jealoushe ago

I swear that is a man

migratorypatterns ago

You're not the only one. Especially the legs. There is absolutely no hip there. They're pin straight like a man and her waist is more like a man's.

jealoushe ago

Her eyes and throat....are definitely those of a man.

migratorypatterns ago


10SEJed ago

I'm terrible at these searches, but there is an email in the Podesta leaks that mentions Steyer and Deutsche Bank (and a few other folks). Im wondering if Mueller is investigating that.

migratorypatterns ago

You mean this?

I wouldn't expect Mueller to do anything but be the douche he is. The only reason he does any investigation is to: (1) try to bring charges against our POTUS; and (2) see what holes there are so Killary & friends can cover their buttholes from prosecution by someone actually concerned by illegalities.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Terrific thread by the way. They should double date with George and Amal Clooney. And George has a foundation for them to donate to. Once you know their game, you know what connections they can automatically be expected to have.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

she's driving change at :Exxon, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook....Exxon is owned by the Rockefellers and Apple, Amazon and Facebook are CIA/NSA fronts. These trails always lead to the same cast of criminals.

huhWHAThuh ago

I have said it now for many months. Well organized/financed campaigns against the Trump Presidency always appear to be the perfect analog to asking the pedo elite to raise their hands and self identify. Rob Reiner and his associates are another group of the usual suspects.

migratorypatterns ago


If any pizzagater is having trouble figuring out who is who, just let the Cannibal Elite out themselves.

huhWHAThuh ago

And BTW nice package of research.

migratorypatterns ago


I don't get that much time to do investigative posts, but this? Yeah, this deserved digging into.

MichaelClayton ago

Walnuts are brains or pineal glands right? And Kat is definitely a guy. The sun tattoo is for pagan sun worship

migratorypatterns ago

I never heard of walnuts being used that way. I thought walnut was code for a person of color, but you could be right.

Oh, pagan sun worship. It was strange because John Legend tweeted in answer to our POTUS.

??? These people are so weird that it's hard to keep up with all the weirdness.

MichaelClayton ago

Not sure how accurate that keycode sheet is. Some of it makes sense though. I’ve heard people say the brain and pineal look like a walnut before.

these people are so weird

You said it. They try to slip in the weirdness into normal conversation like that tweet, and everyone goes “huh?”

I like the first comment saying John Legend is really a woman.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, the coding is jargon known only to those participants/members of the sick crowd. Be glad we don't know, but I'm sure as the legal rope tightens, someone will break and tell us all.

Yeah, John Legend. Saw one pic of him and he really does have the body of a woman.

snapplemoose ago

Awesome research OP. I would only add that these ones at the top are most always married to trannys, Steyer included. That is a whole rabbit hole in and of itself. I don't know why there arent more threads on this topic because it ties in with the whole occult aspect of the MEN at the top and their occult proclivities.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks and I agree. For some reason, I wonder why, the shills get really hostile when you point out that a supposed wife is a transgender. It goes into the whole agenda of messing up kids from a young age. By messing with their heads, you not only get the men fulfilling wifely duties, but you get women acting like men which is way more pleasing to the elite males on top. Also men are known to be a hell of a lot more sexually permissive than their counterparts. Not saying some women aren't adventurous, we're going by the norm ... or what used to be the norm.

snapplemoose ago

True, and in my research through the years it seems like these luciferian MEN at the top truly do hate women and have no use for them whatsoever. They can't marry real women, most seem to be in or out of the closet gays or they have tranny wives, which basically are the same thing. NO use for women. Like I said, thats a "whole nother" rabbit hole.

migratorypatterns ago

And one someone should plunge down.

I notice also, that if the marriages aren't tranny/man, they're gay woman/man DeBlasio and the gay woman he's married to is an example. Because she's black, she got him elected mayor of New York. Kamala "Whore" Harris and the white guy they got her married off to is another example. In order to be presidential, she needs a rich white guy to pull in those votes.

Piscina ago

Great post.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

These people are so dirty, dirty, dirty.

srayzie ago

When you aren’t being a wench, your sense of humor in your posts are awesome. Lol. She’s definitely not what I pictured his wife to look like.

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmm ... I believe there's a compliment in there? Somewhere?

I was surprised also. And I haven't even gotten to what she's doing with those corporations.

srayzie ago

Yeah, it was a compliment lol. I like this side of you 👏🏻

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there you go. I have a redeeming quality.

Good to know.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent job. There are a lot of wealthy people in Canada that own pig farms and they are always having parties there. Sure the smell on a pig farm is where everyone wants to party. This article speaks of these powerful women that are evil by the way, and their pig farms.

jealoushe ago

Whereabouts in Canada?

Dressage2 ago

The link gave several locations I believe. I don’t remember. DuckDuckGo 5 Matrix article if Gone.

migratorypatterns ago


Will definitely read. Keep thinking of the pig's eyes that Podesta used as a screensaver that creeped people out so much he had to remove it.

Dressage2 ago

You are right and he worked on that farm butchering pigs in high school or college. When I was researching JA’s friends I came across an article about two guys that learned to butcher pigs for a hobby not for work. They were bragging about how they cut the pigs with precision. I will try to find the article.

migratorypatterns ago

Who the hell learns to slaughter pigs for fun?

It goes to demonstrate the level of degeneracy these people possess.

Shillaxe ago

If "walnut sauce" is said to mean black children & Steyer deals in coal, maybe his shipments of children are covered in coal dust so appear black, because they're shipped with it.

ArtificalDuality ago

No. Walnut sauce is convenience processed human/child brain worked into consumables. Eating brain has Satanic value to them. Just google the phrase "Satanism Luciferism brain consuming".

Shillaxe ago

So if his legit biz interests are in Indonesia & Australia, but his pals are known for child trafficking, one could assume he sources Asian victims (funneled thru AUS), fantastic post btw.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

What a nightmare. Thank you for your work. I simply can't Investigate this stuff. I think I would start spraying. Tears vomit and lead.

migratorypatterns ago

You're welcome and it is a nightmare.

And the thing is this isn't even the scummiest part. That's buried deep in the swamp.

Can't wait until these sickos are locked up.

Matt_Helm ago

Awesome post this is why Steyer is so desperate to see Trump impeached. Setyer knows it's only a matter of time before he is arrested and prosecuted. I hope Q and his team will soon take Steyer out of action. He belongs in Gitmo with the other criminals along with his wife you'll notice the wives are always involved.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

Yes, wives are included now. They have to be part of the cabal. Same thing with stars. Anybody that goes to the top of the charts now has to sell his/he soul. If they don't they're crushed by having their will stripped from them.

This has to stop.

carmencita ago

Very convenient living near JP the Butcher and having a Pig Farm.

migratorypatterns ago

Isn't it though? Also convenient living on the coast.

In the beginning of the article they pushed the raising cattle. When I got to the end, in that very last paragraph, KAPOW! They raise pigs and rotate their locations.

carmencita ago

The pig part makes me squirm. Remember reading about the Farm in Va.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, those poor pigs. They deserve better. We all do.

carmencita ago

I love pigs. Refuse to eat pork. They are so abused. This country has become obsessed with Pork.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, and meat in general. Think Taco Bell. Stackers? Meat for $1?!!!! How is that even possible. How are they raising those animals that it's that cheap?

carmencita ago

Blach!!! Never will I eat that garbage. Fast Food is horrid. Many decades ago it was not as bad as it is now. Who knows what they have put in it. Do not trust them.

migratorypatterns ago

I don't blame you. I can only imagine their secret ingredients and the conditions the slaughtering takes place in.

Plus I don't want to give money to the Cannibal Elite and these places are fronts for them. They don't need anymore money.

ESOTERICshade ago

And notice the reference to Nazis and the possibility of that amateurish tat being a modification of the "Black Sun" symbology.

It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the tattoo. I looked around and the jesuit black sun is the closest thing I know of.

thesickofitall ago

LOL suns are the most common tat ever and ink is black.

Sure have Nazis on the brain a lot don't you! We'd love to have you. To sweep up after meetings etc

ESOTERICshade ago

Sure have Nazis on the brain a lot don't you! We'd love to have you. To sweep up after meetings etc

Its your own fault that you don't realize the Sabbateans (jews) and the Nazis work hand in hand are for all practical purposes the same people. Real Nazis would use you for firewood, because you were not born into their "family", stupid

thesickofitall ago

LOL they didn't BURN ANYONE you tard. Remember that little kike bitch who said he could tell from the chimney smoke color what nationality of Jew was burned? You're the kind of retard who swallows those heartfelt stories. And CUM

ESOTERICshade ago

I"m not talking about the holocaust prick. I'm talking about REAL NAZIS, YOU KNOW, THE JESUITS, they would fuck you up and use you for firewood to burn your own mother because they hate everybody that was not born into the THE ORDER, and trust me, you aint in the club, other than you and your little fantasy clique you hang out with online. The Jesuits laugh at you.

thesickofitall ago

"Hitler was anticlerical and had particular disdain for the Jesuits. The Jesuit Provincial, Augustin Rosch, ended the war on death row for his role in the July Plot to overthrow Hitler."

Keep digging, im interested to learn exactly how far someone will go without accepting the JQ is historical fact. Not elite or zionist or "fake" Jews, but the Jewish community as a whole. minds can be reeducated but I guess cowardice has no limits. Notice how few women, empathetic and averse to violence, accept it. You're effectively a woman. Ouch!

ESOTERICshade ago

This is the Donmeh. I bet your near sighted ass couldn't pick a Donme out of a small bucket because you woud think they were "white people" you dumbass.

DankKeyhote ago

LMAO u were referring to an actual Conspiracy School -- what an idiot. What better disinfo mill could there be.

I stopped reading at "it is interesting to note donmeh is the Turkish word for crossdressers and imposters as well" -- it isn't really, if you know "don" is the Turkish root for "turn" i.e. change into. It's probably where u try on clothes in a Turkish store too. Wait OMG I'm Don too....have you spotted another crypto shill?!

So economics and now langauge...what else are you woefully unlettered in?

ESOTERICshade ago

I stopped reading at "it is interesting to note donmeh is the Turkish word for crossdressers and imposters as well" -- it isn't really, if you know "don" is the Turkish root for "turn" i.e. change into.

Yeah, like "shape shifter" for dumbasses that think reptilians are really lizard people. It all basically means "imposter" or being a "shifty person" pretending to be something you're not, like how you pretend to be a nazi because you think real nazis give a shit about you. If you think your buddies from Georgetown, University give a damn about you then you are wrong. You don't even understand who the Nazis really are. Jews and white people are all mixed up in this ordeal and the non jewish half would skin your pet dog and make you eat it.

DankKeyhote ago

What are u projecting with this "they don't care about you" faggotry? I want the KIKES gone, the ethnic interlopers to go home, and white women to STFU and have babies.

Doesn't have to be Nazis, we can be Castilian serfs for all I care. Anyone who provides the above. Have fun in your GAY conspiracy book club, it's been real fruitful so far judging by your submissions, LELZ

ESOTERICshade ago

Don is also a river in the old Khazar Kingdom, you don't know shit.

DankKeyhote ago


The symbol of Christianity's decline in Europe is....Doner kebabs! Don...ald Trump! Omgz!

What a stupid faggot!! It's ONE SYLLABLE LMAO

ESOTERICshade ago

Watch this video and learn something. After you watch it, tell me who is fighting "the jew" other than you and your imaginary little garage dwelling buddies drawing swastikas on the wall on Saturday night?

Georgetown University, SMOM & 9/11

You need to recalibrate your perspective and add to your list because you are only seeing half of the picture.

ESOTERICshade ago

Study this post carefully. Especially the picture of different people in history throwing the triad sign. Hitler is pictured along with a lot of other people you know. If you think you are in that club then you are either too young to have learned anything past the word "jew" or just plain delusional as fuck. Trump is ass kissing who? Well no shit Sherlock, Israel. So that leaves exactly who to save your ass? The nazis don't give a fuck about you, they never have, and they never were not born into their "family" and they would skin you alive and laugh at you.

DankKeyhote ago

LMAO God help me if I ever lean on a chairs arm and two fingers slide off and connect. Jesus fucking Christ dude. There are no Nazis anymore you fucktard they're literally banned by law in Europe.

Look fuck face, jews have different groups, different levels, and they all hate us

Wait so it IS all Jews? Even I think everyday SJW Jews are just mentally deficient, like the gentiles. You're pretty extreme bruh

ESOTERICshade ago

There are no Nazis anymore you fucktard they're literally banned by law in Europe.

You need to hit the books dude. The Nazis are alive and well and trust me, its a club, and you ain't in it. "banned by law", roflmao....

Again, watch this, and if you think these people care about you then you need to go back to Red Pill School 101.

Nazis banned by law....(facepalm) How old are you about 21?

Georgetown University, SMOM & 9/11

ESOTERICshade ago

Look fuck face, jews have different groups, different levels, and they all hate us. No shit sherlock. If you're education has not gone far enough to realize that the real nazis will burn you at the stake then you need to go back to conspiracy school because you have not learned shit. You were not born into their club. You will never be in their club. You are living in a fucking fantasy world of your own making.

Forestdly23 ago

A law firm in New York State called E&E Legal has a massive dossier on Tom Steyer, Margie Sullivan and the Steyer accounts. Give E&E Legal a shout to hear the big scoop: [email protected] and

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for you.

Thanks for this. Will look into it.

Gothamgirl ago

Great post, the tattoo on her arm kinda looks more like a seal, then a sun to me.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there you go! Looks like the sun to me.

Iam7777777 ago

Invest heavily in foriegn coal assets, unleash hrc, dnc, and the like in "war on (American) coal". Kill the most efficient and prolific US coal producers and walk away with billions. Typical filthy leftists.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"I am" is a phrase Satanist use to proclaim themselves god and take the lords name in vain. 777 is one of Crowleys writings. No surprise you called them filthy 'leftist" and ignored the other obvious implications. James Alefantis was a special contributer to the play I Am the Wind. Taking God’s Name in Vain: The Use of “I AM” by Illuminati EntertainersTitle Here

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, and reviving the coal industry was the first promise our POTUS carried out. Yet another reason for Steyer to hate him. But that'll be nothing to when they're all thrown in prison.

Are_we_sure ago

In what way is this true? Trump promised to bring back coal jobs. Did you believe Trump's lie about bringing back 50,000 jobs? Right now in the whole country, we have 50,500 coal miners, not much more than we had in January.

2017 M01 2017 Jan 50.0 2017 M12 2017 Dec 50.5 (P)

At recently as Jan 2015, we had 69,000 coal miners in this country.

And it's not policy that effects coal jobs, it's economics. Technology means you need less miners to get coal out of the ground. Other forms of energy are getting cheaper so there is less demand in the US for coal.

Exports got a bump this year, because Australia had issues producing the type of coal used in steel production.

Shizy ago

Get a real job, this shilly shit is beneath even you

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to BLITZ/EXPOSE this Tom Steyer guy. Those that scream the loudest about Trump are often the most evil creatures in the swamp:

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for you.

Yes, absolutely we need eyes on this guy. There's no doubt of his involvement with Pedosta and Pelosi, but this is just scratching the surface.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Notice his eye injury in that photo with Pelosi

migratorypatterns ago

Good catch!

There was a whole collection of Cannibal Elites with that eye injury. What did they call it? Something to do with the soul? I'll have to try to find that picture.

remedial ago

Great post, well done and thank you.

migratorypatterns ago

You're very welcome

Thanks for the good words. I do appreciate it.

Are_we_sure ago

Why do you think Walnut Sauce means anything other than Walnut Sauce?

The_Savant ago

Walnut is known pedophile code for a coloured child.

If you listen to this lecture from Ted Gunderson, you'll find out that these sick satanists have a preference for black kids for whatever reason.

I don't know why I bother responding to you honestly, though. You weren't asking with the intent to learn.

Are_we_sure ago

Walnut is known pedophile code for a coloured child.

This is completely false. There's no example of this prior to podesta's emails being released. An anonymous used made a screenshot with this claim, but there's not one bit of evidence behind it.

Pasta with Walnut Sauce is a genuine Northern Italian dish. You can find dozens of recipes on the web. You can find video of John Podesta cooking it from 2014. The emails where this first come up are because the Clinton campaign met with a bunch of journalists who would be covering the 2016 campaign and Podesta served pasta with walnut sauce.

Moreoever, this dish comes from Liguria where Podesta's grandfather is from. It's from the same area where they make basil pesto (which contains nuts) and is sometimes called walnut pesto.

My ‘Salsa di Noci’ (walnut sauce) recipe hails from Liguria, the region in northwestern Italy. High above the Mediterranean, shielded by mountains, Liguria is a fertile region, making a name for itself with its famous pesto sauce (from basil) and focaccia bread. The thick, creamy walnut sauce is often associated with the region’s most famous city, Genoa, and the herb-laden hills to its north. .... Though basil may be the most familiar to Americans, there are more than 70 different recipes for pesto from the province of Genoa alone, including a winter version, which calls for parsley instead of basil, as well as chard and borage.

Shillaxe ago

A compromise ,child raping cannibals think walnut sauce is delicious, on black children. Personally I think its code for semen , they use it as a condiment.

ArtificalDuality ago

Look up a picture of a brain. Then look up a picture of a walnut. Then google the phrase "Satanism Luciferism brain consuming". It's no code word for black children.

ESOTERICshade ago

You talking about walnuts being pineal glands?

ArtificalDuality ago

Hi :) No, I am not.. the entire brain. Pineal glands are not useful for their intended purpose under normal conditions (DMT is made only under specific conditions and the glands have to be extracted at the right time before the made DMT dissolves again). The brains are mashed into goo, (the "sauce" reference).

The_Savant ago

That is another very possible suggestion. Could be why they're so eager to praise his "cuisine".

By the way, merry Christmas and a happy new year to you! It's been a while.

Are_we_sure ago

A compromise ,child raping cannibals think walnut sauce is delicious,

I don't think mixing insanity with reality is a valid compromise.

The_Savant ago

Nice of you to make a long speech about Podesta, but you seem to forget that this post is about Tom Steyer. If you're going to talk about Podesta, what you should be explaining is the $65,000 worth of hotdogs, the dominoes on pasta or cheese, the handerchief that is "map related", the Thelema favour and the spirit cooking.

When you take all of that into account, it seems fair to assume that Steyer isn't just cooking walnut sauce on its own without any other food. When was the last time you prepared only walnut sauce for yourself?

By the way, you're welcome for this providing your wage.

Are_we_sure ago

you're welcome for this providing your wage.

This stupidity again. You pays for you to come here?

Nice of you to make a long speech about Podesta, but you seem to forget that this post is about Tom Steyer.

Actually the OP based the entire relevance to Tom Steyer on the fake walnut sauce nonsense which is why I address that.

Relevance: Tom Steyers' butthole is immersed in Pizzagate. He was cc'd by his equally creepy brother in Pedosta's exchanges that featured the term WALNUT SAUCE?ING. Steyers promised to bring some walnuts when he visited.

You want me to explain stuff?

If you're going to talk about Podesta, what you should be explaining is the $65,000 worth of hotdogs, the dominoes on pasta or cheese, the handerchief that is "map related", the Thelema favour and the spirit cooking.

OK. I just did explain some of this stuff earlier this evening. Here's a bit on hotdogs and handkerchiefs

Spirit Cooking is a minor work from a provocative performance artist whose work is deliberately unsettling. She says a lot of pieces are about her own fears. You would have to be really into Ambramovic's career to even know about this work because she performed it one time 20 years ago. It was accompanied by a book of poetry "recipes." The recipes are in no way literal. Later she kept the name for some fund raising dinners she did.

What Spirit Cooking Really is

For the record: Spirit Cooking is nothing but a little-known (and, measured in her ouvre, a rather throwaway) performance Abramovic did in an Italian gallery in 1996, in which she painted apparent instructions on the white wall with pigs blood. Instructions like: “with a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand eat the pain.” She also painted a small kind of icon in the corner with the blood too. It’s pretty repulsive and rather luridly aims to shock but it’s also clearly not serious. Abramovic also published a Spirit Cooking cookbook, containing comico-mystical, self-helpy instructions like: “spit inside your naval / until the lake is filled / lie motionless / listen to the heartbeat / of a dog.” You’re not really meant to actually do these things. As Abramovic said at London’s Royal Festival Hall last night in a launch event for her new memoir Walk Through Walls, it’s just poetry.

Spirit Cooking later evolved into a form of dinner party entertainment that Abramovic occasionally lays on for collectors, donors, and friends. That’s where John Podesta comes in—or doesn’t, since he never actually attended the dinner, where anyway guests simply made soup, not out of blood or any other bodily fluid, while overseen by Abramovic in full-on comedy schoolmarm mode.

They probably made a “golden ball” too, a recipe given to her by Tibetan monks after a meditation retreat in northern India. A golden ball is supposed to be eaten after a long period of fasting and meditation. I’ve had one, at the end of a “workshop” she gave to her students—I was her assistant at the time—in Andalusia in 2005. A golden ball consists, precisely, of seven almonds, three coriander seeds, two black peppercorns, one white peppercorn, and a dribble of honey, all ground together and wrapped in a sheet of 24 carat gold leaf. It was delicious, but I was confident that I wasn’t going to become a Buddhist by eating it.

In this video from 2009, you can see her make a Golden Ball. Starts about 1:10

Are_we_sure ago

Nice of you to make a long speech about Podesta, but you seem to forget that this post is about Tom Steyer.

Yeah, because the OP made based her post on the nonsense I debunked.

Relevance: Tom Steyers' butthole is immersed in Pizzagate. He was cc'd by his equally creepy brother in Pedosta's exchanges that featured the term WALNUT SAUCE?ING. Steyers promised to bring some walnuts when he visited.

If you're going to talk about Podesta, what you should be explaining is the $65,000 worth of hotdogs, the dominoes on pasta or cheese, the handerchief that is "map related", the Thelema favour and the spirit cooking.

I actually just explain some of that tonight. Hotdogs and Handkerchief.

Dominoes on cheese or pasta just means playing dominoes after eating cheese or pasta. There's no code in that email at all. Podesta used to give out pasta as Christmas gifts and switched to cheese. Spiriting cooking is a minor performance art piece and a book of poems. It's really not well know to folks who follow Ambramovic. She reused the name for a series of regular dinners she used for fund raising.

For the record: Spirit Cooking is nothing but a little-known (and, measured in her ouvre, a rather throwaway) performance Abramovic did in an Italian gallery in 1996, in which she painted apparent instructions on the white wall with pigs blood. Instructions like: “with a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand eat the pain.” She also painted a small kind of icon in the corner with the blood too. It’s pretty repulsive and rather luridly aims to shock but it’s also clearly not serious. Abramovic also published a Spirit Cooking cookbook, containing comico-mystical, self-helpy instructions like: “spit inside your naval / until the lake is filled / lie motionless / listen to the heartbeat / of a dog.” You’re not really meant to actually do these things. As Abramovic said at London’s Royal Festival Hall last night in a launch event for her new memoir Walk Through Walls, it’s just poetry.

Spirit Cooking later evolved into a form of dinner party entertainment that Abramovic occasionally lays on for collectors, donors, and friends. That’s where John Podesta comes in—or doesn’t, since he never actually attended the dinner, where anyway guests simply made soup, not out of blood or any other bodily fluid, while overseen by Abramovic in full-on comedy schoolmarm mode.

They probably made a “golden ball” too, a recipe given to her by Tibetan monks after a meditation retreat in northern India. A golden ball is supposed to be eaten after a long period of fasting and meditation. I’ve had one, at the end of a “workshop” she gave to her students—I was her assistant at the time—in Andalusia in 2005. A golden ball consists, precisely, of seven almonds, three coriander seeds, two black peppercorns, one white peppercorn, and a dribble of honey, all ground together and wrapped in a sheet of 24 carat gold leaf. It was delicious, but I was confident that I wasn’t going to become a Buddhist by eating it.

Here's a video of her making a Golden Ball with James Franco from 2009. Starts at 1:10

The_Savant ago

I know I shouldn't really reply to someone who is paid to read what I post but..........

If they aren't conferring in a code, why after an email about a book club can we find the quote "I hope I worded this aptly or whatever." There have been testimonies from sex trafficking survivors that tell us exactly what "handkerchief" and "map" are referring to. I don't know how you're gonna try and tell me that "chicken lover", "Sex Stains" and that fucked up Heavy Breathing band were normal things that we all do. You're gross. Hand yourself in to the police. Speed up this storm for us.

Must be purely coincidental that Podesta then engages in satanic shit with his "cutting deeply into the left middle finger and eat the pain", has had his voice compared to a child abuser's who is torturing a child, him and his brother look like McCann's kidnappers, has this art which is clearly aimed at pedos and has kids brought to him to spend time in the pool with for "entertainment".

You're a sick pedo, you know that?

Also, the Clintons have a habit of pulling the CF out of countries 3 days before major human trafficking busts occur. It's weird because the CF has been reported by Haitians to be doing very little to aid them. Have a look at this

You know exactly what all of those code words mean. You know what was meant by "Thelema favor". It's exactly why the elite scum took the approach of saying that the emails were weaponised - they couldn't defend the contents of the leak and the only way to appear not guilty was if it wasn't true. But it is. And you know that.

Switch sides, God still loves you and would forgive you if you repented. It's not too late to change.

Are_we__sure ago

I know I shouldn't really reply to someone who is paid to read what I post but.........

Oh get over yourself.

If they aren't conferring in a code, why after an email about a book club can we find the quote "I hope I worded this aptly or whatever."

I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever and I also don't know the context. This feels like you are arguing just from your own suspicion. What's your concern about this?

There have been testimonies from sex trafficking survivors that tell us exactly what "handkerchief" and "map" are referring to.

Can you actually to point to this evidence, because I have seen intense speculation about the artwork of Kim Noble, but not testimony from her.

Also that it no way constitutes relevant evidence. If some people use pizza or handerkerchief or parallel parking as code, does that mean everyone who is using these very common words are using them as code? It is, of course, nonsensical to think so.

Also that evidence came way later after many the jumping to many conclusions. This blog post from last November shows that the leap that led to the false conclusion that code was involved had already happened.

It started with an incredibly suspicious Podesta email which had skeptics suggesting they weren’t actually talking about pizza, but rather in code:

If this is not speaking in code, then it makes absolutely no sense. Not a single person from Podesta’s legal team nor mainstream media has been able to offer a coherent explanation on what this could mean if ACTUALLY pizza and map related.

Needless to say this is terrible reasoning. I just provided a coherent explanation: There is no code and it makes sense as written. There was a cloth in the kitchen that had both a map and pizza on it. Because it was found on the kitchen island, I assume the cloth was likely not a handkerchief but a tea towel. The awkward phrasing is because the woman writing the email has not seen the cloth. You can find many, many kitchen cloths with maps or with food or with pizza. The designs for tea towels are in the tens of thousands.

And here are a couple with a map and pizza

You can find tons of variations of pizza and maps in clip art. It's a very common theme for touristy depictions of Italy.

"chicken lover", "Sex Stains" and that fucked up Heavy Breathing band were normal things that we all do.

Who cares? This is zero evidence of John Podesta being involved in a child trafficking ring and yes, I do know people who make sick jokes routinely.

Must be purely coincidental that Podesta then engages in satanic shit with his "cutting deeply into the left middle finger and eat the pain", has had his voice compared to a child abuser's who is torturing a child,

Podesta does not engage in this eating the pain stuff. Why do I know that? Because nobody does. It's a stupid poem. You actually cite the fact that wackos compared Podesta's voice to somebody's else as evidence of something? You stop from claiming it's his voice, because you know that is false, but you still think this is evidence?

You're a sick pedo, you know that?

Oh get over yourself again. Because I easily debunk your nonsense I must be paid to do it? Because you know I debunk your nonsense I must be evil? Your opponents must be wicked, mustn't they? Otherwise, you might just be kook spouted dishonest gibberish. God hates when you lie about me.

I don't know why you post that photo. Silsby has nothing whatsoever to do with the Clintons or the Clinton Foundation.

The_Savant ago

Oh get over yourself again. Because I easily debunk your nonsense I must be paid to do it? Because you know I debunk your nonsense I must be evil? Your opponents must be wicked, mustn't they? Otherwise, you might just be kook spouted dishonest gibberish. God hates when you lie about me.

Hmm, I wonder what Jem777 would have to say about this... What you post can be recorded, and your history on this site isn't exactly pristine.

I also love the fact that you ignored the lecture from Ted Gunderson AGAIN because you can't explain it. Then the Thelema favor connects Podesta to those satanists, and now he's got kids in the pool for "entertainment", he's cut into his finger and eaten the pain, just as his satanic literature told him to and he has a napkin that turned out to be nothing like a napkin. No one ever has confused a napkin for a tea towel. Ever. It also makes no sense. This post contains everything you need to know about the handerchief and trafficking victim, and then even more about the emails.

Your explanations for the code words are trash, potentially excluding the dominoes on pasta or cheese.

You also can't explain the Clinton Foundation shit, which is obviously an outlet for human trafficking under the guise of a charity.

Remember I said this?

That's why the elite scum took the approach of saying that the emails were weaponised - they couldn't defend the contents of the leak and the only way to appear not guilty was if it wasn't true. But it is. And you know that.

They know they'll hang if everyone finds out that the emails show the reality of how they communicate, hence why they don't accept responsibility for them. That is the biggest admission of guilt I have ever seen.


Are_we__sure ago

There are no code words. The one piece of code that existed prior to Podesta's emails was CP. CP was not even code because a lot of people knew what was meant by this. So it was more slang. CP stands for child porn and online communities like 4 Chan started finding other ways to say CP like "cheese pizza." In Eastern Europe they say computer processors, I have also heard someone say copy paper is also used.

CP was such a common phrase on 4 chan memes were created

and they became so popular variations on the original memes began.

from Know your Meme

CP Threads It is also possible for some users to request image dumping threads for CP (child pornography for short). If a thread is not unironic, it will be quickly deleted by moderators of the site because the posted contents can be illegal and violate their local law. But the Post CP acronym is generally associated with the online forum game where the users actually post contents starting with the letters C and P.

Post CP is an acronym in which CP can have a variety of meanings. Initially used as an acronym for 4chan posters to indirectly mention or request a child pornography thread, in later years the acronym became commonly associated with the posting of other subjects with the same first letters (C & P, most notably “Cheese Pizza”) to parody prohibited request threads or to troll those who hope to find child pornography.

The phrase "cheese pizza" NEVER appears in John Podesta's emails. There is no code. The list of code words was a hoax created after Podesta's emails came out.

Another older piece of slang is chickenhawk for a pedophile.

Hmm, I wonder what Jem777 would have to say about this...

That noted rationalist. Her claims against me are clearly false.

I always ignore Ted Gunderson and David Icke and all the other folks you have to too far gone to even countenance them. Jeebus, my posts are long enough already without that fabulists.

You also can't explain the Clinton Foundation shit, which is obviously an outlet for human trafficking

This is just so dumb.

The_Savant ago

So you partially address one point (nicely ignoring Thelema again and Luzzatto's kids with Podesta in the pool) and then to the rest of my comment merely tell me that I'm dumb? Wow, you need to be fired. Sloppy job. Not the first time you've been left speechless either:

Switch sides.

Are_we__sure ago

'm going to ignore a lot of things, because you're talking about the 20th floor in the second extension of a structure, where the foundation doesn't exist. If you can't prove A, I don't care if you connect Z to Y.....and all the way back to A. A has to stand on its own. And it does not in this case. There's no code in the emails, no pedophilia whatsoever. Take that away the Luzzato email is a grandmother trying to sound funny. That is what it sounds like to people who don't think about kid fucking 24 hours a day. People whose minds are in the gutter read it without giving the benefit of any doubt to the person, in fact, you deny her humanity and read the email not only not giving any doubt, but with actual malice and rancor. That is witch-hunting, not investigation.

You want to find these little anomalies like why does this woman talk oddly and then try to make that oddness the entire basis of evaluation. It's what conspiracists do. It's their bread and butter next superficial, meaningless links and patterns. Anomaly hunting it's called. It's an attempt to shift the conversation away from the totality of the evidence into a paranoid discussions of little oddities.

I have no idea who the people are who sent the Thelema email are, but simply reading it, you can see that they don't expect the readers to understand what a thelema is since they put the word in quotes and then define it for them.

Subject: "Thelema" - a Favor "please forward this "thelema" (favor)"

Looking them up I see the guy, quite ironically, is a historian who has studied the Salem Witch Trials and witchcraft in colonial America and is a descendent of a famous family of witch hunters

In the early 1970s, while doing research in Harvard's Widener Library on the Salem witch hunts, John Demos realized that his connection to the subject wasn't just intellectual. He had run across one of many references to the role of the Putnam family when he abruptly became conscious of his own middle name: Putnam.

"I literally jumped up from my seat and looked for a Putnam genealogy, and I traced the line right through," says Demos, now the Samuel Knight Professor of History at Yale.** He discovered himself to be a direct descendant of John Putnam Sr., progenitor of the witch-hunting Massachusetts Putnams. **"It took me all of ten minutes. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck." Demos does not believe in karma, however. Or in witchcraft.

Wow. And his theory of the psychological dynamics of witch hunting is pretty appropriate. This is from 2009

Demos expects witch hunts to recur, catalyzed by people who see the world as "bipolar." "It's good and evil, it's black and white, it's either you're with us or you're against us. And there's some cosmic threat at the bottom of things."

Resisting early is crucial. "A defining attribute of witch-hunting is the way the momentum builds. It's very hard to stop beyond a certain point -- because beyond a certain point, if you say 'Stop!' they'll call you a witch

I gotta read this guy's books, thanks for turning me on to him.

The_Savant ago

Oh great, thanks for admitting to being a Satanist 👍

Are_we__sure ago

Oh great, thanks for admitting to being a Satanist 👍

You fantasizing again. Where exactly did I do that?


A New Jersey government worker has been arrested on child pornography charges after he was caught using the same pedophile code words that John Podesta used in his leaked emails.

According to the Acting United States Attorney William E. Fitzpatrick, 37-year-old Stephen Salamak, of Lodi, New Jersey was arrested by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) after placing an advert on Craigslist requesting “cheese pizza.”

First of all, facepalm on believing anything from your news wire. Secondly, thank you for proving my point. There are zero instances of "cheese pizza" in the Podesta emails.

No. He wouldn't. Because it wouldn't make any difference. Witch hunters are interested in the truth.

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

That's a nice quote there. You appear to have me stumped by that one.

Podesta may not be quoted saying "cheese pizza" in the emails, but can be quoted saying both "cheese" and "pizza" in situations where they don't make any sense. Obvious code. He's also connected to a woman who pretends to run a charity that clearly only exists for the purposes of trafficking humans:

The combination of pulling the CF out of countries 3 days before they're busted in human trafficking stings, reported to be doing very little to help the locals of Haiti and then killing off one of the team investigating corruption into the CF in Haiti (and the family say was under suspicious circumstances - she even says that the CF was dirty on her FaceBook before she was killed) is not a great look I'll be honest.

Further, he just loves going to his special CPP place to get pizza after we find all of that twisted shit on the jommycommet Instagram and his creepy pedo guest appearances. I'm sure it's only coincidental that his company is called "Big Cheese" and there are two companies with known declassified pedo symbols in their logos. They changed the logos after PG broke, what more proof do you want?

Change sides.

Are_we__sure ago

Podesta may not be quoted saying "cheese pizza" in the emails, but can be quoted saying both "cheese" and "pizza" in situations where they don't make any sense. Obvious code.

I completely disagree. There's not one instance of any code. Also if "Cheese Pizza" is used for CP or child porn, wouldn't that make pizza just plain porn? I never understood how they got away with that shift.

the "map" that comes after a rape,

not in podesta's emails. Complete speculation outside of his emails.

the spirit cooking,

This is performance art. Often intended to be deliberately shocking, but nobody takes it literally. If you want to learn about the real Marina Ambramovic and not the carciature created by her enemies check out the documentary The Artist is Present that gives a good overview of her career.

the kids in the pool

You've never been at a pool party and swam with kids in the pool? Never swam with kids in a pool at a public pool or at hotel? This is a dumb accusation that if you applied it your own life, you'd see how weak an accusation it is, same goes for the use of pizza or cheese.

He's also connected to a woman who pretends to run a charity that clearly only exists for the purposes of trafficking humans:


and then killing off one of the team investigating corruption into the CF in Haiti

You're in absolute fantasyland and you show that you don't actually care about any of the fact whatsoever. Also I'm curious who are you talking about here?

The_Savant ago

I almost don't want to respond because I have you figured out entirely. It's why you react like the media does - make a brief point and then gaslight the other side for a while to try and make them question their sanity.

You've never been at a pool party and swam with kids in the pool?

It wasn't a pool party - they were staying with him and the kids were described as "further entertainment"!

not in podesta's emails. Complete speculation outside of his emails.

The emails reference a map on a handerchief. You told me it meant an atlas on a tea-towel. It may not stand on its own to be concrete proof, but considering everything else (namely this email that references sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch. Now try and explain that Thelema favor) they aren't looking so innocent in the bigger picture!


Also I'm curious who are you talking about here?

Priceless! Of course you're going to deny it and then tell me you don't know what I'm talking about! After all, you're the enlightened one! Educate yourself on Monica Petersen. Don't you wonder why all of these new investigations are just following the Clintons?

Abramovic says that she isn't a Satanist? Shit, you got me there. I was expecting her to confess instantly. Oh well, gotta give up now.

I know you're still going to call me insane, so I'll just not respond to you after this - after all, I don't need to convince you because you already know the truth well enough. I'm honestly only replying to you to use this chain of comments to prove that none of this can be explained away, thanks for helping me build up a powerful arsenal of information against you.

Switch sides.

Are_we__sure ago


So here's a question.

Why does this guy define Thelema as a favor?

Because that is not how Crowley defines it in any place I have seen. In fact the Wikipedia entry on Thelema doesn't mention "favor" at all

It does point out that there are thelema is not always associated with Crowley, in fact, it's an ancient Greek word that comes from The Greek translation of the Old Testament in use at the time of Jesus

As the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is also called the Greek Old Testament. This translation is quoted a number of times in the New Testament,[1][2] particularly in Pauline epistles,[3]

Thelema in Greek is θέλημα and the English version is basically said by Christians all the time because it appears in the Lord's prayer

γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου, ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς·


Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Here's a couple of dozen examples of this word from the Bible

So that is still the word defined as will. Where is used as "favor?"

The only place I can find it is this Bible Study site.

Thelema - in the Septuagint (LXX) translated as "desire", "delight", "favor" - 2Sa 23:5; 1Kgs 5:8ff; 9:11; 2 Chr 9:12; Esth 1:8; Job 21:21; Ps 1:2; 16:3; 28:7; 30:5, 7; 40:8; 103:7, 21; 107:30; 111:2; 143:10; 145:19; Eccl 5:4; 12:1, 10; Isa 44:28; 48:14; 58:3, 13; 62:4; Jer 9:24; 23:17, 26; Dan 4:35; 8:4; 11:3, 16, 36; Mal 1:10. Here is a good prayer...

Good Explanation of the Septuagint.

You can search the Septagint here. You may want to search for both favor and favour.

So Thelema meaning favor is term known to Biblical Scholars.

Once again, another cherished pizzagate "fact" is debunked with an hours worth of knowing what to google.

ESOTERICshade ago

Honestly I think the walnut might be a pineal gland instead of anything having to do with black children.

Shizy ago

No one ever actually reads these bullshit novel posts you write. Hopefully you get paid by the word since otherwise it's a huge waste of your time

Are_we__sure ago

I have three people message me and tell me they were reverse redpilled actually.

ArtificalDuality ago

You like inversion and reversion don'tcha?

Shizy ago

Awww, aren't you special!

Dressage2 ago

Bravo and just to add to that the email of the cookout in DC on Dec 28th (sure, hot that time of year) and it was taco and fresh tortillas flown in the day before from Mexico. And oh, by the way, please bring all children available. Sure you always say that on an invitation. Further, let’s not forget the kids in the pool provided for your entertainment in Lazatto’s email.

The_Savant ago

Phew, you know a geezer's fucked up when you forget how many connections to pedophilia he has!

Whilst we're talking about it, we may as well add the McCann suspect sketch and that fucked up fatherhood voice comparison.

Apart from that, we've basically been debunked. Congratulations @Are_We_Sure!

Are_we_sure ago

Confirmation Bias is a helluva drug.

Today I was watching a video on DB Cooper the skyjacker who got away and an ex-FBI guy talks about why you have really stick to the facts and why you have to check yourself. I thought it was pretty sound.

If you form a theory to early in an investigation, then you are subconsciouly trying to prove yourself correct.

The_Savant ago

Exactly - you have this bizarre theory that if you side with the pedo elite that you can win. You can't! Join us.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

the girl looks like Heather O'Rourke

carmencita ago

Which picture? The one with the girl in the cage on the back? Maybe a little.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

the girl in the cage.

carmencita ago

Yep, thought so. It sure as heck does resemble Heather O. Nothing surprises me anymore nor how sick they are.

shooglenifty ago

I was thinking more along the lines of, “that’s not a woman; that’s a man, baby!”

carmencita ago

I agree. The wife. Yes. She/he looks too muscular especially in the face. Not a woman's face. Another beard marriage. @migratorypatterns.

migratorypatterns ago

The whole thing is suspect. These people are nuts.