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millennial_vulcan ago

What is JIDF?

Im Jewish? First I've heard...! last I checked, I was in a confessional box trying not to get touched up by the creepo white Christian tranny in a dress, next box along (that was years ago though)

Hey @kevdude : I KNOW yourself, @vindicator and @think- are kind, moral folk at heart with a heavy duty conscience and the ramblings of anti semite freaks make you feel dirty as hell, cos that's NOT what you're about and it sickens and cheapens you that you have to listen to and deal with pederasts like this remedial inbred on a daily basis. So good luck with that! Fine by me if those are the rules! Im not in charge! :)

@CheeseboogersGhost Youre never going to quit projecting, are you? Just admit youre dying for some good kosher jew meat up your no no hole


CheeseboogersGhost ago

The jigs up.

millennial_vulcan ago

no your tiny shriveled limp excuse for a penis is what's up because you think someone Jewish is in the house.

I can see you drooling through your missing hick teeth while rocking back and forth in a corner. LOL