GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Racine Guy....drop some more hints or tell us if we are getting warmer?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I got curious about the Racine Wisconsin guy. So I looked around Wisconsin and just had an insight that the Steve Avery story might be related to Illuminati bullshit. I thought the fucker was guilty when I watched the show the first time. Mainly because I couldnt imagine police killing an innocent woman just to frame this Steve. But knowing now they are Satanist and they are everywhere and they do this kind of shit for fun with no limits at all. I found this guys story. It has the feeling of truth.

Manitowoc Sheriffs Department Badges have the stereotypical Star of David Red Rothschild Satanic symbol with the obligatory red sheaves going up for the horns of Satan.

Listen to this guy. This is what they are doing. Some areas are literally chocking with this filth.....others maybe less. But no doubt this is probably going on in most small towns

carmencita ago

This is Eyes Wide Shut in Real Time. This is what Kubrick wanted to convey, but this is Real Life. I am sure there was an Initiation to get into this club. That may be why they wanted him. To commit a Satanic Ritual, when he said no, they Paid him back Big Time.I know a little about this case and also have researched a Secret Society with someone on here. I did not watch the video it is late and I have to get up early. I will watch it tomorrow. This is right up my alley. I am extremely interested in this. Whoa.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Recommended viewing. I watched it all. He has for me a strong ring of authenticity.

Yes your right about initiation being required getting into any secret by invitation only "club". Initiations are where it all begins, Polaroid flash cameras were an instant hit with the pedo crowd. The first one I ever saw was used on me as a child during RSA. Recording their events scrupulously was important, it excuses it somehow and proves their commitment to higher ups not in attendence. i.e. MAPS. A map is meant to collect the fecal material, semen and most importantly the blood proof of painful rape or sodomy (and protect the furniture or floor). It can be used over and over again showing new "treasure hunts" but is unique to one individual child. Being the keeper, possessing it between meetings, carries power in the group.

Yes, a very similar secret extremely powerful club existed in my small town. It was about social control, keeping the lid on everything everywhere. It's bonded via group shared child abuse, with satan costumes, candles, robes and similar shit. I'm telling you it's boring, their rituals are, not the abuse but the pretend stuff they do first. All in attendance who can't get an erection standing around the "alter", often just an apple crate, are suspect. Three times, not getting it up for an event and they say "your out like a light". It can be rough on old guys, no ones immune from the rule of three.

The socially controlled terrain, that did seem to be the point, was much larger than it appeared to me in the beginning. It has many layers and is composed of ever more powerful people as your groomed and then passed on up. Everybody has a higher up. Hierarchy is the model. In my town it (RSA) happened to me through the masons first, then the church, scouts etc. But it's a pattern operating in many hallowed aged institutions, in towns small and large.

All Male Secret Societies, professing religion, virtue or whatever, they should be permanently banished from Earth.

Put a little thought each day into the goal, no childhood sexual abuse. It's a powerful thing to do good thoughts, like attracts like.

Satanism is only the animal hide glue. It's a theatrical excuse for what are ultimately sordid horrendous crimes against children.

carmencita ago

Thank you for your candid account of what must have been a horrendous experience. I believe him also, having read accounts in newspapers, etc. and now after your story, I believe he knew what would be required (having heard many stories) and did not want to become a member. I am getting ready to watch this afternoon. I have been wondering about the boy scouts, and if he was a member. I believe the org. has been hijacked. Parents must be very careful nowadays. Maybe this was a tip off to them that he might be a good candidate for their dirty nasty crimes.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

My parents should have been much more careful about the boy scouts, it was a long time ago, nothing is new this problem. It's a male secret society problem, the scout leaders, the chuch elders, the masonic officers, etc. all interconnect at this basement level. Only the compromised are allowed to advance up standard conventional social ladders. An initiation is always required, and newbies get first dibs in the circle around the child, thus being immediately compromised and and ready to be blackmailed by all in attendance.

equineluvr ago

We know that this is a worldwide problem and occurs all over the U.S.

Manitowoc,Steve Avery's hometown, is about 100 miles from Racine.

So, are we now going to assume that every story coming out of the state of Wisconsin is connected to the Racine guy?

fogdryer ago

Absolutely not

You must connect Innocent til proven guilty