Dressage2 ago

Thx for the ping.

carmencita ago

Please read the post. It is important that you do. I highly value your research and there will be a new post, but we are not ready yet. Believe me you will want to know. We will need all the comments and research we can get. Thank You. One more girl has been found. No info yet.

Dressage2 ago

That is definitely organ harvesting. They might have had people waiting somewhere in the city for their organ that they paid big dollars for in advance. Somebody cherry picked those kids just like the friend that went missing earlier. That video was pure fuckery going on.

We know this is a huge industry and huge money. Let me tell you what I saw yesterday. A Mexican guy posted on Twitter (@yealJesus) a 40sec or so video of harvesting a young teen boy’s organs while he is still alive. It is called a medical harvesting. There were several men participating and the young boy was lying half way on what appeared to be a dead adult man in the dirt. The boy was gagged so he couldn’t scream. I could not see the adult man’s head, so the head might have been missing. This evil man has the boy cut completely open of his torso cutting through ribs, etc. and the boy obviously appears to be in shock as he twists and turns under the knife. You know there are no pain med drips going in this child’s arm. The man slaps the boy hard on the side of his face to keep him responsive. Another poster said these are performed out in the remote areas and these guys are trained to keep the person alive until they remove all their organs.The poster said he had seen a young girl with all her organs removed in the desert. This video is not for the faint of heart. You will never be unable to see it. Lots of blood. Carmencita, you could NEVER unsee this. This boy’s stomach sack was blowing out like a balloon as he tried to breathe and they were pointing and laughing at it.

Honestly, I wish this video could be shown to everyone trying to flee to the US. These dumbass parents would not be so quick to toss their six-year-old over a fence with no food, water in 100 degree heat with only a slip of paper in his pocket with his supposed mother’s phone number. These teenage boys might think different of going out in the desert trying to find their way. I would love for this to air on MSM and all these bleeding heart Libs could see the real danger of trekking across a desert. This is real organ harvesting is big time in and out of the US and billions of $$$ industry.

This is very real folks and I believe law enforcement in Chicago dealing with these kids know a lot more than they will say. I know the area well and the corruption is rampant. Look who is the mayor, need not say more. There are clean cops as well as dirty ones and they are definitely running a organ harvesting business. ChicagoO’Hare Airport is huge and it would be real easy to fly in and out with a wad of cash to pave the runway with.

Pray for all this people.

Dressage2 ago

Just saw this going to read. Thx.

carmencita ago

Its shocking. Chicago must be asleep. The Black Community has been desensitized. Imo, someone is killing them. My theory is the police. They are dressed like Black Site Ops. They are shooting them in the back now. I have not posted about one I found and he was allowed to lay in the street covered by a sheet. People told the EMTs that he was moving but the ignored it and let him lay there for an hour. I believe the Ambulance Cos. are involved and they are stocked with people that will carry out their orders. Something is seriously wrong there. Also I believe Emanuel has the same type of Police Chief as they have in DC. Just like Newsham.

Dressage2 ago

Just what I posted. We think a like. That is what I was saying. I also think a lot of that black on black crime is blk Ops taking them out and running body parts.

carmencita ago

I have hated Emanuel since he was with Bill C. He is a cocky puny little rat. I would not want to meet him in a dark alley. His father was with Irgun an Israeli terrorist group and Rahm left here to join and fight the in the Israeli army since he had dual citizenship. What a deal he has going there. If those people ever find out, I can't even imagine. Yeah, I have always thought we thought alike, that's why I pinged you.

Dressage2 ago

I need ask you this. Sarah Sanders was kicked out of the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington Va last night. I was reading their website and they were talking about farm to table fresh meats and veggies and named the places they would buy from. This whole write up reminded me of research that someone did on here and we were shocked somebody’s daughter owned it. I want to say Chuck Schumer’s kid but my mind is pickled with almost two years of this stuff. Do you recall somebody owning a restaurant or farm that tied into all this perverted crap? Not the one where Podesta butchered pigs either. I was just wondering if Sarah was trying to get us to see something.

carmencita ago

There were two guys that owned a farm on the east coast and they were connected to Alfantis somehow. A chicken farm but that is not somebody's daughter. Other than that I can think of no one else. As you say, pickled is how my mind feels too. Now you have me wondering. If I remember anything I will send along. Btw, I just read the article again about the kid lying in the street. Here it is https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-chicago-teen-shot-in-the-head-was-covered-in-a-sheet-by-paramedics-he-died-nearly-a-day-later/ar-AAySAXu?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=U346DHP While talking about memories, I sure miss Phishing Team.

Dressage2 ago

Thx so much for trying to think. Thx for the article. I will let you know if something else becomes of this.

carmencita ago

Most def do let me know.

carmencita ago

Bradley Stephens Mayor of Rosemont

Mayor Bradley A. Stephens was appointed Mayor of Rosemont by the Village of Rosemont Board of Trustees, on May 1, 2007, two weeks after his father, Mayor Donald E. Stephens, passed away while serving his 14th consecutive term in the same office.

https://www.rosemontchamber.com/?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&itemid=7 Rosemont Chamber of Commerce

What I remember about him is that he was DIRTY and so was his dad who also was DIRTY and is deceased now.

carmencita ago

Gary Mack of Rosemont and is their Spokesman in the Articles - http://www.mackcommunications.com/gary.html Founder and CEO of Gary Mack @millennial_vulcan @new4now

carmencita ago

@Michael84 You are such a good researcher. We need you here. This IS Pizzagate in a Nutshell. Organ Harvesting and the Missing Children and Chicago Please Help. And Spread.

carmencita ago

@ASolo @neptunium1 @kestrel9 @jangles @Dressage2 Please ping others We have discovered some Shocking Things. This IS Pizzagate!

millennial_vulcan ago

WONDER how much long all these WEALTHY CELEBRITIES paid waited to get their transplanted organs?

Must have been tough for them to uh, spend so long on a waiting list like regular folk. Especially as they may have needed to procure organs in a hurry, given filming times or getting back to political careers etc...

Yes, I wonder...


@new4now @Enigmatic_Continuum @think- (think, we have an insane discussion here. Read through comments when you get chance) @chickyrogue @fogdryer

new4now ago

I read where money people can get on donor list in every state because they can fly to the state at any given notice

carmencita ago

What a Crock. All from friends and relatives. Well ain't that just Ducky. Dick Cheney had about 4 or 5 hearts. All filled with lies.

carmencita ago

Yes, Insane is an Understatement. Will look at link then Go To Sleep.

millennial_vulcan ago

Just posting this here instead of starting a new thread. Maybe could start another organ trafficking post up top soon, because you guys, this to me IS pizzagate. Chicago is the connection. Carm, youre so right to focus on this.

First, a mystery. Whats UP with this weird connection between Selena Gomez and her kidney transplant IN CHICAGO (I know!! WHAT!! Straight off the rack right from the Rosemont Hotel? Her "best friend donated it" MY ASS....) back around May/June of last year and the WEIRD references to Kenneka Jenkins walking into a freezing in Selena's video for "Fetish" released in July of last year.


Internet sleuths have been onto this for a while. Reddit, LipstickAlley. And it will kinda blow your mind. Comments sections are full of "Kenneka was killed for her kidney that was sold to Selena" but the timeline doesnt quite add up as Kenneka went missing on Sept 09/10 and Selena's operation was a few months earlier. But even that's weird because there's never been exact clarification on when the operation exactly occurred. Just massive exposure when Selena released her hospital pictures on Sept 14th.


BTW, Selena does not have lupus or whatever crap she's making up. She has a massive coke n alcohol problem, and kidney ended up failing. There are also those that say there isn't even a kidney thing going on at all and she just spent that whole summer in rehab, but I think she did have the operation.

And did I mention CHICAGO?!!

@Enigmatic_Continuum @new4now @chickyrogue @Blacksmith21 @fogdryer

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That's really interesting! I'll have to look into it and see what I can find.

new4now ago

boned up on this condition

maybe you'll have same questions I did


carmencita ago

Wow. I am just in total shock. The replies to the pic in the bed! Lupus can call for replacing your liver at some point? Is she totally lying then. Oh, yes I have read things about her on CDAN and what a user she is. Including the freezer is beyond creepy. So they already had planned on Kaneeka's demise earlier and they faked the operation time. But in reality it took place around Sept. 9/10. Why would she send out the pics right after Kaneeka's death? Of all the time she had, she picked that time right after the "accident". And then she ads the Freezer! Bleeping Baloney.

millennial_vulcan ago

Balony! I don't think Gomez had the operation had the operation around the time that Kenneka was supposed to have died, because the time she posted that pic of her and bestie faking their hospital stays (Sept 14th) she was already back at work on that Woody Allen film. (lots of tabloid pics everywhere)

So she must have had the operation earlier and if it was Kenneka, then she was murdered earlier and the girl wandering around drunk in the hotel surveillance video is a fake (which many people think was the case anyways.)

This sh*t just gets deeper and deeper. Gotta get to the bottom of whats going down in Chicago. Can't get distracted by celebrity suicides.

carmencita ago

can you send me that yahoo link? It's not working for me. Strange.

carmencita ago

Did you get my message on the Tweet Scroll down IHG - Red Cross Owner of Crown Plaza owns IHG and the deal in Organs Chinese


millennial_vulcan ago

yes yes saw! I think new4now posted this yesterday too? Owner of Rosemont also owns organ-related places.

The entire V/pgate subverse commentators need to see this thread. This is so huge cant even. And to think was getting distracted by stupid Pa Sparkles and his dummy duchess daughter-ho. SMDH. Is there a direct connect from this hotel to Skippy? Doubt they've stayed there as too ghetto for them. But some politicos must have spent time there? I don't know chicago or rosemont at all.

carmencita ago

There will probably be one to Rahm. There is connection with the IHG to Chinese and Chinese and Rahm are Best Buddies.

carmencita ago

You are so right It just came together for me. new4now just sent me a link on the Autopsy results and it says that she was 5 ft 6in and weighed 159 lbs. Well how in the heck is that possible. If they used all her organs she would be a heck of a lot lighter BUT you just got it. She was pretty thin in the video and on the morgue table she is 159. Not possible. @new4now http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-kenneka-jenkins-autopsy-toxicology-report-20171006-htmlstory.html

new4now ago

report has weight of kidneys, I think one was heavier

read somewhere her alcohol was .12

and she had some migraine/ epilepsy med in her

i need to go over report

remember thinking she wasnt raped

looked up ME, nothing on her that I could find, not like the other one

carmencita ago

Well, if you remember I posted that the ME had to fire one of the pathologists and go over all of his past reports. I wonder about them, and we know that they are faking so many things for RE the mayor. Whatever he wants he gets or you are gone.

new4now ago

was so tired, was gonna go through everything this morn

carmencita ago

Yeah, well me too. I am going to be very tied up today with personal things with my parents. They are senior seniors. Will do what I can.

millennial_vulcan ago

this topic is rendering me so woke by the second. Can't even. The Selena connection is off the charts. WTF with that video of her WALKING INTO A DAMN FREEZER!


carmencita ago

Maybe tomorrow we can ping people to read the comments.

new4now ago

agree with you

why would she get one kidney?

when you have 2, when one goes bad they just take it out don't they?

live on just one?

she had 1 scar

also, if lupus so bad it eating her kidneys, other organs would be going too

I agree its a crock, was thinking she donated to someone

Chicago, SMH

fogdryer ago

This is going on in every state around us We are being lied to as cause of death Lied to about the circumstances !!!!!

If her gf was involved how did she / hotel manager know about organ trafficking ?

carmencita ago

Will look at it. Here is the thread with Jane Doe and she was a Black Child about 10-12 yrs. old. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1668646 You may pick up a couple things in the comments. But his post is what is really important. He knows so much about the body regarding organ harvesting. There is another thread on a hospital that they used for organ harvesting. I will go through them later and send what may be important and will start looking through Cook County Morgue and who may be into the harvesting. Look up melanin and pineal glands too. Possibly the difference between the black and white ones make a difference. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was going to Barf. And I am one that can't stand the sight of blood or throw up. Yikes.

millennial_vulcan ago

that voat link is insane. From 1.2 YEARS ago? WE were woke back then but did not have all pieces of puzzle. I am not going to sleep tonight after reading that :(

new4now ago

I break once in awhile, last night was one of those times

was gonna step back for a few days, but think this subject very important

will check the link, Thanks

carmencita ago

It's very sad but important. Be sure to check the link he provides for Jane Doe St. Louis

new4now ago

I saw that, I'm speechless

carmencita ago

I know. I was mortified or days and even weeks. I could not get her out of my mind and thought of her every night I went to bed. I think the police were covering for the guys that found her. The long article that is now scrubbed, it said they thought she came from NC. I saw a pic one time of the building and the basement where they found her. The details drove me mad.

millennial_vulcan ago

Many believe last year's most watched, Oscar nominated film "GET OUT" was director Jordan Peele's way of telling us about organ harvesting and black kids going missing :(


Please watch if haven't seen @new4now @Enigmatic_Continuum @Blacksmith21 @

carmencita ago

I wish I could. I can't. I just can't. This all has affected me too much and if I do, I may have to take another break.

Blacksmith21 ago

Seen it. The brother escapes....

fogdryer ago

spread awareness! someone is killing our kids...……………...so sick.

chg is not a safe place to be...

carmencita ago

Yes, I thought they were only after Black children but one of the girls is white. Scary and Frightening times. My friend tells me Amazon is trying to move there. Another worry.

millennial_vulcan ago

Amazon really? I thought they picked boston or dc on east coast?

carmencita ago

Hey can you two check the Search and see if you can find an old thread on Kaneeka Jenkins? I have searched under her name and Freezer and Crown Plaza and Rosemont I know there was a thread on her in pgate and it had a lot of comments. Everything I found is in other subs. I am not that good at the Search. @new4now

new4now ago

cant find it either, even went back in my comments

still trying though

carmencita ago

DRATS! I have spelled her name wrong! It is Kenneka. Darn. I will check.

new4now ago

I can only go so far back in comments

was thinking that time we were down for dys, someone said something was full

wonder if they deleted stuff to get us back up

carmencita ago

You can ask Vindicator how to get into them. There is a way and I can't remember. I heard him telling someone how to do it. So there is a way.

carmencita ago

It's all a lie. Did they just take out the kidney? No. I believe they would use all her organs. They never waste anything. It says 5 ft 6 in. 159 lbs. How can she way that much? I think they lied. She would be a lot lighter. They would not waste those organs they can make hundreds of thousands. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm you might have been spelling her name wrong when you search. You always spell it with an "a" but it's "KENNEKA"

carmencita ago

Then just keep reading ! OhMG!! Listen, it lists the Chinese Organ Trade, I read an article by Jimmy Breslin (now deceased) about Rahm and it said that Rahm deals with the Red Chinese. This could be the answer. Red Cross Chinese and Rahm maybe. @new4now

millennial_vulcan ago

rahm has been teflon don throughout this whole pgate thing of last two years. WTF!

All those other Chicago shootings just distractions/false flags from what's really up with that city. Please can we all research more. Damn!

carmencita ago

Are those shootings set ups? The ones that survive long enough are there organs used and then they die? Or the ones that are near death? When Trump brought up Chicago and called them out on it. I took notice. Something is just not right. Too many organs in those shootings.

millennial_vulcan ago

its the perfect ruse. Many birds killed at once. (lol, inappropriate!)

Noone cares about black folk being shot. Its expected. Baddies taken out. Fresh organs at the ready.


damn Carm. Folk need TO SEE this thread !

carmencita ago

Ping tomorrow. Or A Post. I say ping them and tell how URGENT it is what we all discovered.

carmencita ago

I can't open the Tribune article I am over my limit. Saw the other one. Steve Koch is now Dirty too.

new4now ago

I hear ya on limit

I can go through it in one day

carmencita ago

Yes, going through this kind of thread WILL take a whole day. A lot of thinking to consider.

carmencita ago

This is Blowing Sky High @millennial-vulcan

smokemirrors ago

DAMN. Carm, can you do PART 2 of this thread tomorrow and reference this one? Im telling you: all the new celebrity suicides are to distract from this very topic. I know it. Celebrity suicides are the new school shootings SMDH Noone cares about shootings anymore/getting desensitized. That said, Bourdain for sure taken out by Weinsteins "people"

carmencita ago

I won't be able to tomorrow. Going out for most of the day. Maybe Mon. One of you would be better. There is so much info. It will be a Mile Long. We should discuss it. I pinged you to look at fogdryer's post. It is on Rahm Emanuel. @new4no

millennial_vulcan ago

From the yahoo comments, this was amazing:

"DIANE 9 months ago Organ Trafficking is a real thing! White People have always killed Black People for their organs (Kidneys, Hearts, Lungs, etc.,) and there is a Long "List" of "WHITE' People waiting on organs. Forty Years ago The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals of Cleveland was notorious for dealing in Organ Trafficking, " If" A Black Person went in for something Minor, they would have a "bad" reaction and die (Strange). It has now become a BILLION dollar$$$$ industry, so a lot of People (Especially Blacks) will have to die in order for "WHITES" (Organ Recipients) People to Live."

carmencita ago

I am going to Vomit. Scroll down. Read the Tweets I have not read the whole article yet. Ugh. @new4now

millennial_vulcan ago

carm may this thread never die.

We have come right back to the heart of pgate. The sale of illegal body parts and organs. OMG getting woke by the second. Do you think every time a celebrity needs a fresh organ, their 'handlers' send out an sos to different cities and a search conducted to find the right match (fast scanning through hospital records etc, schools etc) and a victim abducted and killed and made to look like suicide/kidnapping/accident etc Who else A List has had kidney/lung/heart/whatever transplants in recent years? DID THEY HAVE THEIR OPERATIONS IN CHICAGO?! Sh*tballs! @new4now

new4now ago

that could very well be

these DNA tests would help, the ones for health, and whos to say they dont run them when not paid for

also, another family member might have records, was thinking negative angle

carmencita ago

There are links I can't open. @new4now sent me one and it correlates with a link to IHG-Red Cross IHG is the Key to Chinese Organs & Red Cross. It includes Rahm Emanuel Can't open link. AARGH!

new4now ago

they opened for me, hmmm

millennial_vulcan ago

Mind racing. So how many shady ass docs have deliberately misdiagnosed patients into removing a diseased liver or kidney only for them to remove a healthy one to sell. Am guessing X-rays (like hotel surveliiance videos) can be faked. And Im not talking in China or Pakistan....I mean RIGHT HERE.

G*dDAMN! @new4now

new4now ago

that is one scary thought

the whole surgical team would have to be in on it

not sure how you would pass that off

have to look at the case of those Jewish guys in NY that got busted

not sure how donor system works yet alone illegal

think all they have to say is distant cousin or very good friend for transplant, but illegal, I have no idea

millennial_vulcan ago

true point. Whole team would have to be in on it but one goes down they all go down mentality would ensure keeping mouths shut.

The whole 'donor' system totally needs to be looked at. This is big. Very big!

new4now ago

states, us in general and world wide

you want to stick with US right?

carmencita ago

Time to call in @darkknight111 for medical observation. I noticed names in the yahoo article. They need to be looked into. Gary Mack Rosemont Spokesman Bradley Stephens Mayor of Rosemont and possibly the Mother Thereasa Martin. @new4now I have to go to sleep. If I can.

darkknight111 ago


Fradulent usage of x-rays for personal gain is more common than you think.

carmencita ago

Not surprised. Besides they can get away with almost anything.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm. Meditate, dont think of bad things. Relax. Get some good sleep <3

carmencita ago

OK :) :(

carmencita ago

OH MY GOD. I just checked one of the articles it is Kenneka. she blushes

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL! Its ok. Its kinda a hard name

new4now ago

give me a bit

millennial_vulcan ago

I can't find anything on her in Voat. Very strange. Im not going to post over in pwhatever. Ill post my Kenneka and Selena Gomez connection here

carmencita ago

You know what? Now that I think of it, I think I might have made a post and MF deleted it. Dirty Rackafritz. &%#@*&!!!

fogdryer ago

Amazon is opening in Wisconsin. A sanctuary city Where prison reform is occurring . Amazon hired exconvicts at lower than min wage, with horrendous working conditions

millennial_vulcan ago

believe it when it happens

carmencita ago

I don't know, that is what my friend said, so I don't know.

migratorypatterns ago

Great find ....

Such a creepy story.

carmencita ago

I remember Jem talking about G Webb talking about organ harvesting and I remember her mentioning Chicago. This does not surprise me. But it does disgust me.

migratorypatterns ago

Chicago is so corrupt.

A major center of the Deep State, that swamp needs to be cleaned up.

fogdryer ago

They are trafficking kids from McCormick place to Wisconsin Also Homan Square

migratorypatterns ago

So you're familiar with the operation? Or the parameters of it?

It's unbelievable what they've turned Chicago into.

fogdryer ago

Thanks to his friend Obama and the nwo!

migratorypatterns ago

What a pair!

They'll have such nice conversations while at Gitmo.

fogdryer ago

It’s a sancutuary city. Rahm is on his way out!

migratorypatterns ago


From your lips to God's ear.

carmencita ago

I don't know how people can stay. But my friend told me that they have left in the 10s of thousands. Maybe that is their goal. They want property like in Detroit. Plus they want bodies. May the burn forever or have a life filled with horrors.

migratorypatterns ago


They're creating and will receive their just rewards. And moving isn't an option. Like in California. The good people want to leave, but then you're just going to leave it for someone else to clean up. So now they're fighting back through elections. That's key. Get these crazed lunatics out of office!

carmencita ago

The small towns will be the catalyst to get things moving. Schools are a great place to start. Throw those bums out. The ones hiring sex offenders and screwing around with the money. Run for office. Even dog catcher is a start. Dog catchers get around to all the hoods and can see what is going on everywhere.

migratorypatterns ago

Perceptive analysis.

Yup ... this.

carmencita ago

Yeah while you're looking around keep the other eye on your kids.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, yeah!

Don't let them go roaming around alone!

I just thought of something else ... Chicago has all those shootings, right? No wonder they cultivated a gangland wasteland of hoods. Think about it. The more young victims, the more organ harvesting.

new4now ago

this is so heartbreaking

word is people waking up fast, but being woke isnt gonna stop this

what can we do?

carmencita ago

This woman who's daughter is missing and is demanding action, she needs someone that will get people riled up. Riled up so much that they can get a thousand people into the streets, but it must be peaceful and strong. They will be joined by some white people I am sure. It will take a very strong movement to beat this. They need to get rid of that mayor and the main problem in all of these big cities with Black people is the Church Ministers. They are bought. They still get them to vote for Obama's Friend. Also there is Election Fraud. I just did another post that was on The Chicago School System and their not reporting rapes and also hiring teachers with sexual abuse records. With all this going on,


fogdryer ago

Jesse Jackson

carmencita ago

Oh yes! He sold his people out ages ago. There was dirt on him too, and not just about him fathering a child while married. Another Fake Holy Roller.

new4now ago

you know damn well what happens

not sure how they would keep certain groups and people out

going to talk with friend this weekend

she just said they starting to wake up

carmencita ago

My link to Chicago has Black friends and this is what they tell her. They don't go to the church in their hood because that Minister takes people aside around elections. The women are the bosses, that I read myself and they go home and tell who to vote for. It's really a tradition of sorts. I think it is wearing thin now, but still strong enough. Also they pass around money which is sorely needed in poor neighborhoods. That surely goes on in all poor places. It's so frustrating. This is why the Deep State has been so successful for decades now. If these people really saw the real truth there would be BEDLAM.

new4now ago

I send my friend stuff all the time to share

Thank you so much for the article, it will be posted if friend isnt in FB jail

if not, when out

As soon as I can gonna dig into Cook County, and area

see if I can find more

before article came out, was told 15 girls missing from Milwaukee

they didnt all show on missing site

gonna look into the hospitals

I know big one near Milwaukee been doing more and more transplants

saw an article that they were on probation in regards to transplants

so tired at the end of day, gonna have to get up even earlier

we all need to dig info to share

fogdryer ago

Illinois horribly corrupt Always had been. Also slack on keeping records.

new4now ago

someone has to be keeping a second book

heard that excuse with Hellary and was it the Pentagon?

fogdryer ago

Wisconsin barely uses the missing registrar , the state park dies not report people gone missing Your best bet is www archives.
Police reports are not written too often. Sheriff office shreds them. Nothing to enter N othing to see here

That hospital is involved.

new4now ago

I counted , was it 16?, missing from Wisconsin this yr already

non from Racine, most from Milwaukee

carmencita ago

I think at some point you and I and mv should set aside a few days to dig into Chicago. Dig deep. Yes, there are hospitals that are using these organs of the kids. I also think there is sharing of them when places are close nearby like Mil. and Chicago.

new4now ago

already started, going to shut everything out and stick with it

Cook County/ Chicago is one of many cities,

you just have to change the names

carmencita ago

Yes, they are using the same operations all over. Horrible. If people really knew what was going on behind the scenes. I remember when I researched St. Louis it led me to research the morgue in Cook County and WOW. That place was and still is a Sick Site. Dead Bodies Piled Up. There was a woman who's daughter was missing for quite a while and no one would look for her. The family called and called police and morgue and no answers. I can't remember how she found out, but she found her at the morgue and she had been piled up for weeks with the others. There was a whole Big Overhaul and I believe (don't quote me) that she was replaced. Wow things coming back. My friend calls it Crook County. I will try to get what I can from her, but she gets really worked up and depressed talking about it.

carmencita ago

Yes, Thank You. I remember that and the ones Missing in St. Louis Mo. It's happening everywhere, only more prevalent in certain areas.

millennial_vulcan ago

great post Carm. In tears.

carmencita ago

me too. I cried when I saw that Black Man's video. I don't understand it. I just don't. One of the worst I have researched. But I say, one of.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I remember the story of the girl being found in the freezer, and the video was so creepy. She seemed drugged or hypnotized or something. Nice find and I'm glad that people are starting to pay attention. We'll have to see what develops, as usual.

carmencita ago

Yeah, well I tried to find the one thread I worked on with a couple others about her but could not. Others are avail. but not much info. Took me quite a while to decide what to use. The story about Kendrick Johnson is also stomach churning. Imagine your child's body stuffed with Paper Towels. I can't even.

chickyrogue ago

actually kenneka jenkis was a psyops but the organ harvesting is rampant

there is rosemont outside of chicago where all this is done and the entire government is a family afairs stevens i think

i did alot of kenneka jenkins research but it turned out the whole story was run outta germany first in 2015 to allow for the draconian internet laws they are rolling out now

this is why unity is so important

young black children dont realize there is a bounty on each of them til this addressed there is no peace

carmencita ago

Wow. Amazing. I believe you are correct that they have a price on their heads. Especially in certain areas where it is heavier than others. But yes, they are wanted. This hopefully will bring more awareness. The mothers are genuinely worried, and I hope they get a protest or march going or something. I don't know why people are not in the streets by the thousands in that town. The mayor should hang his head in shame. He has not uttered one word, at least that I have been able to find. He is in Lockstep with the Deep State.

millennial_vulcan ago

@chickyrogue saying (quite correctly) that young black kids have a bounty on their head made me burst into tears. I saw the sweetest young Af-Am kid in the supermarket at lunch and he was so smiley with his pops and peeked at me through his fingers while giggling. Heart melted totally. I cant image what it is like to grow up with your life already so much in the negative. My heart hurts for Kenneka. cry

carmencita ago

Oh I know of some of those great kids too having worked at a school. I cant even imagine. Those poor kids don't know and their parents either how much danger they are in each day. So heartbreaking. I had so much trouble going to sleep last night. Yes. tears falling

millennial_vulcan ago

dont let it disturb sleep carm

carmencita ago

It's hard. Very hard as you well know. We are discussing Jane Doe of St. Louis. Beheaded. For weeks I was deranged over it. But I kept going.

millennial_vulcan ago

I know. Its a stomach churning and gnarly topic but I believe it to be the most important one of PGate. I am going to start a new thread over on PWhatever.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, I don't even want to imagine. I remember watching a YouTube video of the girl entering the kitchen and the closest thing the presenter came to finding any evidence that someone entered the kitchen after her or was already in there was a slight shadow, but even this was very obscure and you couldn't tell for sure if it was a shadow or camera glitch.

millennial_vulcan ago

I too went down a black hole with this story. @new4now and I discussed it over on Pizzagatewhatever the other day.

Did you guys see the crime scene photos? WARNING: VERY VERY GRAPHIC. Only look if you think you can handle it. They gave me nightmares. But important to see because it will be very very obvious that she did not just 'walk into a fridge'


I read a ton about it and the one thought that sent chills down my spine was that that whole 'kitchen' area was actually an operating room where organs were removed. Not Kennekas necessarily, but certainly others. Also her mom's demeanor - like Kate McCann's - is very very 'off'....story goes she sold her kid plus 2 of her other kids who also died in mysterious circumstances to traffickers.

RIP Kenneka. Sob @carmencita @Blacksmith21

new4now ago

I havent even had time to check these stories out

this is happening in cities coast to coast

am so choked, cant type

carmencita ago

How Horrid. I researched St. Lewis for a few months and now I seem to be finding the same and maybe worse in Chicago. This stuff is awful. A mother selling her children. I can't even understand that. And all of them? I don't know if I can watch the vid, maybe tomorrow. Before bed always reeks havoc with my Sleeping. Yes. tears

fogdryer ago

It’s all over , the crime They have taken over America

new4now ago

some kids are screwed with their Mother, screwed with social services

Think a lot of drug addicts serving their kids up on a platter and it pains me to say we will be seeing a lot of this

Is there no safe place for thesechildren?

fogdryer ago

Off point but ..... The royal who just married, his wife was raised by a drug addicted mom. Mom took Meagan with her everywhere. Including crack hours and sex cults so they could help babysit her!!!

This awful crime is everywhere!

carmencita ago

I hate to say it, but I think not. CPS, DCFS, whatever you want to call them are all in on the crimes against them. I always prided many decades ago how we treated children and the elderly. That pride is now gone. Shame has replaced it.

carmencita ago

Notice this person was not Black. At least not with a name like that. They take whoever they can get but they are after young and also the Black kids are very poor and parents are sometimes not keeping track because of various reasons. They are upping the donations and blasting ads all the time to get people to donate their organs. They are doing this in SCHOOLS!!!

As he suffered from spindle cell sarcoma, Jacob Sandersfeld told his mother that he'd like to donate his body to medical research. SANDERSFELD is not a typical Black Name.

new4now ago

even the Pope wants you to donate your organs

carmencita ago

Yes the baby 👶 selling pope

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Whaaat? Thanks for the info and I'll definitely check it out. What you're saying about the kitchen actually being an operating room is incredible. I appreciate the warning about the nightmare fuel. Going to bed now, but will see what you linked to in the morning.

millennial_vulcan ago

you will have nightmares. There WAS someone waiting for her in the kitchen. It was a guy with the blue jacket from the room party. His image was one of many images that were scrubbed and manipulated before the hotel gave the final 'edited' footage to the police (not that the police weren't in on it...) I have a buddy from chicago who I asked to ask around to see what was up with that hotel and my buddy said it was well known drug deals and all kinds of shenanigans went on. No explanation on the 'shenanigans' part, but the luring of innocent victims for organ removal would not be far fetched (I got the impression.) Yes please dont anyone watch video until daylight. Watching this poor girl stumble around the hotel was creepy enough.

Justice for Kenneka. It is one of the things on my very long list of things to keep researching when I have time. @carmencita @new4now @chickyrogue

carmencita ago

I can't believe it, but then again I can. Where did you find these things. Yes I knew that the mother had lost other children but did not know about the other guy in the room. I just knew as well from someone on here that the area and hotel were suspect too. Also near Chicago, yeah, well that says it all. All creepy for sure. Did you see the video with the Black Guy from Chicago? He also mentions a kid from Georgia who was stuffed with Papers. I can't even. This stuff is Gut Wrenching. What thread did you discuss this case in? I am not done with this story either. I want to find the guy that was on a thread last year with me researching the case. There is a longer thread but could not find.

millennial_vulcan ago

i read so much about it online. This is huge Carm. going to post more in pwhatever

carmencita ago

Can you check for old post on her. I think it was my post and MF deleted. It had info on the Sheriff of Rosemont and the police investigators. I don't know how to search for deleted. Yes, Another Post needs to be done. This will soon be off front page and that is the Kiss of Death. Will be busy today. Be back on this in the evening. Need to look up people in Rosemont.

millennial_vulcan ago

cant find it anywhere :(

carmencita ago

That’s really fishy. I remember it. Drats.

carmencita ago

Nope that was not him. Back to the drawing board.

millennial_vulcan ago

what was not him?

carmencita ago

I am trying to find an old thread from last year where we researched Jenkins case and someone was on the thread that lives around there. I can't remember his name. Tried to find thread I should have looked under other things besides her name. Crown Plaza and Rosemont. Will check for his name.

new4now ago

it was back in sept

I tried looking in my messages, got back 6 months when voat told me my bad

will try again this morn on phone, see if I can go back that far

I have so many comments lol

carmencita ago

I am going to see if I can find the other person that worked on it last year with us. I got a message from him a couple days ago. I think he is @jo10e

chickyrogue ago

[that wasnt her stalking the hallways it was a n actor protraying her...thats why they could keep coming p with additional footage and finaly someone saw the direectors wand in the image it was kinda over after that lights camera action [directors wand]

chickyrogue ago

actually dear if you searching look up anddrea merkels head trip about kenneka

also there were at least 150 look alikes [this was the strangest part] and then a few transexual interchanged actors who may all have been killed since about 6 were found dead in a park shortly after the refilming and refilming

it was a psyops to bring about internet changes [not good ones] and also to encourage anger and confusion and mass protest

millennial_vulcan ago

im going to copy you on a new thread.

chickyrogue ago


carmencita ago

The police put off checking on her until much later. I remember that one of our members lives near there and said that the area is mafia and completely controlled. I remember there were casinos and a huge outlet mall there to draw teens. They sure know how to lure them. Very odd they are connected too. Possibly a warning to shut those girls up.

new4now ago

if the Italians are controlling this, then they have black people on the payroll

a lot of the kids seem to party at hotels now

sex trafficking I always thought, now its organ harvesting too

so much corruption

I getting to the point that these people shouldnt live, those that do this should be executed in public

it wont be bring the kids back, but we would know they could never hurt another child

how things have changed since I was young

fogdryer ago

Italians ??

new4now ago

Mobs come in different ethics

Italian, Jewish, Chinese, etc etc

fogdryer ago

You can’t party at the park. Where you gonna go, oh that’s right a hotel. No one can see Just don’t get too loud !!! Ugh

new4now ago

seedy corrupt hotels, where you can go for sex, drugs and organs SMH

carmencita ago

Black kids were always a commodity even to their own people that wanted to make money. It's disgusting. But really it's not just about being black. White people do it too to their own. Nobody really cares anymore. They just want more money and are sick beyond belief. I agree they must be put away. Before they multiply.

new4now ago

organ harvesters know skin color doesnt matter

carmencita ago

Yes you are so right. But they do want the melanin. The poor ones are just easier to get and those are usually the black and brown ones. My friend told me about another one missing. But she has not been talked about she said. Maybe I can ask her to look into it. Will ask her what part of town.

new4now ago

was going to look into advantages to black organs if any

you would think these organs would be typed somehow before harvesting

carmencita ago

This is why they are trying to get everyone's DNA and why they have the kids now getting free tablets in school. You can bet they all use facial recognition. I also am leery of the Coding Classes they are now pushing on kids. Have not looked into that yet. Also in the large cities they are pushing TECH Really Big. Opening all kinds of Tech Farms (my name) They are up to something sinister with that. The beheading of children and young bodies is also telling. The pineal gland is involved with that. @Wolftrail7272 and I did some research on it. There is a case in St. Louis of a young girl Jane Doe who was beheaded. He though it had to do with her pineal gland. Also some really sinister shenanigans going on with the police investigating the case. The article on their report is scrubbed now. We came to the point where we thought we knew who did it. But we could not get hard evidence. These cases are extremely sick and sad. I wish I had kept my notes.

new4now ago

Planned Parenthood might have something

or medical records of all of us

read were most of the NWO has negative blood, there's at the most 17% of worldwide population that are negative, those must be handpicked

new4now ago


43 missing in 2018 already

runaways? SMH

and these are only the ones reported

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

No doubt! Monsters everywhere, but the light is starting to sweep over them and they won't have anywhere to hide soon.

carmencita ago

That should make me happy but it's still sad so I will send both :( :)

carmencita ago

https://www.cookcountyil.gov/content/directory-pathologists Dr. Ponni Arunkumar is the Medical Examiner of Cook County Hospital

Unprecedented review after medical examiner fires doctor who missed a murder (Well actually a pathologist)


derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=ShjBQJL1z0c :

Sadaria Davis Found With Organs And Fingers Missing| TRAPNEWS - YouTube

https://archive.fo/fBOFH :

Kendrick Johnson death: Parents find son's organs were missing when body exhumed | Daily Mail Online

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carmencita ago

TY, As Always :)