Sent this guy a very angry message about lack of Pizzagate coverage then unsubscribed from him on all social media. Why isn't he using his large platform of followers to spread the word like David Seaman?!?!?
Chunky Mark saying it like it is. Sad thing, this clip is old, but the content STILL applies today. How far have we come in the UK to actually revealing this heinous atrocity? Not very. He's right, even now: It's STILL GOING ON!!!
Victoria Derbyshire is a BBC loyalist - and this at the absolute behest of her personal reputation. The BBC is full of them; relies on them; founded BY and UPON them. The BBC is dead to me.
25 July
Unrepentant BBC journalist caught with a sick collection of child abuse images on his home computer blames 'the people who made them' as he is spared jail after admitting his crime
UnicornAndSparkles ago
Sent this guy a very angry message about lack of Pizzagate coverage then unsubscribed from him on all social media. Why isn't he using his large platform of followers to spread the word like David Seaman?!?!?
SwordfishX ago
DerivaUK ago
Chunky Mark saying it like it is. Sad thing, this clip is old, but the content STILL applies today. How far have we come in the UK to actually revealing this heinous atrocity? Not very. He's right, even now: It's STILL GOING ON!!!
cantsleepawink ago
I need to find a good UK website that can help me trace a family tree...for free. Any ideas?
DerivaUK ago
None that I know of are free.
SwordfishX ago
cantsleepawink ago
Victoria Derbyshire interviews Ricky Dearman and then was given her own TV programme shortly afterwards:
DerivaUK ago
Victoria Derbyshire is a BBC loyalist - and this at the absolute behest of her personal reputation. The BBC is full of them; relies on them; founded BY and UPON them. The BBC is dead to me.
SwordfishX ago new
25 July Unrepentant BBC journalist caught with a sick collection of child abuse images on his home computer blames 'the people who made them' as he is spared jail after admitting his crime
Read more:
DerivaUK ago
My town of origin, where I know that the small time thieves and weed sellers are jailed continuously....yet this bastard walks?
cantsleepawink ago
I think this is what is meant by 'hidden in plain sight'.
cantsleepawink ago
She has spoken about her father being violent as they grew up. Abuse victims can become certain personality types like the need to be a people pleaser and therefore, very malleable.