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Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow hey Psychanaut it's been awhile. I have missed you.

Psychanaut ago

HEEEYYYYYY. I am finally getting back in the game. I am also a lot on the conspiracy and maga subverses too. I'm following Q a lot, so I haven't been around much, but I'm for sure renewed about pizzagate and keep hoping for some indictments.

Gothamgirl ago

I am so happy you are back I have missed you lots! ❤❤❤

Psychanaut ago

Me too! Some of it had to do with situation regarding Millenial_Falcon/Vindicator mods and feeling betrayed by this nonsense. I'm glad to see the latest sticky about M_F being demodded.

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry, you were definitely missed.