-

ESOTERICshade ago

Not even gonna read all that. Bunch of us are leaving. See ya later.

Vindicator ago

Don't forget to delete your account :-)

think- ago

@Crensch: Please see parent.

Crensch ago

Actually I gained some friends. My goals are different from yours. You seek to destroy, I do not. I gain friends that want to build, you collect fellow destructive individuals. We are different.

I wish you well.

You didn't build anything, your only intent is to destroy, and we proved that unequivocally.

Nobody believes you gained friends from this, but yes, we are different; I don't subvert the place trying to out pedophiles.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nobody believes

Amazing how you always need to appear to speak for everybody because you have no legs of your own. "nobody cares"...."nobody believes" speak for EVERYBODY a lot. That is because you have a weak voice. Grow some damn legs of your own. Pings a dozen people because he needs an army because he has no voice. Grow up nigga. Grow a voice of your own. Stand on your own two legs. Now, get the last word, because that is what a lone wolf would do. I'm so done with your narcissistic young ass its pathetic. Get the last word. I know you need it.

WE ALL know you need it. Good night.

Crensch ago

Amazing how you always need to appear to speak for everybody because you have no legs of your own. "nobody cares"...."nobody believes" speak for EVERYBODY a lot.

Kek. I happen to be very good at understanding how people will respond to things. Especially after their dear leader was shown to be a fraud.

That is because you have a weak voice.


Oh, that's so rich, coming from someone that required multiple "voices" to even attempt to rise to my playing field.

Grow some damn legs of your own.

You mean alt accounts?

Pings a dozen people because he needs an army because he has no voice.

At least they're people, and not alts of mine that need no pinging because they'll show up to vote either way.

Grow up nigga.

Using nigger slang to tell me to "grow up". Do you even read what you write? You're very obviously compromised at this point.

Grow a voice of your own.

Again, are you telling me to make lots of alts and upvote myself so I have a "voice" like yours?

I don't need to, and were I in your position, the shame of requiring alt accounts to make it appear that I have a "voice" would cause me to lose sleep at night. Some people set the bar higher than others, I guess.

Stand on your own two legs.

As opposed to the 8+ legs you stand on?

Now, get the last word, because that is what a lone wolf would do.

It's deliciously ironic that you're showing your own insecurities here by accusing ME of being the lone wolf, when I ping OTHERS that I want to join the conversation, but you fly solo with your alts.

I'm so done with your narcissistic young ass its pathetic.

The salt is delicious. The absolutely broken mind I can see behind these words fills me with the most satisfying schadenfreud.

Get the last word. I know you need it.

Oh, we all know you're saying this because some part of you realizes that you've lost your cool, and are showing your weakness. That part also realizes that you can never rise to my level.

How does it feel to be bested by a 19 year old that doesn't give a shit what books you've read?

WE ALL know you need it. Good night.

Oh, I didn't NEED any of this, but I certainly enjoy toying with you.

I suppose I should thank you for making my day one of extreme satisfaction. You're getting thanked. For being a toy.

Were I in your shoes I'd want to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment.

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Don't forget to add this glorious wuppin' to the amusements featured in Crenschworld, where shills burn in perpetuity for the amusement of all.

think- ago


think- ago

I'm sure @think- remembers this comment that describes the tactics you're using here. "muh better than you and all of this IRL" crap, along with low-effort since you provide no proof of anything.

Oh yes, I remember your comment well, @Crensch:

Let's see, after pretending to troll like this, you'll go low-effort, then act like you have a better IRL life than me, then pretend you don't care some more, then claim you're leaving, but you wont' leave, then you'll try some kind of SJW-style smear on my character.

Accurate prediction, I'd

think- ago

think- ago

Ah, now we arrived at 'alts....could' = not the slightest hint of a proof that @Crensch has alts. Just some unspecific fantasies about alts...

Have a good day too. :-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

Shizy ago

He's ignored this thread, yet he's still here 😂!

Crensch ago

Him and his alts? Which alts?

I've noticed that Jews, low IQ individuals (but I repeat myself), and narcissists cannot process the idea that someone else isn't doing something morally reprehensible if they, themselves are doing that thing.

It's like the early waves of shills here demanding to know who my "leader" or "boss" is - as if they couldn't understand someone fighting them not being paid by someone else to do so.

NPCs like ESOTERIC can't imagine a world outside of what their lens allows them to see, and their lens is fashioned by their bosses and their own non-existent internal monologue... meaning they see what their bosses want them to see. Therefore, if HE has alts he uses to upvote and manipulate, then I must, as well; this applies to anyone that disagrees with him.

think- ago

Therefore, if HE has alts he uses to upvote and manipulate, then I must, as well; this applies to anyone that disagrees with him.

Yep. That's just a cheap 101 Alinsky stunt.

@Vindicator @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

Crensch ago

hid the sub from v/all so that the rest of voat would not notice how he was handling things in the v/pizzagatemods sub.

All you have to do is show that I mishandled things with links and evidence, vote/consensus manipulator.

But you never do, because you can't.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why did you rig the mod sub so that nobody but you and your alts could down vote?

Crensch ago

Why did you rig the mod sub so that nobody but you and your alts could down vote?

But you never do, because you can't.

srayzie ago

That part I’m confused about too. But the only similarities between the 2 that I have seen, is their hate of Jews.

Cc1914 ago

Sorry here’s the link to donkeys comment

Cc1914 ago

Same here . Now the explanation donkey just gave me ... “ The entire thread is called "ES=DONKEY"

He then accused ES of a behavior.

I, donkeyhote, replied that I don't do that behavior -- because it's evidence against the thread's premise itself. I don't know what's hard to understand about this.”

Makes me think he may actually be telling the truth .

srayzie ago

I agree. I’m not disagreeing with everything. But just the donkey part.

Cc1914 ago

Yep same here

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @Cc1914 @EricKaliberhall

Just FYI, when he uses "Donkey hates me", the interaction could easily be designed that way if the two were ever linked somehow, like with his accidental responding on the wrong username.

If I wanted to fuck this place up royally, I'd have personalities that could survive independently of others, and were so different that linking them would be difficult.

Obviously, losing Es is a huge blow to his operation, so he's trying his best to limit the damage by using the set-up "but muh hatred of each other".

Ask yourself if you could create a new username and attack your main username from that one plausibly. I posit such a thing would be child's play, which ironically is kind of along the lines of him calling me a 19 year old.

SchlongKeyhote ago

And year old DM screenshots between us were what, preplaced for this eventuality? How many before th3 charade becomes implausibly elaborate?

Admit it, your claim is unfalsiable and like you, both fake and gay.

Crensch ago

SchlongKeyhote ago

Lol as if you'd need a candle to have that sweet sweet scent of man-ass in your face you fuckin fag.

Cringsche: you're fat. Nobody loves you. You're Jewish. You spent your whole day compiling some boomer rather than shilling Jewanon in an honest fashion. What a ratkike piece of garbage lol

Angelis_Solaris ago

So Schlong, I take it you are Donkey? Why did you just answer a comment made towards Eso? And in favor of Eso?

Shizy ago

So you think the scent of man ass is sweet? Wow you really are a fag!

SearchVoatBot ago

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WalnutSauceGoat ago

Why would someone have more than one account? It makes no sense. Granted, I create a new account every year, as everyone should for security reasons, but I sure don’t continue to use the old one.

ESOTERICshade ago

You fucked up by agreeing with me. Now you are me. Everybody that agrees with me, is my alt. roflmao...I was up before the Sun this morning planting Rye grass. I have not even read this whole thread yet but what little I have read is fucking hilarious. The Qanon Armada is out in force. Fuck this. I'm gonna go plant some grass and help my nephew fix a hot water heater. Unlike crensch 19 year old immature ass I have 17 pieces of property to tend to and a ton of stuff to do in real life.

Crensch, get out of the basement, get a life, and make something happen for yourself. Silver is almost at the same price that it costs to dig it out of the ground and refine it, which best I can tell, is roughly 14 dollars an ounce. When silver hit bottom I bought another BOX and a box is five hundred ounces. I buried it in the ground.

Stop blaming the boomers for your pathetic life, get off your ass, and make something happen for yourself. Good luck.

EricKaliberhall ago

@WalnutSauceGoat is another alt used by @ESOTERICshade...

I fucking own you!

@Vindicator @think-

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Din latterlige idiot- nu må du førr hælvette hoijlle kjæft din jævla svænske kummelpung!

EricKaliberhall ago

How's your week going @ESOTERICshade? :)

roflmao....Our toxic mod Eric is gaining everybody he hates a lot of up votes with his toxic behavior. Karma is a bitch aint' it :)

You tell me :)

sguevar ago

Awesome catch. Very thorough and well presented though what cracked me was the last sentence: "No more Mr. Nice Crensch".

This was pretty cool to watch but if we were having the nice part of you, can't wait to see what the bad one will bring on the shill hunting matter XD

Take care man, God bless.

Don_Tomaso ago

Ban the fucker then.

Vindicator ago

I've given him my Donkey dirt :-) And dropped it several times here myself, in reply to Donkey. Probably why he is so active, LOL. He's dancin' on hot coals. It's kind of hilarious.

Judgejewdy ago

So he hit a nerve did he?

Crensch ago

Mind explaining what you mean by that?

Vindicator ago

I think I have probably already dropped most of it into the other threads he's done over the past couple of days. Was there something specific you were thinking of?

Le_Squish ago

Good find, sir. I've been out working my land so haven't been doing to much shill patrol.

Fucking JIDF niggers.

kneo24 ago

Jesus Christ.

I think you made a pretty compelling case here. It's possible that there are some "false positives" in your round up, but with the amount of admitted alts this guy has, and the unknown amounts more that has been admitted to, sorry about their luck, but if you agree with a shill and constantly follow them around with the same fucking opinion, you're going to get lumped in with them even if you're not a shill. Literally no one believes the "I can't remember my passwords hur durr!". If you have that many purposely obfuscated passwords (esoteric almost fits here), you get a password manager and just remember the password to that. It's not rocket science.

The shills are endless, and it was interesting to see different groups of known shills arguing with each other.

Lasty, the "OMGZ SBBH" comments are lolcow worthy. Doesn't that seem like another group of people who go around crying all the time? Look, I could be wrong in that some of these groups of shills aren't connected, but I do believe if they're not connected, they're just playing off of the damage each of them do around here. It's the same narratives, over and over again, and sometime some dumb user gets sucked into it. Inb4 someone yet again accuses me of being @Kevdude with zero anything to back it up other than, "I just know".

ESOTERICshade ago

you get a password manager and just remember the password to that. It's not rocket science.

I would swallow acid before I put all my passwords into one basket and let my bank account get hacked. No fucking way I would do that password manager thing.

kneo24 ago

Password managers can be kept offline on your desktop, hell, you could create a txt file and keep it on a thumb drive. There are multiple ways to do it without it going online, you retard.

ESOTERICshade ago

Plus, every Microsoft Windows machine has a keystroke logger. Everything we say goes straight into a repository that can be easily searched. Nothing we do is secret. Privacy is an illusion in the mind.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just trust them. They are trying to help. After all, they are your friends.

kneo24 ago

So then what exactly is your bitch about using a password manager?

ESOTERICshade ago

So then what exactly is your bitch about using a password manager?

I can't write code. I am not a guru. It just seems wrong. Why would I put all my passwords into one basket and let somebody harvest it and hack all my stuff? I refuse to do that. My passwords look like this >>> X1x6f0!mYZw

From what I know if you at least use 8 characters in a password it takes about a month of brute force to hack a passowrd. You are talking to someone that did not even have cell phones when I grew up. I also do not intend to teach myself about coding and scripts and all that shit. I just think its dumb to use a password manager because if somebody get it, its game over.

aimeejamey ago

Brute force is a coding and cyber security term I first heard of yesterday. I'm only 40. We had no cell phones in college. We had pagers for the RA on call team, or nada.

I have no idea what a password manager is.

ESOTERICshade ago

Brute force is a coding and cyber security term I first heard of yesterday. I'm only 40. We had no cell phones in college. We had pagers for the RA on call team, or nada.

I have no idea what a password manager is.

A password manager is, from what I understand, basically like a file stored on a computer. It is also probably tied to some cookies maybe. It would be like having a personal file that anybody could access, and see in your windows. I would never do it.

kneo24 ago

"Woe is me! I'm so old I can't possibly be intelligent!" Puh-leeze.

If someone has access to your local machine, it's game over regardless of what you have going on. If someone can hi-jack your user session it's game over. The password manager is irrelevant.

ESOTERICshade ago

Password managers can be kept offline on your desktop, hell, you could create a txt file and keep it on a thumb drive. There are multiple ways to do it without it going online, you retard.

When I grew up we didn't even have cell phones. I am a retard. I admit that I am a retard.

Crensch ago

I appreciate you taking the time to vet my work. I agree that the false positives could be there, but in this case the odds are not with them that they're legitimate. I honestly don't care about getting some collateral damage with the kind of people that would follow esoteric around.

Even after all of this not one of them has apologized or distanced themselves from him and his bullshit. They play their own victim card and ask why the mods are attacking them.

Not one of them seems angry with him for delegitimizing their own positions, if indeed those positions are their own. Every attack from a new or different user against the mods will look like an esoteric campaign. All the anti Q stuff is going to look like someone with sock puppets trying to make it look like a bunch of people disagree with q.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not one of them seems angry with him for delegitimizing their own positions

Thats what I get for dedicating the last 23 years of my life to fighting people that exploit our children. You are only 19 years old and I have been fighting to make our country better longer than you have been alive. You are a smart person but you have a lot to learn.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow, Crensch is only 19? Well that explains why he acts so immature stickying a drama post regarding users such as yourself to the top of the PG forum because he is a punk kid in a power trip position. This is not the way to go about this and this pretty much seals my fate to move on to a forum I should have been on the whole time because it is ring wing organization to begin with.

Srayzie asked me to be a mod, and I kept the position for less than 48 hours. I have not had so much drama as I had in those 48 hours than I had the whole month I have been here. It wasnt attacks just from users but also from the mods themselves. I am too old and wise for this bullshit they brought on to me.

They told me I was a Q divider lol! Not only that Crensch also tried to take credit for the NeonRevolt unmasking thing saying he “figured” it out on his own 1 day before I started an account here. What a dumbass, I was on the case starting on September 9th and his speculation thread started on September 16th with NO Evidence to speak of while mine has me talking to the star of the show..

I am so glad I didnt waste anymore time on this mod job and I am sorry you have to go through this harrassment as well while they sticky this off topic rant on the PG for everyone to see how they treat people. Who in their right mind would want to post here especially seeing how this power trip mods treat others is beyond me. I wish you good luck, but suggest you should just move on because nothing is going to change.

SchlongKeyhote ago


Nice narrative-crafting, you fucking greasy kike.

I bet you have a specific Yiddish word to refer to this planting-the-seed-of-doubt kikery

Now literally ANY AND ALL anti-Q will be associated with a shill campaign...are you dictating or predicting, heeb?

Still no explanation for that screenshot; it's getting awkward for you, Ace Shill Detective/Private Dicksucker @Crensch

kneo24 ago

I'm still fairly anti-Q and no one is going after me. See, your groups problem is you insist on consistently attacking users with bullshit twisted explanations and then randomly throw in, "and Q is bad", or something similar along those lines. What you're doing here is narrative crafting back, and then pretending to be an even better person. You're transparent as fuck.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

fairly anti Q? That is a strongg statement aye?

SchlongKeyhote ago

I'm with no "group" you dipshit.

Attacking Q or Qtards requires no twisted explanations. The very idea of it is so laughable that anyone remotely convinced should kill themselves.

Your gay analysis is based on nothing -- you're transparently a PRETENTIOUS FAGGOT.

kneo24 ago

And you LARP like a dumb nigger. How pathetic are you?

Vindicator ago

LOL. He actually admits to this under an alt here.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Did @rarepeeks or @ESOTERICshade ever post something you disagreed with, besides Q? Or is there something you are not revealing??

None of this evidence about voting is relevant unless he is actively working against pizzagate.

Crensch ago

I have not yet gotten into it with esoteric over Q. Not once. What the fuck would I not be revealing?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

this post has nothing to do with why you do not like him or consider him a shill, other than he has a couple of alts so it isn't Q? ok, if you say so

Crensch ago

What part of this is difficult for you to understand? I care about the Integrity of voat and I care about real conversations and real voting patterns Happening Here. I care about people like esoteric not astroturfing and Alt brigading becoming the only way anyone gets their comments seen.

auralsects ago

shut the fuck up, you self-important faggot nigger piece of shit.

"The only 4-5 Q opponents are actually the same paid shill! Ban them all!"

Whos really attempting to 'manufacture consensus' here LMAO

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ok, fair enough

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Thank you @Crensch.

wokeasfook ago

This is why I love voat. Amazing work @crensch

xenoPsychologist ago

good to know. thanks for the ping.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've never seen smurfy69 before. Where is he posting? Where is the thread about the I Pet Goat II film? Do you have a link for that? Thanks

Crensch ago

Are you really this stupid?

He upvoted his own alt account and now that alt account has click the up voat button some 400 + times.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that's fine but who cares? smurfy doesn't post here from what I can tell. You guys got mad that he had 10 upvotes on an anti-q comment and 17 on another. Where is the link to the discussion on the I Pet Goat II comment? just curious to see what that was about for my own research, nothing to do with him.

Crensch ago

He. Votes.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I see you guys got mad about 10 and 17. If he has one proven alt, he could at most have one extra point per comment. So how many alts do you think he actually uses? I have like 4 or 5 but only mostly log into one. I created the alts so I could make comments one day on the phone and got bored, there is a 10 comment limit.

I don't have time to vote brigade for myself, but I'll go upvote someone I like every time I log on. That is why this site is called Voat. It's an upvote. Not a big deal.

Crensch ago

Are you not pissed that esoteric just delegitimized virtually every complaint against the mods? He also showed that the anti Q group on pizzagate might be mostly his alts.

If I were you and I truly held those positions, I would be pissed at him.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know I only saw the rarepeeks and ESOTERIC proof. I will have to catch up with Vindicator claiming he's DeathToMasons. If he is then yes, I'd be pretty pissed off about that. About Q, I don't care as much. A lot of people are with me there on the internet at the moment which is one of the only reasons why people get so mad about that on this forum. If it was just him and me, nobody would give a crap.

Crensch ago

That's your line? If he happens to have one more shitty Alt? Did one of your ancestors breed with a nigger or something? You are mind-bogglingly stupid

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I do have an Indian "princess" in my bloodline and a bunch of people who came over on the Mayflower and signed the Declaration as well as kings and queens, no idea about "niggers" but definitely a few Freemason assholes. I am just looking for real evidence presented, which it seems Vindicator just gave me regarding D2M, but it seems he just showed me where aural sects may be the same person as ESOTERICshade. So I may stand corrected. I didn't see that originally and I tried to comb through all the comments before.

Crensch ago

It's a big deal when you start up voting yourself multiple times or down voting people you don't like multiple times. He's already proved that he does this.

If you have alts and you log into them and you comment on them and you don't upvote or downvote people multiple times, there's not really a problem until you start trying to manufacture consensus. Making it seem like your voice is many voices.

ProgNaziGator ago

I would defer to @thebuddah and @empress say anything that wasn't sincere and from a good place. That includes not just from this account but from my previous accounts.

Since this thread is about people w alts, I will explain myself. Name change reasons three:

  1. Just felt like a name change.
  2. Throw off any doxers.
  3. I had got banned from FPH for saying a slightly thick milf shouldn't be treated the same as entitled hamplanets.

projection ago

"I had got banned from FPH for saying a slightly thick milf shouldn't be treated the same as entitled hamplanets." You reckless fool.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you got banned from a fat people hate group? So sorry.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, you are so politically correct.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Never been accused of that before... care to explain how come you told me to shut up before? you seem to not like me out of the blue, and yet here you are being accused of being ES, who was my friend, and who they are accusing you of being a sock puppet for. Every time I ask you to explain you just ignore.

NoBS ago

Getting banned from a sub that manipulates emotional triggers is not good?

I thought it was a honey pot for the unhingded. (shrug)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I was being sarcastic.

Crensch ago

You weren't pinged because I had a problem with you. You we're pinged because it seemsed like you gave a shit about voat before.

ProgNaziGator ago

I do. I appreciate you pinging me.

I'm glad there are a few of you who pay close enough attention to catch and document people pulling this kind of garbage.

I just realized that in my vouching I had opened a can of worms.

Crensch ago

The users I pinged in the comments were all good goats or at least seem to be. No can of worms opened.

Hand_of_Node ago

we need you to UNDERSTAND the Hegilain Dialectic and the art of duality.

Oh, THAT guy. Another nest of alts run by a shill or crazy person.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I got about half way through the evidence and I agree he already admitted he is rarepeeks. I don't agree about DeathToMasonsASAP and this reads like an Anti-Anti-Q post. I literally felt as though I was reading a diary written by a 10th grader. Why would someone call Eric toxic? Um because he behaves in a toxic manner towards me. ESOTERIC came to my defense and that convinces you that he's a shill. I guess I'm a shill then too. Let's all go back to our Q anon forums now and continue to pretend we're decoding disinformation.

Crensch ago

Maybe you'll fit right in with my MOD @think-, who also doesn't believe in Q, you stupid cunt.

But probably not since it seems you're still defending esoteric.

think- ago

Maybe you'll fit right in with my MOD @think-, who also doesn't believe in Q, you stupid cunt.

Err....what?! LOL

Crensch ago

Sorry, I know how that probably looks. This stupid cunt won't get off the subject of esoteric position on Q being the reason we are attacking him. I'm pointing out that you are not a Q believer and are not currently being attacked nor have you ever been.

I'm not suggesting that the stupid cunt would actually fit in with you, just that we have a mod that completely negates her entire argument and she's still being a stupid cunt about it.

think- ago

Sorry, I know how that probably looks.

Yep. LOL - being compared to someone who you are calling stupid cunt in the same sentence has been a new experience. grin

...just that we have a mod that completely negates her entire argument

Yes. @Vindicator suggested me as a mod although he knew that I'm not into Q. And I never got attacked or experienced even the slightest criticism from other mods for not being a Q follower. Although they sometimes have a hard time when I tease them with it. ;-) :-)

srayzie ago

When you wake up, you can come mod for me 😁

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Who begs for somebody to mod for them? Creepy.

srayzie ago

She’s my friend and we’re teasing. What’s that about?

think- ago

Ok, sweetie - my first action as a mod on GA will be putting up a sticky 'All Qties are Qcumbers!!' ;-P

Shizy ago

I would have thought your first mod action would be to ban me and @srayzie 🤣

think- ago

Oh, now that I think about it, this would be an excellent idea!! Thank you for the inspiration, @Shizy!! ;-) :-P

@srayzie @MolochHunter @Vindicator

Shizy ago

Oh please, like you didn't think of that already so you could get @MolochHunter all to yourself 😜

think- ago

Shsh.... ;-)

Shizy ago

That's what I would do!

think- ago

@srayzie, @Shizy just confessed to me what she's up to!! Be careful!! :-P

Shizy ago

Way to rat me out! 😝

think- ago

:-P :-P

MolochHunter ago

@think- orright you girls, looks like there's a bit o contention here

you dont have to get back in the jelly pit to wrestle, you know there's enough of me to go round

think- ago

LOL - can I borrow your head wear for Ascot? ;-)

srayzie ago

😂 right??

srayzie ago

Hahahaha ok. I would let you do that! Xoxo

think- ago

;-) xoxo

think- ago

;-) xoxo

Shizy ago

Yeah right! 😘

think- ago

Haha, @Shizy, you're a true Qtie!! ;-) :-)

@srayzie @bopper @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

I've clearly got competitors when it comes to wooing you

think- ago


Shizy ago

I happen to know that you saved @srayzie's Trump dancing to sexy back and watch it daily!

think- ago

Haha, @Shizy, you caught me there! ;-) :-)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I simply said that I do not believe your claim that he's the same person as DeathToMasonsASAP because you presented no evidence. If you had evidence that he did something wrong I would have kept reading. I agreed with you that he's rarepeeks, but it seems like the majority of your screenshots are all about your allegiance to Q. I only got half way through before I started to feel physically ill from reading about Q. I can't handle that letter.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So the guy who you attack me for responding to, who has been friendly to me for years, is the same one who tells me to "shut up stupid" in response to my question on his comment to Honeybee asking her for copies of the FBI report against whoever posted the child snuff film on his FB that he sent to me? ESOTERICshade is also DeathtoMAsonsASAP???? That's pretty damn confusing, I'll have to look at your evidence.

Not to mention, the troll Zyklon_B who got my other friend Cc1914 to completely leave Voat yesterday by accusing her of murdering an infant, is a shit poster himself who runs around laughing at all of Eric's comments and then talking about doing drugs and being in South Florida working in a nursing home on the droolers:

ESOTERICshade ago

Two possibilities that I see.

  1. This sub is in the hands of a 19 year old idiot known as @crensch
  2. This sub is in the hands of the pedo cabal.

I pick number one. I think this sub is under the control of a 19 year old narcissistic idiot.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I pick #2

ESOTERICshade ago

I pick #2

That is possible, but right now, I am not leaning that way.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You may be in league with them, Your response is not plausible. Are you playing victimizer of mods?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

but you got upvotes and the mods don't like you therefore, all accounts that speak to you are "shills"

14368158? ago

@zyklon_b where were you in 1990? Also check this thread, full of gold.

zyklon_b ago

I been following the thread since it started...

I was making alts and upvote brigading YOU

14369333? ago

Liar. You only use Zyklon to upvote brigade me. Fuck you I'm gonna upvote brigade you too. Here have an upvote.


zyklon_b ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities... against the spiritual forces of wickedness.

14368661? ago


No. Words do not hurt and your gf is a pussy for being offended so. Unless she did kill a baby?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

get lost Satanic creep face

14368892? ago

Oooh satan doesn't exist. Not real. He ain't gonna steal your soul.

I might, though.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Get lost or I'll cast out your demons remotely.

14369317? ago

Are you serious? Do it. I would love to feel reinvigorated by your "praying".

I'll go sacrifice a beloved chicken in your honor, too.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'll be working on it. "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU"


14369476? ago

Oh, I can feel it! I can feel his power in me.

LOL. Jesus Christ is dead. He died a long time ago, assuming he even existed to begin with. On the other hand, the Aesir and Vanir are very much still alive. It's not too late to step away from your subversive Abrahamic god that promises you only misery in death if you do not follow his bullshit ways that changes whenever your Priests decide it's no longer working for them. Fucking sheep.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know who those demons you mention are. It's unfortunate you've rejected God so much.

14369758? ago

It is unfortunate how many people still believe in Abraham.

It is even more so you supposedly belong to pizzagate, with the intention to protect children, yet your priests that tell you what to believe and HOW to believe all the while on your knees, are all culpable one way or another in the rampant pedophilia that plagues the church.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The Catholic church is not the only "Christianity" Constantine never gave up his seat as the high priest of Paganism. Sounds like you might fit in there.

I'm Baptist, and I read the Bible in English, don't have to have an intercessory priest pray for me.


O so that's why these Mods are still talking Nonsense. Good God :/ There desperately trying to make V/Pizzagate a Shitshow will not work there are real people with good hearts here (although a lot have moved on ) but that's the thing the real deal mfuckers have just moved on to exposing the cult in a different way.

Crensch ago

Hello there! Welcome to being on my radar. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay, but I doubt it and I would imagine that your stay on this website will be cut short because of my sudden interest in you.

ESOTERICshade ago

O so that's why these Mods are still talking Nonsense. Good God :/ There desperately trying to make V/Pizzagate a Shitshow will not work there are real people with good hearts here (although a lot have moved on ) but that's the thing the real deal mfuckers have just moved on to exposing the cult in a different way.

The sub is in the hands of a 19 year old (literally) that has never been wrong.. Don't expect much.


The "Family" must be unleashing their new recruits

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Their other alts.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

How they came to the conclusion that you're DeathtoMasonsASAP is beyond me. This seems like it's all about their cult allegiance to Q. I give up. I've already got way more documentation of some stuff I needed from this board regarding the Q psy op that disturbs me highly and it has absolutely nothing to do with being anyone's sock puppet. This is just pathetic. They're really freaking butthurt any time someone says anything bad about the Q psy op, and that's about it. If you go over to Great Awakening you see srazyie tag EVERY MOD in this forum on nearly every new Q post. There are other sock puppets to be exposed but I'm not going to be the one to do it. I already suffered enough for talking to them. I'll just continue gathering my evidence and keeping it to myself. If anyone is interested in it, feel free to PM me.

Deprogram yourselves before it's too late for you, Q followers. Or as they told me at the dawn of Q, "Wake up Alice"

srayzie ago

Wtf? I’ve always gotten along with you. There are certain situations where us mods tag each other because we need to be aware of what’s going on and stay connected, why is that a problem for you? A lot of people I know don’t believe in Q. So? I don’t know why you’re bringing me into this.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It was the quickest route to demonstrating that all pizzagate mods, except for one, are in the Q anon mindset. It was not an attack against you, personally.

srayzie ago

I understand. @Heygeorge isn’t a Q follower either.

heygeorge ago

Oh I follow, vaguely, I just don’t... believe.

srayzie ago

But you are verifiably a tard. 🙄 That explains it.

heygeorge ago

Fucking lel you got that part right

srayzie ago


ESOTERICshade ago

I always take up for @srayzie and I support her, because I KNOW she is a genuine good person. I don't believe in the Q thing psyop but @srayzie is solid.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

My point is that every mod here on this forum is pro-Q, nothing personal about srayzie. I've witnessed personal friends of mine go nuts over Q and attack people who disagreed with their opinion about who the best journalists are etc. Then later they come to their own conclusion about that person that they previously attacked people about criticizing. Nothing does it quite like Q. I just can't believe anyone is still following it after everything that's come out regarding that whole psy op, not to mention the 666 Nemos character with the heroin / opium trafficking charge and the pilot's license. You'd have to be completely unaware of all of it not to think something is wrong with the picture. And I'm sick and tired of reading about it and hate to see this board descend into Qtardia.

think- ago

My point is that every mod here on this forum is pro-Q,

You are twisting reality as usual. You perfectly well know that I'm not into Q.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Hilarious. Look how hard EYPJ and Esoteric are working to try to shift this massive exposure of their attempts to corrupt and subvert Voat to being all about Q. LMFAO.

I guess we now know WHY they're here, don't we? This just gets better and better.

think- ago

This just gets better and better.

I'm glad I stashed enough popcorn.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm well aware that you claim to be against Q. Whether or not you actually are, is only something you know. All I know is how it looks from where I sit where the mod team with the exception of like two or three people have attacked me for the past several weeks.

srayzie ago

Deep state tactic 101... BLAME Q!

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Vindicator ago

It's quite hilarious they don't realize that their dishonest, manipulative behavior coupled with the absolutely desperate attempts to discredit Q has completely the opposite effect.

SchlongKeyhote ago

Lol Qs biggest pizza related lead was dropped by me 6 months prior. OOPS

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's fun and all, but has nothing to do with me.

Vindicator ago

You're doing the majority of the heavy lifting. Hence the hilarity.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's cool and stuff, but if you're actually laughing at me because I fell for a Media Matters troll and you guys harassed me for 6 weeks about it without sending me to the evidence and you're still laughing, that's not a nice thing to do.

EricKaliberhall ago

that's not a nice thing to do.

Shut your fucking cock-hole you nasty whore.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I am taking my "fucking cock-hole" somewhere where it will be appreciated by someone mature enough to act like an adult. You're apparently not that, even after an apology. If you guys had evidence you could have sent me two months ago when you first attacked me and you didn't, that's not my fault for not believing you. Your behavior lately doesn't endear you to anyone - except perhaps Zyklon B and the numerous accounts you guys tagged over here from some other forum yesterday. You can do what you like, I'll keep on relying on God for help & inspiration. You keep relying on verbally abusing women, if that is what you want.

EricKaliberhall ago

You keep relying on verbally abusing women, if that is what you want.

You are not a women, you are a whore... A disinformation whore.

srayzie ago

I could say the same about you. I don’t see how anyone can look at all the evidence and things falling into place just like Q has said all along and wonder why in the heck some of you can’t open your eyes. If nothing else, you should be wondering why the deep state is in such a panic. Why does the media want to shut us up? Why are we being censored on every platform? Why does the deep state hate Trump?

We’re not retarded, we don’t just listen to Q. We use critical thinking and don’t depend on our ((( media ))) to tell us the truth. I live and breathe this.

I would normally keep quiet but you’re dragging my name into it. @Think- is not a Q supporter. I suggest you look into everything before you talk shit about Q supporters. Q took pizzagate mainstream. How does most mods believing in Q create a problem for you?

I don’t expect people to believe if they have barely dipped their toes in the water. It’s been almost a year now. We’ve seen amazing shit. There is not a doubt in my mind that Q is legit. If you’re a Trump hater than that explains it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I never said a single thing about me being a Trump hater.

It is only a problem because I was targeted by the mod team for either:

1) replying to ES

2) being anti-Q

3) unknown reason

Crensch ago

You defend ES. You still talk to him as if he's a legitimate voice here. Writing your number one as if just replying to him is a problem is dishonest.

I don't give a shit about your position on Q.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that's where it started... with Eric, around 6 weeks ago. Go back earlier than that, everyone the mods was cool with me

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You must think this is the only site on the net that isn't controlled, and the mods behavior is just a coincidence. Ask yourself why they sticky and promote anonymous gossip about an imaginary battle behind the scenes of a savior fighting for us? Ask yourself why they ignore that Trump is connected in every way shape and form To the Controllers Rotshchild, Rockefeller, Goldman, Warburg as well as the Jesuits and him winning the seat as CEO of USA inc, the corporation? Let me guess, they are just incompetent? Bad investigators? Blind love for Trump? Blind faith in Q, who they don't even know the entity behind the anonymous gossip? They are incompetent but not corrupt? That strangely is ES theory. Please, tell us how you come to this conclusion and why you feel the need to reason with them?

Crensch ago

And you never stopped to wonder why? When your behavior changed and your posts became shit tier that needed editing constantly?

It wasn't possible at all that esoteric was lying to you? It's just always the people in power that are wrong?

I heard you seemed to be a decent user Once Upon a Time.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not a mind reader. But I have the memory of it being where this started. I don't know why you guys dislike me personally if that is not the reason. My posts did not change, your opinions of me did.

srayzie ago

I’ve never heard them trying to target you. But they have issues with ES. I haven’t seen what you’ve said. But, people will judge you by who you hang around with and defend. I’m not saying that’s what’s going on. I’m just saying that’s how it goes.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

there's really no point in discussing it further, I'm only defending him because I see a real lack of evidence, and it seems biased. The comments against me were shocking.

ESOTERICshade ago

My point is that every mod here on this forum is pro-Q

We still have one mod that does not believe in the Q phenom. That mod is @think- and is also the best mod we have. I praise @think- regularly and get attacked by think for praising her. She seems to think that she is so powerful that I am praising her because she is all powerful.

I don't praise @think- because I think she is powerful and my fate somehow rests in her hands. I praise her because I respect her mind and her judgement.

think- ago

I don't praise @think- because I think she is powerful and my fate somehow rests in her hands. I praise her because I respect her mind and her judgement.

I don't give a shit what you think about me. Your game is over, Esoteric.

I praise @think- regularly and get attacked by think for praising her.

No, you don't. I have called you out for being a liar and a manipulator, and I will continue to do so as long as I am a user here.

FUCK OFF, and do it ASAP. Don't forget to take all your alts with you.

You are a digusting piece of shit, @EsotericShade. It should tell everybody here something that I forget that I'm a lady when replying to you, frickin asshole troll.

@Vinidcator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy @KatHarzso

ESOTERICshade ago

I sent Amy a few hundred dollars when she got attacked by the pedo criminals. I'm a terrible person.

MolochHunter ago

bank receipt or it didnt happen

think- ago

I sent Amy a few hundred dollars when she got attacked by the pedo criminals.

Look everybody, Esoteric admits to have groomed @EffYouJohnPodesta. I almost feel sorry for her.

You just acted like any bad actor would, Esoteric. You befriended people here in order to use them later, trying to influence the actions of other users on this sub.

You created alts for vote brigading, and then you went on to vote brigade.

This must have cost a lot of time. And would explain why you never really posted that much, wouldn't it?

You did 8 submissions on v/pizzagate in the last 8 months. Mostly just copypasting news stories.

And you didn't even had to mod like @Vindicator, @EricKaliberhall or me.

You pretended organ trafficking was a terrible important topic for you. But when I asked you why you didn't seem to be eager to post anything about it, I never got a reply.

You just built a profile for plausible deniability. Just like you pretended to support the v/greatawakening sub and @srayzie, and since you hate Q, it was obvious that you only voiced that 'support' for plausibe deniability.

TL;DR: You have acted like any ShareBlue shill or CIA black hat would have acted.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @MolochHunter

ESOTERICshade ago

You just acted like any bad actor would, Esoteric.

Yep. I sent somebody some money. I am indeed a nasty actor.

You did 8 submissions on v/pizzagate in the last 8 months. Mostly just copypasting news stories.

That is true. I am burned out. I'm baked. I'm done. I just don't have much left in me. That is true. I know more about all this shit than I would ever admit to knowing. I have been doing this for 23 years and i'm damn tired of it. I wish I didn't know all that I know. I would be a lot happier if I didn't know it.

You pretended organ trafficking was a terrible important topic for you. But when I asked you why you didn't seem to be eager to post anything about it, I never got a reply.

I have seen a kid get cut up on a table like a piece of meat and thrown into a pile with other kids. They do not even sedate them before they cut them open and whack out the organs. One kid can equal 1.5 million dollars. That is how much money is in this depraved racket. What have you seen? I bet you have not seen what I saw. Have you ever seen little kids stacked in a pile like firewod? I doubt it.

You just built a profile for plausible deniability.

I am myself. I blame me for being what I am. I feel fairly good about myself. Its not fault that people don't understand some of the things I undersand. I wish I didn't know some of the things I know because I would be a lot happier.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5925) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

Look at that emotional bullshit he's trying to playoff as legitimate response.

"Oh poor me I saw a kid getting cut up on a table. You should believe me because I saw a kid getting cut up on a table. I know more about this than you because 23 years and I'm totally not talking about the 23 years being how long I've been shilling."

Vindicator ago

Look at that emotional bullshit he's trying to playoff as legitimate response.

Yep, that would be taking a page from his own playbook, as expressed in one of his early submissions where he was first setting himself up as Grandpa Truther, the Sage of Pizzagate. Esoteric explains effective manipulation tactics:

“Most people don't act on logic primarily, they react to the emotional environment within themselves. It is a lot easier to trigger people using emotional appeal than logic. Pretty much every mob or mass action was not catapulted into action by appealing to their logic. They took action because they got swept up in their emotions.”

@think- @srayzie @Shizy @kevdude

Shizy ago

How nice of him to let us all know how he operates.

think- ago

Yep. I sent somebody some money. I am indeed a nasty actor.

Go and look up the meaning of 'grooming'. Since you pretend to be a genuine PG researcher you should know what the term means. /s

That is true. I am burned out.

Rubbish. You spend your time here vote brigading and grooming people. You only did a certain number of posts for plausible deniability.

I'm done.

That's a valid self-assessment.

I have seen...

Not a valid reply to my statement.

I am myself.

Not interested in any of your stories. But since you claim to be so terribly burned out, give yourself a rest. And don't forget to delete all your alt accounts before you leave. FOR GOOD.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

think- ago

Shizy ago

OMG! Wow! He should just shut up now and stop digging his hole deeper.

Vindicator ago

No...he should keep talking. This is the most fun I've had in years. :-)

Shizy ago

Haha! You're right!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's what she claims.

srayzie ago

It’s true, @Think- is my friend and is NOT a Q supporter. What is the problem if she were?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Apparently you missed the way theme's have spoken to me over the past 6 weeks, all cuz responded to ES and Eric didn't like it.

I tried tagging you on Twitter to ask if you were cool with how they were treating me and you didn't reply. I asked you on here to help with a removed post and you said you don't know submission rules. Think has attacked me a lot and unfairly. If they would post the links that go with the screenshots, you'd see these ES comments are almost ALL in reply to me, but they are also almost ALL anti-Q.

Vindicator ago

If they would post the links that go with the screenshots, you'd see these ES comments are almost ALL in reply to me, but they are also almost ALL anti-Q.

Exactly! That's how the brigading and astroturfing you were helping him with work.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I made that comment before I read your other comment and now I'm dealing with the fact that I had no idea he was all the other people that I didn't like on here and that I was talking for like 2 years to him. As I told Crensch I did have some subtle doubts but your mod team attacking me made me psychologically immediately assume that you were wrong about him, like I knew you were wrong about me. I stand by my opinion of Q anon, as it has absolutely zero to do with ES and everything to do with other factors that I mentioned to you in PMs.

I didn't mean to help him with any type of astroturfing!! Ask Crensch.

Crensch ago

All I have is you saying the same. Your actions from here on out will prove that, or not. I won't vouch for you, but I won't pursue someone that is admitting they were wrong (probably). The march from here on won't be easy, and nobody will vouch for you just because you've made a tentative peace with them, but you'll wind up in a better place than you were soon enough. I guarantee it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, I don't have a lot to say on here ever since last November so when I came on here I would selectively reply to stuff, until I saw something interesting or annoying and would comment. Now I'm extremely creeped out and far less likely to respond to other people on here. My suspicions go far beyond just the couple of accounts you mention in this post and it's starting to look like an unsafe environment in general. At least for me. I guess not for some of the people who do come here as actual employees of something / someone doing the literal work of Satan.

think- ago

Your actions from here on out will prove that, or not.

Yes. And this implies that she stops lying and making false claims about me and twisting my mod comments. And attacking me for getting attacked by a user.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @EffYouJohnPodesta

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not going to apologize every time you make a comment that you're still mad. I already apologized to you. You never apologized to me for attacking me over and over, and I'm not expecting that to happen. have a nice day.

think- ago

Think has attacked me a lot and unfairly.

No, I haven't. Btw., you forgot the links to back up your claim.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Crensch @Shizy

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm sorry you feel that way. I already apologized to everyone. You need to read through the thread to see it. I'm not aware of any rule that I have to provide links in every comment to prove my personal opinions. If that's the rule, then you would also have to prove your attacks were not unfair. And I don't think that is the rule. Have a nice night.

Crensch ago

It's not a written or spoken rule. Voat is about evidence, and backing up your claims - that's the culture here. The more you can do that, the more respect you'll get, and the more people will take you seriously.

If i had made this post above with no links, or very few, who would have believed me? And when my mods are accused of wrongdoing, and reported to me, I need evidence. Right there. It's not my job to dig for it and prove the accusation correct.

Generally the way apologies work on forums like this is that when you've been wrong, and people respond to your previous comments, you just tell them your position has changed, that you apologize, and don't really address the attacks on your previous position, as they no longer apply. Just my .02 there.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, ok and I agree. And to her, sorry, but I'm not going back to re-apologize to her every time she makes a comment, or dig up old screenshots of mod comments to me, especially not at 10 pm while I'm getting in bed. Have a nice day everyone.

srayzie ago

I had a huge amount of people subscribe so haven’t been on Twitter much and aimget so many notifications that I miss some because once I load the page, the notifications disappear.

@Think- is NOT a Q supporter. The mods have been dealing with ES for a long time. All that set aside, it has nothing to do with Q.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

OK, if you say so. I was told I'm a whore, cunt, shill, on a list for execution, and will die soon all by the pizzagate mods and all because I replied to ES and they didn't like it. Best I can tell, it's Q related... This post proved that to me in reading through all the carefully cropped comments...

srayzie ago

Reading thru this, I’m seeing that you are defending ES over and over. It’s more likely that you put yourself in the middle of something that you know nothing about. ES and the mods have a long history from before Q came along. ES knows this. He’s a big boy can stand up for himself. If you want to put yourself in the middle, then you will be judged and treated differently. You’re the one putting yourself in this situation. Trying to blame it on mods being Q followers makes me feel suspicious of you. That’s causing division. I don’t see how you think you’re helping anyone out.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you missed everything... it's ok, don't worry about it

srayzie ago

How in the world does a mod calling you names have anything to do with Q?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Every time I see a comment on this post that was screenshot it's about Q, or in reply to me... I don't know of anyone else on here who is openly anti-Q except now, a couple of others who commented here.

ESOTERICshade ago

That's what she claims.

@think- is the real deal. She is sharp. She is smart. She has good judgement. She has proven herself with her own actions. I have nothing but respect for @think-

Benkitchen105 ago

I think Q is psy op bullshit. This sub has become nothing more than Q leads and no self investigation

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Your name is familiar Ben Kitchen. I've always thought so. And I agree with you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think Q is psy op bullshit.

Of course it is. A five year old could figure that one out. I go back and forth in my head if its a good or bad thing. Coleman Rogers is the Q. If Trump will run the illegals out of this country for us maybe its a good thing. I don't want us to become like Europe and have Somalian nigs raping our women. Fuck that. If Trump can at least do that, I guess its a win for us.

This sub has become nothing more than Q leads and no self investigation.

Not yet, and I have always fought against that happening to this sub. Somehow this sub still serves as a hub and an investigative repository of cabal happenings as it relates to the MK Ultra happenings in our atmosphere. Will we be able to keep it that way? I don't know.

We do know this >>>. They seek to get our children when they are young and they turn our children into cabal serving robots. We have to fight that with whatever tools we can find. No holds barred. War is not fair, its fucking war, and we have to look at it that way.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Very inspiring comment. Here here!

darkknight111 ago

Quick question. Are there ways to do an IP check in these accounts to see if they are the same user?

I’m positive our resident “Shariah Shill” donkeyhote is NOT the same person as ES. Eagerly look foward tgat that expose. Donkey is also a pedo given his defending of Mohamad doing a 9 year old girl.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @719380264.

Posted automatically (#13241) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Derpfroot ago

The admin's can check IP's, not us plebs (legally). Even then there's VPN's, tor, etc. that can change your IP in a second.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

they can, or can't see our IP address?

The admin's can check IP's, not us plebs (legally).

Crensch ago

The admins can see the IP address you connect with. You can mask your IP with a VPN. Very little can be done about that unless you have logs of the different type he's that someone logged in on, and they made a mistake like esoteric just did.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Ok, so then you should be able to track the IPs that I logged in with from the accounts that I told you my recollection of in a PM yesterday, all would be in the same metroplex since I never mask my IP. I didn't know admins could see that but what is an admin? Is it the same as modding your own subverse or are you referring to kevdude or puttitout?

Vindicator ago

Voat only has one admin: PuttItOut. Mods and board owners see nothing but what you post.

Shizy ago

Funny, all those alts are assholes who at one time or another I have had an issue with. Now it makes sense since esoteric doesn't like me for pointing out his extreme mental illness

Shizy ago

I seeThePuppetShow is on one of those links talking to esoteric. He's an alt of youllrememberme who is causing high school bitch drama for @srayzie and is also an OhWellian alt.

kneo24 ago

Shills, shills as far as the eye can see. Or maybe nig nogs with DID (MPD).

think- ago

More likely paid shills with an agenda.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @bopper @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Best poem I've heard in awhile!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

@Puttitout hasn't given you a Guardian Of Voat badge yet? It would be well deserved.

Crensch ago

Thank you! Maybe someday he will fancy the idea.

Deweysquare ago

Wow. Good work. I rarely comment and when I started reading I was like wow this guy has too much time on his hands but then after seeing your linked examples it became clear the you are right on. The implications are fucking creepy. Thisbimpmies that someone is either paid or really cares about manufacturing viewpoints. That means it's all true most likely. It must be like puting toothpaste back in the tube for them. I wish ((they)) would just give up already and go down quietly already but I guess it makes sense. They are fighting for their lives. It's really cringey to see these pedo fucks trying to turn the tide. Gross corrupted souls all of them.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

hear that @ESOTERICshade, now you're a "pedo"

ESOTERICshade ago

hear that @ESOTERICshade, now you're a "pedo"

Yes I see it. According to one of our mods I am also a child pornographer. Hysteria is off the chain around here.

ESOTERICshade ago

hear that @ESOTERICshade, now you're a "pedo"

Yep. According to one of our mods I am also a child pornographer, so he says anyway. Sex with children is disgusting and I was surprised to be called that.

14367326? ago

Damn right no more mr nice crensch. The crensch that stole Christmas...

auralsects ago

@Crensch plays a good (((fellow anti-Semite))) online that he surely couldn't contrive in person, given the nose.

But when it comes to the indisputable truth that Pizzagate consists of elite Jewish families & their cronies performing ritual rape and murder -- he literally resorted to banning it

auralsects ago

observe how @Crensch has no explanation for this screenshot and merely summoned a bunch of faggots nobody ever heard of to downvote.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sticky! lmao! You guys are a complete joke.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, um about this comment, I agree with you, mainly because I don't see why you told me to "shut up stupid" and I don't think that you're @ESOTERICshade.

14368189? ago

If you hate this site. Leave.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, I'll keep pointing out how subverted it is. Did you get your FBI criminal complaint form? Everybody get them and submit our evidence. They are right on it.

Shizy ago

How dare you use logic! 😂

think- ago

@DeathToMasonsASAP is masochistic. That's why he can't leave, but has to stay here, and suffer. /s

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, sure, but we're talking about /v/pizzagate here. That's where ESOTERICshade spends most of his/her/its time. So we're talking about Hillary Clinton genuinely being involved in trafficking children for sex. Plus if you look at the original post in this thread, Crensch is denouncing JEM777 / Jenny Moore as a disinfo agent for saying that she has a 26-year-old male witness, on video, who says that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted him when he was seven years old.

So in theory, I agree that there's a point where paranoia interferes with normally functioning in life. But in the twists and turns of this particular story, we haven't come anywhere near that point yet. Lucky thing we have Glorious Leader Crensch to show us the way!

Vindicator ago

Are you honestly coming into this thread and claiming Jem777 was legit, @SoberSecondThought? After all the massive shilling and attempted fuckery attached to that George Webb psyop? We had numerous threads on this weeks ago, and no one, not ONE person could provide a single link backing up a single claim she made. @Crensch attempted to get to the bottom of THAT shitshow, and it was a total and complete bust. So save your innuendos and smears. You are weeks too late.

SoberSecondThought ago

My position now is the same as it was back then, when I argued it with you at length. I'm not trying to defend every statement she made, I don't even know all the statements she made. I didn't dispute the correctness of your banning her, and I didn't endorse any of the claims that were tossed around about the witness protection program or whatever. I barely knew the woman. I simply see no alternative to the conclusion that Jem777 was Jenny Moore and that Jenny Moore is in fact dead.

Any other interpretation of the sequence of events is just too contorted, for example that somehow George Webb made video of some OTHER woman who dragged him up to Racine WI, and that Jem777 somehow managed to get private photos of George and use them to fake being that woman to Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine ... or that George got One American Network to falsely report her death, and got Michael Flynn and Robyn Gritz and True Pundit to cooperate in faking her death, and so on. The arguments against either Jem777 not being Jenny, or Jenny not being dead, are just mind-bogglingly complicated. The rest of that debate was about other things and I very deliberately left those things to other people.

As for my innuendos and smears, well, I think I'm entitled to say that if Crensch is sounding the alarm that there are manipulative sockpuppets on /v/pizzagate, and that ESOTERICshade is one of them, then I did that first and better, like for example here. Crensch is due for some mockery, since he is many months too late in sounding the alarm on that.

But hey, maybe I'm a sockpuppet of ESOTERICshade too! Who can say? So I defer to our Glorious Leader to define the new standard of truth here on /v/pizzagate.

srayzie ago

I just love how you didn’t ping me since you are talking shit about me as usual....

I’ll just leave this right here.. It speaks for itself.

Major shill alert -
@Vindicator @Think-

SoberSecondThought ago

I've spent the past year being far politer to you than you have to me. You've called me mentally ill, and/or a shill, over and over, obsessively denouncing me. I've never made any kind of personal attack on you; I've only said that your opinions are mistaken, and given evidence of why they are.

I think I make you anxious, in a personal way, beyond the obvious disagreement we have about "Tory Smith" being HLI/Senate Anon/WIC/QAnon, and working for David Brock, and being paid for by Herb Sandler, and so on. It's almost as if there's something you're afraid that I will say about you ... like defending poor dead Tory Smith is way more important than it should be. So you keep jumping in with "Can you believe what a whack job liar this guy is? Can you believe it?!"

I'm going to break my long habit of not getting personal, and say this. What you're doing here, right now, is dumb. You know why? Two main reasons.

First, whenever any of my critics pick a fight with me, it only draws attention to the subjects they don't want mentioned. See, for example, this discussion of the Q psyop that I had with ESOTERICshade nine months ago. He just doesn't have the sense to shut up. He makes a claim, I post a link refuting it, he gets surly. You don't want to get into that kind of fight. It just sets up a convenient long-form record of how unreasonable you sound. You're better off letting me have the last word than continually replying and adding to the story.

However, second -- and this is really my main point -- you clearly think that having the last word here on Voat is what is important. It's not. As I've explained many times, we're playing for big stakes here. Getting more upvoats than I do is a poor substitute for actually winning.

srayzie ago

Too much to read as usual....

You’re a joke. You accuse a mentally ill, probably previously abused dead man of being all these other supposedly bad people. I’ve shown you pictures of him from before, when he was sick, and right before he died. It was totally obvious that he wasn’t faking his death. I heard his voice fade to barely above a whisper. I watched over months as he withered away.

Scared? Scared of what? If I was scared, I wouldn’t bring it up. I would avoid it. Oh, I wouldn’t doubt it if you say something about me. You tend to make some off the wall connections. Like, maybe I’ll be accused of being Allison Mack or something. Who knows. 🙄 You keep bringing me up. I never said Racine shouldn’t be investigated. The only problem I’ve had with you is what you did to Tory.

I think you’re a lying shill who selfishly framed a dead man to try to destroy 3 other people. It’s not about having the last word. If you bring my name up, then I have a right to defend myself. You’re twisting what I’ve said.

Where did WIC go by the way?

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh honey child. So dumb. Taking your last question first, WIC didn't leave. "Tory Smith" has just stopped using that particular sockpuppet.

As I've said several times before, if "Tory Smith" was mentally ill, what about Alexandra Meadors (who used her Galactic Connection channel to introduce him to a wide audience)? Was she mentally ill too? What was her motive for accusing Mike Pence, his wife, his Attorney General, and various state troopers of raping and murdering children? Because she did!

You can't defend him as mentally ill and then simply ignore her motive in enabling him. She had a responsibility not to exploit a vulnerable man and an even bigger responsibility not to spread insane slander around the Internet. If you want to insist that "Tory Smith" was innocent, and wasn't a David Brock psyop to cover up the Glenn Beck whistleblower case of 2013, then of course you can do that. But then the true villain of the piece, by your own argument, is this miserable bitch Meadors, who profited off his mental illness and spread unbelievably vicious lies. And again, since "Tory Smith" signed off his channel literally the same day Pence accepted the VP slot with Trump, and Meadors immediately made an hour-long tribute video, there is a clear political angle to be pursued here. So even if you reject my argument that it was a psyop to cover up child sex trafficking by accusing the people who helped Beck's whistleblower, it was still Meadors making a calculated attack on Pence for some purpose. And it would still be very relevant to Pizzagate, given the kind of accusation that Meadors was making.

Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors? Why does her bizarre behavior not ring huge alarm bells of suspicion for you? I've asked that question several times now and you have never responded.

The other thing is about me bringing your name up in regard to Jenny Moore. No, I'm not twisting what you said. In this epic thread, you claimed she was a "limited hangout," and you said a lot of stuff about other people like Gothamgirl and "Sarah" and whoever, but as far as I can see, you didn't deny either that Jenny was Jem777 or that Jenny was dead. I don't care about your other drama, as I very clearly explained above. So what do you imagine I'm accusing you of? What are you defending yourself against here? Guilty conscience maybe, since you were so very publicly going after a dead person's reputation? I thought you were against people doing that! Poor Jenny, barely dead 48 hours and you launch a gigantic thread devoted to trashing her as being a liar and a manipulator and connected to someone who was stalking you.

Do you see why I said it's a bad idea to argue with me?

srayzie ago

Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors? Why does her bizarre behavior not ring huge alarm bells of suspicion for you? I've asked that question several times now and you have never responded.

  • Deflection... This is about what YOU are doing.

The other thing is about me bringing your name up in regard to Jenny Moore. No, I'm not twisting what you said. In this epic thread, you claimed she was a "limited hangout," and you said a lot of stuff about other people...

  • Deflection and manipulation.

You’re very manipulative. You didn’t bring my name up just because I brought up Jem. You forgot this part...

Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine.

My saying Jem was a Limited hangout has nothing to do with lying about how much I value investigating Racine.

You don’t care about my drama? Yet, you start naming people I argued with.

  • Deflection and manipulation. Trying to cause more drama.

You didn’t deny Jenny was dead...

  • Deflection and misleading.

Why would I deny it? There’s a big difference between my knowing this person, collecting information, provided tweets, screenshots of conversation, pictures, and video, and your baseless accusation about someone you didn’t even know.

So what do you imagine I'm accusing you of? What are you defending yourself against here?

  • Directing attention off of you by putting it on me.

I came to correct the lie that you said regarding my views on Racine. I don’t like people like you that are manipulative. You didn’t ping me because you were lying about me.

Guilty conscience maybe, since you were so very publicly going after a dead person's reputation?

  • Deflection and now manipulating the conversation to try to make me the bad guy.

I actually did feel bad. The night that I wrote that, I found out that her death was being questioned. By then it was too late. It was already posted. Second, other people that knew what I knew, were pushing me to come forward because people should have the right to know information and make up their own minds because lies were being spread.

The difference is, I felt bad I let myself be pressured into something that my gut kept telling me was not the right time. You don’t feel bad. You continue. You don’t give a shit about this man’s family.

Poor Jenny, barely dead 48 hours and you launch a gigantic thread devoted to trashing her as being a liar and a manipulator and connected to someone who was stalking you.

  • Deflection and Manipulation. Trying to make me look like the bad guy.

Do you see why I said it's a bad idea to argue with me?

*Grandiose opinion of yourself. Narcissistic need to be right. Manipulation.

Cocky are we? Go back and read my replies to your post. I think it’s vice versa. I took your lies and I shredded your whole post. You’ve tried several times using your manipulative techniques that you were trained to do. You don’t like the fact that I call you out and don’t fall for your shit.

You like to try to use psychology on people when making your arguments. You show many traits of one with Narcissistic personality disorder. That’s why you could care less what you’re doing to others. You’re doing what you’re trained to do. Too bad for you that I’m not an idiot and see right thru you.

I’ve said what I had to say. I defended the lie you said about me and Racine. Look what you turned it into. Even tho I addressed every lame thing you said, your narcissism is going to make you respond so you can have the last word. You will try to take the heat off of you being a shitty person, and direct the attention on me. You need to feel like you won. That’s why you will not give up on your stupid ass lie regarding Tory Smith, even tho you know it’s bullshit. You look like a fool.

I’m not giving you the satisfaction by feeding your narcissism. I don’t need to respond. Why waste my time when you’re destroying your own credibility. You don’t need my help. Other mods know you’re a shill too BITCH.

This person had been spinning lies for a long time. 100% shill. No doubt.

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch

SoberSecondThought ago

Jesus Christ, woman. Can you not read simple English? Well, you obviously can, you're just hoping to muddy the waters. Here is what I said:

Any other interpretation of the sequence of events is just too contorted, for example that somehow George Webb made video of some OTHER woman who dragged him up to Racine WI, and that Jem777 somehow managed to get private photos of George and use them to fake being that woman to Srayzie after arguing with me about the value of investigating Racine.

I said that Jem777 argued with me about the value of investigating Racine. There is no lie here about you and Racine, because there isn't even a statement about you and Racine. Which you know perfectly well, since you had to quote a meaningless sentence fragment starting with "Srayzie" even to make it look like I said something. But suppose we accept your way of reading the sentence. Your indignation still doesn't make sense because you and I clearly DID disagree about Racine. You defended WIC, I said WIC was another sockpuppet. We did argue about Racine, not that I mentioned it here, and not that it matters in the least. I was not misrepresenting you in any way, no matter how you read this sentence. You're not defending yourself against a lie, you're muddying the waters. Again.

Me: Why are you so pissed at me, and yet completely silent about Meadors?

You: Deflection... This is about what YOU are doing.

No, it really isn't. You and I got along perfectly well until I said that "Tory Smith" was faking. Don't make me quote you, you know it's true. Then you went 100 percent against me, and you have stayed 100 percent against me for the past year, based on that one thing.

You don't give a shit about this man's family.

I have yet to see any evidence of his family. All we have is the word of Alexandra Meadors, which is my point. Your version of events is that for months, you watched "Tory Smith" spout gibberish about "blue avians" and "Galactics," and say that he was being continually raped, and infected with anthrax, and reading people's DNA, and counting up thousands of child murders, and so on. Your version of events is that you could see that he was mentally ill, but you nonetheless believed that he was dying. And you're pissed off that I am "framing" him.

But then why the hell do you not care that the only person who provably knew him, let him do all that screwed-up stuff? Why do you not want some sort of investigation into this human trainwreck of wild child sex trafficking allegations? Why are you totally against me for even bringing it up?

It makes no sense. What motive did Alexandra Meadors have to promote his videos and encourage him to make more videos attacking the governor of Indiana? Why did nobody in his family stop him? Why didn't they take down his insane rambling bullshit, rather than leave it up to humiliate him forever?

If you care about "Tory Smith" and his alleged family, why does that betrayal not bother you or make you suspicious? If your version of events is true, then he was used to commit dozens of crimes. If he WASN'T lying, if he honestly believed all that crap, then encouraging him make all those videos and leaving them online was vicious abuse.

In short, if you are right, then "Tory Smith" is dead, and Alexandra Meadors needs to go to jail for making false rape and murder accusations against Mike Pence and countless other people. Whereas if you are wrong and I am right, then "Tory Smith" and Alexandra Meadors both need to go to jail. Either way, there's a huge hole in your complaint about me.

Your whole case for me being a whack job, a shill, a shitty person, a narcissist, and all the other names you have called me, consists of this one thing. You're really pissed, really defensive, really flailing, and it doesn't make sense. It has never made sense.

I don’t need to respond. Why waste my time when you’re destroying your own credibility. You don’t need my help. Other mods know you’re a shill too BITCH.

Let's not forget that I've already denounced @Think- as being just another sockpuppet of "Tory Smith". But sure, call in your friends and give me a beat-down. Call in Glorious Leader Crensch and destroy me.

srayzie ago

I heard that @Shizy is Alexandra Meadors 😮

Shizy ago

I don't even know who that is but I assume it's safe to say she's probably some crazy hoe!

srayzie ago

I will reply to just one thing because I’m not wasting my time on this bullshit. I’m dying laughing. @Think- is one of my closest friends here. You are out of your fricken mind!!

Who the hell cares about what your crazy opinions are? You have got to have some mental issues to believe that everyone is a dead man. Even one of my closest friends 😂🤣 Holy shit. I didn’t know it was THIS bad. I had to tell her who Tory Smith was. WOW.

Want to know a little secret? Before starting a family, I used to be working with mentally ill people. Some were so entertaining. Your imagination would make my day go by faster.

Ok well let’s see how long it takes for you to accuse me of being someone. Maybe Charles Manson is still alive and it’s @Crensch. 🤭 Maybe John McCain didn’t really die and it’s @Vindicator 🤔 I heard that @HeyGeorge is really George Michael and fell off the stage while performing “I want your sex”. I was told that @Kevdude identifies as an Asian female piano teacher. That’s suspicious. He must be Tory Smith too.

Think- and Kevdude, you guys must be some sick mother fuckers to fake your death and end up on Voat! LMAO! HeyGeorge, get your shit together!

Crensch ago

Oh, shit! I've been found out!

Take the letters of my username and move them around a bit...

~~ CHaRlES maNSoN ~~

Might as well Scooby-Doo my mask off, now.

srayzie ago

Lol. That’s was pretty good

Crensch ago

It was awful; Charles Manson has no sense of humour.

@shizy, your boss is drunk, take her home and tuck her in - check her temperature too, she might be delirious from a fever along with the consumption of ethanol. Nobody in their right mind laughs at jokes from CHARLES MANSON.

Shizy ago

Awww shit! Who did I piss off to have to deal with @srayzie like this? I'm NOT holding your hair back this time girlfriend! 😂

srayzie ago

Oh yes you are hoe!

Shizy ago


srayzie ago

You need to look thru that persons profile. Fricken trip!

Shizy ago

Are all their comments 10 page text walls? 😂🤣

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, I did warn you this would happen. Late last night I predicted that you would make claims, I would refute them, and you'd go off on some rhetorical tangent of name-calling and "Who cares what you think?"

I'm sure we'll be doing this again at some point. I just want to make this observation, for the benefit of any newcomer who has been reading this exchange and is struggling to understand what is going on.

When FBI Anon came onto /pol/ back in July 2016, he warned us that the truth about the Clinton Foundation, and the way our government was run, would be more horrible than we could imagine. Glenn Beck said the same thing in June 2013, that the truth would bring down the government.

Srayzie mocks the idea that any of the mods could be sockpuppets controlled by David Brock on behalf of the Clintons. But if you were the Clintons, given the stakes involved, how much effort would you be willing to make to keep Voat (one of the few truly independent forums on the planet) under control? How many mods of /v/pizzagate would you want to be your people?

Shizy ago

If you were able to show any concerning mod behavior, then people may be more inclined to believe your theory about "compromised" or "sock puppet" mods. It's really annoying to see people make baseless claims about comped mods, but never provide any proof as to how the mods are comped.

Can you point to any submissions that followed submission rules and were deleted by mods? All I have ever seen is 24 hour grace periods given when submissions don't meet the requirements. Now why would a comped mod or mod team give people time to edit their submissions if their intention was to just suppress information?

Some people just don't like having any rules, and that's fine, but then don't post on a subverse that has rules and bitch when things are deleted because rules weren't followed!!! People who do that sound like whiny entitled cunts! There are plenty of other subs that don't have rules so people are free to post there if they so choose. It's been pretty evident that there are some people here who like to disregard the rules just so they can play the victim when the rules are enforced. Pretty pathetic and most people can see right through that shit.

If you, or anyone else, has any legitimate proof of the mods being sock puppets or compromised then share it! If not, well then join the faux victim crybaby club and don't be surprised when no one takes your claims seriously!

SoberSecondThought ago

Don't you think this is a little futile? I mean, my complaint against @Srayzie is that she has accused me of being a shill and mentally ill. If you're commenting in this thread, presumably you read that, and read my response, and saw her ignore it and go on calling me names.

So what contribution are you making here, when you act as if I haven't given any evidence, and tell me that I should come up with evidence? Srayzie can do that for herself.

Shizy ago

I honestly don't care what she called you. I'm not commenting on what @srayzie has said to you or what she accused you of. I don't really care! That's between you two.

I commented to ask YOU what proof you have of your claims of "sock puppet mods". If you have proof, I would assume you would want to share that. I know I would. Yet you don't. You just make the claim and provide no examples or links to back up your claim.

My contribution is to point out that you haven't provided proof, and as such are most likely just full of shit!

SoberSecondThought ago

Yeah, see, this is a familiar refrain. "I don't care." That is what people keep saying instead of actually engaging with the evidence.

Two days ago, @Vindicator explained that /v/pizzagate isn't interested in YouTube videos, even when they involve allegations of child rape and murder by the current Vice President. Incredible but true!

Before that, @Crensch snorted in contempt at my mention of Wikileaks emails and tax returns showing criminal activity by David Brock and Herb Sandler. Who cares about financing? Details like that are just a waste of his precious time, just "dishonest Jewish bullshit". Now, we ARE here to investigate Pizzagate, right? I haven't wandered into some board devoted to Japanese cinema by mistake? David Brock arranging for the infamous "handkerchief" email guy to donate money that a forensic audit reveals doesn't show up on a Media Matters tax return, and Crensch doesn't care. Weird! We can get these guys charged with a crime. These are two of THE Pizzagate guys. So what does Crensch care about?

Before that, @Srayzie declared that she had no interest in any part of my investigative series, except for the claim that "Tory Smith" was alive and well and posting on /v/pizzagate under various names. She was certain that "Tory Smith" was dead, and that I was either mentally ill or a shill for suggesting that someone might have lied on the Internet. And that was all she would say about it. She had "no opinion" on the rest. She'll work tirelessly for QAnon, who has been exposed as making false claims literally hundreds of times. But when I put up Glenn Beck's video announcement of a whistleblower who will bring down the government, and Beck repeatedly hints that it's about child sex trafficking, she absolutely doesn't care. She won't even so much as say Glenn Beck's name, she just changes the subject. So weird!

And now here you are in this thread, after I confronted Srayzie about the illogic of her response. If "Tory Smith" is dead, his helper Alexandra Meadors still ought to be investigated, and it's still child sex trafficking and murder by the Vice President (or vicious lies about him) that we're talking about. And once again Srayzie ignored all my points and went straight back to calling me a shill.

But you won't talk about that, because that's between me and her. Isn't that interesting! You just want to know if I have any evidence of mods doing something inappropriate. And you're careful to add, as long as it isn't any of the evidence I just frickin' presented, because you don't care about that.

I kind of have to laugh at the cycle of futility. Whatever I present -- dollars, dates, names, actual emails, people on video saying there's a huge conspiracy, everything you could ask for -- the result is always the same. It's some mod or some random account saying to me, "Nah, I don't care about that. That's not what Pizzagate is about. That's not what I'm here for. You're out of your mind, dude."

What conclusion should I draw from all this? Actually, let's skip that part. The odds are that you're not going to draw any conclusions from anything. You're only going to tell me that you don't care about THIS post either.

Shizy ago

So your opinion that the mods are "sock puppets" is because they haven't been cheerleading your posting on a variety of topics? After reading your pounds of over emotional rambling, that's basically what I'm able to draw out of your rant. Is that it? The mods didn't get all excited over your ideas and theories? That means they are dirty? It looks like from your own words that they gave you explanations for their difference of opinions, but since you don't agree with that they must be comped or sock puppets?

And you wonder why people don't actually take you seriously! And no, I really don't care what squabbles you have gotten into with @srayzie or anyone else. You seem way too sensitive for this shit if you're gonna get so upset that people "don't care" about your ideas or point of view as much as you think they should!

Instead of this type of reaction to them, how about you present a stronger case and get better evidence to support your claims? Do can't do a better job of convincing people that your theories or positions are correct. You can't make baseless claims and present weak evidence and NOT expect to get questions or differing opinions! People aren't just going to believe you because you say something! Especially not on the internet.

I'm sure in your mind you're an awesome investigator so you won't be able to inderstand how I can say that your abilities to document, convey, and convince others of your ideas with proof are lacking. You haven't presented evidence that the mods are "inappropriate"! All you have shown is that they hurt your sensitive feelings and pissed you off! Life must be really difficult for you if you get so upset by people daring not to agree with you!

SoberSecondThought ago

It looks like from your own words that they gave you explanations for their difference of opinions, but since you don't agree with that they must be comped or sock puppets?

No. They gave phony non-answers that are exactly like yours. Saying "I don't care" and "I have no opinion" and "I won't read your Jewish bullshit" and "nobody cares about YouTube videos" doesn't count as a "difference of opinion". It is a refusal to answer. Saying that they "didn't get excited" is not a correct summary of what happened. It's a gaslighting evasion.

This is a desperate strategy on your part, since I already explained that you would do this, and here you are doing it. You haven't engaged with a single word I've said, or read anything of my series, or read anything of my exchanges with the mods. You've just dumped a long block of text saying, "present a better case and get better evidence" that never once mentions any point I made or even what we are talking about. Better than what? All that stuff you are too scared to even look at or mention? Literally, this could have been copied from a forum on Japanese cinema. It is that content-free. There's no way to tell from your response that we are even talking about Pizzagate.

Shizy ago

This isn't about pizzagate. This is about users like yourself who accuse others, especially mods, of being "corrupt", "compromised,"sock puppets", whatever, without providing any proof to back up their claims. You just happen to add in WAY to many extra words to mask the fact that you don't actually have any proof of your claims which makes your bullshit harder to sift through. Nice try on that tactic, but it's not gonna work!

You have no proof of what you have claimed, so like I correctly assumed from the beginning, you're a pissed off, overly sensistve person who is full of shit.

SoberSecondThought ago

This isn't about pizzagate.

Sigh. You're never going to let it be about Pizzagate. You've got exactly one trick here and you're beating it to death -- to keep saying "where's the evidence" without ever saying anything specific. Evidence of what? Evidence that a guy named "Tory Smith" spent years accusing Mike Pence of being the worst child-raping serial killer in American history? Evidence that he stopped literally the same day that Pence became the VP candidate? Or evidence that when I showed he was still alive and posting here on Voat, Srayzie went into hysterics?

I spent a year arguing the evidence while Srayzie called ME corrupt and the rest of the mods ignored and talked over every link I provided. At some point, when there is too much evasion and denial, the integrity of the mods crumbles away to nothing.

Shizy ago

This person does sound a little touched in the head @srayzie!

Vindicator ago

Interesting this comment got the Esoteric Six downvotes, Shizy.

Shizy ago

I tend to trigger him 🤣

srayzie ago

Ya think? Lol

Crensch ago

Yeah, see, this is a familiar refrain. "I don't care." That is what people keep saying instead of actually engaging with the evidence.

You never really engage with evidence. You write a novel's worth of bullshit that could be condensed into maybe 3 sentences, and never get to the point.

SoberSecondThought ago

You write a novel's worth of bullshit that could be condensed into maybe 3 sentences, and never get to the point.

Nope, sorry. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you didn't want to read my series. I hadn't interacted with you much, and some people have short attention spans, and that's not a crime. But then you produced this rambling mess about ESOTERICshade, and that destroyed your credibility in my eyes.

My claim about ESOTERICshade is that his manipulations serve a specific purpose. He is working for David Brock, to hide the sex trafficking operation run out of Comet Pizza. It doesn't take more than one sentence to state that. Your elaborate pile of links accuses ESOTERICshade of having alts, of upvoating himself, of manufacturing consensus on changes to the subverse, all sorts of drama. But why? What's the point of any of it?

Why do you not reference any of my earlier research, where I showed him claiming to oppose HighLevelInsider but actually supporting him, or supporting Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt? Those were actions with an actual purpose. He went after Paul Ryan, for reasons that I explained, as part of a cover-up. He helped to send Jenny Moore and George Webb on a pointless wild goose chase to Racine. You can doubt if I've uncovered the whole truth, but at least I made some attempt to do so. Meanwhile, you're accusing ESOTERICshade of being dishonest and manipulative, but never say WHY.

You've got the time and energy to handle pages and pages and pages of tedious detail to prove that ESOTERICshade commits all these forum crimes, but you won't make the slightest effort to tie him to any REAL crimes. It's fucking circular motion, Crensch. It's a meaningless smokescreen. You'll take down ESOTERICshade but you'll never draw a conclusion about why a shill would come here, what he would be hiding, who would be paying him, or how we might use his lies to discover some truth. When I give you links to the money, the motive, the people, you just tell me to fuck off with my dishonest Jewish whatever.

You accuse me of wasting your time, but at least I'm working on Pizzagate. This, what you've done in this thread, is the novel's worth of bullshit. It is designed to consume huge amounts of reader time, but not to reach any useful conclusions.

Crensch ago

and some people have short attention spans

It has fuck-all to do with that. You wrote pages of bullshit instead of getting to the point. @Vindicator, do you have the links handy where I wrecked this faggot a while back?

Vindicator ago

do you have the links handy where I wrecked this faggot a while back?

To my knowledge, SST never got on your radar. He lurks 90% of the time, which is why it's so interesting he is going nuts in this thread.

His account history shows participation with a generally genial flavor in the beginning, until he started "debunking" various Voat users by associating their accounts with leakers on the chans. The first such submissions about Glenn Beck were interesting, but then he started conflating everyone together in a ridiculous manner which ultimately led me to dismiss his claims as coming from an unreliable viewpoint.

I figured he was just another user who started seeing shills behind every bush (happens frequently) and had lost his critical thinking ability via "disinfo fatigue," until this outbreak. Now, after seeing him working so hard to draw fire off of Esoteric and attempting to redirect it at mods, I am of the mind that he is part of the same disinfo operation and his "series" was carefully orchestrated to create drama, sow doubt and generally fog the information battlefield.

I think the diarrhea waterfall we're seeing here, along with phrases like "Nope, sorry. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you didn't want to read my series," and "Why do you not reference any of my earlier research" have you thinking of your thread on @argosciv.

Crensch ago

Fml. I'll have to dig through my comments and find it.

He's definitely a suspicious fuck, but I'm pretty sure I tore into him something fierce a little while back.

Vindicator ago

Do ping me when you find it. I searched your submissions with SearchVoat, and did a Google site search for both of your usernames and did not come up with anything.

Crensch ago

Yeah, I was stupid and didn't make a shit list post on it

srayzie ago

Yes! But don’t remind @SoberSecondThought that you’re Alexandra Meadors! 😂

Shizy ago

Oh that's right! I forgot 😜!

These people who write novels to include all kinds of claims and never actually provide WHY they came to such a conclusion are getting tiresome! Either back up your claim or shit the fuck up!

Vindicator ago

SST, you've made it abundantly clear that you are here to spew disinfo. Quite a few of your claims are ridiculous -- to the point where I consider you more of a joke than even an effective shill.

Why all the comment diarrhea about two YouTubers no one gives a shit about. YouTubers have never been vital to the investigation we do here. Most users don't even watch those posted here.

I find it quite telling that you are here trying to take the heat off of EsotericShade and shift it to the mod team. Frankly, I don't know why @srayzie is even bothering with you. It's a waste of keystrokes.

You cannot point to a SINGLE piece of evidence that ANY mod of v/pizzagate is doing anything to help Brock or the Clintons. "Srayzie mocks the idea that any of the mods could be sockpuppets controlled by David Brock on behalf of the Clintons," is an attempt to smear by innuendo, to leverage confirmation bias to attempt to make people see something that is not there. It's a fundamentally dishonest approach to "argumentation".

You've been trying to smear the mod team ever since you "denounced" @think- in the same limp-wristed, evidence-free manner. It's tactics like these that make me tend to think @Crensch and many on Voat are onto something with their disgust at "kikery."

SoberSecondThought ago

Why all the comment diarrhea about two YouTubers no one gives a shit about.

Apart from them accusing the governor of Indiana of raping and murdering children? And apart from Trump picking that same guy to be his Vice President? Is this not /v/pizzagate? Holy crap man, have you had a stroke? Are you experiencing slurred speech or trouble typing?

YouTubers have never been vital to the investigation we do here. Most users don't even watch those posted here.

Wait, now all of YouTube is irrelevant too? What about Ryan O'Neal exposing James Alefantis as having threatened his life? What about Titus Frost covering the findings of Bigfish and the attempts to intimidate him by smashing up his car and house? And for that matter, what about your hero QAnon? Most of his following comes from YouTube.

Without YouTube there isn't a Pizzagate investigation. There are no creepy video clips of pedophile bands at Comet Pizza, no videos of the Pegasus Museum, no clips of Alefantis lying to Megyn Kelly, no Ben Swann, no traffic surveillance camera being turned away from Comet Pizza, and on and on. What the hell are you even talking about?

I find it quite telling that you are here trying to take the heat off of EsotericShade and shift it to the mod team.

Again, you may need to be checked for a brain aneurysm or something. Can nobody here read simple English sentences? When did I do this?

Crensch and many on Voat are onto something with their disgust at "kikery".

You're determined to throw every last shred of logic out the window, aren't you? You think if you shout "Jew" at me it's going to change anyone's mind who knows anything about investigating and evidence?

This has been a surreal exchange. But it has answered some questions, so I thank you for that.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator, it wasn’t a waste of key strokes. I seriously had a good laugh.


I just want to make this observation, for the benefit of any newcomer who has been reading this exchange and is struggling to understand what is going on.

I would love that. We have how fuckin PSYCHO you are on record. Now have your last word you narcissistic freak. I know you’ve just got to!

think- ago

Let's not forget that I've already denounced @Think- as being just another sockpuppet of "Tory Smith".

Yes, 'denounced' without ever presenting any proof. Which you had to concede when @Vindicator called you out for it.

I don't even know who Tory Smith is to this day. rolls eyes

@Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

SoberSecondThought ago

I don't even know who Tory Smith is to this day.

We'll go down your rabbit hole in due course. But for now I'll accept your statement that you have nothing to offer in support of Srayzie on the subject.

think- ago

We'll go down your rabbit hole in due course.

My 'rabbit hole'? You mad? Like last time, when you claimed I was an EsotericShade alt, and had to meekly retract that after getting called out by @Vindicator and @Crensch for not presenting the slightest evidence?

I'm surprised that you even dare to show up here again. Your BS is tiresome.

@kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

I have been claimed to be an EsotericShade alt also @soberSeconThought. This shit is absurd, and it is getting all over the mods. Fucking clean this shit up, I still respect the bunch of you. I pray that @crensch may be blessed with enough intelligence to realize that different opinions come from different insights. Some people happen to gather similar insightful articles from ranging sources of information and sometimes draw their own conclusions regarding the information provided to them. Here on v/ there are anons that sometimes people chime in with their insights. Complicated challenges have pieces that may appear to be a disjuncture to the effort at hand, yet, at times are key to understanding the intentions of these criminals. Just because one might not understand something, it doesn't mean it is incorrect. If multiple people present similar information, it may not mean that it is the same person. I feel like I have to teach you fucks logic. Open up your minds please.


Crensch ago

I pray that @crensch may be blessed with enough intelligence to realize that different opinions come from different insights.

But the same narrative always seems to come from the same small group of shitheads that don't support a goddamn thing they claim.

@think- @srayzie @Vindicator @kevdude

If multiple people present similar information, it may not mean that it is the same person. I feel like I have to teach you fucks logic. Open up your minds please.

You want logic?

If a group of kids in the classroom get all the math problems right, and show their work, maybe they didn't all cheat off of each other.

If that same group of kids in the classroom get some of the math problems wrong, and show their work in the same way, they probably cheated off of each other.

Guess which group you and your faggot ES-tier buddies fall into? Continual accusations against the mods with fuck-all to support your claims.

Vindicator ago

LMAO, Professor Crensch. ;-) Great analogy.

Crensch ago

Moniker seems absurdly hilarious.

Crensch ago

Fuck you - most of my posts are not opinions and present information with reference. Get a life

All from more than 7 months ago. Suggesting that you only made them to give this username some street cred/plausible deniability when being called out for pushing your D&C narrative.

here are some of the works I have provided to this community.

All from 7 months ago or more - usually over a year.

@kevdude @Vindicator @think- @srayzie

jangles ago

Suggesting that you only made them to give this username some street cred/plausible deniability when being called out for pushing your D&C narrative.

@kevdude @Vindicator @think- @srayzie

THIS IS FUCKED. There are many more contributions here of mine, and I will show the larger community here this. THIS IS THE END of Mr Nice GUY.

Crensch ago


Bought account.

There are many more contributions here of mine, and I will show the larger community here this.

You'll show them how unhinged you are.


... says the soyboy.

jangles ago

Your words here will fuck you, you ungrateful fuck. Thanks.

Crensch ago

Your words here will fuck you, you ungrateful fuck. Thanks.

If only you could see the smug look on my face right now. And what, exactly, would I have to be grateful to you for? Some shitty copy-paste from 8ch 7 months ago?

Also, you look like a bought account. Enjoy trying to stick it to me.

jangles ago

we have better things to spend our time doing, lets agree to disagree on things but get back to doing somthing worth a damn. I will commend you for doing much more here than I. Cheers

Crensch ago

we have better things to spend our time doing

This is what I most enjoy doing, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

lets agree to disagree on things

That really depends on the things. I won't take baseless attacks against my mods, or support for those that do, and just say "oh well, agree to disagree". I will bury anyone that attacks them and doesn't have a good reason and support for doing so.

but get back to doing somthing worth a damn.

THIS is what I'm here for. THIS is what I'm good at. THIS is what I enjoy.

I will commend you for doing much more here than I.

I don't know 100% what you mean, but it sounds like a compliment. I'll take it.


Can't go too wrong with that, I suppose.

Cheers, faggot.

jangles ago

@kevdude @putitout @vindicator @crensch @srayzie

Thanks for your concerns and contributions to this community, this matter has quickly diminished into a quaint quarrel. Things I alleged about voat members leaving were unsubstantiated and my demeanor over the last 4 days was rough at best. Jangles

Vindicator ago

Yeah, sadly that's what it's looking like.

Crensch ago

Calling it now - all these "users" are going to start submitting valid research (copied from chans, likely) so they look legit.

SoberSecondThought ago

As I said at the time, I chose not to present my evidence. Doesn't mean I don't have any.

I've presented mountains of evidence against ESOTERICshade, and strangely enough, after ten months of doing nothing, Crensch now agrees that ESOTERICshade is a shill. So that's progress. You can say what you like about my "daring to show up here again," but I never left, and the story so far suggests that my so-called BS is just a little ahead of its time. We'll see what things look like in another few months.

Vindicator ago

I've presented mountains of evidence against ESOTERICshade, and strangely enough, after ten months of doing nothing, Crensch now agrees that ESOTERICshade is a shill.

More lies from Drunken Doubt Troll. @Crensch began monitoring ES six months ago.

Vindicator ago

As I said at the time, I chose not to present my evidence. Doesn't mean I don't have any.

What a joke.

srayzie ago

You think @Crensch just barely decided that ESOTERIC is a shill? That shows how much you know Crensch!

@Think- I know who you are lady. You’re @SoberSecondThought! 😂 xoxo

think- ago

@Think- I know who you are lady. You’re @SoberSecondThought! 😂 xoxo

BITCH!! That's about the worst insult I ever got here. LOL xoxo

think- ago

As I said at the time, I chose not to present my evidence. Doesn't mean I don't have any.

Sure. /s

Crensch now agrees that ESOTERICshade is a shill.

Yes, but you claimed I was an ESOTERICshade alt, and you couldn't provide the slightest evidence. You better shut up, you are making a fool of yourself.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

srayzie ago

I just love how you didn’t ping me or @Esotericshade since you are talking shit about us.

I’ll just leave this right here.. It speaks for itself.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Wow you people need jobs

Derpfroot ago

I have a job; a great one, actually. What I really need now is some under-the-desk head.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol you gotta make it to the top of the ladder first

14367955? ago

Are you saying you hate this site?

Simonsaysgoat ago

How did I possibly imply that? Because I think its a waste of time to read all of this shit that was put together? Who gives a shit? If someone posts with alternates they are all easily outed so who cares who is behind every single one?

14370693? ago

Some people care about this place more than others. If you do not care or think it is a waste of time, why did you feel the need to comment?

Simonsaysgoat ago

I love this place but how does it help? If someone says stupid shit, it doesn matter what thier name is. Who cares if they make it look like a thousand people agree with them when in reality its one dude? Thats just a sad fuck. Its,pretty easy,to spot the shills and the bullshit unbacked by evidence so Why the need to sit and,investigate? I dont get,it.

think- ago

After I have looked into him, I think he's probably paid to do what he does.

Simonsaysgoat ago


14370818? ago

Assuming everyone is the same, including the new influx of users who still have a lot to learn especially how to spot subversive shills.

The need to sit and investigate is to put all the evidence out there to reveal to the community a person(s) shenanigans and to figure out if they are true or not.

Simonsaysgoat ago

If you say so. I really dont,know why I'm still talking about this, wasnt that big of a deal. Jolly day ol chaps

14370992? ago

It's okay to have differing opinions, but a lot of us find this necessary. We do not want to turn out like Reddit did.

Have a good day, too, buds.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Surely we dont want to become reddit, I fled there to this sanctuary.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

New jobs.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Well Trump apparently brought,back manufacturing jobs so get to it. Dont get,me wrong, I realize the need for the autists in thier,mom's basements researching things. It,just seems to,me that spending time figuring out alts is a waste.

think- ago

It has been a concentrated attack on the sub, likely by a paid shill.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch @KatHarzso

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, you can never be too paranoid. Seriously, you really can't.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What does this have to do with PG?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

absolutely nothing

auralsects ago

Tldr: (((authorities))) of v/pizzagate want to justify pushing (((govt authorities))) Q scam in this and every other subverse and label any doubters shills.

Just after the influx of Trumptard boomerfags too, what a cohencidence.

QIsCicada ago

Q is going to save the world

SoberSecondThought ago

I was hunting sockpuppets before it was cool.

Plus it's kind of an in-joke. Trust me, @Crensch is laughing at this one. He loves in-jokes.

Crensch ago

I'm not laughing.

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, you should be.

SoberSecondThought ago

Welcome to another exciting installment of Sockpuppet Theater!

Let this be a lesson to all of you who question Glorious Leader @Crensch -- you'll wind up committing suicide with two bullets to the back of the head! TWO BULLETS!!!

As for me, I swear total allegiance to Your Infallibleness. Mods are gods! Let us unite in pursuit of the real goal, the only goal that matters: To hang every last member of the Clinton sex-trafficking cartel from the nearest lamppost, to watch them kick and turn blue, and to cheer as they do.

Death to the pedophile monsters and their mercenary lackeys! Long live VOAT!

EricKaliberhall ago

Great job and excellent presentation... I salute you @Crensch.

Finally this nasty disinformation whore is exposed. No mercy for pedophile protecting scum and may you burn in hell @ESOTERICshade.

twistedmac11 ago

Fuck you. For the last time, I'm not @ESOTERICshade. Funny how the mods make us jump through hoops and all sorts of rules to make posts, but they can label any user an alt or shill without anything more than confirmation bias. I am my own fucking person. Quit looping me in with this shit.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't even know what SBBH is, but I noticed that I've never seen these usernames and I've been on Voat since 2016.

14368272? ago

Your arguments are fallacious. Just cuz some of us are not active on certain subs does not mean we do not appreciate what those subs are or don't support them.

If you are indeed innocent - create a new account and quit being a cunt whining about big mean scary trolls.

twistedmac11 ago

Okay, but that could be seen as brigading, which is exactly what he's accusing others of doing.

Why should I have to create a new account because a mod wants to go spewing unfounded accusations? I'm not going to duck and run. I'm not a bitch. I'm going to stick around and defend myself.

14368576? ago

Then maybe in this case silence will be your best defense as the evidece against the others is damning.

twistedmac11 ago

I don't see silence any different than ducking for cover and being a bitch. I'm not an alt. There should be a way for me to prove that, but I've asked how and haven't gotten a response. So now, we have a situation where mods are able to make baseless accusations and users aren't able to defend themselves. That's just asking for reddit-tier powermodding.

14368921? ago

I use Brave browser - which when I log on and off it shows a list of my alts. You can also log off and click account and it'll show the list too and you can screenshot it I assume.

Otherwise I dunno how to help other than that.

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you for actually trying to help me. You're the first person on this post to do so.

I couldn't find exactly where you were talking about, but what about this?

14369194? ago

Yep. I use two things to be on voat - my cellphone and laptop. Laptop has all my information so I'd reasonably assume you are similar.

If you are hanging around suspected shills or subversive types - I'd pay attention to what they are saying and why.

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you.

14369646? ago

Look, voat is a relatively small community of people that mainly get along despite it doesn't look like it sometimes. If you are true and just got caught up in this shitstorm, ride it out and just pay attention to those you align yourself with or make friends with. Sometimes you luck out and sometimes you make friends with the wrong type of people who have their own agenda. I have made quite a few lasting friends here, and I love this site like no other. I am always willing to help anyone out with what I can.

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you again. I really do enjoy Voat, I just don't enjoy getting dragged into dramatic shit shows like this.

Crensch ago

@Broc_Lia (sorry)

Broc_Lia ago

I tried to read that but got kinda lost. What's the synopsis?

Crensch ago

Oh, and he Grooms newbies and treats them with kid gloves in order to make his alts not stand out so much. You can see what is likely one of them in the comments going around defending him and saying how he's nice to her.

He's nice until you disagree with him.

Broc_Lia ago

Damn look at those votes, he seems to have at least four alts, lol

Vindicator ago

The patterns I've seen show at least 6.

think- ago

We have confirmed 5 already: EsotericShade, rarepeeks, smurf69 (sp?), IPointOutTrolls, DontTouchThePizza.

I think it might be 7 altogether at least, when you look at how they downvoat brigade Eric's comments.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Are you referring to me? I'm not a newbie.

Crensch ago

Oh, sorry. Stupid Stockholm syndrome suffering cunt that still doesn't get why he's nice to her.

Have you tried disagreeing with him yet? I bet you haven't. Enjoy your codependence on his narcissistic approval.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

PS I've disagreed with him before in PMs, he has yet to attack me over it.

Crensch ago

If you can't see that he picks and chooses who he likes based on who is not currently disagreeing with him, you're really very stupid.

And you're really very stupid anyway for thinking disagreeing with him in messages is what I'm talking about.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

so, you weren't then, ok

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, I had to deal with a guy like that in an IRL group I was involved in years back. Whenever a newbie joined, if someone else was showing them the ropes he'd physically insert himself into the situation and take over. He didn't really want to do most of the work involved in training people, he just couldn't stand to see someone else do it.

Crensch ago

It's entirely possible that every single pizzagate dust-up and every single username attacking the mods relentlessly has been the same guy or same group behind the esoteric username. Vote manipulation and manufacturing of consent.

Some of it admitted to, some of it almost invariably true, some of it very likely true.

A one-man crusade to get himself installed as the owner of pizzagate.

Broc_Lia ago

Wow, nice sleuthing.

14367911? ago

You should be.

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eagleshigh ago

I don't get it.

Crensch ago

Jews being Jews.

PrepareForWar ago

You being you. Jew.

Lansing-Michigan ago

That is the kind of comment a lot of people find repulsive.

Crensch ago

Let me introduce you to my care face.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


kneo24 ago

I will dig deeper into this when i have time, but so far the first two pan out via their admission and bullshit explanation.

think- ago

IPointOutTrolls and DoNotTouchThePizza are also definitely Esoteric alts.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock

Crensch ago

@madworld could you snag these two if they weren't already mentioned?

MadWorld ago

Yes sir!

Vindicator ago

Possibly @tallest_skil as well.

Crensch ago

Thank you Soldier!

Crensch ago

Thank you very much.

HateCumbuckets ago

Nothing to add myself except the obvious. Pedos need to be eradicated.

Appreciate the heads up mate.

14373938? ago

Good find, @Crensch

jangles ago

Don't take this at face value. Develop your own logical assessment after investigating the allegations. What Crensch is doing here is evil.

EricKaliberhall ago

Go cry somewhere else you little faggot.

jangles ago

your words do nothing to me troll

EricKaliberhall ago

You are such a big boy.

jangles ago

The_Raven ago

What a weird thing to reply with. sounds like something a pedo would say........

ObamasPinkSock ago

These are all SoapboxBanHammer karma-farming down-vote-brigading shills.

Crensch ago

/v/TheAwakening Reddit-cancermod graces us with its presence.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Ha ha - do a search on all GreatAwakening mods and note they were all SoapboxBanHammer shills, dedicated to attacking Voat communities.

Sorry GA, but you have no power here.

Shizy ago

Still LYING I see! You're pathetic!

Derpfroot ago


You are the Mexican-food-night-shart-mess on VOAT's pants.

14367906? ago

You sound familiar...

Crensch ago

SBBH is full of good goats, and only the worst of the goats that used to be here think otherwise. Thankfully most of those bestiality/CP posting faggots moved to Poal or Phucks or something - not you, though. You're still around, but you have the spirit of freshmeat in you. Do you manipulate votes, too?

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

I trust there are no issues with me posting this given the amount of manipulation of this subverse that has gone one just form what's shown above?

jangles ago

Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit known liar and drama queen @Jem777 was posting before Vindicator banned her - and she's also helping push it in this thread.

You obviously are not in the know. Keep you opinions about mislead people off sticky.

MolochHunter ago

very forensic mr Crensh, kudos

Vindicator ago

Fucking with v/pizzagate and PG investigators is definitely Pizzagate related, just like any other form of covering up for the global rapist elite.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is what you, abortionburger and MF have been doing since the beginning.

think- ago

....says the paid troll..... /s

think- ago

Well, we always said that proven shill activity would adhere to Rule 4, so I'm fine with it.

Especially, since I was able to see myself during the last couple days what Esoteric did when I went through his comment histories, and those of his alts.

I have a reputation to uphold of being impartial, but I must say that in this case, I was really shocked to see what this man has done. Unbelievable.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Kevdude @Srayzie

YogSoggoth ago

Nobody wants to groom me, and send money. I feel left out. There's still time!

LightlyToasted ago

Always had a bad vibe from ES

twistedmac11 ago

Does this help? Unless you can give me a better alternative, this is the best I can do to defend myself.

twistedmac11 ago

I can agree that it was proven that @ESOTERICshade has @rarepeeks as an alt. But how was it proven that I'm an alt? I only have twistedmac11.

Serious question: how would I go about proving that I'm not an alt? Especially when it seems that it's already been decided that I am without any real proof?

think- ago

Edit: 2 hours later and I'm still waiting on an answer.

Mods have real lives, too, @twistedmac. Just in again. I will go through your comment history in the next couple hours, and tell you why I thought that there might be truth to the conclusion @Crensch came to. Maybe you would like to reply then. I noticed that you use different wording than Esoteric in general, but some of your wording seems to have been very similar.

In the meantime, I would like to suggest that users simply go to your comment history, so that they will be able to draw their own conclusions - whatever they might be.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm interested to see what you decide.

Vindicator ago

So a mod can just go around making accusations without a shred of real evidence, and theres no way for me to disprove it or defend myself?

Well, twistedmac, I have busted my ass to mod this place fairly and consistently. I've gone out of my way to administer the rules that the community repeatedly agreed to evenhandedly, and help everyone figure out how to post within their parameters. I've tried to maintain a free speech environment for all comers. And I have literally hundreds of times, confronted ESOTERICshade about his lies, intimidation, threats and other attempts to censor discussion of topics he wants squashed. My comment history and removal and ban history is there for your perusal and the scrutiny of all.

Yet YOU have repeatedly chosen to join in, via comments and voting, his attempts to use alts to manipulate and control v/pizzagate. That was your choice. Anyone could see what was happening. You could see all of the evidence @Crensch has presented here. Yet you joined in anyway. You have chosen to be one of his pawns.

Didn't your father warn you you would be judged by the company you keep?

And now, you are trying to frame those choices as "mods making accusations without a shred of evidence" instead of taking responsibility for the choices you made. It's a weasel tactic. It won't help you.

theres no way for me to disprove it or defend myself?

Honorable conduct is it's own shield.

twistedmac11 ago

When I argue with you about something, it's because I don't agree with whatever you're saying. Quite frankly, I don't agree with your stance on some things. Sue me. But regardless, you're not special, I speak up when I don't agree with something regardless of who's speaking. I comment and vote on things because I agree or disagree with them, same as everyone else. That doesn't make me anyone's pawn.

I'm saying you and crensch specifically made allegations that I'm an alt of ESOTERICshade without a shred of actual evidence, yes. It's not a weasel tactic. It's the fucking truth.

Nothing I have done has been dishonorable. I stood up for what I thought was right. Just because you don't agree with my viewpoint on things doesn't mean shit. It doesn't make me a shill, or an alt, or dishonorable, or any other term you want to brand me with.

Vindicator ago

Nothing I have done has been dishonorable.

You think it's honorable to support someone trying to destroy this sub? To use your comments and votes over and over again to support a dishonest manipulator?

And when called out for it, you think it's honorable to play the injured party instead of taking responsibility for your role?

Why is it okay to make accusations towards someone without giving them a way to defend themselves or prove the accusations wrong?

Your conduct speaks for itself, TM. No one can "give" you a way to defend yourself. Whether you are literally an ES alt, or just act like one, those choices have consequences. It's a little late to whine about it. We pointed out that you always appear and join in when ES goes brigading. Your user history is the problem, not us pointing it out. People will make their own decisions about you.

If you weren't an ES account, why didn't you point out his nefarious behavior? Why join in? Why not admit now you made a grave error in judgement? Why keep trying to spin this as mods preying on "innocent" users when all we are doing is calling out nefarious conduct that is harmful to the community?

Crensch ago

Fucking well said. Notice Twisted has not yet apologized or admitted fault or admitted wrongdoing. All they do is point to how they have not supported with words for some period of time. Makes me suspicious that they're still supporting him with votes.

twistedmac11 ago

I haven't done anything wrong.

Crensch ago

I don't, that's the whole point. Esoteric has made everyone suspicious of anyone who has ever supported him. What part of that do you not understand? What part of him manipulating the system and casting doubt on everything surrounding him doesn't make sense?

twistedmac11 ago

I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt. Notice I haven't said anything in support since. Also, ESOTERICshade is far from the only person I've supported here, he/she is just the only one you apparently pay attention to.

I don't think it's dishonorable to defend myself against BS accusations, no. There's nothing in my history that would show I'm taking part in any brigading or anything of the sort. You just don't like that I give you a hard time over some of the shit you do, like I did that recent post about the presidential alert and Q, after which you decided I was an alt of ESOTERICshade.

ESOTERICshade ago

like I did that recent post about the presidential alert and Q, after which you decided I was an alt of ESOTERICshade.

If you share my opinion on what is happening in this world, they will accuse you of being me. There is nothing you can do to stop if from happening. They will do it. Don't worry about it.

Vindicator ago

You just don't like that I give you a hard time over some of the shit you do, like I did that recent post about the presidential alert and Q,

LOL. Couldn't care less, twisted. I mod based on the rules, not what people think. If I didn't, I would not have lasted in here almost two years.

after which you decided I was an alt of ESOTERICshade.

Again -- false narrative shifting. You have been on our radar as a potential part of this brigade for months.

twistedmac11 ago

Okay, but the first time you accused me of being an alt was on that particular post, after I disagreed with you over that post and its relevance. If it's a "false narrative" it's only because that's the one I was given. How would I know I'm on your radar as being an alt if I'm never told?

ESOTERICshade ago

This will be sarcasm so take it as a joke ok?

"Zionism is the King of the world. The Belt And Road Initiave Is The Answer"

What is the Belt And Road Initiative you might ask? Well, it is the new Silk Road trading route thathas been refurbished. It runs from the British Isles to China. I have a Google Earth file that I made myself that explains it all but I won't post it because the last time I posted it @vindicator accused me of posting Malware. If you want the file I will send it to you via privae message. It is a Google Earth tour that will explain it all to you in about two minutes. This shit is not complicated. It is real simple.

Vindicator ago

Sadly, twistedmac, claiming innocence of ESOTERIC's fuckery is not going to save you, here. You've been on my radar ever since I challenged you about supporting ES three months ago. Here's the link: I clearly explained his brigading, and linked to evidence supporting it. Yet you still joined in.

Now you must reap what you sowed.

twistedmac11 ago

All you proved there was that there are people who don't agree with Q who are downvoting people they don't agree with, in this case Eric, and up voting people they do agree with, in this case ESOTERICshade. I didn't buy the circumstantial evidence then, and even now it's still not enough to prove anything.

Crensch ago

Why aren't you more pissed that esoteric just delegitimized every complaint you have against the mods or against Q?

Literally everyone that holds that position genuinely on this sub versus now suspect because he used sock puppets to manufacture consensus and folk Brigade to Force his opinions and ideas on others Force his opinions and ideas on others. Why are you still whining and railing against the mods here instead of bitching him out?

But you never will, will you? Because bitching yourself out is tiring and stupid.


Vindicator ago

Do you see the same common thread through all of these "defenders" I do?

All are trying to claim a victim position. This is just so un-Voatlike.

Crensch ago

Yep. Not a word of apology or admitting faults. Not one.

Vindicator ago

Well, @twistedmac11 just fucked himself with this fake protestations of innocence.

"I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt. Notice I haven't said anything in support since."

Except, three months ago when he was helping ES astroturf, I clearly explained the brigading, and linked to evidence supporting it. Yet he still joined in.

Kind of cool, being able to fuck up glow clowns like this.

twistedmac11 ago

Copied from my response to your comment saying this directly to me: All you proved there was that there are people who don't agree with Q who are downvoting people they don't agree with, in this case Eric, and up voting people they do agree with, in this case ESOTERICshade. I didn't buy the circumstantial evidence then, and even now it's still not enough to prove anything.

ESOTERICshade ago

You threw yourself into the Lion's Den by not believing in our God Qanon. Welcome to reality.

Vindicator ago

:-) I'm happy to let goats make the call on that, and on you.

Crensch ago

@kevdude @think-

Holy shit that's glorious.

Crensch ago

Oh, shit. That's going in the OP.

think- ago

Pinging @Vindicator for you (sp.).


Crensch ago

That's what I get for trying to respond before I'm really back in the saddle. Thank you again for the assist.

think- ago


Vindicator ago

Thanks :-)

twistedmac11 ago

How did ESOTERICshade delegitimize every complaint I have against the mods? As far as I'm concerned, my complaints still stand. I'm on this post because you, yes you, dragged me into it with BS accusations about me being an alt based on piss poor evidence. I don't like being accused of shit I'm not doing.

Crensch ago

By constantly attacking the mods and getting caught manufacturing consensus and voat manipulating. Now any time they're attacked it's going to look like it's just him again. Or maybe one of his crew that are also getting paid to post here.

As far as everyone else is concerned, you're likely part of whatever he is, and he is a dishonest kike shill.

You did do it though. You supported him constantly and somehow he was doing all of this under your nose the entire time. Instead of eating a dish of crow and apologizing and disappearing, you stick around and you act like the victim and you complain to the mods and you bitch and piss and moan about being associated with him when you Associated yourself with him.

ESOTERICshade ago

Or maybe one of his crew that are also getting paid to post here.

I own so much property it is ridiculous. My property taxes are through the roof. I wish I could sell all this shit and just cash out. If I could sell all this I would just live at the houseboat. You are a 19 year old idiot, but somehow, I still have faith in you.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to have your shit wrecked by a 19 year old? I bet you're used to having much younger.

think- ago

I own so much property it is ridiculous.

Right. From being a salesman on the ground for a pharma company like you claimed you were. /s

Nobody is interested in fabricated stories, Esoteric. GAME OVER

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @kevdude

Vindicator ago

LOL. So let me get this straight...Esoteric is a rich guy who owns a bunch of property, lives in Texas yet feeds ducks Cheerios and then whines about duckshit all over his porch. @ESOTERICshade, you need to use more than episodes of Duck Dynasty to brainstorm your Grandpa Truther LARP. Real rednecks would shoot and eat the ducks. This is some CIA desk jockey imagining how a redneck would act...and completely failing.


ESOTERICshade ago

Esoteric is a rich guy who owns a bunch of property, lives in Texas yet feeds ducks Cheerios and then whines about duckshit all over his porch.

I am not rich. My family has some property. I don't live in Texas but I have lived there in the past and I have hunted there. I feed ducks Cheerios. I'm not CIA. You are incorrect on all counts. As usual.

think- ago

Yes, he also slipped up when he said he wanted to plant rye grass (he seems to constantly planting grass btw, he already talked about it months ago).

So he talked about 'planting grass', but then later slipped up and talked about 'getting the seeds in the ground'.

Now, nobody who has ever actually been gardening would talk about 'planting' when planning to sow something. Never ever. LOL. Not even a beginner gardener - planting always refers to planting actual plants, while sowing seeds is ...well....sowing. LOL.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @Cc1914 @kevdude

Vindicator ago

Yes, more evidence Grandpa Truther is a desk jockey, working in a cubicle in D.C.

Isn't it funny how the truth always leaks out, even through the smallest cracks like this?

twistedmac11 ago

People are going to disagree with mods without all being part of some big brigade. I fail to see how this situation has any bearing on future complaints users have of mods.

I supported him constantly? Try two or three times when it seemed like he was unfairly being attacked. I've done that for other users too. Looking back, I should've looked more closely into the alts accusations against him, but to be fair, they all were based on flimsy evidence and were made by idiots like oh_well_ian who thrives on idiotic statements.

Why would I eat a dish of crow, apologize, and disappear? Maybe I'm seriously missing something here, but I don't see any reason for me to do any of that. I do, however, see a reason to complain when I'm accused of shit I didn't do.

Crensch ago

You really don't see how every attack on the mods previously being orchestrated and at least mostly populated by his alts casts doubt on future ones no matter if his known alt names show up or not? Really/

Yeah. I saved your comment history, don't worry. Plenty of pages where you could just search "@ESOTERICshade" and find you defending him - more often than reasonable if you're just "defending those unfairly attacked".

Ian might be an idiot, but he's not always completely full of shit. He has to make a FEW posts that make him appear legitimate, just like ESOTERIC.

For defending him, for defending someone that constantly attacks my mods. You don't have to see why, you just have to know that you have one winning move, and that you were told exactly what that was before you made the wrong move.

kestrel9 ago

You failed to answer my question, though. How would I go about proving I'm not ESOTERICshade? What would it take?

My best guess is to stop sounding and acting like him.

twistedmac11 ago

I talk like myself. I'm not a big fan of the idea of changing myself to suit someone else. Personally I don't think our writing styles are that similar but I guess that's just me.

ESOTERICshade ago

You just got bullied into the Q think mindset. Welcome to the club. The sure sign of a Cult is that if you disagree with a cult, they will bully the fuck out of you. You stand on tall legs. Don't fall down. Unfortunately v/pizzagate is being pulled into the swamp. Ain't notihing we can do about it other than what we already did, which is simply speak our mind. You are not my alt and we both know that. I have also been accused of being the Donkey. These people play dirty and we just have to accept that fact.

Angelis_Solaris ago

As an outsider, I am more convinced that you two (or perhaps one) are trying to stir up contention in this community in order to..........? Break it apart? Because you aren't just disagreeing with these mods. You're slandering them and making personal attacks against them. ESOTERIC, it has been proven in the above post that you are engaging in dishonest practices in order to get yourself more powerful in the forum. Because you admitted it yourself.

Shizy ago

No there's not any way to prove it. What's shitty is mods get accused of the same thing, and there's no way for them to prove it either. Esoteric has admitted to using rarepeeks, so unless a person admits it, there may always be speculation and no way to prove innocence if you are.

Angelis_Solaris ago

And that's damning for Eso's credibility, it would seem. Although it's impossible to say at this point how many people here use such practices

EricKaliberhall ago

This submission should be stickied for a long time... Maybe a 'important' flair as well.

think- ago

Thanks for the suggestion, done. ;-)

auralsects ago

At least for me (idgaf about Esoteric) This is blatant defamation of character with no basis, i.e. slander.

I've never even done any shill activity; I simply have unpopular opinions. My alts were literally the same name.

Great shame on you, vile slut

Shizy ago

Various forms of donkey is "literally" the same name as blowjob?😂!!! You're such a liar.

auralsects ago

I didn't hide this one either. And the others that aren't Donkey I just used to post submissions that receive praise then out myself shortly after and laugh at precisely this 'shill-spotting' behavior you morons are so fond of.

Vindicator ago

This is blatant defamation of character with no basis, i.e. slander

In your dreams Donkey. Too bad you forgot to log out of your "oral sex" account when replying in the first person here. You've been running your little joke on folks in here long enough. It's over.

auralsects ago

Are you retarded?

If you accuse 2 people of being just 1 based on an allegedly shared behavior you can FULLY EXPECT one of them to point out they don't actually share that behavior. That's NOT a suspicious 'doth protest too much.'

You're employing the exact same illogical bullshit that @srayzie did in accusing me of being Equineluvr:

"you're also Donkeyhote and you asked me for tech help" --> I see the comment and reply that she knows I'm much younger and more tech-savvy than her. "LOLOL FORGOT TO LOG OUT DID U!!?"

Unlike her you're not merely a stupid overconfident woman; you are a literal kike and shill, which is why YOU show up out of nowhere to defend JEWS every single time.

Talk about exposing yourself, faggot, LMAO!

You don't even believe that bullshit; you're just gaslighting the other dumb cunts who infest this sub. You are transparent, KIKE!

Shizy ago

Damn!!!! You're fucking CAUGHT faggot!

srayzie ago

Why did you answer a question that was directed at ES?

Shizy ago

Now he's gonna temper tantrum to try and take attention off the fact that he explicitly responded to the "buddying up" comment that was directly asked of ES! What a fool!

srayzie ago

He’s good at those tantrums. 🙄

auralsects ago

oh my fucking god you stupid bitch.

It is exactly like the example. If Equine DMed you for tech help that Donkey obviously doesn't need, it is not DEFENDING ANYONE to simply point out that it's evidence they aren't the same person. Nothing is unnatural or suspicious about that.

It's not like EQUINE went out of his way to use this evidence in the months since you had exhanged DMs -- having not been privy to your DMs, I didn't know about it and only remarked when YOU mentioned it.

In fact I posted screenshots of all ES's DMs to me and can show some from ES, too, saying Jews are just scapegoats like the cuck bitch that he is.

So I can demonstrate I'm not these people, and you can just enjoy looking foolish as you must be used to

Vindicator ago

based on an allegedly shared behavior

Nice attempt to muddle the facts, "Donkey". I didn't base anything on "shared behavior." :-) Unfortunately for you, I based it on your very own words:

"when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO"

You were replying to an accusation made to ESOTERIC. In the first person.

Now why would Donkey try to defend himself against a claim made about Esoteric, unless they are the same person?

Y'all done fucked up, as liars and fakes are wont to do. :-)

@Crensch @think- @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

twistedmac11 ago

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be accused of being a donkey alt next for saying this, but I think I understand the misunderstanding here. The whole thread in question was about how ESOTERICshade and donkey are the same person. In response to one of ESOTERICshade's comments on that post, OP stated that ESOTERICshade was trying to buddy up to kevdude. If I'm understanding correctly, donkey was making the "when have I ever buddied up to anyone" comment in order to show that he and ESOTERICshade are different people, because ESOTERICshade buddies up to mods while donkey does not.

Fully prepared to be insulted some more for saying anything, but since no one else seems to be picking up on this, I thought I would throw it out there.

SearchVoatBot ago

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auralsects ago

Now why would Donkey try to defend himself against a claim made about Esoteric, unless they are the same person?

LOL! You fucking moronic faggot. If I forgot to log out why is my comment written in exactly the same Donkey style rather than ES's?

Step 1: You people make entire threads claiming I am ES based on shared behavior or opinions 2: I happen to see a random specific comment repeating this accusation and point out we don't even share the mentioned behavior, which doesn't DEFEND ES, IT UNDERMINES YOUR ENTIRE PREMISE THAT I NEED TO DEFEND ES.

You are so out of your league against me it is pitiful. Filthy kike

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

If I forgot to log out why is my comment written in exactly the same Donkey style rather than ES's?

Because you were reading and upvoting all ES's bullshit and making comments as Donkey. You read the challenge to ES and replied to it as Donkey, forgetting you weren't logged in as ES. Donkey is a one dimensional character who only ever says a few simple things. Classic sock puppet.

auralsects ago

if I forgot I wasn't logged in as ES what you would see is HIS style with no LMAOs etc. being used mistakenly under the DONKEYHOTE name. Dude your lack of comprehension is really embarrassing you right now.

Do you kikes not realize when you sperg out and make a sticky thread on such flimsy and dumb bullshit you LOSE CREDIBILITY

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

if I forgot I wasn't logged in as ES what you would see is HIS style

I love how you keep insisting on this, when it's of course not necessarily true at all. You simply forgot who the user was saying kissed Kev's ass, because it irks you to have to kiss Kevs ass and in the Donkey character, you never do it.

The beauty here is that any objective user reading this, concerned about what you have been up to here, will see exactly what happened. It's very simple. The more times you claim it's confusing or incomprehensible, the more times I get to explain just how simple it is. :-) You're hangin' yourself with your own rope.

SchlongKeyhote ago An objective observer would choose the simplest and most likely answer, which is that my pointing out that it shows I'm not him, isn't a defending and is in fact completely unrelated to his conversation.

But here's proof that I don't play any FAGGOT vote-games.

That's checkmate, you hooknosed bitch-boy kike.

zyklon_b ago

gas the kikes

Vindicator ago

But here's proof that I don't play any FAGGOT vote-games

LOL. That isn't proof of shit. The one-dimensional Donkey accounts are sacrificial anodes for Esoteric. Why don't you show the stats on his account, eh? +12.5k CCP upvotes. Wanna explain that?

And here's some proof you DO play faggot vote games:

SchlongKeyhote ago

Lmao none of those links show what you purport they do, fucking useless loser.

He apparently pinged me and I never even showed up -- that's me "trying to dox you" LMAO YOU EXEMPLIFY EVERY STEREOTYPE, THE JEW CRIES OUT IN PAIN AS HE STRIKES YOU

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Shizy ago

It shows you continually lie about your race! When it suits you, you pretend to be white, but you have confirmed you're actually black. You're one lying piece of shit so nothing you say has any validity!

SchlongKeyhote ago

LOL you stupid bitch. I have "confirmed" I'm black?

It's a fucking JOKE. Niggers don't actually say they wuz kangs and there is surely not a single nigger on this entire sub.

Shizy ago

Awwww, don't feel like you have to be an Uncle Tom and deny your race now! You're such scum anyway that no one really cares if you're black. Opinions of you can never get any lower than they already are.

srayzie ago

I’m curious too. What’s really confusing tho is that he replied with the personality of donkey. Not the personality of ESO.

ESOTERICshade ago

Of all people on this planet, you should know that i'm not the Donkey.

srayzie ago

I don’t think you are Donkey. I’ve said that.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t think you are Donkey. I’ve said that.

You know i'm not Donkey. They are just trying to antagonize me. Don't worry about it. I'm not worried about it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t think you are Donkey. I’ve said that.

You are correct. I am not the Donk.

Vindicator ago

Interesting how ES refers to Donkey with the definitive article, here and further above...almost as if he were a character in a script...

@kevdude @Crensch @think- @srayzie

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting how ES refers to Donkey with the definitive article, here and further above...almost as if he were a character in a script...

You are a goddamn low life mother fucker that would accuse a person of anything. You already insinuated that I was a child pornographer. You have anything else you want to accuse me of? Go ahead. I will fucking laugh.

Vindicator ago don't sound like you are laughing.

I am, though. You turd.

ESOTERICshade ago don't sound like you are laughing.

I am, though. You turd.

Stoop lower. Go ahead. I used to have a lot of respect for you. I'm losing it fast. I'm sure you don't care. You have been modding this forum for at least two years that I know of. How could you be so naive? Can you not connect dots yet?

Vindicator ago

I connected your dots over a year ago, ES. Now i'm going to make you eat them.

It took me a while to get @kevdude and @Crensch to see how dangerous you are to Voat. You almost succeeded in getting me demodded. But guess what? People of good will recognize each other. They rise above the bullshit, lies, manipulation and fear. They build bridges and overcome obstacles.

I didn't want or seek this job. I care about the people on this board. What you've done to them is evil. You have attempted to subvert and demoralize a bunch of good folks who want to stop their government from raping children. Fuck you. Fuck your handlers. Fuck whoever pays you. Fuck your parents for not raising you any better.

I don't need to tell you to go to hell, because I know you are already there. You can't look yourself in the eye in the mirror. You have to drink, just to cope with the devils gnawing at your soul. Christ may have mercy you when you have to stand in front the big chair, but you're not going to get any of it here.

ESOTERICshade ago

You almost succeeded in getting me demodded.

That has never been my intention. Actually, I think you are the probably the best man for the job right now. No joke. I would not do the job that you do but i'm glad that you do. There is a lot that you need to learn, but I think you do a pretty good job. You are blinded by the two party political system but that is not neccessarily your fault because most people are the same way. There is only a small handfull of people that are truly redpilled, I mean truly redpilled. I don't hate you bro, I really don't.

Vindicator ago

You are blinded by the two party political system but that is not neccessarily your fault

Spare me the Kum Ba Ya shit, Esoteric. This is not about me. This is about you and your attempts to brainwash people. If you cared about people being "truly redpilled" you wouldn't constantly be telling people what they should and should not discuss on this board. You wouldn't have a bunch of secret alts and you wouldn't use them to upvote your views and downvote those who disagree with you. You're a deceiver. You're a fake. And you want to destroy the very essence of Voat.

Just like globalists importing Mexicans to overwhelm the vote of hardworking U.S. taxpayers, you created multiple accounts to overwhelm the votes of pizzagate investigators. You used those accounts to laud yourself and to pigpile opposition on your enemies. And you did it in the sneakiest, most cowardly way.

You WISH I was blind.

ESOTERICshade ago

You keep believing that Trump and Q will save your ass, and I will keep teaching people about secret societies, which you know almost nothing about. Good night bro. I wish you the best. Time for me to go to bed now.

Crensch ago

Can't say I could see myself using "the" when referring to someone I wasn't.

"I am not the Putt"

And his shortening of "donkey" to "donk" is also a little strange. Two letters, why? Something I would maybe do to a buddy's name IRL just to fuck around, but in almost any other setting I can think of? Nah.

If I were a low-IQ faggot, I might refer to my own alt account in such a way.

Vindicator ago

If I were a low-IQ faggot, I might refer to my own alt account in such a way.

If I were a shitty novelist writing a pulp fiction thriller, it's the kind of thing I'd have my alcoholic, cocky-but-despairing Spook obstacle character brag about to his buddies in a bar after work: "I unleashed the Donk on srayzie and had her typing all afternoon..." Next scene would be him staring at the ceiling fan in his shitty DC apartment, looking at her Twitter pic and wondering if she wears a translucent peignoir when she tucks in her kids.

"...the Donk." LMAO.

srayzie ago

What’s this about hojuruku? He’s even more horrible than Donkey.

ESOTERICshade ago

What’s this about hojuruku? He’s even more horrible than Donkey.

I don't know for sure but according to hojuruku his father got harassed by the powers that be for trying to help the kids. He is a very unhinged person and he is very angry at the whole world. I think his father got put in jail for all this, if I remember it all correctly. He is very angry. He is a loose cannon. I have no idea what he is doing right now but he is probably posting somewhere because he is dedicated, he is mad, and I doubt he will ever stop being mad.

srayzie ago

Were you agreeing with him? I read something like that somewhere. He said he would pay to have my son raped. He did a lot more but I blocked him. He’s dangerous so I won’t even get into it.

Do you get along with both of them?

ESOTERICshade ago

Were you agreeing with him? I read something like that somewhere. He said he would pay to have my son raped. He did a lot more but I blocked him. He’s dangerous so I won’t even get into it.

Do you get along with both of them?

I don't know him personally. I saw what you saw. All his rants and unhinged behavior. I saw what everybody else saw. He is pissed off. He made that pretty clear to everybody.

srayzie ago

You admitted to being Rarepeeks? I asked you that before and you said it wasn’t you.

srayzie ago

Why do you keep calling him The Donkey? He doesn’t deserve a title

Vindicator ago

What’s really confusing tho is that he replied with the personality of donkey. Not the personality of ESO.

I don't find that confusing at all: He was logged in as Donkey, reading and upvoting all ES's bullshit and making comments as Donkey. He read the challenge to ES and replied to it as Donkey, forgetting he wasn't logged in as ES.

Donkey only ever says a few things. He would be easy to LARP, with a very distinct voice, as bit characters usually are.

SchlongKeyhote ago

He read the challenge to ES and replied to it as Donkey, forgetting he wasn't logged in as ES.

that doesn't make SENSE you RETARD wtf is wrong with you lmao

srayzie ago

Oh ok. @auralsects sure is being defensive today. I didn’t think he cared about anyone’s reputation. Not even his own.

14367277? ago

You gonna cry about it or something? If this is defamation for supposedly believing you are a subversive cunt then delete account and start a new one and stop being such a faggot. Simple as that, precious.

think- ago

Great shame on you, vile slut

Getting called 'vile slut' by you is definitely a badge of honour, Donkey. :-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock @srayzie

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Why can't you guys argue with facts and class. Slinging around curse names at each other is lame.

think- ago

You are replying to me, although it was Donkey who insulted me, but you don't call him out for that, but are attacking me? Interesting, @EffYouJohnPodesta. Really interesting.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I didn't mean to attack you but you've attacked me left and right, so when I made my comment I didn't specify, as I assumed you'd also insulted him in the past as you have to me. If you read down, you'll see where I apologized for not believing the mods because I wanted proof. Vindicator showed me where he was the same person as aural sects and it all clicked for me.

think- ago

but you've attacked me left and right

Unbelievable. You are still repeating your lies. Friendly reminder to everyone reading them: She never backed up her claims. Because she can't.

I'd suggest to stop gaslighting, EYJP. It gets somewhat tiresome.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Crensch

Crensch ago

She's more than a little on the stupid side. Starting to look like she was wanting to ride esoteric coattails to get victimhood attention. That was a safe way to go because he was the asshole that attacked everybody for no reason, and as long as she went along with what he said she was safe.

Now she's on her own and failing to get that attention and also having to deal with not being protected.

She tried telling me her sob story in PMs. I'm assuming she was trying to Garner my sympathy and Gain my protection so she could continue posting her complete horseshit.

Come to think of it, the very fact that esoteric supported her makes me think that everything she's posted is bullshit. He wouldn't have supported something that was really hard-hitting or legitimate in any way.

think- ago

She tried telling me her sob story in PMs.

My deepest sympathies, @Crensch. And very interesting to hear.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @srayzie

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm sorry you feel that way.

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator showed me where he was the same person as aural sects and it all clicked for me.

Nope. I will say this again for the 100th time. I am not the Donkey. The Donkey hates my guts and he rips me apart every time I speak. I am not @auralsects.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I thought Donkey got banned? Is he online talking to you somewhere? And if you are not oral sex or D2M then you should have tried harder to prove it yesterday. We're waiting to see what you can come up with. The comment Vindicator posts where aural sects responds where you're supposed to makes it look like you're doing it on purpose and not accidentally. In fact I have to wonder if a lot of people did this on purpose because it seems like I'm the one bearing the brunt of the tagging by mods and the verbal attacks. You must just be better at handling the verbal abuse than I am. But their refusing to provide evidence to me for 2 months while attacking me is a little disingenuous. Like anyone would just straight up believe anyone without some type of evidence.

ESOTERICshade ago

I thought Donkey got banned?

Some of his alts got banned but he is still here.

Is he online talking to you somewhere?

He comments to me every now and then, like he does everybody else, but I am not in direct communication with him.

And if you are not oral sex or D2M then you should have tried harder to prove it yesterday.

They hate deathtoomasonsasap also because he won't kiss the mod ring.

The comment Vindicator posts where aural sects responds where you're supposed to makes it look like you're doing it on purpose and not accidentally

I won't kiss his ass. Not gonna happen.

In fact I have to wonder if a lot of people did this on purpose because it seems like I'm the one bearing the brunt of the tagging by mods and the verbal attacks.

Try your best not to let it get you down. We all have a real life away from this forum. Me and you have been attacked in real life for what we do here. You got stalked in real life for this shit. I almost got killed over this shit. People don't understand what it is like until it happens to them, and then the shit gets real. We do this because we care.

You must just be better at handling the verbal abuse than I am.

I just let it roll of my back like water off a duck's back. I don't take it personally. My main goal is to keep my personal life running, get along with my family and friends, and do what I need to do.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well even if you are aural sects, thank you for the $200, and if you do work for NSA / CIA / Media Matters / IARPA / CREATE / DID / Scientology, or whatever, that's the freaking least you guys could do in return for the things you guys did.

It was in response to a post made by Cc1914 asking people to help me because I was being attacked and "missing" online. I never told ANYONE about 90% of what ACTUALLY happened to me. When she tagged me I decided I would go ahead and accept the help and I created a go fund me. You donated to me and so did two other people.

My ex is constantly using it against me in court that I have created go fund me accounts in the past and someone is making comments about them on my blogs about Elsagate along with the Satanic comments. I have never raised enough to do much but for someone in my situation it was extremely helpful at the time.

Again, if you're actually Death To Masons or Aural Sects and you're running around pretending to be a nasty autogynephile or gaslighting me out of the blue on a post by Honeybee about the person sending me snuff films then that is creepy and scary.

If however you were framed for this or if it was a coordinated attack with the evidence against you not being given to me for 2 months while they put me on a "disinformation whore list" and verbally abused me for months then that would tend to make me think I don't need to come here ever again.

DarkKnight111 tried to bait me with a comment about my ex husband being on a hit list that I didn't notice at first because it was posted during a time I was really stressed out. Then Honeybee linked to the thread where he commented and I was posting as Greg Chism talking about Richard Dickeson. I just saw the first line of it and then later noticed a few days ago that he was implying my ex is on his hit list.

He links to a post that someone created about my ex doxxing him which I later found and told them that I wasn't in support of. In that post they gaslight the crap out of me and call me mentally ill and mock me because of my drama with my ex.

Come to find out I have proof that my ex was involved in that LARP that was circulated on here which I asked to be removed, and then later realize that it was a Defango style Cicada operation that they had been planning for months and it had his handwriting.

This all goes back to 2011 when he started planning out his revenge on me for leaving him, raped me, and then strategically waited to take my kids away, and started filing false report after false report.

I never imagined he would use this forum to get at me or that he would end up having real ties to someone from an operation I didn't even know existed.

None of the other people on this forum who I have seen have been through a similar experience, except perhaps you, but now it seems that you're fake and we can't trust what you say.

You're saying I've been through a lot and it is true, I have. For that I was called a liar by Vindicator in a PM and he says I'm just like Jem777, someone I never even knew while she was on here.

I recall that the mods claimed she was disinformation and I see where they are linking to a comment where you say the same.

I don't really give a crap if she is or isn't, I just know that this was made very confusing and if you're just going around trying to confuse people, it's working.

There are so many disinformation shills on here it's unreal. Have a nice life.

Vindicator ago

Really? Donkey claims no evidence, after dozens of links of evidence nailed his ((ass)) to the wall, and you repeat his bullshit claim of no facts and bitch at think- because he called her a slut? Your account needs to hire a better writer.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Really? Donkey claims no evidence, after dozens of links of evidence nailed his ((ass)) to the wall, and you repeat his bullshit claim of no facts and bitch at think- because he called her a slut? Your account needs to hire a better writer.

I wasn't repeating anything he said. I read through the comments and I didn't see the evidence presented in the thread above regarding Death2Masons. I didn't connect that you were saying he's Donkey at the time. At the time it looked like it was being presented as though it was a bunch of theories and impressions but your link that you provided in the other comment near this one is actually pretty compelling.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't have a hired writer Vindictor. I'm myself. Are you claiming that Donkey is ES? I'm a little lost there.

Are you serious that your claim he's DeathToMasonsASAP is credible with the evidence you posted? "Replied to a deep thread" is not proof.

Vindicator ago

Are you serious that your claim he's DeathToMasonsASAP is credible with the evidence you posted? "Replied to a deep thread" is not proof.

Hmm...where did Crensch or I claim this? I pointed out suspicious behavior to Crensch, and asked D2M if he was an alt, which he didn't have the gonads to respond to, btw.

So now I have a question for you: Why are pushing the idea that I made a "serious" "credible" claim with "proof"? Why are you attempting to shift the meaning of the conversation?

ESOTERIC is a malicious, manipulative, dishonest user trying to hurt this subverse -- a fact I appraised you of months ago privately. We have proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Yet you are one of the accounts who has participated by both commentary and voting in advancing his agenda, and despite all the evidence we have presented, you are still doing it.

If you really are who you say you are -- a mother, a victim, someone who cares about the kids, an investigator trying to uncover the truth -- how can you defend his efforts to astroturf this sub and dismantle it? That is simply not believable behavior for someone who is trying to stop the Cabal from preying on kids.

ESOTERICshade ago

ESOTERIC is a malicious, manipulative, dishonest user trying to hurt this subverse

My submission history would paint a different picture from your picture. But whatever. Some folks need to get a real life

think- ago

ESOTERIC is a malicious, manipulative, dishonest user trying to hurt this subverse

That's pretty accurate, actually. Thanks @Vindicator for summing this up nicely.


Vindicator ago

His submission history is carefully curated to support his Grandpa Truther character. His comment history is the guano mine, LOL. :-)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Your opinion on him is one thing but you haven't proved anything in this thread regarding his alleged dishonesty. That is my point. i understand there may be private things you cannot share. But accusing the DeathToMasons of being him, after that account gaslighted me - is rather important. I would tend to believe you about him if you proved that one thing.

Your new opinion and mistaken claims regarding me tends to invalidate my former feelings about your opinion of him. I might hold private reservations that I don't mention but that's not for public eyes. In fact, I have private reservations about many people here. I'm not going to air all of them for the public to see.

As I told you before, it's too dangerous to start discussing things like that.

Vindicator ago

Are you claiming that Donkey is ES? I'm a little lost there.

You always seem to be a little lost, EYJP. Let me spell it out:

I based my conclusion that Donkey is ES on his very own words:

"when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO"

Donkey was replying to an accusation made to ESOTERIC. In the first person.

Now why would Donkey try to defend himself against a claim made about Esoteric, unless they are the same person?

ESOTERICshade ago

I am just now catching up on some of this stuff. Now I am also the Donkey. You guys are too much.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I read through your comment and I agree with you now it looks kind of fishy. I missed all the Donkey drama in the very beginning and paid no attention to it. The only thing I could come up with for how they're not the same person would be if aural sects intentionally stated that in order to appear as though he was ES. It is not impossible but it seems highly unlikely that that would be the reason. Can't an admin just verify that Donkey / ES / D2M or some of these have similar IP address histories? Or is that not possible here?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ok, I will have to go back and see where that was said. I'm really confused at the moment. Gimme a few.

Crensch ago

Thanks to his slip up, it's entirely possible that it is though. If that's the hill you want to die on, I've got lots more where that came from. Maybe I'll think it worthwhile to post that along with digging through your own comments and maybe finding a link between you and him that looks suspicious enough for others to conclude you're either part of the same group or you are the same person.

Do you want to volunteer to go into that microscope? Who knows, maybe I won't find that, but I'll go through your submissions and rip you apart and show you that you're a useless cunt that has never provided anything useful to pizzagate whatsoever. Maybe I'll make a megathread on that.

Nobody ever believes me when I tell them these things, but I'm done being nice. You can tuck your tail and slink away, you can apologize, or you can keep at this and find out why so many usernames acting like Jews and shills have been deleted because of me.

Will you be the first username ever to make the smart move here? No. You won't. Because you're a stupid cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I already gave you all of the alts I've ever used on here. We're not the same person, and I'm reasonably sure you know that. You can microscope me all you want, you'll only come up with the conclusion that I'm Amy James the entire time. I don't know his real name, I just know mine. None of you on here use your real names. I'm the only person I know of who does, except for a few people who got doxxed. My friend Jenny Hatch said that she just doxxes herself to avoid problems and I've been using my real name on the internet since 2006 so, I never saw any reason not to do so, until perhaps 2017 when I first had serious problems from stalkers.

Crensch ago

Do you only read every other word that people write or something? Read my words again. Then look at what I've done to esoteric. Then read my words again. Then have someone smarter than you read my words to You and explain them.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Crensch you can't expect me to come to this whole thread with anything but a skeptical eye, after the way that you have behaved towards me for the past 6 weeks. I may be corrected here about ES. Calm down please.

Crensch ago

Look up tone fallacy, then look at what website you are on, then literally fuck yourself until your brain starts working.

How I've treated you has no bearing on anything, and it won't change. In fact, I've been nicer to you than I probably should have been. If there is such a thing as kid gloves from me, you got them.

I would say you're welcome, but I didn't do you any favors by coddling you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Sorry, but we're in completely different leagues as far as "kid gloves" are concerned. I never asked for kid gloves but I guess common decency would be nice. Have a great night.

Crensch ago

You never asked for them, but you got them anyway. I reserved common decency for people who don't appear to be subverting my website. I reserved common decency for people who don't attack my mods and support Those Who attack my mods.

You want a little common decency without earning it? Talk to my mods. They're fucking Saints. They're so goddamn patient and nice that it drives me nuts. If esoteric hadn't caused me problems, I wouldn't be here calling you a cunt and making you feel stupid and worthless.

You want to be a little bit of a cunt and still have people be nice to you? Drop esoteric. Apologize to everyone. Then shut your whore mouth when it comes to defending yourself or esoteric. Your current position is indefensible and the only way out is a complete and utter admittance of fault and wrongdoing. Then someday, months from now, you can be a little bit of a cunt and my mods won't call me to deal with you right away.

Everything you're getting right now is a direct result of your own actions and you need to own up to that like a God damn adult instead of acting like a blameless child.

You had your chance to play nice before I made this post, and you made your choice.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You want a little common decency without earning it? Talk to my mods. They're fucking Saints. They're so goddamn patient and nice that it drives me nuts. If esoteric hadn't caused me problems, I wouldn't be here calling you a cunt and making you feel stupid and worthless.

OK, that's great... notice I still never returned the insults the same way that you do. I don't feel stupid or worthless actually, and now that it seems that I was shown actual evidence, I'm glad you went to such lengths to protect the forum. So thank you.

You want to be a little bit of a cunt and still have people be nice to you? Drop esoteric. Apologize to everyone.

It appears that he is probably actually aural sects like you said. I'm kind of shocked, though not completely... I guess I was just waiting to see proof because I was attacked for following him and automatically assumed it was B.S.

If you guys had any IP address to prove it I assume you would have done hat, so I apologize.

Then shut your whore mouth when it comes to defending yourself

I'm not going to stop defending myself

or esoteric.

Actually I just told Vindicator I agreed with him now, after the link he gave me in the comments from 6 months ago - would have been nice to have read that one before, but I didn't know it existed.

Your current position is indefensible and the only way out is a complete and utter admittance of fault and wrongdoing.

I admit I was mistaken, but I didn't come to my conclusion from wrong doing.

Then someday, months from now, you can be a little bit of a cunt and my mods won't call me to deal with you right away.

There you go again calling me a cunt when I had no idea and I was basing my opinion on information I had at the time, so I'm sorry, but I wasn't "being a cunt" in my own eyes.

Everything you're getting right now is a direct result of your own actions and you need to own up to that like a God damn adult instead of acting like a blameless child.

I don't see how. Nobody is perfect and not every person on this forum is perfect but please excuse me for being slightly paranoid about the mods after Eric started attacking me out of the blue and the rest of you followed suit.

Have a nice night and thank you for this post.

ESOTERICshade ago

appears that he is probably actually aural sects like you said. I'm kind of shocked, though not completely..

Nope. I'm not Donkey. The Donkey hates my guts. He gives me hell. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with the Donkey. But I am certainly not him.

Crensch ago

I don't "turn to insults" as if they're some kind of last resort of the desperate, you stupid cow. You get them when you deserve them.

You're welcome.

Nobody but the site owner can get IP addresses. We work with what we have, and most of us old goats have gotten damn good at knowing when someone isn't quite right before we can prove it.

He posted a link that wasn't in my OP?

Your intentions do not excuse your behaviour - no matter what happens going forward, you picked the wrong horse to bet on.

Eh, if you can act like a fucking decent human going forward you might be OK. Get your shit together.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes I believe so, it was to a 6 month old thread outing ES with aural sects responding where ES should have replied and didn't. hang on I'll get the exact link to his comment so you'll see. What I don't understand is why when I was attacked for replying to him, nobody just told me about that thread in the first place but it's ok. Bridge over troubled water.

ESOTERICshade ago

where ES should have replied and didn't.

I make it a habit NOT to reply to every comment made to me. Waste of time and energy. If I replied to every comment made to me I would have to live on the internet. Not gonna do it.

Crensch ago

Edited now for clarity - the paragraph with auralsects and "donkey".

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

might wanna make the whole part about that username bold...

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks =)

Crensch ago

That was in my OP already. I didn't tell you what to look for, so maybe that's why you overlooked it.

It's a huge deal, but I wanted others to come to that conclusion, and assumed they had. My bad on that one.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ok, please forgive my slip up

think- ago

@MolochHunter @bopper @Cc1914: please see parent.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Cc1914 told me yesterday she isn't coming back because of what zyklon b said to her accusing her of drinking poop from a baby and murdering an infant.

zyklon_b ago

@Cc1914 I was just joking do not leave PLEASE

zyklon_b ago

heygeorge ago

drinking poop from a baby


zyklon_b ago

I seen it happenng

WhiteRonin ago

Lol! You should stick to calling Christians Jews! Lol

zyklon_b ago

#me too

14369279? ago

I love seeing hurt feefees from big scary words like that have any basis on logic and reality.

zyklon_b ago

it aint bother me bout upvotes or downvotes and alts

14369521? ago

I am too stupid to figure out how to get around that shit to use my alts effectively. I keep my alts just in case I wanna troll someone, and I use GeneralDouche for other subs modship cuz sometimes I get full on Kat. I even have one for our good friend, Freshie.

zyklon_b ago

I would get caught if I tried to break the rules

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I saw earlier. I was a bit surprised at the hysterical nature of the post. Meh...

zyklon_b ago

This shit is ridiculous

TheBuddha ago

On what scale?

Most of Voat is subject to ridicule, and rightfully so.

zyklon_b ago

when did goats start caring bout upvotes and downvotes???

TheBuddha ago

Some of them seemingly since about day one. Personally, I don't much care.

zyklon_b ago

seems the punishment is done and should try and just move on

TheBuddha ago

I did see the massive number of pings. That made me chuckle. He put a whole lot of effort into the post, so that's something respectable. I'm not sure that's the best way to invest their time and effort, but their life is not mine to lead and passion is an admirable trait.

zyklon_b ago

1990 komrade

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

pizza hut > pizzagate

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm like 1 hour 20 minutes away from a Pizza Hut, if I speed and there's little traffic.

I'd punch a nun for a good burrito. Just for the record.

zyklon_b ago

would you fist a nun for a good piece of (((pizza)))?

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'd fist a nun for free.

zyklon_b ago

go for it komrade

TheBuddha ago

I don't actually have access to nuns.

zyklon_b ago

I went to a catholic school 7th n 8 th grade but do not remember seeing a nun since

TheBuddha ago

I think there is a catholic church in Farmington, but I don't think I've seen any nuns there.

Wait, no... I know there is a catholic church in Farmington - or was. St. Joseph's, I believe it is called. When I taught at UMF, they were working on a parking lot near the gym. I used to park there. Never saw any nuns.

zyklon_b ago

you didn't miss much

TheBuddha ago

I missed nuns, put it that way!

zyklon_b ago

#me too

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Q did pizzagate

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

the only truth on this post

zyklon_b ago

please contact @cc1914 I am just a troll and was a joke I made at a bad time and please come back?