EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Black babies are being aborted at alarming rates and so are white children but there is a real effort to get the black women to abort. CPS loves to take the white babies. Did anyone see the post from Cecile Richards where she says the future is Latina? I think Latina women have fewer abortions since the community values family more highly and they help each other, but certainly it will be easier for Aztlan to happen along with the Muslim invasion since black and white people are all about aborting themselves out of existence while Latinas and Muslims want large families. The birth rates of white and black women are far far far lower. Sad to think of what we have unknowingly consumed in the way of flavor enhancers, etc. Here are some more articles:



Iam7777777 ago

See Dec24. Also see date on wikiemail podesta, pizza related map. Notice the date. Dec24.


fogdryer ago

I believe in scientific research I believe in stem cells but always goes too far. 😰

new4now ago

they don't need baby parts for stem cells

all they need are eggs and sperm and a petri dish

I see both sides, but think they should put solid no loopholes in regards to abortions

also think something needs to be done about trafficking, no doubt

I also wonder just how many diseases have been made in a lab?

they hide the truth, no oversite

a lot of these researchers have picked up what the Nazi scientist we brought back, started

where do you draw the line

from what I been reading PP doesn't need tax dollars

grant money is huge also maybe some of those celebrities can put their money where their mouth is

PP and researchers been running amok, it needs to stop

fogdryer ago

Excuse me if my post isn’t completely revenant as I didn’t have the stomach to finish. What a sad day for America that we are now sellers of unborn innocents.
This is certainly trafficking

new4now ago

after doing this post, I wanted to quit, its not just these children being trafficked

it gets so overwhelming sometimes

how low people go makes me ill

fogdryer ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Industrial. Scale. Trafficking. (I cannot say it enough)

carmencita ago

UPVOAT. Stupendous Post Again.

carmencita ago

Oh my God. I **shudder ** to think what part 3 will be like. This is horrible. It's so heartbreaking how they can just grind them up. Down the drain. I hope something comes of the Cali Complaint. I can't even believe it. Of all states. Let us pray this comes to pass.

new4now ago

I edited post with what happened,

hit the max, so had to shorten it

carmencita ago

Did you see fog's post I sent you? She had probs too w/the 10K limit on words.

new4now ago

not sure if English her first language, not really sure about her in general

but I know she did a lot of research on it

hope she doesn't give up

will send a message

carmencita ago

Yeah, me too.

shoosh ago

A few years ago I watched a lecture of a woman, now retired and completely reformed, explain her job in an abortion clinic. She said that birth control pills are rigged to produce pregnancy, which is why birth control has a very low efficacy. She described how employees were trained to conduct themselves with women during interviews, all to lean them toward an abortion. I only wish I could remember her name or I'd link it here.
found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXZCOaRVrbg

new4now ago

The battle of funds for worldwide abortions..........

President Obama repealed rules on Friday that restricted federal money for international organizations that promote or provide abortions overseas, sweeping aside a pillar of the social policy architecture of George W. Bush’s presidency

The executive order that Mr. Obama signed reverses one of the first measures enacted by Mr. Bush when he took over the White House eight years ago and capped an opening-week flurry of action intended to signal a sharp break from the past in domestic and foreign arenas.

“For the past eight years, they have undermined efforts to promote safe and effective voluntary family planning in developing countries,” Mr. Obama said of the restrictions. “For these reasons, it is right for us to rescind this policy and restore critical efforts to protect and empower women and promote global economic development.”

The policy has become a symbolic and substantive football in Washington politics over the years. President Ronald Reagan first imposed the ban in 1984 when it was announced at a conference in Mexico City. President Bill Clinton lifted it a couple of days after taking office in 1993. Mr. Bush restored it a couple of days after he took office in 2001, and advocates on both sides expected Mr. Obama to lift it again.

The only surprise was that Mr. Obama acted a day after the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision establishing a constitutional right to abortion, rather than on the day itself as the last two presidents did. Mr. Obama did little to call attention to his move, issuing his comments only in writing and releasing the order after 7 p.m. Friday.

“President Obama will be remembered forever not just as a smart, savvy, gifted and eloquent leader — but as the Abortion President,” Representative Christopher H. Smith, Republican of New Jersey and co-chairman of the House Bipartisan Pro-Life Caucus, said in a written statement.

“President Obama’s actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don’t have access to family planning,” said Tod Preston, a vice president at Population Action International.

Word of the order was received enthusiastically at a meeting on population trends at the University of California, Berkeley. Many of the gathered experts work for family planning organizations that face declining flows of government and private aid.

“It is actually a great day for those who oppose abortion,” said Steven W. Sinding, a past director-general of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and population adviser to the World Bank. “This will help many of the most effective providers of family planning services to enable women to avoid unwanted pregnancies.”



new4now ago

Thank You :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome. ;)