ESOTERICshade ago

crensch started this shit. Not me. I thought about not responding to crensch at all because I know how half triggered @crensch can be. But, we just got off the river and the ducks shit all over the back of the houseboat, we had a few few beers, and I decided to amuse myself by responding to @crensch 16 year old bullshit. I believe what I said though bro. You the only man in the house with any real damn brains. Its a fact and a burden for you bro. You the big brain in the house. Thats what you get for being smart and diplomatic. I am also wasting wasting minutes because I don't want to clean these fish. But, we gonna eat em tonight, so I gotta clean em. If I stall long enough my buddies will have em all cleaned and I won't have to do it. Best plans!!! :)

Crensch ago

You and your buddies have an upvote brigade. You all made that public announcement so your high upvote counts wouldn't be suspicious, but real users of this subverse don't actually upvote or like any of you. The only upvotes you get are the few real submissions/comments you post to give your usernames credibility.

ESOTERICshade ago

You need to give control of the sub to somebody that understands pizzagate and gives a shit. You have told us a hundered times how much you don't give a shit. I have no idea what you consider your role in this sub really is beyong "i don't give a fuck" because that is your main message. Pathetic. Do better. Pick yourself up. Give a shit. Do something better for the sub.

I don't want the sub. You couldn't give it to me because I wouldn't take it. But you need to give it to somebody THAT DOES GIVE A SHIT because a lot of people are sick and fucking tired of hearing you say how much "you don't care."

Do you have any idea how pathetic that is? No, you don't, but you should consider alternatives. I think you would be happier than, well, maybe even DUCK SHIT. if you just got rid of the sub. No joke. It might be time.

think- ago

I don't want the sub. You couldn't give it to me because I wouldn't take it

Since when? When Millenial_Falcon was about to get demodded, you told @kevdude he should make you an O, with me @Vindicator and me as mods.

You really think anybody will believe you changed your mind?

Do you want me to find this comment? I will be glad posting it here. You made it on one of @Crensch's posts.


Vindicator ago

Link it up!

Crensch ago

You need to give control of the sub to somebody that understands pizzagate and gives a shit.

You need to delete your account so people that give a shit aren't taken in by a liar and a fraud.

You have told us a hundered times how much you don't give a shit.

Funny how you're using that as a blanket statement when I was very specific every single time with what I gave a shit about and what didn't. This is how a dishonest person argues, @EffYouJohnPodesta.

I have no idea what you consider your role in this sub really is beyond "i don't give a fuck" because that is your main message.

Because you actually don't give a fuck, and the only time you've ever seen me is when you tried to argue dishonestly and wound up getting exactly what you deserved. You make yourself scarce until you're activated to distract others from something big.

Pathetic. Do better. Pick yourself up. Give a shit. Do something better for the sub.

Kek. I've done more for this sub than you could ever dream of. Are you going to continue LARPing as Jordan Peterson here? Are you going to tell me to clean my room next?

I don't want the sub. You couldn't give it to me because I wouldn't take it.

You're a liar, and this is a great way to nominate yourself when you're manipulating someone.

But you need to give it to somebody THAT DOES GIVE A SHIT because a lot of people are sick and fucking tired of hearing you say how much "you don't care."

Only you and those you've made your puppets think that.

Do you have any idea how pathetic that is?

Do you have any idea how little your opinion of me means?

No, you don't, but you should consider alternatives.

Telling me what I "should" do again. You're really bad at this.

I think you would be happier than, well, maybe even DUCK SHIT. if you just got rid of the sub. No joke. It might be time.

Do you have a shit fetish, Chaim? I've seen you post about DUCK SHIT probably 6 times in the past hour.

ESOTERICshade ago

Because you actually don't give a fuck, and the only time you've ever seen me is when you tried to argue dishonestly and wound up getting exactly what you deserved. You make yourself scarce until you're activated to distract others from something big.

Which is why my submission history, from day one, is outing pedos. Ok Chaim, whatever you say. I doubt I will read the rest of your drunken rant.

Crensch ago

Which is why my submission history, from day one, is outing pedos.

Pretending to do something worthwhile so you can point to it whenever someone new comes around so you can befriend them and turn them against the mods here.

Ok Chaim, whatever you say. I doubt I will read the rest of your drunken rant.

How does it feel to have a duck shit fetish?

ESOTERICshade ago

Pretending to do something worthwhile so you can point to it whenever someone new comes around so you can befriend them and turn them against the mods here.

I spent 23 years of my life in this business and ended up at Voat to undermine your mods for real though? I burned all these hours posting and commenting pedos just undermine your mods? I no longer think you are 23 years old. Probably mroe like 19 years old. Get a grip dude. Your ego is riding you into the ground. Let me ask you a question ok?

Do you want to be "right", or do you want to be accuract and correct? If I said "any more" or "anymore" which would be correct?

Get hold of that ego. You can do it. I now you want to help. But, but, ya know.....come on bro....get in the game.

Crensch ago

I spent 23 years of my life in this business and ended up at Voat to undermine your mods for real though?

Didn't know JIDF had been around so long.

I burned all these hours posting and commenting pedos just undermine your mods?

That's what you do if that's what your shekels tell you to do.

I no longer think you are 23 years old. Probably mroe like 19 years old.

You're losing at every turn here, which is why you have to attack my age. Ironically, if I AM 19, you're losing to a 19 year old.

Get a grip dude. Your ego is riding you into the ground.

Projecting like a true hooknose.

Let me ask you a question ok?

Just one question? Like the one you just asked? What a stupid question.

Do you want to be "right", or do you want to be accuract and correct?

What the fuck kind of question is this? Colloquially, all those words can mean the same thing. Is this what passes for deep thinking in that pedophile Jew skull of yours?

If I said "any more" or "anymore" which would be correct?

Depends on the context, retard.

Am I supposed to answer that without the requisite context in order to come to a correct answer?

Get hold of that ego.

More telling an adult what to do. Is this what passes for argumentation where you come from? Telling another adult what to do?

I bet you solve your disputes with your fists IRL.

You can do it. I know you want to help. But, but, ya know.....come on bro....get in the game.

Patronizing. How cute. Maybe next you can call me "champ" or "sport" and try to LARP a bit more as my Joran Peterson daddy telling me to clean my room?

think- ago

Ironically, if I AM 19, you're losing to a 19 year old.


ESOTERICshade ago

19 years old, and interested as fuck, that is perfect! You will love this. If you are as smart and as fascinated as I think you are your mind will latch on to this like a magnet. I already know you are smart as fuck. You have proven that to me. Check this shit out.

Damn that sux because I was gonna give you another link to his youtube channel but it seems they might have deleted his youtube channel overnight. I will look some more. If they did delete his youtube channel I will pay the subscription fee and give you the password so that you can watch the rest of his videos because I realize how smart you are.

Crensch ago

Not a chance I'm clicking that shit.

Also, I'm not your friend, or your buddy, and I never will be. Your compliments are known to me as your manipulation strategy.

Try again, shill.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thats ok. I posted it in your PUBLIC v protect voat thread. Take advantage of it, or don't. Its no skin off my nose bro. You made an ass of yourself. Get over it. PIck your young self up, and march on.

Crensch ago

Its no skin off my nose bro. You made an ass of yourself. Get over it. PIck your young self up, and march on.

Not your bro. Projection. Telling me what to do again.

Do you have any new tricks, or are you just going to keep repeating the ones that very obviously do not work?

lamplight ago

Pedophilia and Human Trafficking: Big Business for those in powerful positions. This would include politicians, police, FBI, executives, etc.....

Vindicator ago

I love the term "pizzagate". It's memorable and cringey. The contrast between what it uncovered -- Podesta emails, Podesta art collection, Alefantis Instagram horrors, Silsby, Dyncorp, Brock, NGOs -- and the MSM use of the term is incredibily eye opening when presented to normies. We are the turd they can't wipe off of their shoe. We are infamous. There is no such thing as bad publicity.

144truth ago

What is alefantis’ real name?

Former boyfriend of david Brock, media matters,...

Vindicator ago

I never saw conclusive evidence it was anything other than Alefantis. People think he looks like the Rothschilde lady, and there was a pic showing him in a family photo which I believe was debunked due to ages and dates.

144truth ago

Did you see the photos of baroness Philippines de rothchild wearing the Baphomet jewelry.


Vindicator ago

Yeah...she looks like she eats small children.

think- ago

We are infamous. There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Hahaha. I totally like that. Yes, we are the writing on the wall.

I admit that when the term 'pedogate' was brought up the first time, I thought it would maybe be better to use it.

But after almost two years into Pizzagate, I totally appreciate the term.

I think our aim should be to finally get acknowledged, not to disappear into oblivion, using other, 'more acceptable' terms.

Really wondering what made the LAV pitching this now.


WhenEveMetEnki ago

There is absolutely such a thing as bad publicity, when it programs newcomers to dismiss ideas entirely. Think of all the ignorance and ridiculousness we associate with the term 'Flat Earth' Then, imagine if you'd never heard any of the "if the world is round why don't we fall off the bottom, HUH!?" Idiocy they disseminate consistently, and were just asked to entertain the thought that NASA and ((TPTB)) might be lying to us; not only is it entirely possible but, at least as far as first-hand knowledge and observation goes, it's at least worth considering.

Straw men arguments WORK! 90% of Americans think we're all here discussing "Hillary, George Soros and other Democrats trafficking kids out of CPP's nonexistent basement". They are MUCH more difficult to 'red-pill' as a result, and many will dismiss any evidence IMMEDIATELY as a result.

Vindicator ago

Nope. I have redpilled almost everyone I know, simply by pointing out the disparity between what we uncovered, how we uncovered it and the way the MSM and Dems reacted. That simple dichotomy completely destroyed any mention they'd ever heard of it.

think- ago

1,5 hours account pushes Flat Earth Theory, and compares it to Pizzagate. Nice. /s

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

WhenEveMetEnki ago

I was pointing out that 99% of flat Earth "discussion" and"proofs" are borderline retarded bullshit, actually, and hardly comparing the two except in the one aspect that both are prolifically shilled with weak, easily debunked arguments that cause the entire subject to be dismissed rather than intelligently discussed, actually.

Your scepticism is fair and generally warranted, but you misunderstood me here; I'm not an idiot (things idiots say for $400) and I'm on truth's side, which I would hope mean I'm on your side.

EricKaliberhall ago

I'm on truth's side, which I would hope means I'm on your side.

If you are on truth's side... You shouldn't be sucking @ESOTERICshade's dick...

I'd upvoat if I could, spot on as usual, ES.

Yeah... It would appear you are on the wrong side (sucking dick).

WhenEveMetEnki ago

And who the fuck are...nope, don't care.

144truth ago

Wow it’s amazing how many people know about the world wide child sex trafficking network...

The farm>Hollywood>DC>London> Saudi Arabia> vatican

What is a pedovore? What cultures practiced ritual child sacrifice? Phoenicians? Hivvites, Canaanites, who else?

What senator did Anthony Weiner page with? Was it chuck Schumer? Who was involved with page gate?

carmencita ago

I think you are correct about Schumer. I read on here that he roomed with Schumer. Schumer is a member of the Knights of Pythias. I believe Weiner is too plus many others.

truthdemon ago for.what it is.. WASHINGTON CHILD SNUFF.GATE.. OR Elite SNUFFGATE INSTAGRAM the instagram generation will pick it up... Update investigation on instagram .. And copy it on every social media Eg: Elite.Child snuff.gate.twitter.. Elite.Child.snuff.gate.facebook

144truth ago

Snuff films

Horrible but real. Did hunter s thompson ever mention snuff films? How about bonnoci? How about former pm sir Edward Heathe? Lawrence r king.

What is the chance apt of these guys know each other?

Unfortunately Here are some sick sick dirtbags out there. Kids have been getting traded like playing cards.

truthdemon ago

..and u get negative votes for show this forum is just a controlled release.valve run by pedopologists.. Anyway i keeep giving notice to them that when we begin to reduce debt at the US treasury military tribunals will get activated by our instructions to our debtor the US corporation..we will be able the present president for.dereliction of duty..and form military tribunal courts under universal jurisdiction..

Psalm144-1 ago

I will continue to call it "Pizzagate" and i think all should too. "Pizza" is the blatant code word used repeatedly in the the Podesta emails. The symbolism in countless pop culture material also point to "pizza" and the blurring of lines between the food pizza, general sexuality, and children. It started as "Pizzagate" because that what US, the organic internet researchers, deemed fit. We started this investigation calling it "Pizzagate" and we will END this investigation calling it "Pizzagate".

septimasexta ago

TOTALLY AGREE! Then, a new poster, PIZZAGATE LAWYER tried to woo us down the road to "namechange".

A big reason NOT TO is that original posts on the subject used the term "pizzagate". If no one knows to use that term in a search engine ALL THE ORIGINAL RESEARCH IS HIDDEN.


ESOTERICshade ago

Long time no see. Glad to see you posting.

Psalm144-1 ago

Had to step away for a bit to reload....time to go back into the trenches!

144truth ago


How many kids go missing in America each year? 400-800k

What do luciferians ‘get’ out of torturing, raping, killing kids?

What high profile people in Hollywood, DC, London, Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Have been exposed for protecting pedofiles?

carmencita ago

For some sick reason they are kicked upstairs for their horrible things they do to children. Sacrificing to Moloch and all that crap they believe in. It's the Luciferian religion. SICKOS all of them.

144truth ago

Luciferians pedos are Sick

People that cover for them are sick and will get judged...soon

carmencita ago

I hope so.......I don;t have any sympathy whatsoever for any of them. I don't care what their back story is. I am a reasonable person, but not where they are concerned. I have read way too much about what evil they have brought to this world. It can't come soon enough.

Oldno7 ago

They'll just smear whatever new name we give it.

The evidence speaks for itself and is overwhelming.

think- ago

Agree. I'm a bit irritated by this.

Yuke ago

"Pedogate" is the world-wide horror show, the general, wide-reaching, ever-present pedo activity at high levels. "Pizzagate" is very specific to one 'operation' if you can call it that. The labels they attach to these things don't mean much to me, but this thing that we've been looking into centred on DC is, in my eyes at least, "Pizzagate", and to stop using that label would be to bend to those very propaganda campaigns spoken of here.

ESOTERICshade ago

The intention is to muddle the verifiable connections and incriminating information with the ever-growing catch-all beast that is now PizzaGate. It does not take a genius or historian to know that the government’s first move in trying to control anything is to infiltrate and lead it. As was seen in the Occupy movement, and many others, that were no doubt filled with genuine individuals, yet was led into irrelevance, from the top, by the FBI.

As this investigation moves forward we must be cognizant of the very real danger this potential infiltration may pose, and likely already does. We must stay focused on the true culprits and not on the surrounding distractions and created in-fighting that is designed to pit a movement against itself, thereby proving that the movement was never serious to begin with, hence, cannot be trusted.

Ding Ding Ding. Qanon anybody? Probably 99% of the Q posts are not pizzagate related but SOMEHOW Q is magically inherently related to pizzagate? Not its not. Q has slowly and carefully morphed into a mainstream news parrot and not much more.

We all know that anything that comes from the mainstream news is coming from the CIA, both FOX and CNN. So why would smart redpilled people waste their brain cells on it?

Pizzagate became a big thing because we created OUR OWN NARRATIVE. We didn't follow, we led, and they couldn't stop us or control us. That unique property of creating our own narrative is in jeopardy if we let this sub be led by Q and the mainstream news narrative.

Let the down votes begin.......

Cc1914 ago

Excellent! And I’m not a sock puppet ..

septimasexta ago

"Pizzagate became a big thing because we created OUR OWN NARRATIVE. We didn't follow, we led, and they couldn't stop us or control us." GOOD POINT!

I recently revisited a cache of Jimmy Comet Instagrams and a now famous one beckoned me for a closer look. It is the Instagram presumably taken by J. Alefantis and is a picture of David Brock (his then boyfriend) and Lynn de Rothschild in her D.C. apartment. THESE THREE WERE KEY PLAYERS. I happened to notice that the Instagram included the location: RIVER HOUSE (New York). Curious, I did some research on it. This article is the info jackpot!

"Great Houses of New York: River House, the Best Address, Part IV"

"With a long history of welcoming the socially eminent, River House’s co-op board is now extremely selective, using quite different criteria. Once, a few millions and a place in the Social Register were adequate credentials for most who aspired to live here and join ‘the club’. But today, maintains Corcoran Group broker Ellen Kourtides, “one needs strong financials for this sort of building,” explaining, in upper-class code, that its residents place a high premium on ‘privacy’. “We’re talking about liquid assets. It can be as much as four to six times the price of the apartment. If financing is allowed, it’s not because you need to finance your apartment to move in, it’s for tax purposes.”

"Why had Gloria Vanderbilt-DeCicco-Stokowski-Lumet-Cooper further risked the opprobrium of her peers in pursuit of a flat? Ultimately the answer seems to be sentiment. Inasmuch as several of her near relations lived here and many more belonged to the River Club, she had been in and out of its revolving door from the time the building opened. Indeed, for several extended periods before her first marriage, and even afterward, she lived here in the tower suite of her cousin, Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney."

"Henry and Nancy Kissinger live here, so do Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife, the blonde American financier, in an apartment designed by the decorator chosen by the Obamas, Michael Smith."


letsdothis2 ago

the decorator chosen by the Obamas, Michael Smith

Smith's partner is James Costos who was the US Ambassador to Spain and Andorra from 2013 to 2017 and 2014 to 2017, respectively -

He was appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the United States Senate on August 1, 2013.

Costos was a corporate leader and executive in the international retail and international entertainment industries, most notably at HBO and Tod's. He is an active supporter of humanitarian organizations, including the Human Rights Campaign and the Santa Monica Museum of Art, and an advocate for cultural institutions and cultural diplomacy. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Humane Society of the United States, the country's largest animal protection organization.

In October 2013 the Spanish government summoned him to address allegations that the National Security Agency had recently collected data on 60 million telephone calls in Spain.

After leaving the White House in January 2017, the Obamas departed Washington for Palm Springs, where they were guests in the Costos-Smith home for several days before traveling to the British Virgin Islands to stay at the home of Sir Richard Branson.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States

Terry Bean is a co-founder of the HRC. Podesta emails and maybe Terry Bean(arrested for child rape) in pizza email

Other voat posts on Terry Bean here.


ESOTERICshade ago

thanx for the ping. Getting ready to go through all this.

letsdothis2 ago

10 Things You Should Know About HSUS

  1. HSUS raises millions of dollars from American animal lovers through manipulative advertising. An analysis of HSUS’s TV fundraising determined that more than 85 percent of the animals shown were cats and dogs. However, HSUS doesn’t run a single pet shelter and only gives 1 percent of the money it raises to pet shelters while sucking money out of local communities.

  2. HSUS puts more into its pension plan and Caribbean hedge funds than it gives to pet shelters. Between 2012 and 2014, HSUS put over $50 million in Caribbean investments while also putting nearly $10 million into its pension plan.

  3. HSUS executives have been accused of sexual harassment. In Feb. 2018, HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle resigned after credible accusations that he had sexually preyed on staff members. His deputy, vice president Paul Shapiro, resigned the previous month after also being accused of sexual harassment. HSUS board member Erika Brunson shockingly blew off the allegations against Pacelle, telling the Washington Post, “We didn’t hire him to be a choir boy.”

ESOTERICshade ago

Thats quite the list of power players. Lends more credence to the theory that JA might be a Rothschild.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

I'd upvoat if I could, spot on as usual, ES.

Crensch ago

"As usual"

4 day old account.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

And you, trolling with your downvoat brigade, working your bullshit on days-old posts and generally being such an unpleasant shit one can't help but wonder "WTF's this cresnschy old bitch even doing here?". Working, and poorly,

As usual. We see you.

think- ago

Oh this is the new user who recently honoured me by creating a new account when replying to one of my comments. I was deeply impressed.

As usual.

Same question as @Crensch has: You have a four day old account, and write 'as usual'? How come?

We see you.

If you don't mind, who is 'we'?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Crensch ago

And you, trolling with your downvoat brigade

I have no downvote brigade, but you and your buddies admit to an upvote brigade, which is just as much a subversion of a forum by manufacturing consent as a downvote one.

working your bullshit on days-old posts and generally being such an unpleasant shit one can't help but wonder "WTF's this cresnschy old bitch even doing here?".


As usual. We see you.

Way to out yourself, Nothereforpizza/Esoteric.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

Also, for the record, I've never voated, up or down, a single post. Ever. But I'm part of an upvoat brigade with some people who have no idea who I am. With no evidence, because there isn't any; You're wrong.

As usual.

This is the level of logic you operate on, and you're a 'Mod'. And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

Crensch ago

Also, for the record, I've never voated, up or down, a single post. Ever.

Nobody cares.

But I'm part of an upvoat brigade with some people who have no idea who I am. With no evidence, because there isn't any; You're wrong.

If I had an upvote brigade, I'd have sockpuppets that didn't participate in order to make my upvote brigade usernames appear to have support from those that don't participate, too.

As usual.

Kek. Try to make that one stick.

This is the level of logic you operate on, and you're a 'Mod'. And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

I deal with shit like this constantly - I know how the game is played, and I call it out, much to the chagrin of you and your comrades.

ESOTERICshade ago

I deal with shit like this constantly - I know how the game is played, and I call it out, much to the chagrin of you and your comrades.

You don't "deal with it" you constantly stir it up. There is no telling what v/pizzagate could have done without you, but whatever it would have been, would be faaarrrr advanced to what it is. As it stands now, your judgement and shit head attitude have chased away the best investigators and they went elsewhere because they were too intelligent for your kindergarten bullshit. You need to step back and let @kevdude lord over the pizzagate sub because he is smart enough to do it. @kevdude actually has some damn brains and self control that you don't have yet.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

A valiant effort, but no. A little gummy for your future disinformation attempts:. Wait at least a few minutes before replying with your bullshit. It strains credulity when you imply you've uncovered my ties to these "buddies" aligned against you (no doubt you assume the whole world is against you, never realizing you actually make it your life's work to make that true, creating real enemies from strangers one by one) in a matter of seconds.

And if you think "We see you" is the mark of those one/two Voaters you named, you're even more ignorant than I thought.

Crensch ago

And if you think "We see you" is the mark of those one/two Voaters you named, you're even more ignorant than I thought.

Keep bluffing, NPC.

A valiant effort, but no. A little gummy for your future disinformation attempts:. Wait at least a few minutes before replying with your bullshit. It strains credulity when you imply you've uncovered my ties to these "buddies" aligned against you (no doubt you assume the whole world is against you, never realizing you actually make it your life's work to make that true, creating real enemies from strangers one by one) in a matter of seconds.

More than happy to make enemies of useless fucks like you, but I know most of these "enemies" are sockpuppets and JIDF-style "users" that are only here to subvert this website.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

Yes, everyone who realizes you're an asshole is a Jew("-style", because wouldn't want to come off as anti-Semitic!) shill, everyone but you.

When you run into an asshole in the morning, sure, maybe he's the asshole.

When you run into assholes all day, maybe you're the asshole. Or in this case, "joostyle" shill piece of spook-shit. We see you.

Crensch ago

Yes, everyone who realizes you're an asshole is a Jew("-style", because wouldn't want to come off as anti-Semitic!) shill, everyone but you.

Every single one of you shill fucks makes this argument. It never works.

When you run into an asshole in the morning, sure, maybe he's the asshole.

Really? This cliche again?

When you run into assholes all day, maybe you're the asshole. Or in this case, "joostyle" shill piece of spook-shit. We see you.

Yep. So unoriginal. Was that in your playbook, too?

I don't care if faggot shills like you think I'm an asshole. I don't even care if legitimate users think I'm an asshole. I will say what I want, when I want, and there's fuck-all any of you can do about it.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

Ok, Crenshaw.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say what I want, when I want, and there's fuck-all any of you can do about it.

I decided to check your comment history and are working over time to stir up shit. I say what I want to say too. So why don't you just go back to your creepy corner and leave us alone instead interfering? Obviously you went through my comment history attempting to stir up shit. Not surprising. Whats wrong? You drunk today or what? Why don't you just leave us the fuck alone.

Crensch ago

I decided to check your comment history and are working over time to stir up shit.

Coming from someone that has done nothing but stir shit in PG.

I say what I want to say too.

Want a cookie?

So why don't you just go back to your creepy corner and leave us alone instead interfering?

How's that snark working out for you?

Obviously you went through my comment history attempting to stir up shit.

Obviously you have a comment history worth going through - I wonder what else I could find.

Not surprising. Whats wrong? You drunk today or what?

I'm not a degenerate, but keep at it, I'm sure you'll find something I'm embarrassed about someday.

Why don't you just leave us the fuck alone.

Because you are still here. @EffYouJohnPodesta just came to the completely stupid, self-centered, narcissistic, emo-woman conclusion that if she wasn't around the rest of you wouldn't be getting attacked. Kek.

She doesn't know that it's you that will never really see peace here - the rest I could almost ignore, except maybe for that little fact that the upvote brigade is admitted.

There are plenty of users on my shitlist, but you just drew the short straw today, but it's good to know that I got under your skin enough to have you whine, "Why don't you just leave us the fuck alone."

ESOTERICshade ago

There are plenty of users on my shitlist, but you just drew the short straw today,

Ease up on the "shit" and you will have a happier day :)

but it's good to know that I got under your skin enough to have you whine


144truth ago


Hollywood>Dc>London>Vatican>sa Trading kids like playing cards and selling pix

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you a new member or an old member with a new account?

WhenEveMetEnki ago

A bit of both, but to answer your underlying question, I am in in no way credible and you should assume as with anyone else that I'm more likely a shill than what only I know myself to be: (TL;DR) A longtime lurker and for the most part someone who's not seen any reason to interject in the conversation, since I rarely have anything to contribute.

I'm only joining the conversation now because it dawned on me that the same is true for probably 99% of us that care & are paying attention to this stuff, and I've noticed more and more lately that that thinking makes for a conversation involving mostly shills and people with alterior motives, and that if we don't participate we can't really even be mad that the majority of what we read is idiotic partisan bullshit at best and straight-up propaganda and disinformation at worst.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sounds reasonable.

144truth ago

Wow.... child sex trafficking..:: is real

Breitbart had a ‘heart attack’ just after calling out big soros, and big podesta for covering up Unspeakable dregs. What did he mean?

Does podesta have anything in his closet? How does he know SOROS? Who is Laura silsby? Pig farm? Artwork? Skippy? Show us your hands podesta? Did hastert know podesta?

G Gordon liddys son got busted of cp. cheese pizza. Who else famous is on the list?

What Hollywood moguls have been implicated? What did Ted Gunderson say about child prostitution kidnapping rings?

How many busts since trump took office?

carmencita ago

Tony Podesta was and is a close friend still of Denny H. They went to a Japanese Island together decades ago. There was a letter one time that someone wrote about their trip there. It must have been a fun time for all. I believe the letter has been scrubbed. I listed it one time on here. If someone knows the name of the Island, please include here. I am racking my brain but can't remember. Whoa. Just found this thread about it.