RweSure ago

Who's Jim Stone? He is not in the article but this is

NBC News later further debunked the Fox News story, confirming the FBI never possessed Rich’s laptop, despite Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman’s claim that an agent at the bureau had access to the computer. The title was later amended to read “Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich blasts detective over report of WikiLeaks link.”

This is a hoax. Somebody's running the old secret evidence on laptop trick that worked so well with Weiner.

Story on DNC staffer's murder dominated conservative media -- hours later it fell apart

The Dude who says there is evidence now says said he got his info from the fox reporter!!! Unbelievable.

But Tuesday afternoon, Wheeler told CNN he had no evidence to suggest Rich had contacted Wikileaks before his death.

Wheeler instead said he only learned about the possible existence of such evidence through the reporter he spoke to for the story. He explained that the comments he made to WTTG-TV were intended to simply preview Fox News' Tuesday story. The WTTG-TV news director did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

"I only got that [information] from the reporter at Fox News," Wheeler told CNN.

DarkMath ago

"Somebody's running the old secret evidence on laptop trick that worked so well with Weiner."

Oh I totally agree. It would be totally irrational to think any of the 650,000 emails the FBI openly admit exist on Weiner's laptop in a folder that the NYPD claims is named "Life Insurance" had any evidence of breaking any law going back to the Battle of Hasting in 1066.

Has no one here ever heard of William the Fucking Conqueror? You deplorable ass-clowns.

How many times am I going to have to tell people White Privilege does not apply to older rich white Democratic politicians and therefor they are incapable of committing crimes. Geez Louise. When are people going to finally wake up to this fact.

" : --| "

RweSure ago

This your brain on Pizzagate

650,000 emails the FBI openly admit exist on Weiner's laptop

Openly admit. Good Lord Might be dumber than the Eric Braverman is missing series.

a folder that the NYPD claims is named "Life Insurance"

The NYPD has never claimed that.

DarkMath ago

I'm glad you took the time to respond because it allows me to explain "openly admit". After dealing with MediaMatters paid opposition for so long I now realize how this works. You must always stretch and distort the Truth so that any implicit ambiguity will always lean in your favor. So for example just yesterday MediaMatters "explained another turkey off a meat truck" in the form of dismissing the fact the DC police were told to stand down because suggesting otherwise means you're a delusional paranoid schizophrenic:

""the [DC police] department was “‘told to stand down on this case.’”

Paragraph 2: It's an "Unsubstantiated claim"

Paragraph 4: It's a "False allegation"

Do you see how that works? Of course you do, you do it all day long to the point I now again suspect you may work for one of these DC spin clinics. But wait it gets better. You think I'd at this point concede the point but oh no, we're just getting started:

"650,000 emails the FBI openly admit exist on Weiner's laptop"

Well get ready AreWeSure because I'm telling you, "Yes!", they still exist. How do I know? Well it just so happens that I wrote a memo to myself when I heard James Comey say that very thing a while ago on the Interwebs. I have that memo right here sitting right next to me. So please don't tell me I'm lying. That's offensive because of my Irish heritage. Only a bigot would say I'm lying.


P.S. .............(Nelson from the Simpsons) "Hah haah!", I got you! I'm just fucking with you AreWeSure. But honestly just between you, me and the lamp post even Snopes says the "Life Insurance" folder name is unproven. So neither of us are right.

Peace bro.

RweSure ago

No, only one us is right. In fact, there was only one fact in dispute. You mistakely thought there two.

I never say there weren't 650,000 emails. I was mocking your use of "openly admit” and how goofy that is. Because it's hilarious.

DarkMath ago

"only one us is right."

Ok. Then that means I'm right.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.


jkick ago

Per the Washington Examiner, Rich's family issued the following statement, via a 'spokesman', regarding the recent Fox News reports saying they have seen no evidence of the alleged emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks:

But, as WikiLeaks noted, the family's "spokesman" is none other than Democrat crisis PR consultant Brad Bauman.

Seth Rich's new "family spokesman" is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.

— WikiLeaks ([@wikileaks]( August 11, 2016

SomeGoatMoreEqual ago

Roger Stone spent almost his entire life trying to make Donald Trump president, finally once he succeeded Trump dumped his ass, imagine how that must feel?

Roger Stone and the Russians, interesting story, here that Roger Stone could be playing 'both ends' of Seth Rich, note that Stone works for the Russians and that could be the angle of 'blaming the russians' for the murder.

On the other angle Roger Stone is also blaming hillary for the murder, either way, he's causing the press to talk shit. Which is goal for his entire 50+ years in politics.

SomeGoatMoreEqual ago

[ Correction Roger Stone, NOT Jim stone ]

Two competing lobbyists have been waging major PR campaigns over Seth Rich's murder. Today, it blew up.

TWO mind U, Two for the price of One!

1.) One, spearheaded by a “Never Trump” Republican named Jack Burkman, alleges Rich’s death was perpetrated by the Russian government.

2.) Wheeler, a Fox News contributor whom the family said is funded by a pro-Trump Breitbart writer, spread the other conspiracy—that Rich’s death was tied to a communication with WikiLeaks for which he did not provide evidence of its existence.

(2) maybe closely linked to Roger Stone, long term advisor to Trump and the person who introduced Trump to Felix Sater ( FBI informant )

Then there is VOAT, here is where VOAT comes in ...

“There is one overwhelming fact in this entire thing every few months: There are people who continuously use Seth Rich and his murder to further their political goals,” said Bauman. “It’s my hope those people get what’s coming to them.”

Yep, not a day there's not an advertisement about Seth-Rich on voat, in his american-flag uniform, the irony is that Rich worked for DNC, and loved hillary, how Rich ever became a Kek-Meme is crazy irony.

Hey the SPLC hates Wheeler, so he's got my voat.

Wheeler once appeared on The O’Reilly Factor to report on a “national underground network” of “violent lesbian gangs” in 2007. The Southern Poverty Law Center criticized the segment for fabricating nonexistent gangs of women who were “forcibly indoctrinating children as young as 10” to become lesbians.

Funny now we have a RNC player on the Bush-Foundation payroll

During the 2016 election cycle, Burkman worked as a lobbyist for an anti-Trump GOP group called Free The Delegates.

So we have the BUSH Family, CIA pushing the narrative that Russian killed Seth Rich.

Now a word from Seth Rich's own parents ....

Amidst the firestorm, Seth Rich’s parents, Joel and Mary Ann Rich, released a statement to debunk Wheeler’s invented bombshell, which reached the top of most alt-right websites by Tuesday afternoon.

“As we’ve seen through the past year of unsubstantiated claims, we see no facts, we have seen no evidence, we have been approached with no emails and only learned about this when contacted by the press,” it read. “We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth’s murderers.”

Occam's Razor say's that Seth Rich was most likely a murder victim, common sense tell's us that political opportunists are using his death for their own meme.

It's interesting the left is rather silent, and the Seth Rich case is largely being played as a mind-fuck for the alt-right. Given that Seth is a Jew, and worked for DNC, and his life goal was to have this job, its not likely he would have destroyed his own career.

It just doesn't make sense.

RweSure ago

Sater's more than just an FBi informant. He's a gangster with convictions for assault and stock fraud. That pump and dump stock fraud case involved 4 of the 5 new mob families. Sater is said to be a second generation member of Russian-Ukrainian Semion Mogilevich's gang. Mogilevich is said to be close to Putin.

This Felix Sater Trump business card is real.*coVfy5ZTWnr7rhukEQY0QQ.jpeg

Sater got a lift sanctions on Russia plan to then NSA Michael Flynn in January through Trump's lawyer.

If you're wondering why Trump has tried to shut down the investigation. Look at Felix Sater.

derram ago | :

The Big-Money PR War Over Seth Rich’s Death

'Fox 5 D.C. is not new to running stories about Seth Rich’s death that imply a global conspiracy without asking for proof or involving Rich’s family. '

'One, spearheaded by a “Never Trump” Republican named Jack Burkman, alleges Rich’s death was perpetrated by the Russian government. '

'Neither [Rod Wheeler] nor anybody else has it,” Brad Bauman, who is representing the Rich family, told The Daily Beast. '

'That story, which placed the blame for Rich’s death on the opposite side of the political aisle to Fox 5 D.C.’s most recent report, wasn’t mentioned in its WikiLeaks story on Tuesday. '

'Meanwhile, stories about Trump’s ties to Russia were relegated to below-the-fold billing on“Throughout the last year, various folks have taken advantage of the Rich family in order to push their own political agendas. '

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