exposethecriminals ago

Thanks for the ping @think-, just saw this. Great update, very informative.

think- ago

Thanks and welcome! :-)

Shizy ago

What a sick POS. This is how he treats children in his own family! i hope the niece is safe and has the support she needs. Sounds like she at least has her mom

Blacksmith21 ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all of us are going to have to crash course on Caribbean geography. Many of the thousands of private islands are owned by the cabal. No law. Money rules. No questions. Puddle jumpers and go-fasts get you to anyplace down there without questions. There are going to be a lot more "orgy islands" popping up soon, I think.

exposethecriminals ago

That's true. Great comment. I think many nefarious groups will be exposed for crimes on, under, and in yachts off those islands. We citizen investigators knowing the geography will lead to more connections. I don't know it at all. Was there decades ago on a yacht trip and two things haunted me ever since. Before then I didn't believe in bad vibes, but St. Barths' was so bad I decided I'd never go back. No one/nothing was unpleasant, it was in the atmosphere. Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan even stopped us on a rural road to politely ask for directions, but we were lost too. Anyway, the atmosphere on Nevis was worse, it felt "evil."

No law. Money rules. No questions.

No more

think- ago

There are going to be a lot more "orgy islands" popping up soon, I think.

Wouldn't be surprised.

Just imagine you're a rich perp who can afford an island...

Vindicator ago

@Blacksmith21 @think-

Just imagine you're a rich perp on your own island...exposed on all sides to amphibious assault by U.S. Special Operators.


exposethecriminals ago

Weird coincidence -- I've been going down a rabbit hole of a Caribbean NGO called Love City Community Network, whose co-founder Jason Monigold was just arrested for child rape. In looking into his associates who presumably are innocent, co-founder Rob Tutton developed technology in the Navy to monitor, intercept, escort, etc. vessels off coastlines, here and here. Don't know whose side he's on, and child traffickers can't repel the U.S. military, but with the Caribbean being a lawless area it kind of raised a red flag for me.

Vindicator ago

Love City Community Network

Gee...that sounds wholesome. Not.

That small-vessel assault technology is interesting. What's Tutton's connection to Monigold?

exposethecriminals ago

Rob Tutton and Jason Monigold were both among the founders of Love City Community Network:


I'm finishing up a post on it now, takes me forever. I hope I'm able to write it so it is Pedogate-related.

think- ago

ROFLMAO! :-) :-) :-)

carmencita ago

$25K a night at Eden Rock? What amenities could one possibly provide for a price like that? Hmm. Take a peek. It is quite Ooh-la-la http://www.st-barths.com/eden-rock/en/gallery.html Remember this is for the Rich & Famous. Still, $25K just for the room?

think- ago

I think this is for a house that can be rented on the property, with butler service and music studio. I vaguely remember reading that the guy who worked for (((Michael Jackson))) as a sound engineer works there / worked there.

carmencita ago

Whoa. What a perfect match. What kind of experience he brings to the hotel business. How did he wind up with a guy born in Rotherham?

think- ago

What kind of experience he brings to the hotel business.

LOL, yes....

How did he wind up with a guy born in Rotherham?

Yep, that's the interesting question....

carmencita ago

You asked about Rotherham in the other thread. Matthews is from Rotherham and Savile operated in that area. So there is a tie between Savile and Matthews.

https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/08/rotherham-child-abuse-bigger-picture.html I would recommend reading all the way up to #3 but if you scroll down to #3 you will see that Savile's area was Yorkshire and Rotherham is IN Yorkshire. This proves that Savile is tied to Rotherham and there is so much info here on Rotherham and his involvement too. So yes, I cannot imagine that Matthews and Savile did not meet up. IMPOSSIBLE. " Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services." " There has been massive child abuse in the town of Rotherham, in South Yorkshire."

think- ago

Thanks, Carm!

carmencita ago

Allen Sides – Music and Musicians: A state-of-the-art recording studio exists and is operated in collaboration with Ocean Way Recording Studios of Hollywood where world renowned sound engineer Allen Sides presides. Allen has worked with Michael Jackson, The Stones and The Beatles and pretty much most other game changers… The music mixing console at Eden Rock was used by John Lennon to record ‘Imagine.’

think- ago

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.

Carm, would you have the link for this? Thanks! :-)

carmencita ago

Ask and ye shall receive. Took quite a while to find this again. http://www.hautehotel.com/5-questions-with-david-matthews-owner-of-eden-rock-st-barths/ 5 Questions with David Matthews

think- ago

xoxo! Thank you! :-) :-)

@Blacksmith21 - here is the link you were asking for. @Carmencita has been so kind to look for it.

Blacksmith21 ago

If you find a link, I'm curious.

think- ago

Yes, whish I could remember....will look for it tomorrow and ping you.