sukitfeminists ago

"Although it is a point of contention among some theorists Hitler himself was a bastard Rothschild."

I can't reply on that archived post but I'm wondering if you can point me to some reading on this. This is what I've thought for a long time due to other things I've read.

sukitfeminists ago

Thank you, looking at the first article and perplexed about the Toshiba laptops. What's that about?

ASolo ago

PrinceRay, the former Black Panther telling the story in the following link in the article, is trying to exemplify that a 'small pizza shop ' can be a front for a wide range of high level criminal activity, as he has witnessed and testified about in his unbelievabley insightful blog

sukitfeminists ago

Well that article was a bit sensational as was the article on the NWO. I like the idea that there are two parts to the NWO. What I am starting to see is that throughout history there has been an established system, that goes way back and which is now ruled by the roman catholic church and their pedophiles. Anyone who goes against this system or questions it has to go underground. They also infiltrate these underground systems. Read up on Crowley if you haven't already, he was the perfect example of someone who infiltrated.

sukitfeminists ago

I'll have a look, I'm wondering how the laptops fit in. We have Nicholas Negroponte's laptop program that keeps pedophiles in contact with their child victims so I'm wondering if this is related. Great job on the research, I always find the lowest upvoated ones are the best.

We are going to get to the bottom of this for the kids and for others killed, like Aaron Swartz.

sukitfeminists ago

Costas Yannopoulos & Greek industrialist and billionaire art collector Dakis Joannou ICMEC

derram ago | :

Alefantis & The freemasonic order of Ahepa 2016 (Run2Christ) - YouTube :

James Alefantis; Antinous (Deity cult Osiris-Antinous, not only pederasty) Pizzagate (Order of AHEPA) : conspiracy | :

Capitol Hill Day Hosted by AHEPA - YouTube

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