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Are_we_sure ago

I hope you get the help you need, but I did none of those things to you.

Mej777 ago

Them why am I in possession of your threats with Marfa, Tx and he Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim on a mattress asking me if I feel bad for the mattress....your deletions were too late my friend.

I am in possession of them all. or shall I say I am and many others are in possession and they don’t seem to agree based on your position.....

Your little dig “I hope you get the help you need will not work...

That is so typical of’s laughable...

Are_we_sure ago

Because you are not mentally well and I hope you get the help I need.

Also just now searching for post you claim I deleted I found this from @vindicator asking you to back up your claims and it appears you never did.

Jem, you never responded to any of my requests for linked evidence or screenshots with anything. Please show me where you did, because I take this stuff seriously and will push it up the chain to Putt without delay if it's happening on Voat. Every time I asked, you said you didn't want to reveal anything publicly, even redacted.

I'll help you out. Vindicator, here's what Jem/Mej claims was a death threat.

She also claims I deleted it. Which of course I didn't. Because I just posted the permalink to it. I have no idea why she claims I deleted it, but as we shall see her perceptions are not the best.

She claims that post was a death threat directly at her. It's not. It's not even directed at her, if you read what I wrote, it's directed at someone who works for George Soros.

Normal folks will recognize this and recognize I'm clearly joking. The joke is responding to some absurd claims Jem/Mej made * "My boss" is Hillary Clinton. * I know George Soros and * George Soros's donation to the Open Society Foundation was a big super duper secret that the super sleuths on internet ferreted out.

Everyone of these is hysterical, but particular the last one because the big super duper secret was actually reported by the mainstream media. It was in the Wall Street Journal and **confirmed on the record **by the foundation. Nobody was trying to hide anything. They were doing the opposite. So the humor is the source of the story is actually Soros foundation. I then made a joke about the stupid conspiracies that people believe are in the Podesta emails, that Podesta made an example of a Leaker (HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH!) and that Scalia's death was somehow discussed in Podesta's email. Two thing that I find insane.

Here's the joke I made.

Tell me which one of the mainstream media outlets you found this out from. We must stop those leakers at the Open Society Foundation and make examples of them!!!! Starting with the ones who went on the record with the Wall Street Journal!

We'll do it right here!

Vindicator ago

Yeah, that doesn't meet Voat's definition of a death threat. The sitewide anti-censorship policy forbids mods to remove comments as threats unless they would be considered illegal speech in a court of law. Basically, unless the speaker makes a direct, personal threat along with info showing they know exactly who a person is in real life and where they can be located, Voat considers it figurative speech.

Jem/Mej, if you consider that threatening, I don't think you have the constitution for a full, unlimited speech environment.

Are_we__sure ago

Yeah, that doesn't meet Voat's definition of a death threat

That feels like an incredibly narrow and inadequate response. It is not a threat in ANY WAY. It is a joke where the person threatened is NOT JEM777, but an imaginary leaker who works for George Soros.

It feels incredibly inadequate because Jem/Mej and her friends like darkknight111 have been saying I threatened her with death for a month now. The truth was once I found out she mistook my jokes about her posts as a threat, I assured her I was not making a threat and explained my meaning.

In particular darkknight111 then threatened to take me down and cause me some IRL misfortune in some way.

Vindicator, do you personally believe that is a threat in anyway?

DM, me if you want more details.

Vindicator ago

No, when I read it a month ago, it seemed like your typical arrogant sarcasm, AWS. You see this whole subverse as a terrarium for observing the busy work of all the little pizzagate ants. I'm sure you have a great time laughing about it at faculty wine and cheese parties.

Regardless, my personal belief isn't relevant; what is is what Voat's rules require, so I explained them.

Are_we_sure ago

I will take arrogant sacrcasm.

You see this whole subverse as a terrarium for observing the busy work of all the little pizzagate ants.

Actually my initial reaction was appalled.

As someone once said, I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.