wtf_is_happening ago

I read 22 means "master architect".

Mad_As_Hell ago

A few spirals in there too. Where did you find this?

goodguy1367 ago

I think it's 23 not 22

Bot117 ago

I've seen that infinity symbol a few times in questionable pictures now...

o0shad0o ago


Edit: Actually, maybe not. Still investigating...

The actual card in this deck

However, this image is attributed on the net to this author, so...

Vindicator ago

Did you see the ad in the lower right corner of that Amazon page you archived, next to "Users who bought this also bought"? It's for pedo/incest manga books. WTF!

@red_red_wine You may want to add @o0shad0o link to your post and point this ad out.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Good spot!

FE_Rebekah ago

I played Magic The Gathering in my teen years, and card games are know to put out new editions of cards.. but who knows of course..

dmthirdeye ago

Looks perfectly normal.... Back to Alefantis, Podesta, Hillary and all the important players in this, Hollywood DC

ArthurEdens ago

seems like every number is their number. and every symbol is their symbol

FE_Rebekah ago

Yeah, but the multiples of 11 do seem to be more significant to them..

Mammy ago

That is ls clearly a play on tarot cards, There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana of a tarot deck, with the World card being number 21, and the Fool being unnumbered, or sometimes 22, or 0. The Fool represents both the end and the beginning of a soul journey, according to Tarot lore.

YingYangMom ago

2 numbers and a month, Year 2022, month J and L (July) and the day 8th.

July 8th, 2022 OR July 22nd (and the 8 is simply the infinity symbol it usually represents)

There are 2 suns... One yellow and one over it but a little smaller: Planet X? Niburu?

Slice of Melting Cheese Pizza: Especially hot? Why is the pizza dough made out of wood/log?

Earth's different layers in different colors : green and brown (life & death).

Some smoke: Fires? Volcanos? Nukes?

Madwack ago

Look at that - 1 up triangle and 1 down triangle - just like voat ..... lol


redditsuckz ago

Look at that - 1 up triangle and 1 down triangle - just like voat ..... lol

Up and Down Triangle is Also featured in Marina Abromovich's Spirit Cooking;

The up triangle is suppose to represent the male(point-penis) and down triangle = V shape of the vagina...

And the The Star of David is a combination of the two triangles...from where you get the "666";

Then you have the upside down pentagram from the Spirit Cooking pic which is human sacrifice and the Square and Circle which might represent squaring the circle(?) = like how the round pizza is in the square box. Which is connected to "pi" π and the infinity symbol as "pi" goes on forever.

Part 8 - The Sodomite Gateway - Squaring the Circle


Also from the pizza tarot card you can see the 8 pointed star...or which might be the symbol of a "COMET" is also a satanic "chaos" symbol and could be a representation of the anus.

Here are two "Comet" restaurants/bars with the 8 pointed star;

On a side note "Comet" might stand for human flesh...examples;

"Comet Ping Pong" features mural depicting decapitation;

"Comet Pizza" in Australia has a mural depicting decapitation and flesh slicing;

"The Comet" bar shows "Saturn" in the letter "O" = Saturnus/Chronus ate his child

The truth of the "star" might be revealed in the movie "Stardust" where 3 witches were trying to kill and eat the heart of the fallen star/girl to stay forever young and live forever and gain "magic powers".

The first flag of the US had the 8 pointed chaos symbol in it...

1777 - 8 pointed chaos symbol/anus

1845 - upside down pentagram

Then morphed into it having 50 stars...

50 states for grounds of human sacrifice?...

redditsuckz ago

Spirit Cooking

666 ⛧(pentagram) □ Δ ◯ ▽ ✡ ∞ 3 5 9 11

Spirit Cooking

FE_Rebekah ago

"The up triangle is suppose to represent the male(point-penis) and down triangle = V shape of the vagina..."

That makes the symbol I saw for Tim McGraw and Faith Hills tour, "Soul2Soul," even more creepy..


redditsuckz ago

Just noticed this now is that Aleister Crowleys "Thelema" has an up and down arrows together;

In the middle could be an upside down pentagram or a symbol for the rectum.

What if Faith Hill and Tim McGraw were both Trannies?

The triangles or arrows would make sense because they are both arrows(trannies)...male and female...just like the soul2soul tour logo

What if 95%+ actors and actresses + entertainment industry were trannies?

Fake women in Hollywood stealing babies. This shit has been in-front of our eyes the whole time.

Intheknow ago

The infinaty symbol? 8 sideways?

TimeOutofJoint ago

Yes, the up triangle represents the male (penis) and the down triangle (I would say vulva) represents the female. But the up triangle in the star of David traditionally represents the human in search of the spiritual or divine and the down triangle would represent the divine or spiritual reaching down to the human level.

redditsuckz ago

This guy covers the infinity symbol;

Illuminati Symbols Exposed: Infinity Sign

To get the full meaning of these symbols we would have to have Marina just tell us blatantly wtf she is using them for.

But they are all somehow are connected to ritual sacrifice/Spirit Cooking.

Madwack ago

square triangle circle and pi

why no golden number (phi)?

redditsuckz ago

why no golden number (phi)?

"Pi" is part of the word pizza for a reason

Pizza = AZZ Pi - Ass Pi

"I don't know if you guys have realized yet, but Pizza is symbolic of ritual sodomy, and it is the core of the Illuminati/Freemasonry ideology. Uncovering Pizzagate IS uncovering the heart of Illuminati practices. They believe that the third eye (butthole/pineal gland) is opened in ritual sodomy."

"Thus, the shilling against Pizzagate is going to be extreme. It is of the highest consequences to the brotherhood that runs the world."

"Pizza was likely invented purely as a symbolic worship of ritual sodomy. This is the very core of the problem. We are tearing it right out of our society."

Pi = the pedo spiral and goes on forever

The Pi Code

Martin Gardner's fictional "Doctor Matrix" used to say that, properly interpreted, the number pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, whose decimal expansion begins 3.14159265358979323846...) contains the entire history of mankind.

Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media

Madwack ago

The blood art make me think of a video I watched and it's connection in some way to secret societies.

She mentions secret societies and not feeling comfortable.....STOP

Square triangle circle and pi - It is almost like they are trying to make it so we won't want to look at these symbols and numbers.

Secret societies are hiding more then ass pi


redditsuckz ago

Secret societies are hiding more then ass pi


From the video;

If you take Pi and subtract Phi squared you'll get one cubit (Pi - Phi^2 = cubit)

They also knew the speed of light from the calculations of the pyramids?

Here is a summary of that part in the video;

A little more on "ass pi" and where they get their power...or believe where they get their power;

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words.

The Ancient Egyptian rulers were probably raping children and eating them...just like today...

Madwack ago

I made this..... it made the boy lover triangle make sense to's true meaning.

Maybe I don't quite get it but I think I am close.

redditsuckz ago

Here is a pic inside Besta Pizza with they Pyramids...and the owner is Egyptian;

The Besta logo right above the pyramids possibly showing this mystery like your drawing;

Madwack ago

I think they been doing this for a long time...... ..... or they have corrupted something that is old and good and twisted it.

I also don't believe that the Egyptians built the pyramids.

God damn these conversations drive me crazy because all I end off with are more questions.

Madwack ago

nice I will read and watch

ATS thread - great site

Revelation of the Pyramids - explains it all and nicely all tied together neatly.

top notch production and fun to watch.