quantokitty ago

I never explored this story. With the physical injuries sustained, it's very strange that it was declared a suicide.

Nice job.

fairytisya ago

I find this mans wiki a lie and is missing parts.

9943918? ago

For research: on the life and death

of Chris Cornell :


9943589? ago

If you are referring to Wikipeda:

I think: a healthy segment of the corrupt government military business education entertainment political media heavily influence Wikipeda.

But a valuable resource for many topics.

Have you looked at Wikispooks? I like that site.

I also like pizzagate wiki. But they stopped postings last March. Good info. at that site.

fairytisya ago

those bands are designed to get your self out a bad situation ask any fitness person, made for health and safety reasons. I don't know anything about this man but just by looking at him he thinks a lot and by that I mean kindness. I have been reading a bit about Chester sorry for the change of topic here, but I can't find a ping-pong thread, well I don't know where to search for it. while my fingers did the walking I may have come up with something and want to check it hasn't been posted. I have not read about it anywhere.

9941310? ago

Had not even heard the name 'Chris Cornell until the day after he died. (am over 60 years old.)

I became incredibly sad mad and shocked when I read about his passing.

Your comment about him sums up my impression of Chris.

When I was doing voat research about him I found this video.

When I see him I have to fight back teas if I don't want to cry.


Atticus182 ago

What if Swordfish was chester benningtons ultimate deadmans switch? Is this possible?

TheNewMovement ago

There have been rumors that Swordfish was Bennington's switch, but that's not been confirmed.

istalkezwhoa ago

We will see.

iwokeup ago

I think it certainly deserves a closer look.

9935960? ago

One of Chris Cornell's very last inteviews:


Repost from last week:


Gothamgirl ago

I hope the truth prevails. I read somewhere the blackbook is Epsteins book, and the connection was Courtney Love and Chris's wife's friendship, most likely satire.

TheNewMovement ago

Courtney love IS IN Epstein's Black Book. I have photo evidence. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html (Page 33)

Not sure about the relation between his wife and Courtney, although they have become close after his death.

Gothamgirl ago

Another "33" is interesting, but it could just be satire to . I will try to figure out where I saw it and post it here if I find it.

Edit: Not the one I saw originally , but close. http://themetalden.net/a-dead-rock-star-pedogate-courtney-love/

9935274? ago

There is information:

Re: The Passing Away of Chris Cornell:





and here:


carlip ago

Nope he sure wasn't.

TheNewMovement ago

This is the greatest counterargument I've ever heard.

dooob ago

Its over boys, pack it up @carlip has closed the investigation

edblings ago

that's it folks, carlip weighs in and this post is absolutely FALSE. /s

Jem777 ago

Commented on this from the beginning and now again after reading the autopsy report....it is nearly impossible to hang yourself to death. Even if he was able to use a rope and jump off an object, with no ability to touch ground the stretching process of the neck is gory and any first responder would immediately know this. Much less an elastic band in a bathroom with a 6' 180 lb man inside a hotel room. An elastic band could not support a 180 pound human and would stretch causing body weight to contact the floor and strangulation even more impossible.

If he was cold to the touch he would not have even been moved from the scene to a hospital or resecutation attempts tried. You can hear in the First Responder radio call when he states we are "waiting to call him" which means call him dead in code.

The police would be required to investigate this as potential foul play until otherwise known. The wife's statements make no sense and having a cremation when statements are not lining up is highly suspicious.

This is going to open up something big too many people dying.

Edit: keyword Marfa

3mur_ ago

anyone now why there's blood on the floor of chris cornell "suicide" scene? http://www.tmz.com/2017/07/11/chris-cornell-death-police-release-hotel-room-photos/

like, how? why? what the fuck

9936796? ago

A submission was made last night about this.

Good question.


Thank you to @BackAtitAgain

UnicornAndSparkles ago

How can they be so sloppy!

ChippyTubes ago

is pizzagate real or fake? https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2013918

TheNewMovement ago

Good analysis.

Cornell was also a big man, a 6' 2" heating is very hard to hang yourself on a tiny door like that. The Elastic band would probably not reach a 1/3 way down the door. This has foul play written all over it.

star_boi ago

agreed! also the crime scene photos of the door have multiple problems with the placement of the notch and showing different positions of the carabiner ..... not even mentioning the fine blood spray on the wall (or tub?) measuring a foot high!? wtf? appears as if chris was ambushed in the bathroom with a blow to the head and hanging scene rigged.... none of the bodyguard/wife/ems statements add up when looked at closely- c'mon y'all

ThePuppetShow ago

Why are you claiming to be part of swordfish69 leaks?

TheNewMovement ago

I have no idea where I said that nor did I imply that. If I accidentally did, that was a bad choice of words.

ThePuppetShow ago

"Part 1 of the #ItEndsNow story"? You also have the post in your link.

TheNewMovement ago

It's a story about the investigations and other factors going into the #ItEndsNow story and combining it to connect the dots. Think before you read.

ThePuppetShow ago

Sounds like you're using a popular thread to help get you votes.

Think before you read.

How would I think about something I haven't read yet? It that like the Nancy Pelosi "sign the bill so you can see what's in it" bullshit? Hahaha

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Head injury and 9 broken ribs, obviously someone beat the shit out of him. Didn't Seth Rich have broken ribs also?

2impendingdoom ago

Seth had bruises on hands and possibly his face.

Harpua33 ago

Wouldn't CPR result in broken ribs?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sounds to me like Chris was already cold, no use for CPR. Seth possibly!

TheNewMovement ago

We know that Rich was shot twice in the back, not sure about the broken ribs on Rich. Have not seen any autopsy report.