TryingtoSurviveOn95 ago

I am not sure if this is the same hospital but they opened a homeless shelter in a part of the hospital. Then this...

And the next story I found talks about Relisha and the angry citizens in DC area demanding answers as to why they have such a problem with disappearing child. At one point the officials give an excuse about most are run aways or stolen by family. The Citizens screaming ​back about police in DC caught trafficking kids. Man this is bad news...

Silverlining ago

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I don't understand. His IP address was extracted from what? A phone call on Skype. What phone call? To his girlfriend? How did they get the IP address? Hacking Skype?

If he was in this abandoned building, that would explain some of the missing hours that night. He could have been there, thinking he was meeting someone from the FBI to tell his story. They could have taken him to his condo, then killed him after he revealed his info.

Until we see the video from all the street cams, we don't know if he really walked home.

Please explain where the IP address comes from in more detail..

pig_lifter ago

Great speculation and possible point about meeting with someone there. Or someone else with his laptop opening it there to make sure there is nothing sensitive left on it before leaving it with Seth.

pig_lifter ago

All I know is Skype is one of the tools where someone can easily scrub your IP, without any hacking skills.

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting that Here is another Tour of a Deserted Hospital by @Wolftrail7272 @pig__lifter This proves possibly that there is and was organ harvesting going on? That is a disgusting thought but a realistic one imo.

pig_lifter ago

I'm really perplxed at how many equipment are still functional. Could this be a ad-Hoc service center for off-the -ooks procedures?

The 'Kill Room' in Elefantis phoos definitely looks like the freezers in this video.

Gothamgirl ago

The words "pig pen" and dentist chairs in a hospital, interesting.

RweSure ago

I hear on certain nights when the moon is high, you'll find Seth Rich's Skype IP roaming the grounds.

And if find his IP at midnight and you hold your IP scanner in your left while holding the June 2016 issue of Washinton Monthly in the right hand, Seth Rich will send you a friend request.

jstayz44 ago

What's the address? Who's paying the bills? Why are people allowed to be there with the building disheveled like that? When was the last time it had a code inspection? Why are there tooth samples saved in a hospital, including a dental chair? Why is there a "Pig Pin" at 18:18? Was this really Seth Rich? How do we know? So many fucking questions. Reminds me of Droop Mountain with a hospital and maternity ward...used for who??? More questions, this is fucked up.

carmencita ago

Organ Harvesting. Read my other comment and take the Tour.

Pizzalawyer ago

Howard University Hospital and Medstar Washington Hospital Center both have Level 1 trauma units and both close to where Seth was shot. I read that he was taken to HUH, has that been confirmed?

Pizzalawyer ago

Medstar Washington Hospital Center ranked #2 in the tri-state area renowned for its trauma center and also for transplants especially heart, kidney and pancreas. Dr. Sava is a foreign doctor who changed his name either before or after entering US. We have a nationwide shortage if doctors and foreign doctors have quite a toehold in the US and I guess can rise quickly in their chosen field. Sava''s previous name Ateljevitch or Ateljevic is serbo-croation name. Might he have some affiliation with the Bosnian debacle of the 1990's and might that explain his connection to the Clintons. Need to take a look at his licensure info to see what medical school he attended and when, this should be a matter of public record.

I didn't know where else to put this info since I don't know how to make a post of it but felt it had to get out there, imagine the two facilities being linked via computers.

P.S just read that Sava, age 50 born in US , father with same name is the immigrant, but then Sava went to a foreign medical school? Don't rely on me, this Sava guy needs some more research done on him.

13Buddha ago

I researched McGill University Medical School and could not find any info on Sava under his old or new name. His limited online credentials say he graduated from there in 1994. You can access the med school's yearbooks to view online by registering. I attempted, but an email address is required, so I quit.

Silverlining ago

Phone them up and ask.

Office of Admissions Faculty of Medicine, McGill University 1010 Sherbrooke St. W., Suite 1210 Montreal, QC, CANADA H3A 2R7

(entrance to building is via Metcalfe Street)

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (+1) 514-398-3517 Fax: (+1) 514-398-4631

Operating Hours

The Office is open to visitors Monday to Friday, from 9:00-12:00 and 1:30-4:00.

Outside these hours, visitors can email us at admissions. [email protected] so that we can answer your questions.

13Buddha ago

Would love to call on Monday, but not on a cell or home phone. Chances are, they have been alerted. Too bad pay phones can't be found. Any ideas???

MommyLove ago

There might be a rare payphone lurking at a gas station, bus terminal, airport, etc.

Another option....throwaway phone from Walmart.

momadona ago

It was my understanding that the laptop is nowhere to be found. Maybe that wasn't him? Is it possible to discover who his laptop Skyped?


What are the odds he went there to Skype with Assange or a Wikileaks intermediary and was caught in the act? I've never believed the official timeline of what he's supposed to have been doing in the hours before his death.

Pizzalawyer ago

The abandoned hospital appears to be DC General Hospital in heart of DC, a public hospital abandoned by DC in 2001 for lack of funding, then turned into a homeless shelter for 500 families until recently. It is a huge facility.

carmencita ago

Homeless people that are used for organ harvesting and then replaced by new people? There IS harvesting going on. Somewhere and in more than one place in DC. I can tell you that from doing heavy research on St. Louis.

privatepizza ago

Archive of t_d thread -

YingYangMom ago

Okkkkk. Now that abandoned hospital gave me the creeps and reminded me of Tony Podesta's favorite art from Biljana Djurdjevic. Especially the dentist chairs and the motifs on the walls... Plus, at 18:19 of the video, there's a spot called "pig pin"? Why? What's it used for in a hospital? Doesn't make any sense. Anybody else saw that?

Votescam ago

Right ... who's to say this place isn't used from time to time ... for something?

Certainly could be convenient to have a hospital set up like this, abandoned but power on.

YingYangMom ago


Votescam ago

... but not sure if this means that Seth Rich was aware of this hospital.

How he might have found out about it.

But would certainly suggest connects to Pizzagate ....?

Jumping ahead, would he have sent what he had to Assange -- all of it.

Or might he have still been working some of this out and holding back?

YingYangMom ago

I don't know. Was the IP address picked up after or before he was shot? If before, then what was he doing there? Did he discover something there? Or was he perhaps lured there? Was he questioned and roughed up there? Was he forced to get in contact via skype with someone? Kim? Assange? Podesta? Hillary? So many questions...

Votescam ago

Or did someone who had his computer Skype from that hospital? Wonder if Kim knows anything about this happening? You're right, the questions keep piling up....

His family wasn't able to arrive in time to see him alive at the hospital (I think). I wonder if any of his family saw him at Medstar, in any case.

The closed down hospital is spooky and if you watched the video (though I'm not sure when it was made), turned out there was a woman on one of the upper floors -- whether minding things of cleaning?

All very odd.

YingYangMom ago

Or did someone who had his computer Skype from that hospital?

This is a very plausible theory.

His family wasn't able to arrive in time to see him alive at the hospital (I think). I wonder if any of his family saw him at Medstar, in any case.

Again, so many unanswered questions. We'd need an AMA with the brother I think and the DNC and his lawyer/investigator wouldn't allow it, thats for sure...

carmencita ago

Remember this? @Wolftrail7272 Submission Shut down hosp. in St. Louis. machines still plugged in.

YingYangMom ago

I hadn't watched this one. The autopsy room cooler seemed a little small for Alefantis' infamous killroom though. Maybe there is another cooler in another abandoned hospital somewhere in D.C? Check this other one where the guys find a morgue with fresh blood in it. Under that same blood are scratch or stabbing marks. Very, very suspicious. Check it out. The blood can be seen at 6:35 of the video.

carmencita ago

You can still get DNA from that blood in the morgue in that freezer. So Incriminating. Someone should do a post with all of the Still Plugged In Hospital Videos. We need eyes and attention on this now. Especially with the possibility of Seth being in that hospital. Pronto.

YingYangMom ago

That video is from 10 months ago though (July 2016). But yeah, all these hospital videos should be collected and posted in a thread and looked into.

equineluvr ago

Post of the day -

[–]i-love_america 2 points 5 hours ago

could be shilling to throw us off SEIU linked medstar hospital.????doubt he was taken there. signed into network and ping into Skype after getting shot.

if he used Skype, it would have used his cell data


What's the address?

mathemagician33 ago

its on the linked /r/T_D thread

Whome ago

Guys at /pol/ have an active thread also