DiRimont6542 ago

Great link, great article. It sickens me how the MSM is avoiding this scandal.

Violetti112 ago

Great article ! This thread deserve many upvotes imo

waxdino ago

This is an excellent article. Anyone that needs a break from all the bullshit swirling around the story should read this.

Dressage2 ago

Nice post! Nothing but the facts!

Jem777 ago

Great journalism. Courageous. Truthful. There is a second D.C. death directly connected to Seth Rich and a missing Clinton Foundation Whistleblower.

On the same street in DC where Seth Rich lived an attorney named Shawn Lucas also lived. He served the DNC the lawsuit and was found dead the next day.

Also on that street was an insider in the Clinton Foundation. It is believed he attempted to flee and seek asylum after being ID'd as a possible "mole" inside Clinton Foundation. His name is less known and where abouts undetermined. Many researchers, FBI, citizen investigators are all over Washington DC right now finding out.

Pizzalawyer ago

I don't believe Shawn was an attorney although he was described several times as one after his death. He was a process server which in some jurisdictions have to be court approved. Who was the Foundation whistleblower you describe?

Jem777 ago

You are probably correct. It has been disputed because of requirements based on different jurisdictions though it seems there is evidence he is more than a process server.

To put on videotape the actual service of the DNC & have that responsibility then be found dead is ominous. Living a few blocks away from Seth Rich is also telling. The whistleblower is being sought right now around DC.

YingYangMom ago

Wow. This article has it all. It's perfect for the SR pizzagateproject!

Pizzalawyer ago

I found it interesting that the police report completed at 7:20 or so didn't name the hospital, just said local hospital when they damn well knew which hospital.

Pizzalawyer ago

web article by Trent Lapinski contains an excellent time line and copy of the police incident report which reveals that out of 6 officers at the scene 3 were wearing body cams.

HereticalPeasant ago
