GeorgeT ago

You mean that PG is not just about HRC running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor?

hopeforall ago

Nope. But there are connections to Clinton, Podesta and alefantis around the world. These high profile pedos around the world seem to be connected somehow. Look into one of the articles about the potential connections between Jimmy Saville and the Podestas. It seems that Oxfam a British organization were involved in sex abuse in Haiti. The Clinton's and people in their circles like Alefantis are suspected by pizzagate investigators to be using their connections to the Clinton Foundation to traffic children from Haiti. The Clinton Foundation were doing work in Haiti.

GeorgeT ago

It will keep me busy next several days. Gigantic spider's web.

letsdothis1 ago

Chair for the Council of Trustees of Oxfam, Caroline Thomson, has ties to multiple global scandals, including the Jimmy Saville BBC pedophile scandal, as well as the UK's Lobbygate scandal

So wikipedia references one of the many scandals connected to Thomson, the BBC Pay-Off Scandal, where chief executives of the BBC were paid excessive amounts of money upon resigning from the public media organization for absolutely no apparent reason whatsoever. Thomson herself received nearly 700,000 dollars of public funds.

In the three years to the end of December (2012), 150 departing executives were paid £25 million in compensation settlements. In a sample, one in four payments was found to have been in excess of contractual requirements.

This scandal immediately followed the Saville pedophilia scandal, at a time when Thomson was the Chief Operating Officer of the BBC.

And then there's this:

An email to the syrian government from an email address that appears to be Thomson's that I found on wikileaks. It could be evidence that she was involved in laundering attempts to circumvent UN financial sanctions on Syria. It also could be related to the Forex scandal.

But the biggest scandal associated with Thomson just might be the one that's connected to her husband, Roger Liddle: Lobbygate. In this political scandal of 1998 in which lobbyists Derek Draper and Jonathan Mendelsohn were secretly recorded boasting that they could sell access to government ministers and create tax breaks for their clients, British political figures including Liddle and Tony Blair were exposed as little more than puppets of the lobbying industry an a cabal of 17 elites. Sound familiar? Their organization was informally known as "The Circle".

Submission Statement: What are the odds that one woman could be so intimately connected to so many scandals, including one that involves a secret elite pedophile ring, AND THEN, be brought on as the head Trustee for an NGO that was ultimately accused of a massive Sexual Scandal?

hopeforall ago

Is that wikileaks file suppose to have the words for great sex in the title? It looks like it but the words are misspelled. Is that implying they were offering services in exchange for "great sex?"

letsdothis1 ago

That's a good question because for some reason I didn't really notice the title of the email but the content was interesting:

paharma for great ssscekx

vviaqrra - make ssxexxx


Mad_As_Hell ago

Yet another scandal that demonstrates the sheer ubiquity and interconnectedness of PG, it's overwhelming to think about

GeorgeT ago

Succinctly put.

Mad_As_Hell ago

think- ago

(((Peter Mandelson))). Big red flag here.

letsdothis1 ago

Now that's interesting.