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hojuruku ago

I shut down the 's website Yep, Harvards best innovation in American Government award winner - only gays with guns can do a gays bidding because all normal police are not good enough for the elite gay:

DC is corrupt because like Australia it has special gay anal sex pedophile protector police aka

My petition got the special gay police of America website shut down in 2010. I hosted videos on my vid me channel that got censored of gay activists saying only gay police who do gay sex acts can investigate a fellow homosexual, and I have gay leaders in Australia writing papers that to investigate one gay pedophile is to investigate all gays therefore they must not be investigated. More info:

Special gay police have a long history of protecting gay pedophiles and the gay agenda. See the papers on the links above where the man who wrote the book for Australian Marriage Equality on gay marriage is saying that Robert Dolly Dunn infamous mass child rapist and boylover is innocent until proven guilty, and how dare that unrepentant jailed boylover until the day he died who was given police protection (P16 Immunity form) be investigated in the great "gay witchhunt" before his extradition and jailing.

The Gay Rights lobby and pedophilia always intersect. Just see Alefantis working with Terry Beans (pedophile) Gay and Lesbian Victory fund to see what I mean.