LunaticLadder ago

@ASolo Roth Pill Pizzagate Ending

IShallNotFear ago

One great way to help is archiving web pages on,, and/or I know post authors are supposed to do this themselves, but too often I find that authors are slacking in this area. It's a small step that could make a big difference later.

darkknight111 ago

In terms of what you can do, think about your background, experiences, skill sets, etc and then work from there. Use your expertise to give advice on leads. Most important of all, "Let your heart be your guiding key."

How I keep going? I've had to develop a sanity mantra to remind myself of to make sure I don't "black pill".

"There's horrible things in the world. I know that now. But there's also a lot of things worth protecting too." -Madoka Kaname.

I also keep reminding myself that there's people who need me to keep going on, to keep fighting on regardless of my own emotional state.

You are about to do down a very gruesome, vile rabbit hole. This isn't a swamp. Its an oily black abyss that leads straight to the depths of hell. Steel yourself and don't lose sight of what's important and don't succumb to despair.

"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, somebody is fighting for you. As long as you remember that, you are not alone."

spacewitch ago

Thank you for those wise words.

I'm starting to understand how some people went insane while researching a story, trying to do the right thing and swimming against the current. It's really important that everyone here takes good care of themselves, to keep going, because people all around the world desperately need that help right now... We can't all contribute the same way, it's ok as long as you do your best.

Like someone said, this rabbit hole goes straight to hell... When we'll hit the rock bottom of this abyss, there won't be anything else than resurface with all the dug-up dirt there was. Hopefully it'll be enough to be the starting point of their fall.

Joe10jo ago

@darkknight111, "black pill" is such a good term to describe it. That's for sure.

VieBleu ago

The 2017 exhoneration of the Kellers, along with their new millionaire status as taxpayer funded "victims", represents the collusion between the legal and media establishment to protect pedophile rings, create Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) denial, and prevent both expert witnesses and survivors from speaking their truth.

These are longform articles with deep reads linked as source material - get ready to do a bit of reading, including as much as you can of a 40 page police report. It is worth it, it is fascinating even though upsetting.

You will come away having experienced more about this subject than you ever expected.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Archived - 1 2

Amino69 ago

The cold hard reality is, nothing significant will likely happen until someone either gets very lucky and uncovers an earth shattering piece of evidence or a whistle-blower gets to the wire before getting snuffed. There is not a hope in hell that a single Gov body or individual who answers to TPTB will be able to blow this open and bring about lasting change and any suggestion of this being the case is a deception. I have been a part of this community since early on and as impressive as the efforts and breakthroughs have been, practically nothing has come from it, at least significant results. I stick with it though as it's the best we have for the time being and I live in hope.

Try and remain grounded, rational and objective and keep talking about all this with people who you know will listen, those who won't are not worth the waste of energy. In all honesty, I believe our time of salvation will occur organically and gradually according to the evolving zeitgeist. Although I donโ€™t completely rule out the possibility of a critical mass of people awakening and storming the gates!

My response to your questions:

  • Research the subject via the plethora of data on this subverse (inc many valuable links) this will bring you up to speed.
  • You can help by making memes, vocalising your support for Pizzagate online, informing friends and family, supporting the work of others.
  • I strive for a better world for my family and I love life and KNOW that this is just a blip on the timeline for planet Earth
  • Truth, beauty, justice & love will always triumph in the end as this I believe is the natural harmony of our universe. It may not happen in our lifetimes but I trust it will eventually...

Amino69 ago

You're welcome to distribute this flyer I produced

Vindicator ago

A couple of new developments since the Executive Summary were the uncovering of pedo normalization evangelists on Twitter (search for Heart Progress), of people making money on YouTube doing videos of their kids or making sexualized kids' videos to get views from pedos (search for ToyFreaks and Elsagate), and the discovery that a Podesta nephew works for the NCMEC and has a Top Secret government clearance -- discussion of which got dozens of PG researchers banned from Twitter (search for Brian Podesta).

godzillacrump ago

Can we drop the word Executive.

Vindicator ago

On an entirely new post, but not on this post. Headlines are not changeable.

Vindicator ago

Hi there @VeryOffended. Could you please add a Pizzagate related link or two -- maybe a couple things that redpilled you -- to this post? While you've been away, v/pizzagate has become a constant target for forum-sliding shills who don't want our research to get to the masses. We have pretty strict submission rules, which allow us to remove unhelpful and off-topic posts without violating Voat's rabid anti-censorship; but we have to apply those rules to everyone. Unsourced discussion posts like this one are one of the prime reasons for removal.

Please reivew the sidebar (view desktop site if on mobile) and edit your post to add a couple of relevant links. Thanks!

VeryOffended ago

I was drifting off to sleep so I don't think I can be too helpful right now in terms of an edit to my original post, but I'd be more than happy to make an addition in the morning. I'm sorry if I violated any rules, I just truly felt that I had been away due to intentional ignorance even though none of this has ever left my mind, and didn't know how or where to catch up. I was watching the first Kay Griggs videos that others had recommended in the meantime since posting tonight.

For a short summary, it started with the Podesta emails and the pizza/pasta references. I starting digging deeper when reddit began deleting posts and eventually banned the subreddit. The symbols released by the FBI were striking to me and where they turned up. People doing good work found all the disgusting images related to Alefanis's twitter along with his friends and acquaintances' twitters. The Podesta brother's taste in artwork along with The Clinton Foundation/Laura Slisby in Haiti. Videos like this one on Hollywood pedophilia stick out Testimonies like Becki Percy's stick out The constant struggle for any sort of coverage will always stick out. There is so much more.. I'm sorry that I did not elaborate earlier, but it's 3:00am here.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, VO. One way to get up to speed is to view v/pizzagate by "TOP", "All Time". That will show you all of the posts from the very beginning, in order of maximum upvoats. "HOT" view is screwed up and doesn't work right. "NEW" is where you'll see all the shitposts before we get a chance to remove them.

DaneKeyhote ago

Is that a fact.

Gothamgirl ago

Share it anywhere you can family, friends, social media. Its going to take awareness and numbers to change this. Some people just want no part of it, unfortunately it still exist, share anyway. Once they see it or hear it, it can't be forgotten.

Joe10jo ago

@Gothamgirl, what kills me is how gung-ho my FB friends are to like anything that has to with rising taxes or freedom of speech and stuff but any mention of Pizzagate and they all ignore it. Don't even inquire! I'm originally from TN and it's funny how all those f'ing bible bangers are preached to on a weekly basis to be on the look out for Satan and all his little minion, but don't believe it can possible exist when it comes to the likes of Hilary and Co.

Irritates the fire out of me!

Gothamgirl ago

Same here and we have very little media help so I literally take over their comment section, on their negative fake news posts, on fb. I wish Anonymous would push some new video's on this, they have a huge following.

Mammy ago

Q: What are (if any) the newest breakthroughs since the sticky and the top comments within it?

A: I don't think I could keep on top of it all even if I quit my job and did this 24/7. Just begin at the beginning. You Tube videos are a great way to quickly get the gist of what's going on and there are some great and brave Pizzagate/Pedogate researchers on You Tube. Support them.

Q: How can I help as someone who has average computer skills and is wary of discussing controversial topics? Especially (discussing in person) unprovoked and as someone living on Long Island where such topics result in exclusion from all parts of life?

A: Anonymously send them a copy of the book, *The Franklin Scandal *by Nick Bryant and/or (better yet) The Franklin Cover Up by John De Camp. IMO, once one grasps the 'historical' aspect of such sordid scandals, one can more easily make the mental and emotional leap to current depravities. Awareness is a process and it's not necessarily your job to break through another's denial. Speak, and then back off. Speak, and then back off.

Q: How do you keep yourselves believing in change and awareness when it seems like interest/awareness is ever decreasing?

A: I pray a lot. To me it is not a matter so much of believing in change and awareness as it is holding myself to my own moral standard. I don't expect "change" or "awareness" in others as the outcome. Sure, I would love to see justice served and many scoundrels convicted, but I don't expect that, either. Edited to add: An expectation is a resentment waiting to happen. I just could not look myself in the mirror if I didn't at least try. You know the old saying -- "There is no evil so great as when good people do nothing." (Or something like that.) I guess you could say I feel morally convicted.

Q: I don't want to accept this shit because I don't accept this shit. What can I do? What are you all doing that keeps you believing that we can beat this as a moral society?

A: Not sure what you mean by the first part of your statement, but as I said above, you can pray. And learn more yourself. And again, speaking only for myself, I don't approach this from the belief that "we can beat this as a moral society." Maybe we can and maybe we can't, but I for one will go down trying. That said, while not an especially active online researcher, I have made a few significant contributions to the cause. And I have had to take some breaks, too, to regroup and gather strength. Sometimes it is all I can do to come here and read and Upvoat or make a comment or two. Sometimes I stay away for a few weeks at a time. Whatever I need to do, I do, but I come back -- both here and in real life. And from what I gather, ritual and Satanic sexual abuse of children by those in power has been around a long, long, time, albeit I do think we have reached an epic proportion of depravity. It is not going to go away easily; it may never go away. Like I said, whether or not we can make it go away is not my objective. My objective is simply following my own conscience. This shit is wrong. I must speak out against it. Period.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks all. I have read and appreciate all of your responses. Best I can do (personally) until I learn more skills is keep aware and never back off again. There have been multiple moments where I have had the opportunity to speak to peers of these things, but the outcome is so hit or miss. Mostly miss. Most don't want to believe people are capable of this shit and that they themselves were/could ever be so blind to it. They don't even usually give it the time of day before calling the crazy card.

Social media, like someone here mentioned, is where it's at. Again, I respect you all for your dedication and I owe the victims and those fighting for them a couple anonymous accounts.

godzillacrump ago

Just wanted to say that sometimes its better to get your head around something so that you can talk confidently to the many who WILL come up against you. You can't conquer the world so don't even try. All you can do is read and absorb and join the dots. Piece the puzzle together and share what you find. Post stuff on other social media. This stuff is hard enough without putting EXTRA pressure on yourself to COVERT your friends or family overnight. It will take time. People here "already" believe in pizzagate/pedogate and the atrocities that come with it, so know this is a safe place to come and share what you've learnt and ask questions. Try not to get overwhelmed by it all. This stuff has been going on since time began - it mostly now about EXPOSING those hiding in the light .

Votescam ago

Hi Eso -- Think you make excellent points about teachers... We're all used to getting information from organizations in our mail boxes. But I think most of us want to know who is telephoning us and who is texting us.

You obviously know a lot more about what teachers are having to deal with these days in regard to sexual abuse of children than I do. I'm hoping that it is because everyone is more aware of the issue and listening more to the children. And, as you make clear, they are having to make very many tough decisions in regard to helping the child. And, sadly, so much of it is complicated by the corruption of our government and its agencies. :(

Factfinder2 ago

Link to the Kay Griggs you tube videos suggested by 2impendingdoom. They are very compelling:

2impendingdoom ago


Narcissism ago

Also check out Judyth Vary Baker she's a great redpiller having been Lee Harvey's lover.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks, starting now.

2impendingdoom ago

if you have nosy people in your household, be watching the Kay Griggs youtube videos when you know they will coming over and want to know what you are doing. She is very compelling and details how "rising stars" are corrupted and promoted to positions of power where the insiders protect and insulate each other. Once people understand how the process of pizzagate works, its hard to not see it everywhere - military, wall street, courts, schools, etc...

LunaticLadder ago

EmeraldRoses ago

I like how you think lol.

How to Red pill the nosey people in your life

That would make a great blog post title.

LunaticLadder ago

2impendingdoom ago

go for it... start a blog!

Vindicator ago

I like the "nosy people" tip. Very sly!

EmeraldRoses ago

Me too lol

VeryOffended ago

I originally replied to Factfinder2, but thanks! I'm starting tonight/right now.

Votescam ago

Of course, when our free press is unable to respond by investigating the information researched by citizens, then it creates a void which looks like nothing is happening. There has obviously been a great deal of pressure put on MSM to keep the lid on Pizzagate -- and internationally, Pedo-gate.

We also know that there is precedent for this as Detective Rothstein/NYPD/Retired .. in an interview by James Fetzer/YouTube... has related that over the last 50 years there have been 3 investigations by the NYPD which were all stopped when the names of higher up's became known. Believe it was the last of those investigations which actually reached the level of a State of NY investigation with hearings held in Albany ... before it too was stopped.

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the break in. At the very end of the video, Rothstein also mentions that there is too little discussion of our military's involvement in child trafficking.>

unbiased_researcher ago

Raise awareness. Learn. Raise awareness some more. Make a twitter account and stay connected with the best researchers. And continue to raise awareness. The more awake the public is, the better. Not an easy task, but never give up.

Votescam ago

Don't know what anyone else thinks, but it might be frightening for individual teachers to receive direct email on this subject from unknown parties.

DaneKeyhote ago

I doubt you're redpilled in the least brother. Very few here are.

The most consequential thread was swordfish69s describing the family of a known cultist, the woman from the "kids will be in that pool for sure" email. The Luzzatto family's involvement in Kabbalah goes back centuries and this form of occult Judaism is the inspiration for Masonic ritual sodomy and its occult/overtly satanic spinoffs. I have recently discovered that your Mayor LaGuardia was also from this family.

The fact that it is a Jewish cult explains everything else:

  1. MSM, all Jewish owned, in complete panic
  2. The introduction of censorship on social media, all Jewish owned, as official policy
  3. The majority-Jewish composition of identified/suspected cult members
  4. The anything-goes dogma regarding sexuality, including "transgenderism" being enforced by entirely Jewish owned entertainment industry, and visual symbols found therein
  5. The blackmail of e.g. Petraeus, McGreevy, WJC by Jews to the benefit of a foreign state
  6. The prominence in PG related orgs of famous Kabbalists like Madonna, Ashton/Demi, troubled pop stars like Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Murphy etc
  7. The historic accusation "blood libel" that some Jews sacrifice gentile children periodically
  8. The CIAs codewords relating to Kabbalah
  9. The legal protection and other perks afforded to the biggest donors/"philanthropists," who in most countries are Jewish
  10. The election choice of Kabbalist Hillary Clinton, philosemite Donald Trump, or Jew Bernie Sanders
  11. The concentration of pedo fronts in the cities with biggest Jewish population

I could go on but this threads gonna get deleted anyway. It's simply more logical that a group unified by centuries of shared history and even blood established dominance and retained it than it is to postulate an entirely manufactured coalition of "occultists."

This is why women are a hindrance here: they prefer good feels to cold logic and would never accept that an ethnic group is to blame.

Swordfish69 seems to be trying the subtle way. I am not and am relentlessly shilled.

spacewitch ago

I agree with you but disagree with the fact that women don't accept cold logic. You do know there are woman on this sub?

srayzie ago

Yeah. He hates women and calls them cunts daily using his other profiles

spacewitch ago

Yeah, I've seen the different accounts. Waste of time really pff.

spacewitch ago


srayzie ago

All this time, you have done nothing but blame the Jews. People have asked you to explain why you think this. You spend everyday shilling threads, cussing people out, bullying anyone who disagrees with you, call women cunts... I could go on and on.

I say all of this to you because, this is your first post that I've ever seen where you actually explain why you believe the way you do. You seemed intelligent and calm in the post. I've always told you that would go farther then being a jerk. Look how many likes you got! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป If you want people to even look at your theories, THIS is the way you do it.

Donkeyhote has a polite side? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Has donkeyhote and dawnkeyhote both been banned now?

LunaticLadder ago

Pizzagate Ending Sh don't tell @DonKeyhote

srayzie ago

Huh? What is this?

You say not to tell donkeyhote but you just pinged him and you said this publicly.

LunaticLadder ago

Thank God you're here to keep me right. Seriously don't tell @darkmath about this

Bacon is a Jew, shhhh

DarkMath ago

Looks like I owe you a little bit of an apology. Not a large apology because you make @Donkeyhote seem well grounded but a tiny "I'm sorry" for me dismissing your entire argument. You know you had hitched your wagon to the Alien conspiracy bullshit of the nahrwhale guy. And you don't think any planes were used to take down the WTC.

But you were right on about the Jesuits are behind the Illuminati. I had no idea the extent they'd gotten their hands into everything.

srayzie ago

Well can you explain it to me? Why is he pinging people and sending that?

srayzie ago

lol you're crazy. Why are you pinging people and writing this publicly?

LunaticLadder ago


srayzie ago

Right ๐Ÿ˜Ž

LunaticLadder ago

Well I make no concealment of my lunacy.

I just want to make sure @JohnPodesta doesn't read this We can't let him know @swordfish is an agent of the highest caliber and this is all but a Kantian cantor of Monolithic Moriah proportions.

srayzie ago

Okie dokey ๐Ÿค” Well, this was at least entertaining. ๐Ÿ˜

DonKeyhote ago

The only way you could possibly atone for being so vain and stupid is by convincing the rest of the womenfolk to return to trusting the REAL men who will make the hard choices for their OWN GOOD

JEWS teach women that theyre oppressed and in competition with men. Typical jew tactic of divide and conquer and reduce birthrates while importing hostile foreigners. Does it not break your heart to see it happen in slow motion.

srayzie ago

I'm not vain or stupid. You think any American woman is vain, especially if she's white! It seems like you're talking about feminists. I can't stand feminists. I'm more old school. But, as usual, you go too far. Nobody cares about your opinion when you act like a total jerk. At least you showed a moment of decency. That lasted about a minute!

DonKeyhote ago

Attitudes or tone dont discredit a message any more than saying it in Piglatin would.

Keep proving why you dont belong here.

srayzie ago


Mylon ago

I could go on but this threads gonna get deleted anyway.

Could you elaborate? Modlogs are public, the content is still there. Show me the deletion log. Please post some decent info that has been deleted. Thus far when I've asked, no one ever gives me links so I gotta assume you're just another shill spreading FUD and disinfo.

DaneKeyhote ago

If you know what modlog is, which i dont, you can presumably find the deleted posts link at the bottom of the sidebar, so why dont you "assume" the position and suck my fat, uncircumcized cock.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

We can beat this evil by working together and with God's help. Sadly even Voat has been infiltrated. There are some that run pizzagate who do not let valid information even if sourced through local news stations through. Unless it is their own post, they delete a great deal of information on the pizzagate subverse. You can post on other subverses though. Also and I did a video on this former muslim who became a Christian and now goes in to save at risk children and women who are trafficked and tortured. I would post the video, but there is someone running the pizzagate site that takes information like this down even though it is a verifiable source. It is okay, they do this to many on here so I am not saying it is only me. You can get more info on other subverses though where the moderators are not only in favor of pushing their own material/agenda as more seasoned people have noted. One moderator does not like the term "pedogate" being used by more independent researchers as it has been known for some time that it is a global issue, thus referred to pedogate. Some have tried to explain this to a certain moderator, but he/she refuses to acknowledge and won't answer anyone's questions when they ask. The great thing is, others do want to work together, so if you're aware of the issue on pizzagate, then you can go to other areas. #KeepFightingTheGoodFight

Criticalthinker615 ago

Sorry, i know you spent alot of time researching and writing that but its not connected to comet so therefore it isnt PG related.! Thanks and sorry! But the mods are going to have to censor your post

PeaceDogg ago

Well, interest and awareness are increasing, not decreasing, and this will only accelerate. You have to realize that a lot of people, even when confronted with uncomfortable facts, will double down on the blue pill. It's called "cognitive dissonance." it's not good or bad. It just is.

So you have to realize that you know things they do not and proceed from that standpoint. You have to learn how to say things without saying them directly. This is called "elliptical communication." So the mafia Don says, "Gee, it'd be a pity if Mugsy disappeared," and those present know what he means. Capiche?

Humor goes a long way. When somebody is talking about a celebrity you might make an offhanded comment about how many people they had to ritually sacrifice in the process of selling their soul. Proceeding with the knowledge that you know something they don't opens up all kinds of fun possibilities for ridicule of the mighty and corrupt. They are, in fact, a bunch of nutballs.

And of course, always be kind and considerate to people in the real world. Best of luck.

spacewitch ago

What's hard is when people are condescending. Some will let you talk about it just to belittle you, because they think they know better, and that you're just "brainwashed", "gullible", "crazy", etc... Even 'apparently' nice people can do that, it's frustrating. :/

It looks like they feel threatened by the truth.

LA_Trump ago

Honestly, best thing to do is support the President. Because he will be the one to bring this down and needs all the support he can get. If you don't believe me, that's understandable, but this is in my opinion the #1 thing people can do to help.

Second, memes are a great way to communicate awareness. They're simple and effective. If you make casual jokes about knowledge of Pizzagate, you'll be surprised how many people will say "wait you know about Pizzagate too?! I thought I was the only one."

Third, be the change you want to see in the world in your local community and inner circle.

Finally, keep paying attention and ask hard questions. Like "where is obama?" "Why did Hillary tweet about Pizzagate?" "Why did awans lawyer mention PG?" "Who leaked the emails, Russia or Seth Rich?"

witch_doctor1 ago

Meme magic is very real...the weird thing I have noticed is that the globalists are incapable of doing it well. They always look like North Korea/John Kerry photo ops.....probably because the globalists lack many characteristics that we associate with the human experience, like a sense of humor.

Mammy ago

LOL -- you are right.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Humor is about laughter and finding a moment of happiness. The best humor is not laughing at someone but laughing as a way of enjoying our condition being alive. Creativity flows from the good source, fresh humor is always creative. So is showing someone a new perspective, when looking at long buried subjects.

The dark side is very envious of our capacity to make ourselves new again, they can't do it. They are stuck in something caked with dust and ancient cobwebs. These powers, your lights, go beyond what is obvious. Focus just takes practice.

10085228? ago

I don't know if this answers your question, but right now I'm backing off of researching and focusing on reading Maury Terry's book The Ultimate Evil to hopefully get more insight into the Cabal. The book is free online.

On the back cover where it says Process Church in his theory, I think of it as the Process Church is MI6 and CIA: Screen capture

Link to the book online:

  • (banned domain) https://docs (dot) google (dot) com/file/d/0BwZL_QI2UVrbZWlqV2JKRExSSHc/edit

I found it hard to scroll through the Google Drive file so I bought the Kindle version.


Here are excerpts from the Introduction (from the later Kindle version):

The trail [of "a perilous investigative odyssey" that began with the author's skepticism of Berkowitz's claim of sole culpability] led from the hushed silence of a church in Palo Alto, California, to the mansions of Beverly Hills, and from the golden wheat fields of North Dakota to the posh decadence of Long Islandโ€™s Hamptons and the squalor of a half-dozen prisons.

However, this is not a Son of Sam story. On the surface is the enigmatic David Berkowitz, but far below is an infinitely more frightening specterโ€” a highly motivated and well-organized cult group whose various criminal enterprises included the .44 [Son of Sam] homicides. While using the trappings of the occult, the groupโ€™s main goals were power, greed and terrorism. It is the embodiment of organized evil, and it still stains America on the eve of the millennium. It has thrived because its tentacles ensnared a number of jaded allies whose influential positions enabled it to extend far beyond New York.

But beneath the contemporary veneer, it remains what it always was: a well- connected criminal cabal which some authorities today regard as โ€œactive and dangerousโ€ because they believe it is presently aligned with a number of incendiary U.S. hate groups, radical movements and militias.

To understand why the Son of Sam and other related killings happened and how those ultimately the most responsible for them managed to continue their operations to the present day, it is perhaps beneficial to pose a few questions. Did the government deceive the public about Vietnam, Watergate and Iran-Contra? It did. Did the government fatally fumble the 1993 standoff at the Branch-Davidian compound in Waco, Texas? It did. Was the FBI implicated in a cover-up in the 1992 shooting deaths of the wife and son of separatist Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idahoโ€” and was it later blamed for also botching the 1996 bombing case at the Atlanta Olympics? It was.

In general terms, have so-called servants of the public misled that same public about a host of other misdeeds on national, state and local levels over the course of many decades? They have. And do deceptions, cover-ups and blatant bureaucratic ineffectiveness continue to incubate in various forms throughout the United States today? They certainly do.

It also shows that events were manipulated behind the scenes by a handful of influential individuals who, although not directly involved in the [Son of Sam] shootings themselves, were compromised because they had interacted with cult leaders at high-society drug parties that featured sex with children.

I don't know yet if Maury Terry's theory will help us. But I have a feeling he was on the right track.

Maurice Terry (1946-2015) Rest in Peace

Votescam ago

Would just add that there is a Charles Manson segment in a program tonight I noted as I passed by which I think is called "Manson: The Prison Tapes" but part of a series called something like "Murder made me famous." It seems obvious that the intent is to use it to help build up public fear, but again -- like "Son of Sam" - these are two false flag events to mislead the public.

In the case of David Berkowitz, he had volunteered for enlistment in Vietnam but eventually began to see the lies of the war and he was indeed a conscience objector. Berkowitz was held in military prison and believed to have been under strong pressure to deny his status as a conscientious objector. Vietnam was of course, "The Bright Shining Lie" and "The Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was one more false flag event. The fervor for war and Empire certainly ran through Vietnam with an intensity which certainly wasn't going to permit "conscientious objectors" to take hold, either of the mind of the public nor to confirm for other soldiers that their doubts were real, nor to give them hope that there may be a way out serving in support of the war and its evil and murderous programs.

It also shows that events were manipulated behind the scenes by a handful of influential individuals who, although not directly involved in the [Son of Sam] shootings themselves, were compromised because they had interacted with cult leaders at high-society drug parties that featured sex with children.

I do think it's very important however to make clear that "Satan" and the "Devil" do not exist except in the minds of male-supremacists who invented them to frighten the public and those they wish to control.

Not that the violence by these men pushing these "Satanic" rituals isn't real ... They are very much real and they have produced very many victims.

Spirit and spirituality are quite different from organized patriarchal religions/male-supremacist religions. It's a difference of wisdom and enlightenment from within/conscience versus the idea of middle-men/priests who dictate to members what they should think and what they should do. Once putting members under control, controlling all of society is the next step. And that has always required that male-supremacist religions have great influence over government.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I do think it's very important however to make clear that "Satan" and the "Devil" do not exist except in the minds of male-supremacists who invented them to frighten the public and those they wish to control.

The "male-supremacists", you got that so right, are bored with their own rituals. They do it in a routine fashion, a necessary preliminary to the real event. It's the glue that they use to explain the abuse about to occur to themselves, Cognitive dissonance requires this mental shift. They hypnotize themselves, with robes, candles and masks. They do succeed in bring out a devil but it's from within themselves, not an exterior presence. Even at high level masonic rituals, the Molock figure with the oversized member, has a ordinary man hidden within it. Most in attendance don't realize that.

YogSoggoth ago

Everyone else has done the research. Your job is to understand what we have already done, then continue. "What are you all doing that keeps you believing that we can beat this as a moral society?" I kick ass for a living. What do you do?

hels ago

half chan and 8chan are not decreasing their interest levels. What we need is someone in the DC police department who has access to information and leaks it to a few trusted posters. It is then us taking that information and trying to build on it or link it to another pizzagate known.

Recently the poster who showed proof that Alefantis is a Rothschild left some addresses that he said need to be looked into.

Godwillwin ago

Try to spread awareness on Facebook If you dont want to do that then try to spread awareness on twitter with an anonymous twitter account. No has to know who you ae on twitter-- it's not like Facebook. There's a big group on twitter spreading awareness 24/7. Seriously a few of them are constantly on there. To get started type I the hashtag #pedogate




And you'll see lots of memes etc to retweet

You can go to the pro Hillary threads - pretty much the nevertrumpers and tweet memes to them in an effort to redpill

I cry weekly over these children but I refuse to give up on them. I will not stop spreading awareness until they are rescued. Hopefully they will be within the next year. It's almost been a year since PG broke. I think it was late September when most of us we became aware

And pray! Pray pray pray! I think of them all day and pray for them all day.

spacewitch ago

I appreciate your optimism and only wish it would only take a year but the fight we're in will probably last years even decades before enough people are redpilled and better evidence is found. That's how I see it anyway... But I'm with you on everything you said!

Godwillwin ago

You're right. The predators won't be fully eradicated in a year, but I'm hoping some big arrests take place within a year. After all, We've done half of the work for the investigators ;)

GumShoe ago

  1. Treat your circle with kindness & respect.
  2. Kill or incarcerate all pedos in the government & beyond.

Repeat as necessary