DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Made a thread about all the connctions with spin ping pong and it was deleted, reason being I did not explain what goes on at a ping pong joint. Hahaha. Ped pedo pedo mods strike again.

TippyHome ago

Also, Susan Sarandon was mentioned in blind item rehash about her seeing a 16 year old (in the April 2018 write ups.) So, she evidently is all about this, still.

karenrussell63 ago

This reminds me of some leads I was looking into last year. Ended up moving on but I was interested in the origins of ping pong (table tennis).

From Wikipedia:

The sport originated in Victorian England, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game.

Figures that it was first played among the upper class. Anyways..

Some of the podesta emails come from a domain called This domain was last purchased in 2007 and is hosted by godaddy and there is no site built. Whoever owns and uses the domain uses gmail as its email host. Point is whatever "zzranch" is, it's unknown. Maybe someone likes the name, maybe because of "zzranch", think "pizza".

Well from what I could find out, a previous owner of was a real estate agent named David Elson (

That page showed a message:

Interested in buying this domain? Inquire at: [email protected]

Which a google result brought me to:

This about shuffle board:

The game was played and gambled over by King Henry VIII of England, who prohibited commoners from playing; evidently he did not always win, as the record of royal expenses for 1532 show a payment from the Privy Purse of GB£9, 'Paied to my lord Wylliam for that he wanne of the kinges grace at shovillaborde'

Most of the comments seem normal for the time, but a few stand out (also showing the ones from David Elson):

Name: David Elson  
email: [email protected]  
Date: 11/5/99  
Time: 12:13:19 PM  

Played in England while in USAF, now in Denver playing at Dave and Buster's. I love the "Sticking the Shot" video clip!

Name: David Elson  
email: [email protected]    or        [email protected]  
Date: 3/12/99  
Time: 3:43:41 PM  

This is great! Ive got a good friend in Philly that wants to play, Ill fwd the where to play info to him.......THANKS!!

Name: Bucky Waldron  
email: [email protected]  
Date: 11/21/2001  
Time: 6:53:55 AM  

I live in a small community in Ohio. My family moved here from Newark, new Jersey. I belong to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. We recently purchased a regulation shuffleboard for our club. It has been well received by our members. Your web page is very interesting. I was pleased to see that shuffleboard was played years ago in New Jersey. I remember when I was a kid growing up in New Jersey, my dad taught me how to play the game. I am now 59 yrs old and I am teaching others in my community how to play this wonderful game.

Name: rob  
email: [email protected]  
Date: 12/7/2003  
Time: 2:47:23 PM  

i like to play naked shuffleboard here in Louisville, KY, any other naked shuffleboard players in KY email me, i like hanging with the nuts!

So apparently naked shuffleboard may also be a thing?

Now I have this is a folder I call "probably dead ends" but just posting this here in case. I am still interested to know more about zzranch since it's included in the podesta emails.

I wonder if ping pong gives the "elites" an excuse to get together. Ping Pong tournaments and such.

GD_Ridefort ago

You already know about the Aleister Crowley connection to the 'sport' right?

karenrussell63 ago

No I don't but will look into it.

think- ago

Do you know why Wikileaks published only the emails that Podesta received, but not those he sent? Did they ever explain?

karenrussell63 ago

My guess would be that whoever gained access archived inbox but not sent mail, there are alot of his sent emails, I guess just the ones that were replied to.

1Saturnwest ago

I’ve always wondered that also. Hasn’t Assange been cut off and gagged by the ecuadorians recently? he’s not posting

think- ago

Hasn’t Assange been cut off and gagged by the ecuadorians recently? he’s not posting


Are_we_sure ago

Ping Pong tables around the TATE Modern, UK. Comet Ping Pong is designed to look like the TATE.

Wait. what? Where's the evidence for this?

swordfish69 ago

The original website featured a quote explaining the restaurant was paying homage to the Tate modern. Alefantis put it right on the middle of the website. And that doesn't mention that the gallery received art shipments from the Tate

Are_we_sure ago

You seem to ignore the point that "Naked Ping Pong parties" didn't involve nudity.

Lelo113 ago

Can we go over what ping pong means again? I was listening to Green Day today and their cd cover for America’s greatest bad has a lot of small imagery. Saw billy Joel with a paddle and looked like two dudes in the corner.

speedisavirus ago

Last pic is shopped

speedisavirus ago

Fail to see how a ping pong table in a public square has anything to do with this. I used to have a ping pong table. I must fuck kids too

racmo ago

I am floored and impressed by this research. Again, Who Knew. and the write up --correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this more "IN YOUR FACE"? This predates Pizzagate by --what --7 years? Incredible. "A match between 14 year old Nigerian twins and a 78 year old" INDEED!!! can only imagine that match

Are_we_sure ago

there was no nudity. it was ping pong.

LightlyToasted ago

& Interview with CPP hacker who found CP on their website & servers, including in Berlin

swordfish69 ago

More where that's coming from...there's a Russian IP address..

Vindicator ago

Great rundown of this topic swordfish. Thank you for the clear presentation and plentiful documentation.

Can someone explain how you play ping pong naked without smacking your junk on the edge of table?

Are_we_sure ago

The article mentions there was no actual nudity. It was just the name of the party.

think- ago

The article mentions there was no actual nudity. It was just the name of the party.

So do you know why these parties were called 'naked ping pong parties'? Honestly curious.

Are_we_sure ago

I don't. But I honestly think it was a way of suckering people into paying $20. If your flyers said Ping Pong Tournament, would you get the same crowd?

think- ago

I don't. But I honestly think it was a way of suckering people into paying $20. If your flyers said Ping Pong Tournament, would you get the same crowd?

Well, if you attract the type of guys/gals that expect nudity, let them pay $20, and they won't see nudity, they'll certainly be pissed off. Can't imagine they won't complain.

So something isn't adding up here.

Are_we__sure ago

I didn't mean it to be that explicity, but it was a way of advertising the party. There's a lot of folks in the NYC nightlife scene who want to find the next thing, to get in on something before others know about it and $20 wouldn't be the issue for them. Oh, you go to Spin? I used to go to his ping pong parties in his loft.

I have no doubt that this was intended for an exclusive crowd who considered themselves in the avant garde of trends.

Blacksmith21 ago

[–] Blacksmith21 [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 17 hours ago

You embarrass yourself every time you touch a keyboard. Everything I do is to find the pedos and out them. Are you for or against that mission AWS? Do you believe all pedophiles should be hung and disposed of @are_we_sure?

permalink parent save edit delete reply report 

[–] Blacksmith21 [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 15 hours ago

I'm still waiting for an answer @Are_we_sure. Step up to the fucking mic you punk ass coward.

permalink parent save edit delete reply report 

[–] Are_we_sure -2 points (+0|-2) 9.4 hours ago


I'll be sure to get right on that.

permalink parent save source reply report 

[–] Blacksmith21 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

So in other words @Are_we_sure:

1) AWS does NOT support the huntiing down of pedophiles and exposing them for any purpose

2) AWS does NOT support the death penalty for pedos.

Are you for or against #1 or #2 @Are_we_sure? Or are you just another pizzaboi?

I'm gonna fucking hang this around your neck at every chance I get fuckstain.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Who goes to ping pong tourny's?I don't know anybody in my entire life that thinks about ping pong, wants to see others play it, will pay money to watch people plait it with clothes on. Who goes to naked ping pong tourny's and does not expect nudity? Why do you think naked does not mean naked?

Are_we__sure ago

Who goes to ping pong tourny's?I don't know anybody in my entire life that thinks about ping pong, wants to see others play it, will pay money to watch people plait it with clothes on.

This is a form of fallacy. It's called arguing from personal incredulity. I know people who never go to an NFL game that doesn't mean you can argue because I personally won't go see an NFL game, then it must be true NFL games are not popular. It's just not a valid argument.

Why do you think naked does not mean naked?

Because the report explicitly says so. It says there was no naked people playing ping pong.

GD_Ridefort ago

Also check out @migratorypatterns's post about Cher, who co-starred with Susan Sarandon in Witches of Eastwick, a movie that has yet to be checked out for its PG connections...

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks!

Hope it helps open up some leads. And, yeah, The Witches of Eastwick has not been examined.

think- ago

But they didn't meet when he was 9, did they? They were consenting adults when they met.

migratorypatterns ago

Did you read this? They co-owners of a bar: SPIN PING PONG BAR!!!!

Isn't that the bar this post is about:

Damn! II better get to digging!!!!

GD_Ridefort ago

Apparently they broke up in 2015, but here they both are looking weird and holding ping pong paddles:

migratorypatterns ago

That is just creepy as hell.

auralsects ago

why do you continue to label me shill in gross violation of your role as mod when I dropped Balasz name and hotel six months before Q did? because youre a filthy lying little KIKESHILL perchance?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You two are working in tandem. You make it look like we are biggots, Vindicator gets to pretend it takes on shills. Win win.

auralsects ago

yeah god only knows how many open-minded normal folks have been totally turned off by seeing the word 'kike'.
"hmmm pizzagate eh, seems plausible. *click OMG theyre bigots nvm, pizzagate is a Nazi lie"

meanwhile in reality nobody considers PG real because its been endlessly labeled a hoax by........the media I.E. KIKES

so logically exposing kikes as liars is a prerequisite to exposing PG, which is what WE DO IN THE REAL WORLD while you faggots are lurking on message boards taking potshots at the real activists. what a fucking bunch.

Vindicator ago

Wouldn't it be nice for shills if I never examined them publicly. :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are a shill for Trump, the Rothschilds pet, Rockefeller business partner and Jeuit insider. You also push Q, follow the anonymous leader psyop. When AreWeSure asked, "what is a shill anyway?", you answered as if you did not think or know that AreWeSure is a shill.

think- ago

He seems to be butt hurt, LOL.

Vindicator ago

Colonoscopy without anesthetic aren't much fun.

think- ago

:-) :-) :-)

EricKaliberhall ago

Can someone explain how you play ping pong naked without smacking your junk on the edge of table?

You go Buffalo Bill... :)

fartyshorts ago

Don't forget Kevin Spacey's favorite activity when off-set is playing ping pong with teenage boys.

GreenDell144 ago

Dynamite post!

Podge512 ago

Why do they always pop up in child trafficking hotspots, especially after a natural disaster of some sort?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Because ping pong is cheap and "entertaining".

Oh_Well_ian ago


swordfish69 ago

Yep, this is the exact same shit at Comet.

SweetChicken ago

Fucking hell, what a post! +1000

Hopevoats ago

Nice work. Great writeup. Thanks for doing this!

HillBoulder ago

Swordfish is back baby!