carmencita ago

Mayor Sadiq Kahn should definitely be researched.

rickman ago

James Hodgkinson who shot at congressmen at a baseball game was a foster parent with dark connections. He abused his foster daughter and she supposedly set fire to herself, dying in the process.

TrishaUK ago

Not to go against the grain here but I have just read up about the couple and they seem a very nice people, obviously I am very willing to admit if I am wrong. There are hundreds of people each year here in the UK who are honoured for their kindness in Community Services. My sister and I used to, though Social Services, go to an older couple for holidays when were were around 7 & 8 years old. I have kept in touch with the old lady, who is now in her 90s, for over 40 years (her husband died). They were a sweet couple, who have had I am sure 100s of children through their doors, they received an MBE award from the Queen for their Services with the children and the elderly. I don't think any conclusion should be jumped too in this case yet, however, if anything from any of their foster children comes out to the contrary, I will be the first to say I was wrong. Newspaper Article:- We just want to help people: Couple at centre of Parsons Green probe on why they fostered Syrian and Iraqi kids

BehindTheCurtain ago

DailyMail covers the story here:

Comment section is the place to get our points across. Was this kid a MKultra/pedogate victim? The foster parents and their other foster children should be investigated. Wake up UK people!

Blacksmith21 ago

"Ronald Jones, 88, and his wife, Penelope, 71" - 17 year age difference. I wonder how old she was when they were married?

jangles ago

More Relevant Refs.

Surrey home raided by Parsons Green terror cops owned by couple awarded MBEs for taking in hundreds of children including refugees

The Surrey home raided by armed police investigating the Parsons Green bombing is owned by an elderly couple appointed MBEs for fostering hundreds of children.

Penelope Jones, 71, and her husband Ronald, 89, have reportedly housed 268 children at their home in Sunbury-on-Thames.

Their house was raided by police hours after a teenager was arrested in connection with an attack on a District line train at Parsons Green which left 30 injured.

The couple were honoured with MBEs in 2009 for services to children and families.

BehindTheCurtain ago

Good find. MK Ultra victim? I wonder if any more of their foster children could be located. If so, perhaps some could offer up information about life w/ Ronald and Penelope.

carmencita ago

This stinks to High Heaven. Like 3 Day Old Fish. Reminds me of that couple Harvey and Irma. How many more of these Parents of Foster Child Wonders are there? Not saying that they all are suspect, but really these numbers are kind of ridiculous.

Are_we_shill ago

Harvey and the recent named hurricanes?

equineluvr ago

Harvey and Irma are JEWISH names.

Every name on the hurricane list is JEWISH.


BehindTheCurtain ago

Yikes. Seriously. Weird.

BehindTheCurtain ago

268 children??? C'mon. If that is not a HUGE red flag, I don't know what it is. We need to find the foster siblings.