EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'd like to ban her glasses from appearing on social media.

noone222 ago

Alex Jones is one that has exposed pedos and other deviants forever. He is a loudmouth and obnoxious but he exposes many of the Globalists Agenda priorities such as gun bans, Muslim pedo acceptance, vaccines damaging kids (and others), shadow banning, NSA and others spying on Americans, the FED RESERVE FRAUD, immigration and sanctuary cities problems, and much of the hypocrisy of the left. No one has to listen to him "but millions are listening and have a right to do so".

Narcissism ago

As Alex Jones admitted during his kids custody battle he is just a persona acting a role. Its all talk with nothing behind it except controlled opposition. Occasionally he will let something slip like admitting to a caller that he knows fine well that 911 was a Nuclear Event but aside from that its just the phony "inside job" chant. Look how he buckled when there was a court case against him over Pizzagate when it would have been at least an opportunity for discovery. The Alt Media has had eons to get its act together and agree a suitable alternative platform instead they go the easy route and ride YT to the dead stop.,
And where is Trump in all this? Its his painstakingly slow approach thats allowing the Deep State to reassert itself. They both would need to be smarter if they want to take on the Deep State - all talk and no action ain't gonna do it.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Mid term pre-emptive strike on Alex Jones.

Great info!

Zorrilla ago

Excellent comment. To demonstrate your point - some time ago, when researching the origin of the McCann E-fits which so closely resemble the Podesta brothers, I came across a mainstream web forum in which the McCann case was being discussed in great detail, and many ideas and theories regarding her disappearance and those responsible were being put forth. Someone made the suggestion that the e-fits were an almost perfect match for John and Tony Podesta, and this was very aggressively ridiculed and dismissed by someone who apparently had a lot of clout on the forum (perhaps a moderator), who deemed the suggestion a "conspiracy theory" which deserved no place in the discussion.

bayoubelle ago

Jones hit a nerve or it was a planned distraction. Interesting.

carmencita ago

Another lousy gift DB gave us, was the take down of Anita Hill. That's how we got Clarence Thomas.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Remember Arrington de Dionyso? For those who may have forgotten, he's the creepy "artist" who painted the disgusting mural on Comet's wall and created the Trump beheading painting, which he was selling on tote bags until the print company said they could no longer accept orders from him. LOL!

Here's his thoughts about how he feels about censorship:

Blair Murphy [Interviewer]: You’re an artist and a musician, and it seems that many of the people who have been targeted by the right wing extremist trolls and paranoid conspiracy theorists who latched onto Pizzagate are artists. Does it seem like that’s an accident?

Arrington de Dionyso: I think it’s a very deliberate assault, which will eventually be a coordinated assault on all forms of free expression. But I think they’re starting with artists who might be exploring themes of queerness or resisting dominant paradigms in their work or artists who, there may be aspects of their work that might already be inviting a certain kind of controversy. And they’re definitely running that really hard through this very fictitious link to these occult themes and reading quite a lot into it.

He pretty much admits that their low quality trash they call art was meant to draw controversy, and this is how he reacts? Sure, art is supposed to ignite thought, which leads to interpretation, so why would anyone who considers themselves to be an artist bitch about how the public views and feels about their work? Don't like the way the public is interpreting your craft? Take a long look in the mirror, Arrington.

Their creations do indeed reflect their sick, dark desires. Meanwhile, all our voices are being silenced because the child abusing Satanists are under the microscope and can't handle the heat.


noone222 ago

Great post Enigma ! The "art" so described is definitely intended to spark something, what I don't know other than angst and disgust. To prey upon children can never be considered "the norm" ! Then, to silence everyone opposed to this "art" can only soothe the souls of the perverts that appreciate it !

Pizzalawyer ago

Great post even if there is some mis-understanding of trusts vs. foundations. And how do we know if these folks strictly adhere to the law regarding these various financial arrangements? They exist in a rarefied world where they both make the rules and bend the rules as they see fit.

Berrysoetasty ago

Long time lurker here first time signing up. I really don't have a problem with Alex, and personally I believe his censorship is proof that he isn't controlled opposition. This is good old communist style censorship because our country has been ideologically subverted. Someone wants to shut him up, I believe at least, and personally I don't think he was trying to impede the pizzagate research, I believe James alefantis was going to sue him for libel and being that this man is relatively powerful I think jones was scared and backtracked. I was so pissed when he called it a honeypot, but looking at this, there's something a lot deeper going on.

YogSoggoth ago

Read very carefully what everyone here types. That is indeed another possible scenario. What sets us apart is we never depended on Alex Jones for information. I, and some others here, were working on this before PG. In my case, I was working on it before I knew how to turn on a PC.

Berrysoetasty ago

Actually what drew me to him was his willingness to believe in all of this. I found the Franklin cover up on YouTube a year or so after I graduated high school and have been obsessed with it ever since. I was actually a liberal before this last election, and when pizzagate came around I realized what was actually going on & saw another YouTube video of anonymous threatening Hillary Clinton by saying they were going to release a video of Bill Clinton having sex with a 13 year old, low and behold a week or so later trump won, I personally believe this video was part of the reason why. I think they were scared that the video would get released if she was in office. But yeah for sure I am paying attention, I've literally been lurking since this page started but have been too big of a puss to sign up.

YogSoggoth ago

I was raised a Conservative Democrat. That breed is extinct.

MrShekelstein ago

Alex Jones became pure disinformation once that lawsuit hit.

He went from pro-pizzagate to anti-pizzagate in a single video and podesta thought he had cleared himself from an ass beating in jail with that little stunt.

notagame ago

Not surprised.

First, he denies pizzagate rather than defend himself! Think of the good he could have done! All he had to do is prove that the evidence presented a reasonable scenario in which to ask questions. Look at that Instagram account ... they could spend a year on that evidence alone.

Now he wants Trump to make him co-running mate by using ALEX JONES' NAME IS THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN? Yeah, fucking, right, you fucking POS!!! He's also whining about appearing before congress! Then there's him taking shill/disinfo specialist Craig Sawyer under his wing ... and a host of other problems that project ''CIA ASSET'' on that ignoble brow.

Fuck off, AJ! Why would all the big online giants ban you, eh? Just a random choice I'd say. But it gives this POS a nice big platform in which to spew lies, but now we have this. So at least we know, and you can't tell anyone you weren't warned.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are at least three possibilities, 1) Alex Jones is a deep state disinformation shill participating in a psy op; 2) Alex Jones was threatened in a way severe enough to make him too scared to fight back due to some sort of compromising activity he's participated in; or, 3) They tried to kill him, or threatened him or his kids.

notagame ago

Nobody threatened that fucking loud mouth.

He's a POS. If people watched him for entertainment value, whatever, but he's no hero.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah, probably not

YogSoggoth ago

Prove that the evidence presented a reasonable scenario in which to ask questions. You mean like Ben Swann, who was successfully promoting truth in journalism on TV? I have seen no flaws in his presentation, and he got shut down.

notagame ago

If I understand your point, nothing makes any difference. So why is AJ saying anything? And why is he trying to involve others in a futile effort.

If this isn't your point, could you please rephrase what is because this is the way I took it.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry, I type what I think, and don't explain sometimes. I have thought AJ was controlled opposition many years ago (pre-PG). I am not suggesting that he might have turned on his controllers also. As far as I can tell, Ben Swann is the real deal, and really got shut down. Always came across as someone who was not compromised.

notagame ago

I agree about Swann. He did have that genuine feel about him. There are a few around like that ... where they give off an authenticity. Very sorry about the ridiculous banning and hope something can be done. Not sure what hate speech they cited him for, but if it's frivolous ... and they're keeping him from earning a living, fight it. Just bring along the tweets of RR, Leong, Cusack, King and others. Then have them explain why the lefties still have their accounts when they use unbelievably reprehensible language and spew venom/hate.

YogSoggoth ago

I am thinking that Swann was given orders, and is not happy about it. Doubt he is compromised.

notagame ago

I don't think so, but I've been wrong before.

YogSoggoth ago

Everyone has, but it does not add up. He was the only semi mainstream guy allowed to do Ron Paul. He was the only one to even dare to do PG. He was always there on real issues. Do you think he is controlled opposition? Were that true, he would be the best at that. I have seen zero evidence.

notagame ago

Do I think he's controlled opposition? No. Absolutely not. Never even occurred to me, but like I said, I've been wrong.

He always seemed genuine.

YogSoggoth ago

All comes out in the wash. Gets stuuck in the filter or de plumbing. If they had one speck of dirt on him, you answer.

Judgejewdy ago

Everything about him screams schister.

notagame ago

It does, doesn't it?

It's the perfect personality for an asset. The same with Sawyer. And he's playing victim for all it's worth. This puts him into that spotlight that nobody should want him to have.

Blacksmith21 ago

"In a weird twist that cut"s right through the DC art world, the daughter-in-law of Gwen and Morris Cafritz had a run-in with who else but Charles Manson in the lead-up to the Manson murders. While her involvement with the family was short, remember that Manson killed Abigail Folger, heiress to the Folger fortune and relative of Izette Folger, who appears to be one of James Alefantis' best friends. She calls him 'Pan'."

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Brilliant work, kudos.

mrnicegoy ago


auralsects ago

oh look, a rich kike. yawn.

Zorrilla ago

No wonder Alefantis was always so arrogant and cocksure whenever he came on here.

carmencita ago

I think he never left.

Vindicator ago

What account is he using now? Any thoughts?

YogSoggoth ago

Pretty sure they have all been called out, in one way or another. Either way, it all comes out in the wash.

Zorrilla ago

Who do you think Are_We_Sure is? I know it's not JA, but it is somebody who knows a thing or two.

YogSoggoth ago

Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. I am pretty sure I called Vindicater a shill at one point or another. I would rather be a lurker than a fake online persona. I was going to say that are we sure is most likely Robert de Niro. Nero was the last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

Zorrilla ago

I haven't noticed anyone on here recently exhibiting Alefantis' particular brand of arrogance and his air of untouchable superiority, but I expect he at least checks in now and then to see what we're coming up with - or maybe he's moved on and forgotten about us, as he's so sure he's gotten away with everything.

carmencita ago

NOpe. Not really, just that they never gave up over at reddit until we were banished. So why would they leave here? I just think they want to stay until the job is finished or just to keep an eye on things. I have heard others say they are still here. Just were and who is the question.

Are_we_sure ago

You don't like the American way? Whaddya, a Commie?

...just read your previous post. You seem to have made a mistake and confused two separate Cafritz entities.

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation is not the source of Pamela Cafritz's money. The foundation is a non profit 501(c)3 corporation as you can see on their 990 tax return. http://www.foundationsearch.com/990/ARCHIVE/5/MORRIS%20AND%20GWENDOLYN%20CAFRITZ%20FOUNDATION%202008%20526036989.PDF

As you note

Out of her six figure annual stipend from her father’s trust, Miss Cafritz paid for all of Mr. Raniere’s personal living expenses for many years.

Pamela Cafritz got her money from a trust fund not the family foundation. 501(c)3 money can't just spent on your own family. This is why Trump's charity is going to have to dissolve. He was using the money to pay personal debts or buy things for himself or even for campaign expenses. In the words of the NY AG, he was using the foundation as a person checkbook.

A trust fund is about distributing family money usually to future generations, kids or grandkids. You can take a chunk of money and rather than giving it to them all at once, guarantee them an income every year. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trust-fund.asp

If I'm worth 10 billion dollars and give 5 billion to setup a charitable foundation, that is now the foundations money. Not mine and I only have 5 billion left. I may be on the board of the foundation and direct the grants, but the grants need to made under IRS rules for non profits. I can't just give them to my kids. If I want to distribute money to my kids, I can setup a trust fund, but I have to do that with my money.

Info on Trump's charity being sued by New York State. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-trump-foundation/new-york-sues-trump-and-his-charity-over-self-dealing-idUSKBN1JA26G

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Was Tony Podesta involved in deplatforming Jones?

septimasexta ago

Great research Thanks! Do you think Jones was in on this conspiracy? The power of citizen researchers and platforms like VOAT is independence. We can't be lumped into one pile, named, discredited and done away with. Enter sleeper cell Jones. We know from Cooper that he was elbowing his way into the Patriot community (early citizen researchers without internet) through radio, early on. Patriot Cooper outed Jones as a liar and phony on one of his shows. Not long after, Cooper was set up and shot while outside on his own property. Alex quickly increases his reach and gets a TV show with more and more sophisticated graphics. Early on, he would repeat what researchers had found, but with a specific spin and NOT mentioning certain topics and people. Because he had enough good factual content, many new viewers (unaware of his past) flocked to his "alternative" news. Jones' loudmouth obnoxious personality was purposeful. It created a distorted caricature of alternative media and citizen journalists/ researchers. "Bullhorn = Pizzagate crazies." Now, MSM had a TARGET/ STRAW MAN to knock down! Unfortunately, they underestimated the true researchers and their ability to get the message out - including exposing Jones. Now, MSM ARE DESPERATE. They have to take down Jones NOW while he still has a dwindling following, and BEFORE ELECTIONS. He has been a READY MADE TARGET all along. We are the real target. Listen carefully to what Jones is now calling on Trump to do. Q has already indicated that they have rejected Jones....

YogSoggoth ago

But what of the poor vitamin growers? (1) Alex is a fake plant. (2) They take him down. (3) Trotted out as a Martyr before midterms. Only one more before it becomes quadruple disinformation. Swordfish could probably find the connection between Rick James's Satanic activities before prison, and MC Hammer, if he wanted to. ( maybe I missed that post, too)

flyingcuttlefish ago

there's a good discussion of Alex Jones interferance in 9-11 groups and exploitation of topics simply to line his pockets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxi_4zLlAms

Porkins Policy Radio

Published on Aug 8, 2018

This week I discussed the recent banning of Alex Jones on several tech platforms from two different perspectives. In the first hour Robbie Martin joined me to discuss the negative aspects of this. We talked about the dangers of censorship and what this may mean for the future of alternative media. Then we addressed the latest on the ever evolving Qanon saga. Robbie and I inquired how this may be related to the banning of Jones.

bayoubelle ago

Bingo. Jones was allowed into Bohemian Grove.

fakepizzareality ago

but why?

kraftykat ago

Yes coop hated Jones and warned against him and I believe (d) him. But Cooper was fighting the irs and winning I might add. He was going through the steps to stop paying taxes and exposing the irs for the frauds they are. He had taken out the required full page ad in the paper opting out and had a court case coming. I think he had a feeli n he would die because he sent his wife and kid out of the country. Anyway Jones had nothing to do with any of that. But yeah coop hated him.

GodsGarbage ago

It gets worse than that. Alex Jones spreads memes that Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple can use to ban Trump supporters from their platforms.

I introduce myself here https://voat.co/v/introductions/2665462

And talk about the Alex Jones controversy here https://voat.co/v/introductions/2665462/13498530 Where I paint the big picture of why Alex Jones is popular and how we can stop him (by focusing on the facts on posting real news)

argosciv ago

"Play both sides" always comes to mind RE: Alex Jones.

Moreso now than ever.

carmencita ago

So David Brock gives Patricia Bauman a Shout Out. How Special. NRDC rakes in tons of cash. Some from me in the past. NO MORE. Anyway Robert Redford is deeply involved in NRDC as well. WHOA! KKTownsend was a Chair on Correct The Record? BLAST HER. That org. Reeked Havoc on reddit for many.

bayoubelle ago

Robert Redford just "retired". hmmm

carmencita ago

He used to be a Hot-throb of mine many moons ago. Now not so much. Also, I think his heart is in the wrong place. I just talked to my husband about him and we both said how glad we don't send money to the NRDC and many others. I think thee is some fishy stuff going on in Park City. He has a restaurant there and the Sundance Film Festival is there as well. Mitt Romney had a very fancy affair there when he ran for Pres. All the Big Wigs were there. Hmm is right.

LostandFound ago

Thanks for the links, seems about right. This is another drama performance by tptb, like so many we have become acustomed to at this stage. Social sites will push the envelope on what's acceptable in order to seek regulation, that's the goal here. Regulation will cement the market and people will just forget they can leave the platform which is the appropriate solution here. It's all just one big power structure that our poor misunderstood pizza shop owner keeps surfacing in. He has been rubbing shoulders with Podesta since at least 2004 the guy is seriously connected.

think- ago

Very interesting. Thanks, @swordfish69.

11-11 ago

i do not have anything to add or info to pass on... wanted to say thanks for your research.