jangles ago

@jem777 was a real whistleblower in witness protection, a tremendously important part of the McCabe investigation, friend, has battling health issues and healthcare support (associated with her whistleblower activities in California). With her medical issues she needed relatively expensive medication. She excaped from the people who physically beat her up and threatened her in CA and got into the witness protection program in DC in early 2018. I honestly believe that there is no way this was a suicide.

Shizy ago

How do you know all of this jangles? Can you prove any of your claims are true? How do you know she was in the witness protection program? I'm sorry that it seems to piss you off that people ask questions and want documentation of your claims, but just taking some unknown persons word about things on the internet isn't enough for most people. .

jangles ago

Just wait a few more days. You will see the information in due time. Sorry I can't share details yet.

Shizy ago

Ok I can wait. I am really hoping a lot more info comes out. Either way a woman is dead and if someone had a hand in that it needs to be exposed.

jangles ago

Thanks, your patience will be rewarded.

carmencita ago

You me and jem and Dressage and phishingteam all worked on a thread by wolftrail. I remember it to this day. The Deaconess Hospital regarding organ harvesting. Jem and Wolf were one of the best. Wolf has been awol. I know he is ok. But he too had probs. Jem was one of the Very Best. I agree. Not a suicide. for old times sake <3

mooteensy ago

So very sad to hear about JEM. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe she's just in a highler level of witness protection now, or a false flag because of the info she posted/verified with victims. Could be wishful thinking. Shills take note: this untimely & evil murder verifies that info researched with JEM was right over target. I pray for JEM and all family/friends, no matter what the case may be. Stay safe anons.

carmencita ago

Need to get in touch with that friend you used to see once in a while. If you have seen him or know how to get in touch please have him message me. Something very important. VIP.

Yes, it is extremely sad. I too am hoping for the best and that she is in the WP Prog. Since she was already under their watch, possibly they advised her to hide out. Actually the victim that she was helping has also not been heard from. They filed a lawsuit regarding Bill C raping the victim on a boat. There were others as well. Not surprising to any of us.

jangles ago

she had insurance files

fogdryer ago

Omg She asked me. She asked me

carmencita ago

I would have come too. So sad we never got the chance. WIC too. Miss him.

fogdryer ago

Did you read that post that said WIC is not a person but a group?

mooteensy ago

You better believe they are shilling this board HARD too. Probably now more than ever, and I've been around for a while, as well.

carmencita ago

George pretty much eulogizes Jem (Jenny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmj5U9X0ubg

new4now ago

Jem777 > new4now | Sent: 10 months ago on 10/19/2017 12:39:00 AM


I am whitehat Whistleblower. Been on targeted list for years. Was jumped 8 weeks ago and beaten at my home telling me to keep "fucking mouth shut"

He knows this. It was a direct threat. I have asked for federal protection from Senate, State, Congress. Nothing. Placed DM switches in locations

Is Jem dead? If so she has switches in place

or did she finally get the help she was asking for with white Hats?

I hope they didn't get her

I liked her and learned a lot from her

I'll start digging for post who he is, although I think we know :(

mooteensy ago

My gut tells me she isn't dead. My mind, however, is wandering. I learned so much from JEM777, I will miss reading her research dearly. This hit verifies her research, or she was put in witness protection because of her research. We will not forget about her, and I truly hope I'm right.

new4now ago

just put up a post

thinking its a possiblity

srayzie ago

This was her Twitter...

TrishaUK ago

Hi @carmencita srayzie has posted her Twitter :)

srayzie ago

Omg! That is so sad šŸ˜¢

Iā€™ve known this whole time that she was Task Force and with George Webb. But I didnā€™t voice it publicly because she didnā€™t want everyone to know. She was really active here until she left and joined him.

She was @Jem777 and @mej777

She used to say that she was gang stalked and that she was leaving, and being put in the Witness Protection Program. She left California and joined George Webb and stayed with him until now.

Since she was in the witness protection program, she wouldnā€™t show her face on video. She always said they were going to come after her. She said her fiancĆ© was murdered 7 years ago. šŸ™

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the link srayzie, wonder if there are any leads/clues in her twitter feed? @darkknight111 @carmencita

carmencita ago

I have not been able to find her twitter. Dressage sent me a copy of the one from 8chan but it no longer is listed on the net. There are quite a few JEM

Oh_Well_ian ago

wow. terrible.

darkknight111 ago

Given the death threats, Are We Sure is the number one culprit. Anytime he opens his mouth, we should spam him with how we know he did it.

Vindicator ago

What death threats?

srayzie ago

Oh I donā€™t think heā€™s the one. She was living a really risky life. He didnā€™t even know where she lived. I donā€™t like AreWeSure either. But I donā€™t see him as a killer.

darkknight111 ago

He's been awfully silent about all this. That makes him even more suspiscious.

If he were innocent he'd be jumping at the chance to prove his innocence after all the accusations I threw around.

srayzie ago

Well hopefully all these people who are suspicious will run him off!

heygeorge ago

One may not even want to touch it if they had nothing to do with it. I trust @srayzie ā€˜s instinct here, but Iā€™m biased because I like sray

srayzie ago

Honestly, I saw when he put the Jeffrey Dahmur photo. They were fighting, I didnā€™t take it as a threat to her.

I canā€™t remember why he posted it. Maybe it was because of the art in Tony Podestaā€™s house. I know some took screenshots, I hope they can find it.

I canā€™t stand AWS. I troll that bitch. But, I honestly donā€™t believe it was him.

Are_we__sure ago

It was because she posted a crazy story about Mueller and Uranium One that I corrected. She then a few posts later posted a picture of a baby born with birth defects due to the use of depleted uranium weapons and implied since I corrected her facts I was in favor of causing birth defects in babies. I said that was like Blaming the mattress salesman for Jeffrey Dahmer's insanity because he posed a victim on a mattress. It was example of emotionally manipulative and dishonest argument. And of course, I used the picture that pizza-gate folks claim is related to pizza-gate. A photo I proved in no way is related to.pizzagate.

srayzie ago

Try to find the thread. The search function doesnā€™t search comments. Only the post itself. Youā€™ve made so many people here hate you. Nobody is going to believe you if you donā€™t find the thread.


Are_we__sure ago

I have the exact thread.

bopper ago

I remember that you communicated with her and we talked about her, that's sad.

darkknight111 ago

Been looking into possible murder weapons that resemble a seizure.

So far I've found Fentyal and Camphor.

21yearsofdigging ago

There are also directed energy weapons that are capable of doing this

Zorrilla ago


carmencita ago

In the video Webb says you can see her on video on Bitchute She is Task Force 106 Watch the vid, there are messages from many in her honor. <3

gamepwn ago

Dear god :( Poor Jem777.... I remember her and stood up for her when she was banned. Did you see what her last comment on here was?

"I have actual documents. When my life is no longer threatened I will produce them. They are in safe places." Jem777 had something. She was banned here and now killed.


The Geroge Webb video on her is here.


Edit: She apparently went to a location Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt talked about to in the real world to investigate. Now that I think about it he disappeared to.


darkknight111 ago

https://searchvoat.co/?t=&s=pizzagate&u=Jem777&d=&df=&dt=&nsfw=off Found all of her submissions.

Looks like Are We Sure went and actually carried out his death threats. The ones in which he posted a headless corpse of a Dahmer victim.

Gothamgirl ago

I think this could be her.


TrishaUK ago

I am shocked and very sad right now šŸ˜§šŸ˜­ These people are SICK! Lord šŸ™šŸ» PLEASE let this evil be dealt with SOOOON!

SweetChicken ago

Damn, R.I.P.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh my god how horrible :(

carmencita ago

Oh my Gosh. I can't believe it. @Jem777

pixelkitteh ago

Wow this is some serious info that requires much diggings...

badastrid ago

Check George's twitter. Robin Gritz sent him a text saying that she supposedly died of a massive seizure. If true, then it's entirely possible that there's no foul play. However, I don't believe it for a minute.

carmencita ago

How do they know? No autopsy as of yet, and she knows. Idk, sounds a little too quick. The cover up is starting.

darkknight111 ago

Possible fentynal or camphor poisoning?

carmencita ago

Yeah, right. No foul play. They know how to do that, as we all know.

carmencita ago

If you mean her comment history, most definitely. She was extremely knowledgeable and valuable to us. MF banned her. If I remember correctly he banned her a couple times in one day and then did the same to me. Digging into her death is another place to dig.

TrishaUK ago

SO SAD - šŸ’—GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN JEM777šŸ’— - We will meet again in heaven! This is my first personal encounter with Jem777 - I messaged her asking if she was alright because she had not been on voat for a while. She was so sweet and explained that she had been banned by MF for digging too deep into pizzagate! Glad hes gone! I asked everyone to write to get her back on........then I was banned for stirring trouble against a mod, I then met you carmecita and others joined in the fight to get her unbanned! : Jem777 > TrishaUK | Sent: 12 months ago on 8/19/2017 4:29:30 PM Banned? Yes I have been banned by Millenial Falcon for several days. I have appealed and he says nothing. He said it was for spam but it was not. I found clues deeper than they want me to go.

I asked to come back on and I would not talk about that subject but he refuses. Please gather support for me start a thread or something even if it is going to be deleted. Post a thread with links to my top submission & redditsuckz submission asking for us to be unbanned stating this pizzagate related because these are two of our important researchers who are providing great help to this invention in uncovering child sex trafficking.

That would be great. You are awesome for reaching out. Thanks Jem .............. @2impendingdoom @quantokitty @4_InquiringMinds @redditsucksz @Darkknight111

2impendingdoom ago

Hi Trisha

I had seen at qresearch that jem was found dead etc. Its just mindboggling, I'm kinda at a loss for words about it. I had a small amount of contact with her here and was #1 supporter of her work she posted. The past few months I've just been lurking over at 8chan (it just got too much here and I don't need any more convincing of the world wide corruption, I've seen too much first hand. Actually the only reason I just logged back in to voat today was on the slim delusional hope that Jem sent a DM saying that her death was a hoax and she's in hiding. That would probably spoil the hoax though, I guess. I've been living in hiding myself for so long (due to judicial corruption) that I feel Jem's situation really deeply and its got me all anxious. It doesn't help that my family has been completely unsupportive and I'm reevaluating my family with complete distrust and possibly actual malice. If I were digging for voat, I would check all the boxes. My mother worked as a parent psychologist at a residential school for kids with behavior problems (always trying to fix people) and there has been fuckery for many generations on my father's side who left when I was very young. (Grandfather was electoshocked to maintain WWII secrets back way before I was born). My mother is now rapidly decending with dementia but rarely see her none of my siblings will even consider helping me get my stolen business back despite how much its worth (a lot) and despite how the current status leaves me in danger (the business's entitled commissions won't be paid until the client is sued which needs me to be eliminated). It feels like they want me dead more than the judge who burned my house down did, so I really don't want to deal with the shitty parts of voat. Before Jem left srayzie (who I otherwise support) was trying to convince me that Jem was actually a crazy person named Sarah which I thought was not correct, and there were other things that I got sick of and quit here. Anyway thanks for reaching out, I hope you are well and if you hear any news please dm me I will check in more frequently.

carmencita ago

Thanks for bringing that up. I remember it well. So very unfair. Yes, a bunch of us, banned together to try and get her unbanned. A great loss. Now it is even greater. <3

Dressage2 ago

Yes, I was banned at same time. I tried to get them to change their mind. Did first time, she was banned again.

carmencita ago

Me too. Yes well, many of us tried the first time but the second time it didn't work. What a Huge Loss.

Dressage2 ago

Yes, just add her to the list of great researchers on here.

carmencita ago

Funny they came up with such a quick cause of death. Same day. Something odd indeed about that. She deserves a Full Investigation.

darkknight111 ago

I tried to report the death threats Are We Sure sent to her. The admins did nothing.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Those are the rules on Voat. It has to be an actionable threat (evidence the user's real identity is known).

Shizy ago

Now that we have a name maybe it's possible to dig into her life a little too and see if we can make any connections to try and find out what she was on to maybe?

carmencita ago

GW says she worked on Child Traficking on the weekend. She dug deep, you can bet on it. Watch the video and you will learn more about her. I am sure there is more to come when they get more info.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Why did she cozy up to George Webb? He's not trustworthy and a possible honey pot.

very sad and tragic

carmencita ago

I don't know that for sure. There has been talk about him, but there is talk about many. I never followed him because I made my choice to not follow anyone on youtube. Way too busy researching. But to blast someone and at the hour of her death because she made choices you don't agree with is not right. She did serious work investigating child trafficking as well. Btw, I never down voated you even though I didn't always agree with you, because I thought you had a right to your opinion. I still do. Not gonna do it even now, it's your right. Jem and I and others worked on organ harvesting which is a case close to my heart, and hers so I feel her loss. There is nothing wrong with that. Her heart was in the right place, no matter what you think of Webb and that is your right.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm not blasting her, so please don't exaggerate. I'm merely thinking out loud and my suspicions are directed at Webb.

I like(d) her and communicated with her though DM many times. We were both banned by MF at the same time and had numerous submissions deleted.

Let's keep our minds open.

carmencita ago

Sorry if I read you wrong. I am sensitive where she is concerned too. I am leaning towards suspicion of Webb too now. What led me to that was his video last night of his fake NO tears reaction and also his quick report on her cause of death. No autopsy yet, but he has the results. I am keeping an open mind. All is good.

Shizy ago

Ping me if more info comes up. I want to look into this.

Also, I just posted this about Ketron Island and it's owners:


carmencita ago

Thanks, I have a cold so tired. Will look. If I find anything else on her will let you know.

Shizy ago

Hanks! And feel better šŸ™‚

carmencita ago

George on Jem (Jenny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmj5U9X0ubg Thanks!

ESOTERICshade ago

She's a cop who investigates child trafficking.

The way I understand it she was a cop a few years ago but not anymore.

BBhub ago

I'm really shocked and saddened

EricKaliberhall ago

Very sad news. Rest in peace Jem, you will never be forgotten.

carmencita ago
