Vindicator ago

@nottfadeaway, while it would be possible to make an argument that disinfo pushing and CCP farming are directly relevant to Pizzagate, you need to state that case and link to the evidence you are citing. Unsourced discussion posts are not allowed on v/pizzagate and belong in v/pizzagatewhatever or v/pizzagatemods if they are exploring use of alt accounts and such. The main board is for source-linked research posts only. I need to remove this per Rule 4:

4: Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed.

fogdryer ago

Jen is not WIC

nottfadeaway ago

...that’s not what I said. @RIPJem is though.

Shizy ago

And they both sound exactly like @speaksoft

nottfadeaway ago

Very interesting. You’re spot on!

carmencita ago

Oh yes, there has been research on Racine. @fogdryer has probably done most of it and others. I have not read that many of RIP's responses and we really don't know for sure. But an interesting thought.

nottfadeaway ago

Yeah, I mean we can never be 100%, but, if it’s not WIC then it may be a shill imitating the group who ran WIC. And it’s actually a pretty good impersonation. Also, RIPJem says ‘they’ aren’t new here.

carmencita ago

Wow, then it almost sounds like giving clues. Hmm.