ProudTruther ago

How about the tee shirt I see kids wearing taco cat backwards is taco cat. Maybe they leave out the space but I'm pretty sure they know what they are doing. Then again innocently it's kind of a cool/funny anagram.

2impendingdoom ago


WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Excuse me?

3141592653 ago

Wanna hear some crazy shit? So I know a number of us are familiar with the creepy a.f. "kids" book called Secret Pizza Party. That author, who is highly suspect, also wrote a supposed kids book called Dragons Love Tacos. Messed up

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Taco is an anagram of O-Cat.

newworldahead ago

Low quality post. What is your reasoning? Nothing in what you wrote suggests that tacos could be code word.

3141592653 ago

Check out urban dictionary. At the least, it's definitely a slang word for vagina

shortpenis ago

taco is a joke term, I've heard used by children, and comedians alike—poignantly, and without innuendo or subversion, blatant analogy for deciding which woman's below hair style, one favored.

save us jesus—all food will be band since words trigger people into thinking of sexual things—and then it begins—soyent green

srayzie ago

It's talking about a peanut butter jelly taco. A vagina is called a taco in slang. I've heard something about peanut butter but I can't remember what.

Weightstone ago

the old joke, "shes so ugly, the only way she gets her pussy eaten is by smearing peanut butter on it and letting the dog in the house".

srayzie ago

Oh wow 😯

3141592653 ago

I don't even wanna know

srayzie ago

Who's Gabe Podesta?

Shillaxe ago

Taco = young girl ?

ESOTERICshade ago

Sarah how many of these 11 month old accounts do you have? Are they all yours?

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Excuse me? I don't understand your proposition.

ESOTERICshade ago

Excuse me? I don't understand your proposition.

Mixing unrelated topics is your signature, i.e. Parsons and Paddock. Your sig

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Perhaps the combination of these topics is in vogue?

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

[–] @2impendingdoom [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 11 months ago And they can fly them around, no passports this is how the hotdogs and tortillas are getting flown around.

2impendingdoom ago

this was regarding an email about a neighborhood tortilla party that included strange phrasing: any children that are available were to be there. Podesta son Gabe Podesta (airforce JAG lawyer) was going to fly in fresh tortillas.

Did you find the whole post? Might be relevent.

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Gabe Podesta (son of John) is Military Sexual Assault Victim Attorney (Air Force JAG)

From: Gabe Podesta To: Megan Rouse Cc: Mae Podesta; John Podesta; Mary Podesta Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 7:31 AM Subject: Re: PB Tacos Graduated! I'm heading to the airport now to see if I can't get out today. I'll keep you posted.


When I learned that I was deploying to support a contracting command, I figured I would learn about the Afghan economy. What I hadn¹t figured was that those lessons would have nothing to do with my official duties. When I stepped off the helo pad at Camp Phoenix and into my office for the first time I was immediately introduced to GS-15 DoD employee. She asked me how many ³cartouches²I wished to purchase. A cartouche, I learned, is a cheap pendant necklace engraved on one side with an English name and on the other with the same name in Dari (or so they claim; it may well say Go Home American Swine for all any of us know). I initially demurred but eventually relented and agreed to purchase three. Even that compromise was met with an incredulous look and a puzzled ³just three?² The interaction seemed odd but I figured that I just happened to arrive as a bulk order was being placed and that purchases like this were atypical. I was wrong.

John Podesta - IMDb John Podesta, Actor: Walk for a Pendant. John Podesta is an actor, known for Walk for a Pendant (2009).

I was in the Whitehouse At The Time...

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1807710 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 4/21/2017 12:26:46 AM

Reason given: @WatashiPrincessPeach: Rule 1 + User Agreement Reminder

Original Submission

Hi ! x2442743

INC got raided for illegal armory (guns enough for a personal army) last month

illegal detainment

The founder is a pedo-sex maniac.

Tracks their members, RFID...

Owns personal air busses!

high level church defectors go missing ( I feel like they have a hidden mass grave somewhere )

Difficult to personally investigate since they have connections everywhere. Like, malls that hire INC only, government posts filled with freemasons... Aside from INC, other masonic cults in the country are Aglipayan and Mormons. Surely there are more.

They are universally disliked by Catholics and other Christians. they see INC as a mafia like org.

My personal theory:

INC is spooky since they managed to spread their churches around the world in less than a century.

The Philippines were essentially created by Freemasons (Phil revolution, 1st and 2nd republic)

The country is also CIA heaven (3rd republic )

Add this together and you can see that INC is used to infiltrate other countries for espionage and probably trafficks too.


Thanks agent Megan for your brVerty


delete ate your pearl

@ESOTERICshade @shortpenis @shillaxe @2impendingdoom @srayzie

shortpenis ago

who are the saints associated/popular in the Philippines now?

a goat "using all four legs" award