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SpeakSoft ago

We have been watching this unfold.

Why is ThePuppetShow attacking ESOTERICshade and trying to link him to the most common enemy on here? Is it because he is one of the few intelligent people on here not pushing known disinformation?

The few truth tellers remaining on here stand out like a sore thumb, and are being setup in a divide and conquer strategy. We have seen this play out a few times now.

ThePuppetShow is a Show Puppet who is afraid of what ESOTERICshade and a few select others know.

ThePuppetShow ago

LOL this isn't obvious at all ESOTERICshade. You really think people here are idiots, don't you?

SpeakSoft ago

We are not ESOTERICshade.

You jumping to this ridiculous conclusion is further evidence that you are a complete shill.

ESOTERICshade ago

LOL this isn't obvious at all ESOTERICshade. You really think people here are idiots, don't you?

@Speaksoft is probably the alt of a well known poster that does not want to get attacked by the Q people but I dont blame you for being suspicious. According to you I already have my own well honed alt army and wouldn't need to create any more, right? The Trump love is so deep that regular posters don't want to get caught up in your fucking drama.

ThePuppetShow ago

of a well known poster

Nice assumption

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice assumption

According to you I already have about 10 fucking alts, I don't think I need another one do I?

ThePuppetShow ago

So you could make ^ that bold calim?