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3141592653 ago

@Vindicator I hope that works....... Vindicator, you said I could repost this in PG after I'd posted it in PGWhatever, but of course MF deleted it, as I had feared... this is very frustrating. any advice?

Vindicator ago

Well, you could try reposting again to see if he leaves it up, and quote the PG definition mentioning the military and explain that compromised, blackmailable soldiers can easily be prevented from carrying out their duties or induced to cover up nefarious shit done by higher-ups they might be privy to.

MF weighed in below -- it seems he thinks only high-level military commanders who are busted or implicated satisfy Rule 1. I disagree with this but have no say over what he removes and he might remove it again. Perhaps we need an [O] to weigh in on it.

@VictorSteinerDavion, @Crensch, @kingkongwaswrong and also @Kevdude what are your thoughts? How restrictive should the "elite" part of the Pizzagate definition be? Users and mods seem to be having many disagreements about this lately. This is likely to get worse as more busts occur and more of the Clinton corruption is revealed. Can you chime in and give us a better understanding of the original intentions regarding scope of Rule 1 and definition of Pizzagate? This has come up regarding a number of posts removed recently and it is beginning to effect subverse morale. Frustration levels are getting pretty high.

Crensch ago

tl;dr MF was right, and this user is a liar and thread-slider.

While I agree that these military men can be blackmailed, I also find their rank to be more along the lines of "local man molests kid behind Dominos" as @kevdude put it.

It's not only CP that can get a serviceman blackmailed, so in a way, the argument of them getting blackmailed into doing bad shit is a little off. Even the local man behind Dominos can get blackmailed, and who knows if he's in charge of a power plant, or communications somewhere?

What, exactly, does @3141592653 think will come of investigating these two?

When questioned by law enforcement agents, the defendant admitted to searching for and downloading child pornography.

That's one above, the next guy:

that he knew that other users were able to download images and videos from his computer, and that he was a “pedophile” and was sexually attracted to children.

The more I look into this, the more I see precisely no reason to take @3141592653 seriously, but I'm more than happy to listen to his reasoning about it.

Actually, I'm going to go ahead and say that this user is completely

Holy Shit, ANOTHER Huge Human Trafficking Bust Today in the U.S.- Small Texas Town Shocked by Mass Arrests in Child-Trafficking Sting Operation,


OMG There is A 2nd Documentary by The Filmmaker of "Conspiracy of Silence" about Another Huge Child Sex Abuse Conspiracy That Was Covered-Up **


Major Human Trafficking Bust in California AND California Deputy Attorney General Arrested For Child Porn On the SAME Day- July 27, 2017- No Connection Made by the Media or CA Deptartment of Justice,


R. Kelly Accused Of Running A Child SEX ABUSE CULT, Parents Report Their Children Held Captive, Subject to Mind-Control, and Sexually Abused by Known Child Pornographer R. Kelly


New Strong Evidence to Support that River Phoenix may Have been Murdered, Possibly for Exposing Elite Pedo Rings Tied to The Children of God Cult, which Promoted Childhood Sexual Abuse


Since my time is valuable, I'll explain the last link of this faggot's top-5 submissions:

3141592653 says:

To my surprise, I found an interview from famous director Peter Bogdanovich, who directed River Phoenix's last movie "A Thing Called Love." In the following article, Bogdanovich asserts with surprising certainly that he believes River Phoenix was murdered. Here is the link:

Really? From the article:

PB: He was a brilliant actor. A very talented actor and a sweet person. I think indecent play was at work his last day. Someone slipped him uncut cocaine or heroin. Something lethal. They decided not to pursue it. He didn't make that many films and so he didn't have a chance to live out his potential. Tony Curtis said, "It's impossible to calculate the level of envy in Hollywood." I think envy killed him.

That's what he said. Just that. 3141592653 goes on to say:

Possibly for Exposing Elite Pedo Rings Tied to The Children of God Cult, which Promoted Childhood Sexual Abuse

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

A cursory glance at his other "top 5" suggests the others are just as much slide threads as this. His top post? about a small texas town child-trafficking sting that was left up.

The first comment?

This isn't child trafficking. NO TRAFFICKERS WERE CAUGHT. ZERO. This is not HUGE. This is solicitation. A bunch of lonely losers with IQ deficiencies were swept up. No pimps jailed. No children rescued. No evidence of wider systemic abuse. The headlines are misleading. The police are doing these sting operations to make it appear as if they are doing something about the actual problem with pimps and traffickers. They are not. They won't be going after guys like Epstein or any high powered Hollywood players who actually exploit and traffick children. They are grabbing the dumbass low-hanging fruit. Because the agencies themselves are corrupt. So. WOOO! NOTHING OF CONSEQUENCE HAPPENED. Thanks.

Our 314 user here responds to the person making this comment, asking him to checkout

"human trafficking bust" title - the article?

9 suspects were arrested for Online Solicitation of a Minor.

3 suspects for Prostitution,

18 for Prostitution Solicitation of a Person under the age of 18.

They rounded up NO TRAFFICKERS. They just pretend to be 18 year old girls online to attract men, then "tee hee, i'm actually not 18, is that ok?" - boom, headlines.

@3141592653 tell all your Shareblue faggot buddies that if they want to keep their usernames intact, they should probably not whine to the mods. You can consider your username burned.

3141592653 ago

I must've really triggered you with something I posted. Your post here is full of so much bullshit

Crensch ago

You posted bullshit, and had the cods to push a mod to call me.

Congratulations, your username is now under the microscope, and I've removed some of your offending submissions. Give yourself a participation sticker.

3141592653 ago

I didn't ask the mods to call you. Ego. Its clearly all about your ego. NPD, perhaps

Crensch ago

I didn't ask the mods to call you. Ego. Its clearly all about your ego. NPD, perhaps

@kevdude @vindicator @Millennial_Falcon

This user only has character attacks to defend itself with. I recommend keeping a close eye on it for submissions that break the rules. It clearly has no intention of learning the rules, why it broke the rules, and seems to have no intention of following them.

3141592653 ago

Lofl, you can't see anything beyond your ego

3141592653 ago

I'm a liar? Shareblue? Its clear your ego is the #1 problem here. I won't waste my time typing out the next ten problems with everything else you said

Crensch ago

I won't waste my time typing out the next ten problems with everything else you said

Because doing so would just embarrass you further, and you know it. You're incapable of defending yourself with anything but an emotional outrage that might work on rEddit.

3141592653 ago

Inferiority complex alert

Crensch ago

Keep at it, armchair Freud, attacking me wont' defend your rule-breaking submissions for you.