Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for admitting that Q is a LARP. Reported for admitting to being a paid shill in violation of site-wide rules and board rule #1. Ç

srayzie ago

Attention Soros funded Bot creator! Bottiboop has a virus!

Tallest_Skil ago


srayzie ago

We've already been talking BOT. You need to improve AI. What is your name, race, religion? What primary colors make the color gray?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for datamining. You’re too mentally defective to answer any of my questions about your LARPer. It’s because the questions prove him wrong and you’re paid to hide that.

srayzie ago

I hereby report you BottiBoop! You've been a bad bad bot. Spank! Spank! Spank!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to being a paid shill in violation of site-wide rules and board rule #1.

srayzie ago

You need a time out BottiBoop!

Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for admitting that Q is a LARP. Reported for admitting to being a paid shill in violation of site-wide rules and board rule #1.

srayzie ago

Bottiboop has a virus

new4now ago

Bad actors gather metadata and targeting

it's not just Twitter......


new4now ago

Did you know Capt Mike Green worked for The Harrison Police Department in NJ for 27 yrs?


Matt Storey Graduates From MCFRS Academy

July 29, 2013


MCFRS Capt. Mike Green, MCFRS PFF Matt Storey

it's the picture with 5 men

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service


In 2001, the MCFRS went to Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia aboard RideOn buses to assist in urban search and rescue (USAR) efforts immediately after the September 11 attacks. The MCFRS also went to Oklahoma City in 1995 to conduct USAR operations after the Oklahoma City bombing.

srayzie ago

Wow that's interesting. Sorry. I've had company.

new4now ago


alphabravo ago

Thanks for keeping the home fires burning. You're awesome <3

srayzie ago

So are you <3

Tallest_Skil ago

Get the fuck out.

srayzie ago

YOU get the fuck out. If you don't like this thread then move along.

Tallest_Skil ago

No. Get the fuck out. We don’t want your LARPer here. It’s disinformation. None of it is legitimate. You are actively helping take focus away from systematic child rape.

srayzie ago

Vindicator is allowing it. We're trying to catch the satanic rapists. This could help.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, a kike shill’s LARPing that is explicitly designed to throw people off legitimate trails is not helping you do anything.

srayzie ago

That is your opinion. Many people do not believe it's a LARP. Why don't you go make yourself useful instead of just being hateful here? We've been working on pizzagate for a year now. We're seeing progress. So get a life.

Tallest_Skil ago

That is your opinion.

Truth is not a matter of opinion.

Many people do not believe it's a LARP.

No one gives a fuck about their opinions. It has been proven to be false. It is a LARP. What they think and feel doesn’t matter.

Why don't you go make yourself useful instead of just being hateful here?

Try again with an actual argument.

We've been working on pizzagate for a year now. We're seeing progress.

And now you want to tear it down by chasing a kike paid shill.

So get a life.

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting your LARP is bullshit, though. Fuck the hell off.

srayzie ago

Where is your proof that it's a LARP?

Tallest_Skil ago

The fact that all of his predictions failed to come true. Have you even been paying attention to it or do you just parrot the shit that redditors squeeze out? Have you even read a single one of his posts? ALL OF HIS DATES CAME AND WENT. Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer who doesn’t even know how to use a tripcode is not one of the ONLY TEN PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from more than two people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! DON’T QUESTION IT, just spend the entire day ignoring literally everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

srayzie ago

Well thanks for your OPINION. Move along now.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself. Truth is not a matter of opinion. Your kike LARPer was proven wrong. Everything he said was a lie. Nothing came true. It’s over. Go back to reddit.

srayzie ago

Yawn 😴

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself, paid shill LARPer. You were proven wrong. You have no answers to any of my questions.

srayzie ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself, paid shill LARPer. You were proven wrong. You have no answers to any of my questions. Ƒ

srayzie ago

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself, paid shill LARPer. You were proven wrong. You have no answers to any of my questions. Ω

srayzie ago

You must be a terrible bot

Tallest_Skil ago

Eat shit, faggot. You have no answers to any of my questions. Go back to reddit and suck LARP cock there.

srayzie ago

Go away faggot bot

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself. Truth is not a matter of opinion. Your kike LARPer was proven wrong. Everything he said was a lie. Nothing came true. It’s over. Go back to reddit. ∂

srayzie ago

I've never experienced an obvious bot lol. This is fun. What did you do for Thanksgiving? What's the weather like there? (What is FlV3 take away F0R?)

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Go back to reddit. You’re too mentally defective to answer any of my questions about your LARPer. It’s because the questions prove him wrong and you’re paid to hide that.

srayzie ago

Your new name is BottiBoop. Lol you're a terrible bot. BAD BAD BOT!

You are defective. The Soros funded corporation that has made you needs to do a recall. You keep saying the same things in the same post to me. I've given you tests and you are failing them all. I would think they would perfect bots better than this. This is pathetic LOL.

Tallest_Skil ago

Answer my questions in the next reply or you admit you’re a paid shill pushing a long-disproven LARP for the purpose of detracting from the actual investigation of pedowood.


Don't forget. The Secret Service was originally created to combat the manufacturer and distribution of counterfeit currency. They investigate cyber crime and money laundering. If you come into contact with a counterfeit bill you're supposed to contact the Secret Service.

argosciv ago

I'm here, @srayzie.

Still waking up, gimme a minute.

ThaliaC ago

Q says 'we may have overestimated your ability' ... in my case that is definitely the truth!

Tallest_Skil ago

Go suck your own dick back on reddit. Why the fuck are you listening to a LARPer?

srayzie ago

Someone made me laugh on Twitter. They said Q is mad at us and says they may have overestimated our ability. Well dammit Q. It's not our fault. We're being fed fluoride! Hahahaha.

SecondAmendment ago

@srayzie, hahaha. Damn, after reading this thread I feel like I OD'd on fluoride. I didn't get much of it. But, then again, I haven't had even a sip of coffee yet. Main thing is I'm worried that Twitter's going to be tracking users' off-site usage through cookies and banning people from based on their visits to other sites (like pol or here, I presume). Makes me think the only way around it is to buy a separate device and don't link to any real accounts, and use that device to either (1) go on Twitter; or (2) exercise free speech by visiting whatever the heck sites we want.

srayzie ago

Yeah but it sucks to not be able to retweet or give a real opinion. It will be full of Hillary lovers and it will piss me off. I won't be able to reply. I don't think it would be enjoyable. I saw that a lot of people are moving to Gab.ai. I've been there but haven't posted regularly. I guess I will be soon tho.

patriot-q007 ago

From working with computers for ages, I see what Q is doing by repetitively posting the same questions. He knows there are AI bots out there that scan questions, and knows where they have them placed. That is why he always post a list of questions. 1. to have us do research, and 2. to throw the bot off looking for answers across the Internet to throw off there interaction with searches for questions that it cannot answer. Because those answers wont ever be covered by MSM. And are encrypted through SSL.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's also why a lot graphics posted by Q have been rearranged and had the gamma and chroma changed on the image so bots won't recognize the photo. The bots are looking not for just keywords or intentional misspellings, but also phraseology, topics, logic, etc. https://twitter.com/I___A__M____Q__

argosciv ago

Aaand bingo was his name-o

srayzie ago

That's smart!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Casual Guess with minimal evidence. Q = Stephen Miller. Q's style matches his - smart, slightly snarky, young enough and clever enough to use and understand sites like 4Chan. (You know Hope Hicks isn't masterminding anything) Miller flies on AF1. Could take and post pic from the air.

On the twitter account @FedupWithSwamp nice picture of Trump and some close ppl - with a Q drawn on it, and the line of the Q connects Trump's and Miller's thumbs.

At a language comparison website, the text of Trump's NATO speech, written by Miller, compared with some Q writings returns a high probability of it being the same person. text I used to compare are the two samples below. Try other ones, too, look for text online of Stephen Miller writings for Trump, or transcripts of Miller Interviews, and compare them to Q postings. I used this site: http://www.utpsyc.org/synch/ (Miller's age is 32, and I told the app the writing came from the same person, and that they were general writing samples) it calculates the possibility of that being true.) other sites available too, look for apps that compare two written samples to see how close they are. I got an LRM score of .89 which is very high. They say people tend to use the same words and writing style and can be seen by comparison. Then I took the text of Trump's Values Voter speech, https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/10/13/remarks-president-trump-2017-values-voter-summit , that talks about Christmas, and the text of Miller's Christmas writing from Duke, http://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2005/12/attack-secularist-scrooges and that was .87. Not 100 percent correlation, but interesting data.

NATO speech I am honored to be here with members of an alliance that has promoted safety and peace across the world. Prime Minister, All of the nation’s here today grieve with you and stand with you. I would like to ask that we now observe a moment of silence for the victims and families of the savage attack which took place in Manchester.

[Moment of silence]

Thank you.

Terrible thing.

This ceremony is a day for both remembrance and resolve. We remember and mourn those nearly 3,000 innocent people who were brutally murdered by terrorists on Sept 11, 2001. Our NATO allies responded swiftly and decisively invoking for the first time in its history the article 5 collective defense commitments.

The recent attack on Manchester in the UK demonstrates the depth of the evil we face with terrorism. Innocent little girls and so many others were horribly murdered and badly injured while attending a concert. Beautiful lives with so much great potential torn from their family forever and ever. It was a barbaric and vicious attack upon our civilization. All people who cherish life must unite in finding, exposing, and removing these killers and extremists, and yes, losers. They are losers.

Wherever they exist in our societies we must drive them out and never ever let them back in. This call for driving out terrorism is a message I took to a historic gathering of Arab and Muslim leaders across the region, hosted by Saudi Arabia. There I spent much time with King Salman, a wise man, who wants to see things get much better - rapidly. The leaders of the Middle East have agreed at this unprecedented meeting to stop funding the radical ideology that leads to this horrible terrorism all over the globe.

My travels and meetings have given me renewed hope that nations of many faiths can unite to defeat terrorism, a common threat to all of humanity. Terrorism must be stopped in its tracks or the horror you saw in Manchester and so many other places will continue forever.

You have thousands and thousands of people pouring into our various countries and spreading throughout and in many cases we have no idea who they are. We must be tough, we must be strong, and we must be vigilant. The NATO of the future must include a great focus on terrorism and immigration as well as threats from Russia and on NATO’s eastern and southern borders. These grave security concerns are the same reason that I have been very, very direct with Stoltenberg and members of the alliance in saying that NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligation. But 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they’re supposed to be paying for their defense. This is not fair to the people and tax payers of the United States and many of these nations owe massive amounts of money from past years and not paying in those past years.

Over the last 8 years, the United States spent more on defense than all other NATO countries combined. If all NATO members had spent just 2% of their GDP on defense last year we would have had another 119 billion dollars for our collective defense and for the financing of additional NATO reserves. We should recognize that with these chronic underpayments and growing threats that even 2% of GDP is insufficient to close the gaps in modernizing readiness and the size of forces. We have to make up for the many years lost. 2% is bare minimum for confronting today’s very real and very vicious threats. If NATO countries made their full and complete contributions then NATO would be even stronger than it is today, especially from the threat of terrorism.

I want to extend my appreciation to the 9/11 memorial and museum in New York for contributing this remnant of the north tower as well to Chancellor Merkel and the German people for donating this portion of the Berlin Wall. It is truly fitting that these two artifacts now reside here so close together at the new NATO headquarters.

And I never asked once what the new NATO headquarters cost. I refuse to do that, but it is beautiful.

Each one marks a pivotal event in the history of this alliance and in the eternal battle between good and evil. On one side a testament of the triumphs of our ideals over a totalitarian communist ideology bent on the oppression of millions and millions of people. On the other a painful reminder of the barbaric evil that still exists in the world and that we must confront and defeat together as a group, as a world. This twisted mass of metal reminds us not only of what we have lost but also what forever endures - the courage of our people, the strength of our resolve, and the commitments that bind us together as one. We will never forget the lives that were lost, we will never forsake the friends that stood by our side and we will never waiver in our determination to defeat terrorism and to achieve lasting security, prosperity and peace.

Thank you very much. It’s a great honor to be here.

Q Writings: For the coming days ahead. Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS? Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about? Does he need money? Does he need fame? What does he get out of this? Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of? Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch? Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye. Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose. Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn. Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting? Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech? When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech? What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash? At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority? What about voting machines? Who owns the voting machines? What about voter ID laws? Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh. Reconcile. Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year? What does ‘red line’ mean? Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important? What strings were immediately cut? Follow the money. When does a bird sing? Q

Who financed 9-11? Who was Bin Laden’s handler? Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL? Why not MI? If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive? Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events? Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event. WWI & II – orchestrated and planned by select families? Fantasy land. Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have. Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident? Why is this so very important to their agenda? We, the people, are who they are afraid of. We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

andrevandelft ago

Stephen Miller is jewish, while Q is catholic IMO, since he quotes the Lord's Prayer, catholic version if I am right.

The "Book of Q" suggests Q might be Dan Scavino, White House Director of Social Media.

On November 8 DJT tweeted a picture having file name DOITQ...Q, with 6 thumbs-up that form a Q. Scavino's head is inside the ellipse, and he is not smiling as broadly as the others.


Commoner ago

I def think Q could be Miller That guy is super smart and confident.

srayzie ago

That's really interesting. I'm gonna look that up. That was creative.

Narcissism ago

It wouldn't surprise me if the "Q Group" was setup in reference to the knowledge that 9/11 was a Nuclear Event. A lot of insiders were furious about that False Flag. Q class is Energy dept classification, the level necessary to find out detailed info on the type of nukes used.

Thaumaturgist ago

New York is the Big Apple. Thursday, there is the Macy's day parade for Thanksgiving. It starts at 9 am NY time, which is 0600 LA time - where wonderland school is located.

srayzie ago

Crap. I would be staying home that day

Thaumaturgist ago





independenceday ago

MI i see now this is seriously 'distressing' see you over there, on the 'otherside' ..i am astonished...truly astonished...i had higher hopes ya' know for the I......Q...... of it all.. God bless and good Lord!

srayzie ago

Wait what? Where do you see that?

independenceday ago

in the sub-text ;)

srayzie ago

Oh! There's been some added! Duh!

Long_Knife ago

How long is this sub going to let "Q" and /pol string them along with this stuff? You guys are being lead around by the nose. If this person wanted to help and had info he wouldn't be acting like the Riddler. He could just as easily posted actual non-riddle evidence.

Gothamgirl ago

Thats not how it works, you want to be in the know, you have to use your brain to figure out.

Long_Knife ago

So it works only in riddles and this person can't just come out and say "heres the evidence"? That is utter bullshit. Don't be so gullible. Why do you think the weeks keep passing and literally nothing he's said has happened. No Hillary turning herself in, no podesta or Alfantis disappeared, literally nothing at all has happened. So explain that.

Gothamgirl ago

I think we all hope thats not the case and that justice will be served, and if not they will someday have to face the only judgement that counts.

Long_Knife ago

We can not say what did or didn't happen yet

except when it's a liberal/democrat etc right? Billy Bush got fired just for being with Trump and laughing about him saying "grab em by the pussy". but he is now the president and thats A-ok I guess.

they will someday have to face the only judgement that counts.

I'm sure that's a great comfort to those molested. Lets just hope jesus punishes him, I mean he could have stopped it all together but it's all in his plan cause free will so thanks jesus. And I didn't say no one uses critical thinking but it is getting in shorter and shorter supply. Also you didn't answer any of my questions at all, are you going to?

Why do you think the weeks keep passing and literally nothing he's said has happened. No Hillary turning herself in, no podesta or Alfantis disappeared, literally nothing at all has happened. So explain that

Also where is the outrage about Roy Moore and Trump and KellyAnne basically saying they would rather have a molester in office vs a democrat?

Gothamgirl ago

This page is about "elite" sex trafficking and harming children, who cares what political party they come from. They need to go before a judge if they're accussed, with evidence.

Did Donald say he was going to grab a child by the genitals? I am not saying its right, for someone to say what he may have, It's forgivable though. He did not act it out, so it's not illegal, poor choice, and who even knows the context, if the recording is real, or if its in it's entirety. How do you know he wasn't repeating or reading something? Bush lol Bush oh stop. The problem is you think there is 2 different parties.

Long_Knife ago

if the recording is real

Are you kidding me? You don't have to be a child to be sexually assaulted.

He did not act it out

He bragged about groping women without their consent. That is sexual assault. He bragged about walking into the dressing rooms of his pagents because he could get away with it. This is on tape from his appearance on Howard Stern. And back to my main point you still haven't addressed:

Why do you think the weeks keep passing and literally nothing he's said has happened. No Hillary turning herself in, no podesta or Alfantis disappeared, literally nothing at all has happened. So explain that

Gothamgirl ago

"Are you kidding me? You don't have to be a child to be sexually assaulted."

Who doesn't know that? This subverse is for pizzagate which is about children. Do you have information involving children at all?

Long_Knife ago

This subverse is for pizzagate which is about children

It used to be. Now the umbrella has widened to include any sex-related arrests from hookers and johns, to /pol LARPs about Saudis and Hugh Hefner. To Trumps "I am the storm" bullshit meme. And if you're going to claim that "grab em by the pussy" recording is fake at least post some proof. So are you going to answer my main question or not?

Why do you think the weeks keep passing and literally nothing he's said has happened. No Hillary turning herself in, no podesta or Alfantis disappeared, literally nothing at all has happened. So explain that

Gothamgirl ago

I just have questions. I see no proof on your end what so ever. Your the one making the accusations againist Trump. If you want anyone to listen, sources are important.

Long_Knife ago

pedo arrests have trippled since last year

Source, that doesn't include regular old hookers and johns?

ESOTERICshade ago

How long is this sub going to let "Q" and /pol string them along with this stuff?

I'm trying to figure out when people are going to start realizing that Q is running them in absolute circles of trivia related to the ancient mysteries illumaniti trivia. Like the Owl. That is so damn fundamental to the ancient mysteries it isn't even funny.

independenceday ago


Gothamgirl ago

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:07:58 No.150412315 View Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. Follow the Owl & Y head around the world. Identify and list. They don’t hide it. They don’t fear you. You are sheep to them. You are feeders. Godfather III. Q Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:AJWt5SQs Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:24:48 No.150407593 View

150405114 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:AJWt5SQs Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:19:27 No.150406974 View 150404273 What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

https://gnosticwarrior.com/owl.html gnosticwarrior.com

finska ago

I have noticed in my area which is quite affluent at least 5 houses with ornamental owls on the rooftop or balcony. Even before this latest info I felt suspicious of this. The more I look around for them now the more I see them. Is this their sign to each other or do a lot of people just like owls?

Christosgnosis ago

The Owl is important to the elite - look at the Alex Jones video footage from Bohemian Grove - a Giant Owl deity statue (presumably Moloch) to which they offer a mock child sacrifice (representing the sacrifice that was actually offered in ancient times to that deity figure).

In paranormal research, humanoid owl figures are reported by those have high strangeness encounters with beings (sometimes accounted to be ET, but more likely some sort of inter-dimensional, non-material entities).

Ancient Sumer (Mesopotamia) civilizations regarded an owl deity as a demon entity.

Sir Ridley Scott's classic film, Blade Runner, features an owl figure that is always observing the human drama and the film gives long camera shots to the owl - even movie posters for Blade Runner did nothing other than depict an owl.

Gothamgirl ago

Owl = Moloch

merlow ago

Owls are birds of prey. Owl statues on houses, fences, etc. are intended to deter pests like pigeons, blackbirds, woodpeckers, etc.

Now if the statue is 30ft tall with a burning altar in front of it, that's a different story.... But your neighbors are prob just worried about pigeons shitting on their Range Rover.

finska ago

Ok good to know....

Gothamgirl ago

I have noticed them to. I think the answer is both. I see it printed on childrens clothing and sold everywhere, so I don't think everyone buying it knows.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

At the start of Q's post today: Captain Mike Green. Conf_D-TT^_v891_0600_yes _green1_0600 Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

Then says this: What was posted prior to the stringer? What keywords were within the stringer? Why would keywords be left in the stringer? Future shows past. Learn to read the map. Everything has meaning - EVERYTHING.

This sure sounds like Q wants us to figure out this code. This is some Da Vinci Code type stuff. Anyone got any ideas? I've been looking at this for awhile but I'm drawing a blank...

srayzie ago

independenceday ago

Ya'll checked out what #QAnon pointed us to the Wonderland School??? http://www.wonderlandschool.org/about This is some SERIOUS SHIT counters the likes of #COMETPINGPONG BIG TIME! WTF? is going on here ANONS? Anyone awake and aware out there. RE: TARGET ??? AMAZON??? RALPHS???? HELLO?

Birddirt ago

I live next to this school. What did he say about it? I've heard that one of the rockerfellers lives a couple of houses up from there.

independenceday ago

Are you serious? PLEASE just start with looking at their weird aSS website! Good Lord, what are they up to? I am very rattled with this finding! Is this Comet Pin Pong on STEROIDS? WTF is going on? http://www.wonderlandschool.org/about Don't you think this is weird?? PLEASE HELP if you are local in the community we NEED to hear from people like you. thank you.

Birddirt ago

Maybe I'm blind or just overlooking the weirdness of their website. Can you point it out to me?

jealoushe ago

Go check it out tomorrow!!

srayzie ago

What Part is bad?

GoatMeal4Breakfast ago

Other than the school facility being located less than 1 mile from the Lookout Mountain Laboratory, a covert MK Ultra propaganda studio http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2015/02/23/lookout_mountain_secret_film_studio_in_laurel_canyon_hollywood.html , the thing that caught my eye right away was one of advertisers at the bottom of the Wonderland School homepage, Boz, has a pentagram in their logo


and their website does not appear to work, which is also strange.

srayzie ago

Yup. I couldn't find anything else but I didn't go thru every link.

srayzie ago


Owls can see In the dark.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q: What does the owl represent to certain cults.

It has more than one context. One of the main ones is the law of secrecy. Illuminati secret meetings were called Minerval Churches or Minerval Assemblies. Brethren of Minerva. Secret wisdom. Owls could also be a symbol of death becuse people have a habit of turning up dead in connected to the Brethren Of Minerva. Athena and Minerva or sort of the same thing, like the owl Goddess of secrecy.

independenceday ago

Has anyone looked into pilot Mike Green (good guy) his knowledge of CROP CIRCLES have anything to do with things? Just a hunch...wondering what others think? Like I'm thinking (and hoping) he's not dead, but pulled off a major cool OP instead...{LdR} comes to mind. Perhaps what kind of signal has been sent?

srayzie ago

Bill Clinton was nicknamed Eagle by secret service.

Q's says FlyEaglesFly

Could this mean FlyClintonsFly? Could the Clintons be on the run?

LacyLiberty ago

Wonder who was the pilot of Epstein's infamous express.

jealoushe ago

Or about Clinton flying on the Lolita Express??

angelafogo ago

I am honestly amazed that people are so naive to give their intellectual capacity at the service of this Top Grade Shiller.

IN MK ULTRA PROGRAMMING THERE IS A PROGRAM CALLED GAMMA. ITS SOLE OBJECTIVE IS "Deception Programming – These alters are trained as deceivers. They spread disinformation and misdirection.

We are having shillers here that are even making posts and theories about this guy. This is absolute garbage for the mind, it just makes you go in circles and think about riddles, and the sad thing is that it is working.

Christosgnosis ago

wow, an example of recursion - nice!

ESOTERICshade ago

We are having shillers here that are even making posts and theories about this guy.

You noticed that too huh...

DonKeydich ago

Q sometimes randomly says (((they))) as if to make normies think it means TPTB. KIKESHILL

new4now ago

ATT/Verizon N.Y. Apple

NSA mainframe?

Yellow sky before the storm? Yellow in the morning?

Pennsylvania, keystones state, COG facility, how many levels under a mountain?

It's like some sick game show with way to much on the line

Gothamgirl ago

Or Keystone pipeline.

new4now ago

Forgot that one, thoughts of Thanksgiving, everything else disappeared in my head

THANKS, that was another suggested answer

Blacksmith21 ago

Here is what I think I'm looking at. Hopefully some of you "smart folks" can help noodle through this. This is only a hypothesis:e:

Nov 15: Trip code issued @ 05:38:48 (time zone unknown) "_Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600"

  • "sky" = aviation accident

  • "yes" = mission green light

  • "Green1" = Indicates target package?

  • "0600" = indicates time of contact

Friday, Nov 17 @ 1206 GMT: Green's helo goes down. Reasonable estimates indicate disappearance from radar at 1206p GMT, which is within an hour of 0600 ET or hack at CT. allow for mission flex..

It is rumored that Lord de Rothschild, the 4th Baron was involved in the crash, despite 2 victims being listed as "flight students" (Saavan Mundae and Jaspal Barha) or maybe they were for another purpose?

Mike Green was a pilot like Stephen Paddock was a pilot. Wouldn't surprise me if he was involved in something similar like flying children from point A to B.

Also, "Q's" point is that within the trip code and stringer was a prediction that can be reasonably considered.

The day of the accident LdR tweeted: https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/931620535498346496 (interesting considering a family member was supposedly killed in an accident and/or assassinated). Woudn't you think a shout out to cuz would be warranted?

Who is Mike Green? Who is his buddy Phil Croucher? Did his employer Helicopter Services have nefarious ties? I couldn't come up with much on an initial pass. The day after LdR tweets this: https://twitter.com/LdeRothschild/status/932122362799099904 (not really much)

independenceday ago

Thank you. I found an interesting discovery in the Ural Mountains of Russia https://www.booksfact.com/technology/ancient-technology/springs-screws-and-metals-from-russia.html when you guys say you are going in 'deep' you ain't messing around! OMG!

vahelper ago

helicopter pilot (good guy) plane (bad guy)

Supposedly Green was to take out the Rothschilds on the ground somehow but was stopped by the plane diving in behind it.

independenceday ago

Oh my goodness, Alice_in_Wonderland id quite the character isn't she? Personally, I just love chasing bunnies....xo

srayzie ago

You're cracking me up. You're bad today lol

Commoner ago

Wow, you are good at this

srayzie ago

Thank you. I'm not good at that stuff!

Blacksmith21 ago

Neither am I.

new4now ago

Really interesting what 4chan has to say

Been reading as many as I can

The one about Wed or Thurs from the sky makes me wonder, Another false flag?

This mind twisters can really twist the mind? Lol

Thurs, Thanksgiving, would be a grand day for bullsheet

Read where Green was in Intelligence, think Police force, investigation stuff

0600 is 6am right?

And where would that time zone be?

Circles. This could be from left field as the White rabbit is

I just don't know what to make of this stuff anymore

It's headache inducing

On phone so no links

srayzie ago

I hope there isn't a false flag on Thanksgiving 😞

new4now ago

I hear ya, it's a holiday of Family and Thanks

A lot of people moving around

Said 1 will report on TV, think that was said

Comes from the sky

Hopefully, this is wrong, be a pisser for this one to be right

srayzie ago

It sure would. If we're gonna die, I'd rather die together.

new4now ago

I'm not afraid of dying

But the thought of living through an apocalypse scares the hell out of me

srayzie ago

I'm more scared of seeing the ones I love suffering

Gothamgirl ago

This is from one of his posts: "Red Oct sig has not occurred yet."

I think its this: http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/21/americas/argentina-submarine-search-and-rescue-efforts/index.html

srayzie ago

Yes! This is what Roy Potter was saying last night on youtube

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

"Who is Q?" is the modern day "Who is John Galt?"

Dressage2 ago

I think it is a small group of 3 or so. I remember Q said something early on about only a tight group he trusts. They are flying with him. I think one is mainly Q and others help out. Just my 0.02 cents.

thebassdude ago

More like "What is Kek?"

unclassified ago

Who IS John Galt?

EricKaliberhall ago

Yeah, I've been thinking the same. Maybe Q is an Ayn Rand fan...

Vindicator ago

Most fun we've had around here since the Weiner laptop. ;-)

freq ago

I just want to know who Q is and why social media still exists... It's like, they made social media, forced us to believe that it was important, pretended they were not watching us, then came out and said they are proud of their psychological hacks on human life. Why has their not been a huge rising up against this? Surely we are smarter than this.

Weightstone ago

Who is the primary person protected under the SS? on the surface the president is protected primarily .. however the secret service protects the treasury, ... that's why the SS were created. just putting that out there.

Tallest_Skil ago

I just want to know who Q is

LARPing faggot from cuckchan who knows nothing.

and why social media still exists


Why has their not been a huge rising up against this?

That’s racist.

freq ago

Lol. Accuracy of a marksman.

idk ago

Boiling frog analogy, this was a long con.

Dressage2 ago

Because the whole purpose is Group think. They slowly censor what you are allowed to read and they have shills that push the flavor thought of the day and the sheep do not even know they are being lead to what Deep State wants you to hear and/or read. The shut down others opinion (I..e., college campus shutting out conservative thought and students now afraid to be a conservative due to peer pressure and violence upon them by ANTIFA.) It is like putting everyone in a football stadium and you only get to interact there and with people with exact thought process.

Bradox ago

We are smarter than this. But too many people only believe what MSM tells them. If it's not on the news, it's not real to them

Vindicator ago

Most people don't watch the 'news either.

freq ago

It's so obvious that there is a monopoly on news. When there is absolute power over anything, it's bound to be corrupt. People are numb.

Random101 ago

Corruption is like contamination or impurity - absolute power can't be corrupt because there is nothing else to oppose or divert it. In the real world there are opposing philosophies, if you can identify and understand them then they have no power over you.

Commoner ago

The monopoly is on intelligence too. . . . or it was , until Trump.

jealoushe ago

Those who get it will survive, those who don't will be extinct with the Dinos.

domains ago

"We may have overestimated your ability."

crashing_this_thread ago


srayzie ago

At first I thought you were being mean to me lol

srayzie ago

and why do you say that? 🤔

srayzie ago

Now I see why you said that. Things are being added

3141592653 ago

I'm so confused/ignorant about this Q stuff. Could anyone explain /sum it up for me?

srayzie ago

Here is an ebook someone made


3141592653 ago

much appreciated

Commoner ago

Some anonymous person, identifying themselves as Q, started posting cryptic messages on 4chan. They implied they that they had a "Q" clearance, which is generally a high level clearance given to Dept. of Defense" personnel. Their posts were made in an unique style, in that they asked short questions which were followed by short answers, many times. They posted images and clues which most likely could only have been accessed by someone traveling on the Asia trip with Trump. Basically, they are dropping clues about how to look to the past, and uncover connections which would help explain the complicated mess we are in today and what Trump is up against. They were asking for help in fighting an information war against the crooked media, corrupt CIA FBI, and just about everybody else except Trump and his innermost circle who are trying to lay traps to destroy the cabal's network.

3141592653 ago

thanks much.

srayzie ago

Thank you! Good explanation.

Commoner ago

you are welcome!

srayzie ago

I wish I could. I'm just getting into it.

3141592653 ago

thanks anyway!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Everyone assumes Q's posts are just for us. They're not. They are also for the enemy, the criminal Elite. They are intended to confuse and bewilder them. To goat them into a mistake or a foolish decision that will expose them. They are designed to make them feel the heat and subject them to psychological warfare. Think about the paranoia among the criminal Elite, right now. They are soft. They have been insulated and decadent. Now, they are facing the full force of the United States of America and it's military assets.

Don't lose faith. Don't parse out necessary disinformation and feel like you have been lied to, and get discouraged. This shit is going down. It's really happening.

independenceday ago

You are too attractive for my own good, can i get you# ;)

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Now that is an interesting take on the mater.... Certainly could be the case.

River_Otter ago

Failing that, it will soon be time to wage civil war on the globalists.

Counterintelligence is also used to placate would-be revolutionaries.

Oh_Well_ian ago

spot on. This is like juggling nuclear bombs in one hand and diffusing them in the other.

srayzie ago

Oh I believe there's something to all of this. I also follow my favorite youtubers that follow it. I'm so curious and can't wait to see what they say! I wonder why he said Captain Mike Green's name

Love_Monger ago

What YouTubers?

srayzie ago

I like this guy too and he just made one... https://youtu.be/rWDjM3OTG2E

bopper ago

Lol. This guy (youtuber) is questioning NKorea. Very good. About time. CIA stronghold, Kim Jong Un is an actor I'm sure.

srayzie ago

Gothamgirl ago

Twitter is going to start monitoring their subscribers on and off the site, for hate speech and behavior patterns, starting mid Dec. So in other words their going to be the new KGB.

Dressage2 ago

Trump will do something so will not happen. He will not be silenced by Twitterand tracked by them either. They already tried once to attack him and it failed. Vote on FCC/Internet is on Dec 14th. Censorship begins Dec 18th. POTUS knows only way he communicates with the peeps is Twitter. Social media cannot be censored because that is how the peeps get info and exchanges ideas through opensource on Internet. He will stop this bullshit that Barry started in 2015 by trying to shut down Internet. The election in 2016 was largely won by social media getting out to the masses. MSM lied about polls, etc. but people communicated thru social media. Keep the faith.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I bet it will be targeted towards Trump supporters or anyone that doesn't fit the left. I bet they don't ban the ones that say they want to kill Trump.

anotherdream ago

So where are we going to go? I’m all for moving off of the platform but it comes at the cost of losing the reach. Twitter is a double edged sword. It’s been a potent weapon for the last few years, and even has positives for us when they try to censor people, the blowback is always ferocious. It’s like, to get enough people off of Twitter we’d have to use twitter to spread the message. Wasn’t one of hose Saudi princes that got rounded up one of the largest shareholders in Twitter? Didn’t Soros just pull a majority of his stocks from Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat? I wonder if Twitter announced their upcoming action as a way to try and entice Soros and other financiers to stay.

Gothamgirl ago

It's the President they're trying to get off Twitter, the new rollout will include tracking, and I bet thats a no go for secret service. Trump should probably have a secretary type his tweets in the future.

Just maybe the bad guy who owns a 3rd of Twitter already tried to pull something, using those methods.

ESOTERICshade ago

Wasn’t one of hose Saudi princes that got rounded up one of the largest shareholders in Twitter?

That was Prince Talal the richest guy they arrested. He invested 300 million in Twitter. Not sure but he might have been the biggest investor.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I look forward to having my Twitter account deleted.

independenceday ago

me too, point the way to the next platform would you?

Cynna ago

I tried to set up an account just to follow more of this stuff, and within 5 minutes I was shut down. In some sick and twisted way I felt like I accomplished something.

Narcissism ago

Take it as a badge of honour.

srayzie ago

Are you going to try Gab?

Oh_Well_ian ago

perhaps... probably.

independenceday ago

you are a cutie ;)

Oh_Well_ian ago

stop it..

you're embarrassing me

independenceday ago

Oh, pardon me, I apologize. ;)

srayzie ago

What a little flirt you are lol 😮

2impendingdoom ago

Bingo! people here were saying that Green was a fake name!! so right.

Q ought to post here at pizzagate. Those channers are just kids obsessed with numbers and kek.

srayzie ago

I have no idea what you're talking about

2impendingdoom ago

yes, the pilot of the helicopter was a "highly experienced" Captain, Mike Green and in (now deleted) posts, the consensus here was that this was a fake name. The helicopter left the airport, touched down near Rothschild estate (probably to pick someone up or switch out a body) and then was rammed down by a cessna piloted by an arabic looking student pilot that had taken off from the same airport. one or both aircraft were probably flown/hacked remotely.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. So you think this is confirming that it wasn't fake?

Do you understand anything else? I'm still trying to figure this stuff out. He also said the word green.

2impendingdoom ago

what wasn't fake?

srayzie ago

I mean. Captain Mike Green really died?

Commoner ago

I am not sure, but I think that a pilot died, but his real name was not Green. Green is a cover name, used by the ((network)) to signal that it was one of their operations.

sharebluehack ago

@srayzie like 'Paddock'?

srayzie ago

Can you explain?

srayzie ago

Any idea what this could mean?

Expand your thinking.

Captain Mike Green.



Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]


Who countered?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Learn how to read the map.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Could be sky king? Attack Bunker codenamed "Apple" [yellow could be a modifier, possibly a flight path or preplanned time or airburst for a yellow sky] Sky King. Bunker could be a location in general, not necessarily a mil target. Spitballing.

Gothamgirl ago


Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

Far strech but Possible- Green Bays

Commoner ago

On the Sticky CBTS, Saywhatnoway posted this

Fly Eagles Fly, Lynn Rothschild tweets out, today. Slick Willie was called "Eagle" when President by the Secret Service. Her tweet seems football related, however some on 4chan are saying it maybe code. {{{{{{{{The freaking Nuclear Code is referred to as the"football"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} **

This would tie into Greenbay playing at Philadelphia eagles football field this Sunday.

Did not Q warn to beware of false flags and attacks at sports venues.

Hitting Philadelphia would be hitting at the place where our democracy began. Philadelphia Hall and Liberty Bell, the eagle is our national symbol. Yikes!

Gothamgirl ago

Wow, I pray not. I didn't see all of that, I just took a wild guess.

Commoner ago

I remember somebody, Q(?) said to be aware of sports venues for false flags, attacks, etc.

Looks like Packers play in Philadelphia on Sunday , 26th http://www.packers.com/gameday/schedule.html

What would the [...+1] mean? Add one what?

Gothamgirl ago

Maybe first quarter, 1st half. I pray not that would be awful.

srayzie ago

What's that?

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure if its even related, guessing at this point.

Commoner ago

CNN is an "apple"!

srayzie ago

What? Bunker apple yellow sky. How does CNN fit?

FuckYourSafespace ago

That sounds like authorization codes. Or coded instructions.

Commoner ago

I have no idea, but when I see apple, I think of CNN because of the stupid ad they have on the air. "This is an apple....some might say it is a banana, but it is an apple......."

Apple could be New York.

srayzie ago

Oh New York...that's good

Yueliang ago

It says Mike on the wall of Besta Pizza. He plays the turntables.

Configuring Data 2020 Baphomet/Magician verion9_6_know _Bunker Kallista Yellow Drones Know. Majestic Do you believe in God? The Map Is Not The Territory. Hence why Antartica is the centre of the earth.

Voila QED doods